Which of the following is a social and political philosophy based on the belief that democratic means should be used to evenly distribute wealth throughout a society? dictatorship sovereignty authoritarianism socialism


Answer 1


Socialism is both an economic system and an ideology (in the non-pejorative sense of that term). A socialist economy features social rather than private ownership of the means of production.


Related Questions

an application is frozen and you cannot close its application window. what is the first thing you should try that can end the process? second thing? cengage mindtap


While the application is frozen and you cannot close its application window the first and second thing that you should try is:

Use task manager.Use the taskkill command.

Task Manager makes you administrators to terminate applications and processes, adjust processing priorities and set processor affinity as required for best presentation. Task Manager can also permits the system to be disable or restarted, which may be necessary when it is otherwise busy or unresponsive. The taskkill command makes a user running any type of Ms. Windows from XP on to "kill" a task from a Windows command line by PID (process id) or image name. This command is equal to end tasking a program in Windows.

Learn more about Task Manager here https://brainly.com/question/17745928


__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Location analytics are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.

What is location analytics?

Location analytics adds a layer of geographic data to your organization's data assets to generate more valuable insights. Also called "geoanalysis". Across industries, business data, including data about people, events, transactions, assets, etc., often includes geographic elements that, when added to performance analysis, can yield new and relevant insights. . This allows for more context when asking questions about various business processes, giving you a new understanding of trends and relationships in your data.

Learn more about location analytics https://brainly.com/question/29422971


you are the network administrator for a single domain with three subnets. two subnets have all windows 10 computers. the conference room uses the third subnet. traveling salesmen come to the conference room and plug in their laptops to gain network access. you have configured a dhcp server to deliver configuration information to hosts on this subnet. dns is configured for dynamic updates. over time, you notice that the size of the dns database continues to grow. it is beginning to have an adverse effect on dns server performance. what should you do?


if its beginning to have an adverse effect on dns database performance. you should Enable scavenging of stale resource records on the zone.

Which zone is used to determine a computer's IP address from its FQDN?

A reverse lookup zone, as previously stated, is an authoritative DNS zone that is primarily used to resolve IP addresses to network resource names. This zone type can be primary, secondary, or AD-integrated.

What is the difference between a forward zone and a reverse zone in DNS?

Reverse lookup zones resolve IP addresses to names and forward lookup zones resolve names to IP addresses. Forwarders on your DNS server can be used to route requests for which your DNS server does not have an authoritative answer.

What is the difference between a primary zone and a secondary zone in DNS?

Primary DNS servers hold all relevant resource records for a domain and handle DNS queries. Secondary DNS servers, on the other hand, contain read-only zone file copies that cannot be modified.

learn more about DNS Visit:



Write a for loop to print the numbers from 35 to 45, inclusive (this means it should include both the 35 and 45). The output should all be written out on the same line.

Expected Output
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


#include<stdio.h> //header file


int i; //declare a variable

for(i = 35 ;i =< 45 ; i;  i ++)


printf("print number");


What are an example and a loop?

A loop is a set of instructions that are repeatedly carried out until a specific condition is met in computer programming. Typically, a certain action is taken, such as receiving and modifying a piece of data, and then a condition is verified, such as determining whether a counter has reached a predetermined value.

The loop is used to repeatedly run the block of code in accordance with the condition stated in the loop. It entails repeated execution of the same code, which helps to traverse an array's items while also saving code.

Learn more about the Loop here: https://brainly.com/question/19344465



Explanation:I just need +5 points

michael is an alcohol abuser who, thanks to the recommendation from his therapist, is using a computer game to try and train himself to avoid stimuli related to alcohol and more automatically interpret these stimuli negatively. this emerging treatment strategy is called what?


Because this term can be used to describe a variety of concepts, including satisfaction, feeling good, and even the reasons of high subjective well-being, scientists occasionally avoid using it.

What computer game  train himself to avoid stimuli?

