which is not a characteristic of socialism? group of answer choices collective motives rather than private investment.


Answer 1

Private ownership of productive resources are not a characteristic of socialism.

What are the characteristics of socialism?Socialist principles include open access to products and services, production for use rather than profit, equal distribution of wealth and material resources among all people, and the end of market competition.Socialism is a left-wing economic ideology and movement that embraces a variety of economic systems distinguished by the predominance of social ownership over private ownership of the means of production.greater equality, a planned economy, and public ownership of income-producing assets as opposed to private ownershipIn a socialist society, each member of the community receives an equal portion of the numerous resources that are produced, distributed, and traded. A democratic type of government can offer this kind of ownership.

Learn more about socialism refer to :



Related Questions

the noncash assets were sold for $134,000. which partner(s) would have had to contribute assets to the partnership to cover a deficit in his or her capital account?


Abrams and Creighton would have had to contribute assets to the partnership to cover a deficit in their capital account. Therefore, option (E) is the correct answer.

A partnership is a legally binding agreement between two or more individuals to run a business and split the profits. Partnership arrangements come in many different forms. Particularly in a partnership business, all partners equally share obligations and rewards, although in other businesses, partners may have limited accountability. The so-called "silent partner" is another option, in which one party does not participate in the day-to-day management of the company.

A partnership, broadly speaking, can be any project that several parties work on together. Governments, nonprofit organisations, for-profit companies, and private individuals could be the parties. A partnership's objectives can also differ greatly.

In the given question, the capital account of the given partners are given in the form of an image.

Learn more about Partnership here: https://brainly.com/question/14034519


Complete question:

The Abrams, Bartle, and Creighton partnership began the process of liquidation with the following balance sheet: Picture Abrams, Bartle, and Creighton share profits and losses in a ratio of 3:2:5. Liquidation expenses are expected to be $12,000. The noncash assets were sold for $134,000. Which partner(s) would have had to contribute assets to the partnership to cover a deficit in his or her capital account?

A. Creighton.

B. Bartle.

C. Abrams and Bartle.

D. Abrams and Creighton.

E. Abrams.

The revenue function of a company that sells gaming consoles is r(x) = 6x2 + 100x + 300. The cost function is c(x) = 25x + 100. Which function describes the profit function of the company?.


6x^2+75x+200 is the correct answer and the function that describes the profit function of the company.

What exactly is profit?

Profit is the amount of money you have after covering business expenses. Gross, operational, and net profits are the three basic categories of profit. The largest is gross profit. It displays the amount of money that was left over after paying for the sold goods and services.

What does profit mean in terms of business?

In its most basic form, it is the sum that remains after deducting all of your expenses from all of your revenues. Your residual profits can either be reinvested in the company to fund future expansion or released as a draw or dividend to shareholders.

To know more about Profit visit:



jake is unhappy that his lease was extended automatically. what lease provision should jake review closely to ensure it is enforceable?


Jake is dissatisfied that his lease was automatically renewed. Jake should carefully examine the automatic lease agreement to make sure it is enforceable.

A lease is defined as a legal arrangement whereby the owner of an asset leases that asset to the lessee for a fixed or variable amount over a fixed or flexible period of time in exchange for payment. An implicit or written lease outlines the terms and conditions under which a lessor agrees to rent out a piece of property for use by a lessee. The lessee will have access to the property for the agreed amount of time, and the owner will continue to be paid during that time, as per the agreement. A lease is an enforceable contract that specifies the terms under which one party agrees to rent property owned by another party.

Learn more about lease  from



what is the first step in the organizing process? group of answer choices determining the specific activities needed to implement plans assigning work to specific employees grouping work activities into a logical structure coordinating the work of different groups and employees within a firm


Determining the specific activities needed to implement plans is the first step in the organizing process. Therefore, the option A holds true.

Organizing can be referred to or considered as one of the most integral process involved under the different functions of management. It identifies the plans and then further determines the activities that are to be performed in order to lead to a successful implementation of the plans. In fact, these activities are the initial process in the function of organizing.

