Where are the cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers located in the spinal cord? Multiple Choice-Lateral gray hom-Posterior gray hom-Anterior gray horn


Answer 1

(Option) Anterior gray horn. The cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers are located in the anterior gray horn of the spinal cord.

Location of Sympathetic Preganglionic Fibers in the Spinal Cord

Anterior gray horn

This is because the sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system, and its preganglionic fibers originate from the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord.

The anterior gray horn of the spinal cord is the location of the cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers. These fibers are part of the autonomic nervous system and originate from the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers are responsible for controlling the body's response to both internal and external stimuli.

Learn more about Sympathetic nervous system: https://brainly.com/question/7274898


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proteins that are fully translated in the cytosol and lack a sorting signal will end up in the proteins that are fully translated in the cytosol and lack a sorting signal will end up in the cytosol. mitochondria. interior of the nucleus. nuclear membrane.


For the remainder of translation, proteins lacking a signal peptide remain in the cytosol. They will remain in the cytosol for all time if no additional "address labels" are present. However, following translation, they can be sent to the mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, or nucleus provided they carry the appropriate labels.

Proteins are directed into the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts (in plants), peroxisomes, and ER by several sorting signals. Proteins devoid of these signals stay in the cytosol permanently. Proteins produced in the cytosol that lack a signal sequence stay there. A transmembrane signal peptidase always eliminates the signal sequence that instructs a developing polypeptide chain to reach the ER membrane. Signals found in the cytosolic domains of the proteins are what sort transmembrane proteins to endosomes and lysosomes. Short, linear sequences of amino acid residues make up the majority of signals.

To learn more about mitochondria click the link below:



Which of the following is a similarity between PCR and DNA replication?


A similarity between PCR and DNA replication would be that both are chain processes that polymerize.

They also move along each strand in the 5′ to 3′ direction. Due to their antiparallel orientation, the two DNA strands polymerize in opposing directions. Enzymes that polymerize DNA also carry out both processes.DNA replication and PCR have a number of characteristics. Both are methods for creating DNA. Both are polymerizing chain reactions that move along each strand in the 5′ to 3′ direction. Double-stranded DNA has split apart during both procedures.

PCR needs a DNA polymerase enzyme, which creates new DNA strands by utilizing existing strands as templates, much like DNA replication in an organism. Taq polymerase is the best choice for PCR due to its thermal stability. As will be demonstrated, the template DNA is repeatedly denatured at high temperatures.

Learn to know more about PCR on



A DNA fragment with 100 base pairs is smaller than a DNA fragment with 150 base pairs.-True-False


The statement, "A DNA fragment with 100 base pairs is smaller than a DNA fragment with 150 base pairs," is true.

DNA is composed of two strands of nucleotides, each of which contains four different types of nucleotides. These nucleotides, called adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T), are held together by hydrogen bonds, forming base pairs. The length of a DNA fragment is determined by the number of base pairs it contains, and therefore a DNA fragment with 100 base pairs will be shorter than a DNA fragment with 150 base pairs.

The length of a DNA fragment is important because it determines the amount of information it contains. For example, a DNA fragment with 100 base pairs will contain less information than a fragment with 150 base pairs. In addition, the length of a DNA fragment also affects its ability to interact with other molecules. For example, a fragment with 100 base pairs may be unable to interact with certain enzymes or proteins that require a longer fragment.

Learn more about nucleotides at :https://brainly.com/question/16308848


water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via ___________, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as _____________


Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via  xylem, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as sieve tubes.

Water is drawn up from the roots to the top of the plant according to the cohesion-tension theory of sap ascent. Water and minerals travel upward from the roots through the xylem due to a negative water potential gradient created by the evaporation of mesophyll cells in the leaves.

