Which of the following best describes King's role in the Civil Rights Movement?
A. He suggested that the movement should be more violent
B. He only took part in the movement a little bit.
C. He was a leader in the movement.
D. He strongly disagreed with the movement.


Answer 1




Answer 2

C, he was a leader in the movement.

Related Questions

What argument did Brandeis use to support
laws limiting the hours that could be worked
by women?





1: how did greek thought affect individuals

2: How did greek thought affect City-States



1.Plato's student, Aristotle, was one of the most prolific of ancient authors. Epicurus, like Xenophanes, claimed that the mass of people is impious, since the ... In short, not only did ancient Greek philosophy pave the way for the Western a strong presence and legacy of Pythagorean influence, and yet little is known

2.The Greek city-states were the dominant settlement structure of the ancient Greek world and helped define how different regions interacted with each other.


What did the 14th amendment do for African Americans?



to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves

What plagued the slums of urban communities in the 19th century?
1. overcrowding
2. crime
3. disease
4. all the above


I believe all the above aka 4 because the communities had to much of an over crowding which lead to crime and then a disease broke out which occurs in the 19th century


all of above


took the test and i got it right :)

Give a force of 44 new and an accelerated of 4 m/s2, what is the object mass?



try 11, i’m not too sure sorry
and don’t ever click the links, they try hack ur computer, stay safe boo xox

i need help plsss help me with this



BLAH BLAH BLah payback for stealing my points


What was the lasting impact of the development of the Bell Bomber Plant on Georgia’s economy? A. Thousands of Georgians continued to work in the aircraft manufacturing industry. B. Thousands of new jobs were created in the shipping industry in Savannah and Brunswick. C. Thousands of jobs were lost because the plants were built on fertile farmland. D. Thousands of civilian jobs were created at military bases across Georgia.



Thousands of new jobs were created in the shipping industry in Savannah and Brunswick.


Why did Madison and Monroe consider infrastructure development to be so important?


Answer:Prior to moving into the still damaged Executive Mansion, which was burned by the British during the War of 1812, President James Monroe revived the presidential tour of the country, which was first undertaken by George Washington.

Explanation:Prior to moving into the still damaged Executive Mansion, which was burned by the British during the War of 1812, President James Monroe revived the presidential tour of the country, which was first undertaken by George Washington. The stated reason for the tour was to inspect defense fortifications, but it also allowed Monroe to reach out to Americans throughout the nation and exhibit his relaxed and affable personality. In June 1817, Monroe began his first tour of the North, traveling up the coast to Portland, Maine. From there, he turned west to Detroit and then southeast back to Washington, D.C. The trip took fifteen weeks and allowed Monroe to come in contact with more people than any previous sitting President. Everywhere he went, he was praised and applauded. The Boston Columbian Centinel described his reception in Massachusetts as the beginning of an "Era of Good Feelings" for the nation—a phrase that is now often used to describe Monroe's presidency.

The first tour was such a success that Monroe embarked on two others—one of the Chesapeake Bay area in 1818 and one of the South and West in 1819. Although those trips did not match the enthusiasm of the first, they gave Monroe an opportunity to reach out to different regions of the country. All three tours helped familiarize the people with their President, and Monroe's endearing personality won many converts.


One of Monroe's first acts as President was to put together his cabinet. Wanting to assemble a group of advisers from different regions of the country, he turned to New England native John Quincy Adams as his secretary of state. Adams had a long diplomatic career, and with their similar backgrounds in foreign affairs the two men established a good working relationship. Monroe then chose William H. Crawford from Georgia as secretary of treasury and sought out a westerner to serve as secretary of war. Unable to persuade his first choices, he picked to John C. Calhoun from South Carolina. Monroe turned to an old friend, William Wirt, to be his attorney general and decided to keep Benjamin Crowninshield as secretary of the navy. Monroe's cabinet has often been noted as an exceptionally strong one. The President assembled a group of intelligent and talented men who were very good administrators. He then gave them a lot of freedom to do their jobs. Although he encouraged debate and solicited advice from his cabinet, there was never any doubt that he was firmly in charge. He made the final decisions and expected his cabinet to support and implement them.The North held a small majority in the House of Representatives in 1819, and the South controlled a bare majority in the Senate. Voting on the Tallmadge amendments was strictly sectional: the amendments passed in the House but lost in the Senate. The House refused to admit Missouri as a slave state and the Senate insisted upon it. Monroe, along with many congressional leaders, understood the volatile nature of the debate and the strong regional divide over slavery.

