parallelogram has vertices at (4,4), (7,4), (5,2), and (2, 2). The parallelogram is translated 7 units down and reflected across the y-axis. What are the coordinates of the first point of its image (4,4)?​

PLEASE HELP ASAP ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Parallelogram Has Vertices At (4,4), (7,4), (5,2), And (2, 2). The


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

So we move the parallelogram down 7 units and get the coordinates: (-3,4) (0,4) (-2,2) (-5,2)

Then the equation for reflecting across the y-axis is (x,y) ---> (-x,y) Then I think you can solve it from there. Just take the x points and make them the opposite charge.

Related Questions

A company has to make a large number of boxes.
The company has 8 machines.
All the machines work at the same rate.
When all the machines are working, they can make all the boxes in 9 days.
The table gives the number of machines working each day.
day 1
day 2
day 3
all other days
Number of machines working
Work out the total number of days taken to make all the boxes.
Your final line must say, It takes ... days to make all the boxes



It takes 10 days to make all the boxes

Step-by-step explanation:





It takes 10 days to make all the boxes

Student Council is selling tickets to the Winter
Dance. Tickets cost $5 per person or $8 per
couple. To cover expenses, at least $1200
worth of tickets must be sold. No more than 500
students can fit in the gym where the dance is
being held.
List two combinations of tickets that could be sold, so
that Student Council makes a profit, yet stays under the
room capacity.



Two possible combinations are;

1) 200 single and 30 couples

2) 150 single and 57 couples

Step-by-step explanation:

The given parameter in the question are;

The cost of ticket per person = $5

The cost of tickets per couple = $8

The minimum worth of tickets to be sold = $1,200

The maximum number of students that can fit in the gym = 500

Let 'x' represent the number of single persons that attend the dance and let 'y' represent the number of couple that attend, we have;

5·x + 8·y ≥ 1,200

x + y ≤ 500

Making 'y' the subject of both equations gives;

y ≥ 150 - 5·x/8

y ≤ 500 - x

From the graph of the inequalities created with Microsoft Excel, we have;

When x = 200, and y = 30, we get;

5 × 200 + 8 × 30 = 1240 > 1200

200 + 30 × 2 = 460 < 500

We also have;

x = 150, and y = 57, we get

Equating both values of 'y', we get;

5 × 150 + 8 × 57 = 1206 > 1200

150 + 57 × 2 = 264 < 500

Therefore, from the acceptable region in the graph, we have the following two possible combinations

1) 200 single and 30 couples

2) 150 single and 57 couples

3y + 7 = x is this a direct proportion




Step-by-step explanation:

if the ratio (yx) of two variables (x and y) is equal to a constant (k=yx) .in this case y is said to be directly proportional to x with proportionality constant k

Which of the following could be the interpretation of the distance vs time graph shown?
Which of these answers this Question, Is It 1, 2, or 3 that's in parentheses???

( 1.) A biker takes off on a course that begins with a small ramp. The biker bikes up a hill and across a flat portion of the course before heading down a steep descent.

( 2.) A driver leaver her house and slows down to make a stop at her neighbor's house. She then drives at a constant speed and stops at a house further down the street. After visiting with her neighbor, she quickly drives back home.

( 3.) A hiker begins hiking, but shortly after realized he left his water bottle in his car. He turns around to get his water bottle and then starts hiking again at a constant rate. The hiker stops for lunch at the furthest point of his hike and then hikes back at a quicker constant rate.


The slope of the curve is positive between the times t=0\text{ s}t=0 st, equals, 0, start a text, space, s, end text, and t=2 \text{ s}t=2 st, equals, 2, start a text, space, s, end text since the slope is directed upward. This means the acceleration is positive.

The slope of the curve is negative between t=2 \text{ s}t=2 st, equals, 2, start a text, space, s, end text, and t=8 \text{ s}t=8 st, equals, 8, start a text, space, s, end text since the slope is directed downward. This means the acceleration is negative.

At t=2\text{ s}t=2 st, equals, 2, start a text, space, s, end text, the slope is zero since the tangent line is horizontal. This means the acceleration is zero at that moment.