Specialized cells known as sieve elements play a crucial role in the operation of phloem, a highly organized tissue that transfers organic chemicals produced during photosynthesis. In phloem, sieve elements are the main conducting cells. Conducting cells support molecular transport, particularly for long-distance signalling. There are two basic categories of sieve components in plant anatomy. Meristems, which are tissues that actively divide throughout a plant's lifecycle, are the source of companion cells and sieve cells. They resemble the growth of xylem, a plant tissue that conducts water and serves primarily as a means of transportation within the vascular system.

Hence, transport of water and food  is transported in two different pathway.

To know more about Meristem.



According to the audio, is an avocado a fruit or vegetable? es una fruta. Es una verdura.


According to the audio, an Avocado is a fruit.

Avocados are among the few fruits high in unsaturated fats. When ingested in place of saturated fat, such fats help decrease undesirable LDL cholesterol. In California, the popular Haas avocado, with its dark-green, nubby skin, grows all year. Avocados contain vitamins C, E, K, and B6, along with riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, they contain lutein, beta-carotene , and omega-3 fatty acids. Avocados are a good source of useful fats, which can help you feel heavier among meals.

Although avocado appears to be beneficial in all situations, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it. Avocado diminishes milk production and has been linked to mammary gland damage. Avocado or its charred remains are too acidic for babies' stomachs.

For more information on Avocados, visit ;



Which type of reproduction would be the most beneficial for this sea anemone (complete gap 1 and gap 2)?.


Asexual reproduction would be the most beneficial for sea anemones.

Both asexual and sexual reproduction are options for anemones, and each has advantages and drawbacks of its own. Asexual reproduction produces children who are genetically identical to their parents. Compared to sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction enables the development of higher numbers of unique progeny more quickly and with less energy consumption; in stable marine conditions, this is a dependable, efficient, and successful method of reproduction. However, if environmental constraints swung too far from acceptable circumstances, this lack of genetic variation in progeny might cause the collapse of an entire colony of genetically identical animals.

If you want to know more about Asexual reproduction visit the following link;



The ans stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.


It is true that the ANS stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.

The brain and spinal cord ar to blame for process and group action the assorted sources of data to permit us to develop a response. So the most perform of the somatic nervous system is to attach the central nervous system with organs and skeletal muscle to perform our daily functions.

The  (ANS) automatic nervous system is an element of the peripheral systema nervosum that regulates involuntary physiological processes as well as vital sign, vital sign, respiration, digestion, and arousal. It contains 3 anatomically distinct divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.

To learn more about somatic nervous system here



in cattle short horn is dominant to long horn and red and white produce roan. Show the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring that could be produced from a cross between an individual heterozygous for both characters and an individual that is long horned and roan


Assuming the gene for horn length expresses complete dominance and the gene for color expresses co-dominance, the expected genotypes and phenotypes are 2/16 SsRR - Short and Red. 4/16 SsRW - Short and Roan. 2/16 ssRR - Long and Red. 4/16 ssRW - Long and Roan. 2/16 SsWW       - Short and white. 2/16 ssWW - Long and White.


What are complete and co-dominance?

Complete dominance refers to the inheritance pattern in which the dominant allele can completly hide the expression of the recessive allele in heterozygous individuals. Two phenotypes are possible -the dominant and the recessive ones-.

Co-dominance refers to the inheritance pattern in which neither of the alleles completely blocks the expression of the other allele, so both of them are simultaneously expressed and create a third phentoype.  

