Which best describes the imagery the poet is creating in this excerpt?

The speaker goes to his bedroom door, opens the door, and finds his lover Lenore standing in the dark on the other side.
The speaker opens his bedroom door into darkness and there is nothing there so he closes the door quickly and runs back to bed.
The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.
The speaker opens his door as fast as he can to run into his room, away from the scary darkness in the hallway that has no lighting.


Answer 1


The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.

Imagery found: Sight and Sound.

Answer 2

Answer: C. The speaker opens his bedroom door, stands there a while, whispers into the darkness, “Lenore,” and hears this word echo softly but nothing more.

Explanation: On Edge!

Related Questions

As a f______ i have to travel to a lot to find interesting places for my movies


As a film producer, I have to travel to a lot to find interesting places for my movies.

I hope this helps; have a great day!

How does Hermione change as the friendship with the two boys deepen.



In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, a troll got into the castle and went into the girl's bathroom where Hermione was. Harry and Ron saw the troll go in there. They rushed to the bathroom and helped save her from the troll. ... That won Harry and Ron over, and the three of them became fast friends. Because there is no way three people can defeat a mountain troll and not become friends ;)


I love Harry Potter. I’ve read the series like 5 times ;)


She becomes a little distant but at the same time close to them.


She becomes distant because when the boy's relationship got deeper they started doing things togethere and without her. Also Ron sometimes didnt say good things about her which she heard and got upset.

She got close to them at the same time because she started catching feelings for Harry and Ron. They didn't know but even though they got a little distant she started liking them and trying to get close.

The red light is on. That means I can't get (to- into- in- into/in)​





How did Early Chicago's African Americans deal with the great tragedy? *



By the 1840s, that promise was turning into reality as America pushed west. After the Civil War, industrial expansion, driven by ingenuity and optimism, was in full swing.


Even the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, which reduced the city to rubble, didn't stop its growth. The fire did, however, affect Chicago's small black population. Burned-out blacks were pushed into less populated areas on the South Side of the city as racial lines were more tightly drawn. Despite new limitations, blacks continued to progress, participating in politics, and building social associations and community institutions to meet their needs.

A paragraph of the tone jealousy



Paragraph down below


Okay, this paragraph will have the tone of jealousy in it!

I have a crush, and his name is Daniel. He's the nicest, sweetest, boy around. Yesterday, I saw him with some other girl. I could feel the envy and jealousy rise within me. I didn't like how he was with this other girl who I knew nothing about. I resented the fact that he payed more attention to her than me. So, I left, crying all the way home.

Hope this helps!

Rhyme is the repetition of _____ at the end of words.

A. sounds

B. alliteration

C. prefixes

D. stress



A. sounds



As you know, words that rhyme end with a similar sound. Rhyme and time, beat and heat, and friends and trends are all examples of rhyming words.

“Mary Had a Little Lamb” has only two rhyming words. Both come at the end of a line of verse.

As in rap lyrics, the use of rhyming in lyric poetry can be very elaborate. As you will see in “The Raven,” rhyming words can come at the end of lines of verse (end rhyme), or they can be located within one or more lines of verse (internal rhyme).


Repetition is the use of any element of language—a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence—more than once. Poets use many kinds of repetition to add emphasis, drama, or musical rhythm to a poem.

Rhyming is a form of repetition in which the sound is repeated. Now you will learn about two other types of repetition used in lyric poetry: refrain and alliteration.


Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound, such as many Mondays, or dazzling dream. This type of sound repetition can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.

A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words. Rhyming is particularly common in many types of poetry, especially at the ends of lines, and is a requirement in formal verse.

Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the end of words.

What is rhyme?

A rhyme is when the final stressed syllable and any subsequent syllables of two or more words repeat similar sounds.

"Two or more words that repeat the same sounds" are necessary for rhyme. Although they frequently have similar spellings, this is not a must. End rhyme and internal rhyme are two different types of rhyme that can occur at the end or in the middle of a line.

Hence, option A is correct.

To learn more about rhyme here



A child may be a victim of abuse through (explanation,neglect?maltreatment)

The child can be a victim of sexual (exploitation,maltreatment,awareness)


1) neglect


A child may be a victim of abuse through (Maltreatment)

The child can be a victim of sexual (exploitation)


Julie of the Wolves

Which phrase describes a character trait that Miyax demonstrates at the beginning of Julie and the Wolves?

fear of change

a goofy sense of humor

belief in herself

lack of determination


The phrase that describes a character trait that Miyax demonstrates at the beginning of Julie and the Wolves is belief in herself

According to the book Julie and the Wolves, the narrator talks about Miyax and her sojourn in the  jungle where she meets some wolves who save her life and teach her the ways of the jungle.

Miyax is the protagonist of the book and she shows patience and belief in herself after the turmoils she had already faced.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C because she keeps her self belief and is patient.

