How did it felt to about gaining the right to elect tributes Roman


Answer 1
Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy say leesssss
Answer 2


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Related Questions

The goal of the Underground Railroad was not to help runaway slaves reach Northern states or Canada, where slavery was illegal.






Salvery was not illegal in the Northern states and Canada

Slavery was not illegal in the northern states officially. It would not become official until the emancipation proclamation and the 14th 15th and 16th amendments. They Wentz through the underground railroad to reach North America in Canada because it was frowned upon and was not the backbone of the economies.

come on yall pls help me if u dont know the answer dont comment






6. Most Jews left to go to a different city in the southern coast such as Alexandria, Egypt.

7. The dead Sea

8. Israel

9. To protect themselves and their faith

10. Their ancestral homeland

11. North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica.



In complete sentences, describe how the lives of southerners were affected in the years after Reconstruction.



They turned to violence and felt they needed to be ruled by white supremacy.


They had to start over. Their homes, farms and businesses were completely destroyed.

What did the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and the Tuscarora nations make up?


Should be the Iroquois
Iroquois makes up the six nations

Below describe each of the scenes. Be sure to tell WHO is shown in each picture and describe WHAT IS HAPPENING in that particular scene. (Each of these responses is worth 2 points. 1 point for the characters’ names in the scene and the other for the description of what is taking place.)



Bro what?


Give an image of what they are referring to.

.Jacksonian democracy promoted

Expanded voting rights

Ended of the convention system

Military involvement in policing federal laws

eliminating the spoils system


A is correct as on the first one

what are the major causes of genocide in the twentieth century??​




How do you think the USA and the USSR felt about the development
of such powerful weapons?


This is called the arms race and they were both trying to get more nuclear weapons to protect themselves and attack each other.

In one or two paragraphs, suggest a possible reason that similar systems of feudalism emerged in Europe and Japan. Describe why professional warriors were important in both societies.



Feudal Japanese and European societies were built on a system of hereditary classes. The nobles were at the top, followed by warriors, with tenant farmers or serfs below. Called knights in Europe and samurai in Japan, the warriors served local lords. In both cases, the warriors were bound by a code of ethics.


One possible reason that similar systems of feudalism emerged in both Europe and Japan although they had little contact is that were becoming more advanced and developed and so people began to want more and become intent on having the most power so people like lords and daimyos were created so more people could have some sort of power.

Professional warriors were important in both societies because feudalism is a system of government in which local lords controlled their own lands but owed military service and other support to a different, more powerful lord. Local lords or daimyo owed military service as a payment for the right control their land, this made professional warriors have a lot of value to the lords/daimyo. These professional warriors were not only protecting the lord’s/daimyo’s lands, but they are acting as payment and the very foundation of the whole system of government called feudalism.


I hope this makes sense!!

Why did feudalism develop in medieval Europe?

Strong kings forced the nobles into this system.
The emperor made the system a part of the government.
Nobles needed a way to protect themselves and their land.
The people in the lower classes needed it as a way to grow.


Europeans developed the system of feudalism to help provide economic and social stability and safety. Feudalism The feudal system arose as a way of protecting property and creating stability. It was based on loyalty and personal relationships. Monarchs gave fiefs to lords, their most important vassals.


ITS C (trust me)


Sorry, I'm late I did it on egde :) have a good day!!

Please answer don’t use for points, please.



#1 is C

Explanation: All of them are US Presidents except Henry Ford

I would answer more but I don't understand either. Sorry!

Answer is C ekdjiejenendjdjdkdldkkdmsmxksksksmwmwksikxd

What are some Characteristics of the confederacy?



No Authority to Legislate for Individuals. ...

No Independent Revenue Sources. ...

Sovereignty Retained by the Member States. ...

Member-State Citizenship. ...

Written Document. ...

Expressly Delegated Powers.


No Authority to Legislate for Individuals. ...
No Independent Revenue Sources. ...
Sovereignty Retained by the Member States. ...
Member-State Citizenship. ...
Written Document. ...
Expressly Delegated Powers.

how did German reunification come about after the soviet union collapsed

The Berlin wall fell, creating conditions for German reunification

Unites States troops moved into East Germany and reunified the Country by Force

Members of NATO and the Warsaw pact met to negotiate the terms of German reunification

The United Nations passed a resolution calling for immediate German reunification



By October 1990, Germany was reunified, triggering the swift collapse of the other East European regimes. People celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall. Thirteen months later, on December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolved.