In the exposed example,

Horn length expresses complete dominance

- SS and Ss expresses short

- ss expresses long

Coat color expresses co-dominance

- RR expresses red

- WW expresses white

- RW expresses roan


Parentals)  Ss RW  x ss RW

Gametes) SR, SW, sR, sW

                sR, sR, sW, sW  

Punnett square)    SR         SW          sR         sW

                  sR     SsRR      SsRW     ssRR     ssRW

                  sR     SsRR      SsRW     ssRR     ssRW

                  sW    SsRW    SsWW     ssRW    ssWW

                  sW    SsRW    SsWW     ssRW    ssWW              

F1)    Proportion of individuals      Genotype             Phenotype

2/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsRR          ⇒  Short and Red4/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsRW         ⇒  Short and Roan2/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssRR          ⇒  Long and Red4/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssRW         ⇒  Long and Roan2/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsWW       ⇒  Short and white2/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssWW        ⇒  Long and White


You can learn more about co-dominance and complete dominance at



Give a reason why lack of roughage in diet often leads to constipation



Insoluble fibre


All fibre that cannot be digested by enzymes of intestine come under this category. Though it cannot be digested, it adds bulk to stool by thickening it up and prevent diarrhea. The insoluble fibre cannot dissolve in water.

The male grouse makes a drumming noise by using its wings to beat the air. What is the behavior communicating?


Answer:echolocation i think


Life is only possible on earth because carbon is always floating around in our atmosphere in the form of carbon ______


Answer: dioxide

Explanation: the answer is carbon dioxide.

What is the general rule of who should yield at an uncontrolled intersection?


As a general rule, a Driver should yield at an uncontrollable intersection. The driver on the left has the right of way if you both arrive at the junction at the same moment.

Since the law never actually provides the right of way, it is crucial to the right of way idea. The law just specifies when it is necessary to give the right of way. When the law allows it, you can use the right of way by making sure that other people give you the right of way.

In all states, accidents result from failing to give the right of way. However, there are various ways for you to lessen this likelihood when driving.

The driver should be aware of the places in which he travels the most and should also have a basic understanding of other heavily used roads or streets. When driving, the driver should make his or her own judgments regarding routes, speed, etc. without allowing friends or peer groups to influence them.

The motorist should be aware of and steer clear of crossroads and thoroughfares that are more likely to be involved in collisions. The motorist must take caution while planning his or her route and considering the surroundings as well as how the right of way may impact it.

learn more about  uncontrollable intersection at https://brainly.com/question/11920688


Which of these organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants? A) bacteria B) animals C) fungi D) protists


A Nitrogen fixing bacteria organism convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants.

What is a Nitrogen fixing bacteria?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are microorganisms capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen into fixed nitrogen (inorganic compounds usable by plants).

The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria invade the root hairs of host plants, where they multiply and stimulate formation of root nodules, enlargements of plant cells and bacteria in intimate association. Within the nodules, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert free nitrogen to ammonia, which the host plant uses for its development.

Learn more about nitrogen-fixing bacteria: https://brainly.com/question/7049583


somatic is to autonomic what blank is to blank. multiple choice excitation; rest voluntary; involuntary involuntary; voluntary rest; excitation





the involuntary, wave-like muscle contractions that occur in the digestive tract.


The involuntary wave-like muscle contractions that occur in the digestive tract are called peristalsis.

Muscles are the loose tissues that help in the movement of the body parts. There are three types of muscles in human body. They are: smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and skeletal muscles. The skeletal muscles are the only one that we can move voluntarily.

Digestive tract is the pathway that the food passes through while being digested. The tract begins from the mouth leads to the stomach through esophagus. It then further extends into the intestines and ends at the anus. Digestive tract is also called gastrointestinal tract.

To know more about muscles, here



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Select one:
multiple cloning site
origin of replication
selectable marker
EcoRI site
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faster than large pieces
slower than large pieces
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Protein is transferred from a gel to a nylon and hybridized to a DNA probe
DNA is transferred from a gel to a nylon and hybridized to a DNA probe
RNA is transferred from a gel to a nylon and hybridized to a DNA probe
The gels diagrammed below show the results of amplifying two VNTR loci from: 2 hairs found at a crime scene (hair 1 and hair 2), a crime victim, and possible suspects. Determine whom hair 1 could have belonged to based on the results in the gel below. If the hair could belong to more than one individual, then choose all of the possibilities. If the hair could not belong to any of these, choose





prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called Selective interventions.

