Which of the following are the primary skills required by an administrative worker? Select all that apply.

- lab analysis
-basic keyboarding
-database management


Answer 1
All the above... lab, keyboarding management
Answer 2


basic keyboarding and medical coding

database management

these 2 are your only 2 correct answers


Related Questions

What are the large primary muscle groups for aerobic exercise?
Pectorals, hamstrings, quadriceps
Gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps
O Gluteal, Triceps, quadriceps
Gluteal, hamstrings. Deltoids
i need help fast Please


On a scale relative to an individual's personal capacity, vigorous-intensity physical activity is usually a 7 or 8 on a scale of 0–10 (34). Major muscle groups include the legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms (34).

1. why do males typically have lower body fat % than females? what are the recommended % for menu and women?

2. which influences on body composition are controllable?

3. Explain the difference between % body fat and BMI. which of these is a more accurate measurement of one’s level of health? Support your answer.



1. On average, women have 6 to 11 percent more body fat than men. Studies show oestrogen reduces a woman's ability to burn energy after eating, resulting in more fat being stored around the body. The likely reason is to prime women for childbearing, the review suggests.

2. The individual has no control over some of these factors, including developmental determinants, genetic makeup, gender, and age. Other factors that influence body weight over which the individual has potential control include level of physical activity, diet, and some environmental and social factors.

3. Body fat percentage distinguishes fat from muscle and calculates the percentage of body fat in the body. While BMI is a rough estimate of body fat, body fat percentage is a more accurate number.

I found these from G o o g l e, so I really have no idea if they are correct. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!

How was your experience from changing a baby’s diaper? A question from my health class assignment.



It was pretty easy. You always wipe front to back because you do not want the baby getting an infection.



Difficult at first, but it gets better as you practice!


When I was taught to put on a diaper it was for my little cousin, listen, you have to make sure that you clean the baby properly, get the right diaper size, its not as easy as it seems, also dont place the diaper to tightly on the baby, its easier on a baby doll!

Water is an absolutely necessary for life. Explain: 1)Where is water found? The water cycle? 2)Why is water essential for live? 3)What can humans can do to protect it?
(Can you Write a big paragraph Pls)





Water is found in most natural sources including rivers,glaciers,lakes and the ocean. The water cycle is the cycle of water on and below the earth the cycle includes: Evaporation, condensation, advection, then going onto precipitation

Evaporation= liquid into gas phase

Condensation=the water vapour is now liquid again and are now clouds, the condensation clouds can cause precipitation which is the main route water returns

Advection= also helps precipitation, without advection precipitation couldbt happen.

the best cooling methods include the following except
stirring in an ice bath
using a blast cooler
adding ice
putting food in a deep pan ​



putting food in a deep pan

warm up/stretching exercises to do to prevent the hip injury?​



Take a medium size step with your right leg and keep your right foot facing forward. Slowly lower your hips in line with the right knee. Getting low, keep your hips back and holding this position for one to two seconds — this will stretch our your adductors and hip muscles.

I need help like now please.
Which of the following best describes how an organ system servers the needs of cells? Is it A. The cardiovascular system pumps blood, which carries nutrients and oxygen, to cells in the body. B. The muscular system works with skeletal system to move the body. C. The integumentary system absorbs oxygen that carried cells. D. The small intestine absorbs nutrients that are used in cell functions.





The cardiovascular system maintains blood flow to all parts of the body which also includes the cells. The cardiovascular system aids cells with the necesarry supply of oxygen to survive.

In the body the organs work to maintain the cells in the body. The circulatory, respiratory and digestive provide nutrition and energy to the cells that need to live.

The role of the heart is to pump blood so that oxygenated blood is carried to various parts of the body and hence the cells are maintained and get their proper nutrition on time.

Hence the option A is correct.

Learn more bout the following best describes how an organ system servers.


differences between radio wave and x rays.​



The difference between a radio wave and X- ray is that  Radio waves have a much longer wavelength when it's in visible light.  x-rays have a smaller wavelength and higher frequency compared to visible light.


Why is it important for teachers to provide opportunities for cumulative practice on letters during the school year?



Because it is important


It is important for the teachers to provide opportunities to the students in order to enhance their cumulative practices in studies and sports. The teachers should encourage and motivate them.  

That helps them in their literary development and success in learning the ability to remember and many more aspects of the student's life are met. Hence it's an essential activity.

Learn more about the teachers to provide opportunities.


Discuss the importance of your peer group with regard for striving toward wellness.



We tend to make choices that are similar to those made by the people with whom we spend the most time. If your peer group values and strives for wellness, then you are likely to do the same. Conversely, if your peers have poor wellness, then you may also suffer.


What are two ways parents,guardians,mentors and teachers teach value?



Positive Self Esteem And Self Control

They teach them by setting an example and talking them through right and wrong.

Such as : honesty, they teach them that lying is bad and tell then that you shouldnt be scared to tell the truth, when you did wrong we will help you solve it.

Place them in order correct answer gets Brainliest and 15p


#1 Determine Your conflict and/or situation, #2 Educate yourself and examine your options, #3 consider all your options and possible consequences of each,  #4 decide the healthiest option, #5  evaluate the outcome, #6 Identify your choice by using your values and other positive influences. (I hope this works!)


