Which is the better buy? 36-fluid-ounce carton of apple juice for $8.28 6-cup carton of apple juice for $5.76


Answer 1

In this case, what we must do is calculate the price per unit each one:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{cup}=8ounce \\ \frac{8.28}{36}=0.23 \\ \frac{5.76}{6\cdot8}=0.12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the second purchase is better because it cost $0.12 per ounce, otheriwse the other purchase compares that they are $0.23 per ounce

Related Questions

If two lines intersect and one angle measures 25°, what are the measures of the other angles?1. 1252. 1553. 754. 25


When two lines intersect, four angles are created. Opposite angles are equal, therefore, we have two sets of angles with the same measure. Adjacent angles are supplementary.

By definition, supplementary angles add up to 180º. Since in our intersection we have an angle of 25º, the adjacent angles will be 180º minus 25º.


The measure of the other angles are 155º.

find the real solution(s), if any, of the system by examining the graph



[tex]\begin{gathered} -6x-3y=18\ldots\ldots\ldots(1) \\ \frac{x^{2}}{9}+\frac{y^{2}}{36}=1\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots(2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let us consider the equation (1),

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6x-3y=18 \\ -2x-y=6 \\ -y=2x+6 \\ y=-(2x+6)\ldots\ldots\ldots(3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute equation (3) in (2), we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x^2}{9}+\frac{(-(2x+6))^2_{}}{36}=1 \\ \frac{4x^2}{36}+\frac{4x^2+36+24x}{36}=1 \\ \frac{4x^2+4x^2+36+24x}{36}=1 \\ 8x^2+36+24x=36 \\ 8x^2+24x=0 \\ 8x(x+3)=0 \\ x=0,x=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute x=0 and x=-3 in equation (3) we get,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-(2(0)+6) \\ =-6 \\ y=-(2(-3)+6) \\ =0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the solutions are, (0,-6) and (-3,0).

Let us verify this, by substituting (0,-6) and (-3,0) in equation (1), we get

For (0, -6),

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6(0)-3(-6)=18 \\ 18=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For (-3, 0)

[tex]\begin{gathered} -6(-3)-3(0)=18 \\ 18=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, it is verified.

2 A cognitive psychologist conducted a study of whether familiarity of words (X) predicts the time it takes (in seconds) to press a button indicating whether the word is singular or plural (I), with all participants being given the same words. Familiarity with these words was rated at a later time on a 7-point scale (with higher numbers indicating more farniliarity). The participants' scores were 6 2 5 3 7 Y 0.3 1.5 0.8 1.4 0.1 a Figure the Pearson correlation coefficient (25 pts.).


We will have the following:

*Firts: We have that the correlation coefficient is given by:

[tex]r=\frac{\sum ^n_{i=1}X_iY_i-\frac{1}{n}(\sum ^n_{i=1}X_i)(\sum ^n_{i=1}Y_i)}{\sqrt[]{\sum^n_{i=1}X^2_i-\frac{1}{n}(\sum^n_{i=1}X_i)^2}\sqrt[]{\sum ^n_{i=1}Y^2_i-\frac{1}{n}(\sum ^n_{i=1}Y_i)^2}}[/tex]

*Second: We calculate the means, that is:




*Third: We calculate the sums:

[tex]\sum ^n_{i=1}X^2_i-\frac{1}{n}(\sum ^n_{i=1}X_i)^2=123-\frac{23^2}{5}=17.2[/tex][tex]\sum ^n_{i=1}Y^2_i-\frac{1}{n}(\sum ^n_{i=1}Y_i)^2=4.95-\frac{4.1^2}{5}=1.588[/tex][tex]\sum ^n_{i=1}X_iY_i-\frac{1}{n}(\sum ^n_{i=1}X_i)(\sum ^n_{i=1}Y_i)=13.7-\frac{23\cdot4.1}{5}=-5.16[/tex]

Fourth: We replace the data:

[tex]r=\frac{-5.16}{\sqrt[]{17.2\cdot1.588}}\Rightarrow r=-0.987[/tex]

Thus making the coefficient r = -0.987.

