Which descriptions offer examples of Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance workers? Check all that apply.

Gonzalo purchases materials for a manufacturing plant to use in building airplanes.
Rachel fixes broken machinery in a factory.
Trey creates procedures to help employees stay injury-free while working in a factory.
Patrice creates schedules to make sure employees in a factory complete their work on time.
Carl uses equipment to reduce environmental damage from a manufacturing plant.
Athena examines health and safety hazards for employees working in a manufacturing plant.


Answer 1


The other person is correct


Which Descriptions Offer Examples Of Health, Safety, And Environmental Assurance Workers? Check All That
Answer 2

An examples of Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance workers are Trey creates procedures to help employees stay injury-free while working in a factory. Thus, the correct option is (C, E, F).

What do you mean by an Environmental Assurance workers?

Environmental assurance is a way for a horticulture company to show that it is using management techniques that meet the standards for environmental protection set by its clients, the local community, and other interested parties.

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) specialists are in charge of developing, implementing, and upholding an organization's EHS policies and practices.

Their main goal is to establish an environment at work that is both safe and healthy for everyone involved.

Therefore, an examples of Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance workers are:

Trey creates procedures to help employees stay injury-free while working in a factory.Carl uses equipment to reduce environmental damage from a manufacturing plant.Athena examines health and safety hazards for employees working in a manufacturing plant.

To know more about the Environmental Assurance workers, visit:



Related Questions

Explain the following quote "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender."



When Dave was confronted with this Scripture, he had to really consider who was right his broke finance professor, who taught that debt is a tool, or God, who never has anything good to say about debt.



When people get into debt, they start living their life just to pay off the debt. This means that all they are doing is working for their lender. The rich often rule over the poor becuase they have more influence and are therefore able to make decisions for the rest of the world population

The warranty is an excellent tool for you touse to:A. Prove that your company has the best priceB. Explain your company’s return policyC. Reassure the customer about a product’s qualityD. All of the above





have a nice day

Tariffs may raise the price that foreign customers must pay for goods produced in the United States, negatively impacting a U.S. firm's ability to be price
competitive in those markets.
True or False

(Will give branliest)





tarrifs raise the price of foreign goods

What is an example of flame



The definition of a flame is burning gas, fire or blaze, or a strong passion. An example of a flame is a fire from a lighter. An example of a flame is an intense desire for a particular person.



flame is burning gas, fire or blaze, or a strong passion. An example of a flame is a fire from a lighter. An example of a flame is an intense desire for a particular person.

Flaming is the act of posting or sending offensive messages over the Internet. These messages, called "flames," may be posted within online discussion forums or newsgroups, or sent via e-mail or instant messaging programs. ... Flaming often leads to the trading of insults between members within a certain forum.


how did life begin and why do we dream?​



The earliest life forms we know of were microscopic organisms (microbes) that left signals of their presence in rocks about 3.7 billion years old. The signals consisted of a type of carbon molecule that is produced by living things

But many researchers studying sleep and dreams believe there is a primary purpose to our dreams. Some theories suggest that dreams are: A way to process memory and learning, moving memories from short-term to long-term storage and giving the brain a clean slate

Which of the following methods would be most appropriate for an emotional appeal?
A.Telling a story about people who resemble the target audience
B.Creating a contrast with the surrounding environment
C.Asking the audience to act
D.Providing information about the product


Answer: telling a story about people who resemble the target audience

Explanation: just took the test

Telling a story about people who resemble the target audience would be most appropriate for an emotional appeal. Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What is Emotional Appeal?

A kind of persuasion known as an emotional appeal uses sensory, descriptive language and images to stimulate an audience's emotions and persuade them of a point of view. Social psychology is used in the appeal to emotion strategy. Only when the evoked emotions are unrelated to determining the veracity of the conclusion and help to divert from a logical analysis of pertinent premises or facts is it erroneous.

For instance, if a pupil says "My scholarship will be forfeited if I receive a poor mark on this essay. It is not copied "The initial statement's emotional impact is unrelated to determining whether the text was duplicated. In order to persuade the audience that the claims being made by the fallacious argument are true or untrue, appeals to emotion aim to evoke sentiments like fear, pity, or delight in the person receiving the information.

Learn more about Emotional Appeal, here:



why is saving, spending and investing important? long summary


Saving money is important because of you run in to a problem like your car breaking down you need to have money to fix it. Also saving money is important because you will able to do things like going on vacation. Investing is important because I one thing goes bad you still have other incomes coming in.

Hope this helps

What does the government have to do with public sector ?


