during which prelinguistic stage does the child begin to communicate to adults through imitation games with vocal productions?


Answer 1

The first words typically appear during the prelinguistic stage, which lasts from birth to twelve months.

The first words typically appear during the prelinguistic stage, which lasts from birth to twelve months. Parents must be aware of a number of significant occurrences at this stage.

The baby communicates through crying from birth, which indicates that the baby does not like something, that they are hungry, that they are tired, and that they are sleepy. The parents' response to the baby crying will provide security in the future and help them understand their needs and feelings.

Towards the end of the second and third months of life, chirping, or guttural sounds at the end of the throat such as "agu," "ago," and certain cries, begin to appear, allowing the infants to discover and experiment with their own voice.

This is characterized by a combination of vowel and consonant sounds characterized by sounds of maximum articulatory opposition using an occlusive sound such as the P and an open vowel such as the A. It is for this reason that you hear your baby repeatedly articulating syllables such as ta-ta-ta or pa-pa. Between the fifth and sixth month, reduplicative babbling occurs. This is characterized by sounds of maximum articulatory.

To know more about prelinguistic stage, visit:-



Related Questions

which universalizing religion is unique in that has one dominant location? which universalizing religion is unique in that has one dominant location? buddhism islam christianity sikhism bahai


Christianity is a worldwide religion that is distinct in that it has a position of authority.

In Europe, the Americas, the Philippines, East Timor, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Oceania, Christianity is the most common religion and faith.

With over two billion followers, Christianity is the greatest universalizing religion both geographically and numerically. Christianity is monotheistic, holding that God is a Trinity and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. It is based on the teachings of Jesus.

Ethnic faiths, on the other hand, frequently stay concentrated in a single area. Universalizing religions' widespread practice. Asia is where the three biggest world religions originated.

To learn more about Christianity



Why do countries have subsidies and tariffs?


Tariffs and subsidies both raise the price of imported goods relative to domestic goods, reducing imports. Trade barriers are frequently referred to as "protection" because their stated purpose is to shield or advance specific industries or segments of an economy.

Tariffs, or import taxes, are the most common type of trade barrier. Tariffs raise the cost of imported goods in comparison to domestic goods (good produced at home). Another common trade barrier is a government subsidy to a specific domestic industry. Subsidies make those goods less expensive to produce than they would be in foreign markets.

Tariffs or subsidies: which is preferable?

Abstract. Subsidies are superior to tariffs for achieving any economic or non-economic goal in the absence of directly trade-related distortions or policy goals, according to trade theory.

Learn more about Tariffs and subsidies  to visit this link



the fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make.


Fundamental attribution error is a default attribution that all people make, it is the tendency of an individual to attribute another's conduct to their character or personality, while attributing their own behavior to external environmental causes beyond their control.

The fundamental attribution error is a cognitive bias that leads people to overestimate the role of personal factors and underestimate the role of situational factors in influencing others' behavior.

For example, when we see people behaving rudely, we tend to attribute it to their personality rather than the situation they may be in. This cognitive bias can lead to misunderstandings and conflict, as we tend to judge others more harshly than in situational factors involved.

To know more about attribution, click here.



which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?


The Mongol Empire should be the right answer.

What are 4 services that the local government provides?


The services provided by the local government are public education and safety, infrastructure and various social services.

The lowest tier of governmental administration within a state is referred to as local government. Local governments provide a wide range of services to their communities. The services provided by them include -

Public education: Local governments are responsible for providing public education to children in their communities. This often includes funding and overseeing schools, and providing support for teachers and other staff.

Public safety: Local governments are responsible for keeping their communities safe. It includes providing services such as police, ambulance and fire protection.

Infrastructure: Local governments are responsible for maintaining and improving the infrastructure in their communities, such as roads, bridges, and public utilities.

Social services: Local governments also provide social services to their communities, such as assistance for low-income families, services for children and services for elderly and people with disabilities.

Read more about local governments on:



the cognitive advantages enjoyed by people who regularly get plenty of sleep is most consistent with which theory of sleep?


