which classification of money describes money that can be accessed quickly and easily, and includes coins and paper money as well as checks? multiple choice m-1 m-2 m-3 m-4


Answer 1

Money that can be promptly and easily appraised falls under the M1 Money classification.

What are broad and narrow money, respectively?

Broad money typically refers to M2, M3, and/or M4. The most liquid kinds of money, such as currency (banknotes and coins), as well as bank account balances that may be instantly changed into currency or used for cashless transactions, are generally referred to as "narrow money" (overnight deposits, checking accounts).

Describe Narrow Money.

All of the actual money that the central bank has falls under the category of "narrow money," which is a subset of the money supply. Demand deposits, money, and other liquid assets are included. In the US, "narrow money" is referred to as M1 (M0 plus demand accounts).

To know more about Money classification visit:-



Related Questions

Which buine ubcription doe not include the Microoft 365 App for Buine dektop application to intall locally on the machine


The features of E1 and Business Premium are practically identical. E1 plainly lacks a local Office installation and has an unlimited number of users.

These programs let you connect to Microsoft 365 (or Office 365) services  for Business Online, Exchange Online, and SharePoint Online. Although not included with Microsoft 365 Apps, Project and Visio are still accessible through other subscription levels. Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is the subscription-based version of the regularly updated desktop program suite that includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Teams. The following Office applications are included with Microsoft  subscription plans: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access (Publisher and Access are available on PC only).

Learn more about program here-



write the prototype and header for a function called compute. the function should have three parameters: an int, a double, and a long (not necessarily in that order).


The function's name is included in the header, which also provides information about the parameters and the type of data the function will return to the caller function or application. The function prototype and header are given below:

Prototype: void compute(double, int = 8, long = 56565);

Header: void compute(double x, int y, long z)

The name of the function, the function's return type, and a list of the function's parameter types make up a function prototype or declaration. A parameter name may follow a parameter type in the parameter type list, which is a list of parameter types separated by commas. The function evaluation operator is surrounded by the argument list (denoted by a pair of parentheses). Subject to the identifier conventions of C++, the programmer chooses the names of the function and its parameters.

There are two things that a function prototype and a function header have in common. A semi-colon is necessary after the function prototype and the function header needs to know the arguments. The return type on the function prototype and function header is void if a function returns nothing.

To learn more about function prototype click here:



when using public and private keys to connect to an ssh server from a linux device, where must your public key be placed before you can connect?


In an authorization file on the host where the SSH server is must your public key be placed before you can connect.

What are public and private keys?

Public and private keys are functional parts of public key cryptography. Together, they encrypt and decrypt data as it travels over or over networks. The public key is truly public and can be shared widely, while the private key should be known only to its owner.

Where are private keys used?

A private key, like a password, is a very large number used in encryption. Private keys are used to create digital signatures that can be easily verified without exposing the private key.

What is a private key?

A private key, also known as a private key, is a cryptographic variable used by algorithms to encrypt and decrypt data. Private keys should only be shared with key generators or parties authorized to decrypt data.

Learn more about private keys:



a(n) network is characterized by high levels of communication; every team member communicates with every other team member.


An all-channel network is characterized by high levels of communication; every team member communicates with every other team member. This communication network has quick communication and average accuracy.

This group enables active communication between members of all group levels.  The formation of a leader typically does not occur in all-channel groups, and member satisfaction is high. This is the typical framework for communication in self-managed teams, where everyone participates and no one assumes a leadership position.

Users utilize a variety of techniques called networks to share important information. The network of communication is the culmination of all the tools and techniques used by a company to communicate.

Communication isn't merely a one-on-one interaction when one person decides to start a conversation. Other components, components involving more than one individual, can be found in organizational communication.

Employees who all work in the same department, for instance, can communicate with one another utilizing the all-channel network.

To learn more about communication network click here:



What is it called when you make a window smaller?


