Which best describes John C. Calhoun's attitude towards slavery?
Slavery was a necessary evil.
Slavery was a good for everyone involved.
Slavery was worse than work in textile mills.
Slavery should be abolished.


Answer 1


The answer is B. Slavery was a good for everyone involved.


John C. Calhoun, the South’s recognized intellectual and political leader from the 1820s until his death in 1850, devoted much of his remarkable intellectual energy to defending slavery. He developed a two-point defense. One was a political theory that the rights of a minority section—in particular, the South—needed special protecting in the federal union. The second was an argument that presented slavery as an institution that benefited all involved.

John C. Calhoun championed states’ rights and slavery and was a symbol of the Old South. He spent the last 20 years of his life in the U.S. Senate working to unite the South against the abolitionist attack on slavery.

Answer 2

The best describes John C. Calhoun's attitude towards slavery is option B: Slavery was a good for everyone involved.

Who is John C. Calhoun?

John C. Calhoun, the South’s recognized intellectual and political leader from the 1820s until his death in 1850, devoted much of his remarkable intellectual energy to defending slavery.

He developed a two-point defense. One was a political theory that the rights of a minority section—in particular, the South—needed special protecting in the federal union.

John C. Calhoun championed states’ rights and slavery and was a symbol of the Old South. He spent the last 20 years of his life in the U.S. Senate working to unite the South against the abolitionist attack on slavery.

Therefore, correct option is B.

Learn more about Slavery, refer to the link:


Related Questions

Shays's Rebellion occurred because _____________ . A) farmers did not want to sell their land to pay debts B) farmers were angry that there was no centrally-organized army C) the government tried to force farmers to give their land to Indians.


farmer did not want to sell their land to pay debits

Excess supply is created when price or
move away from the equilibrium point.




elasticity is the answer I guess

Which of the following functions do the veins help an animal perform?



This is a similar question, so I shall say what someone said a while ago, on another question, also on Brainly


Many of the internal processes in our body occur without our conscious awareness. Our stomach digests food, our lungs take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, and our kidneys filter our blood each and every day. Our internal organs and systems work automatically, and it is likely that whole days go by when we don't pause to think of our insides at all.

However, one major bodily system may catch our attention more often because we can feel it working in certain parts of our body. Our pulse, rhythmic pulsing of blood through our arteries, is a constant reminder that, at any given moment, blood is coursing through each and every part of us. Our bloodstream is part of our circulatory system, which consists of the heart and blood vessels that carry blood throughout our body. In this lesson, we will learn more about the important vessels that return blood back to the heart after traveling to our body parts. These vessels are called veins.

This was originally said by the user "mailboxprem" on another post, but this one was similar :O

Why did Roman Catholic missionaries come to Latin America?



Catholicism has been predominant in Latin America and it has played a definitive role in its development. It helped to spur the conquest of the New World with its emphasis on missions to the indigenous peoples, controlled many aspects of the colonial economy, and played key roles in the struggles for Independence.


Role for social problem belongs to our sociaty​





It is TRUE that the role of social problems belongs to our society​.

Generally, it is believed that social problem arises from the societal activities or social environment. Social problems can be traced to destructive activities in government and non-governmental institutions, including schools and families.

Hence, to solve social problems, society should take some specific roles, some of which are:

1. Provision of standard and up to date education to the citizens or inhabitants

2. Provision of jobs and creation of a conducive environment for businesses to thrives.

3. Managing population growth. The higher the population as against the resources available, the lower the standard of living will arise, as there would be inadequate resources supply to go round

4. Promotion of societal values. Promoting social problems such as smoking, gangsterism, and all that should be prohibited. At the same time, social values such as success in education and heroic acts should be rewarded.

Hence, it is TRIE that Role for social problem belongs to our society​

wright short narrative story that explores an appropriate theme and is at least five pages long.


I have a narrative story that i submitted for Florida Virtual School if you want it you're going to have to change some words one is about a jellyfish and the other is about a girl who got stuck in an airport.

If you want it just tell me and i will edit this answer and put a link

what did Kennedy promise in his campaign?


