__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


Answer 1

A homeobox is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.

A homeobox is referred to a type of genetic sequence that is highly conserved and is usually found in plants and  animals and also in several forms of fungi. This type of genetic sequence are usually found in those organisms where the regulation of patterns within the genes occur. Thus they can also be found in single cell Eukaryotes. The regulation within this sequence occurs in the early stages of the development of the Embryo. The structural composition of a Homeobox consists of longs chains of amino acids and it has a three alpha helical structure. Mutation is also possible in these genetic sequences.

Learn more about Homeobox at:



Related Questions

The following diagram shows the forelimb structure of an extinct species of mammal. Each circle represents a wrist bone, and three digits extend from the wrist.

The forelimbs below belong to four species that descended in a direct line from the ancestral mammal shown above. Of the four descendants shown, which species most likely appeared earliest in evolutionary history?


The one with the three circles, in the forelimbs of the species, is most likely to appear earliest in evolutionary history.

What is Forelimb?

One of the paired articulated limbs linked to the cranial end of a terrestrial tetrapod vertebrate's body is called a forelimb or front limb. Foreleg or front leg is a more common phrase when referring to quadrupeds. The phrase upper limb is frequently used in reference to bipedal creatures having an upright posture, such as humans and some monkeys.

What is Species?

A species is an organism's fundamental unit of classification, a taxonomic rank, and a component of biodiversity. The biggest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the right sexes or mating types can conceive a fertile offspring, usually by sexual reproduction, is referred to as a species. A species can also be identified by its karyotype, DNA sequence, anatomy, behaviour, or ecological niche.

Hence, the one with the three circles, in the forelimbs of the species, is most likely to appear earliest in evolutionary history.

To know more about Species, check out:



Explain the interrelationships between the Nervous system and the Respiratory system of human.
How does these system work together?





The nervous system and the respiratory system are closely interconnected and work together to regulate breathing and ensure that the body receives an adequate supply of oxygen. The respiratory system is responsible for inhaling oxygen from the air and exhaling carbon dioxide, while the nervous system helps to control and coordinate this process.

When the body senses a need for more oxygen, such as during exercise or other strenuous activity, the nervous system sends signals to the muscles that control breathing to increase the rate and depth of breathing. This allows more oxygen to be inhaled and delivered to the body's cells. At the same time, the nervous system also sends signals to the blood vessels to dilate, which allows more oxygen-rich blood to be delivered to the body's tissues.

Conversely, when the body has an excess of carbon dioxide, the nervous system sends signals to the respiratory system to slow down and decrease the rate of breathing. This allows the body to exhale more carbon dioxide and maintain a healthy balance of gases in the blood.

Overall, the interrelationship between the nervous system and the respiratory system is essential for maintaining proper breathing and ensuring that the body receives an adequate supply of oxygen. These two systems work together to regulate breathing and help the body function properly.

Regulation of bacterial gene expression typically involves all of the following mechanisms except


Regulation of bacterial gene expression typically involves all of the following mechanisms except regulation of RNA processing. The correct option is (A).

What are the mechanisms of regulating gene expression?

In particular, there are two levels of control over gene expression. The first way transcription is regulated is by regulating the amount of mRNA that can be generated from a given gene. The translation of mRNA into proteins is regulated by post-transcriptional processes, which constitute the second level of regulation.

How is gene expression regulated?

In essence, epigenetic changes, or "tags," such DNA methylation and histone modification, change the accessibility of DNA and the structure of chromatin, which controls how genes are expressed.

To know more about genes visit



put the components of the brainstem in order from the most rostral at the top to the most caudal.


One part of the central nervous system is the brain.

What part of the brainstem is most caudal?The brainstem's narrowest and most caudal region is known as the medulla oblongata or medulla.One part of the central nervous system is the brain. The cranium shields the brain, which lies inside the head. The cerebrum, which makes decisions based on information received and transmits commands to the body, is the largest portion of the brain.Movement coordination is carried out by the cerebellum, which is situated behind the cerebrum. The spinal cord, which is positioned in the vertebral canal and is the other component of the central nervous system, is connected to the brain by the brainstem.Put the components of the brainstem in order from the most rostral to the most caudal. Diencephalon Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata

To learn more about the components of the brainstem refer to:



Solid fats are more likely to raise blood cholesterol levels than liquid fats. Suppose a nutritionist analyzed the percentage of saturated fat for a sample of 6 brands of stick margarine (solid fat) and for a sample of 6 brands of liquid margarine and obtained the following results:.


