a circle with radius 12 mm is rotated around a diameter what is the volume of the solid formed


Answer 1
Volume of a sphere

We know that the radius of the sphere will be equal to the radius of the circle:

Since the equation for the volume of the sphere is:

[tex]V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/tex]

where r is the radius

r = 12 mm


π = 3.1416

We can replace it:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3 \\ \downarrow \\ V=\frac{4}{3}\pi\cdot(12\operatorname{mm})^3 \\ \downarrow\text{ since}(12\operatorname{mm})^3=1728\operatorname{mm}^3 \\ V=\frac{4}{3}\pi\cdot1728\operatorname{mm}^3 \\ \downarrow\text{ since }\frac{4}{3}\cdot1728=2304 \\ V=2304\pi\operatorname{mm}^3 \\ \downarrow\text{ since }\pi=3.1416 \\ V=7238.2\operatorname{mm}^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]Answer

Then, the volume is given by

2304π mm³


7238.2 mm³

A Circle With Radius 12 Mm Is Rotated Around A Diameter What Is The Volume Of The Solid Formed

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Answer: 08

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the following equation for x.x^2−47=17List your answers separated by a comma, not using a ± sign and do not include x= in your answer.Question 2 options:3, 5-9, 9-8, 8-30, 0



The values of x are -8 and 8


From the problem, we have the equation :


Add 47 to both sides :

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-47+47=17+47 \\ x^2=64 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the square root of both sides :

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt{x^2}=\sqrt{64} \\ x=\pm8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If a number is raised to a power of 2, it is A. CubbedB. Powered C. Squared


If we raise a number to a power of 2, we can represent the result graphically as shown below (where n is the number to be raised to a power of 2)

This is a square of side equal to n.

Therefore, the answer is option C, squared.

10 ydFind the surface area of the closed hemisphere.Enter your answer in terms of A and rounded to thenearest tenth.The surface area is ]# yd? or approximatelyyd?


We have the following:

[tex]A=2\cdot\pi\cdot r^2[/tex]

we have that the radius is half the diameter, therefore

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\frac{d}{2}=\frac{10}{2} \\ r=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} A=2\cdot\pi\cdot5^2 \\ A=50\pi\cong157 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The surface area is 50*pi yd^2 or approximately 157 yd^2

Need help with relationship between measures of two given angles


Note that in the picture we are asked about the angles QRW and RWQ. This two angles are part of the the same triangle. So we can ignore the rest of the image and focus only on the triangle that contains both. We have the following

Using this information, we can see that the measure of the three sides of the triangle are different. This means that the triangle is a scalene triangle. This type of triangles have the property that the measure of each angle is different from the other. So, we know that the measure of angles QRW and RWQ are different.

To dig deeper in the problem, we will use the sines law for triangle, which states the following. If we have a triangle of the form

Then, we have the following

[tex]\frac{\sin A}{a}=\frac{\sin B}{b}=\frac{\sin C}{c}[/tex]

In this case, we have c=45 and a=47, so we have

[tex]\frac{\sin A}{47}=\frac{\sin C}{45}[/tex]

where A is the angle RWQ and C is the angle QRW, if we multiply both sides by 45, we get

[tex]\sin C=\frac{45}{47}\cdot\sin A[/tex]

In this case, we have that 45/47 < 1. Since angles A and C are less than 180° degrees, the sine of this angles is a positive number, so we have that

[tex]\sin C=\frac{45}{47}\cdot\sin A<\sin A[/tex]

Note also that angles A and C should have a measure less than 90°. Over this interval, the sine function is an increasing function, which means that if sin(C)So we have that the measure of angle QRW is less than the measure of angle RWQ.

i have the first answer but keep getting the second one wrong please help!!