Learn more about organizing here:



A majority of economists believe that in the long run, real economic variables and nominal economic variables behave independently of one another. For example, an increase in the money supply, a nominal variable, will cause the price level, a nominal variable, to increase but will have no long-run effect on the quantity of goods and services the economy can produce, a nominal variable. The distinction between real variables and nominal variables is known as ______


The nominal, nominal, real, and the classical dichotomy are terms used to describe the division between real and nominal variables.

What do variables mean by nominal?

An attribute that is being measured is given a name, a label, or a classification using a nominal variable. The descriptive values it employs to describe the several categories have no intrinsic ordering.

Real and nominal variables: what are they?

Real variables are from which inflation and/or price impacts have been eliminated. Nominal variables, on the other hand, are those where the impacts of inflation have been taken into account. As a result, inflation and price changes have an impact on numeric data but not real ones.

To know more about nominal variables visit:



samuel's company is in the following situation: what is the average cost at samuel's company? $20.00 $5.63 $34.37 $14.37


The average cost at samuel's company is the Q = 20. They are the  total revenue are the amount are the given.

What is company?

The term "company" refers to legal entities that are lawfully registered under the Company Act. The company's major goal is to increase profits while maintaining goodwill. With the assistance of management, the organization was flawlessly run. Employees are compensated by the company.

Because the price may be calculated using the total revenue and quantity. The overall sales is the combination of the quantity and the price. So, dividing total revenue by quantity yields the price level value.

Q = TR / P

Q = 142000 / 7100

Q = 20.

As a result, the average cost at samuel's company is the Q = 20. They are the  total revenue are the amount are the given.

Learn more about on company, here:



True or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


It is accurate to say that trade secrets have an endless shelf life.

The duration of trade secret protection is unlimited (patents last in general for up to 20 years). Trade secrets do not require registration and can persist as long as the secret is kept from the public (though keeping the information confidential may entail high costs in certain cases).

Are trade secrets subject to a time limit?

Since a trade secret has no expiration date, a company may employ one to preserve a competitive edge for as long as the company upholds the trade secret' confidentiality. Any corporate procedure or practice that is typically unknown to parties outside the organization is considered a trade secret.

To know more about trade secrets visit:-



on july 8, jones inc. issued an $70,000, 7%, 120-day note payable to miller company. assume that the fiscal year of jones ends july 31. using a 360-day year, what is the amount of interest expense recognized by jones in the current fiscal year? when required, round your answer to the nearest dollar.


Jones recognizes $313 as interest expense on the note payable in the current fiscal year.

What is a note payable?

A liability account that is recorded in a company's general ledger is called notes payable. It is the place when borrowers formally commit themselves to paying back lenders. On the other hand, the lender would note this identical written guarantee in their account for notes receivable.

The amount of interest expense recognized by jones in the current fiscal year is calculated as:-

It is assumed that the fiscal year ends on July 31.

There are 23 days between the note payable issued i.e. July 8 and the end of the fiscal year on July 31st.

Principal amount = $70,000

Rate= 7%

Interest = Principal x Rate x Time

 =$70,000 x 7% x 23/360

=$70,000 x 0.07 x 23/360


Therefore, Jones recognizes $313 as interest expense on the note payable for the current fiscal year.

To learn more about note payable, click here:



government, church, and military organizations are based on a (n) structure. they have many layers of managers and red tape. a. horizontal b. open c. boundaryless d. traditiona


Organizations like the government, religion, and military are built on a (n) traditiona structure. They have a lot of red tape and numerous layers of management.

A Latin or Eastern Catholic ecclesiastical jurisdiction known as a military ordinariate is in charge of offering pastoral care to Catholics serving in a nation's armed forces. They had a status similar to that of apostolic vicariates, which are led by bishops who are granted power by the Pope, and were referred to as "military vicariates" up until 1986. The apostolic constitution Spiritual militia curae of April 21, 1986, which declared that the bishop in charge of one of them is a "ordinary," exercising authority purely based on his position and not through delegation from another person in authority, improved their standing. Dioceses and the military vicariates were contrasted.

Learn more about military from



Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors, therefore they take an advantage of its competition.