The political agenda is beginning to include mental health. And during the past few years, the promotion of mental health, which governments have typically ignored, has become more significant. The economy is significantly impacted by mental illness, which also has high costs. Both direct and indirect costs make up the overall costs. Medication, clinical appointments, and hospitalization are some instances of direct expenses; decreased labor supply, increased physical health care, public income support payments, educational underachievement, homelessness, and incarceration are examples of indirect costs.

Together with physical or somatic health, mental or psychological/behavioral health is essential for the best possible human development and social functioning of individuals in any society. A person's mental health is a multifaceted concept that includes their intellectual well-being, which refers to their ability to reason, perceive, and interpret information appropriately; psychological well-being, which refers to their belief in their own abilities and self-worth; emotional well-being, which refers to their affective state or mood; and social well-being, which refers to their capacity to interact successfully in social relationships with other people.

To know more about Mental health visit:



[100 PTS] List three kinds of information that can be learned by sequencing DNA. Also list three specific things that have been learned from the sequence of the human genome.



There are several kinds of information that can be learned by sequencing DNA. Some examples include:

1. The genetic makeup of an organism, including the specific sequence of nucleotides (A, C, G, and T) that make up its DNA.

2. The presence of mutations or other variations in an organism's DNA, which can be associated with genetic disorders or other traits.

3. The presence of genes and other functional elements in an organism's DNA, such as genes that code for specific proteins or regulatory sequences that control gene expression.

Some specific things that have been learned from the sequence of the human genome include:

1. The identification of many of the genes that are present in the human genome, including the genes that are associated with various diseases and traits.

2. The discovery of many genetic variations that can affect an individual's risk of developing certain diseases, such as cancer or heart disease.

3. The identification of many regulatory elements in the human genome, such as enhancers and promoters, that control gene expression.


Which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Bats were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves.

Mammals are a set of vertebrate animals constituting the magnificence Mammalia, characterized by way of the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a neocortex, fur or hair, and three center ear bones.

Mammals consist of humans and all other animals which can be heat-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) with hair. They feed their young with milk and feature a greater properly-developed mind than different styles of animals.

Mammals are a set of vertebrate animals. Examples of mammals consist of rats, cats, dogs, deer, monkeys, apes, bats, whales, dolphins, and people.

Learn more about Mammals here:-https://brainly.com/question/1309369


What is the primary type of input and output that is used in the power grid system


First of all, input electricity is just indicating the direction of that energy, in this case, it refers to the electrity that is being received in a sub-system.

What is meiosis unique to?


Genetic recombination, haploid gamete production, production of four daughter cells are the processes that are unique to meiosis which don't occur in mitosis.

Chromosome number of a daughter cells will one half of the parental chromosome number in Meiosis type of cell division. In mitosis daughter cells will have the same number of chromosomes as their parents. Mitosis usually occurs in somatic cells whereas meiosis occurs in germ cells which produce gametes. Meiosis takes place in two steps that are meiosis one and meiosis two in first meiosis two cells are formed, each cell then enters meiosis two and divides into two cells hence totally four cells produced in meiosis whereas in mitosis only two daughter cells are produced in single step. During meiosis chromosomal fragments exchange occurs between homologous chromosome which don't occur in mitosis.

To know more about mitosis-



What is the process of heating of a hydrocarbon in excess of air or oxygen called?


The process of heating of a hydrocarbon in excess of air or oxygen called Combustion of hydrocarbons.

Hydrocarbon combustion is the chemical reaction in which a hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen to create carbon dioxide, water, and heat. Hydrocarbons are molecules that are made up of both hydrogen and carbon.

They are best known as the fundamental constituents of fossil fuels such as natural gas, petroleum, and coal. As a result, fossil fuel resources are frequently referred to as hydrocarbon resources.

