an electron and a 0.0320-kg bullet each have a velocity of magnitude 510 m/s, accurate to within 0.0100%. within what lower limit could we determine the position of each object along the direction of the velocity?electron mmbullet m


Answer 1

for this we apply, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

it states that physical variables like position and momentum, can never simultaneously know both variables at the same moment.

the formula is,

Δp * Δx = h/4π

m(e).Δv * Δx = h/4π

by rearranging,

Δx = h / 4π * m(e).Δv

Δx = (6.63*10^-34) / 4 * 3.142 * 9.11*10^-31 * 5.10*10^-2

Δx = 6.63*10^-34 / 583.9 X 10 ⁻³¹

Δx = 0.011 X 10⁻³

for the bullet

Δx = (6.63*10^-34) / 4 * 3.142 * 0.032*10^-31 * 5.10*10^-2

Δx = 6.63*10^-34 /2.05

Δx =3.23 X 10⁻³² m

therefore, we can say that the lower limits are   0.011 X 10⁻³  m for the electron and  3.23 X 10⁻³² m   for the bullet

To know more about bullet problem,


Related Questions

a string with a length of 0.75 m is fixed at both ends. what is the longest possible wavelength for the traveling waves that can interfere to form a standing wave on this string


Longest wavelength is 1.5 m and The frequency associated with this longest wavelength is 86.7 Hz

How to calculate longest wave length?

A waveform signal that is carried in space or down a wire has a wavelength, This is the distance in the next cycles between two identical locations (adjacent crests). This length is typically defined in wireless systems in metres (m), centimeters (cm), or millimetres (mm) (mm).

The wavelength equation of a standing wave is given by:

λn= 2/n L


L is the length of the string

n is a natural number

We use n=1 to find the longest possible wavelength, so we will have:

λ1= 2L

λ1=2 * 0.75 = 1.5m

Longest wavelength is 1.5 m


The speed of the wave is given by:

v= f λ

So we just need to find the f (frequency).

f= v/λ

f = 130/1.5

f = 86.7 Hz

The frequency associated with this longest wavelength is 86.7 Hz

The complete question is : A string with a length of 0.75 m is fixed at both ends. (a) What is the longest possible wavelength for the traveling waves that can interfere to form a standing wave on this string? (b) If waves travel with a speed of 130 m/s on this string, what is the frequency associated with this longest wavelength?

To learn more about Wavelength refer to :


What is the band gap energy in kilojoules per mole if blue diamonds absorb orange light with a wavelength of 675 nm?


The band gap energy in kilojoules per mole is 1.73×105 J.

The band gap is the distance between the valence band and the conduction band of an electron. Essentially, the bandgap represents the minimum energy required to excite an electron to a state in the conduction band where it can participate in conduction. Higher frequencies and lower wavelengths of light are absorbed.

In physics, especially for solids, the band gap is also called the energy gap. It is the range of energies that exist in solids where no other electronic state can exist. In the diagram of the electronic band structure of solids, the band gap is commonly called the energy difference.

Therefore, the band gap energy of wavelength 675 nm is 1.73×105 J.

Learn more about band gap


with respect to saving energy, what aspect of using two-sided printing was discussed in class as providing the most signifiant benefit?


The benefit of employing two-sided printing that was highlighted in class as being the most important is that it only requires one sheet of paper as opposed to two when printing a two-sided document.

Printing :

Standard 2-sided printing can be used to print on both sides of a sheet. You can choose between manual and automatic printing. When printing by hand, even-numbered pages are printed first. After printing these pages, you may simply reload them to print the odd-numbered pages on the opposite side of the paper. Therefore, double-sided printing can save your business about half as much money as single-sided printing, according to certain important estimates. Due to the fact that duplex printing uses only half as much paper as one-sided printing, businesses can reduce their material costs.

To learn more about printing visit:


Does lack of sleep make injuries heal slower?


Yes, lack of sleep make injuries heal slower. Sleep helps in healing injuries  by regulating the proper blood flow on all over the body.

At the point when you fall asleep, you're giving your body time to fix and recuperate from the day's exercises. In a review with an emphasis on more youthful competitors, research has shown that people need the prescribed measures of rest to recuperate completely. The review's discoveries inferred that there was an association between how much rest youthful competitors had and their penchant for a likely physical issue.

