Which component of the legislative branch is able to carry out the implied power of investigation?.


Answer 1

Both the House and the Senate are the component of the legislative branch is able to carry out the implied power of investigation.

United States the Court described Congress' oversight power by stating that the power of the Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process.

This branch includes Congress, the Senate and House of Representatives and special agencies and offices that provide support services to Congress. American citizens have the right to vote for Senators and Representatives through free, confidential ballots.

The legislative branch of government is responsible for enacting the laws of the state and appropriating the money necessary to operate the government.

Learn more about component of the legislative branch here:- https://brainly.com/question/2091593


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Which investment has the least liquidity?mutual fundhousechecking accountsmall business.


investment has the least liquidity is Small business

What is liquidity?

Liquidity is a term that tells us how long it takes to convert an investment into cash as quickly as possible.

A small business is not a type of investment. Investors can invest in a company, investors can receive money after the company is dissolved, and they can get their money back after the company's shares are sold, but this takes time. It takes...it's the most liquid. It is a highly liquid investment and investors like it. Investors don't like investments with the least liquidity. Investors invest in investment types that offer high liquidity. So that in an emergency, investors can easily sell their investments and get their money back

Learn more about investment here.



before he gave a class presentation favoring gun control legislation, diego opposed it. his present attitude favoring such legislation can best be explained by


Before he gave a class presentation favoring gun control legislation, diego opposed it. his present attitude favoring such legislation can best be explained by cognitive dissonance theory.

Legislation, the preparing and enacting of legal guidelines with the aid of neighborhood, state, or countrywide legislatures. In other contexts, it is every so often used to use municipal ordinances and to the regulations and guidelines of administrative companies passed inside the exercising of delegated legislative functions.

rules can have many functions: to adjust, to authorize, to outlaw, to provide (budget), to sanction, to grant, to claim, or to restrict. it can be contrasted with a non-legislative act via an executive or administrative body below the authority of a legislative act.

rules is surpassed by using authorities (Parliament mainly) and signed through the President in an effort to be binding. regulation binds the complete network. Examples of regulation are, the consumer safety Act sixty eight of 2008 and the countrywide credit score Act 34 of 2005 (law incorporates the phrase “Act”).

Learn more about legislation here: https://brainly.com/question/13267720


overall, the research on the effectiveness of highlighting as a study technique shows that students who highlight learn ________ students who don’t highlight.


Overall, the research on the effectiveness of highlighting as a study technique shows that students who highlight learn the same amount as students who don’t highlight.

What is the Highlighting tips?

When carry out a study highlighting one sentence or phrase per paragraph is very important, however it help to show the  sentence that best expresses the main concept.

It should be noted that the Highlight key words as well as the phrases instead of full sentences is very good and  when looking back over these words and phrases you can task yourself on them before reading further.

Learn more about research at:



which ethnic group of immigrant adolescents showed the highest level of depression and the lowest self-esteem in a recent study?


Asian immigrant teenagers exhibited the highest levels of sadness, the lowest self-esteem, and were more likely to report encountering prejudice in a recent study comparing Asian, Latino, and non-Latino White immigrants' adolescents.

Youth who are immigrants are people who were either born abroad or in the United States to immigrants and are under the age of eighteen. comprise one-fourth of the 75 million young people in the country. They are anticipated to account for one-third of more than 100 million people by 2050.

Families of immigrants are less likely to be familiar with cultural norms about school assignment and school choice. Even for those born into these structures, let alone a family that is new to the nation, they can be challenging to comprehend. Immigrant families are frequently pushed toward lower-quality, segregated schools by neighborhood segregation.

To know more about Immigrants here



Place each exa,ple in the correct category. which activities demonstrate expressed powers, and which demonstrate implied powers?
A. expressed powers
B. implied powers


The examples of expressed powers are raising taxes, regulating trade, coining money, and declaring war while examples of implied powers are drafting soldiers and creating a national bank.

The expressed powers refer to the federal government powers that are explicitly defined in the Constitution. The express powers include the power to tax, to coin money, to regulate foreign and domestic commerce, to raise and maintain an armed forces, to fix standards of weights and measures, to grant patents and copyrights, to conduct foreign affairs, and to make treaties.

Implied powers refer to government powers that are not directly stated in the Constitution, and are implied or suggested to be applicable in some or all cases. The implied powers include creating a national bank, establishing a federal minimum wage, establishing a military draft, and creating gun control laws in some cases.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are a) raising taxes b) regulating trade c) coining money d) drafting soldiers e) declaring war f) creating a national bank.

