when the senate judiciary committee passes a proposed crime bill by a vote of 11 to 10, which is most likely to follow?


Answer 1

Then the full Senate will consider the bill.

The House of Representatives is the lower body of the United States Congress, and the United States Senate is its upper chamber. The United States' national bicameral legislature is made up of them all. Article One of the United States Constitution specifies the makeup and authority of the Senate. The Senate is made up of senators, who each fully represent a single state. There are 100 senators in total, with two senators from each of the 50 states serving staggered six-year terms.

Despite not being a senator, the vice president of the United States serves as presiding officer and president of the Senate by virtue of that position. The vice president only gets a vote if the Senate is in session.

Learn more about Senate here: https://brainly.com/question/26823952


Related Questions

some scientists claim that they can determine when the earth first formed as a planet. which technique do scientists use today to determine when the earth first formed?


Scientists use analysis of radioactive isotopes in rocks technique to determine when the earth first formed.

To determine the ages of geologic events, Earth scientists have developed a variety of complementary and reliable methodologies. Hundreds of thousands of years of continuous Earth history are recorded in layers of ice or sediment that are deposited annually.

Mountain formation speeds, mountain erosion rates, and tectonic plate motions all indicate gradual change over hundreds of millions of years.

The precise age estimates provided by radiometric dating, which depends on the predictable decay of radioactive isotopes of carbon, uranium, potassium, and other elements, go all the way back to the Earth's origin more than 4.5 billion years ago.

These and other dating methods support the validity of "deep time" in Earth history and are mutually consistent.

To know more about radiometric dating:



What are the reasons for Hamlet's torment?


Hamlet is tormented by images of Gertrude's tender affections toward his father, believing that her display of love was a pretense to satisfy her own lust and greed. Hamlet even negates Gertrude's initial grief over the loss of her husband.

What is Hamlet's basic plot?

Summary of Hamlet The ghost of Denmark's King tells his son Hamlet to avenge his death by assassinating the new king, Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet pretends to be insane, muses on life and death, and seeks vengeance. Fearing for his life, his uncle devises plots to assassinate Hamlet.

What is Hamlet's most important lesson?

Shakespeare's most famous soliloquy, written over 400 years ago, captures the dilemma of our shared human condition through the character of Hamlet. He poses the question that we all, consciously or unconsciously, ask ourselves on a daily basis: "To be, or not to be?"

Learn more about Hamlet's to visit this link



This type of bias occurs when survey participants are unwilling or unable to respond to a survey question or an entire survey.


When respondents to something like a survey or the overall poll are unable or reluctant to do so, nonresponse bias results. Everyone has a unique set of justifications for not responding.

What is the concept of nonresponse bias?

When semi from a sample deviate significantly from respondents, this is known as the non (or late-response) bias (or early responders). This bias is prevalent in descriptive, analytical, and experimental research, and survey studies have shown it to be a severe problem.

Why does nonresponse bias exist?

Nonresponse bias can result in a number of problems: Response bias bias increases random errors since the actual sample size collected doesn't match the intended sample size. As respondents consistently differ from nonrespondents, the results are not typical of the intended population.

To know more about Nonresponse bias visit:



cognitive behavioral therapies work best in the treatment of which disorder, which is related to obsessive-compulsive disorder? a. hypochondriasis b. conversion disorder c. pain disorder d. body dysmorphic disorder


The correct option is D : body dysmorphic disorder , Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), like OCD, is characterized by intrusive and unwanted thoughts.

Such worries regarding various features of their bodies are common in people with BDD.

The compulsive behaviors are used to minimize and manage the worry and tension that these thoughts and feelings of guilt and shame create.

Therefore, CBT procedures are most effective in treating both of these diseases, with "Exposure and Response Prevention" and "Cognitive Restructuring" receiving the most attention.

A mental health disorder is called body dysmorphic disorder. A person with BDD is preoccupied with ideas about a fictitious or extremely minute physical imperfection.

Their employment, studies, homes, and social lives are all hampered by the fixation. Medication and psychotherapy are possible forms of treatment.

Learn more about to obsessive-compulsive disorder visit here;



What are the main sources of revenue for local governments in Uganda?


Allocation from of the National Exchequer: Local governments receive a set amount of money from the federation account.

A federation is a political organization characterized by a union of largely self-governing provinces, kingdoms, or other territories governed by a central federal authority. In a federation, the component states' self-governance, as well as the power distribution between them and the national government, is often constitutionally entrenched and cannot be changed by a unilateral decision made by either the component states or the federal political body. A federation, on the other hand, is a type of government in which sovereign authority is nominally shared between a central authority and just a number of constituent regions, with each region retaining some degree of independence over its internal affairs. It is frequently contended that u.s. states where the central authority has veto power are not truly federal.

