Which bacteria ample had a maller initial population? What wa that value? Sample A; 300 bacteria Sample B; 500 bacteria Sample B; 2 bacteria Sample A; 100 bacteria


Answer 1

The sample with a smaller initial population was sample B because this sample had an initial population of 500.

What was the initial population of the samples presented?

Sample A:

As shown in the table after 0 weeks or at the beginning of this experiment, the sample A population was 600, while by the end of the fourth week the population had increased to 23438.

Sample B:

The population of sample B can be calculated using the following formula:

500 (2)0

500 x 1


Remember that any number no matter how big or small raised to the zero power is equal to 1.

This means the initial population was 500. Therefore, the initial population in sample A was 600 while the initial population in sample B was 500, which makes sample B to have a smaller initial population.

Note: This question is incomplete because there is some information missing. Here is the complete information (image).

Learn more about population growth in: https://brainly.com/question/18415071


Which Bacteria Ample Had A Maller Initial Population? What Wa That Value? Sample A; 300 Bacteria Sample

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2 What is the infinitive for “ limpié”?

3 What is the infinitive for “quedé”?

4 What is the infinitive for “tomé”?

5 What is the infinitive for “compraste”?



2) Limpiar

3) Quedar

4) Tomar

5) Comprar


Infinitive verbs in Spanish tend to end in -ar. However, in the questions presented they are in their past tense form and have either an accento on the final letter, or with some of the exceptions having an added syllable and then the final -e to signify past tense.

Choose the best answer. where would you most likely find a birthday present for your three year old brother? la farmacia la mueblería la joyería una juguetería



Una jutegeria


This translates to a toy shop, which would be the likeliest place to get a younger, 3-year-old sibling a gift.

Una juguetería - toy store

Decide if the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect. Ponga las flores en la mesa.



Ponga las flores en la mesa.     ⇒ Correct


Ponga las flores en la mesa     ⇒ (Formal you command)


En la entrevista, Leonardo Faccio afirma que el
desarraigo es difícil para todos los inmigrantes.
¿Qué significa "desarraigo?
(A) Vivir lejos de los abuelos
(B) Estar enfermo desde muy temprana edad
(C) Haber perdido el eslabón de la adolescencia
(D) Vivir lejos del lugar natal, donde están
nuestras raices


Answer is: (D) vivir lejos del lugar natal

Choose the best spanish word to complete the sentence. waldo y mabel se_________ en abril. casó casaron casé casa



Hola, a continuación escribiré la respuesta correcta:

Waldo y Mabel se casaron en abril.

Choose the best answer. where would you go to buy something to barbeque? la dulcería la farmacia la carnicería la joyería


The answer would be la carnicería
la carnicería !
it is a store where they sell meat

Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. estoy enferma desde hace tres semanas. correct incorrect


If there is not additional information, then it is correct

How are you this morning in Spanish



Cómo estás esta mañana


Cómo estás esta mañana

a ustedes________ alquilar un dvd


Answer: le van


I'm pretty sure that's the right answer based on my Colombian spanish if its not please let me know because as a native spanish speaker i would sue

A ustedes les van a alquilar un dvd.



That’s so blurry, please try again!

La computadora esta en la across



the computer is across


la    computadora      está en la    across

what do you need , the translation ?

(mágica) es llana, esdrújula sobresdrujula, aguda? por favor ayuda ​


La palabra mágica se divide en 3 sílabas: má-gi-ca. La sílaba tónica recae en la primera sílaba má. La palabra mágica es esdrújula porque la sílaba tónica es la antepenúltima sílaba. Las palabras esdrújulas siempre llevan tilde (acento ortográfico).

Soy Aburrido

Where does the word " Aburrido " orginated ?


Answer: From the Latin word podium

Explanation: It originates from the Latin word podium, which is what Medieval Spaniards would bring with them to town squares, assemble and stand on to get the attention of a crowd when they wanted to give a speech, events which no doubt got pretty noisy and lively.

It originates from the Latin word podium, which is what Medieval Spaniards would bring with them to town squares, assemble and stand on to get the attention of a crowd when they wanted to give a speech, events which no doubt got pretty noisy and lively.

Knowledge of letter names and fluency of letter naming in Kindergarten are among the best ______ of later reading success.



Letter names and fluency of letter naming are important predictors of later reading success. This is because knowing the names of the letters and being able to recognize them quickly are the building blocks of reading. Knowing the names of the letters helps children understand the sounds that each letter makes and helps them to connect the letters to the sounds they hear when they read. Letter fluency helps children recognize what the letters look like which helps them to recognize words quicker. Being able to recognize letters quickly helps children to decode words, which is a critical skill for reading. Knowing letter names and being able to recognize them quickly are key indicators of reading success in Kindergarten and can help predict future reading success.

read more about this at https://brainly.com/question/28080989?referrer=searchResults


Fill in the blank with the correct imperfect conjugation of the verb in parentheses. en ese tiempo tú ________un niño pequeño. (ser) eras era eres fuiste



О  eras.


En ese tiempo tú eras un niño pequeño.


Answer: ERAS



Read the passage and then answer the follwoing question.

Es invierno ahora. Hoy está lloviendo. Hace mucho frio. Las nubes son muy negras. Sólo puedo pensar en el verano cuando todo usualmente es muy seco. Ahí hace mucho calor y el sol está muy brillante. ¡Quiero el verano!