Humanistic psychology emphasizes helping people fulfil their potential by examining their individuality, since it holds that people are generally good. It is predicated on the idea that people have free will and are driven by a desire to realize their greatest potential.

Therefore, cognitive and emotional assessments of their level of satisfaction and the general excellence of their present lives

Learn more about computer game  here:



apple sends you a mkeynote (mini keynote) presentation program to test. they tell you that the program can handle up to 200 slides. you test the program with 10, 50, 100, 150 and 175 slides. this can be termed as:


This can be termed an incremental testing strategy.

Incremental testing is a process of testing different parts of a system or application piece by piece in an incremental order. In this case, the program was tested with 10, 50, 100, 150, and 175 slides to test its capability and performance.

A typical incremental testing strategy uses a combination of unit tests, integration tests, system tests, and user acceptance tests. These tests are conducted in phases to ensure that the system is working correctly and that any changes or updates are functioning properly.

For more questions like Tests click the link below:



Is Windows 7 a proprietary operating system?


The Microsoft-developed Windows NT operating system has undergone a significant update with Windows 7.

Windows is a collection of different closed-source operating systems that were created and marketed by Microsoft. Typically, proprietary operating systems are created, developed, and sold by a single firm and are not intended to be modified or customized by consumers. Nonproprietary software is open-source software that is freely installable and usable. Proprietary OS often operates on name-brand vertically integrated switches. It also makes its source code completely available. Open-source or nonproprietary software can also be referred to as commercial software that can be purchased, rented, or licensed from its manufacturer or creator. The source code of proprietary software is typically unavailable to consumers or subscribers.

Learn more about Windows here:



what design was traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research?


Cross sectional research has historically been done on middle age, however this has limited the utility of the studies.

What else do you call the computer age?

The Information Age, also referred to by the Electronic Age, Digital World, Silicon Maturity level, or the New Media Age is a historical era that started in the middle of the 20th century and was marked by a quick transition from the traditional industries created by the Industrial Age to with an economy predominately based on information technology.

What do you mean by the "digital age"?

The present, when a lot of work is done by computers and a lot of knowledge is accessible because to information technology: The digital world has seen the emergence of new business models.

To know more about Age visit:



in binary search, what is the value of the item that will be checked against a key value in the first iteration?


In binary search, the value of the item that will be checked against a key value in the first iteration is the value of the middle element in the search array.

An effective approach for locating a specific element in a sorted array of values is binary search. It operates by halving the array each time and comparing the key value to the array's middle element's value. The algorithm examines the left half of the array if the key value is less than the value of the middle element. The algorithm examines the right half of the array if the key value is higher than the value of the center element.

The middle element's value is compared to the key value in the algorithm's first iteration. The middle element's index is returned as the result of a successful search if the key value matches that element's value. The method moves on to the following iteration, halving the remaining section of the array, and testing the value of the middle element once again if the key value is not equal to the value of the middle element.

Until the key value is discovered or it is determined that the key value is not present in the array, this process is repeated.

To know more about binary search kindly visit



a random number, created by nextint() method of the random class, is always a(n) . question 10 options: a) object b) integer c) float d) class


It is true that a random number, created by nextint() method of the random class, is always a(n). The NextInt() function returns the following uniformly distributed int value generated by this random number generator.

From the series of this random number generator, NextInt(Int32) returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the given value (exclusive).

The utility value of creating random numbers is high, and doing so through the use of a function can be very beneficial. Given the significance of random numbers in everyday programming, Java offers a whole library devoted to them. The nextInt() method of the java.util. Random class is used to retrieve the subsequent random integer value from this generator's series.

Declaration :

public int nextInt()

Parameters :  NA

Return Value : returns next integer number from the series

Exception :  NA

To learn more about nextInt() click here:



Ieee 802. 15 adopted protocols are those protocols developed by other standards groups that are used with the bt protocol stack to ensure interoperability to other devices or networks.


'IEEE 802. 15' adopted protocols are the protocols developed by other standards groups to be used with the bt protocol stack to ensure interoperability with other devices or networks. Thus, this is a 'true' statement.

