55. Use the effective tax rate method to calculate the property tax on a $112,500 home. The assessment rate is 43%. The property tax rate is$32.89 per $1,000 of assessed value. Round the effective tax rate to threeplaces. What is the property tax?


Answer 1

Let's begin by listing out the given information:

Home (Property Value) = $112,500

Assessment rate = 43% = 0.43

Property tax rate = $32.89 per $1,000 of assessed value

The Property tax is calculated using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} AssessedValue=112,500\times0.43=48,375 \\ PropertyTax=\frac{32.89}{1,000}\times48,375=1591.05375\approx1591.05 \\ PropertyTax=\text{ \$}1591.05 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The effective tax is calculated using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} ETR=\frac{TaxesPaid}{TaxableIncome} \\ ETR=\frac{PropertyTax}{AssessedValue}=\frac{1591.05}{48,375}=0.0329 \\ ETR=0.0329=3.29\text{ \%} \\ ETR=3.29\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Related Questions

a firefighter on the ground sees fire break through a window near the top of a building. The angle of elevation to the window seal is 28 degrees. The angle of elevation to the top of the building is 42 degrees. The firefighter is 75 ft from the building and her eyes are 5 feet above the ground. What Ruth window seal distance guess you report by radio to Firefighters on the roof



A firefighter on the ground sees fire break through a window near the top of a building. The angle of elevation to the window seal is 28 degrees. The angle of elevation to the top of the building is 42 degrees. The firefighter is 75 ft from the building and her eyes are 5 feet above the ground. What Ruth window seal distance guess you report by radio to Firefighters on the roof?


There are two big triangles, one of them is that formed by a fireman, the roof and the building foundation plus the height of the fireman as the vertices. So, the opposite side to the 42 degrees angle given is denoted by h_roof, and the adjacent side is 75 ft away from the building:

[tex]h_{roof\text{ }}=\text{ }75.tan(42^{\circ}\text{)}[/tex]

that is:

[tex]h_{roof\text{ }}=\text{ (}75)(0.9004)\text{ = }67.53[/tex]

Now, the other big triangle is formed by the fireman, the window, and the building foundation plus the height of the fireman as vertices:

[tex]h_{WIN}=75.\tan (28)[/tex]

that is:

[tex]h_{WIN}=(75)(0.5317)=\text{ 39.}87[/tex]

then, the difference between the heights is the roof-to-windowsill:

[tex]h=h_{roof}-h_{WIN}=\text{ }67.53-39.87\text{ = }27.66[/tex]

Then, we can conclude that the correct answer is:


solve the system of linear equations by elimination x+2y=13 -x+y=5


To solve the system

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2y=13 \\ -x+y=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we add the two equations to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2y=13 \\ -x+y=5 \\ --------------_{} \\ 0+3y=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dividing both sides by 3 gives


with the value of y in hand, we now put it in -x + y = 5 to get


subtracting 6 from both sides gives


Hence, the solution to the system is

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=1 \\ y=6. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square.x^2+6x-1=0First choose the appropriate form and fill in the blank with the correct numbets. Then, solve the equation. Round your answer to the nerest hundredth. If there is more than one solutions, separate them with commas.




Given the quadratic equation


Step 1: Add 1 to both sides of the equation

x^2+6x-1 + 1 = 0 + 1

x^2 + 6x = 1

Step 2: Complete the square by adding the square of the half of coeficient of x to both sides

Coefficient of x = 6

Half of 6 = 6/2 = 3

Square of 3 = 3^2 = 9

Add 9 to both sides

x^2 + 6x + 3^2 = 1

The diameter is 16 ftwhat's the area the circle?