Learn more about independence here



what do you think contemporary men and women think about what the other wants most out of life or from a relationship? do you think they would agree, or do they have different wishes and expectations of one another?


The old ugly woman told the knight that what all women most desire is to have sovereignty over their husbands and sovereignty over their lovers/mistresses.

The desire is to dominate a man in a romantic relationship. In the Middle Ages, a woman's greatest desire was to control her husband. Bath's Wife portrays a strong feminist woman who is confident and outspoken about her own sexuality.

The Wife of Bath, narrated by a character named Alison, offers a glimpse into the perspective of a medieval woman. In The Canterbury Tales, a woman's greatest desire is to control the man she is in a romantic relationship with. In the Middle Ages, a woman's greatest desire was to control her husband.

Learn more about Contemporary men here:- https://brainly.com/question/29481476


mark suffers from a great deal of irrational thoughts that affect his social life. he would benefit most from _____ therapy.


Mark suffers from a lot of irrational thoughts that affect his social life. he would benefit most from cognitive-behavioral therapy.

the important thing precepted in the back of CBT is that your concept styles affect your feelings, which, in turn, can affect your behaviors. as an instance, CBT highlights how poor thoughts can cause terrible feelings and movements. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a speakme therapy that assist you to manipulate your troubles by using converting the manner you believe you studied and behave.

Scheduling sports that deliver you amusement and a feel of accomplishment.recognizing how your movements impact your thoughts and feelings.Making the excellent use of some time.Breaking down daunting obligations into more attainable ones.dealing with your fears steadily in order that they lessen.

Learn more about cognitive-behavioral therapy here: https://brainly.com/question/7773389


which leadership approach is likely to backfire when group members lack the skills or training to work autonomously?


The Laissez-faire is the leadership approach likely to backfire when group members lack the skills or training to work autonomously.

What is the Laissez-faire leadership approach?

Leaders that practice laissez-faire have a trusting and dependent attitude toward their workforce. They don't micromanage, get overly involved, or provide excessive direction or instruction. Instead, laissez-faire executives encourage their staff to use their initiative, resources, and expertise to advance their objectives.

At work, managers and leaders take a back seat and let their staff members make decisions. They may even allow them to set their own deadlines. 2 They don't provide a lot of input. 3. In politics: A political leader who demonstrates laissez-faire leadership would give little direction and let subordinates make decisions.

However, the autocratic style is best if the group's top goal is getting its work done fast because just one person needs to make the decisions. The autocratic approach is likewise most successful

Read more on leadership here:https://brainly.com/question/12522775


specific references that illustrate ideas are a. analogies. b. connectives. c. testimony. d. examples.


Brief example are a specific case referred to in passing to illustrate a point.

Hence, Option D is correct.

A brief instance a specific instance that is briefly mentioned to highlight a point. expanded illustration a lengthy tale, narrative, or anecdote produced to make a point.Expert testimony and peer testimony are the two types of testifying.A writer will make a clear statement of their key concept in a paragraph. This major topic may be introduced at the start, middle, or end of the paragraph. The theme sentence of that paragraph is the one in which the primary concept is expressed.

To know more about Testimony here



(q008) which barrier to problem solving are you failing to overcome when you continue to push on a door to get to the next room when what you really need to do (according to the sign on the door) is pull on it?


Mental set: A mental set is the term used to describe the brain's propensity to disregard alternatives and stick with the most comfortable answer to a situation.

The element thought to be necessary for the long-term mental set's persistence—which may not be necessary for the short-term mental set—is a comparable dilemma condition. This study used a task that involved breaking down Chinese characters in order to identify the boundary requirements for the short-term mental set's persistence. Participants were given one of two options: they could complete a practice problem that could be resolved by applying a known loose chunk decomposition (loose solution) followed by a test question, or they could repeatedly complete 5-8 practice questions followed by a test question. The former option is known as the base-set condition, and the latter is known as the enhanced-set condition.

learn more about Mental set here:



you believe were violated during pinochet's regime and explain how/why. also, what do you believe can be done, if anything, to ensure that atrocities like this never happen again?


Under General Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship in Chile, heinous acts of physical and sexual torture as well as psychological harm were among the systematic human rights abuses that were committed.

Following his ascent to power, Pinochet pursued communists, socialists, and political opponents. As a result, 1,200 to 3,200 individuals were put to death, 80,000 were imprisoned, and tens of thousands were subjected to torture.