What is this person thinking of?

the birds
the summer
the moon
the mountains


The summer, because she/he said that she/he can only think about summer

Escribe con tus propias palabras un resumen de la travesía de enrique minimo una hoja completa


"La Travesía de Enrique Sonia Nazario"

Es basada en el libro homónimo para adultos, La Travesía de Enriquede Sonia Nazario, trata sobre un adolescente hondureño que emprende un viaje arduo y peligroso en busca de su madre, quien se vio forzado a dejarlo de niño para marcharse a los Estados Unidos a trabajar. La historia de Enrique refleja la lucha diaria de los migrantes, legales e ilegales, y las decisiones complejas que enfrentan sólo por intentar sobrevivir y satisfacer las necesidades básicas de sus familias. Entretejidos con fluidez en este apasionante relato real para jóvenes, surgen interrogantes perfectos para debatir en el aula. Incluye un suplemento fotográfico de ocho páginas y un epílogo que describe lo que les ha ocurrido a Enrique y su familia desde que se publicó la edición para adultos.

Children get together and go from house to house to illustrate the journey of Mary and Joseph . What is this called?





Posadas is sort of a tradition in Latin american countries where you go from house to house asking for posada. Then after going to a few you go to a final one where they accept and let you in to have food and spend time together

F Complete with the appropriate articles and adjective endings.

escuela Santo Domingo es escuela muy buen


escuela grand. Profesor en 45678
. Es

escuela Santo Domingo son buen
. Y son inteligent. En general

9 10 11

cursos son buen


2021 22

difícil. Y 16


clases son pequeñ


18 19


cursos son fácil y

14 15

cursos son clases son


alumnos en

escuela Santo Domingo son



y ambicios



Capítulo 1 1. 9


The correct words to complete this paragraph are la, una, buena, una, grande, los profesores, la, buenos, inteligentes, los, buenos, los, fáciles, los difíciles, las, pequeñas, las, grandes, los, la, inteligentes, ambiciosos.

What are the articles in Spanish and how can you use them?

In Spanish there are these articles:

La: Used for specific singular feminine nounsEl : Used for specific singular masculine nounsLas: Used for specific plural feminine nounsLos : Used for specific plural masculine nounsUna : Used for more general singular feminine nounsUno:  Used for more general singular masculine nounsUnas : Used for more general plural feminine nounsUnos: Used for more general plural masculine nouns

How to complete adjectives in Spanish?

The best way to complete them is to verify if the adjective refers to a plural/singular/ feminine or masculine noun. Here is an example:

Buena (Feminine singular) Buenas (Feminine plural)Bueno (Masculine singular)Buenos (Masculine plura)

Note: This question is incomplete here is the missing section:

Learn more about articles in: https://brainly.com/question/13250041


Help Me! The words are in Spanish


A. Where are the words???
Which words ?? I’ll help

According to the passage, what has resulted from steps to fix the immigration system?
A. the government has completely stopped illegal crossings at the borders.
B. the government has reduced the number of illegal entries into the united states.
C. the number of undocumented workers continues to increase each year.
D. the number of undocumented workers rises and falls and remains difficult to control.


B. The government had completely stopped illegal entries int the United States


B: The government has reduced the number of illegal entries into the United States.


Which command form best completes this sentence?

Ana, tú tienes que limpiar la cocina. ¡No _______ los cubiertos debajo de la mesa, por favor!






C. Pongas! No pongas los cubiertos debajo de la mesa.


О C.  Pongas.


Ana, tú tienes que limpiar la cocina. ¡No pongas los cubiertos debajo de la mesa, por favor!


Adolfo ______ todos Los Dias


what are the options?
camina is the answer thank you

Help me! The words are in Spanish


10 adjectives:


4 verbs:


4 nouns:


2 numbers:


Help me please I don't know what to do


Dormir- yo duermo, tu duermes, el/ella/usted duerme, nosotros dormimos, ellos/ellas/ustedes duermen

Pensar- yo pienso, tu piensas, el/ella/usted piensa, nosotros pensamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes piensan

Servir- yo sirvo, tu sirves, el/ella/usted sirve, nosotros servimos, ellos/ellas/ ustedes sirven

Jugar- yo juego, tu juegas, el/ella/usted juegan, nosotros jugamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes juegan

Part 5
1) yo almuerzo a las doce
2) tu piensas que la clase de matemáticas es difícil
3)la camarera sirve el pastel
4) los chicos entienden francés español y inglés
5)nosotros jugamos al béisbol los viernes

Hope this helps!!

(solo pajas del intelecto) its Spanish can anybody translate it to English?



only straws of the intellect


it says this

Which of the following verbs means "to cover"?



О  Cubrir.


To cover ⇒ Cubrir.




It’s cubrir because

Comer=to eat
Beber= to drink

Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. ellos vivió en el sótano. correct incorrect





hope this helps

Carmen y Rodrigo/ colorear​



О  colorean.


Carmen y Rodrigo colorean.




Carmen y Rodrigo colorean

Who was the story by in la mascara de zorro
O Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio
O Stuart Wilson and Anthony Hopkins
O James Cameron and Martin Campbell
O James Horner and John Williams


A. Ted elliot and terry rossio
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