John claims that Point X = – 4, and Point Y = 2. Which of the following statements provide support for John's claim? Select three that apply. X < Y because X is left of Y X > Y because X is left of Y X < 0 because X is left of zero Y < 0 because Y is right of zero X > 0 because X is left of zero Y > 0 because Y is right of zero


Answer 1

Answer: X<Y, X>0

Because -4 is less than 0 and -4 is greater than 0

Related Questions

Of Jamia’s 10 scrunchies, ⅖ are pink. How many are pink?



4 are pink

Step-by-step explanation:

We have an uneven denominator So basically we Times  2/5 by 2/2

and we get 4/10

So out of the 10, 4 are Pink.

I hope this helps!

can someone help? i’ll give brainliest!!



Add the numbers that have the same variables and exponents. Hope this helps!

Step-by-step explanation:


-3x³ - 4x - 9

Step-by-step explanation:

-5x + x - 6x³ - 4 - 5  + 6x³ - 3x³

-6x³ + 6x³ - 3x³ - 5x + x - 4 - 5

-3x³ - 4x - 9

I am very confused- Can someone help within an hour-


Answer: 195 CM

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume: Length x Width x Height

“First we have to break it into 2 shapes”

“Let’s solve the top shape!!”

The length is 5 the width is 3 and the height is 4.

Volume = 5 x 3 x 4 = 60

Now the bottom shape

The length is 9 the Width is 5 and the Height is 3

The height isn’t given so we must do some math

Subtract the 7 from 4 = 7 - 4 = 3

Volume = 9 x 5 x 3 = 135

Finally, 135 + 60 = 195 cm

what are the inequalities​


15 - 5
14 - 5
13 - 5
12 - 5
11 - 5
10 - 5
9 - 5
8 - 5
7 - 5
6 - 5
5 - 5

I’m not sure if this was the answer you were looking for but I hoped it helped


an inequality is a mathematical statement that shows that an expression is lesser than or more than the other.

Which of the following pairs of events are disjoint (mutually exclusive)?
a) A: odd numbers; B: the number 5

b) A: even numbers; B: numbers greater than 10
c)A: numbers less than 5; B: all negative numbers
d)A: numbers above 100; B: numbers less than -200​




Step-by-step explanation:

d because there are no numbers common to  both sets

Disjoint sets are those sets that have no common values between the sets.

A: numbers above 100; B: numbers less than -200​ is a disjoint set.

Option D is the correct answer.

What is a set?

A set is a collection of items where there are operations such as:

Union of sets, the intersection of sets, complements of sets.

We have,

Disjoint sets are those sets that have no common values between the sets.

a) A: odd numbers; B: the number 5

Set A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9,.....}

Set B = {5}

A ∩ B = {5}

This is not a disjoint set.

b) A: even numbers; B: numbers greater than 10

A =  {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, , , }

B = {11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18,,,,,}

A ∩ B = {12, 14, 16, 18,,,}

This is not a disjoint set.

c) A: numbers less than 5; B: all negative numbers

A = {, , ,, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

B = {, , , , -3, -2, -1}

A ∩ B = { , , , , -3, -2, -1}

This is not a disjoint set.

d) A: numbers above 100; B: numbers less than -200​

A = {101, 102, 103, 104, ,,,,,,}

B = {, , , , -204, -203, -202, -201}

A ∩ B = Ф

There are no common values between set A and set B.

This is a disjoint set.


A: numbers above 100; B: numbers less than -200​ is a disjoint set.

Option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about sets here:


The mean absolute deviation is 46,54,43,57,50,62,78,42


8.75 hope this helps

The mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the given set of numbers is 8.75.

What is the mean absolute deviation (MAD)?

The mean absolute deviation (MAD) of a group of data points is a statistical metric used to evaluate its dispersion or variability. It indicates how far off the data values are from the mean (average) of the data collection.

Let's calculate the MAD for the given set of numbers: 46, 54, 43, 57, 50, 62, 78, 42.