Protocols are described as a collection of instructions or guidelines for communicating data between network devices. Regardless of any differences in their internal processes, designs, or structures, protocols enable connected devices to interact with one another. IEEE 802.15 is the working group for wireless specialty networks such as mesh networks, wearables, wireless personal area networks (WPANs), Bluetooth, Internet of Things networks, body area networks, and visible light communications, among others.

'IEEE 802. 15' adopted protocols from other standards groups in order to use with the bt protocol stack that ensures interoperability with other devices or networks. Thus, it is a 'true' statement.


Complete question:

Ieee 802. 15 adopted protocols are those protocols developed by other standards groups that are used with the bt protocol stack to ensure interoperability to other devices or networks.

True or False


You can learn more about IEEE 802. 15 at



write one or more triggers to enforce overlap constraints, namely, to specify that when inserting a new laptop, the model number should not also appear in the pc table, and vice versa.


A trigger is a database item connected to the table that becomes active when a specified action for the table is carried out. Following code shows  triggers to enforce overlap constraints:




FROM Product, PC

WHERE Product.model = PC.model and maker IN

(SELECT maker

FROM Product, Laptop

WHERE Product.model = Laptop.model)))

The table constraint process can be difficult and produce unexpected outcomes when a constraint involves two (or more) tables. To address this circumstance, SQL allows the introduction of assertions that are constraints not tied to a single table.

Additionally, an assertion statement should guarantee that the database will always contain the specified condition. Every time changes are made to the appropriate table, the DBMS always verifies the claim.

To learn more about Trigger click here:



What are the 3 main steps to implementing security awareness?


Establish a behavioral baseline, deploy security initiatives, and secure behavior's by design are the three key phases of developing security awareness.

Any programme for information security must include security awareness and training. In essence, the training and awareness programme helps to facilitate and enhance the organization's overall security posture as well as the security compliance process. User behaviour modification is a key objective of security education and awareness programmes. A number of audiences within that larger group need to receive specialised security training (such as developers, ISSOs, and the network operations support group), and feedback from those receiving the training is crucial for honing and improving the overall programme. The Security Awareness and Training Plan must detail the procedures for carrying out the awareness and training programme.

Learn more about security awareness here:



______ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.
ISO 9000
ISO 14000
Reduced cycle time
Lean Six Sigma


With regard to a well defined project, Lean Six Sigma concentrates on issue solutions and performance enhancement, or speed with quality.

What does benchmarking mean?

Benchmarking is the practice of comparing a firm's performance to that of another company that is regarded as being the best in class, or "best in class." To find internal improvement possibilities, benchmarking is used.

What makes it a benchmark?

The term "benchmark," "bench mark," or "survey benchmark" refers to the horizontal points that surveyors chiseled into stone buildings so that an angular velocity could be inserted to create a "bench" for just a leveling rod. This allowed leveling rods to be precisely readjusted in the same location in the future

To know more about Benchmarking visit:



You wrote a program where the computer's choices changed based on experience and used a list to store the
options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
Finish the code to randomly select one of the options for the computer's play.
compPlay options[randint(__,___)]


Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible to write a code that computer's choices changed based on experience and used a list to store the options.

Writting the code:

import random

# Print multiline instruction

# performstring concatenation of string

print("Winning Rules of the Rock paper scissor game as follows: \n"

     + "Rock vs paper->paper wins \n"

     + "Rock vs scissor->Rock wins \n"

     + "paper vs scissor->scissor wins \n")

while True:

   print("Enter choice \n 1 for Rock, \n 2 for paper, and \n 3 for scissor \n")

   # take the input from user

   choice = int(input("User turn: "))

   # OR is the short-circuit operator

   # if any one of the condition is true

   # then it return True value

   # looping until user enter invalid input

   while choice > 3 or choice < 1:

       choice = int(input("enter valid input: "))

   # initialize value of choice_name variable

   # corresponding to the choice value

   if choice == 1:

       choice_name = 'Rock'

   elif choice == 2:

       choice_name = 'paper'


       choice_name = 'scissor'

   # print user choice

   print("user choice is: " + choice_name)

   print("\nNow its computer turn.......")