Most operating systems have a minimize button on the top right corner of any open window, which can be clicked to reduce the size of the window to the taskbar. Alternatively, you can also right-click (or control-click on a Mac) on the title bar of the window and select the “minimize” option.

What is it called when you make a window smaller?

This action is called "minimizing" a window.

Minimizing a window is when you reduce the size of the window to the smallest size possible, usually to the taskbar of your computer or the dock on a Mac. This is a useful feature when you want to quickly reduce the amount of space a window is taking up on your desktop without having to close it completely. This also makes it easier to access other windows, as the minimized window will be out of the way.

Learn more about Windows: https://brainly.com/question/1594289


To protect your information and help you to remember passwords, use your social media account login information to log into another site.
a. True
b. False


The claim that you can connect into another company using your social media login information is untrue.

What does login mean?

By contrast with the word to clock in, the noun login is derived first from verb (to) log in. Programs that employ technology locating of who has used the system. The word "log" is taken from the chip log, which was traditionally used to keep track of the miles driven at ship and was kept in a ship's register or log book.

Are user name and login the same thing?

The name assigned to a user on a network of computers is known by a variety of other names, including an username, login ID, name, and user ID. Such username is frequently an acronym for user's real name or maybe an alias.

To know more about Login visit:



the systems development life cycle (sdlc) is the overall process for developing information systems, from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance. group of answer choices true false


It is true that the system development life cycle( SDLC) is the overall process of developing, implementing, and retiring information systems through a multistep process from initiation, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance to disposal.

Though there are numerous alternative SDLC models and approaches, they all typically include a number of clearly defined steps or phases. Information security must be incorporated into the SDLC for every SDLC model that is used to ensure that the information that the system will transmit, process, and store is properly protected.

Organizations can balance the need for the security of agency data and assets with the cost of security controls and mitigation measures throughout the SDLC by implementing the risk management approach to system development. Critical assets and operations, as well as systemic weaknesses across the company, are identified by risk management methods. Risks are frequently distributed across the entire organization and are not unique to particular system architectures.

To learn more about SDLC click here:



what property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?


Encapsulation is the property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as a file that can be moved or copied like any other file.

A virtual machine is a tightly isolated software container that runs operating systems and applications the same as a physical computer. Although there is no requirement for hardware for a virtual machine to operate, it still has a CPU, RAM, hard disk, and network interface card just like a physical computer. These features make virtual machines incredibly easy to manage and portable, referring to as the encapsulation property of virtual machines.

The encapsulation allows one to move and copy a virtual machine from one device to another just like any other software file or program, as well as permits to save it on any storage medium.

You can learn more about virtual machine at



1. in an array declaration, this indicates the number of elements that the array will have. a. subscript b. size declarator c. element sum d. reference variable 484 chapter 7 arrays and the arraylist class 2. each element of an array is accessed by a number known as a(n) . a. subscript b. size declarator c. address d. specifier 3. the first subscript in an array is always . a. 1 b. 0 c. 21 d. 1 less than the number of elements 4. the last subscript in an array is always . a. 100 b. 0 c. 21 d. 1 less than the number of elements 5. array bounds checking happens . a. when the program is compiled b. when the program is saved c. when the program runs d. when the program is loaded into memory


Using a whole collection of values at once is possible with array programming, a technique used in computer science.

1. In an array declaration, this indicates the number of elements that the array will have size declarator

2. Each element of an array is accessed by a number known as a(n) is a subscript

3. The first subscript in an array is always 0

4. The last subscript in an array is always 1 less than the number of elements

5. Array bounds checking happens when the program runs

When defining an array, the size declarator is used to specify how many elements the array will contain.

To go to a specific element of an array, use a subscript. The variable name does not contain an array subscript. You may see the value of a specific array element by using an array subscript. It is employed to refer to a single array element. The [key] is used to produce the array subscript. The array will have what is known as the subscript operator elements.