Calculate the mean:

Mean = (46 + 54 + 43 + 57 + 50 + 62 + 78 + 42) / 8 = 432 / 8 = 54

Find the absolute difference between each number and the mean:

|46 - 54| = 8

|54 - 54| = 0

|43 - 54| = 11

|57 - 54| = 3

|50 - 54| = 4

|62 - 54| = 8

|78 - 54| = 24

|42 - 54| = 12

Calculate the average of these absolute differences:

MAD = (8 + 0 + 11 + 3 + 4 + 8 + 24 + 12) / 8 = 70 / 8 = 8.75

Therefore, the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the given set of numbers is 8.75.

Learn more about mean absolute deviation here:


Determine the center and radius of the following circle equation:
+ y2 – 123 + 8y – 48 = 0


It’s 10

Do you want the steps on how to get it?


it's 10

Step-by-step explanation:

don't know the steps

Please help u have till 3:10 pm cst time - Texas



1/8 is equal to 0.125

5/8 is equivalent to the other fraction 10/16 and in decimal form it is 0.625

Ria is 6 years older than her brother. Fourteen years ago, she was twice as old as he was. How old is each now?


ria is 18 and the brother is 12.


ria is 26 and her brother is 20

Terry wants to order tickets online for an amusement park. The cost of the tickets is
$15.00 per person. There is also a $3.50 one-time service fee for ordering tickets online.
Write an expression in terms of n that represents the cost for ordering n tickets online.




Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps :)



Step-by-step explanation:

I think it is that scence I am not sure what the todal is but if that is wrong just flip flop it scence $15 will always be with the vareable in this case scence it isthe only number that can change but multiplying with 2+.

.In a survey, 7/20 of the students in fifth
grade said their family buys organic
vegetables. What decimal represents
the portion of students whose families
buy organic vegetables?



Road shimmer

Wiggling the vision

Heat heat waves

I'm swimming in a mirror

Road shimmer

Wiggling the vision

Heat heat waves

I'm swimming in a

Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

Heat waves been faking me out

Can't make you happier now

Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

Heat waves been faking me out

Can't make you happier now

Usually I put

Something on TV

So we never think

About you and me

But today I see

Our reflections

Clearly in Hollywood

Laying on the screen

You just need a better life than this

You need something I can never give

Fake water all across the road

It's gone now the night has come but

Sometimes, all I think about is you

Late nights in the middle of June

Heat waves been faking me out…

Which function has the greater maximum value: f(x) = -2x2 + 8x-1, or g(x),
the function in the graph?

A. Ax)
B. g(x)
C. The functions have the same maximum value.



It’s f(x)

Step-by-step explanation:

Someone please help will mark as brainliest






Step-by-step explanation:

Now by using the formula:

cos A=b/h

i.e 20 by 29

I need help. No links or I will report.



Step-by-step explanation: 122 degrees

that’s an obtuse angel

what is [tex]\frac{69}{100}[/tex] in simplest form?



It’s already in simplest form but in decimal form it is 0.69
That would be it’s simplest form

Find the slope of a line parallel to y = 2x +3.




Step-by-step explanation:

Parallel lines always have the same slope

What value of a would make the graph of f(x) = ax² open up?



dont knohfxvggxhb cbbvc

Answer for brainliest



x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

The measure of minor arc FD is 51x + 1

The measure of major arc FD is 360 - (51x + 1)

m<E = ½[m(major arc FD) - m(minor arc FD)]

36x + 5 = ½[360 - (51x + 1) - (51x + 1)]

72x + 10 = 360 - 51x - 1 - 51x - 1

174x = 348

x = 2

8 x 9 = 8 x(5+ _)
= (8 x 5) + (8 x _)
= 40 + _
= _




Step-by-step explanation:

i hate math

if tanθcscθ = 3, find the value of cosθ




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\huge{ \mathfrak{  \underline{ Answer }\:  \:  ✓ }}[/tex]

Let's Solve :

[tex] \tan( \theta) \csc(\theta) = 3[/tex]

[tex] \dfrac{ \sin(\theta) }{ \cos(\theta) } \times \dfrac{1}{ \sin(\theta) } = 3[/tex]

[tex] \dfrac{1}{ \cos( \theta) } = 3[/tex]