Answer: The most favorable figures are 24.7%.


compute the stick and liquid data's mean and standard deviation. The element's sigma is represented by the bar. The time now is 26.30. If you enter the value of X as 1, then every number between 1 and 1 will equal 6, and the standard deviation is equal to N-1. sigma of x1 - x1 bar old square If I put the data here, I would call this the under root of 10 0.108. What we can see, we can. We may estimate that this was for the stick at 101.70. Here, I combined all the X values and divided them by six. Therefore, this is roughly 16. Even though the formula is the same, the standard deviation is lower than seven. The old one is equal to the new one, which is the null hypothesis, and the new one is not equal to the old one, which is the conventional hypothesis. To determine whether the null hypothesis is separate or not, we will apply the T. Test component 26 tests in this section and the following one. On the electric slide, one square on N plus equals two squares. The values are divided first into six equal parts by the square's under-root, and then into six equal parts by the entire square. This comes to about 34.75

Solid fats are more likely to raise blood cholesterol levels than liquid fats. When a nutritionist analyzed the percentage of saturated fat for a sample of 6 brands of stick margarine  (the solid fat) and for a sample of 6 brands of liquid margarine and obtained the following results:

Stick= [26.1, 26.5, 26.5, 25.8, 26.7, 26.2]

Liquid= [16.6, 16.5, 17.1, 17.5, 17.7, 16.3]

Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the stick and liquid values. The bar displays the element's sigma. It is currently 26:30. Every integer between 1 and 1 will equal 6, and the standard deviation is equal to N-1, if you enter 1 as the value of X. sigma of x1 - x1 bar old square I would refer to this as the under root of 10 0.108 if I were to enter the data. We can see what we can see. This was, roughly speaking, for the stick at 101.70.

Here, I divided the total number of X values by six in this case. Thus, this is approximately 16. The standard deviation is less than seven despite the fact that the formula is the same. The null hypothesis is that the new and old are equal, while the conventional hypothesis is that the new and old are not equal.We will use the T. Test component 26 tests in this section and the one that follows to assess whether or not the null hypothesis is distinct. One square on N plus equals two squares on the electric slide. The under-root of the square divides the values first into six equal parts, and then the full square divides the values into six equal parts. This equals around 34.75.

Learn more about cholesterol



Four identical lab carts each have a mass of 200 kg. Different masses are added to the carts and the velocities are measured. All carts move to the right.

An illustration with four carts labeled Cart A, Cart B, Cart C, and Cart D. Cart B has a 20 kilogram mass in it, Cart C has a 40 kilogram mass in it, and Cart D has a 60 kilogram mass in it. There are labels under each cart. Under Cart A is v = 4.8 meters per second, under cart B is v = 4.0meters per second, under cart C is v = 3.8 meters per second, and under cart D is v = 3.5 meters per second.
Which cart has the greatest momentum?

cart A
cart B
cart C
cart D
Mark this and return


cart a.............................

pregnant women have an increased requirement for because cell division takes place at a rapid pace during embryonic development. multiple choice question. biotin folate vitamin c thiamin


Due to rapid cell division in pregnant women, they have an increased requirement for folate or folic acid.

A para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) molecule with an amino-terminal connected to a pteridine and a carboxyl group connected to the -amino group of glutamic acid makes up folic acid, a water-soluble vitamin (Glu).

Tetrahydrofolate, also known as H4 folate or the active cofactor form of FA, is produced by the enzyme folic acid reductase by reducing the pteridine ring at positions 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells' metabolisms both depend heavily on THFA.

The production of purines (see Chapter 15, step two of the pathway), dTMP, and other amino acids, such as methionine, depends on it for one-carbon units and other tiny molecular building blocks.

The complete question is:

Pregnant women have an increased requirement for_________because cell division takes place at a rapid pace during embryonic development. multiple choice questions.

