Which of the following is the most likely conclusion to be drawn about Victor, based on the following excerpt?
I wept bitterly, and clasping my hands in agony, I exclaimed, "Oh! Stars and clouds and winds, ye are all about to mock me; if ye really pity me, crush sensation and
memory; let me become as nought; but if not, depart, depart, and leave me in darkness."
A. He fears ridicule and scorn.
He is filled with grief and self-pity.
C. He is in excruciating physical pain.
He appreciates the glories of nature.


Answer 1

Answer: B: He is filled with grief and self-pity.

Explanation: Because from the excerpt, it states "I wept bitterly". Weeping is a common occurrence when someone is filled with grief.

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic. Bingley had never met with pleasanter people or prettier girls in his life; every body had been most kind and attentive to him, there had been no formality, no stiffness, he had soon felt acquainted with all the room; and as to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful. Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest, and from none received either attention or pleasure. Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty, but she smiled too much.

Which statement best explains Austen’s use of setting in the excerpt?

It helps readers learn about rules of social behavior in the 1800s.
It helps readers understand how Bingley and Darcy are different.
It informs readers about the different levels of society in the 1800s.
It helps readers visualize what the residents of Meryton look like.


Note that the statement that best explains Austen’s use of setting in the excerpt is: "It helps readers visualize what the residents of Meryton look like." (Option D)

What is setting in literature?

We normally pay attention to the characters and the narrative when we read a tale or watch a movie. However, we must also consider a third key aspect of storytelling: the environment. A story's setting is the time and location in which it is narrated. Every story has a setting, including this one.

One of the five basic parts of a tale is the setting. It sets the tone, introduces characters and conflicts, and hints at the story's topic. We'll show in this video how time and place can do more than just provide context.

It was critical for the author "Jane Austen" to provide a background to the plot, a place linked to some of the characters, in the preceding scene. as this would help to build the plot later on.

Learn more about setting:

What is the relationship between "the chain of songs" and love in the poem?


Answer:I HAVE EVER loved thee in a hundred forms and times,. Age after age, in birth following birth. The chain of songs that my fond heart did weave.The chain of songs that my fond heart did weave Thou graciously did st take around thy neck . The author use simile in relation of the chain of songs and love


How have individuals and local governments tried to limit
noise in the past? Pick two.
Noisy transportation (e.g. planes, cars) were banned.
Some noisy technologies were banned.
Mayors have installed noise monitoring devices in their


Some noisy technologies were banned.

What are noise pollution and how is it managed?

The presence of unwanted or excessive sound that has a negative impact on people, wildlife, and the environment is referred to as noise pollution. A typical person is capable of hearing sounds between 0 dB and 140 dB. The recommended sound threshold for cities, according to the World Health Organization, is 45dB.

The best way to reduce noise pollution?

Reduced use of vehicle horns, low volume operation of TV, radio, and music systems, and the use of silencers in cars, industrial equipment, and home appliances are all ways to lessen noise pollution. The planting of trees next to structures and along roadways also helps to lessen noise pollution. In order to reduce noise, noise mufflers are also employed.

To know more about Noise Pollution, visit:

What meal when she got sick


Answer: Food Poisoning


If you eat something that your body doesnt like, you could get food poisoning.

Jenny had heard it all from her sister, Dora, a psychology major in college.
"Do you know people always expect others to do the right thing?" Dora once asked. "I mean—not even when they could easily help someone."
"I won't do that," Jenny had replied then, brushing off Dora's piece of information. "You always try to scare me!"
She would still disregard Dora's theory, but now she had witnessed something that helped change her mind. That morning, she had just gotten out of the car and was walking toward the classroom building. It was the summer that Texas saw a lot of rain. Jenny was trying to balance the umbrella, her iPod, and her lunchbox when she slipped and fell. Down went the iPod into a puddle and out came the books from her backpack. Just when she thought the mess could not get worse, the heels of her shoes broke while the umbrella blew away with the wind. That was when Jenny realized she was going to be late to class. Others who were also running late swiftly walked passed by without noticing her ordeal. Nobody even paused. "Wish at least one of you were a Good Samaritan," Jenny exclaimed with a sigh. That was when she saw a little pair of little hands lifting her belongings from the mud.

