Where was Napoleon from? How did this affect him early in his career?

What nations did Napoleon defeat in his early years? How old was he when he earned the rank of brigadier general?

Describe Napoleon’s goals in conquering Egypt. Was he successful?

What were the steps that occurred that ultimately led to Napoleon becoming emperor?

What steps did Napoleon take to mend the bad relationship with the Catholic Church?

What was the Napoleonic Code (1804)? What were positives and negatives of this Code?

How was Napoleon’s bureaucracy set up? How about the aristocracy?

What was Napoleon’s policy on freedom of the press?

What nations did Napoleon’s armies defeat and did he rule over 1805-1812?

What good things did Napoleon’s armies spread as they conquered countries?

Why was Napoleon never able to defeat Great Britain? What happened at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805)? What was the Continental System? Why was it not successful?

What is nationalism? How did Napoleon's armies unwittingly spread it across Europe?


Answer 1


French Revolutionary Wars

Hitherto unknown general Napoleon Bonaparte began his first campaign in Italy in April 1796.


Related Questions

Which of the following did NOT occur after federal troops moved out of the South and stopped enforcing African American rights and liberties?
Jim Crow Laws were put in place.
Segregation became the law.
Black Codes were put in place.
Violence and racism increased.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



I believe the answer is B-Segregation became the law...

i know this is late but for the people who have this question the answer is c do not do b .

Name three reasons the Barbarians changed different societies?



Historians have postulated several explanations for the appearance of "barbarians" on the Roman frontier: climate change, weather and crops, population pressure, a "primeval urge" to push into the Mediterranean, the construction of the Great Wall of China causing a "domino effect" of tribes being forced westward.







trust me i now that it is. but i will have the brainliest please because it is right and i know it is.

or it is c where they must maintain a balanced budget.

c. georgia’s government must maintain a balanced budget

The U.S should have used the bomb to stop the spread of communism


It’s answer B the us should have used the bomb to stop the spread of communism


how much should the federal government do to support the cation of a national infrastructure?


2.3 percent im pretty sure

Answer:2.3 percent i


Which of the following helps to summarize the Eleventh Amendment?

The power of the courts is limited within each state.
The federal government can sue anyone it wants to sue.
Other countries are not allowed to take Americans to court.
States are protected from being sued by the federal government.



States are protected from being sued by the federal government.


The text of the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States states that

The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

This means that states have the power and rights to be protected from certain lawsuits brought against them by the federal government. This means that federal governments cannot sue states without the latter's consent, thereby providing immunity to states from being sued.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth or last option.

Which statements are true about the US foreign policy at the beginning of the Great War (World War I) in 1914?

Multi choice

A. The US supported the decision to go to war

B. US trade was threatened by the war

C. The US signed a separate treaty with the Central Powers

B. The US wished to remain neutral



it is the last option


because USA wanted to be a spectator of the war

How was Britain able to prevent Germany from invading?



yes i think


Hitler was able to take over these lands because nations like France and Great Britain thought that giving into his demands would help them avoid future war. The policy of appeasement led to changes in government in Britain and France not entering war against Germany until they were invaded.

I hope this helps

The interesting fact about Adolf Hitler's idea of
a German Master Race, was the fact that
which of the following was true?
A. The description of the Master Race did not resemble nor include
B. The description of the Master Race resembled Hitler's father.
C. The description of the Master Race included Jews.
D. The description of the Master Race did not exist in Germany.

















hope this helps

Identify ONE argument in favor of imperialism and ONE argument against imperialism from yesterday's primary source documents.



ion think they are an argument


because i research this and couldn't find nun




The Federal reserve contributed to the weakness in the stock market by doing what?



by keeping interest rates low.


mark as brainliest

What is the best description of the Compromise of 1850?

The belief that the United States should expand their territory.

The agreement made between Europe and the United States regarding immigration.

The set of laws that settled the issue of slavery when admitting new states.

The arrangement was made with Mexico agreeing to end the U.S.-Mexican war.



The arrangement was made with Mexico agreeing to end the U.S.-Mexican war.


