why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


Answer 1

The big bang could able to produce only the highest heavier element helium due to very low temperature.

Big Bang nucleosynthesis produced only a few nuclei of factors heavier than lithium because of a bottleneck, the absence of a strong nucleus with eight or five nucleons. This deficit of large atoms additionally restricted the quantities of lithium-7 produced for the duration of BBN. In the early universe, it becomes too warm for factors to shape till numerous mins into the expansion. At that point, there have been just a few mins in which factors ought to shape earlier than it has become too cool for in addition nucleosynthesis. Thus the heavier element produced by the big bang explosion is helium

Learn more about the big bang in



Related Questions

the temperature of a blackbody radiator is increased. what will happen to the most intense wavelength of light emitted as this increase occurs?


The wavelength of the most intense radiation will decrease.

What is wavelength ?

The distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave is known as its wavelength. It is calculated using the wave's direction.

The temperature of a blackbody radiator is increased.

Most intense wavelength of light emitted as this increase occurs the wavelength of the most intense radiation will decrease

To learn more about wavelength checkout https://brainly.com/question/13533093


Calculate the speed of a horse that travels 512 m in 450 seconds.


It is an exercise of uniform rectilinear movement.

Uniform rectilinear motion is one in which an object moves in a straight line, in one direction, with a constant speed.

When we speak of constant speed, we mean that the movement maintains the same speed; That is, the object does not move faster or slower, always at the same speed.

Calculate the speed of a horse that travels 512 m in 450 seconds.


V = ?

d = 512 m

t = 450 s

The uniform motion formula is: V=d/t

We clear, but in this case it is not necessary, since we want to calculate the velocity.

     V = d/t      V = 512 m/450 s      V = 1.14 m/s

The speed of a horse that covers 512 m in 450 seconds is 1.14 m/s.

Answer: The speed registered by the horse is 1.13 seconds.

Step by step explanation:

¿Calculate the speed of a horse that travels 512 m in 450 seconds?


V = ?D = 512mT = 450 seconds

To calculate the speed of the horse, first we are going to divide but for this it is necessary to calculate its speed.

V = D/TV = 512 m/450 sV = 1,13 seconds.

Rpt: The speed registered by the horse is 1.13 seconds.

a beam of white light goes from air into water at an incident angle of 75o. at what angles are the red (660 nm) and violet (410 nm) parts of the light refracted? (nwater(red)


Red light (660 nm) has a refraction angle of about 43.6°, while violet light (410 nm) has a refraction angle of around 58.3°.

What angles do the red (660 nm) and violet (410 nm) components of light undergo refractive distortion?Dispersion is the process by which light of various hues refracts at various angles as it travels through a medium. The wave theory of light can be used to explain this occurrence.According to the wave theory of light, light is a wave rather than a particle, and the medium it travels through affects both its speed and wavelength. Light's speed drops when it travels through water, which causes it to refract at a different angle. The wavelength of the light affects the angle of refraction.The red light (with a wavelength of 660 nm) will refract at a larger angle than the violet light in the scenario where the white light enters the water at an incidence angle of 75o (with a wavelength of 410 nm).Snell's law, which states that the ratio of the refraction indexes equals the sine of the incident and refracted angles, can be used to determine this. In this instance, the water has a red light index of refraction of 1.33 and a violet light index of refraction of 1.34.We may determine the angle of refraction for red light as 81.45 using Snell's law.

To learn more about the wave theory of light refer to:



the siren of a fire engine that is driving northward at 40 m/s emits a sound of frequency 1500 hz. a truck in front of this fire engine is moving northward at 25 m/s. what is the frequency of the sound that the truck driver hears? assume the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s.


The frequency of sound that the truck driver hears is 1428.57 Hz.