The cognitive advantages enjoyed by people who regularly get plenty of sleep is most consistent with restorative theory of sleep.

Based on cognitive studies, the information consolidation theory of sleep postulates that people sleep in order to integrate knowledge they have learned throughout the day. This hypothesis contends that sleep enables the brain to prepare for the day ahead in addition to processing information from the day before.

The Inactivity hypothesis, Energy conservation theory, Restoration theory, and Brain plasticity theory are a few well-known ideas that have studied the brain and make an effort to explain why humans sleep.

To know more about Sleep here



how do anthropologists refer to the way in which cultural institutions and systems of power interconnect to affect individual lives and group experiences? a. sexual discourse b. intersectionality c. hegemony d. sexology


The Correct answer is b) Intersectionality. Intersectionality is used by anthropologists as a term to refer to the way of powerful systems interconnect to affect the lives of an individual.

The critical framework of intersectionality equips us with the mindset and language necessary to investigate the connections and dependencies that exist between social categories and systems.

Because it provides theoretical explanations of the ways in which heterogeneous members of specific groups (like women) might experience the workplace differently depending on their ethnicity, sexual discourse, and/or class, as well as other social locations, intersectionality is relevant for both practitioners and researchers.

Insight into issues of social justice and inequality in organisations and other institutions is enhanced by sensitivity to such differences, which increases the likelihood of social change.

Learn more about Anthropologists here:



what does feingold argue will happen to human trafficking if international borders are tightened?


Human rights violations such as prostitution of women, children, and occasionally young men are atrocious, but labor trafficking is probably more common.

Human rights violations such as and occasionally young men are atrocious, but labor trafficking is probably more common. The global labor market is significantly larger than the labour market, as well as field studies of victims of trafficking around the world. Insights on the "end use" of dealt individuals are frequently problematic on the grounds that they tend to overrepresent the labour exchange. Men, for instance, are excluded from Thailand's statistics on human trafficking because men are not eligible as victims under the country's national law. However, of the estimated 9.5 million forced labor victims in Asia, less than 10% are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation, according to a comprehensive ILO study from 2005. According to the same report, less than half of all victims of trafficking worldwide are involved in the sex trade. However, labor trafficking is not exactly benign. Beats, sexual assault, forced labor without pay, sleep deprivation were common among Burmese domestic workers in Thailand, according to a study conducted by Mahidol University's Institute for Population and Social Research. Another study by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) looked at East African girls who were trafficked to the Middle East and found that most of them were going to work in oppressive domestic jobs and were frequently beaten on the way. Additionally, boys from Burma and Cambodia are frequently trafficked onto deep-sea commercial fishing vessels, some of which spend up to two years at sea. Boys who fall ill are frequently thrown overboard, according to preliminary research, and ten percent of these young crews never return.

To know more about labor trafficking visit https://brainly.com/question/29352749?referrer=searchResults


discuss at least two ways in which european colonialism set patterns for urban geographies and urban systems in these regions.


The colonial system thus organized African societies so that they produced exports that provided only minimal returns to local labor (Amin, 1972). It restructured peasant agriculture, introduced new administrative systems, and changed the pattern of urbanization.

Colonialism is described as “manage by using one energy over a established area or human beings.” It occurs whilst one state subjugates another, conquering its populace and exploiting it, regularly while forcing its own language and cultural values upon its humans. There are 4 not unusual characteristics of colonialism: political and prison domination over an alien society. family members of economics and political dependence. exploitation between imperial powers and the colony.

Colonial schooling strips the colonized people far away from their indigenous gaining knowledge of systems and draws them closer to the systems of the colonizers (see Frantz Fanon). an awful lot of the reasoning that favors this sort of gaining knowledge of the system comes from the supremacist ideas of the colonizers.

Learn more about Colonialism here: https://brainly.com/question/8048490


assume that you support the school choice movement. what are you likely to say is the reason that u.s. public schools perform poorly?


Assume that you support the school choice movement. Schools have no competition is the reason that US public schools perform poorly.