They also slashed taxes, privatized state-run banks, industries, and industries, cut tariffs, and made the central bank independent among other measures. "Make Chile not a nation of proletarians, but a nation of entrepreneurs," was Pinochet's proclaimed goal.

During his administration, political division, hyperinflation, lockouts, economic sanctions, CIA-sponsored interventionism, and a botched coup attempt in June 1973 all contributed to a climate of civil unrest in Chilean politics.

To know more about 'pinochet' related questions



The probability that inventory will remain in stock based upon a specified level of safety stock is called.


The probability that inventory will remain in stock based upon a specified level of safety stock is called service level stock.

Safety stock ensures and maintains a company's effective production processes during busy periods or unexpected increases in demand.

Service Level stock indicates the likelihood that a company's inventory at the time of the lead will be sufficient to meet demand and production requirements. Therefore, there will be no shortages during the lead time.

Successful stock management is about finding the quantity of product you need and the best time to get more profit and cost savings. This situation is called the "optimal order point".

Learn more about safety stock here:  



identify the ways in which social class explains some apparent differences between black and white children in academic achievement and attainment.


The poverty rate among black children is significantly higher than the poverty rate among white children, for the following reasons.

-Compared to white families, black families are less affluent.

-Once socioeconomic class background is taken into account, black and white kids have equal chances of graduating from high school.

The racial gap in the US is a well-known socioeconomic inequity. White children outperform all other racial/ethnic groups on national tests in science, math, and reading, particularly when compared to Black and Hispanic students. These gaps are typically explained by the racialized nature of socioeconomic inequalities as the main drivers of racial/ethnic academic achievement gaps, as well as the role of socioeconomic resources, neighbourhood and school characteristics, and family composition in patterning socioeconomic inequalities.

To know more about racial gap:



what did white supremacist groups hope to accomplish by violating african-american rights?


The white supremacist groups hope to accomplish this by violating African-American rights is enact laws that codified inequality.

On March 1, 1874, a group of Louisiana Confederate veterans, calling themselves champions of hereditary civilization and Christianity formed the White League. After the Civil War African Americans were protected by the Thirteenth Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 allowed to vote and actively participate in the political process. enjoyed the times. Get the previous owner's land and find your own land. Widespread violence against black and white Republicans in Louisiana and Mississippi. The end of federal interference in southern affairs led to the widespread disenfranchisement of Black voters.

Learn more about The white supremacist here:- https://brainly.com/question/8120882


the qualities of freedom and self-governance seen in the internet and social media have led many to celebrate them as a technological solution to which key issues?


The traits of freedom and self-governance seen inside the net and social media have led many to have fun with them as a technological technique to key issues and growing disenchantment with politics and loss of citizen participation inside the political method.

The arena-wide net is primarily based on numerous distinctive technologies: net browsers, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and Hypertext switch Protocol (HTTP). a web browser is used to access internet pages. net browsers may be described as programs that show text, data, photos, animation, and video on the internet.

On the internet, a single person can talk with as massive a target market as a multinational agency.

Learn more about technology here



which of the following is not one of the big five factors? group of answer choices agreeableness neuroticism openness introversion conscientiousness


Introversion is not one of the big five factors. There are 5-Factor model of personality of human personality. They are extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Many modern and traditional studies in psychology highlight 5 essential components of character. Proof of this hypothesis has developed throughout the years with the guideline hypothesis arising in 1949.

Numerous contemporary character clinicians accept that there are five essential components of character, frequently alluded to as the Big 5 human personality. These five essential character attributes are extraversion (frequently spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism.

Extraversion is sociability, agreeableness is kindness, openness is creativity and intrigue, conscientiousness is thoughtfulness, and neuroticism often involves sadness or emotional instability.

Know more about the Big 5 human personality - https://brainly.com/question/14934615


after his last drinking spree, nadeem fakim hid a half-empty liquor bottle. he couldn't remember where he hid it until he started drinking again. mr. fakim's pattern of recall best illustrates:


After his last drinking spree, nadeem fakim hid a half-empty liquor bottle. he couldn't remember where he hid it until he started drinking again. mr. fakim's pattern of recall best illustrates: state-dependent memory.

State-established memory or state-based studying is the phenomenon where human beings recollect greater statistics if their physical or intellectual nation is the identical at time of encoding and time of recollect

Context-structured forgetting can arise while the surroundings throughout do not forget isn't like the surroundings you have been in while you were gaining knowledge of. state-dependent forgetting takes place while your temper or physiological state during don't forget isn't the same as the temper you were in when you were mastering.