Kenyan = k

$3.50 per pound

Sri Lankan = s

$5.60 per pound

6lbs of blend


s+k = 6

3.50k + 5.60s = 28.35


k = lbs of kenyan

s = lbs of Sri Lankan

Solve the system

s+k = 6

3.50k + 5.60s = 28.35

solve the first equation for s:

s = 6-k

Replace in the second equation:

3.50k + 5.60 (6-k) = 28.35

3.50k + 5.60(6)+ 5.60(-k) = 28.35

3.50k + 33.6 - 5.60k = 28.35

3.50k - 5.60k = 28.35-33.6

-2.1k= -5.25

k= -5.25/-2.1

k= 2.5 lbs

Replace k on any equation and solve for s

s+k= 6

s+ 2.5 = 6

s= 6-2.5

s= 3.5 lbs

7. What equation is represented by this illustration?OOOOOOOOO A 2x + 4 = 8x +1OB. 42 - 2 = 2 - 8O 0.42 +2 = 8O D.4.2 + 2 = 2 +8


We have 4 x's and 2 "units" in the left side. We know that this is equal or equivalent to one X and 8 units, pictured in the right side.

So we can write the left side as: 4x+2

And the rigth side as: x+8

As both sides are equal, we can write:


The answer is Option D: 4x+2=x+8

For the experiment, determine the two given events are independent. The answers are guessed on a twenty-question multiple-choice test. The events are "the first question is correct" and "the second answer is correct". Are the two events independent or not independent?


Two events are independent when one of the events happen and the result does not affect on the result for the second event.

In this case if we have multiple-choice answers on the test the probability of having the correct answer for both of them is the same, however if we get the first one correct it does not mean that we will have the second answer correct.

For this reason the events are independent.

Which of the following equations describes the graph? (options included)



Given a quadratic equation of the form:


There's some important facts we could use to determine which options are not correct.

First fact: the y - intercept of the graph is the number c. So, if our graph intercepts at y=1, that means that c=1.

For that reason, option A is not correct, because c=1.

Second fact: the sign of the number "a", will determine the concavity of the graph. This is, in other words:

That means that if "a" is positive, the graph will has the form of the left, and if "a" is negative, it will take the form of the right side.

Based in this, we can see that our graph has the form of the left side, so "a" has to be positive.

For that reason, options A and C are incorrect.

Now we should pick between B or D.

The third fact, is that, when the sign of "b" is negative, our graph seems to be moved to the right.

When the sign of b is positive, the graph seems to be moved to the left.

As you can see, our graph seems to be moved to the right, so the sign of b should be negative.

For these reasons, the appropiate answer is D.


Find the number that belongsin the green boc


the value for green box is 7.61

It can be calculated using sine law

first we need to know the angle opposite of 5

using sine law

May you solve the system of linear equations by graphingm?


We shall begin by plotting the graph of the equations given which are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{1}{3}x+6 \\ y=-\frac{2}{3}x+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The black line shows the graph of y = [1/3]x + 6

The red line shows the graph of y = [-2/3]x + 3

The solution to these system of equations is at the point (-3, 5)

Jane is a software saleswoman. Her base salary is $1500, and she makes an additional $110 for every copy of English isFun she sells.Let P represent her total pay (in dollars), and let N represent the number of copies of English is Fun she sells. Write anequation relating P to N. Then use this equation to find her total pay if she sells 29 copies of English is Fun.


You know that "P" represents her total pay (in dollars) and "N" represents the number of copies of English is Fun Jane sales.

According to the information given in the exercise, Jane makes $110 for every copy of English is Fun, then you can set up the following expression for this:


Knowing that her base salary is $1500, you can conclude that her total pay "P" will be the sum of her base salary and the amount of money she makes for every copy she sells. Based on this, you can write the following equation relateion "P" to "N":


If Jane sales 29 copies of English is Fun, then:


Substituting this value into the equation and evaluating, you get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=1500+(110)(29) \\ P=1500+3190 \\ P=4690 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answers

- Equation:


- Solution:


Her total pay if she sells 29 copies of English is Fun, is $4690

Choose the best selection for thequadrilateral with vertices at thefollowing points:(4,0), (8,0), (4,-4), (8,-4)Hint: Start by graphing the points.Distance Formula: d= (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2A. RectangleB. SquareC. RhombusD. Trapezoid


We are given coordinates of four points and we are asked to find the best selection of the shape.

