which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?


Answer 1

Collegiate Licensing Company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements. The  Collegiate Licensing Company is an advertising and intellectual licensing firm.

What is a licensing agreement?

A licensing agreement is a legal contract between two parties, known as the licensor and the licensee .

In a typical licensing agreement, the licensor grants the licensee the right to produce and sell goods, apply a brand name or trademark, or use patented technology owned by the licensor.

Learn more about the Licensing agreement here:



Related Questions

in comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.


This same provided statement is incorrect in accordance with the discussion.

What exactly is a bond?

Bonds are sold by corporations and governments to raise funds. By purchasing a bond, you are making a loan to the issuer, who agrees to repay the facial expression value of the bond on a specific date and also to pay user regular interest payments all along way, probably twice a year.

What are the five different types of bonds?

Bonds are classified into five types: Treasury, cash reserves, agency, municipal, and business. Each bond comes with its own set of sellers, reasons, buyers, and risk levels. If you wish to take full advantage of securities, you also can buy bonds-based securities, including such bond mutual funds.

To know more about Bonds visit:



What do you think is the importance of applying the communicative strategies in your everyday lives?


Through internal and external communication, communication strategies make sure that crucial information is communicated to the appropriate parties. All workers need to be on the same page in order to boost labor productivity.

With the aid of these techniques, learners and students can carry on a conversation even when they are unable to understand the words or sentence structures, gain speaking confidence, improve their fluency, show that they are engaged in communicating, and foster a sense of independence. Communicative strategies (CS) can promote automatization, facilitate the development of hypotheses, and maintain an open line of communication.

The most efficient method for conveying information to and obtaining it from both speakers and listeners is communication strategy. Based on prior references, this is utilized to effectively offer helpful thoughts and give quality contact in communication.

Read more about communicative everyday lives at



which of the three steps to managing your time might involve using the 80/20 rule, also known as the pareto principle?


According to the Pareto principle, 20% of causes account for about 80% of the consequences for many outcomes. This guideline is also known as the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the factor sparsity principle.

What do you mean by Pareto principle?

According to the Pareto principle, commonly referred to as the 80/20 rule, roughly 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes.The connection between input and output is rarely, if ever, balanced, according to the 80/20 rule. It translates into the workplace as roughly 20% of your efforts yielding 80% of the outcomes.According to the 80/20 Rule, which is also referred to as the Pareto principle or the law of the vital few & trivial many events, typically 80% of an event's effects result from 20% of its sources.

To know more about Pareto here



Felix and oscar are roommates. oscar is messy and felix plans to move out unless they can come to an agreement. the roommates can only reach a private solution if oscar compensates felix for being messy.a. Trueb. False


Felix and oscar are roommates. oscar is messy and felix plans to move out unless they can come to an agreement. The statement is False.

It makes no difference whether Oscar rewards Felix for his sloppiness or Felix pays Oscar to tidy up. Either strategy might address the problem if the cost savings from living together outweigh the expense of the private solution for the one compensating the other and the private solution is enforced.

Moral norms, charity, and commercial mergers or contracts in the self-interest of relevant parties are examples of private remedies to externalities. Oscar does not need to compensate Felix for his lack of messiness. Felix can ask Oscar to be neat and tidy out of a sense of moral obligation.

When private parties may barter freely over resource distribution, the private market will always address the problem of externalities and distribute resources efficiently.  Externalities are an issue that private subjects can tackle on their own.

Whatever the original allocation of rights, the interested parties may always establish an agreement in which everyone benefits and the result is efficient.

learn more about  remedies to externalities at https://brainly.com/question/28989048


Look at the following two organizational designs and indicate which one you would choose.
A. I want my employees to have very narrow job responsibilities. I’ll hire more people with specific experience next year, and each person will form the basis for future departments in my company.
B. I want my employees to have broad job responsibilities. I’ll hire a small group of employees next year that have multiple skills, and ask them to work on anything that will help the company meet its goals.


The option that I choose is: I want my employees to be given very narrow assignments. Over the next year, we plan to hire more people with specific experience. Each person forms the basis of the future division of my company.

What is a narrow job description?