Going from 1 the top, to 6 the bottom. I tried my best! :)

how can we help an issue related to world population


Wearing masks and staying social distanced because of C0vîd

HELP!!! What percentage of alcoholics relapse during their first attempt to quit drinking:



I think it's 25% but I'm not sure sorry

I had health but I don't remember the answer

I think is a 90% because most people say they want to quit drinking, but when the time to quit comes they relapse during their first attempt. (or others may realize they can't quit so they decide to relapse on their first or second attempt)

This is something I found:  Gloomy Addiction Relapse Statistics. Drug and alcohol rehab statistics show that the percentage of people who will relapse after a period recovery ranges from 50% to 90%.

*Hope it helps you*

Good luck!!~

for my ap psyc class i need to make a graph of people's age and their phobias. put your age and phobia in the comments or an answer.





arachnophobia, scared of spiders. jxjciejvj

I’m 17 and I have acrophobia ( fear of heights)

Which strategies are helpful for maintaining a healthy body temperature when exercising in hot weather?
(Select all that apply.)
drink 6-10 ounces of water for every 60 minutes of physical activity
paying attention to warning signs of overheating, such as leg cramps and headache
arranging to work out early in the morning or evening to avoid the day's hottest time periods
drink 6-10 ounces of an energy drink for every 45 minutes of physical activity.


The strategies that are helpful for maintaining a healthy body temperature when exercising in hot weather are Drink 6-10 ounces of water for every 60 minutes of physical activity. Paying attention to warning signs of overheating, such as leg cramps and headache .Arranging to work out early in the morning or evening to avoid the day's hottest time periods.

During hot weather, the human body has a tendency to lose fluids quickly, resulting in dehydration and other heat-related health problems. Exercise during hot weather puts additional pressure on the body, and thus it is necessary to take extra precautions to avoid heat stress and keep the body cool and hydrated.

Following are some of the strategies that are helpful for maintaining a healthy body temperature when exercising in hot weather:

Drink 6-10 ounces of water for every 60 minutes of physical activity: Drinking water is the simplest and most effective way to keep the body hydrated when working out in hot weather. Dehydration can lead to several health issues, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Drinking sufficient water helps to prevent dehydration and keep the body cool and hydrated.

Paying attention to warning signs of overheating: Overheating can cause several health issues and can be harmful to the body. To avoid overheating, it is important to pay attention to warning signs such as headache, leg cramps, nausea, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. If any of these symptoms appear, it is important to stop exercising and rest in a cool and shaded place.

Arranging to work out early in the morning or evening to avoid the day's hottest time periods: During the day, the temperature is usually highest between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. It is advisable to work out early in the morning or in the evening when the temperature is cooler. This helps to avoid the hottest part of the day and thus reduces the risk of heat stress.

Drink 6-10 ounces of an energy drink for every 45 minutes of physical activity: While water is the best drink for keeping the body hydrated during hot weather, energy drinks may also help. Energy drinks can help to restore electrolytes and other minerals that are lost due to sweating. However, it is important to avoid energy drinks that contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine, as they can cause dehydration.

Know more about health problems here :



Why do we always have to do what you want to do? I never get to choose what we do! (Life Skills) Pls help will mark brainliest



Because we need to do it incase if you need to or you don't or maybe something you need to do for good.

How could a person acquire the disease sickle cell anemia?
A. by getting a normal gene and an affected gene from one's biological parents

B. by coming in contact with the body fluid of an infected person

C. by being coughed on by an infected person

D. by getting two affected genes from one's biological parents


A , you only can inherit the disease.

It is important to check food temperature every 6-8 hours.




It is false you should check the food temp every 2 hours




Food temperature should be checked every 4 hours.

How to get rid of an STD


Stop playing fortnite

HELP!!! The immediate physical effects of smoking include all of the following except:



I think it is the third answer


i think it is the last one. I am glad that your teacher is teaching you guys about that kind of stuff. My old school didn't which is why I moved


_______ stimulates the release of insulin, a hormone that transports glucose from the blood into the muscles.



Sry, I had the same question.





Carbohydrate stimulates the release of insulin, a hormone that transports glucose from the blood into the muscles.

How often should I do aerobic & anaerobic exercise?​



it would be good to do so a hour a day or even thirty min a day


Hypercrinia refers to _secretion of any endocrine gland
A. low
B. excessive
C. varying
D. little to no



B. excessive


I looked it up, hope this helps! :)

You read an article in a magazine or on the Internet about food and nutrition
that uses the term calories. What kind of calories is this article talking about?


Do you have answer choices?

How does burttks lymphomia affect the immune system?


weekens it by a lot

What effects do illegal drugs have on American society? This answer can be given in either complete sentences or as a bulleted list.



The effects are that

1. People become very addicted

2. More people go to jail due to these drugs

What aspect of health involves how a person copes with different situations? Mental and emotional health
Spiritual health
Physical health
Intellectual health


I’m pretty sure it’s mental and emotional health


The answer is Mental and emotional health.


Which of the following is true of education in 1950?
A) A majority of students attended community colleges or vocational schools.
B) A majority of students did not finish high school.
C) A majority of students had a high school education but no college.
D) A majority of women had no college education, but most men had at least two years.



B. A majority of students did not finish high school.


took the test got right

if a friend reveals plans of violence to you what should you do ask an adult for help keep your friends confidence use I messages ignore the situation


Answer: get an adult

Explanation: it would be better to tell an adult because they could handle the situation better than you can.

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