Learn more about Expressed powers:



true or false: any action taken by a manager that is within the bounds of the law is, by definition, an ethical action.


Answer: False


The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during early childhood (typically from birth to five years) period of the lifespan.

Neurodevelopmental disorders refer to a group of disorders that influence the development of the nervous system, resulting in abnormal brain function which may impact emotion, learning ability, self-control, and memory. They are a group of conditions with onset in the developmental period. They are characterized by developmental deficits that produce impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. The range of developmental deficits varies from very specific limitations of learning or control of executive functions to global impairments of social skills or intelligence. They typically manifest in the early childhood phase of development, often before grade school typically within the ages from birth to five.

Learn more about Neurodevelopmental disorders:



Assume that you support the school choice movement. what are you likely to say is the reason that u.s. public schools perform poorly?


Assume that you support the school choice movement.  are you likely to say is the reason that u's public schools perform poorly Schools have no competition.

Quiz about the school choice movement

Choice of school. This term describes a broad range of K–12 public education initiatives in the United States that give kids and their families an alternative to the publicly funded schools that are typically assigned to pupils based on where their families live.

Which of the following best describes the campaign for common schools?

a historical effort to provide all children in the United States with access to education.

Quiz: What are the objectives of school choice programs?

They list the following four main objectives of education: choice, productivity, equity, and social cohesion.

To Know more about competition.



Sigmund is the founding father of psychoanalytic theory of personality development.
a. True
b. False


It is a. true that Sigmund is the founding father of psychoanalytic theory of personality development.

Five psycho stages—the oral, anals, phallic, latency, and genital stages—are when Freud suggested that a child's personality develops. Each stage of inner development involves a distinct way for the body's libido (internal energy) to manifest itself.

Because each stage shows the fixation of libido—roughly translated as pleasure impulses or instincts—on a different part of the body, they are known as psychoseual stages. Some parts of the body become more significant as a person develops physically as possible sources of annoyance (erogenous zones), pleasure, or both.

According to Freud (1905), tension and pleasure are the foundation of life. Freud also held that all pleasure originated from the release of the libido (inner energy), which he believed was the source of all tension.

To know more about psychoanalytic theory of personality:



all of the following are the worldview of african american except: group of answer choices a. african americans are future oriented. some are rather relaxed about time and hence, may be late for appointments. d. african americans tend to speak louder than other cultures, and it is important to not interpret that as being angry c. their highly animated nonverbal communication methods are sometime erroneously misinterpreted as being aggressive. b. they tend to prefer close personal space and are comfortable with touching and hugging.


The worldview of African American except: group of answer choices a. African Americans are future oriented.

Hence, Option A  is correct.

The word used is "African American."

African American is the proper word now to describe anyone with ancestry in any of the African nations. The phrases "African American" and "black" are both used in literature.

The term "black" refers to a larger demographic.

Historically, a variety of terms were used to describe African Americans (Negro, colored, black).

They taught in their children the principles of honesty, integrity, and treating their fellow people with compassion, an attitude that still permeates many contemporary African American families, despite the ignorance and insensitivity of their oppressors.

To know more about African Americans here



. mindfulness pertains to our outer worlds of other people and events. c.mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander. d. mindfulness is about concentrating or focusing.


A. Mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander.

Mindfulness is the exercise of purposely bringing one's interest to the prevailing moment enjoy with out evaluation,[1][2][note 1][3][web 1] an ability one develops thru meditation or different training.[2][4][5] Mindfulness derives from sati, a big detail of Hindu and Buddhist traditions,[6][7] and is based on Zen, Vipassanā, and Tibetan meditation strategies.[8][9][note 2] though definitions and strategies of mindfulness are extensive-ranging,[15] Buddhist traditions explain what constitutes mindfulness which include how beyond, gift and future moments rise up and give up as momentary sense impressions and intellectual phenomena.[6][16][web 2] individuals who have contributed to the popularity of mindfulness within the contemporary Western context consist of Thích Nhất Hạnh, Herbert Benson, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Richard J. Davidson,[17][18] and Sam Harris.

Learn more about Mindfulness here



Why did mot African American vote for Republican candidate in the election of 1868?