Step 1

the area of a circle is given by:

[tex]\text{Area}_{circle}=\text{ }\pi\cdot\frac{diameter^2}{4}[/tex]


diameter=16 ft

now, replace

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area}_{circle}=\text{ }\pi\cdot\frac{diameter^2}{4} \\ \text{Area}_{circle}=\text{ }\pi\cdot\frac{(16ft)^2}{4} \\ \text{Area}_{circle}=\text{ }\pi\cdot\frac{256ft^2}{4} \\ \text{Area}_{circle}=201.06ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

2. A right prism has a square base of edge a and altitude h, write the formula for the total surface area


Given the shape in the question the total surface area of a prism is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} ph+2A \\ \text{where p=perimeter of the base} \\ h=\text{height} \\ A=\text{Area of the base} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the right prism is square based, then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{perimeter of a square = 4a where a is the edge of the square} \\ \text{Area of a square= a}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the formula for the total surface area of the prism is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4ah+2a^2 \\ \text{where a is the edge of the square and h is the height} \end{gathered}[/tex]

When a figure is translated its orientation (blank) and the measurements of its angles (blank).The options for both blanks are the same and the options are, remain the same or change


First of all, remember that translation is a transformation which doesn't imply a change of size or shape, that is, the image will be congruent to its image.

Having said that, the complete paragraph would be

When a figure is translated its orientation remains the same and the measurements of its angles remain the same.

The orientation doesn't change because it's defined as the position of points of the figure, these points change its position where we rotate the figure, which is not the case here.

A rectangular shaped parking lot is to have a perimeter of 792 yards if the width must be 168 yards because of a building code what will the length need to be?


The perimeter of rectangular shaped parkin is P = 792 yards.

The width of rectangula parking is w = 168 yards.

The formula for the perimeter of rectangle is,


where l is length.

Substitute the values in the formula to determine the length of rectangular parking.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 792=2(l+168) \\ \frac{792}{2}=l+168 \\ l=396-168 \\ =228 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So length need to be 228 yards.

Write an equation parallel to y = 3x + 6 that passes through the point (4,7).Remember to type the" - "if a number is negative, such as-2.y =X +


The equation that is parallel to y = 3x + 6 has the same slope as y, namely 3; therefore, we already know that the equation we are seeking has the form


Now we just need to solve for the y-intercept b, and to do that we use the point (4, 7 ). Putting x = 4 and y = 7 into the above equation gives

[tex]7=3(4)+b[/tex][tex]7=12+b[/tex][tex]\therefore b=-5[/tex]

Hence, the equation that is parallel to y = 3x + 6 that passes through the point (4,7) is


The value of an antique car is modeled by the function



when we are modeling increments using functions the standard form should be


In which A represents the initial value and r represents the rate it is increasing per year.

In this case to find what is the increment per year we equal what is inside the parentheses

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1+r=1.004 \\ r=1-1.004 \\ r=0.004 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now this decimal can be represented as a percentage if we multiply by 100

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{\%r}=0.004\cdot100 \\ \text{\%r=0.4\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

It is increasing by 0.4% per year.

1.X: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2Y: -7, -2, 1, -2, -7Domain:Range:Function: Yes Or no?


We have

X: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2

Y: -7, -2, 1, -2, -7

the domain is the set of all the possible values for x, in this case, we have

{-2, -1, 0, 1, 2}

the range is the set of all possible values of y in this case we have

{-7, -2, 1}

With this information, we can say it is a function,

When Ryan runs the 400 meter dash, his finishing times are normally distributedwith a mean of 65 seconds and a standard deviation of 2 seconds. If Ryan were to run.36 practice trials of the 400 meter dash, how many of those trials would be between63 and 65 seconds, to the nearest whole number?



Step 1

Dalvin's finishing time is normally distributed with a mean of 65 seconds and a standard deviation of 1 second.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mean }\mu\text{ = 65} \\ Standard\text{ deviation }\sigma\text{ = 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

Under the empirical rule, 68% of the results will be within 1 standard deviation.

Step 3

Since the standard deviation is 1 second, 68% of Dalvin's finishing time will be between 63 and 65 seconds.

Final answer


The sum of the catheters in a triangle is 27 cm. The corresponding catheter in another right-angled triangle, uniform with the first one, is 2cm and 7cm. Calculate the area of the first triangle.