What are the competitors in the financial services industry?

Basically, a competition means the situation in a market in which firms or sellers independently strive for the patronage of buyers in order to achieve a particular business objective, for example, for profits, sales and market share. In context, the competition is often equated with rivalry. It is also defined as a scenario where different economic firms are in contention to obtain goods that are limited by varying the elements of the market.

Most banks compete not only with each other, but with variety of other financial services providers including trust companies, life insurance companies, finance companies, federal and provincial credit unions and caisses populaires, federal and provincial financial agencies and financial technology companies.

Read more about competitors



explain how an increase in u.s. and canadian intraindustry trade altered the level of productivity in the affected canadian sector. what were canada's motives for proposing and signing the canadian-u.s. free trade agreement?


Canada's motives for proposing and signing the canadian-u.s. free trade agreement are : -

Reduced Tariffs : Studies have found that these lowered tariff barriers have generally resulted in increased trade: “Other than in automobiles and parts and petroleum, trade between the two countries has grown more quickly in those sectors liberalized by the Canada-US FTA than in those not liberalized.

Increased stability : Second, trade has benefited from increased stability that has resulted from the “significant bilateral regime, particularly in the realm of trade and investment, with its own principles, norms, and rules, as well as some institutions,” that have been put in place to deal with and manage this increased trade  These have lowered transaction costs and reduced uncertainty.

Productivity : Regardless, Canada has not experienced a convergence in productivity rates with the United States, whose productivity growth has outstripped Canada’s, although it seems that productivity increases were most significant in those industries most affected by the FTA.

Stand of living : it is very likely that there were some transitional job losses as tariffs fell, in some cases from more than 20% to zero in the short space of a decade.  On the other hand, jobs were undoubtedly created by the FTA-induced export expansion, although credit for the export boom has to be shared with our depreciating dollar and other forces.

Trade involves dealings in items or services on a normal foundation. One unmarried transaction of sale or buy does no longer represent business. earnings incomes. one of the fundamental reason of enterprise is to earn profits.

Learn more about trades here :-



which type large-business software can handle tasks as diverse as manufacturing and quality control to accounting and human resources?


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software program that supports automation and business processes in a variety of areas, including finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, and procurement.

ERP software systems provide the automation, integration, and intelligence required to efficiently handle all everyday business processes, earning them the moniker "the central nervous system of an enterprise." The bulk or all of an organization's data should be stored in the ERP system in order to provide a single source of truth throughout the whole enterprise.

Finance requires an ERP to quickly close the books. Sales need ERP to manage every client order. Logistics is dependent on the effective use of ERP software in order to provide the right goods and services to customers on time. Accounts Payable needs ERP to correctly and efficiently pay vendors.

To know more about human resources  click here,



With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as LEED Certified Buildings, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots?


Attack Surface term is associated with the issues such as LEED Certified Buildings, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots. The entire number of potential points of entry for unauthorised access into any system is known as the attack surface.

It includes every endpoint and vulnerability that can be used to launch a security attack. An attack vector is a strategy for breaking into a computer system or network without authorization. The entire number of attack Robots that an attacker can use to influence a network or computer system or extract data is known as the attack surface. Through monitoring, scanning, and penetration testing of digital assets.

To learn more about Robots, click here



question content areathe financial loss that each stockholder in a corporation can incur is usually limited to the amount invested by the stockholder. true false


The statement is True. The financial loss that each stockholder in a corporation can incur is usually limited to the amount invested by the stockholder.

Shareholders, or stockholders, are the proprietors of an enterprise's amazing stocks, which represents a residual part of the enterprise's assets and profits in addition to a percent of the employer's balloting strength.

A stockholder is someone who has stocks in a corporation. Stockholders are personally a piece of that agency. if you're a stockholder inside the cutting-edge, best, financially sound new start-up business enterprise, your inventory might be worth numerous money! Stockholders are those who maintain shares — in other phrases, own stocks — in a company.

Learn more about stockholders here https://brainly.com/question/16289143


item38 ebookitem 38 under an installment contract, when does the ucc provide that a buyer/lessee may reject an installment of a particular item?