(A). biotin

(B). folate

(C). vitamin

(D). c thiamin

To learn more about the requirements of folate in pregnant women please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/4372756


Is peptide another word for amino acid?


A peptide is a short chain of amino acids. The amino acids in a peptide are connected to one another in a sequence by bonds called peptide bonds. Typically, peptides are distinguished from proteins by their shorter length, although the cut-off number of amino acids for defining a peptide and protein can be arbitrary.

What molecule is similar to ATP structure?


RNA and DNA are similar to ATP molecules.

Both DNA and RNA are similar to ATP molecules. ATP is adenosine triphosphate. It is made up of the nitrogenous base adenine, 5-carbon sugar, and three phosphate molecules.

DNA and RNA are made of nucleotides. This nucleotide also contains three main components: the 5-carbon sugar, nitrogenous base, and phosphate group.

The only difference between DNA and RNA is the presence of different 5-C sugars. DNA has deoxyribose sugar, and RNA has ribose sugar. Also, both DNA and RNA are made of only one phosphate group; that's how they differ from the energy currency, ATP.

To know more about ATP:



Beginning with carbon fixation, arrange the steps of the Calvin cycle in the correct order


Answer:no ie



Prosthetics is the field of medicine concerned with the design, manufacture, and attachment of artificial body parts. Recent advances in prosthetics have produced devices that cover a wider range of functions and work more like their tissue counterparts. The following is a mechanical heart valve next to the tissue it is designed to replace.



I think its the first option


somatic hypermutation occurs only in the ________ regions of rearranged heavy and light chains.


somatic hypermutation occurs only in the V or Variable regions of rearranged heavy and light chains.

Somatic hypermutation occurs only in activated B cells, not T cells. This occurs in germinal establishments inside of lymph nodes and the spleen, where B cells are stimulated and T cells are present. Somatic hypermutation is a procedure in which point mutations pile up at rates 106-fold greater than the background mutation rates observed in other genes in the antibody V-regions of both the light and heavy chains.

Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes is important in antibody-mediated immunity. SHM in B cells serves as the molecular foundation for antibody affinity maturation. In this way, SHM plays an important role in optimizing antibody-dependent immune responses.

For more information on Somatic hypermutation, visit :



tiny, one-celled organisms that are neither plants nor animals. they are involved in infectious disease and decay. they live nearly everywhere on planet earth, including in the human body.


Option a, "bacteria," is the correct selection. One-celled, microscopic organisms known as bacteria are neither plants nor animals. They play a role in the degradation and infectious disease.

Bacteria are classified as prokaryotic unicellular life because they lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other internal components. Some species can endure conditions with extreme temperatures and pressure. It's believed that there are more bacteria in the human body than there are in human cells. Its gel-like matrix, which also contains other cell components like ribosomes, chromosomes, and plasmids, is made up of water, enzymes, nutrients, waste products, and gases. The cell membrane encloses the cytoplasm and all of its constituent parts. Eukaryotic (true) cells that resemble membranes contain bacteria without nuclei.

Thus, we might conclude that tiny bacteria single-celled organisms are neither plants nor animals. They contribute to decay and infectious illness.




Your question is incomplete. Please find the complete question below.

Tiny, one-celled organisms that are neither plants nor animals. they are involved in infectious diseases and decay. they live nearly everywhere on planet earth, including in the human body.

a. bacteria

b. DNA

c. genome

d. immunity

if you analyze the neutral mutations from two groups and find there are few differences in their nucleotide sequences, you would logically conclude that


diverged from a common ancestor only recently.

The most recent individual from whom all members of a group are directly descended is known as the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in genetic genealogy. An established pedigree can occasionally be used to ascertain the MRCA of a group of people.

An ancestor species radiates into a variety of successor species having both similar and dissimilar features, as seen in the case of Darwin's finches, which is a well-known and prominent example of divergent evolution.

The process of speciation results in the emergence of new species. An ancestor species that can no longer interbreed separates into two or more descendant species that are genetically distinct from one another during speciation. According to Darwin, speciation is a branching process.

Learn more about " neutral mutation " to visit here;



kinesin-5 is a motor protein that binds to overlapping interpolar microtubules near the midzone of the mitotic spindle. each of these kinesin proteins has two motor domains that walk toward the plus ends of the microtubules to which the kinesin is bound. when is this kinesin active and how does it affect the spindle?