Which czar/tzar used police to maintain strict control over the people?
Why did Stalin send people to Siberia? PLS HELP!

also pls tell me if the link isnt working



Lenin, Stalin and the Bolsheviks used ruthless methods to surprises political rivals with tight centralization and secret police to enforce power with terror. ... in the 1930s, in which millions of innocent people perished, had no rationale beyond ... Stalin had subjected all aspects of Soviet society to strict party-state control, not ...

Missing: tzar ‎| Must include: tzar


Explain to me about the causes of the Civil War. (Be sure to discuss differences in views of federalism, including tariffs, and slavery. Then explain the meaning of sectionalism)


Someone already answered the rest but sectionalism is technically when you care more about your own state than the nation as a whole

To what was Douglass referring when he wrote 'From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom. It was just what I wanted, and I got it at a time when I the least expected it'?
A. running away from his master.
B. learning to read and write.
C. teaching other slaves to read.
D. obeying his master.
Who first taught Douglass to read and write?
A. His mother
B. His father
C. His sabbath school teacher
D. His master's wife
In the passage by Frederick Douglass that you read, who was most strongly opposed to Douglass learning to read and write?
A. Mr. Auld
B. Mrs. Auld
C. The host of Douglass's sabbath school
D. Douglass's mother







I really hope these are right. I learned about him in class

D obeying his master

How did tariffs contribute to the Great Depression?
Tariffs made United States businessmen too rich. Strike Reset
Tariffs made the United States government one of the richest in the world.
Tariffs helped U.S. citizens to save money for the Great Depression.
Tariffs caused international trade to decrease to all-time lows. Strike Reset



i think it is a


OD-The Act and tariffs imposed by America's trading partners in retaliation were major factors of the reduction of American exports and imports by 67% during the Depression.

Four soccer teams have the following records
Team 1: Won 5 of last 20 games
Team 2: Won 40% of the games they play
Team 3: Likelihood of winning next game is ⅓
Team 4: Won 3 out of last 8 games



What is the question????


Lol what’s the question?

What blocks the society from becoming universal?



the goverment





Which of the following was NOT true about Baltimore, Maryland?
a.) Lincoln had to ride through the city in disguise to evade would-be assassins.
b.) The city was full of pro-secessionists.
c.) Baltimore was blockaded by the Union Navy.
d.) Residents of the city attacked Massachusetts troops on their way to the Union capital, Washington.



I would say: C.) Baltimore was blockaded by the Union Navy.


I really don't know but i'm taking a guess. Tell me if i was right or wrong.

i believe the answer is c

Social Security provides income to retired, unemployed, and disabled workers. Benefits are based on how long a worker was employed. The comments below are from a discussion between two speakers with different perspectives on the future of Social Security.

Speaker A:
Social Security is now facing a real problem. Soon the system will be paying more in benefits to retirees than it is collecting from payroll taxes. If we don’t fix this situation, the system will soon have nothing left. The best solution is to stop paying benefits to retirees with high incomes.

Speaker B:
What you propose is unfair. Workers pay into Social Security their whole working lives. After they retire, they are entitled to receive benefits based on what they have paid into the system. Even if they have high incomes, they are entitled to benefits from their own payments.

How do Speakers A and B differ?Immersive Reader

Speaker A believes too much money is paid to rich individuals; Speaker B sees the wealthy as the main drivers of the economy.

Speaker A fears Social Security will soon not have enough money to pay anyone; Speaker B feels retirees are entitled to benefits they have paid for.

Speaker A would rather invest in schools than pay retirees; Speaker B believes retirees are more in need of government help.

Speaker A believes the current system is unfair; Speaker B argues the system is basically fair.



Speaker A differs from B because of one reason, which is this story: money

"A" has a good point by thinking that if you have enough money to buy a house on the spot, you shouldn't need to gain Social Security. But heres one thing "A" doesn't think about: what if said person runs out of money. The point of Social Security is to give money to the people that paid their taxes and if your retired. If your retired, you don't have a job, which means the only money you would be getting back is Social Security. Now, this starts to make it sound like im siding with "B" yes I am. However, I think to even this out, lower the amount of Social Security you get so both "A" and "B" get an even share of their opinions.

(hope my mindset was in the right place for this question)

Speakers A and B differ on the point of whether Social Security is a liability or it is justifiable, hence the option B is correct option.

Social Security

Social Security is the income provided by the Government to retired, unemployed and disabled workers. These benefits are essential for their financial needs.

Speaker A suggest that Social security is a liability on Governement as it drains out money, the solution A provides is to stop providing benefits to retirees with high income.

