Where else did some European nations get large
amounts of gold after 1492?


Answer 1


After many pleads before, Columbus finally got permission from King Ferdinand of SPAIN to explore as long as he would bring back what he had found (mainly just treasure)


plz rate and like thank you

Related Questions

The influential Greek astronomer who lived between 85-165 A.D., had a geocentric view of the universe and used elaborate mathematical explanations to support his ideas was_______.

A) Aristotle
B) Galileo
C) Copernicus
D) Ptolemy

I know the answer i just want to make sure it is right.


The answer is D Ptolemy

which is not a restriction for jewish people during WW2 ​



Were there any choices?

Route 66 connected what two cities?


It connected Chicago and Los Angeles.


Chicago, Los Angeles


i just shorten it

hope this helps bro ski :)

Most drug lords to gain protection and political influence/leverage use money for corrupting who?


The police officers that live in their city or town.

can someone please help me!! what is a good paragraph to write about how quarantine was very stressful for me and when I did online school and how much I've been struggling on homework and how I got too distracted and it was hard to ask a question online than it would if I was at school in person and how I missed my Friends so much and couldn't hang hang out with them and the positive thing about bring online for online school is that I didn't have to wake up as early as I would if I was at school and didn't have to pick out my outfits every morning and I could just stay in my pj's or sweatshirt and I also got to spend more time with my family ​


Thats a long run on sentence, fix your grammar
are you asking for a paragraph?

Please help which one is it?





What type of grass grows naturally on the Great Plains?



Buffalo grass


what do you think would be the modern day equivalent of silk in terms of trading value
///10 points



What could be the modern-day equivalent of silk in terms of trading value is oil.

Although alternative energies are increasing their importance in times of climate change and global warming, oil is still the "black gold" of modern. The world still uses oil in different forms and means of transportation still depend on oil.

Oil has been the cause of many wars and confrontations, and of the United States intervention in the Middle East to maintain its political and economic interests. The oil industry produces trillions of dollars annually and the countries of the world who have more exportations of oil are the United Emirates and México.

Do you think that American schools are still segregated?



Legally no American schools are still segregated but socially there is still a seperation


While America has stopped the policy of separate but equal we still see the effects of that policy today. Many US schools that were apart of separate but equal still see that the ones that used to be "white schools" still carry a predominately white population and schools that used to be "colored schools" still carry a predominately black population.

what was treaty of constaninopole ?​


Answer: Ok The Treaty of Constantinople (Treaty of İstanbul) was a treaty between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria signed on 29 September 1913 after the Second Balkan War at the Ottoman capital Constantinople. The signed treaty was an important strategic achievement which provided for Russia the access to Azov Sea and facilitated the preparation for the war with Sweden. The Treaty of Constantinople, concluded for 30 years, was observed up to November 1710, when Turkish sultan declared war to Russia.Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


The ultimate goal of Hinduism is to *
O reach reincarnation
reach moksha
O to become an untouchable
O to have bad karma


the first one circle unless “reach moksha” is its own option

What is Anne longing for in her relationship with her father?
Anne frank



Though she absolutely adores her father, Anne sometimes feels that he doesn't see her as a real person in her own right—that he doesn't see the real Anne beneath the charming exterior of a sweet little girl.


Anne states," I model myself after Father, and there's no one in the world I love more. . . . But I have a right to be taken seriously too. . . . It's just that I'd like to feel that Father really loves me, not because I'm his child, but because I'm me, Anne."

Which type of public policy is the following policy? Government issues a tariff on foreign goods. A. Domestic Policy B. Foreign Policy D. Not A Public Policy C. Both Domestic and Foreign​


The answer is C ........

3.Why did most Texans favor joining the Confederate States of America?
A. They supported the Republican idea of the abolition of slavery.
B. Texans feared abolitionist legislation would destroy the Southern economy.
C. Most Texans believed slavery was wrong and wanted to end it.
D. Texans supported the ideas of high protective tariffs to protect industries


B. Texans feared abolitionist legislation would destroy the Southern economy.

¿Quién decide qué fuentes y voces quedarán grabadas en la conciencia colectiva como parte de la historia?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta correcta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se incluyeron opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿Quién decide qué fuentes y voces quedarán grabadas en la conciencia colectiva como parte de la historia?