The investigation discovered that youthful competitors who dozed under eight hours out of each night were almost 1.7 times bound to have a physical issue.

Indeed, even a couple of hours to a great extent can radically affect the possible gamble for injury, as a similar report revealed that 65% of competitors who got under 8 hours of rest were more injury-inclined than the 31% of competitors who detailed they got over 8 hours of the evening.

To know more about sleep, visit here:


which type of rigid transformation is the equivalent of two reflections across intersecting lines?


The equivalent of two reflections across intersecting lines is known as a rotational reflection or a glide reflection.

A reflection is a type of rigid transformation in which a figure is flipped across a line of reflection. When a figure is reflected across two intersecting lines, it is flipped first across one line and then across the other. This is equivalent to rotating the figure by 180 degrees around the point of intersection of the two lines.

A glide reflection is a type of rigid transformation that combines a translation and a reflection. In a glide reflection, a figure is first translated (moved) a certain distance in a straight line and then reflected across a line that is parallel to the direction of translation.

Glide reflections preserve the size and shape of a figure, but not the orientation. They are commonly used in geometry and art to create symmetrical patterns and designs.

Learn more about Rigid Transformation here:


how large is the portion of light visible to humans related to the spectrum of electromagnetic ap psych


In reality, humans can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. What we call the visible spectrum is made up of wavelengths ranging from roughly 400 to 700 nanometers.

What proportion of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponds to the amount of light that can be seen by humans?

About 0.0035 percent of the electromagnetic spectrum is made up of the entire rainbow of radiation visible to the human eye. The visible light spectrum includes these wavelengths.

The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to humans is known as visible light. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the human eye, or that is visible to people, is known as visible light. Each color has a unique wavelength within the visible spectrum.

To know more about electromagnetic spectrum visit:


a cylinder is filled with of gas and a piston is put into it. the initial pressure of the gas is measured to be . the piston is now pulled up, expanding the gas, until the gas has a final volume of . calculate the final pressure of the gas. round your answer to significant digits.g


A piston is placed inside a gas-filled cylinder. It is calculated to be the gas's starting pressure. expanding the gas until it reaches its final volume and 18.4 kPa of pressure.

We know that P1V1 = P2V2

Now P1 = 90.1 kPa

        V1 = 10 L

       V2 = 49 L


90.1 x 10 = P2 x 49

therefore P = 18.387

P = 18.4 kPa

In order to measure an object's surface tension, a force must be applied perpendicularly to the object's surface over a given area. Alternatively spelled gauge pressure, gauge pressure is the pressure in relation to atmospheric pressure.

Pressure is expressed using a number of different units. The SI unit of pressure, the pascal (Pa), for instance, is equal to one newton per square meter (N/m2); similarly, the traditional unit of pressure in the imperial and U.S. customary systems is the pound-force per square inch (psi). Some of these measurements are the result of dividing a unit of force by a unit of area. The atmosphere (atm), which is equal to this pressure, and the tour, which is defined as 1760 of it, can also be used to describe pressure.

Learn more about pressure here:


blue whales apparently communicate with each other using sound of frequency 17 hzhz , which can be heard nearly 1000 kmkm away in the ocean. what is the wavelength of such a sound in seawater, where the speed of sound is 1537 m/sm/s ? express your answer in meters.


In saltwater, where sound travels at a speed of 1537 m/s, such a sound has a wavelength of 90.4 m. Blue whales are thought to communicate by using sound at a frequency of 17 Hz.

This is audible in the ocean approximately 1000 kilometers away. In physics, the wavelength is the length over which a periodic wave repeats, or its spatial period. It is the separation between consecutive equivalent points on a wave that are in the same phase.

Lamda = v/f yields the wavelength of a wave.

where the wave's speed is v and its frequency is f

The whale's sound has a wavelength of 90.4 meter's since the whale's sound has a velocity of 1531 m/s and a frequency of 17.0 Hz.

Learn more about wavelength here


an object 20-cm high is placed 1.0 m in front of a converging lens whose focal length is 1.5 m. determine the image height (in cm). a. 150 b. 75 c. 60 d. 80 e. 50


The image height of the given converging lens is  6.67 cm.  