   # Computer chooses randomly any number

   # among 1 , 2 and 3. Using randint method

   # of random module

   comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)

   # looping until comp_choice value

   # is equal to the choice value

   while comp_choice == choice:

       comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)

   # initialize value of comp_choice_name

   # variable corresponding to the choice value

   if comp_choice == 1:

       comp_choice_name = 'Rock'

   elif comp_choice == 2:

       comp_choice_name = 'paper'


       comp_choice_name = 'scissor'

   print("Computer choice is: " + comp_choice_name)

   print(choice_name + " V/s " + comp_choice_name)

   # we need to check of a draw

   if choice == comp_choice:

       print("Draw=> ", end="")

       result = Draw

   # condition for winning

       if((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 2) or

          (choice == 2 and comp_choice == 1)):

           print("paper wins => ", end="")

           result = "paper"

       elif((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 3) or

               (choice == 3 and comp_choice == 1)):

           print("Rock wins =>", end="")

           result = "Rock"


           print("scissor wins =>", end="")

           result = "scissor"

   # Printing either user or computer wins or draw

   if result == Draw:

       print("<== Its a tie ==>")

   if result == choice_name:

       print("<== User wins ==>")


       print("<== Computer wins ==>")

   print("Do you want to play again? (Y/N)")

   ans = input().lower

   # if user input n or N then condition is True

   if ans == 'n':


# after coming out of the while loop

# we print thanks for playing

print("\nThanks for playing")

See more about python at brainly.com/question/18502436





I took the test!

How do we change the height and width of a window?


Answer: The height and width of a window can be changed by using the window.resizeTo() method. The method takes two parameters: the width and height of the new window size. This method will resize the window to the specified size, while preserving the aspect ratio of the original window. Additionally, the window.resizeBy() method can be used to resize the window relative to its current size. The method takes two parameters: the amount to increase or decrease the width and height of the window.

Step 1: Open the window you want to adjust the size of.

Step 2: Look for either a corner or side handle of the window. A handle is a small, square box that you can click and drag.

Step 3: Click and hold the handle with your mouse and drag it to the desired size.

Step 4: As you drag, the size of the window will change. When you reach the desired size, release the mouse button.

Step 5: The window will then be the size you specified.

Press Alt + Space shortcut keys together on the keyboard to open the window menu. Now, press S. The mouse cursor will turn into a cross with arrows. Use the left, right, up and down arrow keys to resize your window.Choose Resize from the Window Menu. Use the arrow keys to resize the window. Press-and-hold Alt, then middle-click near the corner that you want to resize. The mouse pointer changes to indicate that you can resize from the corner.

To learn more about RESIZE A WINDOW visit here : https://brainly.com/question/29571410


you are attempting to determine how available your linux systems are, and need to find the current system uptime. what command should you use?


The command to be used is uptime.

Why is uptime used?

Uptime is a metric that measures system reliability and stability. It's represented as the percentage of time that a system remains continuously operational and is available to use. If a system's uptime is high, it indicates that it's more reliable and stable.

Where is the uptime command in Linux?

Both Linux and Unix-like systems come with various commands to find out server uptime commands. Under Linux file /proc/uptime has uptime information and file/var/run/utmp has information about who is currently logged on

Why do We Use the uptime command in Linux?

Uptime Command In Linux: It is used to find out how long the system is active (running). This command returns a set of values that involve, the current time, the amount of time the system is in a running state, the number of users currently logged in, and the load time for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes respectively.

Thus, the correct answer is uptime.

To know more about uptime command:



you would like to prevent users from running any software with .exe or extensions on computers in the domain unless they have been digitally signed. the rule should apply to all known and unknown software. how should you configure this rule in applocker?


You apply the applocker rule by configuring a publisher condition for an executable rule to prevent users from running any software with .exe or extensions on computers in the domain unless they have been digitally signed.