To check whether all array references in a program are within their defined ranges, use the term "array bound checking." For software validation and verification, this check is essential since subscripting arrays outside of their defined sizes may lead to failures, security flaws, or unexpected effects.

To learn more about Array click here:



you are editing a photograph of a group of children, and one child is standing slightly apart from the group. which option of the content aware move tool should you choose to bring the child closer to the rest of the group?


The best option would be to use the Content-Aware Move Tool's “Scaled” mode. This mode allows you to move an object without distorting its shape and size, making it ideal for adjusting the position of the child in the photo without affecting the other elements.

The Power of Content-Aware Move Tool in Photography

Photography is an art form that allows us to capture and preserve moments in time. But, as with any art form, there is always room for improvement. This is where the Content-Aware Move Tool comes into play. This tool is a powerful tool for photographers, allowing them to make subtle adjustments to photos that can drastically change the outcome of the finished product.

The Content-Aware Move Tool can be used to move objects within a photograph without changing their shape or size. This means that photographers can make adjustments to a photo without having to worry about making a mistake. For example, if a photographer is editing a photograph of a group of children, and one child is standing slightly apart from the group, the Content-Aware Move Tool can be used to bring the child closer to the rest of the group without distorting the shape or size of the child or the other elements in the photo.

Learn more about photograph:



Question 6 computer 1 on network a sends a packet to computer 2 on network c. What's the first step that router z does after receiving the ethernet frame?.


When computer 1 on network 'A' sends a packet to computer 2 on network 'C'. The first step that router 'Z' does after receiving the ethernet frame is 'it sends an ARP message'.

Address Resolution Protocol or ARP is one of the most essential protocols of the network layer in the OSI model which facilitates in finding the MAC (Media Access Control) address given the IP address of a computer. When a source device wants to find out the MAC address of the destination device, it first looks for the MAC address in the ARP table. If present there then for communication it will use the MAC address from there.

You can learn more about ARP at



write an expression that evaluates to true if the value of the string variable s1 is greater than the value of string variable s2.


The expression that evaluates to true if the value of the string variable s1 is greater than the value of string variable s2 is strcmp(str1, str2)>0.

What is strcmp?

Strcmp is a function in C language to compare two string value character by character. Syntax for strcmp is,

int strcmp(const char*str1, const char*str2)

strcmp will return the following integer values,

positive int value if str2 is less than str1negative int value if str1 is less than str20 int value if str1 is identical or equal to str2

Therefore, to give true value the expression we need to write is strcmp(str1, str2)>0.

Learn more about strcmp here:



What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?

Question 2 options:

- Isolation
- Hardware Independence
- Partitioning
- Encapsulation


The property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file is encapsulation.

What is the different types of property of virtualization?

Isolation is to provide a more secure environment for running application as compare to physical system.

Hardware independence is to helps virtual machine move without changing operating system from one computer to another computer.

Partitioning is to provide partitioning of the available resources in physical system.

Encapsulation is provide data bundling which is the entire virtual machine as a single unit, making it easier to move or copy like any files.

Learn more about property of virtualization here:



A ____________ is a solid line of defense against malware and other security threats
A. firewall
B. virus
C . shield
D. worm


The answer is firewall because firewall is composed of several blocks (such as Secu- rity Builder and Firewall Interface) connected to each others

Specific skills, responsibilities, and tasks vary depending on the specific career in the Information Support and Services pathway.


Specific skills, responsibilities, and tasks vary depending on the specific career in the Information Support and Services pathway: True.

What is a career action plan?

A career action plan can be defined as a planning document which is developed, owned and managed by an individual, in order to help him or her to organize and reflect on his or her increased career development learning.

What is CTSO?

CTSO is an abbreviation for career and technical student organization and it can be defined as a collection of vocational and nonprofit organizations that are primarily established in high schools, colleges, and career technology centers, so as to enable participants such as students to develop and acquire leadership, information support, and teamwork skills.

According to the career and technical student organization (CTSO), there are differences between the specific skills, responsibilities, and tasks based on a specific career in a category such as the Information Support and Services pathway.