Por su puesto que no es ninguna persona en particular, aunque comúnmente se dice que "los ganadores son los que escriben la historia."

Existe un concepto entre los historiadores que se llama "la memoria colectiva" o la "conciencia colectiva." Es precisamente este concepto el que define lo que permanece en la memoria histórica de las personas después de un acontecimiento.

Este concepto es el resultado de las memorias y recuerdos compartidos de uno o varios grupos sociales, que al final resultan ser las creencias compartidas que se quedan como el sello característico de un evento histórico en particular, y es el que trasciende al paso del tiempo.  

Define the word democracy



a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.


Sorry off topic but I loveee your pfp! have a great day my friend

what is the level of stress of districts court judge?


Very high, one mistake can ruin a life or even end one so they have to make sure they get everything right.

Identify and explain a significant decision made by George Washington as president that continues to have consequences for the United States of America today.

will mark brainliest need help quickly



One specific decision he made was to step down after two terms.  The two term step down was standard for all Presidents up until Roosevelt (Franklin).  When FDR died, a Constitutional Amendment was passed mandating that all future Presidents step down after two terms. This has a significant impact today, because it continues to ensure that dictatorships do not form in America (hopefully).


Good luck

Where do the colonists head after their victory in Boston?



After the Siege of Boston, the Revolutionary War continued for seven more years. The Battle of Yorktown, which ended in October 1781 with the surrender of British forces under Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) to a combined American and French force, was the last major land battle of the war.Feb 4, 2020


3. Why do you think Mrs. Emerson didn't give the Scotts their freedom herself?


Maybe she couldn't afford it. The root issue of the tensions resulting from the Dred Scott decision was the rights of the individual.

How did democracy expand during Jackson's Presidency?



This expansion of the franchise has been dubbed Jacksonian Democracy, as the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 became symbolic of the new “politics of the common man.” The older generation of politicians looked on in horror when Jackson’s inauguration turned into a stampede, breaking china and furniture in the White House.


The purpose of Thomas Paine's Common Sense was to encourage colonists to?



In January 1776, Thomas Paine (1737–1809) penned his famous pamphlet Common Sense, in which he urged the American Colonies to declare independence and immediately sever all ties with the British monarchy.


i think

Can someone please help!!! I will mark brainliest!!!!


it’s a blank image sorry

What is Anti-Slavery?


to be against slavery

Answer Anti-slavery is basically people against slavery or they protest against it.


What was the only lasting kingdom of Medieval Europe?​



it should be byzantine empire


Kingdom of the Lombards.


European ships were able to withstand the trans-Atlantic journeys in the Age of Exploration PRIMARILY to


Explanation: European were able to stand voyages in Atlantic during the Age of Exploration because of ships like Caravel that provided a stronger hull and sleeker lines. The Caravel vessels were lightweight and could sail with the wind

Which core democratic value was violated when the Supreme Court ruled in 1857 that enslaved people were not citizens?


the democratic value that was violated was equality

What allowed Constantinople to survive the decline of the Roman Empire?
A. Its involvement in the silk trade
B. Its use of mercenary soldiers
C. Its disregard for Roman law
D. Its large population of slaves





The correct answer is option A. Constantinople was able to survive the decline of the Roman Empire through its involvement in the silk trade.

What allowed Constantinople to survive the decline of the Roman Empire?Constantinople was able to survive the decline of the Roman Empire primarily because of its position in the world through its involvement in the globally linked silk trade. The decline and ultimate fall of Rome took place in 476, while the Byzantine Empire continued to grow, thrive, and expand. The fall of Constantinople was the true end of the Roman Empire and its imperial legacy. After the fall, Constantinople became the capital of the newly formed and emergent Ottoman Empire. This collapse had an effect on the silk road network. The Roman Empire was sustained through these silk road networks, in many ways. The Roman Empire also saw its decline when silk road networks began to deteriorate.

Therefore, Constantinople was able to survive the decline of the Roman Empire through its involvement in the silk trade.

Learn more about the fall of the Roman Empire here: https://brainly.com/question/1578351


Identify the climate zone shaded in pink on the map.

(A. Equator
(B. Polar
(C. Temperate
(D. tropical



D. Tropical


That’s the equator but the climate zone is tropical !

Which Gupta leader most contributed to the Gupta Empire's economy?



Chandragupta II


there ya go

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