which amazon audience can be used to reach shoppers who recently viewed or purchased items in a specific category or sub-category?


Answer 1

Am-azon's in-market audience can be utilized to connect with customers who recently browsed or bought products in a certain category or subcategory.

What does "in-market audience" mean?

You can identify clients who are actively contemplating purchasing something similar to what you offer while they visit web pages using in-market audiences.

What kind of user can viewers in the market categorize?

On the other side, in-market audiences concentrate on customers or sales cycle bottom-dwellers. However, because they are prepared to buy, they are more transient than affinity audiences. After making a purchase, they have probably met their demand.

Am-azon audience insights: What are they?

Reporting that gives you details about your Am-azon buying interactions is one example of audience insights. Even if a brand is new to advertising, insights provide information on how buyers presently browse and buy products from that brand on Am-azon.

Learn more about in-market audience: https://brainly.com/question/14970509


Related Questions

In the 50-30-20 budgeting method, saving for emergency expenses would fall under which category?.





bcz 50 subtract to 30 makes it 20 and 20 subtract to 20 equals 0

a company purchased a weaving machine for $239,800. the machine has a useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $13,000. it is estimated that the machine could produce 756,000 bolts of woven fabric over its useful life. in the first year, 108,000 bolts were produced. in the second year, production increased to 112,000 units. using the units-of-production method, what is the amount of depreciation expense that should be recorded for the second year?


Depreciation for second year is $33,600.A non-cash business expense called depreciation is assessed throughout the time that an asset is valuable to your company.

What does the accounting term depreciation mean?

A non-cash business expense called depreciation is assessed throughout the time that an asset is valuable to your company. By removing the cost of using up a portion of an asset's worth from taxable revenue, every organization can benefit from depreciation.

The total amount of depreciation to be charged throughout the useful life of the machine is calculated as follows:

Cost of machine - Residual Value = $239,800 - $13,000 = $226,800.

756,000 bolts are the total quantity of projected units to be produced throughout machine life.

Depreciation per bolt is $226,800/756,000, or $0.3 per bolt.

Depreciation that is calculated using the units of production approach will be assessed using those units.

Depreciation for the second year is calculated as follows: 112,000 units generated in the second year multiplied by a $0.3 depreciation rate results in $33,600.

For the following year, depreciation is $33,600.

To learn more about Depreciation refer to:



question content area part 1 at the point where average variable cost reaches its minimum value a. average variable cost equals marginal cost. b. average variable cost equals average total cost. c. marginal cost equals zero. d. marginal cost also reaches its minimum value.


The right choice is Option (a). Average variable cost reaches its lowest point when it reaches parity with marginal cost.

What connection exists between marginal cost and average variable cost?

The price of creating an additional unit of output is called the marginal cost (MC). The cost of labor per produced unit of output is known as the average variable cost (AVC). MC drags the average down when it is lower than AVC. Since the average is pushed upward when MC is above AVC, MC and AVC cross at the lowest AVC when MC is above AVC.

When does marginal cost go below average cost?

Since the average total cost will always be impacted by the marginal cost of producing the next unit of output, the marginal cost curve always intersects the average total cost curve at its lowest point. The average total cost will therefore decrease as long as the marginal cost is lower than the average total cost.

Learn more about Average variable cost: https://brainly.com/question/29306232


4.02 day 2 in business


4.02 Key Terms in Business are

Purchasing: The buying of goods and services for a business.Purchasing Order: The form that a business fills out to order goods; may be the same as a purchase agreement or purchase contract.Purchasing Process: A series of sequential steps taken by purchasing specialists to buy goods and services for a business.

What is Purchasing?

The organized procurement of products and services in favor of the buying entity is known as purchasing. To guarantee that necessary materials are acquired in a regular manner and at an affordable cost, purchasing actions are required.

What is purchasing order?