A narrow and specific job description is detailed advertising. It describes the offered position in great detail, including a list of duties and position expectations. It also lists the skills, qualifications, and training the selected candidate needs for the role.

What is a low complexity job?

Examples of occupations that score low on the complexity of working with people are: Factory workers, bookbinders, painters, carpenters. Examples of occupations that are rated on data manipulation complexity are: Architects, civil engineers, graphic designers and musicians.

What are some examples of job responsibilities?

"My duties included providing administrative support to staff and managers through a variety of communication and organizational tasks such as answering phone calls and emails, entering data, and maintaining file systems." "Responsible for time-sensitive and sensitive materials"

To learn more about Job visit:



suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. the amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is:_____.


The government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. The amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is $12000.

A government is a system to govern a country or community. Governments offer the parameters for normal conduct for residents, guard them against door interference, and often offer for their well-being and happiness. In the last few centuries, some economists and thinkers have recommended authorities control over some factors of the financial system.

Every kind of government rises to electricity and rules in a unique way. Research more about every form of government--monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism--how they arrive into electricity, and the way they rule.

Learn more about Government here:-brainly.com/question/25242169


compared with autarky, international trade leads to _____ domestic production in exporting industries and _____ domestic production in import-competing industries.


Compared with autarky, international trade leads to higher domestic production in exporting industries and lower domestic production in import-competing industries.

As a result of greater competition and an increase in the number of items available to home customers, international commerce enables domestic businesses to export their commodities.

Through commerce, nations may obtain commodities and services that might not otherwise be accessible domestically and grow their markets. Market competition has increased as a result of global commerce. This ultimately leads to more competitive pricing, which lowers the cost of the final product for the customer.

When there is a gap between supply and demand, prices rise. In contrast, the price of the good decreases when supply exceeds demand. Prices are more likely to be fair and accurately reflect the worth of the good or service when there is competition between customers and sellers.

To learn more about international trade



what is the difference between markup on cost and markup on retail? select one: a. markups on retail are subject to sales tax, markups on cost are not. b. markup on cost divides the gross margin by the retail, markup on retail divides the gross margin by the cost. c. as a percentage, for a given item, markup on retail is typically a higher percentage than markup on cost. d. retailers usually calculate markup on cost, manufacturers calculate markup on retail. e. markup on cost divides the gross margin by the cost, markup on retail divides the gross margin by the retail.


Divide the gross profit by cost and by retail for markups before dividing the profit by cost. Option e would be the proper response.

What distinguishes markup on cost from markup on retail?

"Markup is the difference between the selling price of a product and its cost," the Corporate Finance Institute states. The amount that is added to the cost of a good or service to determine the selling price is known as the markup on cost. The cost markup is stated as a percentage. Markup on retail is the amount of profit that will be made on the overall cost, while markup on cost is just the amount that is increased in retail as a percentage of cost.

To know more about Corporate Finance visit: https://brainly.com/question/28334308


the chester's balance sheet has $100,849,000 in equity. further, the company is expecting $3,000,000 in net income next year. assuming no dividends are paid and no stock is issued, what would their book value be next year?


If the chester's balance sheet has $100,849,000 in equity. further, the company is expecting $3,000,000 in net income next year. assuming no dividends are paid and no stock is issued, their book value  next year is:  $103,849,000.

How to find the book value?

Using this formula to determine their book value

Book value = Equity + Book value next year


Equity =$100,849,000

Add: Net income next year =$3,000,000

Let plug in the formula

Book value = $100,849,000 +$3,000,000

Book value = $103,849,000

Therefore we can conclude that the book value is the amount of  $103,849,000.

Learn more about book value here:https://brainly.com/question/23057744


How do you offer drinks to guests?


Serve guests from your right hand side, then proceed around the table in seating order.Tell the servers to place the glass on a coaster or napkin.If the table has a tablecloth,they put the drinks on it.

You should remove the glasses when they are empty,so as not to waste your diner's money.Open the bottle of water in front of the guest.Serve the older ladies and gentlemen first. Make sure the bottle does not touch the glass. up and into palm of hand,moving clockwise around table,pour slowly and carefully,fill glass 3/4 full.Service begins to the right of the host and goes around the table to the right.Food is served to the diner's left, with the left hand,and one plate at a time is removed,with the left hand. When passing plates of food,two large serving forks or one large serving spoon and fork will likely be included.