Given: The sum of the catheters in a triangle is 27 cm

To Determine: The area of the triangle


Please note the below

Let the first cathetus be x, then the second cathetus would be

[tex]\begin{gathered} c_1=x \\ c_2=27-x \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the second right triangle

[tex]\begin{gathered} c_1=2 \\ c_2=7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the two right triangles are corresponding to each other, then the ratio of their cathethers are equal


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x}{27-x}=\frac{2}{7} \\ 7x=2(27-x) \\ 7x=54-2x \\ 7x+2x=54 \\ 9x=54 \\ x=\frac{54}{9} \\ x=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the cathethers for the first right triangle would be

[tex]\begin{gathered} c_1=x:c_2=27-x \\ c_1=6 \\ c_2=27-6 \\ c_2=21 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Note that the catheters formed the base and the height of the first triangle. The area of a triangle can be calculated using the formula below

[tex]\begin{gathered} Area(triangle)=\frac{1}{2}\times base\times height \\ Area(triangle)=\frac{1}{2}\times6cm\times21cm \\ Area(triangle)=3cm\times21cm \\ Area(triangle)=63cm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the area of the first triangle is 63cm²

if like bc is parallel to line AD what is the measure of BAD


[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle ABC\text{ and }\angle CAD\text{ are supplementary angles } \\ \text{Therefore,} \\ \angle ABC+\angle CAD=180\text{ degree} \\ \angle ABC=3x-7 \\ \angle CAD=2x+32 \\ 3x-7+2x+32=180 \\ 5x+25=180 \\ 5x=180-25 \\ 5x=155 \\ x=\frac{155}{5} \\ x=31 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Therefore,} \\ \angle BAD=2x+32 \\ \angle BAD=2(31)+32 \\ \angle BAD=62+32 \\ \angle BAD=94\text{ degrees} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Given the area of triangle AEC=63cm^2, find the area of triangle ABC.


We are given that the area of triangle AEC = 63 centimeters squared.

Since segment CD equals segment DB that means that triangle CDA and triangle BDA have the same area, and also triangle CDE and triangle BDE have the same area. This means mathematically the following:

[tex]A_{\text{ADC}}-A_{\text{AEC}}=A_{\text{ADB}}-A_{\text{AEB}},\text{ (1)}[/tex]


[tex]A_{\text{ADC}}=A_{\text{ADB}},\text{ (2)}[/tex]

Replacing equation (1) in equation (2)






Since segments DE and EA is the same, then:






We have:


therefore, the area of the triangle is:


Replacing the known values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_{\text{ABC}}=68+68+68+68=4(68) \\ A_{\text{ABC}}=272\operatorname{cm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need help with my math


The Slope of a Line

Suppose we know the line passes through points A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2). The slope can be calculated with the equation:

[tex]\displaystyle m=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex]

The graph provided suggests the use of the points (3,-3) and (5,-3). The slope is:

[tex]\displaystyle m=\frac{-3+3}{5-3}=\frac{0}{2}=0[/tex]

The slope of the line is 0. It corresponds to a horizontal line

Expand 4(y + 5).4(y+5)= 1





We want to expand the expression:


To do this, we apply the distributive property:

[tex]a(b+c)=(a\cdot b)+(a\cdot c)[/tex]

Therefore, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (4\cdot y)+(4\cdot5) \\ 4y+20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

The equation V=15200(0.93) t V=15200 (0.93)t represents the value (in dollars) of a car t years after its purchase


We will have the following:

[We can see a constant compound of the decrease in price]

The value of this car is decreasing at a rate of 7 percent.

The purchase price of the car was 15 200 dollars.

if anyone could help me on #17 i would appreciate it!