Concept check: Is the object whose motion is described by the graph above speeding up or slowing down at time t=4\text{ s}t=4 st, equals, 4, start a text, space, s, end text?

[Show me the answer.]

What does the area under a velocity graph represent?

The area under a velocity graph represents the displacement of the object. To see why to consider the following graph of motion that shows an object maintaining a constant velocity of 6 meters per second for a time of 5 seconds.

To find the displacement during this time interval, we could use this formula

\Delta x=v\Delta t=(6\text{ m/s})(5\text{ s})=30\text{ m}Δx=vΔt=(6 m/s)(5 s)=30 mdelta, x, equals, v, delta, t, equals, left parenthesis, 6, start text, space, m, slash, s, end text, right parenthesis, left parenthesis, 5, start text, space, s, end text, right parenthesis, equals, 30, start text, space, m, end text

which gives a displacement of 30\text{ m}30 m30, start text, space, m, end text.

Now we're going to show that this was equivalent to finding the area under the curve. Consider the rectangle of the area made by the graph as seen below.

The area of this rectangle can be found by multiplying the height of the rectangle, 6 m/s, times its width, 5 s, which would give

\text{ area}=\text{height} \times \text{width} = 6\text{ m/s} \times 5\text{ s}=30\text{ m} area=height×width=6 m/s×5 s=30 mstart text, space, a, r, e, a, end text, equals, start text, h, e, i, g, h, t, end text, times, start text, w, i, d, t, h, end text, equals, 6, start text, space, m, slash, s, end text, times, 5, start text, space, s, end text, equals, 30, start text, space, m, end text

This is the same answer we got before for the displacement. The area under a velocity curve, regardless of the shape, will equal the displacement during that time interval. [Why is this still true when velocity isn't constant?]

\text{area under curve}=\text{displacement}area under curve=displacementstart text, a, r, e, a, space, u, n, d, e, r, space, c, u, r, v, e, end text, equals, start text, d, i, s, p, l, a, c, e, m, e, n, t, end text

[Wait, aren't areas always positive? What if the curve lies below the time axis?]

What do solved examples involving velocity vs. time graphs look like?

Example 1: Windsurfing speed change

A windsurfer is traveling along a straight line, and her motion is given by the velocity graph below.

Select all of the following statements that are true about the speed and acceleration of the windsurfer.

(A) Speed is increasing.

(B) Acceleration is increasing.

(C) Speed is decreasing.

(D) Acceleration is decreasing.

Options A, speed increasing, and D, acceleration decreasing, are both true.

The slope of a velocity graph is the acceleration. Since the slope of the curve is decreasing and becoming less steep this means that the acceleration is also decreasing.

It might seem counterintuitive, but the windsurfer is speeding up for this entire graph. The value of the graph, which represents the velocity, is increasing for the entire motion shown, but the amount of increase per second is getting smaller. For the first 4.5 seconds, the speed increased from 0 m/s to about 5 m/s, but for the second 4.5 seconds, the speed increased from 5 m/s to only about 7 m/s.

Example 2: Go-kart acceleration

The motion of a go-kart is shown by the velocity vs. time graph below.

A. What was the acceleration of the go-kart at time t=4\text{ s}t=4 st, equals, 4, start a text, space, s, end text?

B. What was the displacement of the go-kart between t=0\text{ s}t=0 st, equals, 0, start text, space, s, end text and t=7\text{ s}t=7 st, equals, 7, start text, space, s, end text?

A. Finding the acceleration of the go-kart at t=4\text{ s}t=4 st, equals, 4, start a text, space, s, end text

We can find the acceleration at t=4\text{ s}t=4 st, equals, 4, start a text, space, s, end text by finding the slope of the velocity graph at t=4\text{ s}t=4 st, equals, 4, start a text, space, s, end text.