For African American voting rights, abolition of slavery, etc


According to a government website this is why

Can anyone help me. I need it today.



1.Iraq 2.Syria 3.Turkey


anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep.a. trueb. false


The statement 'anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep' is false.

An agent can be described as a person that is a representative of a particular organization or agency. An agent works for an agency and helps in representing the organization at various places.

However, anything that an agent might receive in relationship to the agency, is not his to keep. Under such circumstances, the person is entitled to give that thing to the owner of the agency and he would decide whether the agent can keep it or not. Hence, the statement above is false.

To learn more about an agent, click here:



a client has been journaling their behavior. they find that if they get home and sit on the couch to watch television, they do not end up exercising. but if they bring their gym clothes to work with them and change before leaving the office, they are more likely to exercise. which behavior change technique are they using?


This client is using the "implementation intention" behavior change technique.

Using Implementation Intention to Increase Exercise Motivation

This technique involves setting a specific plan for when, where, and how a behavior will be carried out. Here, the client has identified that changing into their gym clothes at work is a cue for exercise, making them more likely to follow through with their goal.

The implementation intention behavior change technique is a powerful tool for helping individuals make lasting changes in their behaviors. It involves setting a specific plan for when, where, and how a behavior will be carried out, such as the example of bringing gym clothes to work and changing into them before leaving the office. This plan can be used to help people reach their goals in a more strategic and meaningful way.

Learn more about implementation intention at: https://brainly.com/question/29734413


Why is it called a Sancho?


A male sleeping with a married woman or a woman in a committed relationship is referred to as a "Sancho." The Sancho is an urban legend, and nobody actually knows when or when the phrase first began to be used in this way.

In the 14th century, the first Portuguese dynasty kings frequently went by the name "Sancho." However, it refers to a man who creeps around another man's wife when he is not there when it is used in a lighter setting as a moniker for someone.

It's the same as the idiom "sleeping with the gardener" or "pool boy." Sancho became a scapegoat for the wife's lover since immigrants would frequently hold these positions in houses in Texas and California.

To learn more about Sancho



the ______ perspective suggests when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behavior, the root cause will be found in a physical examination, which may reveal a hormonal imbalance, a chemical deficiency, or a brain injury.


The abnormal behavior  perspective suggests when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behavior, the root cause will be found in a physical examination, which may reveal a hormonal imbalance, a chemical deficiency, or a brain injury.

Unusual behavior can be described as behavior that is annoying (socially unacceptable), distressing, maladaptive (or self‐defeating), and regularly the end result of distorted mind (cognitions). numerous perspectives (fashions, approaches derived from facts) and theories try and provide an explanation for the causes of bizarre behavior.

An awesome instance of an peculiar conduct assessed with the aid of a multi-standards method is despair: it is generally visible as a deviation from perfect mental stability, it regularly stops the individual from 'functioning' in regular lifestyles, and, although it is a exceptionally not unusual mental ailment, it is nevertheless statistically rare.

The two most commonplace sorts of remedy are psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment. Psychotherapies come in a ramification of theoretical orientations and formats. The most commonplace remedy orientations are psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive, biomedical, and integrated.

Learn more about abnormal behavior here:



Do you think that during times of war the government should be granted more power over their citizens ? Why or why not ?


In the event of war, the government could arrest and deport all male citizens of an enemy nation under the Alien Enemies Act.

Additionally, the president was able to deport any non-citizen who was suspected of plotting against the government, even during peacetime, thanks to the Alien Friends Act.

Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts so controversial after they were passed?

The Federalists accepted that Popularity based conservative analysis of Federalist strategies was backstabbing and expected that outsiders living in the US would feel for the French during a conflict. Consequently, four laws, collectively known as the Alien and Sedition Acts, were enacted by a Federalist-controlled Congress.

To learn more about Alien Enemies Act here



Danny, a 12-year-old, dances very well. His teachers ask him to perform every time there is an event in their school. Danny likes it when everybody appreciates him. Therefore, he attends dance classes and practices dancing every day. In this scenario, danny is influenced by


I’d say he’s influenced by his teachers

The scenario mentioned above states that Danny is influenced by his teachers.

What is dance?

Dance is a theatrical art form that consists of improvisational or pre-planned movement patterns. This trend is both aesthetic and frequently meaningful. Dance can be classified and characterized based on its choreography, movement repertory, or historical time or location of origin.