And this would be the scatterplot:

Can you please help me with the following equation

a(1.50) + b(0.50) = $7.00






Gabriella is a 11 years younger than Mikal the sum of their ages is 51 what is mikhails age




Step-by-step explanation:

11 plus 30 is 51 therefor your sum is 30

X + 5y = 8, -x + 2y = -1



-x+2y=-1 => x=2y+1

(2y+1)+5y=8 => 7y=7 => y=1 => x=3

The answer is x=3 and y=1

solve the system of linear equations by substitution x+4y=-1 and -3x-14=y



We are given the equations below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+4y=-1(equation\text{ }1) \\ -3x-14=y(equation\text{ }2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We are required to solve the equations above simultaneously using substitution. Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} From\text{ }equation\text{ }1, \\ x+4y=-1 \\ Make\text{ }x\text{ }the\text{ }subject \\ x=-1-4y(equation\text{ }3) \\ Substitute\text{ }for\text{ }x\text{ }into\text{ }equation\text{ }2 \\ Equation\text{ }2:-3x-14=y \\ \Rightarrow-3(-1-4y)-14=y \\ 3+12y-14=y \\ 12y-11=y \\ Collect\text{ }like\text{ }terms \\ -11=y-12y \\ -11=-11y \\ \frac{-11}{-11}=\frac{-11y}{-11} \\ y=1 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} From\text{ }equation\text{ }3, \\ x=-1-4y \\ Substitute\text{ }the\text{ }value\text{ }of\text{ }y \\ x=-1-4(1) \\ x=-1-4 \\ x=-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is:


A school band has 75 members. The band enters a band competiton at a rival school.1.there are $200 entrance fee each band pluse a $25 entrance fee for each drill team. The competion. has a total of 32 bands and 25 drill teams. write and evaluate an expresion for the total amount of money collected from entrance fees.


The expression that would describe the problem is

200x +25y = M

where x is the number of band

y is the number of drill teams and

M is the total money collected.

If there are 32 bands and 25 drill team, the total money collected ,M woul d be:

M = 200x + 25 y

M = 200 (32) + 25 (25)

M= 6400 + 625

M = $7025


M = 200x + 25y

M = $ 7025

John cleans 3 apartments in a weekend.The apartment have 6,5 and 7 rooms .If he earns $425 for the weekend,how much does she earn per room?



The number of departments =3.

The number of rooms is 6,5 and 7.

The total number of rooms = 6+5+7 =18 rooms.

The earning amount = $ 425.

The earing amount per room is


The earing amount per room is $23.61.

Determine the area of the shaded sector. Use 3.14 for 7. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


If the diameter is 26, the radius is 26/2 = 13

The area of a circle is (pi)(radius)^2 = 3.14(13)^2 = 3.14(169) = 530.66

A complete circle has 360 degrees

Half a circle is 180 degrees

So the shaded area is (360 - 180 - 120)/360 of the complete circle

Doing the operations: (360 - 180 - 120)/360 = 60/360 = 1/6 of the complete circle

If the complete circle area is 530.66, the shaded area is (1/6)(530.66) = 88.443

They ask for the result to be rounded to the nearest tenth, so the result would be 88.4

Answer: 88.4

Use the following information to fill out the entire two-way table.At PRHS, there are 450 students in the 9th and 10th grade taking geometry, and one third ofthem are 9th graders. The students were surveyed on which unit from quarter 4 they liked best.65 students said that unit 5 was their favorite, but only 25 of them were 9th graders. Unit 8 wasthe most popular for 9th graders, with 50 of them saying it was their favorite. Unit 7 was themost popular with 10th graders, with 100 of them saying it was their favorite. Unit 6 and Unit 8were equally popular for 10th grade students. A total of 125 students sald that Unit 6 was theirfavorite.Answer ALL 3 of the following questions.1. What is the probability that a randomly selected student will be a 9th grade student OR astudent that preferred unit 7? Show your work or explain how you know. Leave it insimplified fraction form.2. What is the probability that a randomly selected student will be a 10th grade student whoalso prefers unit 8? Show your work or explain how you know. Leave it in simplifiedfraction form.3. Given the student prefers Unit 5, what is the probability the student is in the 10th grade?Show your work and explain how you know. Leave it in simplified fraction form.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 1)\text{ }\frac{28}{45} \\ \\ 2)\text{ }\frac{8}{45} \\ \\ 3)\text{ }\frac{40}{65} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Here, we want to calculate probabilities;

We have this as follows;

1) We want to calculate the probability that a randomly selected student is a 9th grader or a student that preferred unit 7

From here, we need the number of students who are 9th graders and students that prefer unit 7

From the question, we have it that 1/3 of the total students are 9th graders

So, for a total of 450, the number of 9th graders will be 1/3 * 450 = 150 students