The focal length of an optical gadget is a degree of the way strongly the gadget converges or diverges light; it's miles the inverse of the gadget's optical energy. A effective focal length suggests that a system converges light, while a poor focal period shows that the gadget diverges mild.

The focal length is half of the radius of curvature and is as f=R2 f = R 2 , where f is the focal period, and R is the radius of curvature.


object height  = 20 cm

object distance = 1m = 100 cm

focal length = 1.5 m = 150 cm

image height = ?

height of image/height of object = f/ f - U

20/H = 150 / 150 - 100

20/H = 150/50

20/H = 3

H = 20/3

Height of object is = 6.67 cm.

Learn more about focal length here:-


(b) the shoe is in contact with the initially stationary 0.500 kg football for 20.0 ms. what average force is exerted on the football to give it a velocity of 20.0 m/s?


≈3541.67 N is the average force exerted on the football to give velocity of 20.0 m/s

How to calculate force?

The force formula is defined by Newton's second law of motion: Force exerted by an object equals mass times acceleration of that object:

F = m ⨉ a.


Mass m = 0.00kg

Initial velocity (Vi) =0

Final velocity (Vf)=170m/s

Time(t) =24ms=24×10^-3 s

Force =?

Force is given by


where a= acceleration = Vf/t

Thus, substituting,

F= m × Vf/t

=(0.005kg) × 170m/s/24×10^-3 s

≈341.67 N

To know more about force, click on


d.consider the temperature changes over the last 130 years. has the temperature increased, decreased or stayed the same?


The temperature of the Earth has risen by 0.14° F per decade. In the recent decade, the degree of warming has accelerated by more than twice that, to 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade.

Scientists start by using temperature readings collected at various sites across the world to determine the global average temperature.

Absolute temperature readings are converted to temperature anomalies, or the discrepancy between the measured temperature and the long-term average temperature for each site and date, in order to track temperature changes.

The surface temperature data are independently analyzed by numerous independent research groups worldwide, and they all reveal a similar rising trend.

To know more about Absolute temperature, click the below link


Helppp pleaseee!!!You are playing marbles. Your 0.10 kg shooter traveling at 1 m/s hits a stationary 0.05 kg marble straight on. If it is an elastic collision, and the shooter comes to a stop, what is the velocity of the second marble?


Answer: Velocity of second marbel is 2m/s.

Have a look towads questions in this question we have the the velocity of firts marble that is moving straight and it  collides elastic collision we need to find the velocty of second marbel.

In this question we apply momentum conservation.

What is elastic collision?

-- An elastic collision is an (collision) between two bodies in which the total kinetic energy of the two bodies remains the same.

What is momentum conservation?

--The conservation of momentum states that, the amount of momentum remains constant;

--Momentum is neither created nor destroyed, but only changed through the action of forces as described by Newton's laws of motion.

So we apply M1v1 = M2V2

M1= 0.1kg

V1= 1m/s

M2= 0.05kg

0.1 × 1 = 0.05 × V2

= from above calculation we have V2 = 2m/s

Learn more about momentum from


a gun with a muzzle velocity of 100 m/s is fired horizontally from a tower. neglecting air resistance, how far downrange will the bullet be 1 second later?


After 1 second, the bullet will be 100 m to the side and 5m downrange.

v = 100m/s

θ = 0°

g=—10 m/s^2

the x component is

x = vcos(θ)t

The y component is

y = vsin(θ)t+1/2gt^2

In 1 second, the distance traveled by the bullet is

x = 100cos(0°)⋅1


the bullet be 1 second later at the y components

y = 100sin(0°)⋅1+1/2(—10)⋅(1)^2



So after 1 second, the bullet will be 100 m to the side and 5m downrange.

To know more about distance traveled, click the below link


If the spring is stretched an additional 0. 130 m and released, how long does it take to reach the (new) equilibrium position again?.


It will take 1.47 seconds for the mass to reach the new equilibrium position.

A pendulum is in equilibrium when its potential energy equals its kinetic energy. In other words, the kinetic energy is zero and the potential energy is maximum when the pendulum is at rest and the bob is at the lowest point of its arc.

We can use the following equation to calculate the period of oscillation of a mass on a spring:

T = 2π√(m/k)

Where T is the period, m is the mass, and k is the spring constant.

