When the United States was on the gold standard, banks were required to:
A. exchange U.S. dollars for a specific amount of gold.
B. provide a certain amount of gold to the government each year.
C. use gold when conducting business with foreign clients.
D. only accept gold as collateral for large business loans.


Answer 1


A. exchange U.S. dollars for a specific amount of gold.


In the US, the central bank was required by the Federal Reserve Act (1913) to have gold backing 40% of its demand notes. Higher interest rates intensified the deflationary pressure on the dollar and reduced investment in U.S. banks.

Related Questions

How did Puerto Rican’s benefit from its relationship with the US



what thy benefited from was the military protection from the united states

hope this answer helps have a great day ;)


I am a honor student, and I love history.

What was one of the challenges Richard Nixon faced as president?

winning over Wallace supporters

restoring American confidence

uniting the Republican Party

enacting a social reform agenda



Restoring American confidence.


Richard Nixon became the 37th President of the United States from 1969-74. His presidency was a huge turning point in America's domestic front as the country was divided in the case of the Vietnam war, while women's rights activists were pressing for equality and racism was also prevalent, leading to more issues than enough.

While these issues prevailed, the next president is sure to be met with the task of trying to find a possible solution. So, one challenge of Richard Nixon's presidency is to restore the confidence of the American people in the face of the division regarding the involvement of America in the Vietnam war.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


b restoring American confidence

Explanation : took the quiz

Is this statement true or false?

Japanese Americans being relocated to internment camps were given very little notice and could take only their clothes and a few small possessions.


True. This answer is true




Which statement is an accurate description of a tactic used by the Cherokees to keep white settlers from taking their land?

A. They formed an alliance with other tribes and sent representatives to Congress.

B. They asked the British to help them fight the United States.

C. They adopted some European customs and tried to fit in with white neighbors.

D. They destroyed their crops to make the land worthless to whites.


D. because the Cherokees to keep white settlers from taking their land they destroyed their crops to make the land worthless to whites.

what you have learned
in Financial Management?​


Financial management teaches you to manage your financial resources both on the personal level and within your business plan. ... It's comprised of short term and long term goals, with cash management plans and investment decisions in place.

How did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect people of Japanese descent in the United States?



In a panic, some politicians called for their mass incarceration. Japanese-owned fishing boats were impounded. Some Japanese American residents were arrested and 1,500 people—one percent of the Japanese population in Hawaii—were sent to prison camps on the U.S. mainland.


Hope this helps

Why is The House of Representatives and Senate are important to understand?



They are important divisions of the U.S. government, which affects everyone who lives in the country. Being able to understand the House of Representatives and the Senate allow us to understand how laws are created, our rights, how the government functions, etc.


how did oliver cromwell affect society today?



Historians explain why they consider studying Oliver Cromwell, and his place in history, is still relevant today, 400 years after his death. Yet, despite his dissolution of multiple parliaments, Cromwell is also remembered as a father of democracy. In Ireland, Cromwell is seen as a tyrant.

Is civilisation and Civilization same?​



Civilization is an alternative form of civilization.


Hope this helps!!

The effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by the:

A: United States' refusal to join.

B: lack of a peacekeeping mission.

C: exclusion of the Axis Powers of World War II.

D: veto power held by permanent security council members.




explanation: United states refusal to join

The effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by the United States' refusal to join. The correct option is a.

What is the United Nations about?

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations.

It is the world's largest and most familiar international organization. The UN is headquartered on international territory in New York City and has other main offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague. The UN was established after World War II to prevent future world wars, succeeding the League of Nations, which was characterized as ineffective. On 25 April 1945, 50 governments met in San Francisco for a conference and started drafting the UN Charter.

It was adopted on 25 June 1945 and took effect on 24 October 1945, when the UN began operations.

Learn more about United Nations, here:



Sorbet is a frozen dessert that is made from two key ingredients, water and fruit. Essentially, it is sweetened water added to fruit puree that is churned and then frozen. It differs from regular ice cream and other frozen desserts because it contains no dairy, like cream or milk. As a result, sorbet has a very low fat content. With a low fat content, it means that sorbet needs to be served a little differently than regular ice cream. It needs to be stored at a lower temperature in order to scoop it into a cup or cone easily. If it is not stored at a lower temperature, it is frozen solid like an ice cube.