[tex]f(x)=-\lvert x-7\rvert+2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The function that was transformed is:

[tex]f(x)=\lvert x\rvert[/tex]

If it reflects in the x-axis, shift 7 units to the right, and shift upward 2 units, we need to know the transformation rules for these displacements:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ -f(x) reflects the function in the x-axis (upside-down)} \\ f(x-b)\text{ shifts the function b units to the right.} \\ \text{ f(x)+b shifts the function b units upward.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, with this in mind, the equation of the function transformed would be:

[tex]f(x)=-\lvert x-7\rvert+2[/tex]

In some states, the amount of sales tax on an item is found by multiplying the cost of the item by 0.07. Find the sales tax of a DVD that costs $23.99. O $1.67 $1.68 $16.79 O $0.17


DVD = $23.99

Sales tax = (23.99 x 0.07)

= 1,679 = $1.68

Managers of a sports arena’s parking garage keep track of the duration of time customers park their cars there. Shown in the stem and - leaf display below is a sample of 15 such parking duration (in minutes). Use the display to answer the questions that follow.


Step 1

A Stem and Leaf Plot is a special table where each data value is split into a "stem" (the first digit or digits) and a "leaf" (usually the last digit).

[tex]198\text{ Minutes}[/tex]

Step 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} In\text{ the 180s, we have;} \\ 182,183,186,189\text{ minutes} \\ The\text{ shortest parking duration in the 180's is 182} \\ Answer=182\text{ Minutes} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

[tex]\begin{gathered} In\text{ the 160's, we have; 160,164,164} \\ Answer=3\text{ } \end{gathered}[/tex]

Time(wki469Height ofplant (in)9.013.520.25Find the rate of change for weeks 40le and 69.Explain the meaning of the rate of change for each case.


[tex]\begin{gathered} slope_1=slope_2=2.25 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


Step 1

when you have 2 coordinates ( A and B), the slope of the line that passes thought those point is given by



[tex]\begin{gathered} A=(x_1,y_1) \\ B=(x_2,y_2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

A and B are 2 known points of the line

Step 2

so, the slope represents the rate of change

i)the rate of change for 4-6 weeks


A=(4 ,9)



[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ slope_1=\frac{13.5-9}{6-4}=\frac{4.5}{2}=2.25 \\ slope_1=2.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

ii)the rate of change for 6-9weeks





[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{slope}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \text{slope}=\frac{20.25-13.5}{9-6}=\frac{6.75}{3}=2.25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the slope represents the rate of change, it means for every case the plant is growing at a constant rate (2.25 inches per week)

I hope this helps you

2727. Boat Y and boat Z start traveling toward each other from 600 mile apart. Y istraveling at 35 mph, Z at 40 mph. How many hours will pass before theymeet?a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 102828. Refer to problem 27. Y and Z start traveling toward each other from 600miles apart. Y is traveling at 35 mph, Z at 40 mph. How many miles will Ytravel before they meet?a. 400 b. 320 c. 350 d. 280



Speed of boat Y is 35 mph and speed of boat Z is 40 mph.

Both the boats are 600 miles a part.

2. You pay $18.00 for 30 text messages. At the same rate, how much would 12text messages cost?17


$18 for 30 messages

Ratio = price / messages = 18/30

For 12 messages:

Price / messages = x /12

Equal both ratios:

18/30 = x /12

Solve for x:

0.6 (12) = x

$7.2 = x

$7.2 for 12 messages

if m=24 and v=4 p=mv


p = 96  is the product of m = 24 and v = 4

What is multiplication ?

In mathematics, a product is the outcome of multiplication, or an expression that identifies the things to be multiplied, known as factors.


m = 24

v = 4

p = mv

p = 24 * 4 = 96

p = 96

learn more about multiplication here :



Hi, can you help me with this problem?A manufacturer has a monthly fixed cost of $42,500 and a production cost of $6 for each unit produced. The product sells for $11/unit.(a) What is the cost function?C(x)= (b) What is the revenue function?R(x)=(c) What is the profit function?P(x)= (d) Compute the profit (loss) corresponding to production levels of 6,000 and 11,000 units.P(6,000)=P(11,000)=



Fixed cost = b = $ 42,500

Production cost (Variable cost) /unit = m = $ 6/ unit

Let 'x' represent the number of unit, therefore the variable cost will be


a) The cost function will be the sum of the fixed cost and the variable cost.


b) The revenue function is the amount the product is sold per unit.