Only digitally signed files can use publisher conditions; the publisher condition recognizes a program based on its extended attributes and digital signature. The app's developer's information is included in the digital signature (the publisher). The name of the product the file is a part of and the application's version number are both contained in the extended attributes, which are derived from the binary resource. The information technology division of your company or a software development firm like Microsoft could serve as the publisher. Publisher conditions are by definition used by packaged app rules.

For an AppLocker policy on a local machine or in a security template, you can do this operation by using the Local Security Policy snap-in or the Group Policy Management Console for an AppLocker policy.

To make a new rule with a publisher condition and with a publisher requirement

1. Click the rule collection for which you want to create the rule after opening the AppLocker dashboard.

2. Select Create New Rule from the Action menu.

3. Click Next.

4. On the Permissions screen, choose the person or group that the rule should apply to as well as the action (allow or deny), and then click Next.

5. Choose the Publisher rule condition on the Conditions screen, and then click Next.

6. Select a signed file using Browse on the Publisher screen, and then use the slider to define the rule's perimeter. Select the Use custom values check box to use custom values in any of the fields or to designate a particular file version.

For instance, you can declare that any value should match a publisher rule by using the asterisk (*) wildcard character.

7. Press Next.

8. (Optional) Specify the criteria by which to exclude certain files from the rule's reach on the Exceptions page. Click Next.

9. Select the automatically created rule name on the Name screen or enter a new one, then click Create.

To learn more about AppLocker rule click here:



you need to control access to the d:\reports folder as follows: members of the accounting group should be able to open and view all files, edit them, add new files, and rename and delete files. mary needs to be able to open and view files, but should not be able to modify the files, rename files, or delete them. mary is a member if the accounting group. you want to assign ntfs permissions taking the least amount of actions possible and affecting existing permissions as little as possible. what should you do?


Mary must be removed from the accounting team. Give the Accounting group the permissions. Allow Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Modify. Give Mary the commands Read & Execute.

Which special permission defines whether a user can alter the file's end without altering the file itself?

Append Data - Create Folders permits or prohibits the creation of subfolders inside the current folder (applies to folders only). Append Data does not alter, remove, or replace current data; it just permits or forbids making modifications to the file's end (applies to files only).

Which printer access level enables users to change the settings and configurations of their printers?

The user can share a printer, modify printer permissions, share a printer, restart a printer, alter spooler settings, and modify printer properties. Administrators and Power Users group members automatically have the Manage Printers permission.

to know more about Accounting here:



to create this placeholder for animation in the animator window, you would first right-click in any open area. your next action would be to choose?


To create this placeholder for animation in the Animator Window, you would first right-click in any open area. Your next action would then be to choose.Create > Empty

What does animation mean?

Animation is a way of manipulating still images into moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn by hand on sheets of clear celluloid, photographed and exhibited on film. Today, most animations are created using Computer Generated Imagery (CGI).

Why is animation important?

Can communicate ideas quickly and sharply. Animation is a cost-saving communication strategy. Educate and engage your audience through entertainment. It also provides realistic scenarios that occur in daily life while studying and many other activities

Learn more about animation:



you need to configure a windows workstation with the ip address of the proxy server for your network. click the tab in the internet properties window that you would use to do this.


To achieve this, open the internet properties box and select the connections tab.

Why do you use the term Windows?

The Windows operating system was made by Microsoft. The operating system is the sole component of a computer that you can use. Since Windows is preloaded upon that majority of the latest personal computers, it is the most popular operating system here on world (PCs).

What are a window's characteristics?

Controls how data is stored (images, files, music). controls computer-attached gear like cameras, scanners, as printers. offers applications (word processors, games, picture editors, etc.) support in opening and closing and gives them access to a portion of the system memory so they can function.

To know more about Windows visit:



which besides copying files to a new location is an option when using project manager to archive files


When using a project manager to archive files, there are several options besides copying files to a new location.

Some of these choices consist of:

By compressing the files, you can make them smaller and easier to store and send.