In the address, Kennedy reaffirmed the United States' pledge of coming to the defense of any nation whose independence was endangered, promised to increase the food-for-peace emergency program and to provide economic aid to nations in need.

Why do you think that the Union wanted to take control of Richmond, Virginia?



What was the most important reason why the Union wanted to capture Richmond? Richmond was the capital of the South. Why did the South need support from Europe? The South needed money for the war effort.



Richmond, Virginia served as the capital of the Confederate States of America for almost the whole of the American Civil War. It was a vital source of weapons and supplies for the war effort, and the terminus of five railroads. The Union made many attempts to invade Richmond. ... Efforts to take Richmond by the James River were successfully blocked

Japanese Americans treated during World War II? Why did some Americans feel this was necessary? Were their fears justified?


Japanese Americans were put into concentration camps in America where they had to live together because they were of japanese decent. many Americans believed this was unfair due to the fact that they were already in America before the bombings of pearl harbor took place, while some Americans believed that all Japanese people were spies or here to follow through with more bombing. I believe their fears were unjust simply because not everyone that is Japanese was a threat to America and they should not have been put into camps.

I hope this helps :3


Imagine that you are either Han Feizi or Laozi and write a letter to the other philosopher explaining why their philosophy is the wrong way to run a civilized society.



Little is known of Han Feizi’s personal life. A member of the ruling family of Han, one of the weaker of the warring states that were in conflict during the 5th–3rd centuries BCE, he studied under the Confucian philosopher Xunzi but deserted him to follow another school of thought more germane to the conditions accompanying the collapse of the feudal system in his time. Finding that his advice to the ruler of his native state went unheeded, he put his ideas into writing. A speech defect is also reputed to have induced his recourse to writing. King Zheng of Qin (a western state)—who became the first emperor of the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE—read and admired some of his essays. When in 234 BCE Zheng launched an attack on Han, the ruler of Han dispatched Han Feizi to negotiate with Qin. Zheng was delighted to receive Han Feizi and probably planned to offer him a high government post. Li Si, the chief minister of Qin and a former schoolmate of Han Feizi’s, presumably afraid that the latter might gain the king’s favour by virtue of superior erudition, had Han Feizi imprisoned on a charge of duplicity. Complying with Li Si’s order to commit death, he drank the poison Li Si sent him, ending his life


Look at this image from a passage about different types of volcanoes.

Smoke escaping the top of a volcano.

What is most likely the purpose of this image?



immma send you the link friend me on hereExplanation:

Which statement best describes what the 13th United States Colored Troops accomplished at the Battle of Nashville?​
pleasee help





statement c

I think is right


C . They won the respect of both Union and Confederate officers for their bravery.


Study Island

what is the first president for the United States​



George Washington



George Washington was the first president of the United States


George Washington, stood on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.

Do you think extremist groups, cults, and gangs pose a significant threat in your country? Why or why not?
pls help



While I believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, I think these types of groups pose a huge threat. They jeapordize the safety of other people, which is more important than someone's right to their own ideals. Gangs make street violence more prevalant which in turn makes cities less safe. They make it dangerous to walk on the street at night. Extremist groups often put people of certain groups based on religion, nationality, sex, gender identity or expression, and race at risk for harm or even death. Lastly, cults often have their members performing dangerous, illegal acts that can harm other innocent people or the members that follow them. Historically, they can be very damaging to the body and psyche of the members as well. Therefore, yes, I do believe that these groups are dangerous for my country.


I hope this is what you were looking for!

If anyone can do this for me I will be so happy :)


Answer: Couldn't figure out the top but I did the bottom for you


It is a hot summer day, and Miguel wants to cool off. He decides to make a root beer float. He pours root beer into a mug and adds a scoop of vanilla ice cream. What thermal energy transfer occurs?
A. Thermal energy radiates out from the ice cream
B. Thermal energy moves from the ice cream to the root beer by convection
C. Thermal energy moves from the root beer to the ice cream by conduction
D. Thermal energy stays with root beer by induction



The answer is C.