What is the best reason the author refers to the Good Samaritan in this passage?
Nobody helps Jenny unselfishly.
Jenny lacks faith in science.
Jenny learns the truth the hard way.
Dora thinks people are selfless.


The reason why the author uses the words "Good Samaritan," making an allusion to the biblical story, is because Dora believes people are selfless, option D.

What is an allusion?

An allusion is the act of mentioning someone or something that is well known. In the story under analysis here, the author mentions the "Good Samaritan," which is an allusion to a biblical story. The good Samaritan was a person who helped a man in need even though he had nothing to gain from it. He did out of selflessness.

The story is precisely about selflessness. Dora believes people are selfless, but Jenny does not. When Jenny screams out that she wishes someone were a good Samaritan, she is basically saying that no one will help her, no one is altruistic. But someone does. She was wrong, apparently.

Therefore, the words "Good Samaritan" are present in the story because of what Dora says about people being selfless. Option D seems to be the best answer choice.

Learn more about allusion here:




The correct answer is A


"Good Samaritan" is a Biblical reference to a selfless helper. In this story, Jenny does not find a single person to help her in need. The allusion to the Good Samaritan explains her plight well.

(This was straight from study island)

Suppose a painter interprets a story that had traditionally been expressed as
an epic poem. Which element of the story is most likely to be lost through the
change of medium?
A. Strong feeling of mood
B. Dialogue between characters
O C. Depiction of action
O D. Clear sense of setting


The element from the epic poem that would be lost in the change of medium is "dialogue between characters," option B, since a painting does not have dialogues.

What is a dialogue?

A dialogue is simply a conversation that takes place between two or more characters in a story. Dialogues are useful to move the plot forward. Through dialogues, characters can reveal their thoughts and feelings.

However, paintings do not have dialogues. Think about the most famous paintings in the world and note how none of them has a speech bubble with a line said by a character. Therefore, the dialogue of the epic poem would be lost if a painter were to interpret it through his or her craft.

With that in mind, we can select option B as the right answer.

Learn more about dialogue here:



Can someone help please....?

What is the reason behind Douglass not knowing his birth date?

He was born in a village where his birth date was not recorded.
His mother died when he was born.
Slave owners keep their slaves ignorant of their birth dates
Douglass failed to remember his birth details when he escaped from his enslaver



The answer to your question....

What is the reason behind Douglass not knowing his birth date?

IS Slave owners keep their slaves ignorant of their birth dates..


What is the reason behind Douglass not knowing his birth date?The slavery culture demanded that slaves be treated as property, and to this end, slaves needed to believe they were property. Having no birth record and no true knowledge of one's age helped establish this mindset of being a non-person.

Douglass was born in Talbot County, Maryland, though he does not know the year, as most slaves are not allowed to know their ages.

Hope this helped.Have a great day/week.

999 Cat

Help quick please!!
Match each suffix word with its definition.


Answer: -ness - without

-ish - Like, Similar

-ness - State of, Condition


Bob talked to the animal doctor about the way his dog was feeling. What was his primary method for gathering this information?



he can ask more questions to his pet's doctor and the doctor can tell him more information that he need's to know about his dog's health.

Write an argument essay in which you argue that driverless cars are good or bad for society. State your claim clearly, along with three supporting reasons. Use specific details and examples to support your claim and reasons. Include specific commentary to explain your supporting details and examples.



Driverless cars are good for society.

One reason why driverless cars are good for society is that they can improve safety on the roads. Because driverless cars are able to sense their surroundings and make decisions based on this information, they are less likely to be involved in accidents than cars driven by humans. For example, driverless cars are equipped with sensors and cameras that allow them to detect other vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles in the road, and they can use this information to avoid collisions. In contrast, human drivers may not be able to react as quickly or accurately to potential hazards, and this can increase the risk of accidents. By reducing the number of accidents on the roads, driverless cars can help to save lives and prevent injuries.