According to the above scenario, Danny, a 12-year-old, is an excellent dancer. Every time there is an event at his school, his instructors request that he perform. Danny enjoys it when everyone recognizes him. As a result, he attends dance classes and practices every day. Danny is impacted by his professors in this situation.

Learn more about dance here:



What can be inferred from the graph regarding population growth in the United


The conclusion that can be inferred from the graph regarding population growth in the United States is that the population growth showed no trend.

What is a population growth?

A population growth refers to the increase in the number of people in a population. The actual global human population growth amounts to around 83 million annually or 1.1% per year.

Some academia outside the UN have increasingly developed a human population models that account for additional downward pressures on population growth; in such a scenario, the population would peak before 2100.

Read more about population growth



major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


Major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a significant mental illness that causes aberrant reality interpretation, according to medical terminology. Hallucinations, delusions, and very disordered thought and behaviour are frequent outcomes of this disease, which makes it difficult to go about daily tasks and can even be crippling.

To put it another way, schizophrenia is also regarded as a chronic brain condition that affects less than 1% of Americans. Delusions, hallucinations, slurred speech, difficulty thinking, and a lack of motivation are all possible signs of schizophrenia.The majority of patients with schizophrenia need a lifetime of care that includes a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and well-coordinated specialty care services.

To know more about Schizophrenia visit:



psychologists have found that prejudice and discrimination may be reduced by group of answer choices encouraging stereotype vulnerability. decreasing contact among ingroup and outgroup members. educating people about other groups. making values and norms against prejudice less conspicuous.


Psychologists have discovered that teaching people about different groups can help against prejudice and discrimination. The right response in this case is option C.

Some methods of bias reduction focus on inciting internal conflict. Holding individuals responsible for their bias is one such tactic. When people are pushed to give specific justifications for their biased ideas, prejudice has been found to lessen.

Prejudice reduction is the lessening of unfavorable attitudes or opinions that people have about other people. These unfavorable opinions are based on the social groupings to which individuals belong, such as when a White person dislikes a Black person simply because of that person's race.

To learn more about discrimination



When reformers speak of bureaucratic privatization, they mean all the following processes except ________.
Group of answer choices
Government grants
Third-party financing


When reformers speak of bureaucratic privatization, they mean all the following processes except whistleblowing.

Hence, option C is correct.

A whistleblower is someone who discloses knowledge regarding allegedly illegal activities taking place within a business or public entity. They are frequently employees.The phrase "whistleblowing" is used when an employee divulges information about wrongdoing. This is referred to as "making a disclosure" or "blowing the whistle" in this guidance. Usually, but not always, the wrongdoing will be something they have seen at work.Making a disclosure in the public interest is another name for "blowing the whistle." It's crucial that you can do this with the assurance that you won't suffer consequences for what you have discovered and made public, such as losing your job or being victimized.

To know more about Whistleblowers here



2.why are men more likely to experience great hearing loss than women in middle adulthood? they are more likely to . a.listen to very loud music, which causes damage to the inner ear b.be employed in places where there would be chronic exposure to loud noises c.smoke, which causes irreversible harm to the outer and middle ear d.not spend as much time trying to listen to what other people are saying


The reason men are more likely to experience great hearing loss than women in middle adulthood is simply because they would: B. be employed in places where there would be chronic exposure to loud noises.

What is noise level?

In Science, noise level can be defined as a measure of the sound pressure level that is produced by a physical object, machine, or equipment at a particular period of time.

Additionally, noise levels are typically measured in watt or decibel and it can constitute noise pollution when it is too much and not properly managed.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that men experience great hearing loss than women in middle adulthood due to their chronic exposure to loud noise levels in their place of work.

Read more on noise here: https://brainly.com/question/20593338


what method of auditory training involves a more global approach of stressing syntax and content of the spoken message. training involves the use of meaningful stimuli based on information.


Synthetic method of auditory training involves a more global approach of stressing syntax and content of the spoken message

The goal of auditory training is to improve an individual's ability to detect the acoustic cues necessary for the development of auditory abilities. The synthetic and analytical methods of auditory training are the two main types.

Synthetic approach to the focus of auditory training is on a broader perspective on speech perception, emphasizing the use of context and syntactic cues to understand spoken messages. involves utilizing significant stimuli (words, phrases, sentences). This could entail practicing sentence comprehension using context-based prior knowledge or having the clinician name a topic and offer pertinent words or phrases for the person to repeat back.

