Where was Flannery O'Connor born? a. Milledgeville b. Savannah C. Andalusia d. Lourdes EL CA VE C​


Answer 1
The answer is B. Savannah, GA

Related Questions

which product of photosynthesis stores the most energy



Through photosynthesis, certain organisms convert solar energy (sunlight) into chemical energy, which is then used to build carbohydrate molecules. The energy used to hold these molecules together is released when an organism breaks down food. Cells then use this energy to perform work, such as cellular respiration.


The product of photosynthesis that stores the most energy is glucose.

What is glucose?

Sugars include glucose, which is the main source of energy for all living things.

The primary sugar in your blood is called blood sugar, or glucose. Your body uses it as its primary source of energy, and it originates from the food you eat. All of the cells in your body receive glucose from your blood to be used as fuel.

Glucose, which is the chemical that generates energy to power the functions of the cell, is the primary byproduct of photosynthesis.

The primary byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen. One glucose molecule is created from six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules.

Thus, glucose is the product of photosynthesis stores the most energy.

For more details regarding glucose, visit:



why do organisms have different niches?​



The niche of an organism within an ecosystem depends on how the organism responds and reacts to the distribution and abundance of these factors, and in turn how it alters the factors. For example, when resources are abundant, a population grows, although by growing, the population 

The niche of an organism within an ecosystem defines how the organism responds and reacts to the distribution and abundance of these factors, and in turn how it alters the factors.

What are the example of niche?

Example of niche includes when resources are abundant, a population grows, although by growing, the population although by growing, the population provides more resources for predators.

There are two major types of ecological niches namely fundamental niches and realized niches. Fundamental niche is the entire set of conditions under which an animal (population, species) can survive and reproduce itself. Realized niche is the set of conditions actually used by given animal  species), after interactions with other species (predation and especially competition) have been taken into account.

For more information regarding niche, visit:



what is the genetic of skin?​




I believe it is tyrosinase.

3. Describe the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. Give at least one example organism for each type.



Since sexual reproduction requires two individuals, it allows intermingling of genes which is beneficial for the individuals as well as the entire species. The organisms produced by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to each other. ( I hope it helps )

Sexual production:

Sexual reproduction is a way of reproduction of some animals and plants. Some protists and fungi also reproduce this way. Organisms that reproduce sexually have two different sexes: male and female.

Offspring is made by a cell from the male and a cell of the female. Different steps are involved in the process.


A cell splitting and becoming two cells (overview)Some organisms like bacteria reproduce using binary fission. They split in two, so one bacterium becomes two bacteria. This always leads to daughter cells, and the offspring will be identical to the parent.

¿de que manera el desarrollo cientifico y tecnologico repercute en la agricultura ecologica ,como parte de las condiciones para la propuesta de emprendimiento familiar?



Los desarrollos científico-tecnológicos han impactado positivamente sobre los sistemas de agricultura ecológica y en última instancia también sobre la agricultura familiar


La agricultura ecológica refiere a los procedimientos de explotación agrícola basados en la utilización sustentable de los recursos de la tierra y los métodos de fertilización orgánica, respetando el ambiente natural y evitando el uso de compuestos químicos artificiales (como por ejemplo plaguicidas químicos) y de cultivos transgénicos. Por otra parte, la agricultura familiar refiere a un tipo de agricultura ecológica basado en la dirección y la administración familiar. La agricultura familiar es el sistema de agricultura predominante en regiones pobres de América Latina y el Caribe, representando aproximadamente el 80 % de la producción agrícola. De este modo, el desarrollo de métodos eficientes de agricultura/ecológica familiar resultan fundamentales para lograr la seguridad alimentaria en la región y también para mitigar los efectos negativos del cambio climático. En este contexto, diferentes avances científico-tecnológicos han impactado positivamente sobre el manejo, eficiencia y productividad de la agricultura familiar como sistema de cultivo no sólo sustentable sino también eficiente, entre los cuales se destacan el desarrollo de mini-invernaderos, variedades mejoradas obtenidas a través de técnicas de mejoramiento genético convencional (selección a campo), trampas artesanales para la captura de insectos plagas, etc. Diferentes tecnologías/metodologías como las anteriormente citadas han sido ajustadas y validadas a partir de procesos de experimentación participativa con el objetivo de estudiar cuales son las condiciones de la zona que mejor se adaptan al tipo de cultivo y de incrementar la productividad de sistemas de cultivos sustentables.