However, he thought it was unconstitutional to place special restrictions on the admission of one state, as the Tallmadge amendments did, and threatened to veto any bill including such restrictions. Monroe feared that the dispute would divide the Union and worked in support of a compromise package in Congress. However, he did not forcefully inject himself into the process because he did not want to be accused of meddling in congressional affairs. A new Congress convened in the winter of 1819, allowing legislators to reach an accord that settled the dispute. Massachusetts allowed its far northern counties to apply for admission to the Union as the free, or non-slave, state of Maine, thus offsetting fears that the South would gain votes in the Senate with the admission of Missouri. Additionally, it was agreed—after much behind-the-scenes deal-making—that Missouri would be admitted as a slave state in return for the South's willingness to outlaw slavery in western territories above the 36/30' north latitude line. That line would open present-day Arkansas and Oklahoma to slavery but would forbid it throughout the rest of the Louisiana Territory—land that would eventually be organized into nine states. Monroe signed the bill on March 6, 1820, after he was satisfied that the provisions were, indeed, constitutional.




plants is the correct answer think so if correct pls mark as brainliest



plants is the correct answer

What branch of the US government officially "declares war"?




The Constitution grants Congress the sole power to declare war.

In the United States, Congress, which makes the rules for the military, has the power under the constitution to "declare war".

what are the causes of frequent change of constitution in Nepal write in points please please please​



Answer ⬇️


The Government of Nepal act 1948, was changed because there were no democratic rights in the Constitution. The first democratic constitution enacted in the year 1959 was scrapped by the King of Nepal because he felt that the constitution is trying to reduce his powers

How many Executive Departments make up the President’s Cabinet.


Answer: 15 departments in the Cabinet


According to the selection from Tales From the Odyssey, what do the men find after climbing the
cliffs at the mysterious shore?

(A) cave filled with food and drink

(B) dense forest of trees and vines

(C) a harbor occupied by enemy ships

(D) a group of vines that hides a shepherd


According to the selection from Tales From the Odyssey, what do the men find after climbing the
cliffs at the mysterious shore?
The answer is a

(A) cave filled with food and drink

(B) dense forest of trees and vines

(C) a harbor occupied by enemy ships

(D) a group of vines that hides a shepherd

Write a 6-8 sentence paragraph response to the following prompt. How did the Ancient Romans adapt to their physical environment?


Answer: start off with this

Explanation:Egyptian Civilization or Nile Valley Civilization evolved along the Nile River in Southern Egypt. It is clear from the study that the inhabitants of civilisation originated from the south of Egypt and not from areas of Europe. Ancient Egypt adaptation, as the name implies, refers to the manner in which this culture adapted to ever-changing conditions and advanced their race.

The People in Egypt Lived in tropical and semi-tropical climates. As adaptation was the secret to surviving the race, the civilisation of the Nile Valley was ideally adapted to the environmental conditions. The Egyptians have adapted well to the climate for thousands of years. Their body composition and the proportion of their limbs reflect their high degree of adaptation, suggesting that they were completely at ease with climatic conditions. Ancient Egyptians were never looking to move to the North West because of the cold conditions there. However, findings show that the average temperature in hot and tropical areas of the world was much lower relative to the present time.

the development of Algebra


algebra can be traced to the ancient Babylonians, who developed a positional number system that greatly aided them in solving their rhetorical algebraic equations.

war brings nothing but destruction.explain​




Fighting just brings death and devastation. Battle has wreaked havoc on the economy, health, and other aspects of society. Government spends vast sums of money on armies rather than on the welfare of the people, as a result of which government spends vast sums of money on armies rather than on the welfare of the people. Consider the time that people have to do jobs and the amount of money they pay in taxation. Only the people of the country and the troops serving in the war are affected by war. People in the country were forced to either abandon their homes or flee the country. 

Which interpretation explains the voting patterns on the map above?
A. Counties along the Red River were pro-slavery.
B. Some Texans living along the Gulf and in east Texas owned slaves.
C. The majority of the state of Texas was against slavery.
D. More slaves were owned in west Texas than in east Texas.


I do my ow sorry James

An interpretation explains the voting patterns on the map is the majority of the state of Texas was against slavery. The correct option is (C).

What about the history of slavery in Texas?

During the early stages of Texas' history, slavery's history in the state started out gradually. Texas was a colonial territory that eventually became a part of Mexico, a republic in 1836, and a state of the United States in 1845.

The majority of the slaves in Texas were transported there by white families from the south of the country. Some slaves arrived via the domestic slave trade, which had its epicenter in New Orleans.