Speaker B on the other hand suggest that Social security is the right of workers, as they have paid for this welfare in their whole working years. So even if the benefits is going to high income retirees, social security should not stop because it is their own money.

Therefore, the correct option is B which says "Speaker A fears Social Security will soon not have enough money to pay anyone; Speaker B feels retirees are entitled to benefits they have paid for."

Learn more about Social Security here:

Compared to Union soldiers, most Confederate soldiers in the Civil War were

- well equipped.
- poorly equipped.
- wealthy landowners.
- poor African Americans.


Wealthy landowners.

The Confederate states were mostly southern, and they were fighting to keep slavery. Most of them were slave owners who owned massive amounts of agricultural land.

When compared to the Union soldiers, Confederate soldiers could be said to be poorly equipped.

How did Union soldiers differ from Confederates?

When the Civil War broke out, the Union was much wealthier than the Confederacy.

As a result, the Union Army was very well equipped to fight the war unlike the Confederacy which was by contrast, poorly equipped.

Find out more on the differences between the Union and Confederacy at


how have advancements in science and technology changed the modern world??​



here you go!


Technology has advanced into many areas of our lives, making information more accessible, improving communication, changing transportation, and the list goes on. While it is easy to sit back and benefit from a plethora of technological advancements, it is crucial we do not become blind to its effects on society

Science and technology has helped us be able to communicate better.

As of 2008, how much money had the oil fields and land produced for the university systems of UT and Texas A&M?



2.1 million



2.1 million


hope this helps!

Explain the economic problem that occurs when highly paid and unionized manufacturing jobs are replaced by low paying service jobs such as food service and hotel hospitality services.


Answer: everyone will be getting less money and will have a hard time buying and as a result the seller won't get any money either


What happened when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton attended the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London?



For ten days in June 1840, abolitionists from both sides of the Atlantic met together at the World Antislavery Convention in Freemason's Hall in London, England. ... The treatment of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the convention led them to begin their own movement—for women's rights.



answers so other guy can get brainiest


Write the introduction paragraph about the Qin dynasty. The introduction should include brief background information about your topic. It should also include a clear thesis statement. Because this will be an explanatory paper, the thesis should explain your topic clearly to your audience. Read about how to write a good thesis statement.



The First Emperor

Qin Shihuang (259-210 B.C.E.) conquered much in this life, but his driving purpose was even greater; he sought to conquer death. In order to achieve immortality, he built himself a tomb—a vast underground city guarded by a life-size terracotta army including warriors, infantrymen, horses, chariots and all their attendant armor and weaponry.

Terracotta warriors from the mausoleum of the first Qin emperor of China Qin Shihuang, c. 221-206 B.C.E., Qin Dynasty, painted terracotta, Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, Shaanxi, China  

(photo: Keith Marshall, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Terracotta warriors from the mausoleum of the first Qin emperor of China Qin Shihuang, c. 221-206 B.C.E., Qin Dynasty, painted terracotta, Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, Shaanxi, China (photo: Keith Marshall, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Terracotta warriors from the mausoleum of the first Qin emperor of China Qin Shihuang, c. 221-206 B.C.E., Qin Dynasty, painted terracotta, Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, Shaanxi, China

(photo: Keith Marshall, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The underground terracotta army found in the First Emperor’s burial complex is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable and mysterious discoveries from the ancient world. A sprawling citadel has been unearthed, complete with gardens and stables, bronze ritual vessels, jade jewelry, and a wealth of gold and silver ornaments.

Besides revealing much about an ancient way of life, observing the physical construction of the underground complex and the methodical production of the figures reveals a set of themes from which we gain a window of insight to the First Emperor’s worldview and enduring influence.

How does this drilling innovation benefit oil companies?


It benefits companies by letting geologists find out where oil would likely be by studying surface rock formations, magnetic fields and even slight variations in gravity. One of the most important innovations in oil exploration was 3-D seismic imaging. The companies end up making tones of money off the research that they find
How does this drilling innovation benefit oil companies? Oil companies increase oil prices to fund new drilling technologies. Oil companies do not have to reposition drill equipment on the surface. Oil companies can extract water, natural gas, and oil all from the same drill site.

What was the sepoy rebellion? What long-term effects did it have?



The causes of the sepoy rebellion was when some angry sepoys rose up against their british officers.Some effects of the rebellion was a bitter legacy and a mistrust on both sides. the rebellion also resulted in the brutal masscre of british men, women, and children.


SOMEONE PLEASE HELP with the question below -------------------------------------------------


So you need to know which jobs take part or work for / as parliament and president is a different thing from parliament so that checks of B and E doesn’t work for /as parliament I think


C and E


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