The broad solution may be found in the UCC under Section 2-612, which allows the buyer to reject any nonconforming installment if the nonconformity cannot be remedied or if it materially reduces the value of that specific installment.


A revocation of acceptance indicates that even if the buyer has acknowledged and claimed ownership of the goods, he still has the option to send them back and receive a refund. If the nonconformity "significantly degrades its worth to him," the buyer may rescind his acceptance in one of two situations: 2-608 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

If the acceptance was caused by a latent fault that could not reasonably have been found prior to acceptance.


If the buyer reasonably believed the nonconformity would be corrected and it is not within a reasonable period.

In a sales contract, the buyer's obligations are to examine, accept, and pay. A waiver of the right to complain occurs when a flaw that an inspection would have found is not found. Normally, the buyer accepts the items as conforming and may reject the entire nonconforming delivery or a portion of it if a problem is discovered.

Learn more about Uniform Commercial Code (UCC):



What are some things to consider when handling and managing a patient's dental records what would happen if a patient's dental records are not handled properly?


Dental records should only contain clinical information. Critical or humorous comments shouldn't be recorded in a patient's file.

It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of a dental office's patient records. The creation and upkeep of adequate patient records are mandated by law for dental practices. If this isn't done, the practice could face serious risks and liabilities. Additionally, a number of laws and regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), mandate the preservation of records for varied amounts of time.

To give patients the best care possible, dental records must be structured, clear, and thorough. Additionally, the documentation of a dental office may be used in a court of law in support of or in opposition to malpractice claims or other civil litigation.

learn more about clinical information here



now that sheila has completed her bachelor's degree, she has decided to pursue her master's degree. sheila's choice of additional education is called an investment in:


Now that Sheila has finished her bachelor's degree, she has determined to pursue her master's degree. Sheila's desire of extra training is referred to as an funding in: A human capital.

The required details about human capital is mentioned in below paragraph.

The time period human capital refers to the monetary price of a people revel in and skills. Human capital consists of property like training, training, intelligence, skills, health, and different matters employers price consisting of loyalty and punctuality. As such, it's far an intangible asset or first-class that isn't (and can not be) indexed on a business enterprise's stability sheet. Human capital is looked as if it would boom productiveness and for this reason profitability. The extra funding a business enterprise makes in its employees, the possibilities of its productiveness and fulfillment end up higher.


Now that Sheila has completed her bachelor's degree, she has decided to pursue her master's degree. Sheila's choice of additional education is called an investment in:

A human capital.

B labor

C financial capital.

D physical capital.

E natural resources

To learn about human capital visit here.



panel b is consistent with a firm in a monopolistically competitive market that is a. in long-run equilibrium. b. not in long-run equilibrium. c. producing its efficient scale of output. d. earning a positive economic profit.


The correct answer is c. producing its efficient scale of output.panel b is consistent with a firm in a monopolistically competitive market that.

One group's sole possession of the resources needed to produce or sell a good or a service: "Monopoly typically... results through government assistance or from collusive agreements among people" (Milton Friedman). 2. a. A business, organization, or person who has sole control over a commercial operation. Industries with monopolistic competition include those in restaurants, hair salons, home goods, and clothes. Numerous rival businesses compete to sell, advertise, and price goods like dish soap and hamburgers.A monopoly is a market arrangement where one seller dominates the whole market because he is providing a distinct good or service. Monopolistic competition, on the other hand, is a competitive market with a small number of customers and sellers who provide similar replacements.

To learn more about monopolistically click the link below:



the process of developing an approximate and best guess of the monetary value of resources needed to complete all project activities is known as:


The process of estimating the cost of the financial resources required to accomplish project operations is known as cost estimation. Cost estimation is a claim that quantifies the expense paid in producing finished goods.