Recall: 'x' represents the number of units.


[tex]11\times x=11x[/tex]

Hence, the revenue function R(x) is


c) The profit function is the difference between the revenue function and the cost function.


Hence, the profit function is


d) Let us compute the profit (loss) values when the units are 6000 and 11000

Using the profit function



[tex]\begin{gathered} P(6000)=5(6000)-42500=30000-42500=-\text{ \$12500} \\ P(11000)=5(11000)-42500=55000-42500=\text{ \$12500} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} P(6000)=-\text{ \$12500 (which is a loss)} \\ P(11000)=\text{ \$12500 (this is a profit)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Cook-It rice cooker has a mean time before failure of 42 months with a standard deviation of 3 months, and the failure times are normally distributed. What should be the warranty period, in months, so that the manufacturer will not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned? Round your answer down to the nearest whole number.



From the statement, we have a normal distribution with:

• variable X = time before failure,


• mean μ = 42 months,


• standard deviation σ = 3 months.

We want to know for how much time the manufacturer will not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned. So this is equivalent to finding the value x such that the probability of failure is lower than 9%:

[tex]P(X\leq x)=9\%=0.09.[/tex]

We can compute this probability using the z-scores:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(Z\leq z)=0.09, \\ z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\Rightarrow x=\mu+\sigma\cdot z=42+3\cdot z. \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have the following table for z-scores:

The entries in the table represent the area under the curve, i.e. the probability. We must look for the closest value to the probability of 0.09. From the table, we see that the closest value to this probability is 0.091:

For this value we see that we have the z-score:


Replacing this value in the equation for x from above, we get:


So we have found that for x = 37.98, we have:

[tex]P(X\leq x=37.98)=9\%=0.09.[/tex]

This means that by a time x = 37.98 months, only 9% of the cookers will fail have failed. So the manufacturer must set a warranty period of 38 months to not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned.


The manufacturer must set a warranty period of 38 months to not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned.

You roll a six-sided die. What is the probability that it is an odd number or greater than three? Round your answer to the nearest thousandth. The probability is about


the total possible outcome of a die is 6

n(T) = 6

the sample space {1,2,3,4,5,6}

the odd numbers are {1,3,5}

thus n(O) = 3

numbers greater than 3 are {4,5,6}

thus n(>3) = 3

the probability of getting an odd number or a number greater than 3

is Pr(O) U Pr(>3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pr\text{ (O) = }\frac{n(O)}{n(T)}=\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2} \\ Pr(>3)\text{ = }\frac{n(>3)}{n(T)}=\text{ }\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pr\text{ (O U >3) = Pr(O) + Pr(>3)} \\ \text{ = }\frac{1}{2}\text{ + }\frac{1}{2}\text{ = 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

the probabilty of that it is an odd number or a number greater than 3 is 1.000 (nearest thousandth)

What is the probability that a customer selected at random was male and purchased a SUV?



A table


The probability that a customer selected at random was male and purchased an SUV.


The probability of getting a male with an SUV is given by

The total number of males divided by the total number of people and multiply by the number of SUVs divided by the total number of cars


Final Answer:


LEARNING OBJECTIVE Determine a vertical Horizontal or oblique asymptole of a rational functionWhich of the following rational functions will have a graph with a horizontal asymptote of y=09nh7x) =2x + 4b.)4x) - 2x + 23x - 1c.)3x - 2x2x+X-1d.)2x - 83x+x+1


We need to find a vertical asymptote. This means, when we are approaching a value X, then Y becomes infinite or -infinite

A rational function R(x) = p(x) / q(x) will have a vertical asymptote at x=r when r is substituted in for x it makes the denominator zero but not the numerator

option a) oblique asymptote

option b) we have both horizontal (at y=0) and vertical (at x=-1) asymptotes

Option c)

option d) horizontal asymptote

What is 3ln5x=10? I have a test






Step-by-step explanation:

Decimal Form:x=5.60632497

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