Which describes the significance of yellow journalism?
Yellow journalism ignored the violence and devastation occurring in Cuba.
O Yellow journalism published confidential legislation such as the De Lôme letter.
O Yellow journalism exaggerated events such as the explosion of the U.S.S8. Maine.
Yellow journalism wrote articles about the hardships Americans were facing at hom


Answer 1

Yellow journalism was one of the reason that led helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines.

What is Yellow Journalism ?

Yellow journalism often refers to sensationalistic or biased news reports that newspapers promote as the unvarnished truth. The phrase was created in the late 19th century by seasoned journalists to disparage the unusual strategies used by their competitors.

Yellow journalism refers to news reports that are more concerned with drawing readers' attention than with presenting accurately reported news.

what is the significance of yelow journalism ?

While the Spanish-American War dominated the media, it also sparked the first media battles in the United States during the golden age of yellow journalism. Indignation erupted at the moment, with headlines like "Who Destroyed the Maine? "Spanish Treason," "$50,000 Reward," and "Invasion!"

But despite the fact that many newspapers in the late 19th century adopted a more tabloid-style, W. Joseph Campbell, a professor of communication at American University in Washington, D.C., believes that the idea that their headlines were a key factor in sparking the war is frequently exaggerated.

To know more about Yellow Journalism, visit link



Related Questions

Following the French defeat, Native Americans were happy to trade with the British


The following statement, "Following the French defeat, Native Americans were happy to trade with the British." is False.

The term "Native Americans" refers to the indigenous peoples of the United States. These peoples were the original inhabitants of the land, and their cultures and societies developed over thousands of years.

When the French and British came, they brought their own language and culture with them. The two groups began to interact and intermingle, and over time, a new culture emerged.

The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

True or false: Following the French defeat, native Americans were happy to trade with the British.

To know more about Native Americans, click here.



The top of the business cycle is called the



Answer:A peak

Explanation:is the highest point of a business cycle and is followed by a contraction and eventual trough.

Which layer(s) includes the tectonic plates?
a.Inner and outer core
c.Crust and upper mantle


Answer: C



C. Crust and upper mantle


the lithosphere is split into plates which lies on the asthenoshpere. the upper mantle is responsible for driving tectonic plate movement.

What country is the earliest middle eastern culture was sumei?


Answer:The oldest known urban and literate culture in the world was developed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia beginning in the late 4th millennium bce.


What were the indulgences from the Catholic Church?

A) Beautiful dining ware

B) Elegant traps

C) Delicious treats

D) Pardons to reduce time in purgatory


D is the correct answer

Was the United States decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki a war crime? explain your answer with evidence


Answer:No, it accelerated the fall of the Japanese Nazi regime and because of this the war lasted less, it is worth understanding that the Japanese were extremely fanatical examples of many faith in the emperor as the son of God, kamikaze.


No, it accelerated the fall of the Japanese Nazi regime. Because of this, the war lasted less; it is worth understanding that the Japanese were fanatical examples of many faith in the emperor as the son of God, kamikaze.


What effect did the Scopes trial have?



Thanks to the endorsement of the federal government, increased interest in public education, and legal precedents limiting religious influences in public schools (i.e., the same forces that helped overturn Tennessee's Butler Law in 1967; see Grabiner and Miller 1974), the BSCS books became remarkably popular:

Read the excerpt below.

“In [creating] a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, [make it ] control itself.” – The Federalist No. 51

Which of these principles is best reflected in the excerpt?


majority rule
majority rule

representative democracy
representative democracy

popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty

limited government


Based on the concept of governance and the content of the excerpt the principle that is best reflected in this is Limited Government

What is Limited Government?

Limited Government is a term that is used to describe the type of government whereby there is a legalized force designed to be restricted through delegated and enumerated authorities.

Usually, countries with limited governments have fewer laws about what individuals and businesses can and cannot do.

