Orange Juice

What property do all three of these common household substances have in common?


They all have a pH above 7.


They all taste bitter.


They are all acidic.


They all turn litmus paper blue.

Pls Helppp :(


Answer 1


D they are all acidic


This is because they are positively charged by hydroniums

Answer 2
They are all acidic

Related Questions

Write a 4 paragraph essay explaining the types of asexual reproduction and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Include descriptive text in each and diagrams at the end if you would like.
(It's ok, to use online resources for information, but the essay must be in your own words in order to demonstrate understanding of the content.)




There are different types of asexual reproduction:

Binary Fission



Vegetative Propagation


Binary Fission

The term “fission” means “to divide”. During binary fission, the parent cell divides into two cells. The cell division patterns vary in different organisms, i.e., some are directional while others are non-directional. Amoeba and euglena exhibit binary fission.

It is one of the simplest and uncomplicated methods of asexual reproduction. The parent cell divides into two, each daughter cell carrying a nucleus of its own that is genetically identical to the parent. The cytoplasm also divides leading to two equal-sized daughter cells. The process repeats itself and the daughter cells grow and further divide.


Fragmentation is another mode of asexual reproduction exhibited by organisms such as spirogyra, planaria etc. The parent body divides into several fragments and each fragment develops into a new organism.


Regeneration is the power of growing a new organism from the lost body part. For eg., when a lizard loses its tail, a new tail grows. This is because the specialized cells present in the organism can differentiate and grow into a new individual. Organisms like hydra and planaria exhibit regeneration.


Budding is the process of producing an individual through the buds that develop on the parent body. Hydra is an organism that reproduces by budding. The bud derives nutrition and shelter from the parent organism and detaches once it is fully grown.

Vegetative Propagation

Asexual reproduction in plants occurs through their vegetative parts such as leaves, roots, stems, and buds. This is called vegetative propagation. For example, potato tubers, runners/stolon, onion bulbs, etc., all reproduce through vegetative propagation.

Spore Formation

Spore formation is another means of asexual reproduction. During unfavourable conditions, the organism develops sac-like structures called sporangium that contain spores. When the conditions are favourable, the sporangium burst opens and spores are released that germinate to give rise to new organisms.

In asexual reproduction, a single cell is divided to produce offspring. Simple cell-by-cell division is not possible in multicellular organisms. Most of the multicellular organisms have a complex body design. They have a higher level of organization like tissues, organs and organ systems. Thus, they need a special mode for reproduction.

Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

Following are the advantages of asexual reproduction:

Mates are not required.

The process of reproduction is rapid.

An enormous number of organisms can be produced in very less time.

Positive genetic influences pass on to successive generations.

It occurs in various environments.

Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

The major disadvantages of asexual reproduction are:

Lack of diversity. Since the offsprings are genetically identical to the parent they are more susceptible to the same diseases and nutrient deficiencies as the parent. All the negative mutations persist for generations.

Since only one organism is involved, the diversity among the organisms is limited.

They are unable to adapt to the changing environment.

A single change in the environment would eliminate the entire species.

Asexual Reproduction Examples

Following are the examples of asexual reproduction:

Bacterium undergoes binary fission in which the cell divides into two along with the nucleus.

Blackworms or mud worms reproduce through fragmentation.

Hydras reproduce through budding.

Organisms such as copperheads undergo parthenogenesis.

Sugarcane can be grown through vegetative propagation.


Explanation: The merging of male and female gametes during fertilization and the presence of two parents constitute sexual reproduction. The offspring differ from each other and their parents because they receive a variety of genes from both parents. The benefits of sexual reproduction include the offspring's ability to adapt to new surroundings due to genetic variation, which gives the species a survival advantage.

It is less likely that the disease will impact every person in a group. There is only one parent in asexual reproduction. The children are exact replicas of their parents and one another. Asexual reproduction has several benefits, including When conditions are favourable, the population can grow quickly because only one parent is required.

E. coli and other bacteria reproduce asexually. This has the benefit of enabling them to quickly create large numbers of bacteria. The identical genetic makeup of every microbe is a drawback. Every one of the germs would perish if an antibiotic were applied. There would be no people left. Random mutation is the sole process that can add variation to the population.

The majority of animals, including rabbits, reproduce sexually. Because the alleles that the mother and father each possess are combined in the offspring, sexual reproduction brings variety to the species. The fact that sexual reproduction requires more time than asexual reproduction is a drawback. Before the development of the progeny, a mate must be located and the egg fertilized with sperm. However, the benefits of adding genetic diversity to the species overcome this drawback. Given the diversity in the population, it's possible that not every rabbit would be afflicted if a disease struck the rabbit population. It follows that some people would live and be able to reproduce and have more children.

To know more:

Which one is a true statement about exothermic reactions?
A) Energy from outside is added.
B) The reaction always feels cold.
C) Heat is a reactant.
D) Energy is released as a product.



energy released


exothermic = exit

Answer:  B


Why do nucleotides only pair with certain other nucleotides?


Answer: Molecular structures


In DNA ladders, each rung is actually two bases, but each pair is paired with only one other base because of their molecular structure.

Hope this helps you.

Molecular structure. It is like liquids, and they only mix if the have the same things but nucleotides do the same thing.

help me or no donutsaaass



The full valence electron shells of these atoms make noble gases extremely stable and unlikely to form chemical bonds because they have little tendency to gain or lose electrons. Although noble gases do not normally react with other elements to form compounds, there are some exceptions


In the Periodic Table, The elements of group 18 are all gases, but there are highly unreactive. That's why, they are called Noble Gases. The cause of there inertness is: Electronic Configuration

How is a zygote formed?



A zygote is formed from the process of reproduction. The zygote is officially formed when the sperm meets the egg within the fallopian tube, which then creates a fertilized egg.



During fertilization, the nuclei of the sperm and the egg fuse to form a single nucleus. This results in the formation of a fertilized egg or zygote.



zygote, fertilized egg is a cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm)

There are 2 main types of _______. One is a _______, where electrons are shared between atoms. The other is an _______, where one atom loses an electron to become a _______ charged ion, and the other atom gains the elctron to become a _________ charged ion.



There are 2 main types of ions one is an atom where the electrons are shared between the atoms. the other is an electron where one atom loses an electron to become a neutral in a charged ion, and the other atom gains the electron to become a charged lon anion.

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Ions with a positive charge are known as cations. Those that are negatively charged are called anions.

¿Doubts? in the comments Greetings.

The two main types of bonds formed between atoms are ionic bonds and covalent bonds. An ionic bond is formed when one atom accepts or donates one or more of its valence electrons to another atom. A covalent bond is formed when atoms share valence electrons.

Which of the following statements about daughter cells is true? (Select all that apply.)
A. They each are smaller than the parent cell, but will grow to a full size.
B. They each contain different combinations of the parent cell’s genetic material.
C. They each contain a nucleus.
D. They each contain the same genetic material.



The answer is C


B is the correct answers

What is one way that potential energy might be involved in rescue team missions?


Answer: The rescue workers can get energy to the batteries in their equipment during rescue missions by using a generator to convert the kinetic energy to potential energy. Potential energy is then stored in the battery.


From a quizlet i found online.

Answer:by using a generator to convert the kinetic energy to potential energy. Potential energy is then stored in the battery

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