The story of sorbet begins with the Roman Emperor, Nero, and his travels during the first century. The legend states that Nero established a line of runners from Italian cities to high up in the mountains. This allowed buckets of snow to travel from the mountains to his banquet hall whenever he pleased. Since fresh snow was so hard to get, only the richest families enjoyed the frozen dessert. Due to the lack of technology, fresh snow had to be retrieved from the mountains constantly if Nero wanted to eat the dessert. There was nowhere to keep it frozen so it would melt. Since Nero wanted a constant supply of the dessert, he needed a group of workers to keep fetching it from the mountains. Nero liked to flavor the fresh snow with honey and that's essentially what sorbet is, water and flavoring. This is the first record account of sorbet, which lead to other frozen desserts, like traditional ice cream.

Select two details from the passage that support the main ideas that sorbet is different than ice cream, and sorbet dates back to Roman Emperor, Nero, in the first century.

Group of answer choices

"It differs from regular ice cream and other frozen desserts because it contains no dairy, like cream or milk." . . . "Nero liked to flavor the fresh snow with honey and that's essentially what sorbet is, water and flavoring."

"It needs to be stored at a lower temperature in order to scoop it into a cup or cone easily." . . . "The legend states that Nero established a line of runners from Italian cities to high up in the mountains."

HELPPP PLEASEE I WILL GIVE BRAINLSITTT "Since fresh snow was so hard to get, only the richest families enjoyed the frozen dessert." . . . "This is the first record account of sorbet, which lead to other frozen desserts, like traditional ice cream."

"Sorbet is a frozen dessert that is made from two key ingredients, water and fruit." . . . "With a low fat content, it means that sorbet needs to be served a little differently than regular ice cream."


I think the answer would be the first to but I’m really sorry if this is wrong. Hope this helps :-)

What countries suffered the most deaths? How might that affect them long-term?


Are you talking about from a certain disease or just overall

All of the following statements regarding the President is true EXCEPT: (SSCG10)
a. The president must be wealthy and well liked.
b. The president must be at least 35 years old.
c. The president must be a natural born citizen.
d. The president must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years.





the president does not have to be well liked to be president. Nor wealthy

A because the president does not have to be liked I order to be president.. for example trump was president but a lot of people did not like him and he was still president .

Was FDR a good president





he wanted to make the new deal to help with the great depression




The United States reelected FDR in 1940 for his third term, making him the only U.S. president to serve for more than two terms. Roosevelt is usually rated by scholars among the nation's greatest presidents, with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but has also been subject to substantial criticism.

What method did nations use to get people to support the war



I may be wrong but got the answer from Internet


Liberty Loan Act

Why is evil or profane speech such a bad habit for the Christian?


You aren’t living according to God’s rules, profane speech is worldly so as Christians our job is to be the light of the world and show the good to others

Answer:it goes against the bible.


“Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift” (Ephesians 4:29.

“There should not be even a hint of sexual sin among you. Don’t do anything impure. And do not always want more and more. These are not the things God’s holy people should do. There must not be any bad language or foolish talk or dirty jokes. They are out of place. Instead, you should give thanks” (Ephesians 5:3-4

why was the monroe doctrine a significant foreign policy achievement during the 18


It established the United States as a major power in the Western Hemisphere.

. Queimada, esconde-esconde e pega-pega são alguns exemplos de brincadeiras populares que fazem parte do folclore brasileiro. Outro exemplo de atividade física é o jogo de peteca. Em relação ao objeto é correto afirmar que: *
Chegou no Brasil com os negros vindos da África.
Criado por um professor de Educação Física de Minas Gerais.
Inventada pelos índios brasileiros.
Foi inventado em Portugal.
Inventado na Índia e trazido ao Brasil pelos portugueses.​


I’m not sure what it would be

Explain the European justification for the partitioning of Africa.



Rival ethnic groups forced to live together causing conflicts and wars. Lost many resources without equal return. ... Africans were forced to work on plantations and in mines for very little money.

What kinds of media can be used to monitor the government?



The news, news papers, articles, social media.


How was the Cold War a conflict of political ideas?


Answer:What came to be called the Cold War in the 1950s must be understood, to a large extent, as an ideological confrontation, and, whereas communism was manifestly an ideology, the “noncommunism,” or even the “anticommunism,” of the West was negatively ideological.


What is something that both the Federal and the State governments have the power to do?



Both the states and the federal government have the power to tax, make and enforce laws, charter banks, and borrow money.