To learn more about moving clockwise please click on below link.



What is the first step to open an account at the bank?


The first step to open a bank account is to collect all the requirements requested by the bank, then an appointment is requested to attend to open the account.

What is a bank?

It is a commercial enterprise which is dedicated to carry out financial operations with the money that comes from customers or shareholders.

Banks are of great benefit to people since they allow them to save, collect and accumulate interest.

In order to open an account in a bank you must comply with a series of requirements such as:

To have an identity card.To have an income certification.Have references, among others.

Learn more about banks in: https://brainly.com/question/14368059


A recent income statement of mcclennon corporation reported the following data: units sold 8,000 sales revenue $ 9,600,000 variable costs 6,000,000 fixed costs 2,600,000 if the company desired to earn a target profit of $1,270,000, it would have to sell:.


If the company desired to earn a target profit is $1,270,000, it would have to sell units at $750.

Calculation of the number of units that the company would have to sell to earn a target profit of $1,270,000

Number of units to be sold = (Fixed cost + Targer profit) / ( Sale price per unit - Variable cost per unit)

= (2,600,000 + $1,270,000) / ( $1200 - $750)

= $3,870,000 / $450

= 8,600 units (Answer is B.)

So, the company would have to sell 8,600 units to earn a target profit of $1,270,000

Sale price per unit = $9,600,000 / 8000 units

= $1200

Variable cost per unit = $6000,000 / 8000 units

= $750

To learn more about Target's profit



activities involved in producing a company's products and services and the way in which these activities are linked together are called


Supply chains refer to the activities used to produce a company's goods and services as well as the connections between these processes.

A supply chain is a network of individuals and organizations in charge of creating a product and distributing it to customers. The initial link in the chain are the suppliers of raw materials, and the last is the vehicle that transports the finished good to the client.

The lower costs and increased productivity that result from an efficient supply network can be used to illustrate the significance of supply chain management. To reduce costs and keep up with the competition, businesses improve their supply chains.

To know more about the supply chain click here,



an initial investment of $3,000 earns 8% interest compounded continuously. what will the investment be worth in 17 years? (round your answer to the nearest cent.)


The interest rate earned $ 1457.84

Using our formula from above:
F.V =P(1+i)n

Our interest is compounded quarterly, which means that it will be compounded 4 times per year for 5 years. This means we have the following:



i=0.08/4= .02


Now substituting these values into our equation, we get the following:





Therefore, the future value is


The interest earned is the difference between what we invested and what we earned.


Therefore, the interest earned is


For more information on interest earned visit:

oseph is writing a report tracing the three-month development of a new office site. what type of organizational method should he use? convention component time


Joseph is drafting a report that follows the three months of the creation of a new office site component.

An ingredient is a constituent part. an essential element of the plan. any one of the vector terms used to create a vector sum or resultant, often known as stereo components. an axis or point on a vector. Components are described as being a portion of a whole. The CD player in a stereo system is an illustration of a component. An ingredient in a recipe is an illustration of a component. YourDictionary. Component can also be referred to as a constituent, element, or ingredient. The most important detail—the lowest level of policy—is the main component. It serves as the system's first point of entry. Nothing is dependent on it besides the operating system.

Learn more about component from



Which racing organization saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers?


The racing organization which saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers is Formula One.

The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) recognises Formula One as the top division of open-wheel single-seater international racing. Since its first season in 1950, the World Drivers' Championship, which later changed its name to the FIA Formula One World Championship, has been one of the most prestigious racing series in the world. The name's use of the word "formula" alludes to the set of requirements that all participants' automobiles must meet. Grands Prix, a collection of events that make up a Formula One season, are held all over the world on both closed public roads and purpose-built racing tracks. Due to extremely high turning speeds made possible by the evolution of Formula One cars, these vehicles are the fastest controlled road-course racing vehicles in the world.