Many conservatives think that cultural and social changes, the majority of which started in the 1960s, eroded classroom discipline, the moral foundation of education, and a common understanding of what kids should learn, which is why American public schools is in such terrible shape now. Many proponents of free markets argue that improving public education through market competition will address many of the country's educational issues.

If children choose to watch television instead of doing their homework—and parents permit them to—providing them with chances at public school does not ensure success. We exaggerate the importance of policymaking when we believe that any collection of reform ideas can miraculously produce a population that is well-educated. Initiative is a skill that is necessary for education yet is notoriously difficult to instill.

Learn more about Public Schools here:



how does king menander argue against nagasena assertion that the name nagasena is only a practical designation and does not refer to any permanent individual?


Menander I used to be also called Milinda. He turned into an Indo-Greek ruler who belonged to the residence of Euthedemus. The ebook Milindpanho which became written in hundred thirty BC in Pali talks approximately his conversion to Buddhism. He was converted to Buddhism by means of a monk named Nagasena.

Menander, (born c. 342—died c. 292 BCE) was an Athenian dramatist whom ancient critics considered the splendid poet of Greek New Comedy—i.e., the ultimate flowering of Athenian-level comedy. during his life, his fulfillment changed limited; although he wrote greater than a hundred plays, he received the best 8 victories at Athenian dramatic festivals.

The residence belonged to Quintus Poppaeus, one of the Poppaeus family to whom Nero's 2nd spouse, Poppaea Sabina, maximum likely belonged. It extends over 2,000 square meters and reflects the traditional layout of a Roman residence, with its Atrium and Peristyle in addition to servants' quarters and a tub-house.

Learn more about Roman here



Leah wants to get a home loan from her bank. Which agency would regulate that loan to ensure it is fair?fda- food and drug administrationsec- u. S. Securities and exchange commissioncfpb- consumer financial protection bureaufcc- federal communications commission.


The agency which would regulate that loan to ensure it is fair for Leah who wants to get a home loan from her bank is the CFPB-Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

What is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a U.S. government agency which dedicated to making sure people are treated fairly by banks, lenders and other financial institutions.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aim to make consumer financial markets work for consumers, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole. CFPB protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that break the law. CFPB also arm people with the information, steps, and tools which they need to make smart financial decisions.

Learn more about Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at: https://brainly.com/question/8122615


dejon is very connected to his family and values harmony and group interdependence. dejon comes from a culture that would be considered?


Respect. once we move beyond judgment and begin to understand the cultural basis for practices that diverge from our own, we may come to respect differences. participation, in which we interdependence some of the practices and values of other groups into our own lives.

Cultural approach relating to a particular society and its thoughts, customs, and art. ... a deep sense of personal honor which becomes a part of his cultural historical past. the two basic sorts of way of life are cloth tradition, bodily things produced by a society, and nonmaterial lifestyle, intangible matters produced by way of a society. motors might be an instance of yank cloth lifestyle, whilst our devotion to equality is part of our nonmaterial tradition.

There are five key cultural characteristics that are shared by using human societies. those are that lifestyle is found out, shared, symbolic, integrated, and dynamic. lifestyle isn't always idea to be innate or inherited. alternatively, human beings examine culture as it's miles shared by way of others around them.

Learn more about cultural here: https://brainly.com/question/2846111


the joint staff is under exclusive authority, direction, and control of the _____.


The joint staff is under exclusive authority, direction, and control of theChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The United States Joint Chiefs of Staff's presiding officer is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff . The chairman serves as the president, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense as well as being the highest ranking and most senior military officer in the United States Armed Forces. Despite having a higher rank than all other commissioned officers, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is not allowed by law to exercise operational command authority over the armed forces; instead, the chairman supports the president and the secretary of defence in carrying out their command responsibilities.

To know more about Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:



Explain how IPM can help reduce pesticide use and increase agricultural efficiency.


IPM can help reduce the use of pesticide in ways like  rotating between different crops, selecting pest-resistant varieties, and planting pest-free rootstock.

What is IPM?