The main job of the lobby list is to



Lobbyists schedule meetings with politicians and other legislative officials to influence their views on particular issues. They are hired to establish rapport and persuade elected officials to act on their organization's behalf. Lobbyists sell leaders on the initiatives most favorable for their company.


Which is an example of water pollution in Washington?

companies that discharge toxic waste, poisoning protected salmon
farmers that dump pesticides, harming animals that graze on land
factories that release toxic chemicals, keeping acid rain out of waterways
municipalities that purify water, protecting residents from disease



(A) companies that discharge toxic waste, poisoning protected salmon


Correct on Edge 2021

Where was the Kingdom of Kush located? Choose three correct answers.

near the cataracts of the Nile River
south of the Kingdom of Egypt
north of the Kingdom of Egypt
west of the Sahara
north of the Mediterranean Sea
west of the Red Sea

a, b, f



A)near the cataracts of the Nile River,B)south of the Kingdom of Egypt,F)west of the Red Sea.

please mark brainliest




i did it

ILL GIVE U BRAINLEST IF U RIGHT. How did Mansa Musa's policies influence the Kingdom of Mali?
A. They caused an economic decline.
B. They forced Christians to flee from Africa.
C. They led to an increase in trade.
D. They made him the leader of the Islamic world.



C. they led an increase in trade

How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing
sectional differences in antebellum America? PLZ HELPP



The Nullification Crisis illustrated the growing tensions in American democracy: an aggrieved minority of elite, wealthy slaveholders taking a stand against the will of a democratic majority; an emerging sectional divide between South and North over slavery; and a clash between those who believed in free trade

4. Explaining How did the presidential election of 1856 reflect a growing sectional divide in the United States?

Please don't give any link and please do not copy from the internet. Ill give the brainiest to anyone who answers a good answer first.



The presidential election of 1856 reflected a growing sectional divide in the United States. In 1856 President James Buchanan was elected by who we now called Republicans. This caused outrage in some because they had different views and beliefs than President James Buchanan. Therefore, the Democrats were created which created a sectional divide in the United States.


The presidential election of 1856 reflected a growing sectional divide in the United States. In 1856 President James Buchanan was elected by who we now called Republicans. This caused outrage in some because they had different views and beliefs than President James Buchanan. Therefore, the Democrats were created which created a sectional divide in the United States.

A widening racial divide in the US was mirrored in the 1856 presidential election. James Buchanan was voted president in 1856 by the group now known as Republicans. Due to their opposition to President James Buchanan's views and beliefs, some people were outraged by this

What happened in the United States presidential election of 1856?

The 18th quadrennial presidential election in the United States took place on Tuesday, November 4, 1856. Democratic candidate James Buchanan beat Republican candidates John C. Frémont and Millard Fillmore in a three-way race. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which promoted slavery's growth, was the primary problem.

At the 1856 Democratic National Convention, Buchanan beat President Franklin Pierce to win the nomination. Because of his allegiance to the pro-slavery side in the ongoing civil war in territorial Kansas, Pierce had lost much of the support of the North, and Buchanan, a former Secretary of State, had stayed away from the bitter discussions over the Kansas-Nebraska Act by serving as the United Kingdom's ambassador to Europe. The North saw support for all three main parties, but the South saw almost no support for the Republicans.

As a result, the Democrats emerged, dividing Americans according to their political views.

To learn more on presidential election of 1856, click here:



Explain the importance of keeping the memories of the holocaust alive though memorials museums and books


It is important to remember the Holocaust because so many jews died ( about six million - ½ were children) and suffered through Hitler's regime, and we don't want the victims who died, names to go in vain and we don't want them to be forgotten. We also want to keep their memories alive so that the Holocaust won't happen ever again.

What are some of your initial ideas about why the size of this parrot population might be decreasing?



The parrot's population began its dramatic descent towards the end of the 19th century as extensive deforestation destroyed much of its habitat. ... The researchers also considered whether the low population numbers have been affected by inbreeding, which reduces the genetic health of the population.


Hope this helps


The size of a parrot population might be decreasing because of massive deforestation. This is further explained below.

What is deforestation?

Generally, Deforestation is the deliberate clearance of plants and trees in a forest area.

In conclusion, The parrot's population started to plummet at the end of the nineteenth century, when massive deforestation destroyed most of its habitat.

Read more about Plant



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