To read more about Formula One refer:



considering the insurance benefits needed to provide $40,000 per year over the next fifteen years, plus the additional $300,000 of insurance coverage, what amount of insurance coverage is needed?


he total insurance coverage the family needs equals the coverage for the $40,000 in annual benefits plus $300,000 . The amount of insurance coverage is needed $340,000

Since most families today depend on two incomes, the surviving family may face financial difficulties if one income is lost. This is one of the key factors in choosing the appropriate level of life insurance.

One of the benefits of having life insurance is being able to replace lost income. Maintaining your family's ambitions is another. college educations for the kids, home ownership, and comfortable retirement savings. These goals and aspirations can come true if your life insurance makes it possible.

The Life insurance provided by your work most likely won't be sufficient to safeguard your family. To properly safeguard them if something were to happen to you, you would need supplementary life insurance.

In 20 years, the Death Benefit of Today Won't Be Enough

The price of additional life insurance purchased through an employer-sponsored plan is often more than the price you would pay if you used a life insurance broker to purchase the insurance.

Insurance coverage = coverage of annual benefits  + additional coverage

$340,000 = $40,000 + $300,000

To know more about insurance:



a car salesperson is employed to sell the principal's car, and the principal tells the agent that the car was repaired after it was involved in a major accident. if the agent intentionally tells the buyer that the car was never involved in an accident, the agent has committed the tort of


A car salesperson is employed to sell the principal's car and intentionally tells the buyer that the car was never involved in an accident, the agent has committed the tort of intentional misrepresentation.

Tort refers to deceit or fraud by misrepresentation or false statement which causes monetary loss or any other type of risk to the plaintiff. Misrepresentation could be a material misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation, or negligent misrepresentation.

In the question, the salesperson and the principal can be held liable for the misrepresentation tort. If the plaintiff suffers a serious injury in an accident due to the fault in the car, he/she can hold both of them responsible as the correct description of the car is the responsibility of both the sellers.

Learn more about tort here https://brainly.com/question/14965931


two technicians are discussing career opportunities. technician a says working at a dealership helps one to develop into a well-rounded technician. technician b says working at a dealership provides excellent opportunities for ongoing training. who is correct?


A career opportunity is any opportunity that brings you closer to your career goals. This is a training program that can help you get a job, internship opportunity, or advance your career.

Unless you know what the themes and emotional registers of other better Hughes films should be, Connery was 19 when he filmed his career opportunity, and it's like Jim Henson's 1986 favorite Labyrinth.

I can't say I was in the middle of a transition from a teenage role. She defined the first stages of her career. In general, 13 to 14-year-old students have a difficult time choosing a career. This is the time to step into real life where they have to make decisions.

Occupational income potential is an important criterion for most people when determining a suitable career path. Choosing the right career opportunity financial security. This is a factor that plays an important role in our overall well-being.

Learn more about career opportunity  here:



based on the actual experience of american fortune 500 manufacturers over the past two decades, if countries like china improve environmental regulation, thus pushing their industries to become more energy- and resource-efficient, stuff at walmart will likely:


To achieve our overall goal of zero emissions across global operations by 2040, we aspire to power 50% of our global operations with renewable sources of energy by 2025 and 100% by 2035. In 2021, an estimated 46% of our global electricity needs were supplied by renewable sources.

Air pollutants are answerable for some of the unfavorable environmental outcomes, which include photochemical smog, acid rain, the demise of forests, or decreased atmospheric visibility. Emissions of greenhouse gases from the combustion of fossil fuels are associated with the worldwide warming of Earth's climate.

They motivate weather alternate through trapping warmness, which in turn affects diverse species in already arid climates. The climate trade due to greenhouse gasoline emissions additionally contributes to intense climate, wildfires, droughts, and food supply disruptions.

Learn more about emissions here: https://brainly.com/question/14154063


in the aviation industry, quantum computing can help with . a. routing and scheduling of aircrafts and keeping the sky safer b. marketing to new potential customers c. adjusting weather conditions d. data encryptio


In the aviation industry, quantum computing can help with marketing to new potential customers. Therefore, the option B holds true.