Velocity of the fire engine = V = 40 m/s

Frequency of sound emitted by fire engine = F = 1500 Hz

Velocity of the truck = v = 25 m/s

Frequency of sound that the truck driver listens to = f =

= f = [( V' - V) / (V' - v )} X F

= f = [(343 - 40) / (343 - 25)] X 1500

= f = (303 / 318 ) X 1500

= f = 0.95 X 1500

= f = 1428.57 Hz

To know more about Frequency:



During a classroom lab activity, students built each of the circuits shown below and measured the current and resistance in each circuit. Each circuit contains a 1. 5-volt battery and each bulb has a resistance of 50 Ω.
When the switch is closed, in which circuit would resistance be the highest and current be lowest?


Circuit 2 would have the highest resistance and lowest current when the switch is closed.

This is because Circuit 2 has two bulbs in series, meaning that the current must pass through both bulbs to complete the circuit. This increases the overall resistance of the circuit, resulting in a lower current.

Note: This assumes that the other conditions, such as the size and quality of the bulbs and the battery, are the same in all of the circuits. If these conditions change, the resistance and current in the circuits may also change.

Learn more about the Electric Circuits here:




A chef needs to increase the temperature of a food dish. She thinks she can do this by stacking another dish on top of it. She has three dishes to choose from for the top dish: A, B, and C.

Which one of these dishes would make the food dish the warmest when placed on top of it? As part of your answer, explain how the energy and temperature of both the top dish and the food dish will change when the food dish warms up, and why.



It is not possible to determine which of the dishes, A, B, or C, would make the food dish the warmest without more information. In general, the temperature of the food dish will increase as a result of heat transfer from the top dish to the food dish. This transfer of heat will cause the temperature of the top dish to decrease. The amount of heat transferred and the resulting change in temperature for both dishes will depend on the heat capacities and initial temperatures of both dishes, as well as the amount of time they are in contact with each other. In order to determine which of the dishes, A, B, or C, would make the food dish the warmest, more information about these factors would be needed.


A gas is compressed by an isothermal process that decreases its volume by a factor of 2. In this process, the pressurea) does not changeb) increases by a factor of more than 2c) increases by a factor less than 2d) increases by a factor of 2


If the gas is an ideal gas, then the pressure will remain constant in an isothermal process. So the correct option is a.

In general, a gas is compressed by an isothermal process that decreases its volume by a factor of 2. In this process, the pressure will either remain constant (a) .

The behavior of the pressure in an isothermal process depends on the nature of the gas. If the gas is an ideal gas, then the pressure will remain constant since the temperature is constant and the ideal gas law states that pressure is proportional to the temperature. In this case, the answer would be (a).

Finally, if the gas is an ideal gas and the process is adiabatic, then the pressure will increase by a factor less than 2 (c). This is because adiabatic processes involve a decrease in temperature, leading to a decrease in pressure.

Learn more about ideal gas at :https://brainly.com/question/28257995


Is infrared in the visible spectrum?



Close, but not for most humans.  Infrared (IR) is on the edge of what is called the Visible Spectrum.  It is one of many electromagnetic waves that include visibile light IR, ultraviolet, microwaves, radio waves, etc.  


It really depends on how "visible light" is defined.  Humans cannot see IR, but some animals can.  

How will you describe the different regions of EM spectrum?


In order from highest to lowest energy, the sections of the electromagnetic spectrum are named as gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation and radio waves.

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation. Radiation is the energy that travels and spreads out as it goes - the visible light coming from a lamp in your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is an electric and magnetic disturbance travelling through space at the speed of light. It contains neither mass nor charge but travels in packets of radiant energy called photons.

To know more about electromagnetic spectrum:



A man weighing 800 newtons is standing on a chair. In order to support the man, the chair is exerting a force of.


The chair is exerting a force of 800N.

Force is a quantity that is used to describe the interaction between two objects. Forces can cause objects to accelerate, decelerate, or change direction. In other words, forces can cause objects to move or change the way they are moving. The weight of an object is a measure of the force of gravity on that object and is calculated by multiplying the object's mass by the acceleration due to gravity.

In the given case, It would need a force equal to his weight (800 N) pressing in the opposite direction for the man to be able to rise up in the chair. Therefore, the 800 N force would be pushed upwards if he were to press down by standing on it.

Read more about the force on:



What is the frequency of a wave if its time period is 0.05 s?