Secondly we need the number of students that prefers unit 7

Let us try and complete the table as follows;

From the completed table, the numbers that like unit 7 are 130

So the probability we want to calculate is the sum of the two divided by 450

We have this as;

[tex]\frac{130+150}{450}\text{ = }\frac{280}{450}\text{ = }\frac{28}{45}[/tex]

2) Here, we want to calculate the probability that a randomly selected student is a 10th grader who also prefers unit 8

From the table, we can see that the number of students who are 10th graders and also prefer unit 8 is 80

So, we have the probability as;

[tex]\frac{80}{450}\text{ = }\frac{8}{45}[/tex]

3) Here, we want to calculate the probability that given that a student prefers unit 5, what is the probability that he is a 10th grader

We use the conditional probability value here

Where event A is the probability that student is a 10th grader, while event B is the probability that a student prefers unit 5

We have the probability as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(A|B)\text{ = }\frac{P(AnB)}{P(B)} \\ \\ P(\text{AnB) = }\frac{40}{450};\text{ P(B) = }\frac{65}{450} \\ \\ P(A|B)\text{ = }\frac{40}{65} \end{gathered}[/tex]


please answer it is for a test



-0.6 repeating

Step-by-step explanation:

-56/6 + 10 x 1

-56/6 + 10

-9.3 repeating + 10

-0.6 repeating


i think 0.666666667

Step-by-step explanation:

what is the domian of the graph



2 ≤ x ≤ 5

step-by-step explanation:

at the end of the piece-wise function (the short line), the circles are closed.

closed circles = ≤ or ≥

open circles = < or >

immediately, c and d are out of the equation.

the domain refers to what the range of x-values is (bottom line) so let's look. we have (2,5) and (5,3)

the x-values of those are 2 and 5, with x in between/including them.

(if we were to find the range it would be 5 and 3, with x in between/including them)

so, 2 ≤ x ≤ 5. we use ≤ because it is not smaller than 2, and not bigger than five. using ≥ would be all numbers except in between 2 and 5.

y=0.5x+3; what is the slope?


The given equation,


Comparing it with the slope intercept equation


where m is the slope.

Thus the slope is m=0.5.

Two-Variable inequalities from their graph. (0,0) and (4,3)


Points (0,0) (4,3)

Find slope m of line y= mx + b

m = 4/3. Positive

b= 0

Then equation is

y = (4/3)x

Now find inequality

y ≤ (4/3)x

Blue zone represents inequality searched

Answer is y≤ (4/3)x

9. A gallon of lemonade calls for 2 scoops of sugar. If you want to make 5 gallons, how much sugar should you put in? (2 pts)​



Step-by-step explanation: if you need 2 for 1 gallon multiply it by 5

you have 1 gallon with 2 scoops

2 for 5 gallons gives you 10 scoops total for 5 gallons

Which matrix represents the system of equations below? -12x-13y +132 = 15 7x-10 y– 3z = 11 7x+14y +5z =-5


The system of equations we have is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -12x-13y+13z=15 \\ 7x-10y-3z=11 \\ 7x+14y+5x=-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To write the matrix for the system of equations, we need to write only the coefficients of each variable in the matrix. Also, each column will belong to the coefficients of one variable, and each line will belong to each equation (the first line of the matrix will be for equation one, the second line for the second equation, and so on)

We start by writing the first equation into the matrix:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}{-12} & {-13} & {13\text{ |15}} \\ {\square} & {\square} & \\ {\square} & {\square} & {\square}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

We write the coefficients of each variable x, y, and z, and then in the final column, we write the number that is after the equal symbol in this case 15 (also note that we put a line before 15 to separate the coefficients of the variables from the result of the equation).

Now we take the second equation of the system: 7x-10y-3z=11, and we write the coefficient number in the second line of the matrix:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}{-12} & {-13} & {13\text{ |15}} \\ {7} & {-10} & {-3\text{ |11}} \\ {\square} & {\square} & {\square}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

And finally, we do the same with the third equation: 7x+14y+5z=-5, and we put the coefficients in order:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}{-12} & {-13} & {13\text{ |15}} \\ {7} & {-10} & {-3\text{ |11}} \\ {7} & {14} & {5\text{ |-5}}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

16. - 2y +5=-1Is 3 the solution?17. 1.3m -5.6 = -3Is-2 the solution?