Read more here:


C belief in herself

Have a good day :D

Lester, the foreman, came to check on the fence I'd been building.
"Having any trouble?"
"I guess not. Except that the sun is about 16 feet over my head."
Lester chuckled. That was his kind of humor. Then he got pacing around. He looked down the fence row to see how straight it was. He
checked the oil in the tractor and adjusted the attachment that drilled the post holes.
"Got a pinch bar out here?"
"Yeah. It's back where I used it last, about four posts down."
Lester got back in his truck and leaned out. "Now listen, son. You should spend the rest of the afternoon deciding if you want to work on this
ranch any more. If you do, you're going to have to take those last twenty fence posts out. Before you do that even, you're going to have to put oil in
that tractor, and get your tools where you can work with them. That includes your hammer which seems to have been thrown over by that stump.
And it's none of my business, but I'd recommend you wear those leather gloves we gave you. Work is hard enough without feeling sorry for yourself
'cause you got blood running out of broken blisters."
He put the truck in gear and drove off.
Which best describes Lester?
1. mean and bossy
2. stubborn and lazy
3. fair and demanding
4. friendly and whimsical


Friendly and whimsical. Although he is telling his son what he thinks he should do, he is light and caring about it.

We can infer here that what actually describes Lester is: Friendly and whimsical.

What is inference?

Inference actually refers to the conclusion that one arrives at after observing a particular situation or condition.

We see here that what can be inferred from the given passage is that Lester can be best described as friendly and whimsical.

Learn more about inference on https://brainly.com/question/25280941


what kind of figurative language is “ this week went by so fast “





truely  easy

Vanquishing the Hungry Chinese Zombie by Claudine Gueh 1 Which statement expresses a main theme of the story? A Great friendships can be made under very unusual circumstances. B It is important to think carefully before trusting unfamiliar people. C One often has to make sacrifices in order to help one's family members. D Removing negativity from one's life can be difficult and sometimes scary.​


Answer:i had this question and i got it right B:It is important to think carefully before trusting unfamiliar people.


Vanquishing the Hungry Chinese Zombie by Claudine Gueh It is important to think carefully before trusting unfamiliar people is the main theme of the story. This theme is implied by the title of the story, which suggests a potentially dangerous situation involving a zombie. The correct option is B.

The theme of the narrative, which alludes to a potentially hazardous scenario involving a zombie, suggests this theme. The subject emphasizes the value of caution and judgment while dealing with new people or situations, as it could be harmful to trust strangers in such scenarios.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about Zombie here:



please summarize this poem will give brainliest ​



A poem created by diabolical radical leftists communists. This poem says committing sins against humanity is ok and dying soon is good as well.


How does the author develop her ideas in the text?


explanation hope tis hleps :)

What do u need to know?





List changes to farm rules or policies that occur in chapter 8. You should list at least 5.



1. The sixth commandment was changed from, " No animal shall kill any other animal", to "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause".

2. The fifth commandment was changed from, " No animal shall drink alcohol", to "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess"

3. The pigeons were asked to drop their slogan from "Death to Humanity", to "Death to Fredrick".

4. The pigeons were again asked to alter their slogan from, "Death to Fredrick "to "Death to Pilkington".

5. A dog named Pink eye was now to taste Napoleon's food before he ate it to avoid poisoning.


In "Animal Farm", by George Orwell, several changes occurred in the farm in Chapter 8. The sixth commandment had changed with the addition of two words that justified the killing of animals if there was a good reason behind it. When Napoleon drank excess alcohol, he added two words to the fifth commandment to accommodate his indulgence in excess alcohol.

The slangs of the pigeons were changed accordingly as Napoleon changed his enemies. Also, a new dog was assigned to taste Napoleon's food to ensure that it was not poisoned.

which word is misspelled in the sentence a university of pennsylvania professor defines grit as the persverance and passion a person has to achieve their long term goals

A. professor
B. perseverance
C. passion
D. achieve


The answer is B due to per-server-ance being spelled wrong. In the sentence it is pers-verance it has one base word being server not verance. If you said it aloud you would find it to sound like per-severance not to per-ser-veer

The word is misspelled in the sentence "a university of Pennsylvania professor defines grit as the persverance and passion a person has to achieve their long term goals" is perseverance. Thus the correct answer is B.

What are misspelled words?

Misspelled words are those words that do not spell correctly due to which the meaning of the statement is not clearly understandable to the reader. Sometimes misspelled give another meaning of the statement.

All the three options are spelled correctly but the word which is incorrectly written is "persverance" which should be written as perseverance symbolizes the meaning of determination in undertaking a task in the face of hardship or a delay in success.

Therefore, option B  perseverance is appropriate.

Learn more about perseverance, here:



Here are 4 type of of drama, comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy, and melodrama. There important because?



They each have their own functions in the role they play. They create the way the author intends the make the reader feels.



The pictures exlplain

1. The poet writes first in Spanish and follows it with an English translation. This allows non-Spanish speakers to understand the lines in Spanish. What is another reason the poet uses both Spanish and English?



so that people who speak either Spanish or English can read what he is writing. Pretty much so that he gets more people to read it because it is two different Languages if that makes sense.

Hope this helps!