The approximate cost of a project, program, or operation is known as a cost estimate. The end result of the cost estimating procedure is the cost estimate. The cost estimate has one total value and perhaps one or more separate component values. A competent, trustworthy, and precise cost estimate will help you prevent a problem with a cost overrun. The expert who creates cost estimates is known as a cost estimator. Cost estimators come in several varieties, and their titles may be followed by a modifier like "building estimator," "electrical estimator," or "chief estimator." Cost estimates may also be created by or with input from other experts, including as quantity surveyors and cost engineers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there were 185,400 cost estimators in the US in 2010. In the UK, there are about 75,000 professional quantity surveyors at work.

Learn more about cost estimation here



What is the importance of having different communicative strategies in a certain situations?


Communicative strategies are important in various situations so that the proper message is dispersed to everyone.

It is important to have different communicative strategies in different situations because each situation may require a unique approach in order to effectively communicate with others. For example, in a professional setting, it may be important to use formal language and a clear, concise communication style in order to convey information accurately and effectively.

In a personal setting, on the other hand, a more informal and friendly communication style may be more appropriate. Having a variety of communicative strategies allows the person to adapt to different situations and communicate effectively with others.

Read more about Communicative strategies on:



the idea that individuals would contribute according to their abilities and receive benefits according to their needs supports which type of economy?


Communist based economy is the type of economy that the idea that individuals would contribute according to their abilities and receive benefits according to their needs supports.

What are the characteristics of a communist economic system?Common ownership of the means of production and unrestricted access to consumer goods are characteristics of a communist society, which is frequently classless, stateless, and moneyless and signifies the end of labor exploitation.Since the government controls the economic system in a communist society, economic instability is not a possibility. Every citizen must put in labor to qualify for benefits; those who don't face equivalent penalties. This encourages participation and promotes economic expansion.China and Cuba are two of the prime instances of communism or a communist economy. The Communist Party of China, formally known as the People's Republic of China, is the only political force in power in China. The National People's Congress, the president, and the State Council each have a portion of the power.

Learn more about communist economic system refer to :



fx services granted 18.0 million of its $1 par common shares to executives, subject to forfeiture if employment is terminated within two years. the common shares have a market price of $7 per share on the grant date. ignoring taxes, what is the effect on earnings in the year after the shares are granted to executives?


The shares are granted to executives.From the aforementioned query, we can infer the following 17.5 million common shares were granted. Price per ordinary share is $1. Common share prices currently trade at $7.

We estimate the impact on revenue for the year.

following the issuance of shares to executives as

follows 7 times $17.5 million => 122,500,000 divide this by the number of years, do the following the common share is forfeitable in the event the end of employment.

=> 122,500,000/2

=> $61,250,000

Share refers to the percentage of the firm owned by the man who purchased the share. It's a method of raising money for the company when it is required.The whole cost of compensation for restricted shares is determined by dividing the fair value of each share by how many shares were distributed to executives, which $8 per share, or $15 million, is the equivalent. The $120 million in compensation will cost in total be divided equally throughout the three years of vesting.

To know more about executive visit:



if a customer chooses not to keep a defective shipment of garments or shoes, at best you may be able to negotiate a quick replacement. at worst, you receive a canceled order. if procurement is able to keep track of the loss gross margins that defective product returns has on profitability, this is an example of how purchasing affects which value dimension? innovation agility quality delivery


The Value dimension represents the distinctive types of values stored in your application, and can encompass the enter currency, mother or father currency, adjustments, and consolidation detail such as proportion, elimination, and contribution detail.

Which value dimension is most important?

The most important value dimension that shapes our sense of self is the individualism-collectivism cost dimension. Individuals with an exterior locus of control have a tendency to emphasize free will, character motivation, and personal effort and responsibility.

What are the 5 value dimensions?

According to Hofstede, the 5 most important dimensions are identity, power, gender, uncertainty, and time. You can think about cultural value dimensions on a scale or a continuum, the place one element of the cost lies on one aspect of the scale and the other extreme lies at the different end of the scale.

Learn more about  Value dimension here:


the authority of an agent to perform the duties that are specifically stated in the contract of agency is known as:


Only those actions that have been approved by the principal or a court may be carried out by an agent. Express authority is the power an agent has to carry out the obligations that are clearly outlined in the contract or agency.