IPM, an ecosystem-based strategy, aims to avoid pests or the harm they cause over the long term by using a variety of strategies, including biological control, habitat management, altering cultural practices, and the adoption of resistant cultivars. Pesticides are only used when monitoring suggests they are required in accordance with set standards, and treatments are carried out with the intention of eliminating only the target organism. Materials for pest management are chosen and used in a way that poses the fewest dangers to the environment, beneficial and nontarget creatures, and human health.

Monitoring involves examining your building, farm, forest, or other place to determine whether pests are there, how many there are, and what harm they have done.

to learn more about IPM click:



with which type of personality is the balance sheet method of obtaining a commitment most likely to be successful?


With Analytical type of buyers' personality is the balance sheet method of obtaining a commitment most likely to be successful.

Between the liability and equity parts of a balance sheet, a line titled "Commitments and Contingencies" is common. The odd thing is that no dollar amounts are given. Commitments receive special consideration. Despite the fact that there will be a payment in the future, commitments are not recorded as liabilities on the balance sheet. If specific conditions are met, contingencies may be listed as a liability on the balance sheet. The balance sheet method is a technique used by salespeople to win a customer's commitment by having the customer weigh the advantages and disadvantages of several options.

With which type of buyers' personality is the balance sheet method of obtaining a commitment most likely to be successful?

A) Ambitious

B) Optimistic

C) Expressive

D) Empathetic

E) Analytical

Learn more about balance sheet method here:



what currently available treatments are most effective for individuals with autism spectrum disorders


Behavioral approaches have the most evidence for treating symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

Therapies for behavior and communication The variety of social, language, and behavioral issues associated with autism spectrum disorder are addressed by numerous programs. Some programs focus on teaching new skills and reducing problematic behaviors.

Therapies based on education. Highly structured educational programs often work well for children with autism spectrum disorder. A team of experts and a variety of activities to improve social skills, communication, and behavior are typically part of successful programs. Intensive, individualized behavioral interventions for preschoolers frequently result in positive outcomes.

Therapies for families Parents and other members of the family can learn how to play with and interact with their children in a way that teaches them social skills, how to deal with problematic behaviors, and how to communicate and live a normal life.

To know more about autism spectrum disorder  visithttps://brainly.com/question/12356425?referrer=searchResults


which thoguth would be least characteristis of someone experiencing obsessise compulsive disorder, according to the cognitive perspective


"Let the good times roll. Don't worry about tomorrow", is a thought least characteristic of someone experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

An ongoing mental health disease called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessions, compulsions, or both. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 2 to 3 percent of Americans suffer from this illness.

Obsessions—repeating undesirable thoughts that cause an intense need to repeat a certain behavior—are a common symptom of OCD. To help themselves stop having obsessive thoughts, they then act out that impulse or compulsion. Many individuals check twice to be sure the front door is secured or the stove is off. Additionally, it's highly typical to practice one or more superstitions, such as knocking on wood or donning your team's jersey when they play. Although these routines may increase your sense of security, OCD is not always implied by them.

To know more about obsessive-compulsive disorder :


which of the following is a common criticism of surveillance tools? group of answer choices the technology is too accurate. the technology is misunderstood. the technology is invasive. the technology is free from racial bias. the technology reduces inequity.


The most common criticism of surveillance tools is that they the technology is invasive.

Hence, Option C is correct.

One of the most popular surveillance techniques is the use of video cameras. Surveillance can be classified as direct, pre constructive, or reconstructive. The term "covert surveillance" refers to monitoring or watching someone using procedures that are concealed or disguised so the target is unaware of it. The term "overt surveillance" refers to the deployment of instruments that are obvious and recognizable, such a well marked CCTV system.

A digital video surveillance system is one that can record images and movies that can later be stored, sent across communication networks, or both. Systems for digital video surveillance can be employed in almost any setting.

To know more about Surveillance here



Mr. Dolphus Raymond is evidently a complicated and interesting person. Describe his way of life and comment on its effect upon the town.