Thermal energy moves from the root beer to the ice cream by conduction because the ice cream is touching the root beer and the root beer is warmer than the ice cream and heat transfers to cooler temperatures and conduction occurs when two temperatures are touching and transferring thermal energy that way. I hope I could help you! :)

gases exert pressure on the walls of a container explain why??​



The pressure exerted by a gas is due to the random motion of particles in the gas. Gases have weak intermolecular forces and the particles in continuous random motion and these particles collide with the walls of the container. These collisions with the walls of the container exerts pressure on the gas.


Hope this helps!! :)

who is the richest man on earth ​



Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the earth.

• Stable government during the Ming Dynasty
• Surplus food grown in agriculture
• Growing production of silk, textiles, and porcelain

Which of the following occurred as a result of the things listed above?
China's population went down.
More people became literate.
Trade within China increased.





Stability in government and a surplus of food as well as production increases drove trades with China to a higher level

Who do Nepalese people celebrate birthday of culture ​



Yes, they do. It's like anywhere else. Nepal has a conservative society, so most people, particularly the older generation are reserved. They don't celebrate occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Some may organize a puja for good health and safety. However, during the last few decades, the trend of modernization has influenced Nepal too. Most of the outgoing people follow Western trends like those events, celebrating the English New Year and other festivities.

The green revolution in South Asia and farming in the south asia today share a common goal. What is it?​



The main reason South Asian agricultural growth ahs kept up with population growth. It originated during the 1960's in agricultural research stations established by international development agencies. By 1970's efforts to establish high-yield varieties of rice and wheat had reached their initial goals.


As a result South Asia was transformed from a region of chronic food deficiency to one of self-sufficiency. India more than doubled its annual grain production between 1970 and the mid 1990's.

ack i need help again (no links or random asnwers !!!)

Who is the head of the executive branch for the federal level; state level; local level?

Who makes up the legislative branch for the federal level; state level; local level?



In every state, the Executive branch is headed by a GOVERNOR who is directly elected by the people.

All 50 states have legislatures made up of elected representivies.


I hope this helps!

Shi Huangdi was the first emperor of a united China. Which of these changes occurred in China under his leadership?
A brand new script for writing Chinese characters was invented.
Standards for weights and measures and the legal system were put in place.
Government officials were chosen by the people instead of by the emperor.




Explanation: I did this on study island a day ago


I believe the answer you are looking for is C.


Anyways have a good day :D

PLEASE HELP! ILL GIVE YOU BRAINLYEST! (psa, if you waist my points i will report you.)


21. It not only functioned as a plea for equality and justice; it also helped pave the way for both the ratification of the Twenty-fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This March was so significant that it help pass this pending major civil rights legislation.
22. Not all African-Americans were with the movement. Malcom x was not only opposed but called it “Farce on Washington.”
23. The highlight of that day was final speech given by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. title “I have a dream” where he addressed to call to end racism.
24. The civil rights act on 1964 was passed and ongoing demonstrations and violence continued to pressure political leaders to act.

I hope that helps!

In the above diagram, as the price for computer monitors decreases, the demand__________. A stops B. decreases C. stays the same D. increases Please select the best answer from the choices provided​





hope it helps :)


the answer is d, it increases!




Table A


The rights and duties of citizens are usually contained in the? These are the possible answers
-census report
-electoral list





because they say everything that happens in the country

Help me please don’t judge me this is for my homework!

Can you help me to make a script about poverty in the pacific it needs to have 10 paragraphs!


Answer: Most people don’t associate poverty with the Pacific. It is usually linked to the suffering of children

in Africa or the backbreaking labor of so many in Asia. Both are a far cry from the image of a Pacific

well know, the reality is not always as idyllic as the image.

The Pacific Islands are vulnerable to natural disasters, most have few resources, almost all are

remote, and many have small populations. Over the years, Pacific Islanders have learned to cope.

They have developed cultures based on both cooperation and sharing with strong support systems that oblige people to share what they have with their families and communities. And they have

developed production systems that are designed to cope with these risks.