We can use the equation to calculate the spring constant, k, as follows:

k = m/x²

Where x is the initial displacement of the spring.

In this case, m = 1.65 kg and x = 0.270 m.

Therefore, the spring constant, k, is:

k = 1.65/0.27² = 17.59 N/m

We can now use the first equation to calculate the period of oscillation:

T = 2π√(1.65/17.59) = 1.56 s

Since the spring has been stretched an additional 0.130 m, we can calculate the new period of oscillation as follows:

T = 2π√(1.65/19.72) = 1.47 s

Therefore, it will take 1.47 seconds for the mass to reach the new equilibrium position.

For more questions like Spring equilibrium click the link below:


Complete question:

A 1.65 kg mass stretches a vertical spring 0.270 m. If the spring is stretched an additional 0. 130 m and released, how long does it take to reach the (new) equilibrium position again?.

question content area top part 1 a riverboat travels 78 km downstream in 3 hours. it travels 80 km upstream in 4 hours. find the speed of the boat and the speed of the stream.


The speed of boat and the speed of the stream will be 15.55 km/hr and 4.45 km/hr, respectively.

What is Speed?

Speed is the total distance covered by an object within a particular time interval. Speed is measured in the SI unit of m/s (meter per second).

Here, Let the speed of the boat in still water be x km/hr

Let the speed of the stream be y km/hr

The speed of the boat downstream = (x+y) km/hr

The speed of the boat upstream = (x−y) km/hr

Time= Speed × Distance

4 hours to travel 80 km upstream,

i.e., 4 = 80/(x−y)

3 hours to travel 78 km downstream.

i.e., 3 = 78/(x+y)

Let, 1/(x-y) = a and 1/(x+y) = b

Therefore, 4 = 80/a

7 = 78/b

On solving these equations, we get a= 20 and b = 11.1

1/(x-y) = a and 1/(x+y) = b

1/(x-y) = 20 and  1/(x+y) = 11.1​

(x-y) = 20 and (x+y) = 11.1

By adding these two we get,

2x = 31.1

x = 15.55

x-y = 20

y = 20- 15.55

y = 4.45

So, the speed of the boat in still water =  15.55 km/hr

The speed of the stream = 4.45 km/hr

Learn more about Speed here:


an object of mass 5 kg sits on an inclined plane that makes 300 angle with horizontal. what is the normal force?


Correct option is D) where F= 50/√3N. Since the object moves with constant velocity, the resultant force is zero here.

Thus, force due to gravity would be equal to frictional force.

How to calculate a normal force?

To calculate normal force of an object inclined to a horizontal plane, we will consider frictional force at first as the force acting on the object due to gravity for sliding down is mgsinθ which is equal to 25 N here.

Since the object moves with constant velocity, the resultant force on it is zero.


mg sin 30 degree= frictional force.

Then, frictional force=(5)(10)(1/2)=25N.

Now, the component of the horizontal force falling on the incline plane should be equal to 25 N.

For that,

Fa​ cos30°=25


To know more about frictional force, click on


5 pts what mass of 23592u must undergo fission to operate a 1000-mw power plant for one day if the conversion efficiency is 33 %? (assume 208 mev released per fission event.)


M = 2.99 kg≅ 3kg under goes fusion


P = 1000 M W = 1 x 10^9 J/s

efficiency = 33% ; E' = 208 MeV = 3.33 x 10^-11 J

Energy released in a day

E(day) = P x t

E(day) = 10^9 x 24 hrs x 60 min x 60 sec = 8.46 x 10^13 J

energy released in fission would be:

E(fission) = E(day)/0.33 = 8.46 x 10^13/0.28 = 2.56 x 10^14 J

We have Energy released per fission(E'), so the number of fission to release E(fission) would be:

N = E(fission)/E'

N = 2.56 x 10^14/3.33 x 10^-11 = 7.68 x 10^24

Number of moles = N/Avogadro's No

n = 7.68 x 10^24/6.023 x 10^23 = 12.75 moles

Mass of required 235U92 will be:

M = n x 235 g = 12.75 x 235 = 2996.25 grams = 2.99 kg≅ 3 kg

Hence, M = 2.99 kg≅ 3kg


Nuclear fission is a response in which the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei. The fission method frequently produces gamma photons, and releases a completely massive amount of power even through the lively requirements of radioactive decay.

learn more about Nuclear fission here:


When a weight W is hanging from a light vertical string, the speed of pulses on the string is V. If a second weight W is added without stretching the string, the speed of pulses on this string will now become Select one: a_ V/ V2 b. V/2 C V: d. 2V. e_ V V.