ASAP! Please, Thank you.



x\left(5-2\right)=4x-x ------> no solutions

14x-17-8x+2=12x+3-x-10 -----> unique solution

6\left(x-2\right)=6x-12 -------> no solutions

\frac{2}{3}x-\frac{7}{4}=\frac{4}{3}x-\frac{2}{3}\left(x+5\right) ------> infinite solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

In a particular lottery, 5 winning numbers are drawn from a set of 37 numbers. What is the probability of picking exactly 2 of the winning numbers in this lottery? Round your answer to the nearest
thousandth (three decimal places).


Since 5 winning numbers are draw and there are exactly 2 winning numbers, the other 3 numbers chosen have to be incorrect.

The 2 numbers picked right, there are 5C2=10 different possibilities.

The other 3 numbers are just picked from the rest of the 32 numbers. Getting there are 32C3=4960 different possibilities.

For each set of 2 correct winning numbers, you could have the 4960 different losing numbers to match up to make a unique set. This meant that there are 4690*10=46900 different total possibilities.

Now the total different outcomes of how you can choose the numbers are 37C5=435897 outcomes.

Now the way to find probabilities is want/total

The want is 46900 and the total is 435897

Doing the division you get the number rounded to the nearest thousandths as   0.107 or in percent form as

10.759% chance of picking exactly 2 winning numbers.

This seems like a competition problem of some sort therefore I assume that you already know what combinations in form nCk and permutation in form nPk means.

12/7 – 15/7 + 10/7 = ?



The answer is 1

Step-by-step explanation

Have a great day!!!

1) The region enclosed by the x-axis, the line x=3 and the curve y = sq. Rt x is rotated about the x-axis. What is the volume of the solid generated? *


Using the disk method, the volume would be

[tex]\displaystyle \pi \int_0^3 (\sqrt x)^2 \,\mathrm dx=\pi \int_0^3 x\,\mathrm dx=\frac\pi2 x^2\bigg|_0^3=\boxed{\frac{9\pi}2}[/tex]

That is, you split up the solid into disks of some small height ∆x, and each disk has radius at point x equal to the distance (√(x)) from the axis of revolution (the x-axis, y = 0) to the curve y = √(x). The volume of such a disk is then π (√(x))² ∆x. Take the sum of these volumes to get the total volume, then as the heights get smaller and smaller, replace ∆x with dx and the sum with the integral.

In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of the integral to calculate the volume of the disk that will correspond to:

[tex]V= \frac{9\pi }{2}[/tex]

That is, you split up the solid into disks of some small height ∆x, and each disk has radius at point x equal to the distance (√(x)) from the axis of revolution (the x-axis, y = 0) to the curve y = √(x). The volume of such a disk is then π (√(x))² ∆x. Take the sum of these volumes to get the total volume, then as the heights get smaller and smaller, replace ∆x with dx and the sum with the integral. Using the disk method, the volume would be:

[tex]\pi \int\limits^3_0 {(\sqrt{x})^2} \, dx = \pi \int\limits^3_0 {x} \, dx = \frac{\pi x^2}{2} = \frac{9 \pi }{2}[/tex]

See more about volume at

4,6,9, ...
Find the 8th term.




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is going up by the numbers 1,2,3,4...

you start with 4 and go up by 2

you then get 6 that's when you count up 3

you get 9 and then count up 4

which is 13 count up 5

18 count up 6

24 count up 7

31 count up 8


4. What expression represents the width of the room?




Step-by-step explanation:


Let x = represents the width


Step-by-step explanation:

hope that helps -w-

Find the 11th term of the geometric sequence 6, -18, 54,




Step-by-step explanation:

a₁ = 6 = 6 * (-3)⁰

a₂ = -18 = 6 * (-3)¹

a₃ = 54 = -18 * (-3) = 6 * (-3)²

a₁₁ = 6 * (-3)¹⁰ = 354294

Here is a meme for everyone who needs to laugh :)




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: .............

Step-by-step explanation:


A linguist at a large university was studying the word length of papers submitted by students en
humanities programs. From a random sample of 25 papers, the linguist counted the number of words
used in each paper. The 95 percent confidence interval was calculated to be (20,995, 22,905).
Assuming all conditions for inference are met, which of the following is a correct interpretation of the



We are 95 percent confident that the mean word length for all papers submitted by students in humanities programs is between 20,995 words and 22,905 words

Step-by-step explanation:

The confidence interval is used to predict the mean for the entire humanities program, not just the sample.