The frequency of a wave is 20Hertz  if its time period is 0.05sec. Frequency is said to be inversely proportional to time period.

Frequency, in material science, the quantity of waves that pass a decent point in unit time; likewise, the quantity of cycles or vibrations gone through during one unit of time by a body in occasional movement. A body in occasional movement is said to have gone through one cycle or one vibration subsequent to going through a progression of occasions or positions and getting back to its unique state. See likewise precise speed; straightforward symphonious movement.

If the period, or time span, expected to finish one cycle or vibration is 1/2 second, the frequency is 2 every second; assuming that the period is 1/100 of 60 minutes, the frequency is 100 every hour. By and large, the frequency is  proportional of the period, or time span; i.e., frequency = 1/period = 1/(time stretch). The frequency with which the Moon spins around Earth is somewhat in excess of 12 cycles each year. The frequency of the A line of a violin is 440 vibrations or cycles each second.

So, we know that frequency is defined as inversely proportional to time period.

So, frequency=1/Time period




or v=20Hertz.

Hence, frequency of wave is 20Hertz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



In a tug of war, when one team is pulling with a force of 200 N and the other 80N,
what is the net force


Answer:That depends on whether both people are pulling in the same direction against a fixed object or pulling against each other. If pulling in the same direction, the total force is 300 N + 300 N = 600 N. If the two people are pulling against each other, the total force is 300 N in the rope is 300 N, or a net of zero.


if the old radiator is replaced with a new one that has longer tubes made of the same material and same thickness as those in the old unit, what should the total surface area available for heat exchange be in the new radiator to achieve the necessary heat exchange rate at the recommended temperature gradient?


Total surface area = 3/2 * area of old radiator

From the question, we have

Thermal conductivity is the same in the new and old radiators

We know that,

K = Q/A*ΔT

change in T =  ΔT  

Using this relation, we get

New surface area = 3/2 * area of old radiator

Heat exchanger :

The heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from one source to another to a working fluid. In both cooling and heating processes, heat exchangers are employed. To avoid mixing, the fluids may be in direct touch or separated by a solid wall. They are frequently utilized in power plants, chemical and petrochemical plants, oil refineries, sewage treatment, air conditioning, refrigeration, and space heating. In an internal combustion engine, a circulating fluid called engine coolant circulates through radiator coils as air passes by the coils, cooling the coolant and heating the incoming air. This is a classic example of a heat exchanger in action.

To learn more about heat exchanger visit: https://brainly.com/question/22595817


what is the maximum acceleration of a platform that oscillates at amplitude 2.20 cm and frequency 6.60 hz?


The maximum acceleration of the platform that oscillates at amplitude 2.20 cm and frequency 6.60 hz is 37.8 m/s^2

The acceleration amplitude is  [tex]a_{m}[/tex]=ω²[tex]x_{m}[/tex] ​, where  ω  is the angular frequency (ω=2πf ).

The equation a = v/t denotes acceleration (a), which is the change in velocity (v) over the change in time (t). This enables you to calculate the change in velocity in metres per second squared (m/s2).

Since there are  2π  radians in one cycle.

Therefore, in this circumstance, we obtain  

a=ω²x = (2πf)² x = (2π (6.60))² (0.0220) m = 37.8 m/s^2

To know more about acceleration click here:



an object with a mass m slides down a rough 37e inclined plane where the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. what is the acceleration of the object?


The acceleration of the object is 9.307 m / s when the object of mass (m) slides down an inclined plane and the coefficient of kinetic friction is given.

What is the Coefficient of Kinetic friction?

The resistive force of friction (Fr), which pushes the items together, is divided by the normal or perpendicular force (N), which pushes them apart, to produce the coefficient of friction (fr), which is a numerical value. The following formula represents it: fr = Fr/N.


angle θ = 37°

the coefficient of kinetic friction μ =  0.20

accleration a = g sin θ - μ g cos θ

                  = 5.897 - 1.5653

                  = 4.331 m / s²

(b).  length L = 10 m

initial velocity u = 0

the speed at the bottom of the plane is v

then from the relation v² - u² = 2aL

                               v = √[ 2aL ]

                                 = 9.307 m / s.