Life is the experience of living and growing, learning, interacting with others, and adapting to the environment. It involves physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components.

What does Environment mean?

The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates are referred to as the environment. It encompasses both the physical environment, such as climate, geography, and natural resources, as well as the social environment, which includes culture, institutions, and economic systems.

Describe his (Mr. Dolphus Raymond) way of life ?

Mr. Dolphus Raymond is an enigmatic figure in the town of Maycomb. He lives a life of conspicuousness, openly flouting social conventions by living with a poor African-American woman and having mixed-race children. Despite the disapproval of the townspeople, Mr. Raymond lives life on his own terms and enjoys the freedom it gives him.

Comment on its effect upon the town.

The impact of Mr. Raymond's lifestyle on the town is significant. His presence is a reminder to the people of Maycomb that times are changing, and that the traditions and conventions of the past are no longer as rigidly enforced. His behavior also serves as an example of how to be an individual, and to challenge the norms of society without fear of retribution. This ultimately encourages people to be more open-minded and tolerant of those who are different.

To know more about Environment,



what did the inpede od study show about massachusetts cities and towns where overdose education and naloxone rescue kits were implemented?


Fatal opioid overdose rates were increased were implemented.

Symptoms of overdosing on opioids, a class of narcotics that includes heroin and some prescription painkillers, include both physical and mental symptoms.

A life-threatening overdose necessitates prompt emergency care. The biggest risk group includes those who use large amounts of opioid medicines, are middle-aged, have a history of substance misuse, or are taking other sedatives.

Shallow breathing, disorientation, lowered attention, and loss of consciousness are possible symptoms.

An opioid overdose is a medical emergency, so you should call emergency services right once. Naloxone is one of the drugs used in treatments to counteract the effects of opioids. If breathing is difficult, a breathing machine may be helpful.

To know more Poison here



which of these mutations will have an effect on the protein produced by the gene in which the mutation occurs? select all that apply.


Missene mutations ill have an effect on the protein produced by the gene in which the mutation occurs.

A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism. Mutations can be caused by errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens or  viral infection. There are three types of DNA mutations: base substitutions, deletions and insertions. Most mutations are not harmful, but some can be.

A harmful mutation can cause genetic disorders or even cancer. Another type of mutation is a chromosomal mutation. Located in the nucleus of a cell, chromosomes are small thread-like structures that carry genes. Mutations can be caused by errors in DNA replication during cell division, exposure to mutagens or  viral infection. Germline mutations (occurring in eggs and sperm) can be passed on to offspring, but somatic mutations (occurring in body cells) cannot.

Learn about mutation:



kahera wears deodorant every day. wearing deodorant does not mean that kahera will smell 'good' but it keeps her from smelling 'bad.' how does this provide an example for herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory?


The two-factor theory contends that job happiness and discontent exist on two distinct continuum, each with its own set of elements. It is sometimes referred to as Herzberg's motivation-hygiene hypothesis.

This contradicts the conventional understanding of job satisfaction, which holds that discontent and job satisfaction are related. In their original study, Herzberg and his colleagues looked into fourteen variables that were related to job satisfaction and categorized them as either motivating or sanitary variables. While the existence of hygiene elements reduces job discontent, motivation factors boost it.Although newer theories of motivation have mostly taken their place in academia,

learn more about hygiene theory   here:



22. Which of the following is not a medium of transmission? Memos Policy Statements Discussions None of the above​



see explanation


Which of the following is not a medium of transmission?


B.Policy Statements


D None of the above ​above​

The correct answer is B (policy statements)

(Hope this helped you )

research on the relationship between dysfunctional smooth-pursuit eye movement and schizophrenia has suggested that this dysfunction may be


Schizophrenia has suggested that this dysfunction may be associated with a predisposition to schizophrenia.

Patients with schizophrenia and a large number of their relatives exhihixbit hampered smooth pursuit eye tracking. Although the underlying neural mechanisms of this impairment are unknown, it is suggested that there is impaired perceptual processing of motion signals because it is accompanied by decreased open-loop acceleration and closed-loop gain.The demands of a poor setting can create stressors that aren't present in wealthier areas and lead to fewer intellectually engaging activities.There is proof that schizophrenia interferes with the ability to recognize contours in the visual field, perceive contrast and motion, and identify faces or facial expressions.

