Which gear is best for turning?


Answer 1

The gear is best for turning 2nd gear.

Kate Mandell takes a job as a nanny for two young orphans at an isolated Gothic mansion in the Maine nation-state. She quickly learns that the kids Miles and vegetation are emotionally distant and unstable. when extraordinary activities begin to plague Kate and the siblings, she starts to suspect that the estate's darkish corridors are home to a malevolent entity.

Turning is the maximum common lathe machining operation. at some point in the turning system, a slicing tool removes cloth from the outer diameter of a rotating workpiece. the primary goal of turning is to lessen the workpiece diameter to the preferred dimension. There are two types of turning operations, tough and end.

Learn more about turning here:-https://brainly.com/question/28111469


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Will you recommend cheer dancing as a form of physical activity to develop one's fitness level why 5 pts?


In order to promote proper posture and support the body's trunk, cheering provides a fantastic exercise for the body's core muscles.

I associate cheering with a real sport that has helped me develop my patience, sense of collaboration, compassion, acceptance, and resolve.It's a wonderful aerobic exercise to cheer! High-energy dances must be repeated because cheers normally only last a few minutes. In addition to dance, choreography sometimes includes tumbles, jumps, and even stunts, all of which call for a lot of endurance, especially if you want to smile broadly the entire time!Cheerleading is a great workout for the body's core muscles since it involves a lot of upper body movement, which helps to support good posture and stabilize the trunk. Cheerleading is a great workout to burn calories and become in shape.

Thus the answer is Yes.  

Refer here to learn more about cheerdancing: https://brainly.com/question/29552503


What are the two types of splits?


Which split is simpler, the front or the side? Fewer muscles need to be stretched for the side split from an anatomical ,standpoint.

However, the majority of people assert that getting the front splits is simpler. Standard stretches like lunges and hamstring stretches work the muscles required for the front split A Chinese split, often called a middle split, is a stretch position in which both legs are extended out to the sides. Due of the move's importance in martial arts training and performance, the stance is occasionally referred to as a Chinese split. In a pancake straddle, the knees are pointed straight up while the hips are rotated out of the socket. You might then attempt to flatten your mouth after that.

To learn more about anatomical please click on below link



Does George realize Mary's feelings when they are younger? If George had discovered her feelings earlier, how could that have changed the outcome of the film? in its a wonderful life


Mary never forgot the night at the high school graduation party with George  Bailey dancing the Charleston, falling into the swimming pool, singing “Buffalo Gals” on the stroll home, and George's promise to lasso the moon.

Mary Hatch Bailey is a fictional person in Frank Capra's 1946 film it is a superb existence. She is the lover and later spouse of protagonist George Bailey (performed by using James Stewart as a grownup and Bobby Anderson as a baby). Mary is played by way of Donna Reed as an adult and Jean Gale as a child.

James Stewart plays George Bailey from the age of 21 to 38, from the night of the school dance in 1928 to Christmas 1945. Stewart changed into 37/38 years old at some point in April to July 1946 filming. 25 yr-vintage Donna Reed plays Mary from the age of 18 to 35.

Learn more about George  Bailey  here



What are the 3 purposes of short story?


The purpose of a short story is to impart morale, capture the moment and evoke a certain mood.

Short stories are tiny windows of fiction that pave the way into another person's mind, dreams, and world. It is either told or written in brief words. It is shorter in length with only a few scenes and usually deals with a few characters.

They did not gain much consideration during the olden times. The short story usually has a single concept explained using various scenes. Even though it has limited scope, a short story is often judged by its ability to provide a “complete” or satisfying treatment of its characters and subject.

It is a compact package which normally people prefer nowadays. It highlights only important keywords, is easily readable and shareable, and can attract a larger crowd.


To learn more about Short story,




What are 5 examples of non-fiction?


Nonfiction is a popular category of written work that describes real events.

Nonfiction, or non-fiction, is any record or media content that tries, in proper faith, to offer information grounded most effectively in records and real life, in preference to the imagination.

Nonfiction, or non-fiction, is any report or media content material that attempts, in top faith, to provide statistics grounded most effectively in statistics and real life, rather than in imagination.

In widespread, fiction refers to devices, settings, and characters constructed from creativity, at the same time as nonfiction refers to authentic stories centered on real occasions and those. but, the difference between those genres is occasionally blurred, as the 2 regularly intersect.