Public sectors include public goods and governmental services such as the military, law enforcement, infrastructure (public roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications, etc.), public transit, public education, along with health care and those working for the government itself

there are ___ credit reporting companies


There are 3 credit reporting companies

what is pupil reflex?​



constriction of the pupil that is elicited by an increase in illumination of the retina


In the graph, what information is determined by looking at the intersection of the supply and demand curves?
A.) The relative efficiency of production
B.) amount supplied at a specific price
C.) increase in demand
D.) equilibrium price



Answer: D.) equilibrium price


The Supply curve shows the different combinations of prices and quantities of goods that Suppliers are willing to offer while the Demand curve shows the combination of goods and the prices the consumers can buy at.

When these two curves intersect as is the case in the graph, they give an equilibrium price which is the price that suppliers are willing to sell their goods at and consumers are willing to buy t.

QUESTION 5 of 10: Preparing a budget is:
a) An ongoing process
b) Something you only have to do once in your lifetime
c) Not an effective way to save money
d) A method for calculating take-home pay


Answer: A


It's an ongoing process

what is 349/36 + 34x6



349/36= 9.694

34x6= 204

9.694 + 204= 203.694

What is the purpose of a headline?
O introduce the text
O indicate the page or section break
o reduce the need for graphics
o divide the document


To introduce the text

Why target market trade is executed



The target marketing reduces the marketing cost to business as they only market their product in specified markets. They only target those customers who are genuinely willing to buy company's product. This strategy rewards its customers of buying the genuine product at a reasonable price as there will be no extra cost charged to them. The price charged to customers is the price set by the business itself for the product.


Target market is strategy in which a company offers its product in specific market only. This strategy enables the business to reach its customers through marketing efforts. The target market trade refers to trading in certain markets only to ensure the limited availability of products. The organization who want do not want to market its products through wholesalers or retailer choose such strategy.


The target marketing reduces the marketing cost to business as they only market their product in specified markets. They only target those customers who are genuinely willing to buy company's product. This strategy rewards its customers of buying a genuine product at a reasonable price as there will be no extra cost charged to them. The price charged to customers is the price set by the business itself for the product.

Hope it helps,

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

if you had $1100000000000 what would with it and why


Answer: buy my school than demolish it



i'll buy


Why? it's because i had $1100000000000

Direct Democracy meaning


Direct democracy also called pure democracy the decisions are not taken by representatives all decisions are voted by the people when a bigger law is passed the idea goes to the people

please help, this is very simppleee!! ^^
Thomas is a broker who works at a large investment firm. His job is to research different stocks and make recommendations to his customers on which ones they should invest in. Which career cluster would Thomas’s job fall under?

A) Finance
B) Business management

*Pls don't scam me for points!!


The answer would be A.

Finance, career cluster, would Thomas’s job fall under. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is job?

A “job” is a designation for working for a specific business. An opportunity for career advancement arises from the job. One could increase their income and gain experience by working. The job was the source of the income. They are the based on the earnings are the career cluster.

According to the Thomas’s job fall under are the based on the finance. It was the largest investment in the firm are the research are the stocks on the recommendations of the customer. It was the investing company are the related to the finance.

As a result, the finance, career cluster, would Thomas’s job fall under. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on job, here:



NASCAR fans demonstrate which activity when they list the sponsors featured on the car or clothing of their favorite driver?



Brand recognition.


Marketing mix can be defined as the choices about product attributes, pricing, distribution, and communication strategy that a company blends and offer its targeted markets so as to produce a desired response.

Generally, a marketing mix is made up of the four (4) Ps;

1. Products: this is typically the goods and services that gives satisfaction to the customer's needs and wants. They are either tangible or intangible items.

2. Price: this represents the amount of money a customer buying goods and services are willing to pay for it.

3. Place: this represents the areas of distribution of these goods and services for easier access by the potential customers.

4. Promotions: for a good sales record or in order to increase the number of people buying a product and taking services, it is very important to have a good marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing etc.

Brand recognition is also known as brand awareness and it can be defined as the ability of the consumer (customer) of a particular brand to identify their unique characteristics or qualities with respect to other rival brands.

Hence, NASCAR fans demonstrate brand recognition when they list the sponsors featured on the car or clothing of their favorite driver.

When Nick applied for a job as a customer service representative, the
company offered him starting pay of $16.40 per hour. What type of
compensation does this illustrate?

A. A wage
B. A salary
C. A bonus
D. Variable pay


The compensation amount that is to be paid to be Nick as a customer service representative  is known as a wage, which is option A.

