What is the definition of simple machines? * 2 points a quantity that measures the rate at which work is done or energy is transformed the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that causes the body to move in the direction of the force a number that tells how many times a machine multiplies force; it can be calculated by dividing the output force by many times a machine multiplies force one of the basic types of machines, which are the basis for all other forms of machines


Answer 1


any of the basic mechanical devices for applying a force, such as an inclined plane, wedge, or lever.


Hope it helps! Correct me if I am wrong :>

If right can you please mark me as brainlest?

Related Questions

What do you mean by peace?


according to me peace means calmness and no fighting..

remain silent !!!!!XD

How has colonialism shaped the cultures of Central America and the Caribbean? Be able to give specific examples for their religion, language, music/dance, and ethnicity.



Colonialism has been regarded as a significant and common experience that has been reflected on Caribbean people of today’s culture and values, based on the events and circumstances that occurred during the 16th ,17th and 18th century .


A country in which everyone over a certain age is eligible to vote on who they want to represent them in the government, would be described as which type of government system? *

A communist government
A democratic government
An autocratic government
A confederate government



A democratic government, I think I looked it up

Which of the following is NOT a type of pet that the Egyptians kept? Baboons ,Dog, Lion , Monkeys​



None of the above


All stated are animals the Egyptians kept




got it right on the quiz :)

8. The shaded area on the map above was significant during which event?
a. Nullification Crisis
b. Creation of the National Bank
C. Trail of Tears
d. Election of Jackson



it represents the oregon territory and a settlement between the united states and great brittian

which cities were part of the arab muslim empire before 632​



um i d k ....... sorry


define intercommunal relationship​



Inter communal relationship is a relationship which exist between two or more communities. One of the major objectives of the Government is to ensure that the Government is close to the members of the community and provide a forum where local people can defend themselves and also develop their local communities.

I hope this helps a little bit


intercommunal is a relation which exists between two or more communities

What was the influence on the culture of the people in Latin America?



The culture of South America has been influenced by the arts, traditions, and beliefs of indigenous peoples, Europeans, and Africans. Language—Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and French are spoken in different parts of the subregion.


Consider this statement

A multicultural and diverse society benefits all people.
Explain whether you strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, or disagree. Explain




From 1920 to 1947, the British Empire had a mandate over Palestine. At that time, Palestine included all of Israel and today's Occupied Territories, of Gaza, West Bank, etc. The increasing number of Jewish people immigrating to the Holy Land increased tensions in the region.

1: how did greek thought affect individuals

2: How did greek thought affect City-States



1.Plato's student, Aristotle, was one of the most prolific of ancient authors. Epicurus, like Xenophanes, claimed that the mass of people is impious, since the ... In short, not only did ancient Greek philosophy pave the way for the Western a strong presence and legacy of Pythagorean influence, and yet little is known

2.The Greek city-states were the dominant settlement structure of the ancient Greek world and helped define how different regions interacted with each other.


What plagued the slums of urban communities in the 19th century?
1. overcrowding
2. crime
3. disease
4. all the above


I believe all the above aka 4 because the communities had to much of an over crowding which lead to crime and then a disease broke out which occurs in the 19th century


all of above


took the test and i got it right :)

(PLS HELP ASAP)Which of the following describes a political lobby?
A. the waiting area outside the voting chamber at the U.S. Capitol
B. a committee of educators responsible for making recommendations to improve the political system
C. a group engaged in trying to influence legislators or other public officials in favor of a specific cause
D. a group that formulates political and policy agendas selects candidates and conducts election campaigns





Political lobbies are individuals or more usually by lobby groups trying to influence decisions made by elected officials to support the lobbies cause.





The principle of executive privilege (protections for the president only) relates to which constitution doctrine?


Answer: Doctrine of separation of powers


The principle of executive privilege (protections for the president only) relates to the doctrine of separation of powers. The Supreme Court ruled it in that they are a consequence of the doctrine of separation of powers which is gotten from the supremacy of each section according to there constitutional activities

please could someone give a detailed response for why Riverdale is so bad


it’s bad because the plot changes every episode or so
season 1 wasn’t bad, i’ll give it that, but adding more seasons is just messing with the entire show. the directors should’ve just kept the show to like 3 seasons or so at most
i think that it's so so offensive that you'd call a tv show bad? The actors actresses directors writers put so much hard work into RIVERDale just for you to say that it is a bad show. i am so hurt that you'd say that. please get AN Attitude check before coming on this website again and watch your tone!