Learn more about non-fiction here:-https://brainly.com/question/1152788


please help i will give brainliest

Find one more news story from one of the publications used earlier (The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Harper's Magazine, etc.) and complete one expository paragraph describing the information and providing one response to the event.





DISTILLATION IS A PROCESS that relies on evaporation to purify water. Contaminated water is heated to form steam. Inorganic compounds and large non-volatile organic molecules do not evaporate with the water and are left behind. The steam then cools and condenses to form purified


DISTILLATION IS A PROCESS that relies on evaporation to purify water. Contaminated water is heated to form steam. Inorganic compounds and large non-volatile organic molecules do not evaporate with the water and are left behind. The steam then cools and condenses to form purified


What happened to the people of Malaga Island, Maine?

Check all that apply.

1.Authorities evicted them from the island.
2.The state gave them new homes to live in.
3.Authorities depicted them as inferior due to racist ideas.
4.The state compensated them fairly for their lost homes.
5.The state institutionalized them and performed medical procedures without consent.



Explanation:it's never evicted from the island


Authorities evicted them from the island.

Authorities depicted them as inferior due to racist ideas.

The state institutionalized them and performed medical procedures without consent.


What are 4 types of context clues?


For instance, instances, synonyms, antonyms, and overall sense of a sentence are just a few of the four categories of context clues introduced by Nist and Mohr (2002).

clarifications or definitions


opposites or antonyms.

Use examples or justifications.

A word or phrase in the same sentence or another nearby sentence that can help the reader understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word is known as a context cue. All the words and phrases that are close to a word make up context clues. A word's definition can frequently be determined based on the words around it.

The most frequent type of context clues is a general sense context clue, which enables the reader to deduce a word's meaning from whatever information is provided. The connections between the words are inferred rather than overt.

To learn more about connections  please click on below link



Fiedler’s contingency leadership model argues that leadership behaviors should be primarily determined by position power.
a. True
b. False


False: Fiedler's contingency leadership model contends that positional power should be the primary factor in determining leadership actions.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory states that in order to succeed, a leader must modify their approach in accordance with the circumstances. You may use this model to analyze your own leadership style, evaluate the scenario that calls for leadership, and assess whether you are the best candidate.Scientist Fred Fiedler developed the Fiedler Contingency Model in the middle of the 1960s after researching the nature and traits of leaders. According to the concept, there is no one optimum leadership style. The efficacy of a leader is determined by the circumstances.Consider a basketball team as a first example of using Fiedler's model, as they have a disciplined work, a low amount of authority, and (in principle) strong leader-member connections.

Thus the answer is False.

Refer here to learn more about Fiedler’s contingency leadership model: https://brainly.com/question/29745885




The contour interval of the map is 47.5

The terrain is a hilly terrain and not flat

What is meant by contour interval?

The vertical separation or elevation difference between contour lines is known as a contour interval. Every sixth contour line has an index contour, which is a bolder or thicker line. The height of the terrain also rises if the numbers corresponding to particular contour lines do.

In the previous illustration, 200 divided by 5 lines equals a distance of 100. 200 divided by five equals forty, or forty-unit contour intervals. A 20-unit contour interval would be used if, on the other hand, the elevation difference between the index lines was 100 feet.

1280 - 1090 = 190 /4

= 47.5

The terrain that we have in the question can be said to be a hilly terrain and not a flat terrain from the interval

Read more on contour intervals here: brainly.com/question/18228215


(50 POINTS FRANKENTEIN) (PLS WRITE A GOOD PARAGRAPH OR 2 CER RESPONE CLAIM, EVIDENCE, REASONING)Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein contains three embedded narratives: Robert Walton’s letters to his sister, Victor Frankenstein’s telling of his life story to Walton, and the creature’s telling of his own story to Frankenstein. Why might Shelley have decided to use this nested narrative structure? How does it impact the reader’s experience or interpretation of events in the novel? How does it affect our view of each narrator?



In a series of letters, Robert Walton, the captain of a ship bound for the North Pole, recounts to his sister back in England the progress of his dangerous mission. Successful early on, the mission is soon interrupted by seas full of impassable ice. Trapped, Walton encounters Victor Frankenstein, who has been traveling by dog-drawn sledge across the ice and is weakened by the cold. Walton takes him aboard ship, helps nurse him back to health, and hears the fantastic tale of the monster that Frankenstein created.Victor first describes his early life in Geneva. At the end of a blissful childhood spent in the company of Elizabeth Lavenza (his cousin in the 1818 edition, his adopted sister in the 1831 edition) and friend Henry Clerval, Victor enters the university of Ingolstadt to study natural philosophy and chemistry. There, he is consumed by the desire to discover the secret of life and, after several years of research, becomes convinced that he has found it.