Energy is extracted from fossil fuels by combustion (burning). Despite the presence of impurities in fossil fuels, hydrocarbon combustion is the predominant process in the combustion of fossil fuels.

The energy required to break the bonds in hydrocarbon molecules is far less than the energy generated during bond formation in CO2 and H2O molecules.

As a result, considerable amounts of thermal energy are released during the process (heat). This thermal energy can be utilized directly (for example, to heat a home) or transferred to mechanical energy via a heat engine.

learn more about Combustion of hydrocarbons at https://brainly.com/question/21088695


distinguish between the conditions needed for the proper functioning of pepsin and trypsin.


For pepsin, you need about 1.5 pH and for trypsin, you need about 8 pH.

Pepsin is a stomach enzyme that serves to digest proteins discovered in ingested food. Gastric chief cells secrete pepsin as an inactive zymogen known as pepsinogen. Parietal cells in the belly lining secrete hydrochloric acid that lowers the pH of the stomach.

Pepsin is needed for digestion inside the belly — it is an enzyme that allows destroying of proteins. Additionally, pepsin blessings health by killing dangerous microbes and supercharging the body's capability to absorb vitamins.

As soon as pepsin gets activated outside the stomach, it could reason a whole lot of damage. Pepsin is specialized for breaking down proteins.

Learn more about Pepsin here:-https://brainly.com/question/15604041


The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because

A. Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration

B. More enzymes are required for anaerobic respiration than for aerobic respiration

C. Anaerobic respiration occurs 24 hours a day while aerobic respiration can only occur at night

D. Anaerobic respiration requires oxygen but aerobic respiration does not require oxygen


The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because --  Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration.

option(A) is the correct answer.

Aerobic respiration is the type of respiration in which energy is generated from cells by breaking down sugars in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration is the type of respiration in which energy is generated from cells by breaking down sugars in the absence of oxygen.

In the process of aerobic respiration carbon dioxide and water are produced by the complete breakage of glucose but in anaerobic respiration, glucose is not broken down completely. Instead of carbon dioxide and water, lactic acid is produced in anaerobic respiration.

The process of anaerobic respiration takes place in a deficit of oxygen. So, the amount of oxygen is not present to oxidize lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water. Anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP molecules in contrast to the production of 38 ATP molecules in the process of aerobic respiration.

Read more about Aerobic respiration:


specialized cells of the dermal system in plants that function in gas exchange are called


Specialized cells of the dermal system in plants that function in gas exchange are called stomata.

The little apertures known as stomata are found on the epidermis of leaves. Stomata are visible under a light microscope. Stomata can be found on the stems and other portions of various plants. In gaseous exchange and photosynthesis, stomata are crucial. Through opening and closing, they regulate the rate of transpiration.

The stomata are made up of tiny pores termed stoma that are encircled by two guard cells. The turgidity of guard cells determines how frequently stomata open and close. The pore's surrounding cell wall is resilient and adaptable. Both monocots and dicots typically have different guard cell shapes, but the mechanism is the same in both. Guard cells have chloroplasts and are shaped like beans. They absorb light and have chlorophyll in them.

Hence, stomata cell plays role in gaseous exchange.

To know more about Chlorophyll.



What does light do when it strikes the chlorophyll molecules of Photosystems I and II? A. Light causes glucose to be synthesized directly inside the chlorophyll molecules of the photosystems. B. Light causes the conversion of water into carbon dioxide, oxygen, and electrons. C. Light causes electrons to get excited (gain energy) and travel down an electron transport chain embedded in the thylakoid membrane. D. Light directly causes carbon dioxide to attach to RuBP during the carbon fixation stage of the Calvin Cycle.


Light causes glucose to be synthesized directly inside the chlorophyll motes of the photosystems.