A purchase order, which specifies types, quantities, and agreed-upon prices for goods or services, is a commercial document and the first formal offer made by a buyer to a supplier. It is employed to regulate the acquisition of goods and services from outside providers.

What is Purchasing Process?

The proper procedure of purchasing products and services is called purchasing. While the purchasing process can differ from one firm to another, there are some fundamental components that are universal. A demand or necessity, which could be for a product or service, typically kicks off the process.

To know more about Purchasing refer



which of the following does not constitute an advantage of using two antibiotics together? which of the following does not constitute an advantage of using two antibiotics together? it can prevent drug resistance. two are always twice as effective as one. it allows treatment to be provided prior to diagnosis. it lessens the toxicity of individual drugs. all of these are advantages of using two antibiotics together.


Using two antibiotics at the same time is ineffective. Using two of the following is always twice as effective as using one.

You might think that combining two antibiotics would be a great strategy to fight off a bad disease quickly suggests that there is

Antibiotic combinations are becoming increasingly important due to antibiotic resistance. As a result, some previously effective antibiotics are no longer effective, and newer classes of antibiotics are in short supply, so older antibiotics may continue to be used.

The effectiveness of antibiotics can be altered by combining them with each other, with non-antibiotic drugs, and with food additives. Some combinations prevent it from exerting, while others begin to reverse antibiotic resistance, the researchers report.

To learn more about antibiotics



true or false: the divisional structure model describes the likely personal and organizational outcomes that will result from enriched and enlarged jobs.


It is false that the the divisional structure model describes the likely personal and organizational outcomes that will result from enriched and enlarged jobs.

What is the divisional structure model ?

Divisional structure, can be described as the model where the people are been grouped together by the use of the product or service they provide, not the work they do.

In conclusion, the statement above can be described as been false because the Divisional structure is not from the enriched and enlarged jobs but base on the product that the individuals firm in this group can offer.

Learn more about structure at:



the sellers decided that they did not wish to sell after they entered into a contract with buyers, who really want this particular home. what option is available to the buyers?


After entering into a contract with purchasers who genuinely wanted this particular house, the sellers decided they did not want to sell. The buyer has the choice to fit for a certain performance.

Which of the following best represents a contract that is based on the deeds—rather than the words—of the parties?

The actions, conduct, or circumstances of the parties concerned result in an implied contract. A verbal or written contract is enforceable in court just like an implicit contract.

What is your duty in terms of emergencies? when acting as a buyer's agent?

When possible, the buyer's agent should always counsel the buyer to postpone waiving contingencies in writing (for the purchase of real estate). This is due to the danger of losing the earnest money deposit if the escrow doesn't complete if a buyer waives all contingencies.

To Know more about performance.



which of the following activities is an accountant not responsible for in review engagements performed in accordance with statements on standards for accounting and review services? group of answer choices performing basic analytical procedures. remaining independent. developing an understanding of internal control. providing any form of assurance.


The opportune response (c). In review engagements carried out in compliance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, an accountant is not responsible for gaining knowledge of internal controls.

How should a review engagement be conducted?

Inquiries into the company's accounting systems are just one of the evaluation methods that the practitioner is expected to carry out. assertions made by the management about the reliability of the financial statements. Internal control systems are under management's authority.

What do review engagements have as their goal?

An assurance that the information under review is free of material misrepresentation is provided by a review engagement, and is phrased as negative assurance. engagement. A letter of engagement or other appropriate document, such as a contract, would serve as a formal record of the agreed-upon terms.

Learn more about Standards for Accounting and Review Services: https://brainly.com/question/15201364


The clerk who opens mail is assigned responsibility for preparing a document which identifies all cash collections received in the mail for a given day. this document is called


The clerk who opens mail is assigned responsibility for preparing a document which identifies all cash collections received in the mail for a given day. This document is called Cash receipt prelist.

A clerk is a person who works in an office, typically doing administrative or secretarial work. Clerks are often responsible for keeping records, filing documents, and performing other office tasks.