Do you think humans have interdependent relationships with other organisms? Explain your response.



yes, humans are the best example of interdependent relationships. unlike most organisms, humans have a pattern of staying around the same group of people and forming habits around those people while also using them codependently. not only do humans rely heavily on each other, but also on pets, that are often on the same level of dependency for emotional support as other humans. these interdependent relationships are unlike any other organism.


It is definitely true that humans have interdependent relationships with other organisms.

What do you mean by Organisms?

An organism may be defined as a living thing made up of one or more cells and able to carry on the activities of life.

Humans are surrounded by a variety of other organisms. These organisms are either directly or indirectly associated with humans. For example, trees give food, shade, most important oxygen to humans. Cows and buffaloes give milk, bacteria and other organisms make the soil fertile and yield high productivity of crops. Not only humans every organism in the atmosphere are interacted with others to perform all its functions.

Therefore, It is definitely true that humans have interdependent relationships with other organisms.

To learn more about Organisms, refer to the link;


PLSSSS HELP ASAP just try to answer just the matching at least THANK YOU.​




1. Canning is d. Stored in airtight containers

2. Shrouding is f. Wrap in cloth

3. Dehydration is e. Reduced moisture content

4. Viscera is b. Internal organs

5. Sweetbreads is a. Thymus and pancreatic glands

6. Food additive is c. Added before packing


Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble.Minerals that assist in fluid regulation are Sodium, Chloride and  Potassium.Meat from animals that have been slaughtered as prescribed by Jewish ritual is called Shechita.The method of precooking food, removing moisture, and then freezing is known as dehydro-freezing.

Match the description to the correct genetics vocabulary term,



1. H

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. F

7. G

8. E

my sister lives with my parents into negative



My sister does not live with my parents

Have a blessed day ever one







c is the answer if that your queston



Help please need a fast response im timed .Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

The path followed by an object in space around another object in space



The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space is called an orbit. Geosynchronous orbit is the orbit of a satellite that revolves around Earth at the same rate that Earth rotates.


When in the cell cycle does DNA copy (replicate) itself?


S phase is when it replicates itself

I need help plssss help me out I mark you brainliest





Which statement best describes why a peanut plant farmer would NOT use selective breeding?

A. to produce new peanut plants with bitter peanuts
B. to change his current peanut plants to be resistant to insects
C. to eliminate diseases from his current peanut plants
D. to produce new peanut plants with desirable traits


A. He wouldn’t want his new peanut plants to have butter peanuts

The statement that best describes why a peanut plant farmer would not use selective breeding is to produce new peanut plants with bitter peanuts. The correct option is A.

What is selective breeding?

Selective breeding is the method by which homo sapiens use animal breeding and plant breeding to selectively develop specific phenotypic traits by selecting which males and females will reproduce and have offspring together.

In today's world, animal and plant breeders strive to create organisms with desirable characteristics such as high crop yields, disease resistance, rapid growth, and a variety of other phenotypical characteristics.

Disadvantages include decreased genetic diversity and discomfort for animals with exaggerated characteristics.

To produce new peanut plants with bitter peanuts is the best explanation for why a peanut plant farmer would not use selective breeding.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding selective breeding, visit:



I will give brain to correct answer!

When guard cells are full, they bulge. This increases the
size of the gap between them and opens the hole in the
Which object is the best model of a guard cell?

A.) Straw

B.) Garden hose

C.) Water Balloon

D.) Strainer



Water balloon


need the answer quick please thanks


meiosis in all plants and animals that ....

Please answer the correct answer since the one i picked is incorrect.​



B - a mixture is a combination of things




it does not specify which is female and which is male so i am going to go with a.


How do permeability and slope affect runoff?


Answer:  For one thing, with the increase in slope, the soil infiltration rate will decrease, which can increase the runoff amount [15–17]. For the other, the effective rainfall obtained by the soil bin will decrease as the slope increases.