In this case, the statement in the question is trying to explain that there should be checks and balances in the government and there should be a separation of powers within the national government.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the idea of checks and balances and separation of power is what defines a limited government which the Federalist 51 is trying to promote.

Learn more about the Limited Government here: https://brainly.com/question/135693


Please help if you can thanx (World History) PROJECT: POINT OF VIEW 5 paragraph.



I don't know what you are talking about?!.



Based on the sources and your knowledge of social studies, explain two ways Washington's Farewell Address predicted future problems in America?


The Union was weak and susceptible to attacks from both internal and external opponents, and Washington addressed this worry in his farewell speech.

But his message of unification persisted long after the ambiguity of the early national period had passed. The farewell message was recited aloud by Federalists as part of their yearly celebration of Washington's birthday at the beginning of the nineteenth century. 9 A Civil War-era custom, it is still recited yearly in the Senate of the United States. The Farewell Address is still regarded as a fundamental text on the Union, partisanship, and isolationism.

Washington's farewell speech was inspired by the particular difficulties he believed the country was facing at the time, such as widening internal divisions and the persistent external threat of invasion by more powerful nations. However, his stirring call for unity and his cautions against nationalism, partisanship, and foreign meddling ensured that the speech would go on to become one of the most frequently reprinted ones in American history, with profound implications that still have an impact today.

learn more about George washington here:


Which statement best expresses the purpose of the opening words of the US constitution, we the people


It’s to express the idea that the people made the government, not an elite class.


It expresses the idea that the people made the government, not an elite class.


in the 21st century, many U.S. workers feared that they might lose their jobs to foreign workers. Which of the practices caused this widespread fear?
Oglobal warming
free trade


in the 21st century, many U.S. workers feared that they might lose their jobs to foreign workers. The practice thatt caused this widespread fear is outsourcing. Option D

What Does It Mean to Outsource?

The business practice known as "outsourcing" refers to the act of contracting with a third party located outside of a company to provide services or produce goods that were previously carried out internally by the company's own employees and staff.

The primary motivation for most businesses to engage in the practice of outsourcing is the desire to reduce operating expenses.

In the 21st century, many people working in the United States were concerned that they will be replaced by employees from other countries. Outsourcing is the business activity that is to blame for this widespread anxiety. The D Option

Read more about outsourcing



Should the constitution be changed


Yes, the constitution should be changed. One of the strengths they built into the Constitution was the ability to amend it to meet the nation's needs, reflect the changing times, and address concerns or structural elements they had not anticipated.

Based on these documents, explain John Green's point of view on the consequences of Alexander the Great conquest.


From the document, the point of view of the writer is based on the fact that Alexandra the great was the kind of leader that was merely good at destruct and that even after his death, all his conquest was lost.

What is the point of view of the writer?

The John Green is of the opinion that Alexander the great was not such a great leader when he was alive. He used the stance of trying to say that the leader was a person that was into taking over territories just to get the glory form the conquests.

The writer goes on to say that although he did these things, he was a person that led the people in a way that he opened up for trade and communication with others.

Who was Alexander the great?

In a relatively short amount of time, the Macedonian ruler Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. In the regions he conquered, his empire brought about profound cultural changes that altered the direction of the area's history.

Read more on Alexander the great here: https://brainly.com/question/289365


Martin Luther King Jr. believed that all people would be free when



Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote in his 1963 Letter from a Birmingham Jail that “freedom is never given voluntarily by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” You must demand it, for it will not be given freely. MLK also believed that liberty most often comes to those who petition for it peacefully.

Speech  of MLK jr

Question 2 (1 point)
According to the articleU.S. History
Primary Sources: Olive Branch Petition to King George III, 1775, why did the
colonists arm themselves?

O because the British ministers had started conflict by trying to forcibly push laws

O because the colonists wanted to start a war with the British and become

O because the British ministers told them to arm themselves against the

O because the colonists were worried that King George would make them British




because the colonists wanted to start a war with the British and become


As the business cycle descends, it depicts the state of the economy. In this phase, it is said to be
A branching out
B cresting
C contracting
D expanding


As the business cycle descends, it depicts the state of the economy. In this phase, it is said to be contracting.