Read more on career and technical student organization here: brainly.com/question/17263803


4d. What were the benefits of using locomotives to transport people and goods over horsepower?.


The primary benefit of using locomotives to transport people and goods over horsepower was:

Speed. Locomotives could travel much faster than horse-powered vehicles, allowing for far more efficient transportation of goods and people. Locomotives also had the advantage of being able to carry larger loads than horse-powered vehicles, making them much more efficient for transporting goods. Another advantage of locomotives was that they could travel on rails, making them far more reliable and dependable than horse-powered vehicles, which could be affected by weather and terrain. Finally, locomotives were much more powerful than horsepower and could be used to pull much heavier loads, allowing for the transport of larger goods and goods in greater quantities.

What are locomotives?

Locomotives are self-propelled, engine-driven vehicles used for railway transport. They are powered by either diesel or electric engines and are used to haul cars, cargo, and passengers. They are typically used on railroads, but can also be used on tramways and other industrial applications.

Learn more about the locomotives:



which of the following contains most of the characteristics of a public good? a. education b. trash collection c. a public library d. fire protection


Fire protection contains most of the characteristics of a public good.

What do you mean by public static keywords?

The Java application's main method is created by using the keyword public static void main. Java's static keyword is mostly used to control memory. Variables, methods, blocks, and nested classes are all compatible with the static keyword. Rather of being an instance of the class, the static keyword belongs to the class. The program's primary method, calls all other methods.

For difficult command-line processing, it accepts parameters but cannot return values. The term "public" denotes that classes in other packages will be able to access the method. Static methods have no "this" and are not associated with any particular instance. It serves a function, essentially.

To learn more about public static keywords, use the link given

create a procedure that takes 2 parameters, a string that you get from a user input and an int. Make the procedure print the string the number of times the int parameter gives and call the procedure???



Here is kind of an example: var greeting1 = "Hello, Jackson, how are you?";


var greeting2 = "Hello, Mr. H, how are you?";


var greeting3 = "Hello, Stranger, how are you?";



business intelligence (bi) systems obtain their data by which of the following means? select one: a. read and process data from an operational database b. process extracts from operational databases c. process data purchased from data vendors d. a and b e. a, b, and c


The right answer is D. This type of data may be accessed, interpreted, and applied to help you manage a better business that will grow more quickly and stay relevant in changing market conditions.

Business intelligence systems combine data collection, data storage, knowledge management, data analysis, and data and transformation with data assessment and transformation to assess and transform complex data into meaningful, actionable information that can be used to support more effective strategic, tactical, and operational insights and decision-making. The overarching objective of business intelligence is to use applicable data to improve an organization's business operations. Businesses can transform the data they have gathered into relevant information about their operational processes and business strategies by using BI tools and practices correctly. On these kinds of data, analytics and business intelligence depend.

Learn more about information here-



the ability to extract, manipulate, and format text using pattern action statements belongs to which command below?


The capability to extract, manipulate, as well as format text using pattern action statements:
Regular Expressions (or "RegEx").

What is command?
A command is an instruction given by a user to a computer program to perform a specific task. Commands are typically entered into a command line interface, such as a terminal window, or entered into a graphical user interface, such as a menu bar. In both of these cases, the user is entering a command to the computer in order to accomplish a task. Commands can come in the form of a single word, such as “copy”, multiple words, such as “copy this file”, or even a complex set of instructions, such as “copy this file to the other directory and then delete it”. No matter what form the command takes, the computer will interpret it and carry out the task as it has been instructed.

To learn more about command

g in terms of throughput s and r of sequential and random read/write operations, how do ssds compare with hard disks?


In terms of throughput, solid state drives (SSDs) generally offer significantly higher performance than hard disk drives (HDDs) for both sequential and random read/write operations.