It admitted California as a free state, left Utah and New Mexico to decide for themselves whether to be a slave state or a free state, defined a new Texas-New Mexico boundary, and made it easier for slaveowners to recover runways under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

Later in his life John became known as the Apostle of _____
because it was the theme of his life and teachings.
a. Love
b. Spirit
c. Truth


Answer:Later in his life John became known as the Apostle of truth

because it was the theme of his life and teachings.

please mark brainlist

Answer: The correct answer is A. Love.


Later in his life, John became known as the Apostle of LOVE because it was the theme of his life and teachings.

(I just did this in a lesson, this was the correct answer, the other two answers are wrong)

*For Monarch aop New Testament survey unit 5 lesson 8 2021-2023 and so on...

Describe how new technologies and business practices led to the growth of business in the 1920s.



New technology played a huge role in shaping the economy in the 1920s. New inventions, like the radio, were common because it was new and did so many cool things, so think about it like this, every year a new iPhone comes out and advertising was:  COOL NEW FEATURES!! it has "blah blah blah" Making more people buy it and it being more popular! and other tech like the car completely changed the way Americans and the whole world traveled because of mass culture, And what you can realize is that companies use these business practices, study them and perfect them so that more people buy their products. this led to business practices used today



also plz give brainliest

Did the colonists have the right to refuse and protest the taxes?



Many colonists felt that they should not pay these taxes, because they were passed in England by Parliament, not by their own colonial governments. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.      so Yes


Good Luck!

Pretend you are President McKinley,
in the space below write an answer to
Spain's request.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

This would be the answer to Spain's request.

To her Royalty Majestic Government,

It is with the utmost respect that I answer your previews letter regarding the shameful incident of the sinking of the USS Main on the coast of the Island of Cuba, on February 15, 1898.

The United States has deeply researched the case and the version is totally different from the information you are sharing in your letter.

As you would understand, the United States is in a state of shock after that terrible incident. We consider this as ad direct aggression to the US Navy and a flagrant act of war against the United States of America.

Regretfully, the United States government has to make some difficult decisions concerning this incident and at this very moment, I am about to address Congress to make a final decision on this case.

As soon as we have concluded on a final decision we will be accordingly informed.

what led to the rise of the italian city- states?



Answer- D

Explanation- Some of the first major city-states were port cities that acted as trade centers, like the republics of Pisa, Genoa, and Venice. Their wealth came from international trade routes we call the silk roads, connecting European and Asian markets thanks to the massive Mongol Empire that opened up Eurasian trade.

By 1850, which four states had more people than Tennessee?​


Answer: n 1850, the United States contained 31 states and 4 organized territories (Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah).


4. What was a major difference between western and eastern civilizations of this region?



"The Western civilization swept the whole world as the lonely flower blossoming in the garden on the strength of science and technology, politics and economics while the Eastern civilization, suffering from the enormous pressures brought by the complicated social environment, was forced to make a profound adjustment and adaptation."


Which religion or philosophy recognizes Moses as a great leader? Choose all answers that are correct. Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Islam Christianity



judism and islam



Islam and Judaism and Christianity


What is the first governing document that established the newly independent American government after independence?​






National Govt.
50 Individual
Washington D.C.
The best title for the chart above is --
A Who Holds the Power in the U.S. Government
B Leaders of the Government
D Checks and Balances

I deleted c because it’s the wrong answer





In my opinion, I would choose A because the others seem wrong. Only the president can get that power.

What happened to the Ottoman Empire after World War I?
O Its territories were divided under the Treaty of Versailles.
O It became an independent nation.
O It became a modern industrial power.
• Its territories were absorbed by Italy under the Treaty of Versailles.




Explanation: It became the modern Turkey. The last sultan was Ottoman Sultan.

Which of the following contributed to the Spanish taking control of the Inca Empire?



Many Inca attempts to regain the empire had occurred, but none had been successful. Thus the Spanish conquest was achieved through relentless force, and deception, aided by factors like smallpox and a great communication and cultural divide.


the capture of Atahualpa by Francisco Pizarro


it is correct on study island.