Another reason why driverless cars are good for society is that they can reduce traffic congestion. Because driverless cars are able to communicate with each other and coordinate their movements, they can reduce the need for cars to stop and start, and this can improve the flow of traffic. For example, driverless cars can use sensors and algorithms to determine the most efficient route to a destination, and they can adjust their speed and position to avoid congestion and maximize the use of the available road space. In contrast, human drivers may not be able to make these decisions as effectively, and this can lead to more traffic jams and delays. By improving traffic flow, driverless cars can help to reduce congestion and improve mobility for everyone.

A third reason why driverless cars are good for society is that they can provide greater accessibility for people who are unable to drive. For example, driverless cars can be useful for people who are blind or have limited mobility, as they can provide a safe and convenient way to get around. Driverless cars can also be useful for people who are unable to drive


What makes up a literary analysis essay?
OA. The thesis statement, the supporting paragraphs, and the
concluding paragraph
OB. The introductory paragraph, the body, and the concluding
C. The thesis statement, the supporting paragraphs, and the clincher
OD. The literature, the analysis, and the writer


B period ahh period uhhhh but fr b the answer

3.3.1 Read: The story of Daedalus and Icarus


1) By creating wings for themselves Daedalus and Icarus, mimicked man in the way we break the laws of nature.

2) Not flying too high or too low is a form of diplomacy.

3) When Ovid shows that Icarus is his own enemy and when Dadelaus gets emotional are two examples of foreshadowing in the story.

What is the explanation of the above story?

1) By creating wings for themselves Daedalus made winds for himself and Icarus, thus, subverting the law of nature. Taken literarily, one of the similar ways that man has beaten the law of nature is by inventing aircraft.  In otherwise, man tends to subvert nature when man trifles with genes in ways that are unethical.

2) By advising Icarus not to fly too high or too low, the symbolism there or figurative language is that of diplomacy and tact.

3) Two examples of foreshadowing in the story are:

When Ovid writes, "without knowing he was dealing with his own doom," he is using foreshadowing to imply that Icarus was a victim of his own curiosity (pg. 187). When Daedalus' "cheeks were moist with tears and his hands shook," foreshadowing was repeated. "He kissed his son (good-bye, if he knew)"

Learn more about Daedalus and Icarus:

melvelle tells a great story in this book. which is the action verb and direct object


Moby-was started by Melville in February 1850, and it was finished a year later than he had intended, in 18 months on his observations as a common sailor between

What is a sailor?

Deckhands, often known as sailors, manage the vessel's operations and upkeep. They comprise the deck crew and maintain the proper operation of every component of a ship aside from those involved with the engine and motor. The least difficult responsibilities are performed by new deckhands, sometimes known as ordinary seamen.

Melville drew on his observations as a common sailor between 1841 and 1844, especially those of whalers, as well as extensive reading in the literature on whaling.

A verb's action is transferred to a word or phrase known as a direct object. The direct object of the sentence The students eat cake is cake; the verb to eat is used, and the thing being consumed is cake.

Therefore, the corrupting influence of society. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Learn more about sailor here:



In Nectar in a Sieve, Rukmani exclusively sells to the old woman in the market
options: True False


In Nectar in a Sieve, Rukmani exclusively sells to the old woman in the market options is False.

From Nectar in a Sieve, who is Rukmini?

The narrator and protagonist of the story is Rukmani. She lives in rural India as a peasant farmer's wife and mother. At the age of twelve, she weds Nathan, a meager farmer.

Only the damaged and ruined veggies are kept by Rukmani for her family's food as she starts to sell the best produce she farms.

An elderly woman named Rukmani considers her life. Rukmani, the intelligent daughter of a local headman who has fallen on hard times, marries Nathan, a tenant farmer, when she is twelve years old. As she learns the tasks her new existence entails, Nathan treats her with care and respect. They had a lovely daughter named Ira and successful rice harvests within a year.

Learn more about Nectar in a Sieve from


Emerson's conclusion is weak. Which sentence should replace sentence 33 to bring this
paper to a more effective conclusion?
His dance theater in New York is still flourishing, and his powerful works continue to
thrill audiences.
B People still go to see the dances that his company does, and many of the visitors
hope to learn to dance too.
He is an important person in history, and both dancers and audiences enjoy learning
about his methods.
People still respect his work, and they feel really good about themselves after
watching one of his performances.