[tex] \cos(\theta) = \dfrac{1}{3} [/tex]


[tex]\mathrm{ \#TeeNForeveR}[/tex]

Help me plz and show work <3



y = (5-2x)/7 = 5/7 - 2x/7. option C

Step-by-step explanation:

here's your solution

=> 7y + 2x = 5

=> 7y = 5 - 2x

=> y = (5-2x)/7

[tex]\huge\mathfrak\red{hope \: it \: helps...}[/tex]

Given f(x) = -x + 1, solve for x when f(x) = 0.



f(x) = -x + 1

0 = -x + 1

x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

You put 0 in place of f(x).





Step-by-step explanation:

the z represents a unknown number.=, and because it equals y it starts at 0. so (0-8)

What is an equation of a line that has the points (2, 4) and (-3, 5)?



y= -1/5x+4.4

Step-by-step explanation:

this is written in slop-intercept form



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is the answer above

Help pls! Giving brainliest !!



Can you take a better picture plz because I can’t see the pic.

Step-by-step explanation:

A car travels for 2 hours 15
minutes at an average speed
of 64 mph. Calculate the
distance travelled.



231.746 km

Step-by-step explanation:

Formula: [tex]distance = speed[/tex] × [tex]time[/tex]

Solution: To solve for distance use the formula for distance

Rate and speed are similar since they both represent some distance per unit time like miles per hour or kilometers per hour. If rate r is the same as speed s, r = s = d/t. You can use the equivalent formula d = rt which means distance equals rate times time.

Firstly, convert the time from hours to minutes

2 hr 15 min = 2.25 hr

or 2.25 hr = 135 min

Now, use the formula:

135 × 64 = 8640

In km, the distance traveled is 231.74

Find the missing angle.
Round to the nearest tenth.
B = 50°
b = 8
a = 10


Answer: 73.2 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Have a great summer

• Check your work when you're done.
Your Assignment
A bag contains 5 marbles. There are 3 yellow marbles and 2 red marbles.
Suppose that Glen chooses a marble first and then Kris chooses one.
Answer the questions to show the probability that Kris will get a yellow marble if
Glen chooses a yellow one first.
1. What is the probability that Glen will get a yellow marble? Show how you
calculated this probability.
Write your answer in the space below.


If Glen get a yellow marble first then we have 2 yellow marbles...probability that Glen will get yellow marble is 2/5(we have just 2 yellow now and the total is 5)

One bow requires 3.2 inches of ribbon. How many
bows can be made from 304 inches of ribbon?




Step-by-step explanation:

304/3.2 = 95



Step-by-step explanation:First, we convert feet into inches. A foot equals 12 inches so 3 feet equal 36 inches. Then, we divide by 8. 36/8 = 4.5, and we can say that 4 bows can be made.

Find the volume and surface area of the composite figure shown below if the figure is built with unit cubes.



the volume is 18 and the surface area is 46

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of the cube will be and the surface area of the cube will be square units.

What is volume?

Volume is defined as the space covered by any solid body in the three-dimensional plane. The volume of the cube will be calculated by multiplying all three sides of the cube.

The volume will be calculated as below:-

The formula to calculate the volume = l x w x h

The volume of the first part = 2 x 2 x 3 = 12 cubic units

The volume of the Second part = 2 x 2 x 1 = 4 cubic units

The volume of the third part  = 2 x 1 x 1 = 2

Total volume of the cube  = 12 + 4 + 2 = 18 cubic units.

The space occupied by any two-dimensional figure in a plane is called the area. The area of the outer surface of any body is called the surface area.

The surface area will be calculated as below:-

Surface area of the base = 2 ( 4 x 2) + 2( 2x 1) + 2 ( 4x 1) = 28

Surface area of the middle = 2 ( 3 x 2 ) + 2 ( 2 x 1 ) + 2 ( 3 x 1) = 22

Surface area of the upper side = 2 ( 2 x 2) +2 ( 1 x 2 ) + 2 ( 1 x 2) = 16

The total surface area is calculated as below:-

Total = 28 + 22 + 16 = 66 square units.

To know more about volume follow


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