The term "authority" in sociology and political science refers to a person or group's legitimate power over others. In a civil state, the government's executive or judicial branches are used to exert power. When it comes to governance, the phrases "authority" and "power" should not be used interchangeably. The terms "authority" and "power" refer to the capacity to carry out an approved task, either through compliance or obedience, and respectively the political legitimacy that confers and defends the ruler's right to exercise governmental power. As a result, "authority" refers to the capacity to make decisions as well as the legal authority to do so and to order their execution. Political authority has been a topic of contention for a long time. 

Learn more about authority from



negligence action by p against d, the owner of a supermarket, after p allegedly slipped on a ketchup spill. d denies there was any ketchup spill. to prove the spill was present, p calls witness, another customer who was in the store at the time, to testify that 15 min before p fell, witness told d's manager that there was ketchup on the floor. same case. suppose witness's statement is only offered to prove that d was aware of the ketchup spill before the accident occurred. hearsay?


No statement is only offered to prove that d was aware of the ketchup spill before the accident occurred.

What to do if you spill ketchup?

Mix half a tablespoon of mild dish soap with 1 cup of cold water. Dip a sponge into the solution and  dab  the stain. Rinse off with a clean sponge and cold water. Repeat until the Ketchup stain removes.

Will  ketchup stains wash off?

Remove  excess ketchup with a spoon or knife without scraping the dough. Avoid dabbing as it  can spread the stain. If the garment is washable, remove it as soon as possible and run cold water over the stain from the back side to press the stain out of the garment.

To know more about Ketchup visit here:



Is Massachusetts has a sales tax of 6 percent and New Hampshire?


If New Hampshire has no sales tax and Massachusetts has a 6% sales tax, purchasing a $1,000 television in New Hampshire will save you $60.

The current state sales tax rate in Massachusetts (MA) is 6.25%. Sales tax is a fee associated with the sale of specific goods and services that is paid to a governing body (local or state). Sales taxes have existed since ancient Egypt, when artwork show the taxation of goods, and were first implemented in the United States in 1921. In 1966, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a general transaction privilege tax. The rate has since increased to 6.25%. You represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a business owner providing taxable goods or services by collecting transaction privilege tax from customers and remitting it to the Department of Revenue. This is a crucial aspect that needs to be emphasised.

learn more about Massachusetts here:



the carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity.a. trueb. false


The carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity, this statement is false.

What is meant by the carrying value of bonds?

The amount that a bond's issuer really owes the bondholder at any particular moment is known as the carrying value or book value of the bond. This is the par value of the bond less any outstanding discounts or including any remaining premiums.

How Is the Carrying Value of a Bond Recorded?

On a company's balance sheet, numerous accounts show information about carrying value. In the Bonds Payable account, face value is shown as a credit balance. Unamortized premium is shown as a credit balance in the liabilities account for Premium on Bonds Payable. The Discount on Bonds Payable contra-liability account shows an unamortized discount as a debit balance. Long-term liability is documented for the present value.

To know more about Carrying Value visit



gregory bought 790 shares of stock at a price of $63 per share. he later sold his stock at a price of $60. what was his total return on his investment? multiple choice


Gregory bought 790 shares of stock at a price of $63 per share. he later sold his stock at a price of $60. The total holding period return on his investment is (-)$2370 in total and (-)$3 loss per share.

What is holding period return?

The overall return earned from owning an asset or portfolio of assets over time—referred to as the holding period—is known as the holding period return and is typically stated as a percentage. Based on overall returns from the asset or portfolio, holding period return is computed (income plus changes in value).

The Cost of acquisition of investment in shares = No. of shares × Per share value = 790 shares × $63 = $49770.

Sale proceeds realized on holding the shares = $60 (Sell value) × 790 Shares = $47400.

Holding period return (numeric value) = Sale Value - Cost Value

                                                                       = $47400 - $49770

                                                                       = - $2370 (negative return)

Holding period return (%) = (Return  ÷ Cost Value) × Holding period

                                          = (-2370 ÷ 49770) × 1 Year (assume)

                                          = - 4.76%

Thus the return on investment is not viable because it has negative outcome.