File encryption: By encoding the contents of the copying files with a secret key, this safeguards them against unauthorized access.

File backup: This makes a duplicate copy of the files that can be used to repair the originals in the event of corruption or loss of data.

Organizing the copying files entails placing them in a logical, organized order to make it simpler to locate and retrieve them in the future.

Auditing the copying files include examining them for completeness and accuracy, as well as making sure they are current and pertinent to the project.

Overall, depending on the particular software being used and the particular requirements of the project, the options available when utilizing a project manager to archive data will vary.

To know more about Copying files kindly visit



How many types of displacement are there?


Metal displacement, hydrogen displacement, and halogen displacement are the three different categories of displacement processes.

Single displacement reaction and Double displacement reaction are the two different kinds of displacement reactions. A single replacement reaction, also known as a single displacement reaction, occurs when one element in a molecule is swapped out for another. Starting ingredients are always pure elements combined with an aqueous compound, such as pure hydrogen gas or zinc metal. When pieces of two ionic compounds are exchanged, two new compounds are created. These reactions are known as double replacement reactions, double displacement reactions, exchange reactions, or metathesis reactions.

Learn more about Single here-



a stop error halts the windows 10 system while it is booting, and the booting starts over in an endless loop of restarts. how can you solve this problem of endless restarts?


The first line of defense against a stop error is to use the Windows 10 System Restore feature.

1. Try to enter the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) and use the System Restore feature to go back to a previous restore point.
2. If that doesn't work, try to enter Safe Mode and use the System Restore feature to go back to a previous restore point.
3. If that doesn't work, use the Windows 10 media creation tool to create a bootable USB drive, boot from it, and select “Repair your computer” on the setup screen. Then use the “Startup Repair” option to fix any startup errors.
4. If all else fails, you may have to perform a clean install of Windows 10 from the bootable USB drive.

What is stop error?
error, also known as a blue screen of death, is an error message that appears on Windows computers when the operating system fails to respond to a certain action. It is most commonly caused by a hardware or software issue where the operating system is unable to continue. When the stop error occurs, the computer will display a blue screen with white text which contains information about the cause of the error. The information can be used to diagnose the problem and attempt to resolve it. In some cases, the error can be fixed by simply restarting the computer, but in more serious cases, professional help may be needed. The most common causes of stop errors include device driver conflicts, incompatible software, outdated drivers, hardware failures, and virus infections.

To learn more about stop error

a(n) is software specifically designed to store, retrieve, and manipulate large amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner


A Database Management System (DBMS)  is software specifically designed to store, retrieve, and manipulate large amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner.

Database management system :

Database management system "DBMS". Software that enables organizations to centralize data, manage it efficiently, and grant application programs access to stored data. Database management system "DBMS". A software tool that allows users to easily manage databases. It allows users to access and interact with the underlying data in the database. Database management system "DBMS". It usually refers to the tools responsible for creating and managing data. Also, users can retrieve or update data at any time. However, businesses should choose database management software according to their specific needs and requirements.

Learn more about Database management system :



ibrahim is a computer teacher at a large high school with an 802.11n wireless network. they ask him to run a 1 gbps ethernet cable from a switch to a computer that happens to be 150 meters away. how should he best proceed?


Ibrahim should use a Category 6 or higher Ethernet cable to run between the switch and the computer. He should also make sure that the cable is rated for outdoor use, as it will need to be run through walls and ceilings.

Additionally, he should use an appropriate amount of cable slack to ensure that the cable will not be stretched or damaged when the computer is moved. Finally, he should use a switch with a port speed of 1 Gbps to ensure that the connection is fast and reliable.

The Benefits of Using a High-Speed Ethernet Cable to Connect a Computer

In today’s technologically advanced world, having a high-speed connection to the internet is essential for playing games, streaming movies, and even working from home. With the ever-increasing demands on our internet connections, it is becoming increasingly necessary to ensure that all of our devices are connected via the most reliable and fastest connection possible. This is why, when running a connection from a computer to a switch, it is important to use a high-speed Ethernet cable.