In order to know what shape this is, we simply graph all the points and see what shape we get.

Using a graphing calculator, the points make up the following shape:

Now that we have the shape, we know that it can either be a Rectangle or a Square.

If the shape is a rectangle, the lengths x and y are not equal. If the shape is a square, lengths x and y are equal.

In order to find x and y, we use the distance formula given to us as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} |d|=\sqrt[]{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2} \\ \text{where,} \\ (x_2,y_2)\to\text{ Second point} \\ (x_1,y_1)\to\text{ First point} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now let us find x and y.


The points that make up the length x are:

(4, 0), and (4, -4)

Therefore, length x can be gotten as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_2=4,y_2=0,x_1=4,y_1=-4 \\ |x|=\sqrt[]{(4-4)^2+(0--4)^2} \\ |x|=\sqrt[]{4^2} \\ \\ \therefore|x|=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we find y.


The points that make up the length y are:

(4, 0) and (8, 0)

Therefore, length y can be gotten as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_2=4,y_2=0,x_1=4,y_1=-4 \\ |x|=\sqrt[]{(4-4)^2+(0--4)^2} \\ |x|=\sqrt[]{4^2} \\ \\ \therefore|x|=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Suppose Albers Elementary School has 26 teachers and Bothel Elementary School has 14 teachers. If thetotal number of teachers at Albers and Bothel combined is 27, how many teachers teach at both schools



Albers Elementary School has 26 teachers

Bothel Elementary School has 14 teachers

And the total number of teachers at Albers and Bothel combined is 27

Note, there a number of teachers working at both schools

We will let the following:

The number of teachers at Albers = x

The number of teachers at Bothel = y

The number of teachers at both = z

So, we can write the following system of equations:

x + z = 26 ⇒ (1)

y + z = 14 ⇒ (2)

x + y + z = 27 ⇒ (3)

Solving the system of equations to find x, y, and z

From (1) ⇒ x = 26 - z

From (2) ⇒ y = 14 - z

Substitute with (x) and (y) into equation (3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} (26-z)+(14-z)+z=27 \\ -z-z+z=27-14-26 \\ -z=-13 \\ z=13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the answer will be

The number of teachers teach at both schools = 13

Write an equivalent expression for each expression without drawing a diagram: a) (x + 2)(x+6) b.) (x + 5)(2x + 10)


[tex]\begin{gathered} a)\text{ (x + 2)(x + 6)} \\ equivalent\text{ expression} \\ x^2\text{ + 6x + 2x + 12} \\ x^2\text{ + 8x + 12} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} b)\text{ (x + 5)(2x + 10)} \\ 2x^2\text{ + 10x + 10x + 50} \\ 2x^2\text{ + 20x + 50 equivalent expression} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Carter plays 5/8 of a basket ball game. The basket ball game is 40 minutes long. Which if the following shows how to find the number of minutes carter plays?how do we do it?





The number of minutes played by Carter is given below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Multiply the fraction of time Carter played by the total time of a basketball game:} \\ =\frac{5}{8}\times40 \\ =\frac{5\times40}{8} \\ =25 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, C is the correct option

What would the Outputs be when the Inputs are 1,7,-3, and -5 if the function is Y=x


The function is:


This means that the output of the function is equal to the input. So when the inputs are 1,7,-3 and -5. The outputs will also be 1, 7, -3 and -5.

In the game of Monopoly, a player is sent to jail if he or she rolls doubles with a pair of dice 3 times in a row.What is the probability of rolling doubles on a single turn? (Enter your probability as a fraction.) _______What is the probability of rolling doubles 3 times in succession? (Enter your probability as a fraction.) _______


The probability of rolling doubles on a single turn is the number of favorable cases over the number of total cases, the favorable cases are those when you get a double, the number of total cases is the number of total possible outcomes.