SSDs often offer throughput that is many times greater than that of HDDs for sequential read operations. This is so that SSDs can access data sequentially and quickly because they employ non-volatile flash memory to store data. HDDs, on the other hand, store data on spinning disks, which limits their capacity for sequential reads.

Additionally, SSDs often offer greater throughput than HDDs for sequential write operations. The write performance of SSDs is often constrained by the speed of the memory controller and the connectivity to the rest of the system, thus the performance difference may not be as noticeable as it is for sequential read operations.

To know more about SSDs kindly visit



What is the shortcut for select?


Answer: Control A


consider a broadcast channel with n nodes and a transmission rate of r bps. suppose the broadcast channel uses polling (with an additional polling node) for multiple access. suppose the amount of time from when a node completes transmission until the subsequent node is permitted to transmit (that is, the polling delay) is dpoll. suppose that within a polling round, a given node is allowed to transmit at most q bits. further suppose node 1, initially with no bits to send, receives q bits to send. what is the maximum time from when node 1 receives the bits until it can begin to send them?


The maximum throughput of the broadcast channel will be -

R / (1 + (R x [tex]d_{poll}[/tex]) / Q)

Given data:


R=Transmission rate

dpoll=Polling delay

Q=Transmit polling round

What is Broadcast Channel?

The BroadcastChannel interface represents a named channel that can be subscribed to by any browsing context of a given origin. It enables communication between documents of the same origin (in different windows, tabs, frames, or iframes).

Messages are broadcasted through a message event that is fired on all BroadcastChannel objects listening to the channel, except the object that sent the message.

To know more about Broadcast, visit: https://brainly.com/question/29557248


sdlc has seven distinct steps (page 262) and it is used frequently to design legacy systems. however, sdlc takes time to develop systems and user involvement is minimal. give applications where sdlc will be suitable. discuss the seven steps for that application


The SDLC gives development teams the ability to create highly personalized products and incorporate customer feedback early on in huge projects. It helps to retain the high quality of a software product. Another feature of this SDLC technique is its risk management component.

Planning stage: Although this phase of the software development life cycle appears straightforward, comprehension is nonetheless crucial. Without sufficient preparation, a project won't have a clear scope and objective. The goals, costs, and team structures are set at this time.Design: The team will focus on the application's design and programming, including choosing the programming language, industry standards, and methods for handling specific problems and tasks.Implementation and coding: When it comes to the coding phase, the engineers' work picks up pace. All elements must be put into place, and all previously designed functionality must be converted into code. If more than one developer is engaged in the project, a focus on teamwork is additionally necessary (which is the most typical situation).Testing: In test-driven development, this stage is finished before the product is made available to users or it even begins before coding (TDD). Even if not all of your tests are automated, a CI/CD pipeline needs to be set up. Confirming that each feature works as intended is the goal of the testing phase.Deployment: You should be aware, first and foremost, that the initial deployment is always difficult. When testing yields positive results, the application is permitted to exist and is made accessible to users or clients. The time is now for improving scenarios based on real-world happenings.Maintenance: The SDLC process's maintenance stage is likely its most important. You are able to add new features, fix any reoccurring bugs, and close any potential security holes in your product based on user input once they've used it in a real environment.

To learn more about SDLC click here:



why are networks based on a layered model? how does this work? what impact does this have on compatibility? what impact does this have on maintenance?


The layer model contains all the protocols the system needs to send data to its destination. A layered model clearly shows how data is transmitted, adds few add-ons, and only provides key information.

So most often the layer model is used To work:

Split the message sending into separate components and activities. Each component handles different parts of the communication. This is called the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model. Useful for data visualization, useful for network problems...

Compatibility impact:

This layered model architecture mainly focuses on 9n features, so it has good compatibility between layers.

Maintenance impact:

The layered architecture contains most of the information and no additional data, making it easier to maintain.

Why are networks primarily based totally on a layered version?

It reduces the complexity of the issues from one massive one to seven smaller ones. It permits the standardization of interfaces amongst devices. It additionally enables modular engineering so engineers can paintings on one layer of the community version with out being involved with what takes place at any other layer.