Who defines the four economic phases?

The economic cycle has four phases: expansion (real GDP is rising), peak (real GDP stops rising and starts falling), contraction or recession (real GDP is falling), and trough (real GDP stops decreasing and starts increasing).

What characterizes the business cycle's recessionary stage?

The phase that follows the peak phase is called the recession. During this stage, the demand for products and services begins to fall off quickly and continuously. The market becomes oversupplied because producers fail to react quickly to a drop in demand and continue to produce. Prices often drop.

To now more about  economy visit:-



What are 4 of the main roles of congress ?



The 4 main roles of congress include:

1. Making laws

2. Declaring War

3. Raising and providing public money and oversee its proper expenditure

4. Impeach and try federal officers


May I have Brainliest please? My next rank will be the highest one: A GENIUS! Please help me on this journey to become top of the ranks! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

Making laws
Declaring war
Providing public $$

Create an acrostic poem that describes the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe. Use your student text, Reading Notes, and Handout D to complete your poem. Your poem must meet the following requirements.

• It must have nine short stanzas, or lines.
• The first letter of the poem’s stanzas must spell out the words THE CHURCH. So, the first word of Stanza 1 must begin with the letter T, the first word of Stanza 2 with the letter H, and so on.
• The poem must contain at least five of the Social Studies Vocabulary words from this lesson.
• The poem must contain correct spelling and grammar.


To create an acrostic poem about the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe, you should conduct research on the topic and highlight the central ideas.

What was the influence of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages?

After the end of the Roman Empire and the expansion of Christianity in Europe, the Catholic Church became one of the most important social institutions of the period. The church had control over the faith of individuals, over politics and culture, playing a significant role in the life of each citizen.

To create your acrostic poem then, you can use such facts as, indulgences, protestant revolt, influence on thought, etc.

Therefore, to create your acrostic poem, use your creativity to create a poetic composition, with the example of the word Church written vertically and each letter of the word having a verse of meaning related to the idea you want to convey.

Find out more about acrostic poem on:



what was the primary intention of the adams administration in enforcing the sedition act?


The primary intention of the Adams administration in enforcing the sedition act was to intimidate critics of Adams' foreign policy toward French and England.

The sedition act

The House of Representatives approved the sedition act. This law provided them the authority to expel, penalize, or imprison anyone they believed to be a security risk to the government.

Anyone who spreads false information or criticises the national government poses a threat.

Following the previous two paragraphs, it is clear that the sedition act was passed in an effort to silence the Adams administration's detractors.

Learn more about sedition act to visit this link



Use the excerpt from John Newton's Thoughts Upon the African Slave Trade to answer the question.

What does the excerpt reveal about the experiences of enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage?

Many enslaved Africans died while being transported.

The enslaved Africans were treated as commercial products.

Very few enslaved Africans could be transported on a single ship.

The families of enslaved Africans were kept together in the same room.


The excerpt reveal about the experiences of enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage is that : The enslaved Africans were treated as commercial products.

The correct option is B.

Many enormous, specially constructed "slave ships" travelled the Middle Passage for around 80 days. Humans were crammed close to one another on or below decks with no room to sit up or move about. About 15% of those without ventilation or enough water became ill and died. They were treated as a commercial products and kept like books in a shelf.

It may take three weeks for the "middle passage," which transported the slaves from West Africa to the West Indies. Weather that isn't ideal might make the journey take much longer. Numerous continents, a great deal of money, some cargo and sugar, and millions of African slaves were all involved in the Transatlantic (Triangular) Trade.

To learn more about Middle Passage, refer



Which of these was an important part of George Washington's presidency?

a. He started the first political party in the United States.
b. He set examples for other presidents to follow.
c. He refused to take a salary for serving his country.
d. He did not allow Alexander Hamilton to start a national bank.


George Washington during his presidency set examples for other presidents to follow.

As president, he set the standard of precedents for all to follow in the office.