Learn more about state-dependent memory here:https://brainly.com/question/23538837

What very large country has been experiencing unusual, violent protests, specifically about their leaders’ policies concerning covid?


Protests became rare when the government cut off most avenues for collective action. But prevalent Covid rules.

The main cause of poverty in Yemen is the lack of basic resources such as water health care and education. Rural and remote areas are physically intellectually economically and socially isolated from the rest of the world. Moreover, Yemen faces another problem.

Over 4 million people are internally displaced due to the conflict. The Covid-19 pandemic worsened the humanitarian crisis. Civilians across the country suffered from worsening economic conditions and a lack of basic services. Southern Yemen witnessed protests over deteriorating economic conditions and basic services.

Learn more about Violent protests here:- https://brainly.com/question/855927


A type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as ______.


A type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as internationalism.

A kingdom's overseas policy or outside policy is its goals and sports in relation to its interactions with different states, unions, and different political entities, whether or not bilaterally or thru multilateral structures. overseas coverage is the mechanism country-wide governments use to guide their diplomatic interactions and relationships with different international locations. A kingdom's foreign policy displays its values and goals, and facilitates pressure its political and economic aims inside the worldwide area.

The 4 primary objectives of U.S. overseas coverage are the protection of America and its residents and allies, the guarantee of continuing to get right of entry to to international assets and markets, the maintenance of a stability of power in the global, and the safety of human rights and democracy.

Learn more about foreign policy here: https://brainly.com/question/9909886


intimate partner violence is the most common killer of women around the world today. t or f


Intimate partner violence is the most common killer of women around the world today: True.

What is a relationship abuse?

A relationship abuse can be defined as an abusive and coercive behavior which is typically used by bullies and intolerant persons to maintain power and control over their intimate partner.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is one of the most common forms

of gender-based violence, especially against women and it occurs among all religious, socioeconomic, and cultural groups with the following characteristics;

Physical abuse.Sexual abuse.Emotional abuse.Controlling behaviors.

According to the statistics issued by World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN), intimate partner violence (IPV) has led to the death of many women around the world.

Read more on relationship abuse here: brainly.com/question/5431630


what is true about integrative bargaining? multiple choice it is an adversarial negotiation in which the parties in conflict compete to win the most resources. it focuses on the people and not the problem. it helps parties in conflict to keep focused on the source of conflict and avoid the temptation to discredit one another. it helps parties in conflict not to care if their interpersonal relationship is damaged or destroyed by their competitive negotiation. it helps parties in conflict to meet their demands rather than their interests.


Answer: it helps parties in conflict to keep focused on the source of conflict and avoid the temptation to discredit one another

Explanation: because integrative bargaining is a type of win -win situation.

Under this situation, the seller and consumer will agree on a solution which will be beneficial to both.

according to hindson, privatization of religion and the idea that humans should keep their religion to themselves has increased due to two facts. these are:


According to Hindson, the privatization of religion and the idea that humans should keep their religion to themselves has increased due to two facts. These are Atheism and Islamic influence.

Atheism is one thing: a lack of belief in gods. Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. But, Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Measuring atheism is complicated.

Learn more about privatisation of religion here:



what are the four characteristics of subsistence farming


Subsistence farming is a type of farming in which nearly all of the crops or livestock raised are used to support the farmer and his or her family, with little, if any, surplus available for sale or trade. Subsistence farming was practiced by preindustrial agricultural peoples all over the world.

Subsistence agriculture occurs when farmers grow food crops on smallholdings to meet the needs of themselves and their families.  Subsistence farmers maximize farm output for survival and mostly for local needs, with little or no surplus.

Planting decisions are made primarily with what the family will require in the coming year in mind, with market prices coming in second. Tony Waters, a sociology professor, defines "subsistence peasants" as "people who grow what they eat, build their own houses, and live without making regular market purchases."

What is subsistence farming advantages and disadvantages?

In the Pacific SIDS, traditional subsistence farming is practiced on more than half of all small farms. It has the advantage of being ecologically sound, with species and cultivars that are locally adapted and resilient. The disadvantage is that productivity is low.

Learn more about subsistence farming to visit this link



in your professor's description of a psychological disorder, they keep returning to its cardinal trait: the inability to remember important personal information and life events. what disorder are they describing?


The disorder described here is Dissociative Amnesia. The inability to remember important personal information and life events are its symptoms.

Dissociative amnesia occurs when a person blocks out certain events, often associated with stress or trauma, leaving the person unable to remember important personal information.