In some cases, clerks may also be responsible for customer service or sales. Clerks typically work in business or government offices, though they may also be found in other settings such as schools or hospitals.

To know more about Clerk, click here.



Equilibrium GDP occurs when the quantity of output that buyers want to purchase is the quantity of output that suppliers want to produce.


Equilibrium GDP occurs when the quantity of output that buyers want to purchase.

The Equilibrium GDP occurs  where the aggregate expenditure line crosses the 45-degree line, that represents the set of points where aggregate expenditure in the economy is equal to output or national income.

Equilibrium GDP occurs when the quantity of output that buyers want to purchase is the quantity of output that suppliers want to produce, where  GDP is equal to total expenditure.

To know more Equilibrium GDP here,



A food manufacturing company that manufactures processed foods is trying to increase sales of its products by making them available in all general and convenience stores rather than just in supermarkets and large department stores. What type of utility is the company trying to create in this case?.


Since company is making its products available in all general stores and convenience stores, it is trying to create place utility.

A marketing word that describes providing clients with easy access to goods or services is "place utility." Because it links a particular location to the item or service, place utility can therefore be utilized to attract clients. Place utility is significant because it may aid in drawing in more customers for a company. This can aid in increasing sales, retaining customers, and web traffic. Customers profit as well because it makes it easier for them to locate companies and gives consumers greater access to goods and services. Making a business available to clients boosts the likelihood that they will make a purchase from it.

Learn more about place utility here:



sensodyne is a high quality toothpaste sold at many retailers including target and whole foods. which type distribution does sensodyne toothpaste use? group of answer choices selective intensive exclusive none of the above integrative


Sensodyne toothpaste is using intensive type distribution for its product.

What is intensive distribution?

It is a marketing strategy that involves making a company's products available to customers in as many places as possible. This usually means selling the product in as many stores as you can.

Why sensodyne is categorized of using intensive distribution?
It is given from the question, that this is a high quality toothpaste and sold at many retailers including target and whole foods. That means, the company wants to distribute its product in as many stores as possible. From here, we know that the company focus to promote and sell its product from a small vendors to larger shops. Through this distribution, it is easy for the customers to find out the product.

Learn more about intensive distribution https://brainly.com/question/14485114


Which reason best demonstrates why flexibility is important in IT work environment?



Changing work environments require employees to adapt quickly to new technology


To support their other promotional efforts, firms use ________blank to generate free media attention.


To support their other promotional efforts, firms use Public Relations blank to generate free media attention.

Managing and distributing information from a person or an organization to the public in an effort to change their perception is known as public relations. In contrast to publicity, which is uncontrolled and funded by outside sources, public relations is internally managed.

The goal of public relations is to enlighten the public, potential clients, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders and encourage them to maintain a favorable or positive opinion of the company, its management, products, or political actions. The key to any effective public relations plan is having a clear understanding of the target audience.

Learn more about Public Relations here:



A corporation announces a dividend of $.10 per share. If you own 1,500 shares of stock, how much money in dividends will you receive?


$150 money in dividends will you receive. That is $.10 per stock *1,500 shares= $150.The total of a company's declared dividends issued for each outstanding investors share of its common stock is known as the dividend per share (DPS).

The amount is determined by dividing the total dividends paid out by a company over a period of time, typically a year, including interim dividends, by the total number of outstanding ordinary shares issued. DPS is a crucial statistic for investors since the amount of dividends a company pays out directly translates to shareholder income. It is the simplest calculation an investor may uses.

To learn more about DPS, click here.



the owner of the business where you work has asked for your advice on restructuring the organization. you know that customer service is the cornerstone of the company. what do you recommend? check all that apply.


Flatter structures are appropriate for organizations that empower employees to solve customer problems.

Customer service refers to the help and guidance a business offers to consumers who purchase or utilize its goods or services. Every industry has distinct standards for customer service, but ultimately, the goal of a well-performed service is to boost profits.