The extravagance of eighteenth century monarchs caused growing
Select one:


The extravagant spending of the Monarchs in France led to the French Revolution.
Nothing says resentment more than a head on a Pike!

After World War I, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by
A joining the League of Nations.
B forbidding Germany to rebuild its armed forces.
C excluding Germany from the League of Nations.
D avoiding involvement in European affairs.


D, because it’s the correct answer. It actually took the Japanese and the Germans to attack the Americans for them to get involved in World War 2.
The answer is D. Avoiding involvement in European affairs.

I’ll really appreciate it if you help me out on these 2 questions .



number 3 would be c. 4) b.

Can u pls help me it’s easy
Question: give me five reasons why photoshop is bad?


1. when magazines use photoshop to perfect their models, it gives a unrealistic beauty standards to people
2. Sends out a poor message which can cause low self esteem and body image issues
3. Can create fake news
4. It can affect people’s mental health
5. It can also lie to the consumers or whoever sees it giving it the wrong impression

Nineveh was the site of the first?


B-army barracks


D- skating rinks


The Nineveh was the first said of courts so your answer is C

How did Catherine the great type of monarchy affect her nation ?



As empress, Catherine westernized Russia. She led her country into full participation in the political and cultural life of Europe. She championed the arts and reorganized the Russian law code. She also significantly expanded Russian territory.


Hope This Helps !!!!!!!!!!!

Other Questions
The school band is having a car wash to raise money. There goal is to collect $150. So far they have earned $10 each from three families and $5 each from 15 families.How much more money do they have to earn to reach their goal? Find the area of the rectangle below. Show your work Read the following excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, by Fredrick Douglass and answer the question that follows.The plan which I adopted, and the one by which I was most successful, was that of making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. As many of these as I could, I converted into teachers. With their kindly aid, obtained at different times and in different places, I finally succeeded in learning to read. When I was sent of errands, I always took my book with me, and by doing one part of my errand quickly, I found time to get a lesson before my return. I used also to carry bread with me, enough of which was always in the house, and to which I was always welcome; for I was much better off in this regard than many of the poor white children in our neighborhood. This bread I used to bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more valuable bread of knowledge. I am strongly tempted to give the names of two or three of those little boys, as a testimonial of the gratitude and affection I bear them; but prudence forbids;not that it would injure me, but it might embarrass them; for it is almost an unpardonable offence to teach slaves to read in this Christian country.Which of the following best summarizes the passages?The white boys in his neighborhood taught him to read in exchange for pieces of bread.It was against the rules to teach slaves to read in white Christian country.Frederick Douglass was wealthy while the white boys were poor.Frederick Douglass couldnt go to school because he had too many errands to do. Tell me the Definition of each Word listed (math) 5 gallons 2 quarts 1 gallon 3 quarts = ? help! If a virus has an incubation period of 12-24 months, then it is most likely -- Ms. Gratz went outside last night and saw a full moon as shown:Which moon phase would she see next? 1: how did greek thought affect individuals2: How did greek thought affect City-States can someone help me? PlEaSe TelL mE tHe AnSwEr.................................. Seven less than the product of a number n and1is no more than 95.4.Fill in the boxes.In 1795102n What is a solar system and what planet are included in it? ASAP PLEASE HELP ME !!!! In DEF, the measure of F=90, the measure of D=10, and EF = 94 feet. Find the length of DE to the nearest tenth of a foot. A compound containing 5.93% H and 94.07% O has a molecular mass of 34.02 g/mol determine the empirical and Molecular formula Of this compound Find the value of x. Pythagorean theorem and its converse what is a part of your body in which valued for, how it help you? PLS HELPPPWhat value of x would make the following relation a function?{(-3,-2),(2,3),(3,2),(x,2)}A. -3B. -2C. 2D. 3 help me I do not know how to do is I do not have a lot of pontes so I will give 10 at is all I have PLZPLZPLZPLZ ANSWER IM TIRED IM GONNA GET A CALL HOME IF I DONT FINSIHHow did the Fenians help the cause of union for the British North American colonies?PLZ GIVE SIMPLE ANSWER thank you!!! I also give brainly to everyone!!!!