From the options given, it can be inferred that the one that best gives Emerson the right touch of finality or conclusion is: " People still go to see the dances that his company does, and many of the visitors hope to learn to dance too." (Option B).

What is the best way to write a conclusion?

The best way to script a conclusion is to use the general method:

Restate your issue and why it is significant,Restate your thesis/claim.Address competing ideas and explain why readers should support your stance.A call to action or a summary of future research prospects.

The conclusion allows you to have the ultimate say on the topics discussed in your paper, integrate your views, highlight the relevance of your ideas, and move the reader to a new perspective on the subject.

Learn more about Conclusions;

Galia has decided that the Cinderella story is about how the rich oppress the poor. What is Galia expressing?
A. an assumption
B. an interpretation
C. emotional attachment
D. circumstances
btw its not a



B. an interpretation



B: An interpretation


Each individual has their own interpretation on stories and the world, the example listed would be an interpretation

using synonyms to support children's understanding of a new word is an example of what?


This could be an example of using context clues

Using synonyms to support children's understanding of a new word is an example of contextualizing vocabulary.

Contextualizing vocabulary refers to the practice of presenting and teaching new words within meaningful contexts to enhance understanding and retention. Instead of isolated word drills, vocabulary is introduced and reinforced through real-life situations, texts, or experiences.

By providing relevant examples, connections, and associations, learners can grasp the meaning, usage, and nuances of words more effectively.

Contextualizing vocabulary helps learners make connections between words and their surrounding context, aiding in comprehension, application, and retention of new vocabulary in practical contexts.

Learn more about contextualizing here:



What evidence does the author provide that
supports his argument that the internet negatively
impacts teenagers


Answer: So far, on going research as shown that the heavy use of the Internet can isolate younger teenagers socially especially those who are unwilling to relate with others, this affects their ability to connect with people because they will pass time online which will be seen as a replacement for face to face interaction with people, friends, and families.

Read a fable from Aesop's Fables.

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

A Town Mouse once visited a relative who lived in the country. For lunch the Country Mouse served wheat stalks, roots, and acorns, with a dash of cold water for drink. The Town Mouse ate very sparingly, nibbling a little of this and a little of that, and by her manner making it very plain that she ate the simple food only to be polite.

After the meal the friends had a long talk, or rather the Town Mouse talked about her life in the city while the Country Mouse listened. They then went to bed in a cozy nest in the hedgerow and slept in quiet and comfort until morning. In her sleep the Country Mouse dreamed she was a Town Mouse with all the luxuries and delights of city life that her friend had described for her. So the next day when the Town Mouse asked the Country Mouse to go home with her to the city, she gladly said yes.

When they reached the mansion in which the Town Mouse lived, they found on the table in the dining room the leavings of a very fine banquet. There were sweetmeats and jellies, pastries, delicious cheeses, indeed, the most tempting foods that a Mouse can imagine. But just as the Country Mouse was about to nibble a dainty bit of pastry, she heard a Cat mew loudly and scratch at the door. In great fear the Mice scurried to a hiding place, where they lay quite still for a long time, hardly daring to breathe. When at last they ventured back to the feast, the door opened suddenly and in came the servants to clear the table, followed by the House Dog.

The Country Mouse stopped in the Town Mouse's den only long enough to pick up her carpet bag and umbrella.

"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not," she said as she hurried away, "but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."

Which line from the story best illustrates and develops the universal theme?

A "but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."
B …by her manner making it very plain that she ate the simple food only to be polite.
C In great fear the Mice scurried to a hiding place, where they lay quite still for a long time, hardly daring to breathe.
D In her sleep the Country Mouse dreamed she was a Town Mouse with all the luxuries and delights of city life that her friend had described for her.


The line from the story that best illustrates and develops the universal theme is this:

D In her sleep the Country Mouse dreamed she was a Town Mouse with all the luxuries and delights of city life that her friend had described for her.