What is meant by  wage?

A wage is money paid to an employee by their employer for labor completed over a certain amount of time. Wage payments include remunerative payments like rewards and tip payouts as well as compensation payments like the minimum wage, prevailing wage, and annual bonuses. Wages are a component of the costs associated with operating a business. Regardless of the company's prosperity, it is a duty to the employee.

Payment by wage contrasts with salary, where the employer pays a set sum at regular intervals (such as a week or month) regardless of the number of hours worked, commission, where pay is contingent on individual performance, and compensation based on the success of the organization as a whole.

Learn more about wage here



Answer: A Wage

Explanation: Just took the test

Scenario 3: Buying a cell phone plan It’s time to buy a new cell phone plan, and you will be paying for this one yourself. The providers offer a lot of options, and your budget is limited. What financial information do you need? What financial decision-making strategies can you use? (Cost comparison, cost-benefit analysis, calculating future expenses, or budgeting?)



hi bestie

cost comparison


describe how a company would balance the tradeoff between cost and speed when selecting a shipping method


Answer: The opportunity cost is the most desirable trade-off.

Explanation: Trade-offs refer to the choosing decisions that an individual faces when choosing between two-goods or making any other economic decision. For instance, a graduate may face a trade-off between choosing a job or starting up his own business.

While, opportunity cost is simply the cost of the lost alternative. For example, if the graduate chooses to start a business then his opportunity cost is the salary foregone from going for a job.

Thus, when deciding on which option to choose (trade-off) we always look at the option which has a lower opportunity cost.  So we can say that they are the most desirable trade-off.

A company would balance the tradeoff between cost and speed when selecting a shipping method through the Opportunity cost.

What is the meaning of the tradeoff ?

The trade-off is a term used to describe the courses of action given up in order to perform the preferred course of action. Conversely, the opportunity cost is defined as the cost of opting one course of action and forgoing another opportunity, to undertake that course of action.

Thus, when deciding on which option to choose (trade-off) we always look at the option which has a lower opportunity cost.  So we can say that they are the most desirable trade-off.

Learn more about Cost here:



15 pts-- multiple choice!

An investor who is characterized as being a risk-taker and buys and sells stocks on a daily basis looking for the big break is considered to be a ________________.

Investment bank professional

Long-term investor

Roll-the-dice speculator

Short-term dividend investor


I’m pretty sure the answer is the 3rd one
it must be option c

is it ethical or unethical to cheat on your taxes? Explain why or why not



it would be unethical to do that because you are breaking the law


It would be unethical.


coconutoil2217 is correct, it would be unethical to cheat on your taxes.

In addition to saving money, what are some other ways you can show financial responsibility?



you could start a savings a acount or a 401k plan to help with future problems or you could save for a new car.


Stabilize your income. If you're a young person, get a job.
Set financial goals. Take a few minutes to set some money goals.
Educate yourself. Financial savvy is not something you're born with.
Make a budget.
Save money.
Learn about employment benefits.
Establish a credit profile.
Avoid expensive debt.

15pts-- multiple choice!

You want to invest some of the money you have earned from your part-time job. Since you do not have that much money to invest, you are looking for a risk-free option. All you want is to eventually get your money back with a little interest. Which investment strategy would be best for you?

Mutual funds





Answer: bonds
Explanation: will allow for a risk free option and to gain money from a little bit of time and money
(not 100% sure on answer but I believe it is bonds)

2. How would you up-sell your food products​



know which items have high profit margins

offer extras

offer a specific item

be enthusiastic about the items you are suggesting

know what items to upsell at what times

dont annoy customers

mention takeout options


To sell food you will have to advertise it first to receive customers.


I sell food and it was hard trying to get customers but you have to advertise for others to see and want to taste it. But also make sure to make sure it looks picture ready for pictures.

How much does the sky weigh?


Answer: 11 billion billion pounds



The sky weighs 14.7 lbs per square inch of earth surface which is roughly 11 billion billion pounds. So, you can say that sky weighs one millionth of the mass of the Earth.


help please and thank youuuuuu



B I'm pretty sure sorry if I get it wrong


sales tax


sales tax is a tax a costumer pays for certain goods and services

George deposited $2,000 in his bank account, which offers 5 percent compound interest
calculated annually. What would be the principal amount available in George's account at
the end of two years?
There would be a principal amount of $
of 2 years.
in George's account at the end
O 2.100
0 2.000
O 2.205





annual compound interest formula


we have







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