The rule of law means ?
A. Everyone should be treated equally under the law .
B. Very important government officials are allowed to be above the law.
C. Everyone is above the law



A. Everyone should be treated equally under the law.


Elabora un listado de los aportes científicos y culturales que dejó el renacimiento para la humanidad


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Los aportes científicos y culturales que dejó el renacimiento para la humanidad fueron los siguientes.

Una de las principales aportaciones de la época del Renacimiento fue la Imprenta, desarrollada por Gutenberg a mediados del siglo XIV, tomando conceptos de la antigua China.

La Famosa teoría Heliocéntrica desarrollada por el famoso astrónomo Nicolás Copérnico, también es una de las grandes invenciones científicas del Renacimiento.

Oto gran astrónomo, Galileo, fue quien desarrolló con mayor precisión lo que conocemos como telescopio para observar las estrellas y otros planetas.

Aunque la brújula fue inventada por los Chinos, en la Europa Renacentista se perfeccionó su uso en las exploraciones a través dela navegación.

Which statements describe density? Check all that apply.



The correct answer to the question is - the density of an object determines whether it will sink or float. EXPLANATION: The density of a substance is defined as mass per unit volume.


Density is the sum of the mass and volume of an object.

The density of an object determines whether it will sink or float.



Describe the differences between the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ.


Answer:The most significant difference between the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq is how buyers and sellers trade securities. NYSE facilitates and operates like an auction market, while Nasdaq creates the market for trades via what's known as a deale



Sample Response: The NYSE is the world’s largest stock exchange. It is a place where brokers for buyers and sellers make deals on a trading floor. The NASDAQ does not have a trading floor so all trading is done over a network of computers and telephones. Another difference is that many of the world’s oldest and largest companies are sold on the NYSE, while the worlds largest technology-based companies are sold on the NASDAQ.


i took the quiz

Do we need political parties in the United States (claim, evidence, and reasoning needed) PLEASEEE HELP!!!


Claim: The United States of America needs political parties in the country to maintain a sense of division among its citizens.

-not everyone has the same opinions, this division will always exist, this way it is more orderly
- having political parties is a good way to separate our candidates for elections
- political parties establish a sense of common ground within citizens who share the same beliefs/morals/etc

hope this helped; mark Brainly please

How can you describe the birds motion



wings flap up and down


when they fly their wings need air so they can fly

Answer: Ok I think Birds are adapted to moving in the air. Their front limbs have turned into wings and their strong pectoral muscles move their feathered wings. Bird bones are hollow inside so that the body weight is as small as possible, which makes it easier for them to fly.Birds obtain thrust by using their strong muscles and flapping their wings. Some birds may use gravity (for example, jumping from a tree) to give them forward thrust for flight. Others may use a running take-off from the ground.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


What was the lasting impact of the development of the Bell Bomber Plant on Georgia’s economy? A. Thousands of Georgians continued to work in the aircraft manufacturing industry. B. Thousands of new jobs were created in the shipping industry in Savannah and Brunswick. C. Thousands of jobs were lost because the plants were built on fertile farmland. D. Thousands of civilian jobs were created at military bases across Georgia.



Thousands of new jobs were created in the shipping industry in Savannah and Brunswick.


Name and describe two tank crew roles.



However, as the art of tank battle and tank design progressed into World War II the average-sized tank would have a crew of four men: a driver, a gunner, a gun-loader/radio operator and a tank commander, all working as a team in their special positions within the tank


This graph shows use of the Internet and social media
by age group
Which group is least likely to be reached by the
Internet and social media?
Use of the Internet for Social Media
and News, 2011
Use of Social Media
Use of the Internet for Political News
18-29 30-49 50-64 65+
O 18 to 29 years of age
30 to 49 years of age
50 to 64 years of age
Percent of Population
O 65 years of age and above



65 tears and older


because they don't know much


65 years of age and above



What would be the defintion of an ARTIFACT?
O Writing by a historian or history teacher about events in the past.
O An object made by a person.
The first-hand story or account of an event in the past.
The remains of an animal or plant.



the answer is number 2! An object made by a human being.