During anaphase B ,Kinesin -5 slides the microtubule past one another toward the spindle poles, pushing the poles apart and lengthening the spindle.

During anaphase B  the spindle is movement toward spindle pole ,lengthening the spindle and pushing it toward poles is more as compare to anaphase A. Anaphase B spindle elongation is marked by separation of the two opposing spindle poles, pulling along disjoined sister chromatids, leading to final chromosome segregation. Kinesin-5 (additionally known as Eg5 or kif11) is a homotetrameric motor protein that features through modulating microtubule (MT)-MT interactions. In the case of mitosis, kinesin-five slows the charge of separation of the half-spindles.

To learn more about chromosomes check the link below:



a ribosome is made of a. rrna and proteins. b. trna, rrna, and mrna. c. trna and rrna. d. trna, rrna, and proteins. e. rrna and mrna.


Option A, Ribosomes are made up of two subunits, each of which has several proteins and rRNA in it.

A ribosome is an intercellular structure comprised of both RNA and protein where a cell makes proteins. The mRNA sequence is decoded by the ribosome, which translates the genetic code into a particular string of amino acids that form extended chains and fold to form proteins. The two primary components of ribosomes are the small and large ribosomal subunits. Numerous ribosomal proteins and one or more ribosomal RNA make up each subunit (RPs or r-proteins). Ribosomes and associated elements are also referred to as translational machinery.

learn more about Ribosomes here:



which division of the ans is associated with normal body maintenance? multiple choice question. parasympathetic division sympathetic division


Division of the parasympathetic system is related to regular bodily maintenance.

"Fight-or-flight" reactions are managed by the sympathetic division of nervous system. The bodily processes that we would anticipate to enable this to happen do, in fact, take place. The "rest and digest" functions are regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetic fibers from the brainstem are carried by cranial nerves with the numbers VII and X. List the areas of the spinal cord where the sympathetic nervous system's nerves originate. Your sympathetic nervous system is balanced by the parasympathetic branch of your autonomic nervous system. Your sympathetic nervous system controls the "fight or flight" response in your body, while your parasympathetic nervous system controls the "rest and digest" response.

To learn more about sympathetic division click here https://brainly.com/question/29745399


you walk outside on a crisp fall day in philadelphia. what cells in the eye allow you to take in all the colors of the trees?


That is a true statement. The receptors of our olfactory system are free nerve endings that are located in the Philadelphia nasal cavity and are open to the surroundings.

Cones help the eye recognize all the shades of the trees because they are highly active in brilliant light, which is present on a crisp fall day. Cones provide for photopic vision.

In contrast, because they are more active in low light, rodes have scotopic vision.

Since rods impair color vision, the nighttime environment appears to us in grayscale. The rod cells that make up the human eye number over 100 million.

Cones use much more light because they are used to see color. Cones are available in three distinct hues: blue, green, and red.

Learn more about to Philadelphia visit here;



in the old days, milkmaids were exposed to cowpox from milking the cows, and this fortuitously gave them some protection from smallpox. what was happening in the milkmaids? a) they were receiving a dose of generic igg from the sick cows. b) they were effectively receiving a vaccination from a related virus. c) they were heightening their overall immune response due to exposure to the cowpox and other cow parasites. d) they had a stronger immune response from drinking the milk, which sent cow b cells circulating through their blood.


When examining the iconography of the painting, it appears that Vermeer was honoring the ideals of moderation, cleanliness, and diligence.

What jobs did milkmaids have?

At the time the painting was made, the woman would have been referred to as a "kitchen maid" or maid-of-all-work rather than a specialized "milkmaid": "milk maids" were women who milked cows; kitchen maids worked in kitchens.

How did cowpox infect milkmaids?

Milkmaids and dairy farmers frequently came into contact with cows, some of which occasionally acquired pustules on their udders, signs of the zoonotic disease known as cowpox. Cowpox typically only caused modest symptoms in people, such as pustules on the hands and arms.