Three of the following statements are comma splices. Choose the one correctly punctuated statement that is not a comma splice.

a ) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, many states are responding by creating laws against it.

b ) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, consequently many states are responding by creating laws against it.

c.) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, and many states are responding by creating laws against it.

d ) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, therefore many states are responding by creating laws against it.


We can see here that the statement that is a correctly punctuated statement which is not a comma splice is: D. Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, therefore many states are responding by creating laws against it.

What is a comma splice?

A comma splice is actually known to be an error seen when writing sentences in English Language whereby two independent clauses are actually joined together with the use of a comma. In literary writing, authors make use of comma splice sometimes to convey a particular mood of informality.

We see that comma splice can also be known as a comma fault. It is usually seen to be a grammatical error found in English writing.

We see here that the selected option is the correct answer. This is because the insertion of the "and" after the comma gives a correct sentence.

 Learn more about comma splice on https://brainly.com/question/12561814


Joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive groupmember-- speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, makinginappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. What steps should be taken to deal effectively with Joshua?
a. Confront Joshua about his disruptive behavior after the councilmeeting
b. Expel Joshua from the council
c. Continue to allow Joshua to dominate conversation so he willrun out of steam
d. Challenge Joshua on every point he makes so he will realizethat he can't bully the council


The ideal choice is (a). After the council meeting, confront Joshua about his obstructive actions.

Which of the following is not thought to be a good idea in a group discussion?

Never should we speak quickly, scream, or stuttered. Asking questions to get more information is better if a topic is unclear. When addressing a crowd, be strong. This is not the place for dominating others.

Participants in group discussions, sometimes known as GDs, talk about ideas or do things. Everyone participating in the debate is linked by a single underlying idea. Based on that premise, each individual in the group expresses their point of view. During the general discussion (GD), a candidate's talents are assessed, including leadership, communication, social and behavioral skills, courtesies, teamwork, and listening.

To know more about Group discussions visit:



What is the number one unsafe behavior that contributes to collisions and violations?


The risky driving practice that increases the risk of crashes and infractions is overspeeding.

As we all know, an object's speed is directly proportional to the distance it travels in a unit of time, so driving any vehicle at an excessive speed reduces the driver's reaction time before a collision and can lengthen the time it takes for the vehicle to stop. As a result, a car traveling at a higher speed will take longer to stop and is more likely to collide with roadside objects. To have control over a car on the road, one must drive it within the speed limit.

Therefore, driving too fast is a dangerous practice that increases the risk of crashes.

To learn more about collisions refer to this link:



Creosote Inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely a. a violation. b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt. c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment. d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source.


Based on the provided information, under the Clean Air Act, the plant not using equipment to reduce its emission is most likely a violation. (Option A)

The Clean Air Act is the primary federal air quality law in the United States, which focuses to reduce and control air pollution nationwide. The act was initially enacted in 1963 and amended several times. It is one of the United States' first and most influential modern environmental laws. The act provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the necessary guidelines and tools to protect individuals from a number of harmful pollutants that can cause health issues, especially in children. It also EPA to establish emissions standards based on technology performance for major sources of hazardous air pollutants, also called air toxics. A plant that does not attempt to reduce its emission is most likely in violation of the standards.

Learn more about Clean Air Act:



Why is BTS music so popular?


It makes people get along with the rhythm and I guess it’s good?

The-author of "A Fateful Journey" altered which historical fact from "Moving to America" in
his description of the immigrants?
A Many immigrants traveled to the United States.
B Some immigrants worked in the coal mines.
C Many immigrants feuded with each other.
D The immigrants came from all over Europe.


The right answer for the above question is Many immigrants feuded with each other.

The author of  "A Fateful Journey" draws on historical information from "Moving to America" to shape his narrative and the overall impact of the work.

How are the historical facts altered?

The author makes a conscious decision on which historical facts will be included, which will be left out, as well as whether or not they need to be changed to make the reading more interesting or appealing to the reader.

Historical reports explain the ship's state and the conditions of the immigrants sailing to America, including how crowded and miserable it was. This knowledge is used by the author to give his fiction more authenticity.

However, he also leaves out other information, such as the harsh realities that immigrants must deal with, such as the hardship of the long journey, the conflicts between immigrants of various nationalities, and the difficult process of being interrogated and either admitted or rejected upon arrival at Ellis Island. Instead, the author concentrates on the events' more uplifting elements, such as the music and dances and how the immigrants supported one another to create a happier atmosphere.