What is a universal theme?

A universal theme refers to a message from a text that everyone can relate to no matter what part of the world they belong to. In the excerpt from the passage above, we can see that the Country Mouse had a feeling that can many people can relate to. He dreamt about being Town Mouse and enjoying all the luxuries and delights of city life.

Many people in the world also dream of a comfortable life just like the Country Mouse felt. They wish to have all the luxuries and delights of life and sometimes they even dream of these things when they do not have them yet.

Learn more about universal themes here:




"but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."


Explain how Mrs. Loisel’s character leads to her troubles.

Write a well-organized informational essay that uses specific evidence from the selection to support your answer.
Remember to –

What about Mrs. Loisel’s character led to her troubles?
The answer to this question becomes our thesis statement.




The woman asks a friend to lend her an expensive diamond necklace to wear for the party. Loisel loses the treasure and tries to find a replacement. She urges her husband to use his inheritance and borrow eighteen thousand francs to buy a similar necklace. The family becomes poor because of the debt, so Loisel learns to do housework and cook. Busy with her daily tasks, she stops noticing her simple clothing and plain interiors of the small apartment.

The woman stops judging other people based on their appearance. She also accepts her current situation with courage. When she meets her affluent friend, she tells her the truth about the necklace she lost. Turns out the piece of jewelry was fake, but the experience Mathilde gained was priceless.

So, the story is about the heroic stance of Madame Loisel against the unfortunate state. It teaches the readers moral lessons on humility and moderation.

Looking for an inspiring idea for a paper on The Necklace? Take a look at our The Necklace Essay Topic Ideas & Examples to find the perfect one!

Of the following sentences, which is a comma splice?

Describing the process by which the earth's atmosphere traps heat.

The sun's rays heat the surface and atmosphere of the earth, in so doing they make possible photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process by which plants use light to convert carbon and water into carbohydrates this process is essential to the life of plants.

The greenhouse effect is a term.


Of the following sentences, an example of a comma splice is the sun's rays heat the surface and atmosphere of the earth, in so doing they make possible photosynthesis. The Option B is correct.

What is a comma splice?

In grammar, a comma splice refers to a particular kind of comma mistake that happens when we use a comma to join two independent clauses. A comma splice only occurs when we use a comma to join two complete sentences without placing an appropriate joining word between them.

When we join two independent clauses with a comma and no conjunction, it's called a comma splice. Some people consider it as type of run-on sentence while other people think of it as a punctuation error. A very good example of a comma splice is "Koala bears are not actually bears, they are marsupials".

Read more about comma splice



Read the writing prompt.
People have different perspectives on the federal
minimum wage. Over the years since it was developed
in 1938, the federal minimum wage has fluctuated due
to various economic policies. Write a research-based
informative essay to inform readers about the main
economic policies that have affected the federal
minimum wage since its establishment. Use evidence
from your sources to inform an audience of your peers
about the topic.
What should be the main purpose of an essay based
on the writing prompt?
O to investigate the different opinions that people have
on the federal minimum wage
O to explain how laws have influenced the federal
minimum wage through the years
O to persuade readers to engage in the debate over
the federal minimum wage
O to analyze how conditions in the 1930s led to the
creation of the federal minimum wage


The main purpose of an essay based on the writing prompt is that: Option B and D. To explain how law to provide an explanation for how legal guidelines have stimulated the federal minimal salary via the years, to investigate how situations within side the Thirties caused the introduction of the federal minimal salary.

What is Federal Minimum Wage?

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), a labor law, establishes the right to a minimum wage and "time-and-a-half" overtime pay for hours worked in excess of forty in a workweek. It also forbids using children for "oppressive child labor."

The Act was passed by the 75th Congress and became a law in 1938 under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

To know more about Federal Minimum Wage, use the given link:



Unscramble the questions. Take turns with a partner asking the questions.


2. How old are you
3. How fast can you type
4. How tall are you
5. How often does your family move

Match each character with their feelings about the conspiracy plot.