Because it encourages customer loyalty and makes staff duties easier, providing excellent customer service is crucial. In turn, this promotes corporate expansion. Businesses may recoup their client acquisition expenditures, keep talent on staff, and promote brand loyalty by offering excellent customer service.

Learn more about Customer service here:



with respect to leadership, what statement best reflects the impact of a leader who is located apart from his or her subordinates?


The phrase "distance is a neutralizer" best describes the impact of a leader who is situated distant from his or her followers in terms of leadership.

What does a leader need to do to make a company successful?

An one who is in charge of leading, directing, and managing others is referred to as a leader. They are leaders who inspire and support their team to achieve the desired result. If your responsibilities require you to lead others, it is crucial to your success that you comprehend what leadership means.

What characteristics of leadership substitutes and neutralizers are there?

There are two major categories of leadership replacements: neutralizers and substitutes. While neutralizers only limit the leader's influence, alternates reduce the leader's authority while increasing the performance of the followers.

Why are leadership stand-ins important?

Leadership behavior replacements can be used to make position requirements clear, inspire team members, or appease employees (making it unnecessary for the leader to attempt to do so). These alternatives occasionally support a leader's actions.

Learn more about leadership: https://brainly.com/question/28487636


a company is conducting marketing research to determine whether or not its advertising message could be clearly understood by its customers. this relates to which component of the communication process?


The company is conducting marketing research to determine whether or not its advertising message could be clearly understood by its customer is relates to the evaluation component of the integrated marketing communication in the communication process.

The message evaluation process of integrated marketing communication could be done by various methods sush as:

Concept testingCopy testingRecall testRecognition testsAttitude and opinion testsEmotional reaction testsPhysiological testsPersuasion analysis.

Those methods mentioned above could be used in difference condition based on the objective of the market research and the evaluation objective.

The evaluation process is held to examine the message and physical design of the advertisement, coupon, or direct marketing pieces. The respondent behaviour also used as an evaluation tools by using the count visible customer actions, such as store visits, inquiries, or actual purchases. In the recent years, the marketing research could be done both directly or through online evaluation.

Learn more about the Integrated Marketing Communication here: https://brainly.com/question/24015598


a brand of variety stores is part of a wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain. this means these retailers are members of a(n. vertical marketing system


If a brand of variety stores is part of a wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain. this means these retailers are members of a(n) contractual vertical marketing system.

What is contractual vertical marketing system?

Contractual vertical marketing system can defined as a form of marketing system in which firms who manufactures and sell  something tend to enter into a contract  agreement so as to find ways of improving or increasing their sales.

In a contractual vertical marketing system both producer, wholesaler as well as retailers have the same goals  which is to make profit.

Therefore this illustrate contractual vertical marketing.

Learn more about Contractual vertical marketing system here:https://brainly.com/question/29241894


When designing in-store signage, the supermarket omar manages develops yellow signs and shelf tags with bold lettering to catch consumers’ attention. The use of visuals in this manner represents the ________blank component of the communication process.


When designing in-store signage, the use of visuals in this manner represents the encoding component of the communication process.

Encoding simply entails converting data into a visual component for a chart, map, or other product the company is producing. The firm must complete the task correctly because doing so will ensure that consumers viewing visuals can comprehend what the firm is attempting to demonstrate. Information of this kind is transiently kept in iconic memory before being kept in long-term memory.

The supermarket managed by Omar in the example uses yellow signs and shelf tags with large letters to draw customers in while the company is designing in-store signage. Here, we're talking about the encoding aspect of communication. Customers will instantly become interested in a product when it is written in big characters and will want to learn more about it.

Read more about encoding on:



g in 2018, the united states enacted tariffs on imports from china. in retaliation, china enacted tariffs on goods exported from the united states. how will the output gap in the united states change in response to this trade war?