The author of  "A Fateful Journey" draws on historical information from "Moving to America" to shape his narrative and the overall impact of the work.

To read more about A Fateful Journey, click here:



The ballerina leapt and pirouetted in one lithe movement, the same way a swan effortlessly glides across a lake. Using the comparison context clue provided, what does lithe most nearly mean in this sentence? gawky and heavy-footed graceful and fluid patient and passive quick and disconnected.


Using the comparison context clue provided, the lithe most nearly means in the sentence is graceful and fluid.

What is the comparison context clue?

Compаrison clues аre words аnd phrаses thаt hаve the sаme or similаr menаning аs аn unfаmiliаr wors. Words аnd phrаses such аs like, аs, аnd in the sаme wаy often signаl compаrisons.

What does lithe mean?

The term lithe means "(of а body) thin аnd аttrаctive, аnd аble to move eаsily аnd grаcefully, or (of movements) eаsy аnd grаceful". In the sentence аbove, the word “the same way” signаls the compаrison between the clue “lithe”, аnd the meаning glides - to move or progress without difficulty or effort.

Thus, the correct answer is C (graceful and fluid).

For more information about comparison clues refer to the link:



What are Reuters and the Associated Press?
internet-only news sources
unreliable sources of information
small, locally owned news agencies
American and British news agencies


Reuters and the Associated Press are the American and British news agencies. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

What is Reuters?

Reuters may be characterized as a global information and news provider headquartered in London, England, that serves professionals in the financial, media, and corporate markets. It was a standalone global news and financial information company until it was bought by Thomson Financial Corporation in 2008.

The Reuters and the associated press now are already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world.

Therefore, Reuters and the Associated Press are American and British news agencies. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

To learn more about Reuters, refer to the link:



What are core capabilities in operations management?


The core competency of operations management is operations activities.

Core competencies are business functions or operational activities in which a company does best. A company's core competencies differentiate it from other competitors in the industry. They are also the resources and skills that enable the company to achieve profitability.

Core Talents consist of technical information, technical skills, entrepreneurial understanding and entrepreneurial skills.

Enterprise means a business entity or organization of sports professionals. They may be commercial, commercial, or otherwise. For-profit for-profit companies run their business to make a profit, while non-profit companies do business for non-profit companies.

Learn more about business here :-



1. They haven't shown this film in Cannes. (passive voice)
2. Jane tries not to watch Tommy race competition.
Jane avoids
3. The students must give the answer before Friday. (passive voice)
4. We are discussing the solution. (passive voice)
5. My brother repainted the wall last week. (passive voice)
6. My parents never let me forget to do my homework. (remind)
7. Children put their hands into sockets. That is very dangerous. (mustn't)
8. It took her nearly an hour to do the crossword.
She spent................................
9. The house was so bad that it couldn't be repaired. (too.....to)
10. They hear about the plan to collect the used boxes. They are surprised.


We can rewrite the sentences by either changing them into the passive voice or using the word in parentheses, as seen below:

This film hasn't been shown in Cannes (by them).Jane avoids watching Tommy's race competition.The answer must be given by the students before Friday.The solution is being discussed by us.The wall was repainted by my brother last week.My parents always remind me to do my homework.Children mustn't put their hands into sockets.She spent nearly an hour to do the crossword.The house was too bad to be repaired.They are surprised to hear about the plan to collect the used boxes.

How to form the passive voice

When a sentence is in the active voice, the subject is the performer of the action. To change it into the passive voice, we must follow the steps below:

Identify the subject and change it into the agent, following the preposition "by". The agent is only mentioned when it is important for the sentence to make sense.Identify the object and change it into the subject.Maintain the verb tense, but add the auxiliary "be".

An example is the following:

Active voice: My mother cleaned the windows.Passive voice: The windows were cleaned by my mother.

As for the other sentences, we must modify them to include the words that appear in parentheses. In sentence 6, for example, we must change "let me forget" into "remind".

Learn more about the passive voice here:



What does Raven symbolize to the narrator of the poem?


Speaker's never-ending sorrow at Lenore's passing is symbolised by title raven. As the speaker points out when he describes the raven as coming from "Night's Plutonian coast," or underworld, ravens have connotation of death.