The pulse rate on a light straight string is V sqrt when a weight W is suspended from it (2V)

The correct answer is D

What the is physics' definition of speed, and how do you quantify it?

A distance's rate of change over time is used to calculate speed. It has a dimension of distance via time. The Vernier scales of speed is made up of the fundamental units of distance and time. The unit of speed in the metric system is meters per second.

Exactly what is speed?

What is considered speed? the rate at which an object's location changes in any direction. Speed is defined as the relationship between length and the time required to travel a distance. Speed is a scalar number because it has no magnitude and only a direction.

To know more about speed visit;


what is the wavelength of light falling on doubleslits separated byif the third-ordermaximum is at an angle of?


The wavelength of light falling on double slits separated by 0.2 mm, if the third-order maximum is at an angle of 3°, is 0.3835 mm.

Step 1: Calculate the angle of diffraction

The angle of diffraction is given by:

θ = arcsin (m λ / d)

Where m = order of the diffraction(3rd order in this case), λ = wavelength of light, and d = separation between the slits.

Step 2: Substitute the given values

θ = arcsin (3 λ / d)

θ = arcsin (3 λ / 0.2 cm)

Step 3: Solve for λ

Using the inverse sine function, λ = 0.2 cm / 3 * sin (θ)

Substituting θ = 18° , we get

λ = 0.2 cm / 3 * sin (18°)

λ = 0.067 cm = 67 mm

to know more about diffraction click here:


A college student is working on her physics homework in her dorm room. her room contains a total of 6.0×10^26 gas molecules. as she works, her body is converting chemical energy into thermal energy at a rate of 125 w. If her dorm room were an isolated system (dorm rooms can certainly feel like that) and if all of this thermal energy were transferred to the air in the room, by how much would the temperature increase in 17 min? Use the ideal gas model.


              ΔEth​=125 J/s×10 min×60 s/min=75×10³J

The following equation describes the relationship between a system's change in thermal energy and the associated change in temperature.

                                 ΔEth= 3/2 NkBΔT

                   rearrange the equation to isolate ΔTΔT

  ΔT=2ΔEth3NkB=2×75×103 J3×(6×1026)×(1.38×10−23 J/K)

  ΔT=3NkB​2ΔEth​​=3×(6×1026)×(1.38×10−23 J/K)2×75×103 J​

                                           ΔT=6 K

How does chemical energy work?

the power that's encapsulated in chemical compound bonding (molecules and atoms).It is released during the chemical process, which is referred to as an exothermic reaction, which mostly generates heat as a byproduct.Examples of chemical energy that can be stored include biomass, cells, natural gas, oil, and coal.

To know more about thermal energy visit:


four children stand at edge of a circular horizontal platform that is free to rotate about a vertical axis. each child has a mass of 35 kg and are at positions that are a quarter circle from each other. the platform has a moment of inertia equal to 500 kg*m2 and a radius of 2.0 m. the system is initially rotating at 6.0 rev/min. the children walk toward the center of the platform until they are 0.50 m from the center. (a) what is the rotational speed of the platform when the children are at the 0.50 m positions? (b) what is the change in rotational kinetic energy of the system? {-116 j}


a)1060 kg/m2.

b) 525

What exactly is inertia?

a quality of matter that allows it to remain in its current state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until modified by an external force.

What is the definition of moment of inertia?

In physics, a moment of inertia is a quantitative measure of a body's rotational inertia—that is, the resistance that the body shows to having its speed of rotation along an axis altered by the application of a torque (turning force). The axis might be internal or exterior, and it can be fixed or not.

A rigid body's moment of inertia, also known as its mass moment of inertia, angular mass, second moment of mass, or, more precisely, rotational inertia, is a quantity that determines the torque required for a desired angular acceleration about a rotational axis, similarly to how mass determines the force required for a desired acceleration. A typical mechanical quantity is the moment of inertia.