To find out if a certain value of the variable is the solution of the equation we plug this value into the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1.3(-2)-5.6=-3 \\ -2.6-5.6=-3 \\ -8.2=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the last line is not true, then we conclude that -2 IS NOT the solution.

Last season, your favorite basketball teamwon 60 games. So far this season, yourfavorite basketball team has won 72 games.What is the percent change in the numberof games that your favorite team won fromlast season to this season?


In order to determine the percent change in the number of games, you first calculate the difference between the number of games won last season and current season.

current season = 70 games won

last season = 60 games won

70 - 60 = 10

next, you determine what is the associated percent of 10 games to 60 games from the last season. You proceed as follow:

(10/60)(100) = 16.66

that is, you calculate the quotient between increase of games won, the number of games won last season, and to the result you multiply by 100.

Hence, the increase in the percent of games won is of 16.66%

I need help on number 10, the faster u do it the more stars I’ll give u!


Given the equation;



[tex]\begin{gathered} l=14ft \\ w=9ft \end{gathered}[/tex]

substituting the given values;


2x+6y=-12Find the y and x


we have the follwing:


solving for y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+6y=-12 \\ 6y=-12-2x \\ y=\frac{-12-2x}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{-12}{6}-\frac{2}{6}x \\ y=-0.33x-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I’m not sure why I keep getting this question wrong?


The value of (3x + 27)/8x when x = 3 is $1.50. That is it costs $1.50 to make 3 dozens cookies (option C)

Explanation:[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The cost model for making x dozens of cookies:} \\ \frac{3x\text{ + 27}}{8x} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{when x = 3, we substitute x with 3} \\ \frac{3x\text{ + 27}}{8x}\text{ = }\frac{3(3)\text{ + 27}}{8(3)} \\ =\text{ }\frac{\text{9 + 27}}{24} \\ =\text{ }\frac{36}{24}=\frac{3}{2} \\ =\text{ }1.50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the cost we got is for 3 dozens of cookies, we say the cost for making 3 dozens of cookies is $1.50

The value of (3x + 27)/8x when x = 3 is $1.50. That is it costs $1.50 to make 3 dozens cookies (option C)

A tire company wants to determine if tires made with a new type of tread will last longer than the tires made with the original type of tread. The company has access to 24 different vehicles. The vehicles will be driven for one year and the depth of the remaining tread will be measured. The average depth for the new type of tread will be compared to the average depth of the original type of tread.Which of the following describes a matched pairs design for this experiment?A. Each of the 24 vehicles is numbered 1–24. These numbers are put into a random number generator. The first 12 unique numbers generated will represent the vehicles that will receive the tires with the new tread. The remaining 12 vehicles will receive the tires with the original tread.B. There are six vehicles of each vehicle type: sedan, SUV, minivan, and truck. For each type, the vehicles will be numbered 1–6, and a random number generator will be used to pick three unique numbers. These three vehicles will receive tires with the new tread and the other three vehicles in the group will receive tires with the original tread.c. There are six vehicles of each vehicle type: sedan, SUV, minivan, and truck. Each vehicle type is numbered 1–4, and these numbers are entered into a random number generator. The first two unique numbers selected will represent the group of vehicles that will receive tires with the new type of tread. The remaining two groups will receive tires with the original type of tread.D. The vehicles will be put into groups of two based on the size of the vehicle, with the largest two put together, the next largest two, etc. For each of the 12 groups of two, one of the vehicles is selected and a coin will be flipped. If it is heads, this car will receive tires with the new tread and the other vehicle will receive tires with the original tread. If it is tails, then the opposite will be done.


A matched pairs design is a special case of a randomized block design. It can be used when the experiment has only two treatment conditions; and subjects can be grouped into pairs, based on some blocking variable. Then, within each pair, subjects are randomly assigned to different treatments.

Based in the definition above, the correct answer is D.

Find the unit price in cents per diaper for each of the brands shown below. Round to the nearest tenth of a cent.Brand A: 36 Diapers, $ 11.99 ? : ¢ per diaper Brand B: 50 Diapers, $11.49? : ¢ per diaper Note: Rounding to the nearest tenth of a cent is the same as rounding to the nearest thousandth of a dollar.Which is the better buy?


It is required that you find the unit price in cents per diaper.