Write a 6-8 sentence paragraph response to the following prompt. How did the Ancient Romans adapt to their physical environment?


Answer: start off with this

Explanation:Egyptian Civilization or Nile Valley Civilization evolved along the Nile River in Southern Egypt. It is clear from the study that the inhabitants of civilisation originated from the south of Egypt and not from areas of Europe. Ancient Egypt adaptation, as the name implies, refers to the manner in which this culture adapted to ever-changing conditions and advanced their race.

The People in Egypt Lived in tropical and semi-tropical climates. As adaptation was the secret to surviving the race, the civilisation of the Nile Valley was ideally adapted to the environmental conditions. The Egyptians have adapted well to the climate for thousands of years. Their body composition and the proportion of their limbs reflect their high degree of adaptation, suggesting that they were completely at ease with climatic conditions. Ancient Egyptians were never looking to move to the North West because of the cold conditions there. However, findings show that the average temperature in hot and tropical areas of the world was much lower relative to the present time.

war brings nothing but destruction.explain​




Fighting just brings death and devastation. Battle has wreaked havoc on the economy, health, and other aspects of society. Government spends vast sums of money on armies rather than on the welfare of the people, as a result of which government spends vast sums of money on armies rather than on the welfare of the people. Consider the time that people have to do jobs and the amount of money they pay in taxation. Only the people of the country and the troops serving in the war are affected by war. People in the country were forced to either abandon their homes or flee the country. 

How many Executive Departments make up the President’s Cabinet.


Answer: 15 departments in the Cabinet


What argument did Brandeis use to support
laws limiting the hours that could be worked
by women?






What did Jedediah Smith achieve while exploring?

A) Explored the northern peaks of the Cascade Mountains
B) Met members of the Navajo tribe
C) Reached California and returned east by land
D) Traveled with a Native American guide



I think is c) Reached California and returned east by land

Im sorry if Im wrong



Its C


I took the test

sorry that its a year late

the development of Algebra


algebra can be traced to the ancient Babylonians, who developed a positional number system that greatly aided them in solving their rhetorical algebraic equations.
Other Questions
What is an example of a Text Feature often used in informational writing? A.) Chart , B.) Picture C.) , Heading , D.) All of the above Can someone answer this please!!! I only have 5 mins and u will get Brainly too :) An energy pyramid shows the amount of available at each feeding level in an ecosystem. III. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(go) early1. If you(not/want) to stay in the party, we2. You(pass) your exams if you(study) really hard. 7. Find the corresponding angle.(look at the picture) Select the term that best fits the following definition: Tells what elementsa compound contains and the number of those atoms *O Covalent BondO lonic BondO CompoundO Chemical Formula Why did the building crew fill up tubs of water? First person to answer this gets BRAINLIEST!(Look at the photo for the question) x is ........... variable | Maths QuestionsA. DependentB. IndependentC. NoneD. both 2x1/4y=1 solve for y please what is the percentage composition of carbon and hydrogen in ethane(c2h6,molecular mass 30.0) What are disadvantages of the "Aoudad"?PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!! Founded in 1833, the American Anti-Slavery Society received overwhelmingly positive support. adopted resolutions and sent petitions to Congress. was opposed by activist William Lloyd Garrison. held meetings in private out of fear of reprisals. I need help on 7 please ASAP Keylina used 8 cups of chocolate chips to make 4 batches of muffins. Which of the following rates represent the cups of chocolate chips per batch of muffins? I get to have a second attempt and for my first one. I got it wrong and u can see, what it was. So now I am on my second one, and I am wondering, if the answer I put is correct. If not can u tell me it. What is 2/3 to the 3rd power? Tywaun wants to know how much candy his container can hold. Thecontainer is 20 centimetres tall, 10 centimetres long and 10 centimetreswide. What is the container's volume? How can Congress check the power of the Supreme Court?A)They can refuse to enforce their decisionB)They can propose a new amendmentC)They can appoint new justicesD)They can override the court's decision If the frequency of a wave is 0.25 Hz, what is its period?A) 0.25 sB) 2 sC) 4 sD) 4 HZ