The synthetic (or top-down) method is concerned with understanding the meaning of a message through a variety of communication techniques, including enhanced hearing, attention, use of context, and repair techniques.

To learn more about syntax, refer:



which term is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that are relatively fixed and immobile?


Caste system is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that are relatively fixed and immobile.

Endogamy, the hereditary transfer of a way of life that frequently includes a profession, ritual rank in a hierarchy, customary social contact, and exclusion based on cultural conceptions of purity and contamination are all characteristics of caste, a type of social stratification. The tight social divisions within Hindu society in India, which have their origins in ancient south Asian history and continue to this day, serve as its paradigmatic ethnographic exemplar. However, as a result of urbanization and affirmative action initiatives, the economic importance of the caste system in India has been decreasing. The Hindu caste system has received a great deal of attention from sociologists and anthropologists, and it is occasionally used as an analogical framework for the study of caste-like social distinctions that exist outside of Hinduism and India.

To know more about caste system:



in order to identify when in a sexual encounter anxiety about sex first arose, joonhee is imagining sexual scenes. what therapeutic technique is joonhee engaging in?


Joonhee is engaging in affectual awareness technique.      

The therapy program's initial element, known as affectual awareness, aims to increase the client's familiarity with his or her unfavorable attitudes, beliefs, and cognitions regarding sex.The connection between sensory experience and emotional response is the source of affective awareness.People can have intense emotions and strong physical sensations as a result of sensory experiences.Biases are exposed, patterns are found, meaning is made, and a response is made to this perception through an affective process.Awareness of physical sensations, action tendencies, single emotions, blends of emotions (i.e., experiencing numerous emotions at once), and blends of blends of emotional experience are the stages of emotional awareness, in descending order.        

To know more about Affectual Awareness here



danny used to love his job, but after working long hours for the last few months he has started dreading going to work in the morning and feels tired all the time. this is an example of:


Danny used to love his job, but after working long hours for the last few months he has started dreading going to work in the morning and feels tired all the time. this is an example of Burnout.

this can result in health troubles like again ache, stroke, and heart ailment. it is simply as in all likelihood to take a toll on your mental fitness too, making you extra liable to strain, tension, and depression over time.

in line with current global Heath, business enterprise take a look at, working 55 or more hours consistently with a week is associated with an estimated 35% higher chance of a stroke and a 17% better danger of dying from an ischemic heart disorder, compared to working 35-40 hours every week. A current examination with the aid of the sector health organization and the worldwide Labour organization indicates that operating greater than 55 hours per week will have poor effects to your health.

Learn more about working long hours here: https://brainly.com/question/4784548


An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


True, if an employee of a company suffers an off-the-job injury, it is not covered by workers' compensation law.

What is an accident at work?

It is a sudden event that occurs within the work premises which causes damages to the worker such as injuries or different disturbances, in this case the company has the right to help with the employee's expenses.

Non-occupational accidents are considered to be those events or injuries that occur outside of work or that occur due to imprudence on the part of the worker, that is to say, that the worker does not comply with any established rule.

Learn more about work-related accidents in: https://brainly.com/question/28271495


prior to the end of a hypnosis session jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: prior to the end of a hypnosis session jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: a hidden observer. hypnagogic sensations. age regression. rem rebound. posthypnotic suggestion.


Prior to the end of a hypnosis session, Jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. Jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: prior to the end of a hypnosis session Jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: age regression. Option C

What is age regression?

Generally, Age regression is a kind of treatment in which you intentionally return to a younger state of mind in order to access and revisit memories from earlier times in your life. It is possible to induce it oneself, or to have a hypnotist or therapist do it for you.

A short or long-term reversal of behavior that occurs back to previous stages of development is known as age regression. Although it is typical and to be anticipated in youngsters, it may also take place in adults. As a defense mechanism against traumatic experiences, stress, serious illnesses, or mental health conditions, people might return to infantile behaviors at times.

Jessica's therapist informed her before the conclusion of a hypnosis session that she would no longer feel hungry and that the notion of overeating would make her sick to her stomach. It is probable that Jessica's therapist is attempting to apply the following:

Jessica's therapist informed her before the conclusion of a hypnosis session that she would no longer feel hungry and that the notion of overeating would make her sick to her stomach. There is a good chance that Jessica's therapist is attempting to implement: age regression.

Read more about  age regression



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