Term Definition
Brutus A) Believes that strange events are a sign that the conspiracy might go
Cassius B) Believes Caesar should not be crowned but is not sure he should be
Casca C) Believes Caesar is weak and undeserving of power and leads the
conspiracy plot


The correct matching is given below:

Cassius A) Believes Caesar should not be crowned but is not sure he should be killed

Casca B) Believes that strange events are a sign that the conspiracy might go wrong

Brutus C) Believes Caesar is weak and undeserving of power and leads the conspiracy plot

The correct match of the feelings about the conspiracy plot is:

Cassius A) Believes Caesar should not be crowned but is not sure if he should be a killer.

What is Julius Caesar?

A tragedy, Julius Caesar tells the story of an honorable hero who makes several critical judgment errors by misreading people and events, leading to his own death and a bloody civil war that consumes his nation.

Julius Caesar was a Roman statesman and general. Caesar was a member of the First Triumvirate and led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war and becoming dictator of Rome from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC.

Therefore, the correct match is

Cassius A) Believes Caesar should not be crowned, but is not sure if he should be a killer.Casca B) Believes that strange events are a sign that the conspiracy might go wrongBrutus C) Believes Caesar is weak and undeserving of power and leads the conspiracy plot

To learn more about Julius Caesar, visit here:



Comparative Vs. Superlative
Complete the sentences using the comparative form.
1. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere____ (quit)?
2. The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere______ (warm)
3. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak_____ (quiet)
4. Unfortunately her illness was we thought at first,____ (serious)
5. The exam was than I expected_______ (difficult)
6. Going by train is than driving_______ (expensive)
7. You're than me._________ (old)
8. Can you walk a bit ?______ (fast)
9. It's to live in a big house,________ (comfortable)
10. I'd like to have a car________ (big)

Complete the sentences using a superlative.
1. This hotel is in town.________ (cheap)
2. This building is building in the town.______ (old)
3. It's university in the world._______ (famous)
4. It's one of rooms in the hotel._______ (good)
5. It was book in my life.________ (bad)
6. What is sport in your city?________ (popular)
7. What's country in the world'?________ (small)
8. What's thing you've ever bought? _______(expensive)
9. It was decision I've ever made.______ (important)
10. This exercise is I've ever done, _______-(difficult)

Complete the sentences using a superlative or comparative form.
1. USA is than France._______ (large)
2. David is student in our group.________(tall)
3. She is than I._______ (old)
4. It isn't warm today. It was yesterday. _______(warm)
5. She is singer in our country. _______(popular)
6. This motorbike is in this shop.______ (expensive)
7. A sofa is than chair,_______ (comfortable)
8. My father is than by brother.______ (strong)
9. This mountain is place in the world.______ (dangerous)
10. English is subject of all. _____(interesting)


Generally, comparative verbs end in -er or use the words more or less, while superlative verbs end in -est or use the words most and least.

Comparative forms

It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter.The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere warmer.You're talking very loudly. Can you speak quieter.Unfortunately her illness was we thought at first, more serious.The exam was more difficult than I expected.Going by train is more expensive than driving.You're older than me.Can you walk a bit faster?It's more comfortable to live in a big house.I'd like to have a bigger car.

Superlative forms

This hotel is the cheapest in town.This building is the oldest building in the town.It's the most famous university in the world.It's one of the best rooms in the hotel.It was the most bad book in my life.What is the most popular sport in your city?Whish is the smallest country in the world'?What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?It was the most important decision I've ever made.This is the most difficult exercise, I've ever done.

Learn more about comparative and superlative forms from the link given below.



The grass so little has to do,-
A sphere of simple green,
With only butterflies to brood,
And bees to entertain,
And stir all day to pretty tunes
The breezes fetch along.
And hold the sunshine in its lap
And bow to everything:
And thread the dews all night, like pearls,
And make itself so fine,-
A duchess were too common
For such a noticing.
And even when it dies, to pass
In odors so divine,
As lowly spices gone to sleep,
Or amulets of pine.
And then to dwell in sovereign barn
And dream the days away-
The grass so little has to do,
I wish I were the hay!
Dickinson, Emily, Poems, Mabel Loomis Todd and T W Higginson, eds. Boston:
"The Grass
by Emily Dickinson
Brown, and Company, 1924. Print.
from "The Grass"
Which is a theme of this poem?
OA Nature can play tricks on us.
OB. Nature is carefree.
OC. Change can occur at any time.
OD. It is better to be alone than with people.