The poet writes first in Spanish and follows it with an English translation so that individuals who talk either Spanish or English can understand what he is composing. Basically so he gets more individuals to peruse this is on the grounds that it is two distinct Languages in case that checks out.

A decent adjudicator of when to utilize querido an estimado is on the off chance that you're good friends with this individual and they're not responsible for you querido ought to be good.

Estimado is for individuals you're on a last-name premise with or they're individuals that ought to be regarded or individuals you've won't ever meet.

The author translate their books in different languages just to publish their thoughts and stories in worldwide where people of different countries and different places can read the message behind the book or article.

For more information, refer the following link:


Hi, can you help me pls ?​



1. c) Tuesday

2. a) elephant

3. b) donkey

4. a) third

5. c) Inauguration

6. b) four



1. Tuesday 2. elephant 3. donkey 4. third parties 5. inauguration  6. 4 years.


What else can I say I need help with writing the rest my book is ghost boys and the things she wants is
Multiple examples from the text that illustrates the issue in the relationship
And what each character can do to address the conflict?????
So please give me a answer please instead of giving me a link that can cause a virus don’t answer unless your really gonna help because I really need help!!!!!!



Grammar check: tuff is meant to be spelt as tough. Put a full stop after bullied.

Jerome knows the school better, so Jerome can put posters around the school saying no bullying and stuff. Carlos can ask a teacher for help. Jerome can also support Carlos and help him get to know the school better. They could ask for help from other students around the school who know better about bullying. They both can make more friends and perhaps not provoke the bullies by fighting back against them. Due to still being constantly bullied, they really should also tell their parents and seek advice.

When you write your own literature, an important thing to remember is that humans use words to communicate. It may seem overly simple, but understanding the purpose and process of communication is the biggest key to figuring out how to do it well.


yes that is correct :)

feminist or new historian theory



need the actual question


huh uhhhh i’m confused

Question 3 of 5 please tell me rn plz
Eliza had been jealous of her performing partner, Star, ever since they
were teenagers. Star thought that she was the better magician, even
though it was perfectly clear that she was the main attraction of the
magic show only because of her remarkable beauty, not her talent.
Which statement best describes how the conflict helps make the story
O A. Eliza's burning jealousy creates drama, which is suspenseful.
O B. Eliza's coming realization that she is second best to Star creates a
sense of sadness.
O C. The reader knows that Eliza will accept her place as second best,
which is satisfying.
OD. A moralesson about the superiority of beauty over talent will
eventually be revealed.





The answer is A. Eliza's burning jealously creates drama, which is suspenseful.


Can an argument use more than one strategy (logos, ethos, pathos) at once? Explain your answer in one or two sentences.





You can use more than one strategy for an argument because for example, say you're in an argument with a sibling, a parent, etc. In an argument you can use many strategies like maybe you write an argument essay you could use many strategies as long a you argue about the topic you can use as many as 6 strategies at once.

Plz rewrite this passage using a narrative adding dialogue and imagery to create a nervous tone:

My sibling Felipe and I approached the unwanted house toward the finish of the road. Felipe opened the door, and we strolled forward. We strolled as far as possible up to the entryway and thumped, however, nobody replied. I hung over the railing and glanced in the window, and it was really unfilled in there. At that point, there was a commotion inside the house, and we left.?



My sibling Felipe and I approached the unwanted house toward the finish of the road.

"Felipe, open the door." He opened the door, and we strolled forward.

We strolled as far as possible up to the entryway and thumped.

"Hello, is anybody here?" I asked, hoping for someone to answer.

However, nobody replied.

I hung over the railing and glanced in the window, and it was really unfilled in there.

"Hey, are you feeling something?" Felipe asked.

At that point, there was a commotion inside the house.

Out of fear, we hurriedly left the house.


I wish I helped, I did my best XD

What is a word for took with a stronger connotation



clenched, clung (to), clutched, held on (to)





What does "Let the kite perch and let the eagle perch too. If one says no to the other, let his wing break.” mean



I think "Let the kite perch and let the eagle perch too. If one says no to the other, let his wing break," means that if you don't cooperate with one another, both people will have a loss. Hope this helps! :)

12) WILL GIVE BRANLIEST 100 POINTS Which MOST CLOSELY identifies the author's purpose for writing this text? -)) The author indicates that efforts to identify and A) eliminate barriers must be led by people with disabilities if they want to be taken seriously. B) By providing anecdotal information in a conversational way, the author seeks to convince readers to vote for policy changes to increase involvement in everyday activities. By providing factual information in a methodical way, the author seeks to convince readers that it is important for everyone to have equitable opportunities for involvement in everyday activities. D) The author indicates that many people without disabilities misunderstand statistics, so he presents data to explain disability inclusion and indicates his acceptance of differing views regarding inclusion​


It’s B I took the same test it’s B my freind



'Just one bite- I ask no more'

Identify the figure of speech used in the sentence above.





I would assume it to be a metaphor

List 5 things you would never give up.

And pick one from the list and explain why you won’t give up!

I’ll mark brainless who do it.






Following my dreams

On love


Love because it's not just a word it's a precious thing.

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