Now, the number of total possible outcomes is


The number of favorable cases is


Therefore, the probability of rolling doubles is:


Now, the probability of rolling double 3 times in succession is the product of rolling a double in a single turn, therefore:



The probability of rolling doubles on a single turn is:


The probability of rolling doubles 3 times in succession is:


Perform the following operationand express the answer inscientific notation.5.7365x10-5 = 3.4891x10-8[ ? ]x10?)Coefficient (green)Exponent (yellow)Enter


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5.7365\cdot10^{-5}}{3.4891\cdot10^{-8}}= \\ =\frac{5.7365}{3.4891}\cdot\frac{10^{-5}}{10^{-8}}=\text{ separating by similar terms} \\ =1.64412026\cdot10^{-5-(-8)}=\text{ calculating each division separately} \\ =1.6441\cdot10^3\text{ rounding} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Both numerator and denominator have 5 significant figures, then the quotient will have 5 significant figures too.

22. [-/2 Points]DETAILS OSELEMALG1 1.4.325.Translate to an algebraic expression, but do not simplify.the quotient of -4 and the sum of a and b†



The quotient of -4 and the sum of a and b.


To translate to an algebraic expression.


The sum of a and b is


The quotient of -4 and the sum of a and b is


Final Answer:


Construct a Venn diagram where U={a,b,c,d,e,f,g}, A={b,d,f,g}, and B={b}.Move each of the lettered points to an appropriate region on the Venn diagram.



Given the universal set, U and subsets A and B as follows:

• U={a,b,c,d,e,f,g}


• A={b,d,f,g}


• B={b}


The Venn diagram representing the sets is given below:


• The ,letter b is common to both A and B,, so we put it in the intersection of both sets.


• The ,letters a, c, and e do not belong to either A or B,, so we place it outside of the two sets.

#WT 10, 4). 47-3, -1), and Y-5. 11) classify A#XY by its sides ae: Vanhem



Isosceles triangle


An isosceles triangle is one in which two side lengths are congruent while the third is not.

Looking at the triangle given we see that the two side lengths WY and WX are the same; therefore, the triangle is isosceles.

mrs corwin has a contractor install a new quarter circle window in her house like shown at right. what is the area of the window? use 3.14 pi. round to the nearest tenth


The area of a circle is given by:

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

Since it is a quarter of the circle, the area is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{\pi r^2_{}}{4} \\ where \\ r=7 \\ \pi=3.14 \\ so\colon \\ A=\frac{(3.14)(7^2)}{4} \\ A\approx38.5in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I am having a little bit of trouble on this (help)




Step-by-step explanation:

We should use ratio.

AB is 5

DE is 10

AB/DE = 1/2

BC is 12 and EF is 24


AC is 13 and DF is 26

AC/DF= 1/2

So we can write the equation like D choice.

Type the correct answer in each box. Spell all words correctly.
Two triangles are graphed in an x y plane. The vertices are as follows: first: A (negative 6, 2), B (negative 2, 6), and C (negative 4, 2); second: A prime (negative 6, negative 2), B (negative 2, negative 6), and C (negative 4, negative 2). A sequence of transformations maps ∆ABC onto ∆A″B″C″. The type of transformation that maps ∆ABC onto ∆A′B′C′ is a . When ∆A′B′C′ is reflected across the line x = -2 to form ∆A″B″C″, vertex of ∆A″B″C″ will have the same coordinates as B′.


Part A: Transformation which mapped ABC to A′B′C′; reflection along x-axis.

Part B: The coordinate of B" is the same as the coordinate of B'.

What is referred as the term transformation?A transformation is a broad term for four major methods of changing the form and/or position of the a point, line, as well as geometric figure. The Pre-Image is the original shape of a object, and the Image for under transformation is the final shape as well as position of the object.

For the given question;

The coordinates are-

∆ABC; A(-6, 2), B(-2, 6), C(-4, 2).