Can anyone tell me what the answer is for 4097 + 754 + 3188?




Step-by-step explanation:







4097 + 754 + 3188 = 8039

Step-by-step explanation:

4097 + 754 + 3188

4851 + 3188


how many solutions does 8x + 7 = 8x + 7 have



infinetly many solutions

Step-by-step explanation:


All real numbers

Step-by-step explanation:

Since they are the same x can be any number. Making the solution all real numbers.

3+-7+-4 what is the answer




Step-by-step explanation:



No spanis

Bueno espero que te sirva sino es esa Aplica la ley de los signos :v

pls help ill give brainliest to the PERSON WHO GETS IT RIGHT



C) [tex]s\geq 5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The phrase "at least", represents the greater than or equal to sign. Only Option C shows this sign, so it's correct.

Hope it helps!

Work out the area of the parallelogram.
Not drawn
13 cm
21 cm


all u do is see what looked right and add



Step-by-step explanation:

area of parallelogram = b × h

13 × 21

273 cm

i hope its help u ,

An airplane flies 315 km in 1 hour 45 minutes. Calculate the average speed.



3 km per minute

Step-by-step explanation:

speed = distance / time

315km/105 minutes

= 3 km per minute

Kathryn bought a magazine for $5 and eight erasers. She spent a total of $45. How much did each eraser cost?


The answer to your question is 17

=) List five points where the y-coordinate is
the opposite integer of the x-coordinate.
Plot your points on



try to ask ur fam if they dont help try to do sum else

Step-by-step explanation:

geometry, can u help????


Well since we’re given 2 angles, 62 and 58, we have enough information to solve the problem.

Since any triangles angles always add up to 180 degrees, we can simply add up 62 and 58 then subtract from 180.


Now to find the last angle of the triangle you have to subtract 120 from 180 which is 60 degrees. This means x = 60.

However we’re not done, with this 60 we can now calculate y. Since the line is a 180 angle line! We can just subtract 60 from 180 which gives us 120.

The angle of y is 120

Solve each equation. 15 = t - 25 m6 = 18 5d = 75 94 = g + 32



1, t = 40

2, m = 3

3, d = 15

4, g = 62

Step-by-step explanation:

15 = t - 25

+25.     +25

40 = t

M6/6 = 18/6

m = 3

5d/5 = 75/5

d = 15

94 = g + 32

-32.      -32

62 = g

What is the surface area for the figure? PLEASE HELP



516 cm squared

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism such as this, is basically just like finding the OUTSIDE surfaces. We are looking for the "perimeter" of a 3D shape.

How do we do it?

Calculate each face of the prism by multiplying Length x Width.Make a shortcut by combining like-figures (front of the cube and back of the cube are the same surface areas, etc.)Make your formula

2(4 · 15) + 2(10 · 15) + 2(12 · 4)

what is 2345678900098765445678 times 23456788853456 have to answer unless you are her



[tex]5.50220947[/tex] × [tex]10^{34}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Mark as Brainliest




T = 11.77

18% Tip = 2.12

Total with tip = $13.89

This should be right :)

Lmk how I did!

-89 ⋅ 12 = c
a ⋅ 3 = -30
-9 ⋅ b = 45
plz help :))


Hopes this helps:

1. C= -1068
2. A= -10
3. B= -5

Find the area of the blue shaded figure.
25 mm
120 mm
I’m begging atp. Please help me


area of blue shaded figure = area of big circle minus small circle

radius of big circle = 60mm

area of big circle= πr² = check pic

If we give the cashier a $20 bill for a shirt that costs $22.95, how much more do we owe the cashier?




Step-by-step explanation:


we owe the cashier $2.95

20 - 22.95 = -2.95

The ratio of 6th-grade students to 8th-grade students in a school is 4 to 5. How many 6th grade students are there if a school has 360 8th grade students


Answer: 288

Step-by-step explanation: 360/5 is 72 so multiply the 6th graders times 72 and you get 288

Other Questions
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