To learn more about inertia follow the given link:


Inertia is a property of matter that causes it to resist changes in velocity (speed and/or direction). According to Newton's first law of motion, an object with a given velocity maintains that velocity unless acted on by an external force. Inertia is the property of matter that makes this law hold true.

What exactly is inertia?

A quality of matter that allows it to remain in its current state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until modified by an external force.

What is the definition of moment of inertia?

In physics, a moment of inertia is a quantitative measure of a body's rotational inertia—that is, the resistance that the body shows to having its speed of rotation along an axis altered by the application of a torque (turning force). The axis might be internal or exterior, and it can be fixed or not.

To know more about inertia visit;


located in the outermost energy level of the electron cloud with the most energy


Here the missing component is company group.

What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do the work . scientist defines energy as the ability to do work.

We have to have a sample of people representative of the population to compare the experiment results on, because there may be other factors in the general population, in this case, improving memory, that they are saying is because of the energy drink. For example, if all of the population in the random sampling were having improved memory due to something else, then the experiment wouldn't be valid.

These groups of people are used to measure how the deviation from the improvement of memory, in this case, to an average of the population.

These are called control groups.

To know more about energy click-


What will be the change in internal energy when 12 kJ of work is done on the system and 2 kJ of heat is given by the system?


The change in internal energy when heat is released is 14000J.

The internal energy, U, of a well-defined system or body is the sum of the kinetic energy due to the motion of the molecules and the potential energy associated with the vibrational and electrical energies of the atoms within the molecule. Internal energy also includes the energy of all chemical bonds. From a microscopic point of view, internal energy can be seen in many forms. Because there is no material or repulsion between individual molecules.Internal energy is a state function of the system and is a large quantity. It can have a corresponding strong thermodynamic property called a specific internal energy. This is commonly denoted by a lowercase u, which is the internal energy per mass of the matter in question. So the SI unit for the given internal energy is J/g. When the internal energy is expressed in units of moles, it is called the molar internal energy and has units of J/mol.





U=14000J or 14kJ

To learn about internal energy -


a type ii cepheid has an apparent magnitude of 15 and a pulsation period of 10 days. determine the distance to the cepheid variable.


The distance to the cepheid variable can be calculated using the period-luminosity relation for cepheid variables. The distance to the cepheid variable is 4,904 parsecs.

Step 1: Determine the absolute magnitude of the Cepheid variable. The absolute magnitude of a type II Cepheid variable can be determined based on its period by plotting it on the period-luminosity (PL) relation. This relation states that the longer the period of a Cepheid variable, the brighter it is. Thus, a type II Cepheid variable with a 10-day period has an absolute magnitude of approximately -3.9.

Step 2: Calculate the distance modulus. The distance modulus of a Cepheid variable is the difference between its absolute magnitude and its apparent magnitude. In this case, the distance modulus is the difference between -3.9 and 15, which is 19.9.

Step 3: Calculate the distance using the distance modulus. The distance in parsecs (pc) of a Cepheid variable can be calculated using the following equation:

Distance (pc) = 10^(distance modulus/5 + 1)

Thus, for this particular Cepheid variable, the distance is equal to 10^(19.9/5 + 1) = 845 pc.

to know more about magnitude click here:


a train travels 8.81m/s in a -51.0 degree direction. the train accelerates for 2.23s, changing its velocity to 9.66m/s in a 37.0 degree direction. what is delta x?
(its not 25.4)


A train travels 8.81m/s in a -51.0 degree direction, the train accelerates for 2.23s, changing its velocity to 9.66m/s in a 37.0 degree direction. The displacement of the train after 2.23 seconds is 25.4 m.

What is velocity?

When an item is moving, its velocity is the rate at which its direction is changing as seen from a certain point of view and as measured by a specific unit of time.

Resultant velocity of the train,

The resultant velocity of the train is calculated as follows;

R² = vi² + vf² - 2vivf cos(θ)


θ is the angle between the velocity = (90 - 51) + 37 = 76⁰

R² = 8.81² + 9.66² - 2(8.81 x 9.66) cos(76)

R² = 129.75

R = √129.75

R = 11.39 m/s

Displacement of the train

The displacement of the train is the change in position of the train after a given period of time.