Anglo-Americans were attracted by cheap land and thought that Texas will likely be annexed by the US, which would increase the demand for land.

Therefore, an interpretation explains the voting patterns on the map is the majority of the state of Texas was against slavery.

To know more about the slavery Texas, visit:



The image attached as:

Who created the Mona Lisa and the last supper and why


Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

Explanation: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci: 'The Last Supper' and 'Mona Lisa'

The first is da Vinci's “The Last Supper,” painted during his time in Milan, from about 1495 to 1498. A tempera and oil mural on plaster, “The Last Supper” was created for the refectory of the city's Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie.

Can i have brainlist :)

(PLS HELP ASAP)Which of the following describes a political lobby?
A. the waiting area outside the voting chamber at the U.S. Capitol
B. a committee of educators responsible for making recommendations to improve the political system
C. a group engaged in trying to influence legislators or other public officials in favor of a specific cause
D. a group that formulates political and policy agendas selects candidates and conducts election campaigns





Political lobbies are individuals or more usually by lobby groups trying to influence decisions made by elected officials to support the lobbies cause.





What percentage of upstate New Yorkers today live
within 25 miles of the Erie Canal?




Nearly 80% of upstate New York's population lives within 25 miles of the Erie Canal. The Erie Canal's success was part of a Canal-building boom in New York in the 1820s

What Canadian natural resource is needed to make paper?



Canadian pulp and fibre resources

Answer: it is Cellulose fibers are extracted from a variety of sources and converted to pulp. Pulp is combined with water and placed on a paper making machine where it is flattened, dried, and cut into sheets and rolls

Explanation: it might be wrong

which statement best summarizes the effects of the u.s domestic policy. A. it asks citizens to change but cannot pressure them to do so. B. it offers resources to some Americans but not others. C. it pressures some countries to change government but not others. D. it makes changes but doesn't affect the econ.




so c is automatically wrong as that would be a foreign policy

d has to do with economics which mean it could be both domestic and foreign


Its B


I just did the quiz

Which article of the Constitution discusses the executive branch? GIVING BRAINLIEST!!



Article II (Article 2)


Article II


\(-_- ) yw

How has colonialism shaped the cultures of Central America and the Caribbean? Be able to give specific examples for their religion, language, music/dance, and ethnicity.



Colonialism has been regarded as a significant and common experience that has been reflected on Caribbean people of today’s culture and values, based on the events and circumstances that occurred during the 16th ,17th and 18th century .


Describe the similarities and differences between the engineering method and the scientific method.


Answer and Explanation:

Both the scientific method and the engineering method are composed of steps that aim to promote solutions to possible problems that the world faces. They constitute a progressive process, which is structured in several steps, until providing a final result.

Despite these similarities, there are occasional differences between these two methods. The scientific method wants to seek answers to problems, while the engineering method seeks to create solutions to the problem. In a more explained way, we can confirm that while the scientific method presents basic rules that are used to produce or complement existing knowledge on a given subject. The engineering method has a more focused approach dealing directly with the problem.

Anyone know the answer thanks



Mount Alaska


I used my textbook

The Answer Is
B. Mount Vernon
Hope It Helps U
Please Mark As Brainliest

Founded in 1833, the American Anti-Slavery Society received overwhelmingly positive support. adopted resolutions and sent petitions to Congress. was opposed by activist William Lloyd Garrison. held meetings in private out of fear of reprisals.





Founded in 1833, the American Anti-Slavery Society adopted resolutions and sent petitions to Congress. Thus the correct option is B.

What is the American Anti-Slavery Society?

The American Anti-Slavery Society is referred to as an organization established by William Lloyd Garrison in the year 1833  with the objective to abolish slavery in the country.

As they founded this society to abolish slavery from the country, in order to meet their goals they adopted resolutions to accomplish their goal and sent petitions to gain support from the people.

These petitions are sent to congress to take a look over the appeal and help them to fight for the individual rights of pople by providing them freedom and helping them live freely without control.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the American Anti-Slavery Society, here:



cause and effect concave lenses side of lenses are curved inward






blah blah blah payback for stealing my points


can yall help me on this plsssss



It's either A or C


Because the answer A would mean they would have to keep their crops alive

in order to survive and the other options like  B, and D those don't make any sense so it's either A or C. Hope this helps!

What is malcolm x's feeling about violence?



Malcolm did not agree with violence; he did however advocated for self-defense. He believed that the right of self-defense is an essential element in the definition of humanity.


The person above is correct.
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