Maintenance can be difficult, at best, and establishing plants, though very important for slope stability, often requires implementing costly and laborious solutions for erosion control. Every time it rains, the water that flows down a slope slowly removes soil and can cause gullies to form over time, removing valuable topsoil from the landscape.

what is AI Project cycle ?



A.I. project cycle is the life cycle of an A.I. project defining each and every step that every organization should follow to derive the business value from Artificial Intelligence to harness more ROI.

If you wish to learn A.I. and get certified? Then I would recommend you to take up the artificial intelligence course from Intellipaat which offers you a training course of 32hrs with 48hrs for projects and exercises to help you in gaining the required hands-on experience.

Also, check out our latest video on Artificial Intelligence Project to help you get started.


A.I. project cycle is the life cycle of an A.I. project defining each and every step that every organization should follow to derive the business value from Artificial Intelligence to harness more ROI


hope this will help you❤

Pls answer it tnx ASAP​





    2- Amino acid sequence (5'3' Frame): Tyrosine-Valine-Leucine-Valine-stop codon-Glutamic acid-Threonine (abbreviation: YVLV-ET)


   2- Amino acid sequence (5'3' Frame): Tyrosine-Cysteine-stop codon-Serine-Lysine-Lysine (abbreviation: YC-SKK)


Transcription is a cellular mechanism where a specific sequence of a DNA strand is used as template to synthesize an RNA molecule, often a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule that is subsequently utilized to create an ordered sequence of amino acids (i.e., a protein) by a mechanism referred to as translation. In RNA, uracil (U) always replaces thymine (T) bases. During translation, the mRNA is "read" according to the genetic code which associates the DNA sequence to the amino acid sequence in the polypeptide chain. For such purpose, each triplet of nucleotides or 'codon' in the mRNA specifies one aminoacid or one-stop codon (stop codons are UAA, UAG, UGA).

plz plz plz plz help me



White tailed deer.


White tailed deer is the organism for which carrying capacity is shown in the graph. the population of organism decreases after reaching its carrying capacity because of limited resources of food that is not available for organisms which leads to the death of organism. The population exceeded its carrying capacity because of favourable condition such as availability of more food. The population decrease after it exceeded the carrying capacity due to unavailability of food to the increased population so they die and decrease occur in population.

What is the main way that parasitic worms cause disease?
A: By releasing toxins that poison your body
B: By absorbing nutrients from your body
C: by using your cells to make copies of themselves
D: by changing the genetic material inside your cells



by using your cells to make copies of themselves

Why do living things undergo meiosis?
O To grow
O To make sperm and egg
O To renew and replace old cells
O To repair damaged cells



Option B should be the correct answer


Mitosis is the process where living things grow and repair, on the other hand Meiosis is the process where the living organisms produce gametes.

Hope this helps!

Answer: option B

Explanation: Meiosis is important because it ensures that all organisms produced via sexual reproduction contain the correct number of chromosomes. Meiosis also produces genetic variation by way of the process of recombination.

What 2 things do cells need in order to create energy


Answer:Beginning with energy sources obtained from their environment in the form of sunlight and organic food molecules, eukaryotic cells make energy-rich molecules like ATP and NADH via energy pathways including photosynthesis, glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.


Your body cells use the oxygen you breathe to get energy from the food you eat. This process is called cellular respiration. During cellular respiration the cell uses oxygen to break down sugar. Breaking down sugar produces the energy your body needs.

Which condition is often caused by painful swelling of the glomerulus?


The condition would most likely be Glomerulonephritis.

pls help me with this


Errrr try to zoom in a bit more I can’t really see it

The primary purpose of which human organ system is to produce hormones that regulate body functions


The endocrine system.

This system includes the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal glands, tested/ovaries, and the pancreas.

I will give brain to correct answer!

When guard cells are full, they bulge. This increases the
size of the gap between them and opens the hole in the
Which object is the best model of a guard cell?

A.) Straw

B.) Garden hose

C.) Water Balloon

D.) Strainer



water balloon maybe


What is an inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of
survival and reproduction? *



adaptation-the inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival and to reproduce.

fitness -the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment

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