The raven is frequently connected to loss and bad omen due to its dark plumage, croaking sound, and diet of carrion. However, its meaning is intricate. The raven, a talking bird, also stands for insight and prophesy. In myths, ravens frequently serve as psychopomps, bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.

The emblem in "The Raven" is clear. According to Poe, the Raven represents "mournful, never-ending reminiscence." Our narrator's discourse is driven by his regret over his lost, ideal maiden Lenore.

To know more about raven:



What is the 4 element model?


The 4-Element Movement System Model defines the fundamental elements (motion, force, motor control, and energy) that are required for all movements to be performed.

The model provides a framework or scaffolding that Element enables the application of consistent methods in assessment and intervention decisions. Let us define conceptual model for a better understanding.

A conceptual model is essentially a diagram showing a given (supposed) causal linkage that exists among a collection of concepts or ideas. It is typically associated with a specific public health issue. This model is claimed to be distinct from previous theories since it is concerned with specific forms of conduct in the right or major contexts rather than with global behavior. It is unique because its components are knitted together as one.

To learn more about Element please click on below link



How many three digit numbers are there between 99 and 1000?


There are 900 three digit numbers in between 99 and 1000.

For the solution, we can apply In the concept of A.P here

Last number =a+(n-1)d

we can directly apply the concept of a=1 here. Number=100 (in the given question)

Last number=999

d= A.P series difference = 1

So our solution is

999 = 100 + (n-1)1

899 = n -1.

n = 900

So the three digit number between 99 and 1000 is 900.

A 3-digit number consists of any 3 digits below the \(10\) digits with or without complements. The only restriction is that the 3-digit number cannot start with the digit \(0\).

Learn more about 3-digit number here;



what was life like for kamau prior to the Mau Mau Rebellion


Life for k\Kamau prior to the Mau Mau Rebellion was that he was living an ordinary farm life with his family, parents and siblings.

What is the story of Weep Not, Child about?

The protagonist of this book is Njoroge, whose mother wants him to enroll in school as the family's first student. They reside on Jacobo's property. Mr. Howlands, who owns a sizable portion of the land in the region, is one of those pioneers. The two brothers of Njoroge are Kamau and Boro. Kamau is a carpenter's apprentice.

Due to his forced participation in combat during World War II, Boro has PTSD (PTSD). On Mr. Howlands' property, Ngotho, Njoroge's father, farms. He is a man who values the land and the upkeep of it more than money.

Lastly, Jomo Kenyatta, one of the leaders of the Mau Mau Uprising, is ready to go on trial. Many Kenyans believe he will free them from British domination, but he loses the case and is sentenced to prison. There are more demonstrations in Kenya. The British colonists take measures to repress and oppress them even more.

Learn more about Mau Mau Rebellion from


See full story below

Weep Not, Child

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o.. what was life like for kamau prior to the Mau Mau Rebellion

What is the meaning of beginning line?



: a line that marks the beginning of a race.


the first scene in the play is brief, but rich in its hints about the kind of world we shall encounter as the play unfolds. what effect would the initial setting and lighting have on the viewing audience?


Answer: what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


What does infinitive mean for kids?


adverb; part of speech: Noun; definition: the straightforward form of a verb without a subject or indicative past, present, or future tenses.

Basic, unconjugated form of a verb, such as "to be" or "to walk"; can be used in grammar as a noun ("to err is human") and as an auxiliary verb ("I want to be alone"); in some cases, the "to" is omitted ("we heard him arrive"); should generally avoid having an adverb wedged in the middle of it ("to err is human," "to err is human," "to err The verb form known as an infinitive can be employed as a noun, adjective, or adverb. The prefix "to" is typically added before the underlying verb to create them, and they can be beneficial when expressing desires to do something without actually doing it, as in "I want to go home" or "To err is human." They are the uninflected, fundamental form of a verb that is not restricted to any certain subject or tense. The verb "eat," for instance, is used as an infinitive in the sentences below: To eat, we headed inside. Let her consume.

To learn more about indicative  please click on below link



What core values are open-minded?


Be creative, adventurous, and open-minded.

Be curious to learn other people's opinions.

be capable of having their ideas refuted.

not become enraged when they are incorrect.

Empathize with other individuals.

Think about what other individuals could be thinking.

Be modest about their own competence and knowledge.

a want to learn what other individuals think.

Being open-minded is a virtue that fosters critical thinking and rational reasoning in individuals who possess it. Being open-minded refers to how people engage the thoughts and information of others. Jason Baehr defines an open-minded person as one that "characteristically extends beyond their comfort zone to investigate different ideas and perspectives, especially in this day and age.