To know more about Cowpox visit:-



you plan to model a loss of function mutations could lead to over expression of the her2 protein using crispr/cas 9. which genomic locus should you target your sgrna to generate this loss of function mutation?


direct  sgRNA towards the chromosomal locus encoding the ERBB2 repressor protein. Plan to use crispr/cas 9 to simulate how a loss of function mutation may cause the her2 protein to be overexpressed.

The erbB2 gene, commonly referred to as HER2 or neu, produces a 185-kDa transmembrane glycoprotein that is a member of the EGFR family of epidermal growth factor receptors. The ERBB2 gene, a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase, encodes the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (also known as HER2 or HER-2/neu). An intrinsically active receptor tyrosine kinase, ErbB2 functions as a tyrosine kinase. The epidermal growth factor receptor and HER2 are both members of the ErbB family of transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases.

learn more about HER2 protein here:



primary producers are present in every biome, including the deep sea. how can primary producers exist in the deep sea when sunlight does not penetrate to these depths?


Primary producers existing in the deep sea when sunlight is not penetrating as they use strength from chemical reactions to force the discount of CO2 to natural compounds.

The deep ocean, many masses of meters farfar from the sun's rays, some other procedure is taking place: chemosynthesis. Tiny microbes use chemical strength in preference to mild to mix water and carbon dioxide to make sugar.

Obviously, organisms who stay on the deep sea vents cannot rely upon the Sun; instead, a lot of them rely upon the chemical compounds that pop out of the vents—the procedure they use to create meals is known as chemosynthesis in preference to photosynthesis.

Read more about sunlight;



Examine the cross-sectional diagram of a cell.

What evidence indicates this cell is prokaryotic?


Prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, have a free-floating chromosome that is circular and is not enclosed in a nuclear membrane.

Instead, DNA simply exists in a region of the cell called the nucleoid.

Prokaryotic cells only have small range of organelles, generally only plasma membrane and ribosomes.

Most prokaryotic cells have a rigid cell wall that surrounds plasma membrane and gives shape to the organism.

In eukaryotes, vertebrates don't have cell wall but plants do

Eukaryotic cells are cells containing membrane-bound organelles and are the basis for both unicellular and multicellular organisms. In contrast, prokaryotic cells do not have any membrane-bound organelles and are always part of unicellular organisms.

Ribosomes occur both as free particles in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and as particles attached to membranes of endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells

learn more about prokaryotes at



if mrnas could be ligated and replicated within plasmids, what enzyme commonly used in recombinant dna technology would no longer be needed?


An enzyme called reverse transcriptase is employed to make complementary DNA (cDNA) from RNA. To create a single, intact DNA molecule, the enzyme DNA ligase binds the fragments with complementary ends.

What is recombinant DNA?

As a result, a recombinant plasmid containing the target gene is created. The process of fusing two or more DNA molecules to produce a hybrid is known as recombinant DNA. Restrictions endonucleases and ligases are two classes of enzymes that enable the technique. Restrictions enzymes, polymerases, and ligases are among the enzymes that aid in cutting, synthesis, and binding. The position at which the desired gene is inserted into the vector genome is greatly influenced by the restriction enzymes utilized in recombinant DNA technology.

To learn more about  Restrictions from given link



Match each word or phrase to identify whether or not each word or phrase represents a
reason for the change in chimpanzee hands.
Crossbreeding between gorillas and
Mutations in chimpanzee DNA
Differences in the ways chimpanzees
use their hands
Sexual reproduction
[Choose ]
[Choose ]
[Choose ]


A reason for a change in the chimpanzee's hands include the following: Mutations in chimpanzee DNA and Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees; while the phrase that doesn't show a reason is Sexual reproduction and Differences in the ways chimpanzees

use their hands.

What is mutation?

Mutation is defined as the alteration in the genetic makeup of a living organism which may occur due to the following:

When there is spontaneous break down of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).Change in a single nucleotide of the DNA.when there is additions or deletions of nucleotide in a DNA strand.

A change can be noticed in an animal such as Chimpanzee when the following occurs:

Mutations in chimpanzee DNA: This can alter both that anatomy and the physiological features of the organism involved.

Crossbreeding between gorillas and chimpanzees: When there is cross breeding between a chimpanzee and a gorilla, it will lead to a genetic diversity which can be observed as a change in the hands of the chimpanzee.