Pacific Islanders are rightly proud of their cultures and, in particular, these reciprocity obligations.

So proud in fact that many have trouble accepting that poverty is, or can be, an issue in their


One commonly held view is that Pacific Islanders live in a state of subsistence affluence. This is

certainly not true for all; and even when true, it is a narrow confine with few opportunities for

change and development. The standard of education and resources available; the remoteness

from the world economy; limits on participation and traditional land management systems combine

to restrict the opportunities available to most Pacific Islanders. There is little that is new in this; for

generations many Pacific Islanders have struggled to achieve a reasonable standard of living from

the available resources.

While poverty lines are not available for most to the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Pacific

Developing Member Countries (PDMCs), the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP)

Human Poverty Index (HPI)1 provides a guide to the number of disadvantaged in the Pacific. The

HPI analysis indicates that close to 43 percent of the total population of the PDMC are disadvantaged. Ninety-five percent of these disadvantaged live in the three Melanesian countries. While the

HPI provides a guide to those at risk, it is not a poverty line. It is important that further work be done

in the PDMCs to determine the number of poor and disadvantaged in each country so that appropriate intervention and support programs can be designed and implemented.

Traditionally, support from the extended family or community went a long way to alleviating poverty;

but for this system to work, it is necessary that the giver be able to improve the livelihood of the

receiver. If the whole family or community is poor, there may be little it can do to alleviate the

poverty of any member. There are communities, families, and individuals throughout the Pacific

who, despite the social support systems, live in hard-core poverty

Thus, poverty of opportunity persists and in some cases, is getting worse, despite a fairly widespread capacity to do something effective about it.

After 20 or more years of determined attempts by many agencies and governments to stimulate

growth, the majority of Pacific Islanders continue to rely on household production for their subsistence. Overall, the performance of the PDMCs remains disappointing. Poverty is a real issue in

many of the PDMCs and even the better-off countries struggle to provide productive employment

for their workforce.

In the past, the traditional support systems provided most with at least enough support to maintain

a basic life style. As the economies become increasingly monetized and come under the pressure

of continuing population growth, the traditional support systems are breaking down. One consequence is an increase in the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty throughout the Pacific.

As stated in the ADB’s Pacific Strategy for the New Millennium, the five key development challenges facing the PDMCs over the medium term are: (i) disappointing macroeconomic and growth

performance over the past decade; (ii) increasing poverty, particularly in Papua New Guinea,

Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu; (iii) continuing reliance on large government investments due to

inadequate private sector response; (iv) increasing environmental degradation; and (v) little progress

in strengthening the role of women in political, economic, and social spheres.

In its publication, Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific: The Poverty Reduction Strategy, the

ADB outlines the objectives and issues that must be addressed if the goal of equitable growth is to

be achieved. The objectives are described as the Three Pillars of Growth: Good Governance,

Social Development, and Sustainable Growth. This analysis provides a useful guide to the suite of

issues that must be addressed.

Duncan and Pollard2 have extended the analysis to incorporate the hierarchy of institutional constraints that must be satisfied to achieve equitable growth.

plzz help I will mark as Brainliest if right

explain how can government leaders use a cost-benefit analysis process to make a decision in three to five.



To accomplish this, many organizations - from large enterprises to startups and small businesses - use cost benefit analyses to help make important decisions. Using a cost benefit analysis can help teams identify the highest and best return on an investment based on the cost, resources, and risk involved.


hope this helps :d

All of the following are similarities between AP classes and dual enrollment
courses except which?
A. Both provide opportunities to earn college credit.
B. Both are classes.
C. Both can be taken in high school.
D. Both cost tuition.




A p e x

There are similarities between AP classes and dual enrollment courses except both tuition costs will differ. Thus, Option D is a correct statement.

What do you mean by AP classes?

Advanced Placement Courses (AP) courses are college-level courses that you will take close to your regular high school classes. They are usually taught in your high school and taught by your school teachers.

Thus, Both courses that are AP Courses and dual enrollment have similarities between them but when it comes to their tuition cost, it differs. Option D is a correct statement.

learn more about AP classes here:



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