The output that occurred in the United States from the trade war was a reduction in US production of up to hundreds of billions of dollars for the US.

Import tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods. Import tariffs are usually charged as a percentage of the price of imported goods.

The imposition of import tariffs imposed by the United States and China on goods entering their countries, this resulted in a decrease in prices so that export volumes decreased. The imposition of import tariffs caused a reduction in consumption due to rising product prices, increased domestic production, and reduced import volumes.

Thus causing output in the form of a reduction in production results and a decrease in export volume in the United States. The impact of this problem can reduce about 1% of the GDP (gross domestic product) in America.

Learn more import tariffs at:



explain why the cost to identify and remove a defect in the early stages of software development might be as much as 100 times less than removing a defect in a piece of software that has been distributed to hundreds of customers.


Because a business would lose money if it had to compensate the hundreds of customers for the defective software. However, if they were to correct it before the program was released, there would be no harm done.

Why do many claim that addressing issues during design and development is less expensive than doing it after the product has been released?

It is more economical and beneficial to resolve defects early on in the development process rather than later. As the software progresses through the SDLC, the cost of a bug patch rises dramatically.

What advantages do finding and fixing bugs early in the software life cycle offer?

Early defect detection analyses offer a precise, affordable method for developing safe, reliable software. Unfound flaws or vulnerabilities result in rising costs for remediation or cost-to-fix as they go undiscovered.

To Know more about defective software.



which of the following is an example of a company practicing price discrimination? the average price of a haircut is $20 in dayton and $30 in cincinnati. a restaurant charges different prices for fountain drinks based on their size. johann's bakery charges $2 for a cookie, and bella's bakery charges $3 for an identical cookie. most passengers traveling on an airplane pay different prices for their tickets.


An example of a company that price discriminates against most passengers traveling by air and pays different prices for tickets.

Price discrimination is the practice of selling products at different prices to different buyers. Price discrimination can be divided into first-degree price discrimination, second-degree price discrimination, and third-degree price discrimination. Airlines charge different prices for the same flight, and this is an example of outright price discrimination.

Price discrimination involves different groups of consumers charging different prices for the same product. Price discrimination provides consumers with the following benefits: Potential price reduction rewards for choosing less popular services, and helps keep the company profitable and in business.

To learn more about price discrimination



Where do you report a stolen credit card to efta standards or pci standards


A merchant's PCI DSS compliance can be confirmed using the PCI Report on Compliance. The PCI DSS's standards and procedures were created to increase the security of credit card-based transactions and safeguard cardholder data from fraud and other unauthorized uses of their personal data.

To protect cardholders' private information and boost the security of transactions involving credit, debit, and cash cards, the Payment credit card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a well-known set of rules. PCI Compliance is NOT a one-time project but an ongoing practise. Merchants (the Business Owner) are in charge of overseeing the finances of their company's activities.

To learn more about PCI, click here.



assume the economy can produce either sports utility vehicles (suvs) or minivans. the graph below depicts the current production possibilities frontier (ppf). suppose the economy experiences a large increase in immigration. move the end points of the ppf below to show how the ppf changes. assume that the increase in immigration affects the economy's ability to produce both minivans and suvs. quantity of minivans quantity of suvs ppf this is an example of: economic stagnation. economic growth. economic contraction. economic recession


The quantity of minivans quantity of SUVs ppf this is an example of Economic growth.

Even as the term SUV can be carried out to large automobiles, such as the Range Rover, Chevrolet Suburban, and Jeep-like SUVs, it may additionally observe to smaller cars that do not have four-wheel drive and feature a minimal capability of going off-road just like the Honda CRV and crossover SUVs.

SUV or recreation software car is a category of vehicles owning capabilities that make it appropriate for both on-street and stale-avenue riding. some of the latter talents that SUVs commonly have are better ground clearance, 4-wheel drive, and auxiliary utilitarian features such as roof rails.