To do this, convert the prices in dollars to cents by multiplying by 100.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \$11.99=11.99\times100\text{ cents} \\ =1199¢ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \$11.49=11.49\times100\text{ cents} \\ =1149¢ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, divide the respective prices in cents by the corresponding number of diapers:

For brand A:

[tex]\frac{1199}{36}\approx33.3¢\text{ per diaper}[/tex]

For brand B:

[tex]\frac{1149}{50}=22.98\approx23.0¢\text{ per diaper}[/tex]

Next, notice that Brand B has a lower unit price. Hence, it is the better buy.

Brand B is the better buy,

a circle with radius 12 mm is rotated around a diameter what is the volume of the solid formed


Volume of a sphere

We know that the radius of the sphere will be equal to the radius of the circle:

Since the equation for the volume of the sphere is:

[tex]V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/tex]

where r is the radius

r = 12 mm


π = 3.1416

We can replace it:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3 \\ \downarrow \\ V=\frac{4}{3}\pi\cdot(12\operatorname{mm})^3 \\ \downarrow\text{ since}(12\operatorname{mm})^3=1728\operatorname{mm}^3 \\ V=\frac{4}{3}\pi\cdot1728\operatorname{mm}^3 \\ \downarrow\text{ since }\frac{4}{3}\cdot1728=2304 \\ V=2304\pi\operatorname{mm}^3 \\ \downarrow\text{ since }\pi=3.1416 \\ V=7238.2\operatorname{mm}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]Answer

Then, the volume is given by

2304π mm³


7238.2 mm³

Compare each pair of rationals using a <, >, or =. 7. 3/4 ____ 7/10 8. -1.6 ____ 0.3 9. 2.8 ____ 5/2



To know when a fraction is greater than another, the following procedure must be done, they must be multiplied by a cross and the result in whole number will determine which of the two is greater.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7.\frac{3}{4}\text{ }>\frac{7}{10}=(3\times10)=30(4\times7)=28 \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

7.You must first cross multiply the denominator of the first fraction with the number of the second fraction, then multiply the denominator of the second fraction with the numerator of the first fraction,So you will have the exact answer of which is the greatest.

[tex]8.\text{ -1.6 }<0.3[/tex]

8.Every negative number that moves away from zero is always less than zero.

9.To compare or know which is greater if a decimal or a fraction we must divide the fraction between itself and this will give me a decimal, now if I can compare;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5}{2}=2.5_{} \\ \text{Now }compare\text{ the two decimals:} \\ 2.8>2.5; \end{gathered}[/tex]

that is, 2.8 is greater than the fraction 5/2

Solve the equation 4x= 36


We are given the following equation


Let us solve the equation for x

Divide both sides of the equation by 4 (this operation will cancel out the 4 on the left side)

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4x=36 \\ \frac{4x}{4}=\frac{36}{4} \\ x=\frac{36}{4} \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of x is 9

Answer: x = 9

Step-by-step explanation: 4 x 9 = 36

Will anyone be willing to help me with this? i’ll give 10 points


Only first table correctly represents y as a function of x where each value of x is mapped to a unique value of y.

What is a function?

A function is defined from a set x to a set y where each element of x receives exactly one element of y. The set x is referred to as the function's domain, while the set y is referred to as the codomain of the function. A popular representation of this connection is y = f(x), which is pronounced "f of x."

Consider the first table:

Any value of x is mapped to a single value of y. Therefore first table represents a function.

Consider the second table:

For x = -50, there are 2 different values of y which are 50 and -50. Therefore second table does not represent a function.

Consider the third table:

For x = 21, there are 4 different values of y. Therefore third table does not represent a function.

Consider the fourth table:

For x = -25, there are 2 different values of y which are 30 and 20. Therefore fourth table does not represent a function.

To learn more about functions visit the below link:



I need to know if A and B are CORRECT and I need HELP WITH C


The sum of all angles of a triangle is always equal to 180°. Therefore, looking at triangle A we have 3 angles, 53°, 68°, and x. The sum of them will be 180:



Now we solve it for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=180-53-68 \\ \\ x=59\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]


Same thing here, the angles are 46°, 71°, and x, the sum is equal to 180°:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+46+71=180 \\ \\ x=180-46-71 \\ \\ x=63\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]


Now for C, we have the angles x, x again, and 24°, therefore the sum will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+x+24=180 \\ \\ 2x+24=180 \\ \\ 2x=180-24 \\ \\ 2x=156 \\ \\ x=\frac{156}{2} \\ \\ x=78\degree \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answers:

a) x = 59°

b) x = 63°

c) x = 78°

Find the volume of the solid. Use 22/7 for II


We have a rectangular solid prism. The formula to find the volume of this prism is as follows:



• l = length,. In this case, we have that ,l = 6cm,.