To learn more about perspectives  please click on below link



In the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a ______ ______ than in the long run.a .greater shortageb. greater surplusc. lesser shortaged. lesser surplus


In the short-run, a price ceiling on gasoline will create a Greater shortage than in the long run.

Would a cap on gas prices result in a shortage of the fuel?A gasoline price cap will worsen the short-term scarcity than the long-term one.Given that the supply of gasoline is very inelastic in the short run, a price cap on it causes a shortage that is more severe than one that would exist in the long run.This implies that gasoline producers are unable to raise their output in order to satisfy the increased demand brought on by a decrease in price. Due to this, there is a lack of fuel and an excess demand.In the long run, gasoline manufacturers can raise their output and supply to satisfy the rising demand, so alleviating the shortfall. As a result, the price cap on gasoline causes a bigger scarcity in the short term than it does in the long term.

To learn more about price ceiling refer to:



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which of the following parts of an optimization model can be described as the quantity that the model seeks to maximize or minimize? The total satisfaction of happiness received from the consumption of a good, service, or combination of goods and services refers to the utility; where as the additional satisfaction or happiness received from the consumption of an additional unit of a good or service refers to the utility illegal acts by either employers or unions are called: a. discrimination complaints b. violation and resolve charges c. unfair labor practices d. representation charges select the most appropriate response. in the construction of confidence intervals, if all other quantities are unchanged, a decrease in the sample size will lead to a interval. at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium? A hand exerts a constant horizontal force on a block that is free to slide on a frictionless surface. The block starts from rest at point A, and by the time it has traveled to a distance d to point B it is traveling with the speed of ub. When the block has traveled another distance d to point C, will its speed be greater than, less than, or equal to 2ub? Explain your reasoning an electron and a 0.0320-kg bullet each have a velocity of magnitude 510 m/s, accurate to within 0.0100%. within what lower limit could we determine the position of each object along the direction of the velocity?electron mmbullet m Several states have passed "right to try" legislation that allows terminally ill people access to treatments that have not been approved by the Food andDrug Administration. Those in favor argue that those who are terminally ill have very little to lose and a lot to gain from these treatments. What is theBEST argument AGAINST these laws?OA. The terminally ill are rarely able to make decisions about their own care.B.O C.D.These unproven treatments could have devastating effects that shorten their lives.These laws support science and research at the expense of individual standards of care.There is a reason that it is very difficult to get procedures approved, and these laws undermine this process. Using the Distributive Property, Solve the Problem below:-2.5(4x - 4) = -6(After using the Distributive Property, Solve for x) which city in florida was named after the cigar manufacturer who opened a factory there? What motivated Tecumseh to begin resisting white settlement and urgingother Indigenous peoples to join the resistance? Shareen performs a skit to model a method of charging. In the skit, a painter shakes her hand and gets paint on her. How does the skit model a method of charging?. How do you split an infinitive in a sentence? you have a rectangular workpiece that needs a facing operation plus center drilling, and a universal chuck is mounted on the lathe spindle. what is your procedure to prepare for machining? Rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firms overall marketing plan is called its? you're the network administrator for a consulting firm. your network consists of the following: 30 laptops in the sales department 10 computers for hr 5 laptops for management 20 computers in marketing 15 computers in it you're using microsoft intune to manage the company's devices. you've created a new update ring called testing and need to choose the appropriate servicing channel. this ring will be used by testing computers that are set up by it. you want to receive early builds of feature updates so you can begin testing them for any bugs. which servicing channel should you select? [choose w] let w be a random odd integer. then (w - 1) is even and can be expressed in the form 2^a m with m odd. that is, 2^a is the largest power of 2 that divides (w - 1). Meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure. how many milliliters of 0.0850 m naoh are required to titrate each of the following solutions to the equivalence point: (a) 40.0 ml of 0.0900 m hn03, (b) 35.0 ml of 0.0850 m ch3cooh, (c) 50.0 ml of a solution that contains 1.85 g of hcl per liter? bond p is a premium bond with a coupon of 7.2 percent, a ytm of 5.95 percent, and 15 years to maturity. bond d is a discount bond with a coupon of 7.2 percent, a ytm of 8.95 percent, and also has 15 years to maturity. if interest rates remain unchanged, what do you expect the price of these bonds to be 1 year from now? in 5 years? in 10 years? in 14 years? in 15 years? (do not round intermediate calculations. input all amounts as positive values. round your answers to 2 decimal places.)