Learn more about mutation here:



the cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in an enlarged area of the dorsal root called the gray commissure.a. trueb. false


The statement that the cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in an enlarged area of the dorsal root called the gray commissure is false because the cell body is called a DORSAL ROOT GANGLION.

From the peripheral nervous system, dorsal nerve roots provide sensory neural signals to the central nervous system. Anatomically, the dorsal root of the spinal nerves gives rise to a dorsal root ganglion. They transport sensory information from numerous peripheral receptors in order for the central nervous system to respond. The function of DRG in chronic pain is well known. Anesthesia infiltration of the DRG was first described in 1949. The dorsal root entry zone (DREZ), a nearby related neural target, dorsal rhizotomy or gangliectomy, conventional radiofrequency denervation, pulsed radiofrequency, and steroid injection have all been used to target the DRG.

Want to know more about neurons visit the link given below;



which of the following is the most common pattern of bone loss? group of answer choices a) vertical bone loss b) horizontal bone loss c) interproximal bone loss d) circumferential bone losswhich of the following is the most common pattern of bone loss? group of answer choices a) vertical bone loss b) horizontal bone loss c) interproximal bone loss d) circumferential bone loss



Option (B)


HORIZONTAL BONE LOSS: Most common pattern of bone loss in periodontal disease. ‘The bone is reduced in height, but the bone margins remain approximately perpendicular to the tooth surface’. The inter dental septa and facial and lingual plates are affected but not to equal degree around the same tooth.

rna polymerase moves in which direction along the dna?rna polymerase moves in which direction along the dna?5' to 3' along the template strand


The DNA is moved by the RNA polymerase in the 5' to 3' direction. The RNA molecule initially develops its 3' end. At a "start codon," transcription always begins.

A promoter sequence must first be bound by the RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase produces a corresponding RNA transcript to the DNA template strand in the 5' to 3' orientation. The DNA double helix is opened as it advances down the template strand in the 3' to 5' direction. These neighboring genes' transcription factor jigsaw puzzles are mirror images of one another. Additionally, the RNA polymerase is instructed by the direction they point in which direction to begin reading.

learn more about polymerase here:



giraffes have a haploid chromosome number of 15. how many chromatids should be present in a diploid, somatic, giraffe cell at the end of prophase?


The giraffes have a haploid chromosome number of 15.

Chromosomes are duplicating and germ cells are expanding. It should be emphasized that germ cells are diploid at birth, with 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of homologues. The germ cells have 46 chromosomes (92 chromatids) following chromosomal replication.

What occurs at the prophase's conclusion?

The commencement of a group of fibers organizing to form a spindle and the dissolution of the nuclear membrane signal the end of prophase, respectively.

How does prophase affect an animal cell?

Chromatin gathers into chromosomes and the nuclear envelope, which is the membrane that encloses the nucleus, disintegrates during prophase. The centrioles in animal cells start to divide and travel to the opposing poles of the cell as they are close to the nucleus.

Learn more about  chromosome to visit this link



A female fish is homozygous dominant for both fancy fins (f) and shiny scales (s). She is crossed with a male who is heterozygous for both traits. What are the genotypes of these fish? (female; male).


These fish's genotypes are  female - FFSS ; male - FfSs

How many genotypes are there?

The four genotypes are denoted by the abbreviations XXF , XYF, XXM , and XYM since we define sex according to the kind of gonads.

How are the genotypes located?

In a single experiment, the genotypes of millions of sites in a genome can be determined using DNA sequencing as well as other techniques.Some genetics influence an individual's phenotype, or observable traits.

To know more about genotypes visit:



the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.
a) amenorrhea (menstrual disruption)
b) sleep disruption
c) rapid fluctuations in weight
d) bulimia


The female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and (a) amenorrhea (menstrual disruption).

Female athlete triad is a syndrome especially observed in female athletes. The main cause of the syndrome is energy imbalance. The athletes use more energy than they consume which results in the triad.

Amenorrhea is the condition of missing the menstrual cycle. It also has a subpart called primary amenorrhea where a girl does not have her menstruation begin till the age of 15. It is also accompanied by some other symptoms like excess facial hair, hair loss, headache, lack of breast development, etc.

To know more about amenorrhea, here



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