Learn more holding period return about refer:



which of the following statements are correct? multiple select question. managers generally maintain high debt-to-equity ratios in industries with little financial risk. stockholders generally prefer less debt and more equity. in practice, most debt-to-equity ratios are greater than 3. managers generally maintain high debt-to-equity ratios in industries with high financial risk. stockholders generally approve of high amounts of debt.


Stockholders generally prefer less debt and more equity.

What is meant by debt-to-equity ratio?

The debt-to-equity ratio is a financial metric that shows how much debt and shareholder equity were utilized to finance the assets of a company. The ratio, often known as risk, gearing, or leverage, is closely related to leveraging.

What is a healthy debt-to-equity ratio?

A debt-to-equity ratio of about 2 or 2.5 is typically seen as good, though it differs by industry. This ratio indicates that for every $1 invested in the company, around 66 cents come from debt, while the remaining 33 cents come from the company's equity.

To know more about debt-to-equity ratio, visit:



company 1 has return on assets of 8.2% and a debt to equity ratio of 67.2%. company 2 has return on assets of 6.3% and a debt to equity ratio of 53.4%. based on these ratios, what is generally true about these two companies?


According to the given information, Company 1 has higher profitability and higher risk.

Financially speaking, risk is the possibility that the results or returns on an investment will not match expectations. Risk encompasses the potential for losing a portion or the entirety of a starting investment.

Risk is typically quantified by taking into account past actions and results. A frequent statistic used to measure risk in finance is standard deviation. A measure of asset price volatility in relation to historical averages over a specific time period is provided by standard deviation.

Overall, managing investment risks is possible and wise if one is aware of the fundamentals of risk and how it is calculated.

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____________________ is defined as products that are held and that will be used, at some point, for manufacturing products, completing products, selling to customers, or performing daily operations. why do astronomers think the black hole in our galactic center has the event horizon with the largest angular size? explain the important differences between a. a function call and system call b. execution of a regular function vs execution of the main() function of a process c. a context switch and a mode switch An increase in the international value of the United States dollar will most likely benefit(A) domestic producers of premium wines sold to people in other countries(B) currency traders holding large quantities of yen(C) German citizens vacationing in the United States(D) Canadian citizens expecting to purchase real estate in the United States(E) retired United States citizens living overseas on their social security checks What are the 4 tunnels in Manhattan? What is called theme? Determine whether the following sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither. 1, 4, 9, 16, ... neither geometric arithmetic drugs that promote relaxation without necessarily producing sleep: a.analgesics b.sedatives c.anticonvulsants d.tranquilizers e.anesthetics (the following problems involve using the gas laws.) 1. a 7.89 liter sample of gas has a pressure of 850 torr. what volume will it occupy if the pressure is changed to 457 torr? (760 torr Derek only had time to visit 90% of the exhibits at Aquaworld Aquarium. If Derek visited 36 exhibits, how many exhibits does the aquarium have? For a radical addition reaction involving HBr and propene, sort each reaction step into the following categories: CH3CH=CH2 + HBr CH3CH2CH2Br what is the momentum of a car with a mass of 2,000 kg moving at a constant velocity of 20 m/s?(1 point) Its due today pls help I beg of you spare me the last part cause and effect the unit where a nurse works is undergoing structural changes along with changes in client load and managerial style. the nurse feels disorganized and stressed and is having difficulty sleeping. the nurse wonders if these feelings are related to the changes at work. what next step should the nurse choose in the 4a plan to address this issue? according to the dual-process view of reasoning, judgment and decision making, which mode of thinking operates relatively slowly, deliberately, and in a controlled manner? Describe the changes that occur in the groundwater when the human populationincreases. What can be done to improve water clarity? the parents of a child with hemophilia a ask the nurse about their probability of having another child with hemophilia a. which information is the basis for the nurse's response? What is the structural climax of Hamlet? g absolute advantage is group of answer choices the ability to produce a higher quality output than another producer can. the ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer can. the ability to produce more output from a given quantity of inputs than another producer can. the ability to produce more output than another producer can.