What about chlorophyll?Supplement manufacturers assert that chlorophyll has a wide range of benefits, including the capability to increase red blood cells, aid in weight reduction, mend damaged skin, remove poisons, reduce inflammation, and help cancer.It's an amazing list, yet only many of the assertions are supported by exploration.The FDA states that grown-ups and children over the age of 12 can safely take 100 mg to 200 mg of oral chlorophyll in diurnal as a supplement to relieve odour.According to a 2014 study posted on PubMed, taking a supplement of chlorophyll once a day for 12 weeks caused weight reduction, enhanced threat factors for rotundity, and dropped jones for delicious food.poisons can be removed by it.In a bitsy exploration involving 38 ladies, it was shown that those who took a chlorophyll- containing supplement once a day exfoliate further pounds than those who did not.The study also discovered lower cholesterol situations in the supplement- taking group.

Learn more about chlorophyll here:



What is the difference between reproductive and therapeutic cloning?


Therapeutic cloning refers to the development of tissues or organs for medical treatment, whereas reproductive cloning refers to the creation of a whole organism for reproduction.

The deliberate generation of genetically identical people is known as reproductive cloning. The prior invention is a perfect clone of every new one. Identical twins are monozygotic clones, often known as natural clones. In reproductive cloning, somatic cell nuclear transfer is utilized to produce an animal that is genetically identical to a donor animal. During reproductive cloning, the freshly generated embryo is returned to the uterus so that it can implant and develop. Probably the most well-known example is Dolly the sheep.

Therapeutic cloning seeks to create embryonic cell lines with the same genome as the nuclear donor by introducing nuclear material from a somatic cell into an enucleated egg. The process of creating a cloned embryo only for the goal of creating embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor cell is referred to as "therapeutic cloning." These stem cells can be used in research to better understand sickness and develop new treatments.

To learn more about Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, here



changes in gene expression in prokaryotes are tightly linked to changes in the environment. for that reason almost all of the changes are


Changes in gene expression in prokaryotes are tightly linked to changes in the environment. For that reason almost all of the changes are fully reversible, depending on environmental conditions.

Due to the lack of a defined nucleus, prokaryotic gene expression (both transcription and translation) occurs within the cytoplasm of a cell; thus, the DNA is freely located within the cytoplasm. Gene expression is a highly regulated process. It allows for cellular differentiation in multicellular organisms; in single-celled organisms such as prokaryotes, it primarily ensures that a cell's resources are not wasted making proteins that the cell does not require at the time.

Only by controlling the amount of transcription can prokaryotic cells regulate gene expression. The complexity of controlling gene expression increased as eukaryotic cells evolved. For example, the evolution of eukaryotic cells resulted in the compartmentalization of important cellular components and processes.

To learn more about gene expression in prokaryotes, here



Is TT genotype heterozygous?


The homozygous condition, in which both alleles of a gene are present in a homologous pair, is denoted by the genotype TT. Alleles are different forms of the same gene.

Each gene you inherit has one allele from each of your biological parents. These alleles are known together as a genotype. If two variants of the gene are different from one another, you have a heterozygous genotype.

A location on a gene where two identical alleles are present. A homozygous genotype might have two alleles with the same variance or two normal alleles.

The inheritance of various eye-color genes from both biological parents serves as an example of the heterozygous condition. When two different variations of a gene exist, a heterozygous genotype is present.

To learn more about genotype



which type of ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential?


Voltage channels open and close in response to changes in membrane potential.

What do voltage-gated channels do?Voltage-gated ion channels are membrane-integral proteins that allow certain inorganic ions to flow through cell membranes. They play a crucial part in the electrical signaling process used by excitable cells like neurons, opening and closing in response to variations in transmembrane voltage.Ion channels that are triggered by changes in the electrical membrane potential close to the channel are known as voltage-gated ion channels. The membrane potential modifies the channel proteins' shape, controlling how they open and close.When a chemical ligand, such as a neurotransmitter, attaches to the protein, ligand-gated ion channels open. Changes in membrane potential cause voltage channels to open and shut.

To learn more about Voltage-gated ion channels refer to:



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