Potential customer can be referred to or considered as the customers wherein the organization identifies the set of public, who may be interested in purchasing the products sold by the organization. The data related to potential customers has been extremely useful to the aviation industry through quantum computing methods of marketing them.

Therefore, the significance regarding a potential customer has been aforementioned.

Learn more about potential customer here:



your supervisor gives you a new project. you are informed that you have exactly 1 week to complete it and are handed an outline of what the final project should resemble: according to path-goal theory, which behavior best describes your supervisor?


According to path-goal theory Directive behavior best describes your supervisor.

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, the effectiveness, motivation, and satisfaction of a team are influenced by the leader's style, qualities, and behavior. This theory is founded on the idea that people behave in a certain way when they anticipate a positive outcome, which is known as expectancy theory.

According to the path-goal idea, a leader can make up for an employee's inadequacies and complement them. This notion states that effective leaders remove barriers and obstacles off their people' paths to success. The notion offers suggestions for how managers might help staff members attain their objectives.

To know more about supervisor visit:



a commercial bank has $1,000,000 of customer checking deposits and actual reserves of $300,000. if the reserve ratio is 20 percent, what is the maximum amount of new loans the bank can extend? group of answer choices zero $100,000 $300,000 $500,000


a commercial bank has $1,000,000 of customer checking deposits and actual reserves of $300,000. if the reserve ratio is 20 percent, the maximum amount of new loans the bank can extend is 800,000.

A demand deposit is part of a commercial bank or financial institution account and can be closed by the depositor at any time without notice. Generally, the larger the demand deposit, the larger the required reserve.

The reserve ratio is the total amount a commercial bank needs to hold. This amount cannot be withdrawn or invested.

The reserve ratio is the amount of deposits that must be held as reserves at the central bank. Money not held in reserves can be used to create credits.

The maximum amount of new loans the bank can extend can be calculate as follows;

Borrowing limit = Deposit - (Deposit rate x Deposit)

1,000,000 - (0.2 x 1,000,000) = $800,000

To learn more about required reserves, please check: brainly.com/question/26960248


imagine that new research suggests that if manufacturers in a particular city reduced their emissions to 50 million tons of waste per year, the air quality would improve dramatically. if this is all the information the government has, which solution to reduce pollution is appropriate? check all that apply


Tradeable licenses, For instance, trading in pollution permits is a direct way to reduce the overall amount of pollution produced. When the government knows the overall amount of pollution it wishes to minimize but not the polluting company's request for pollution rights, this is preferable to a corrective tax.

Although the government would have a tough time deciding the right amount to tax in this situation, transferable permits nevertheless allow it to accomplish its goal. Trading quota rights solve allocation inefficiencies. Trading pollution quotas creates a market for polluting and taxes it. Pollution licenses are a pollution tax.

Thus, tradable permits are a hybrid of a quota system and a Pigouvian taxation system. A quota determines the overall quantity of pollution, determining the supply of pollution rights, but the purchase of pollution rights acts like a tax on pollution, whose level is determined by quota supply and demand.

To know more about tradable permits:



you are a leader. you recognize there are unstated standard operating procedures or ways of doing things in your organization. these procedures or ways of doing things are called:


You are aware of any unwritten standard operating procedures or practices used by your company. These customs or ways of operating are referred to as cultural practices.

What do you consider to be culture?

A population's culture is defined as its way of life as a whole, encompassing its institutions, beliefs, and artistic expressions. It has been argued that a society's habits make up its culture. It therefore covers manners, attire, language, religion, conventions, and artistic standards.

What traits characterize a culture?

The following five pillars of culture: It is dynamic, integrated, built on symbols, and communicated orally. Every culture shares these characteristics. One can learn a culture. It is neither biological nor something we inherit.

To know more about the culture visit:-



if your company had an annual purchase cost of items equal to $2,000,000, an annual holding cost of $150,000 and an annual ordering cost of $750,000 this scenario would reveal that:


This situation would demonstrate that Your order lot size exceeded the EOQ. It means that you ordered more units of a product than the EOQ model recommended.