The standards precedent implemented in military practice, political power, and economic policy.

He is responsible for establishing the inaugural speech and the cabinet system.

Therefore we can conclude that George Washington's presidency played a significant role by introducing precedents for future presidents in America.

Thus option B. is the correct answer.

He set examples for other presidents to follow was an important part of George Washington's presidency. Hence, option B is correct.

How was George Washington's presidency?

George Washington served as a role model for other presidents during his administration. He established the norm for everyone to follow in the office as president. The precedent set by political authority, economic policies, and military behaviour.

He is in charge of establishing the cabinet system and the inaugural speech. We might therefore draw the conclusion that George Washington's administration was crucial in setting the stage for American presidents to follow.

Domestically, he established his own presidential cabinet, selected John Jay) as the first chief judge of the United States Supreme Court, and signed legislation creating the nation's first national bank, the Bank of the United States.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about George Washington's presidency, click here:



How were NATO and the Warsaw Pact similar?

A. Both were
agreements aimed at reducing the number of nuclear
B Both were efforts to provide economic support to recovering
• C. Both were military alliances among countries with similar beliefs.
D. Both were treaties signed in the final years of World.War II.


NATO and the Warsaw Pact were similar as they both were military alliances among countries with similar beliefs.

The Warsaw Pact was a collective defence written agreement established by the land and 7 different Soviet satellite states in Central and japanese Europe: Balkan nation, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Republic of Poland and Balkan nation Romania (Albania withdrew in 1968).

NATO was formed in 1949 with the sign language of the Washington written agreement, NATO was a security alliance of thirty countries from North America and Europe. NATO's elementary goal is to safeguard the Allies' freedom and security by political and military means that.

To learn more about NATO here



The term iron curtain refers to the


Separation of the Eastern communist bloc and the western free states in Europe

Answer: western boundary of Soviet domination in Europe during the Cold War


*What does Andrew Carnegie's The Gospel of Wealth encourage the wealthy to do?


Answer: In “The Gospel of Wealth,” Carnegie argued that extremely wealthy Americans like himself had a responsibility to spend their money in order to benefit the greater good. In other words, the richest Americans should actively engage in philanthropy and charity in order to close the widening gap between rich and poor.


Hope this helps

Answer: Engage in philanthropy

Explanation: Carnegie believed and argued that the wealthiest Americans had a responsibility to spend their money in ways that had a positive effect on society as a whole. He saw philanthropy as being a big part of this goal.

Edmentum Answer

which system of classification do most universities use



The Carnegie Classification system provides an essential framework to study the higher education system and its institutions.

Which answer best explains how the Articles of Confederation addressed the question of creating a court system?

A. The Articles established the trial-by-jury system for the first time in history.
B. The Articles created state, regional, and national courts throughout the land.
C. The Articles took control of the court system and appointed judges for life-time terms.
D. The Articles did not establish a national court system, and courts stayed under the control of the states.



option (D)

The articles did not establish a national court system and courts stayed under the control of the states is the correct answer


Are there different kinds of revolution? What are they ?



There are 3 main types of revolutions.

1) National - overthrow of colonialism

2) Arab - defeat of division and frontiers created by outsiders

3) Social - creation of honourable living



Some information appears for you.

Amendment Process: Two Main Steps

1: ____________________ 2: Ratification

Method 1

Method 2 Two-thirds of state legislatures request a national convention


The Amendment Process- Step 1: Two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate propose and vote on a constitutional amendment.

Step 2: Three-fourths of the states ratify the proposed amendment, either by their legislatures or through special ratifying 'conventions'.

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or by a convention called for that purpose if two-thirds of the states request it. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions called in each state.

It establishes a process in which adding amendments is difficult, making the Constitution more like statutory law and less permanent.

To know more about The Amendment Process here



Japan entered into a mutual defense pact with ________ and ___________ in 1940.


Germany and Italy
the Triparte Pact is the name of the pact


blank 1; Germany

blank 2; Italy


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