Nature is carefree.


This type of pronoun shows ownership.

Question options:

Object pronoun

Subject pronoun

possessive pronoun

reference pronoun


Answer: Possessive Pronoun


A possessive pronoun is hers, his, theirs, etc. They are possessive of something, they show ownership of something. That's her candy. Who's candy? Hers. She is possessive of that candy. She owns that candy.

The class of pronoun that shows power is a possessive pronoun. Jealous pronouns are applied to mean that commodity belongs to or is companied with someone.  

When we claim to give power or control, we apply jealous pronouns  rather of nouns. These pronouns substitute the noun and lay out that  commodity belongs to a set person or thing.  

For illustration, regard the judgment "This is my book". In this judgment, "my" is a jealous pronouns that indicates power. It shows that the book belongs to the moderator.  

In summary, jealous pronouns are applied to mean power or control. They substitute nouns and lay out that commodity belongs to a set person or object.

Learn more about Pronouns here:


Identify the sentence that contains an incorrect commonly confused word.

The van is not available because its engine is not running well.

So far we only have two people signed up to volunteer.

Whose able to drive on the field trip next week?

If the weather is bad, we may need to go on a different day.


The sentence that has a word that is commonly confused is "Whose able to drive on the field trip next week?" option C, as the use of "whose" is incorrect.

When to use "whose"

The word "whose" is used to indicate possession. For example, if you wish to ask to whom a certain car belongs, you could say:

Whose car is this?

The reason why "whose" is often used incorrectly is its pronunciation. It sounds just like the contraction "who's". However, "who's" means "who is", having a completely different meaning. Take a look at the example below:

Who's the person you were talking to.

Having that knowledge in mind, we can safely choose option C as the answer for this question.

Learn more about "whose" here:



Read the excerpt from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

ROS I’m afraid—

GUIL So am I.

ROS I’m afraid it isn’t your day.

GUIL I’m afraid it is.

Small pause.

ROS Eighty-nine.

GUIL It must be indicative of something, besides the redistribution of wealth. (He muses.) List of possible explanations. One: I’m willing it. Inside where nothing shows, I am the essence of a man spinning double-headed coins, and betting against himself in private atonement for an unremembered past. . . .

[GUIL] Two: time has stopped dead, and the single experience of one coin being spun once has been repeated ninety times.

What is the most likely reason Guildenstern and Rosencrantz feel differently about the result of the coin toss?

Guildenstern trusts that everything will work itself out, while Rosencrantz has doubts.
Guildenstern has participated in fewer games of coin toss, while Rosencrantz has more experience with them.
Guildenstern has experienced a similar situation before, while Rosencrantz has not.
Guildenstern wants an explanation for what is happening, while Rosencrantz accepts the luck of the situation.


The most likely reason Guildenstern and Rosencrantz feel differently about the result of the coin toss is this:

D. Guildenstern wants an explanation for what is happening, while Rosencrantz accepts the luck of the situation.

What are the feelings of Ros and Guil?

In the passage, we can see that Ros was trying to sympathize with Guil on the result of the coin that they had just tossed. Ros seemed to be more experienced in the game and he seems to easily accept its results, unlike Guil who is trying to analyze the situation and not accept the reality of the game.

Guil wants an explanation of what is happening and that is why he continues to say that the result he was seeing must have been indicative of something. This is the nature of someone who has not come to terms with the result but is trying to rationalize it.

Learn more about Guildenstern and Rosencrantz here:



what recieves the action of a verb


What receives the action of a verb? A transitive verb always has a noun that receives the action of the verb, called the direct object.

A transitive verb has a direct object – a word that tells who or what receives the action of the verb. Only action verbs have direct objects! Some sentences may have more than one direct object; in this case, the sentence is said to have a compound direct object.

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