The displacement is calculated as follows;

Δx = vt

Δx = 11.39 m/s x 2.23 s

Δx = 25.4 m

Thus, the displacement of the train after 2.23 seconds is 25.4 m.

Learn more about displacement,


true or false: the frictional resistance of a fault is higher when it is locked than when it is moving.


The answer is true: a fault's frictional resistance is higher when it is locked than when it is moving.

What is Frictional Force?

Friction refers to the force that prevents two hard surfaces from rolling or sliding over each other. Although friction force, such as the traction required to walking avoid slipping, may be advantageous, they can provide a significant amount of resistance to motion.

The adhesion forces between the contact zones of a surface, which are constantly microscopic examination uneven, appear to be the main contributor to metal friction. The shearing of these "bonded" joints and the movement of the rougher surface's imperfections scrubbing against the softer surface cause friction.

When an object slide over a surface, as no surface is 100% smooth there are some microscopic irregularities are there on the surfaces of both object as well as the surface so when the sliding takes place on the surface the irregularities get interlocked and that causes friction between surfaces.

To know more about Frictional Force:


9. a body travels at an initial speed of 1.5 m/s. given a constant acceleration of 0.2 m/s2, what is the speed of the body at time 25 seconds later?


A body travels at an initial speed of 1.5 m/s. given a constant acceleration of 0.2 m/s², 6.5 m/sec is the speed of the body at time 25 seconds later.

What is kinematic equation?

The word "kinematic" comes from A.M. Ampère's "cinematique," which he created from the Greek "v" kinema ("movement, motion"), which was derived from "kinein" ("to move").

A collection of equations known as the kinematic equations is used to describe how an item moves while its acceleration is constant. Integrals, derivatives, and rates of change must all be understood in order to solve kinematics problems.

The formula v = u + at, where u is the starting velocity and an is the acceleration, is used to calculate the velocity of a particle travelling at a constant speed.

Use the kinematic equation:

v = u + at

or, v = 1.5 + [(0.2)×(25)]

or, v = 6.5 m/s

To know more about speed refer to:


A 0. 2-kilogram red ball is thrown horizontally at a speed of 4 meters per second from a height of 3 meters. A 0. 4-kilogram green ball is thrown horizontally from the same height at a speed of 8 meters per second. Compared to the time it takes the red ball to reach the ground, the time it takes the green ball to reach the ground is.


The time takes for the green ball to reach the ground is equal to 0.78 s. As both balls are thrown from the same height they will take the same time to reach the ground irrespective of their velocity.

What is the equation of motion?

The equations of motion can be described as the equations which establish the relationship between the time, velocity, acceleration, and displacement of a moving object.

The equations of motions as the mathematical expressions:

[tex]v = u +at\\S = ut +(1/2)at^2\\v^2-u^2= 2aS[/tex]

Given, the height from which the ball is thrown, h = 3

From the 2nd equation of motion, calculate the time taken by the ball reach to the ground:

H = ut + (1/2)gt²

3 = 0 + (1/2)× 9.8×t²

t = 0.78 s

As the time is independent of the velocity of a ball so both balls take the same time to reach the ground as they are thrown from the same height.

Learn more about the equation of motion, here:


Why did the team choose to measure the parallax of nearby stars, whose distances are already well known?


By utilizing the idea of parallax, we can decide how cosmologists decide distances to stars.

Presently, we perceive how parallax estimations can be utilized to decide the distances, one of the realities we know is that if we have any desire to gauge the distance of divine bodies, we are familiar with the parallax, first and foremost, point. That's what it intends assuming we can quantify tiny parallax points, we can gauge enormous distances moreover.

The purpose for why we can not make precise estimations of parallax past a specific distance is that as the distance of the star from earth builds the parallax point turns out to be tiny.

Subsequently, presently we comprehend how parallax estimations are utilized.

To know more about Parallax:


________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.


Lean Six Sigma focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

Lean Six Sigma :

Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement approach that aims to minimize inefficiencies in a business's process flow by determining the root causes of issues and creating solutions to deal with them. Many people think it's vital since it helps businesses use it to measurably and consistently improve operations and financial performance. It might also be regarded as noteworthy since it blends the 1980s Six Sigma data-driven technique with the 1940s Lean methodology's major process streamlining.

To learn more about Lean Six Sigma visit:


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