∆A′B′C; A'(-6, - 2), B (-2, -6), C (-4, -2).

A) We are now told that ABC was transformed into

∆A′B′C. We can see from the coordinates that merely the y coordinate sign modified after the transformation.

As a result, the transformation which mapped ABC to A′B′C′ is a reflection along the x-axis.

B) A′B′C′ is now reflected all across line x = -2 to form A′′B′′C′′. Because the line x = -2 is vertical as well as the coordinate of B' in A′B′C′ has had an x - coordinate of -2,

Thus, the coordinate of B" is the same as the coordinate of B'.

To know more about the transformation, here




2. Consider the linear expression.

3.2a - 1 - 4 1/3 + 7 - a

(a) What are the like terms in the expression?

(b) Simplify the linear expression.

Please answer question in this format:


= (next step)

= (next step)

= (next step)

= (answer)


1)  3.2a , a  and 1 , 4 1/3 , 7 are the like terms in the expression.

2) 2.2a + 1.66 is the simplified linear expression

What is linear expression ?

The greatest power of a variable in a linear equation is always equal to 1. A one-degree equation is another name for it. A linear equation with one variable is typically expressed as Ax + B = 0. Here, the variables x and A and B are constants and coefficients, respectively.


1 )  Merger of similar items 3.2a , a

and 1 , 4 1/3 , 7

2 ) 3.2 a -1 - 4 1/3 + 7 -a

= 3.2a - a - 1 - 4 1/3 + 7

= 2.2a + 6 - 13/3

= 2.2a + 6 - 4.34

= 2.2a + 1.66

learn more about linear expression here :



What is the equation of the line of best fit for the following data? Round theslope and y-intercept of the line to three decimal places.ху2258.7.109111113




The equation o

*only do question 14*diagrams are not drawn to scale. i only care about the answers & the steps you did to get the answers.don’t be slow pls (:


∠KU and ∠LE are vertically opposite angles, which means that they are congruent, so that:

[tex]\angle KU=\angle LE=60º[/tex]

∠LUE and ∠LKE intersect the same arc mLE, which means that they are congruent:


∠KU and the vertex angle marked in blue are supplementary angles, which means that they add up to 180º:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 60+x=180º \\ x=180-60 \\ x=120º \end{gathered}[/tex]

Knowing two of the three angles of the upper triangle, you can calculate the measure of the missing one, ∠ULK:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 32+120+\angle\text{ULK}=180 \\ 152+\angle\text{ULK}=180 \\ \angle\text{ULK}=180-152 \\ \angle\text{ULK}=28º \end{gathered}[/tex]

∠ULK and ∠UEK intercept the same arc mKU, so they are congruent:


What is thX= ら*e coefficient of the term x³y5 in the expansion of the binomial expression (2x − y)³?


The coefficient of the term x²y in the binomial expansion of (2x − y)³ is -12.

The expression (2x − y)³ can be simplified as

8x³−12x²y+6xy²−y³ .

Thus the coefficient of the binomial expansion is  -12.

Of the use of the binomial theorem, it is possible to determine the expanded value of either formula with the form (x + y)ⁿ.

The values of (x + y)², (x + y)³, and (a + b + c)² can be easily determined by adding the integers algebraically in accordance with the exponent value.  

The binomial theorem was first mentioned by a well-known Greek mathematician by the name of Euclid in the fourth century BC.

According to the binomial theorem, which represents it as a sum of terms using distinct exponents of the variables x and y, the algebraic statement (x + y)ⁿ can be expanded. A coefficient, or numerical value, is assigned to each word in a binomial expansion.

To learn more about binomial expansion visit:



what is the slope formula (-12,-2) and (18,4) ?


The slope is given by:


In thie case we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{4-(-2)}{18-(-12)} \\ =\frac{4+2}{18+12} \\ =\frac{6}{30} \\ =\frac{1}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore the slope between this points is 1/5.

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