Learn more about layered model :



if a penetration tester has gained access to a network and then tries to move around inside the network to other resources, what procedure is the tester performing?


If a penetration tester has gained access to a network and then tries to move around inside the network to other resources, the procedure that  the tester is performing is Pivot.

What is PIVOT's purpose?

An interactive technique to quickly summarize vast volumes of data is with a pivot table. A PivotTable can be used to thoroughly evaluate numerical data and provide unexpected answers regarding your data.

Therefore, its ease of usage of a pivot table is a significant benefit. Drag the columns to different areas of the table to quickly summarize the data. A mouse click can also be used to rearrange the columns.

Learn more about penetration tester from



using the geology of georgia earth file, turn off all the folders, except for current streamflow. notice the colored circles on the map (not just on georgia, if you want to look at resources in other places also). you should also see a legend at the top of the screen. what color circle represents the lowest level of water flow in a particular location?


The landform is a butte, which is a flat-topped hill or mountain. Around the high point, the contour lines create concentric closed loops.

Is Georgia a worthwhile travel destination?

Georgia is a state that must be visited. It's actually one of my all-time favorite nations. I'm eager to return very soon because of the welcoming atmosphere, delectable cuisine, and breathtaking views.

Can you live in Atlanta without a car?

I currently reside Downtown and travel to Buckhead for work through the MARTA Five Point Station. I no longer need to rely on my car for any work-related or personal needs because of Atlanta's extensive public transportation system.

to know more about Georgia here:



what happens if the spoofed source ip address in a syn flooding attack does belong to a machine that is currently running?


The SYN+ACK packets sent by the server may be dropped because forged IP address may not be assigned to any machine. If it does reach an existing machine, a RST packet will be sent out, and the TCB will be dequeued.

What is IP address?

IP stands for internet protocol address. It is essentially a numeric value issued to a network device that is used for network device identification and location. IP addresses are assigned to all network devices. IP is an abbreviation for "internet protocol." Your router IP address is the unique identifier for each device connected to your network. For the router to recognize and transfer data packets, a device (such as a computer or smartphone) must have an IP address. The data packets are what give your internet its name. A computer's IP address enables it to send and receive data over the internet. Most IP numbers are solely numerical, however as internet usage expands, certain addresses have letters appended to them.

To know more about IP address,



information system using the latest information technology has benefited which modern need?


The majority of organizations rely heavily on information technology (IT).

It is utilized across all industries to meet administrative and manufacturing needs.

What are the benefit of Information Technology ?

Regardless of the size, information technology is a critical component of every organization.

The benefits of IT play a significant role in practically every decision you make, whether it be the point-of-sale devices at your cash register or the PCs your salespeople use to connect with potential consumers around the world.

IT has an impact on how you collect and use data, hire and manage workers, communicate, and even advertise.

Others Advantages of IT:

Higher Data SecurityYour business can save money with the use of information technology.Communication Benefits from Information TechnologyHigher ProductivityEstablishing Coordination and Uniformity

To know more about Information Technology, visit: https://brainly.com/question/28247581


Uranus orbits the sun in about 30,697 earth days. There are 24 earth hours in a day. How many earth hours does it take saturn to orbit the sun?.


The Uranus orbits the sun is about 736, 728 earth hours. Uranus in a part of planet.

A planet is one the things that is located in the space. A thing in the space can be called as planet if they have classification that is mentioned below:

Orbit around the Sun.Has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape.Has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.

There is eight of planet, namely


The planet closest to the sun is mercury.

To compute how many hours does it take Uranus to orbit the sun is shown below:

The hours that takes Uranus to orbit the Sun = 24 x 30,697

The hours that takes Uranus to orbit the Sun = 736, 728 hours

Thus, the Uranus orbits the sun is 736, 728 earth hours

Learn more about the planet here https://brainly.com/question/14581221


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