Learn more about SUVs here: https://brainly.com/question/16796666


during december, vixen company sells $863,000 in merchandise that has a one-year warranty. warranty expense is estimated at 3% of sales. on january 5 of the following year, the merchandise requires repairs that are completed the same day. the repairs cost $15,300 for materials taken from parts inventory. the entry to record the repairs that occur on january 5 is:


The entry to record the repairs that occur on January 5 is Debit warrant expense $25,500, Credit estimated warranty liability $25,500.

Warranty Liability is a liability account that records the amount of repair or replacement costs a company expects to pay for products already shipped or services already rendered.

When a guarantee liability is calculated for a specific period, this amount is recorded as a liability in the balance sheet and as an expense in the general ledger. Over time, the amount actually spent paying the security deposit will be deducted from the liability amount rather than appearing as a new expense.

If the product is damaged or defective, the company that provides the full warranty must repair or replace it within a reasonable time. A limited warranty works similarly, but with more restrictions.

Learn more about Warranty Liability https://brainly.com/question/15457683


Which of the following skills are required to be an effective project manager?



The most important skills of a project manager include communication, teamwork, time management, budgeting


Following are the characteristics of effective project manager

The communication skills of project manager should be effective in nature.

The project manager should have central leadership expertise.

The Project managers should have decision-making skills because the best decision makes the company in profit.

In a good project manager, his team members can express their goal really well.

The project manager tends to keep his peace of mind the whole time and is continuously focused so not to stop losing himself and potentially impact his team culture..

The project manager also takes care of time and submit the project in time.

The effective project manager also keeps in mind the budget before starting the project.

All the other options are not related to skills of effective project manager that's why they are incorrect option.

when an organization ceases to exist as a separate entity and is absorbed into the purchasing corporation, this is called a(n):


When an organization ceases to exist as a separate entity and is absorbed into the purchasing corporation, this is called a(n) Acquisition.

When one company purchases the majority or all of the shares of another company, it is known as an acquisition.A company effectively takes control of another if it purchases more than 50% of the shares of the target company.A merger unites two distinct businesses to form a new one, whereas an acquisition is frequently amicable and a takeover may be hostile.Due to the complexity of the transactions and their legal and tax implications, acquisitions are frequently carried out with the aid of an investment bank.Mergers and takeovers and acquisitions are closely related.For a variety of reasons, businesses acquire other businesses.They might look for cost savings, increased synergy, increased market share, economies of scale, or new niche products.

Learn more about Acquisition, here



Which of the following statements describes a conflict?
O Belief in someone's ability and reliability
O Mindset of which parties take efforts to build or maintain a healthy relationship with each other
O Disagreement through which parties involved perceive a threat to their need, interests or concerns
O Ability to perform an action or the possession of control or influence over others



Disagreement through which parties involved perceive a threat to their need, interests or concerns


the lonely partnership had an overall net loss of $57,000. included in that amount was net capital gains of $5,000, tax-exempt interest of $1,000, and a guaranteed payment of $10,000 to one of the partners. compute the amount of ordinary business income or loss for lonely.


$63,000 loss

Further explanation: ($57,000) overall loss - $5,000 capital gains - $1,000 tax exempt income.


Although the guaranteed payment is a separately stated item for the receiving partner, it is also a deduction for ordinary business income.

What is the usual business income loss of a partnership, and how is it determined?

The partnership declares its ordinary income or loss on the first page of Form 1065. Ordinary income or loss is that portion of the total income or loss that equally affects the tax liability of each partner and includes things like gross sales, cost of goods sold, and business expenses like salaries, rent, bad debts, and repairs.

The debt relief that a partner experiences when they provide a partnership property that is subject to a debt is referred to as?

When partners contribute debt-ridden assets to a partnership, they receive debt relief that is treated as a cash dividend and decreases their outside basis. The basis of a partnership in its own assets is its first investment. Schedule M-1 is the informational organization.

To Know more about income.



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