• w = width,. In this case, we have that ,w = 5cm,.


• h = height,. In this case, ,h = 1cm,.

Then, we have:

[tex]V=6\operatorname{cm}\cdot5\operatorname{cm}\cdot1\operatorname{cm}=30\text{cubic cm.}[/tex]

Therefore, the value for the volume of the rectangular prism is equal to 30 cubic centimeters (30cm³) (30 cubic cm) (last option).

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Complete the following: 1, Jabomplete the squares for each quadratic, list the center and radius, then graph each circle (a labeling its translated center: (a) r2 + 2x + y2 - 4y = 4 (c) 2x2 + 2y2 + 3x - 5y = 2 (e) r2 + y2 + 3x = 4 (g) x + y2 + 4x = 0 (1) r + y2 + 2mx - 2ny = 0 (b) x2 + y2 - 4x = 0 (d) x2 + y2 - 2x - 8y = 8 4x + 4y? - 16x + 24y = -27 (h) x + y? - 7y = 0 (i) x + y2 - 2ax + 2by = c Determine which of the following equations represents a circle with a real non-zero radiu a) r? + y + 10x = -30 (b) 3x2 + 3y? - 11x = -91 4x + 4y + 18-8y = -85 (d) 36x* + 36y- 36x + 48y = -16 the equation of the circle which accen 2 and is concentric What is an equation for each translation of y=|x|?1. 4 units up2. 7 units down Gerund or Not Gerund Frowning, aging, swimming, hanging, whining, offering. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!72 points!! HELP QUICKLY THANK YOU! And example of statistical and non-statistical questions [tex]( - 4x + 2y \leqslant 4 )(x + 4y \ \textgreater \ - 10)[/tex]how do I graph this Review the structure of leaves and the chambers through which gasses move. Why is there air surrounding the mesophyll (spongy) cells inside the leaf? Solve for the missing side lengths.V1045A. Ou = 10/2, vV =10./33B. Ou-20v2, v =1033c. Ou = 20v2, v =10D. Ou = 10v2, v = 10 The diagram shows two parallel lines cut by a transversal. One angle measure is shown.do8ab5499coFind the values of a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. Halley's Comet appears in the sky once every 75 years it last appeared in 1986 two students wrote Expressions to find out which years after 1986, will appear.Julian says 75 Casey says 1986+75xWhose expression is correct and why?A) Neither expression is correct, because the correct expression is 75 + 1986x.B)Both expressions are correct because both show that appears every 75 years.D) Julian's expression is correct, because it shows that the comet appears every 75 years. The hear it last appeared it doesn't matter. Use polynomial identities to factor the polynomial25x^6-100y^4 Which of the following ordered pairs is a solution to the graph of the system of inequalities? Select all that apply(5, 2)(-3, -4)(0, -3)(0, 1)(-4, 1) when instructing a client regarding sublingual application, the nurse should inform the client that which action is contraindicated when administering the drug? Last week, Thor ran 30 laps around the lake. Shaq ran 5/9 as many laps around the lake as Thor did. How many laps around the lake did Shaq run? helllllpppppppppppppppppGraph the function f(x)=3(0.25)x.How can features of the graph be described?Select from the drop-down menus to correctly complete the statements.The function is an example of exponential Choose....As x Choose... without bound, the function approaches y = 0. As x Choose... without bound, the function Choose... without bound. answer this for methe other to answers are c.the slope is 3/2,and the y-intercept is -2d.the slope is 3/2,and the y-intercept is 3 Log5b=1.61 then log5b M Find the range of possible diagonal lengths in a parallelogram with the given side lengths. 4. 3 and 12 5. x and 2x 6. x and x 812a, 25) F C12a + 2c, 25) The area of a parallelogram is given by the formula A=bh, where A is the area, b is the length of a base, and h is the height perpendicular to the base. ABCD is a parallelogram. E, F, G, and Hare the midpoints of the sides. 7. Show that the area of EFGH is half the area of ABCD. G A(0,0) D(200) Given the point A(-3,-2) and B(6, 1),find the coordinates of the point Pon directed line segment ABthat partitions AB in the ratio 2:1. 55. Use the effective tax rate method to calculate the property tax on a $112,500 home. The assessment rate is 43%. The property tax rate is$32.89 per $1,000 of assessed value. Round the effective tax rate to threeplaces. What is the property tax?