To know more about Schizophrenia here



Four-year-old samuel loves to pretend that he is a businessman. He wears little neckties and bangs his hands on a toy laptop. How would george herbert mead best describe this behavior?.


George Herbert Mead would describe Samuel behavior in pretending to be a businessman by wearing a necktie and banging on a toy laptop as a play stage in a self development process.

George Herbert Mead was an American sociologist and psychologist who came up with the theory of stages of self. The first stage is the preparatory stage in which the children will try to imitate and use gestures and objects in communicating with others. The second stage is the play stage where the children, such as in the case of Samuel, would love to take on different roles and characters of the adults in their environment by pretending to be policeman, businessman, fireman and so forth. The third and final stage is the game stage in which children are actually involved in a group activities and learn their actual role and the role of others within a group while learning to follow rules.

To learn more about George Herbert Mead visit: https://brainly.com/question/5171929


Thanksgiving day is celebrated in canada on the second monday in october. what united states holiday falls on that day?


In Canada, the second Monday in October is celebrated as Thanksgiving Day. In America, the second Monday of October is celebrated as Columbus Day.

What is Columbus day?

America celebrates Columbus Day to commemorate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

Christopher Columbus reached America on October 12, 1492. This historic day was then celebrated every year as "Columbus Day" until now. But in the United States, Columbus Day is set to be held on the second Monday in October.

Americans are legally required to celebrate the anniversary of their country's discovery with church services and other activities. In some cities parades and big events are held.

Learn more about Christopher Columbus here :



(a) how did this make you feel? can you see how resistance may hint that someone is defending themselves against difficult personal understandings? how can interpreting the resistance help them resolve underlying issues and anxieties?


In psychoanalysis, resistance is loosely defined as a client's unwillingness to discuss a particular topic in therapy.

Freud described resistance as an attempt to impede the analyst's. attempts at getting the patient to apprehend and relax the defenses. in opposition to his turning into conscious of repressed impulses. Freud drew. attention to the reality that reading resistance is the most crucial a part of our psychoanalytic work. Having evolved the principle of resistance via his direct reports with patients present process therapy, Sigmund Freud observed that patients could avoid topics and topics that struck too intently to uncomfortable memories or unacceptable emotions and dreams.

Learn more about psychoanalytic here:



a criminal prosecution requires proof by the prosecution of a guilty mind. mens rea can be established by evidence that a defendant acted:


A criminal prosecution requires proof by the prosecution of a guilty mind. mens rea can be established by evidence that a defendant acted:

with purpose and with recklessness.

Any government activity intended to enforce criminal laws, including those involving infractions that carry the potential for prison time, is referred to as CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.In criminal law, prosecute means to bring legal action against someone. The prosecuting attorney, such as a local District Attorney, state Attorney General, or federal United States Attorney, is the one who starts such activities.The prosecution should work to clear the guilty and protect the innocent, take into account the needs of victims and witnesses, and respect the legal and constitutional rights of everyone—including suspects and defendants.

To know more about Criminal prosecution here



charles is placed in the strange situation, causing him to weep and wail. when his mother returns, he continues crying and is difficult to comfort. what kind of attachment style is charles demonstrating?


The Strange Situation is a semi-structured laboratory procedure that identifies infants who effectively use a primary caregiver as a secure base without requiring prolonged home observation.

In child psychology, what is the strange situation test?

The strange situation measures the early security of attachment depicted in the Attachment Theory by measuring how a child responds to separations and reunions with the parent.

How do infants of various attachment types respond to the bizarre circumstance?

It appears that a child with a disorganized or disoriented attachment style has inconsistent ways of coping with the strange situation's stress. During the separation, the child may cry but avoid her mother when she returns, or the child may approach her but freeze or fall to the ground.

To learn more about Attachment Theory here



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