This forgetting may be limited to certain specific areas or may include much of the person's life history and/or identity. Dissociative amnesia is one of a group of conditions called dissociative disorders.

Learn more about dissociative amnesia here:



1. larry has been diagnosed as suffering from: a. antisocial disorder. b. obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. bipolar disorder. d. paranoid schizophrenia.


Larry has been diagnosed as suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD is one of the most widely recognized neurodevelopmental problems of life as a youngster. It is generally first analyzed in adolescence and frequently endures into adulthood. Kids with ADHD might experience difficulty focusing, controlling incautious ways of behaving (may act without pondering what the outcome will be), or alternately be excessively dynamic.

A child with ADHD might:

daydream a lotless focussquirm or fidgettalk too muchmake careless mistakes or take unnecessary riskshave a hard time resisting temptationhave trouble taking turnshave difficulty getting along with others

Know more about ADHD - https://brainly.com/question/7774650


Complete Question is -

Larry has difficulty organizing his daily schedule of work responsibilities. He often makes careless mistakes or fails

to complete his work because he is easily distracted. Larry's behavior is most characteristic of

A. hypochondriasis.

B. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

C. generalized anxiety disorder.

D. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What is the relationship between local and state governments?


Local governments derive most of their power and authority from state governments and have more frequent relations of local governments with state governments.

It is common to describe the relationship between state and municipal governments in the United States as being one-sided, with state governments dominating local governments' rights and powers. Even so, much of a citizen's involvement with their local governments—whether they be at the county, municipal, school district, or special district levels—takes place at these levels. Since the establishment of the republic, the relationship between these two tiers of government has changed. Local governments are strictly curtailed in exercising any power unless it is implied by the state via decentralization.

To learn more about local and state government, follow the below link:



average income for adults still varies widely across gender and racial groups in the united states, which tells us that:


Average income for adults still varies widely across gender and racial groups in the united states, which tells us that income is correlated with race and gender.

Over time and among nations of all income levels, gender inequality is closely linked to income disparity. In developed nations, where there are more equal economic opportunities for men and women, gender differences in economic engagement are the main cause of income inequality.

The average Black and Hispanic or Latino household in the United States earns almost half as much as the average White household and has just 15% to 20% as much net wealth.

Technology advancement, globalization, commodity price fluctuations, and domestic economic policies such redistributive fiscal policies, labor and product market policies are some of the major causes of the rise in intra-country income inequality documented in the literature.

Know more about income:



which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality?


Borderline personality disorder  has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality.

Neuroticism additionally plays an critical function within the development of melancholy. especially, scholars have discovered that neuroticism now not handiest is extensively related to depressive signs but additionally has huge predictive consequences on depressive signs and symptoms (4).

Neuroticism is a character trait characterized through disappointment, moodiness, and emotional instability.1 individuals who are excessive in neuroticism generally tend to revel in mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sadness. those low on this character trait have a tendency to be extra stable and emotionally resilient.

Folks that are high in neuroticism can from time to time be seen as stressful. as an example, someone with neurotic behaviors might grate at the nerves of these round them by means of: Being vital of others. Being overly depending on others, or soliciting for help in place of figuring things out for themselves.

Learn more about Neuroticism  here



1. unlike other prisoners, the men in span one felt no . a. compassion b. anger c. guilt d. fear


unlike other prisoners, the men in span one felt no guilt

The popular book "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" revealed that, in contrast to other prisoners, the men in span had no sense of guilt.

To know more about the book "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" visit https://brainly.com/question/15267765?referrer=searchResults


How do the events of the final chapters explain the first sentence in the whole novel?


In the book ‘To Kill the Mockingbird’, in the first sentence, Scout says that Jem broke his arm when he was 13 without explaining how. In the final chapters it is shown that he broke his arm when Mr. Ewell tried to kill him.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an American novel written by Harper Lee. The novel was published in 1960 and experienced instant success. It is widely read in middle and high schools in the United States. It is considered a classic of modern American literature and won the Pulitzer Prize. It is a young girl's coming-of-age story as well as a darker drama about the roots and consequences of racism and prejudice, probing how good and evil can coexist within a single community or individual. The most important theme of the novel is exploration of the moral nature of human beings, whether people are essentially good or essentially evil. The first sentence of the novel is ‘When he was nearly thirteen my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow’. However, it is not explained how. In the final chapters, it is explained that he broke his arm when Mr. Ewell tried to kill him.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: In To Kill the Mockingbird, how do the events of the final chapters explain the first sentence in the whole novel?

Learn more about To Kill the Mockingbird:



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