What is lot size in EOQ?In the context of the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model, lot size refers to the number of units of a product that are ordered at one time. The EOQ is a mathematical formula used to determine the optimal quantity of a product to order at one time in order to minimize the total costs of inventory, such as the costs of holding inventory and the costs of placing and receiving orders.If your order lot size was higher than the EOQ, it may have been due to a variety of factors. For example, you may have been trying to take advantage of bulk discounts or to reduce the number of times you need to place orders. However, ordering more than the EOQ can also lead to higher inventory holding costs and potentially longer lead times, which can negatively impact your operations and profitability. It is important to carefully consider the trade-offs and to determine the right balance between ordering too much and ordering too little.

To learn more about EOQ refer :



Feather friends, incorporated, distributes a high-quality wooden birdhouse that sells for $20 per unit. Variable expenses are $8 per unit, and fixed expenses total $180,000 per year. Its operating results for last year were as follows: sales $ 400,000 variable expenses 160,000 contribution margin 240,000 fixed expenses 180,000 net operating income $ 60,000.


The product's CM ratio is the contribution margin divided by the sales. The contribution margin is $240,000 and the sales are $400,000. So the CM ratio is 0.6 or 60%.

The debt-to-equity ratio (D/E) is a financial ratio indicating the relative proportion of shareholders' equity and debt used to finance a company's assets. The debt-to-equity ratio is also known as the debt-to-capital ratio.

2. What is the break-even point in units?

The break-even point in units is the total fixed expenses divided by the contribution margin per unit. The total fixed expenses are $180,000 and the contribution margin per unit is $20. So the break-even point in units is 9,000 units.

For more questions like CM ratio click the link below:



complete question:

Feather friends, incorporated, distributes a high-quality wooden birdhouse that sells for $20 per unit. Variable expenses are $8 per unit, and fixed expenses total $180,000 per year. Its operating results for last year were as follows: sales $ 400,000 variable expenses 160,000 contribution margin 240,000 fixed expenses 180,000 net operating income $ 60,000. Answer each question independently based on the original data: 1. What is the product's CM ratio?

Does transnational mean multinational?


Yes, the multinational corporations and transnational corporations mean the same.

The only difference between a traditional multinational corporation is that it operates through the same model of operations across the countries of its operations, whereas, the transnational corporations operate differently and as per the local cultures of the different countries that it operates in. It can also be said that every transnational corporation is multinational, but every multinational corporation is not transnational.

Learn more about multinational corporations here:



regis and maggie just purchased their first home together. the seller offered them a counter offer to their first offer and they were happy with the terms. two months later their basement flooded and cost over $20,000 in repairs to replace all of their household goods and to rebuild the drywall, flooring and mechanical systems. they found out that there was a crack in the foundation that the original owners did not reveal. what type of unethical tactic took place during the purchase agreement?


Based on the given information, the unethical tactic that took place during the purchase agreement is nondisclosure.

What is an Unethical tactic?

The use of manipulative methods with no sufficient benefit that balances the harm caused by dishonesty is considered unethical. Whenever they are unable to clearly understand how their actions are harming others, employees are more inclined to act unethically.

In the give this case it is explained that Maggie and Regis recently bought their first house together. In response to their initial offer, the seller made them a counteroffer.

When their basement flooded two months later, they discovered a foundation crack that the previous owners had concealed.

An action is said to be  "nondisclosure" in which the owner knowingly hides some information or fails to reveal some important information to perform fraud.

Learn more about unethical tactics, here:



find the value of an investment of 25000 for 14 years at an annual interest rate of 3.85% compunded continuously


The value of an investment of 25000 for 14 years at an annual interest rate of 3.85% compound interest continuously is $42,857.28.

What is compound Interest?

Compound interest is calculated and reinvested into the balance of an account across an essentially unlimited number of periods, continuous compounding is the mathematical limit that compound interest can reach.

The idea of perpetually compounded interest is crucial in finance even though it is not practical. Given that most interest is compounded on a monthly, quarterly, or semiannual basis, this is an extreme example of compounding.

Further Wealth increases more quickly due to compound interest. Due to the fact that you will receive returns on both the money invested and returns at the conclusion of each compounding period.

Therefore compound interest causes a sum of money to increase more quickly than with simple interest.

Learn more about compound Interest refer



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