A high-speed Ethernet cable is a type of cable that is capable of transferring data at speeds of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps). This type of cable is essential when connecting a computer to a switch that is located 150 meters away. A Category 6 or higher Ethernet cable should be used because it is rated for outdoor use and can handle the longer distance between the computer and switch. Additionally, it is important to leave ample cable slack so that the connection is not damaged when the computer is moved. Finally, it is important to use a switch with a port speed of 1 Gbps in order to ensure a fast and reliable connection.

Learn more about computers :



Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______
a. Restating
b. Extracting
c. Generating
d. Paraphrasing


Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of Extracting. Correct answer: letter B.

For, this process consists of taking data from one source and using it in another. In this case, data is taken from an existing classified source and entered into a new or different document.

The Importance of Protecting Confidential Sources of Information

In this day and age, protecting confidential sources of information is an important practice for a variety of reasons. With the rise of hacking, data breaches, and other security issues, it is essential to keep classified information from falling into the wrong hands. It is also important to protect confidential sources of information from being extracted and used for malicious purposes.

When confidential sources of information are extracted and used for other purposes, it can have serious consequences. For example, if confidential data is shared with someone who does not have the legal or ethical rights to access it, it could lead to legal or financial repercussions.

Learn more about confidential sources of information:



what is hardware or software that guards a private network by analyzing incoming and outgoing information for the correct markings?


The software or firmware known as a firewall prevents unauthorized network access. To find and stop threats, it examines incoming and outgoing communications using a set of criteria.

What branch of information security aims to stop phishing, pharming, and identity theft fraud?

Identity theft, phishing, and pharming can all be avoided with authentication and authorisation.

Which approach to information security is used?

Encryption is a tool that security teams can utilize to safeguard data integrity and confidentiality throughout all stages of processing, including transit and storage. Data that has been decrypted, however, leaves it open to theft, exposure, or manipulation.

To know more about firewall  visit:-



you have configured a failover cluster with two servers as hosts, srv1 and srv2. each server has three network interface cards: nic1 connects the server to the main network. clients connect to the cluster through nic1. nic2 connects the server to the storage area network (san). the san is used only for access to the storage. nic3 is a private network used only by srv1 and srv2 for sending out heartbeat signals and performing convergence. how should you configure the networking settings for nic2 in the failover clustering management console?


For NIC1, choose Allow the cluster to use this network and select the Allow clients to connect through this network option.

how should you configure the networking settings for nic2 in the failover clustering management console?

For NIC2, choose Allow the cluster to use this network and clear the Allow clients to connect through this network option.

How can you move the applications from Cluster1 to Cluster2?

How do you transfer applications from Cluster 1 to Cluster 2? The term "electronic commerce" refers to the sale of electronic goods. You've set up a failover cluster with three hosts, Srv1, Srv2, and Srv3. You've made the DHCP service a clustered service.

Why can I vMotion between two different data centres?

vMotion Requirements

IP network with minimum 622 Mbps bandwidth is required. The term "electronic commerce" refers to the sale of electronic goods. The source and destination ESX servers must be on same broadcast domain or if it is in different domain, it must have reachability to each other.

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Why do you want to be part of the Royal Grenadiers Guards? (3+ sentences)


Our part. One of the oldest infantry regiments in the British Army is the Grenadier Guards. They are quick and nimble, specializing in Light Role Infantry operations, and they frequently travel by light vehicles like quad bikes. They are equipped to quickly deploy anywhere in the world.

What  part of the Royal Grenadiers Guards?

Grenadier, a soldier chosen and trained specifically to throw grenades. Early grenadiers (from the late 16th century) were not organized into distinct units, but by the middle of the 17th century, they had created specialized battalions.

Therefore, The ceremonial dress of the Swedish Army's Life Guards' grenadier company currently includes a bearskin headgear. Instead of being constructed from actual bearskin, the bearskin is nylon.

Learn more about Grenadiers here:



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