Hence, the acceleration of the object is 9.307 m / s.

To know more about the Coefficient of Kinetic friction, check out:



A pinball i launch at (ma=0. 1kg )to launched at 12. 6 m/. People compre the pinball machine pring by 0. 2m to reach thie initial velocity for the pinball. Which type if pring do you chooe to mot cloely reach the targeted launch peed of 12. 6m/?


For this situation, I would recommend using a compression spring, as this type of spring will provide the most consistent force over the full range of compression.

What are the applications of Compression Springs?

The applications of compression springs include:

Automobiles: It would be quite challenging to produce the majority of cars without at least some compression springs. In automobiles, compression springs are utilized in a variety of components, including suspension, hoses, and even seats. They are used in the seats to help them adjust to the body and provide comfort. Naturally, a number of sizes and forms are available to accommodate the wide range of uses for car compression springs.

Pens: A ballpoint pen can be used to monitor a compression spring. The pen can write with the tip exposed thanks to this spring, which then covers it inside the housing to keep the ink from drying out. This enables the use of pens without their bulky, losable caps.

Aeronautics: Without various kinds of springs, most air flight would be impossible. Air turbines, navigation systems, engine controls, wheels, brakes, meters, fuel cells, and diesel engines are just a few of the parts of an aeroplane that need springs, even if they may not be visible.

Firearms: When thinking about tension, think about compression springs. Consider the effort required to fire a bow and arrow. If a compression spring is used in place of the human component, the crossbow becomes a far more straightforward weapon.

Compression springs are mechanical springs that are designed to create resistance to a compressive force. Compression springs are typically made with a higher spring constant, which is the measure of how much force is required to compress the spring by a certain amount. With a higher spring constant, a shorter compression is required to achieve the desired launch speed. They are used in many different applications. Compression springs are commonly used to absorb shock, store energy, and return an object back to its original shape after being compressed.

Hence, compression spring is used to reach the targeted launch speed.

To learn more about compression spring from the given link https://brainly.com/question/29678146


A newly discovered planet is found to have density 2/3 pe and radius 2re, where pe and re are the density and radius of earth, respectively. The surface gravitational field of the planet is most nearly.


13 N/kg The surface gravitational field is given by acceleration due to gravity on the planet (g). Let the value of it on a newly discovered planet be g'.

What is the value of the gravitational field?

The gravitational force acting on a mass of one kilogram is measured in newtons. G is assumed to be 9.806 N kg-1 at the surface of the Earth. Additionally, the acceleration of an item falling freely in the gravitational field of the Earth is denoted by the letter "g".

How does the gravitational field originate?

Through the development of his theory of relativity, Albert Einstein demonstrated that gravity is a curvature in the space-time continuum rather than merely a force. Simply explained, an object's mass causes the space around it to essentially bend and curve. That may sound like it belongs in science fiction, but it's true.

To know more about gravitational field visit:



water is pumped at a rate of 32 m3 /s from the reservoir and out through the pipe, which has a diameter of 1.50 m. what power must be supplied to the water to effect this discharge?


The power must be supplied to the water to effect this discharge is 28174.32 kW.

Why is Reynolds number used?

The ratio of viscous forces to inertial forces is known as the Reynolds number. A dimensionless number called the Reynolds number is used to group fluid systems where the influence of viscosity plays a significant role in regulating the velocities or the flow pattern of a fluid.

Discharge = Q = 32 m³/s

Velocity of flow=V=Q/A = 32/( π(1.5)²/4)= 18.11 m/s

Reynold's no is given by

Re = VD/v = (18.11)(1.5)/(1.31x10⁻⁶) = 20736641.22

For steel pipe

Roughness = e = 0.045 mm

Relative roughness = E= e/D= (0.045x10⁻³)/1.5=0.00003

Friction factor from Moody's diagram is

f = 0.00988

Apply Bernoulli's theorem b/w top of left reservoirs and exit of pipe

A - denote left reservoir and B- denote exit of pipe

Pa/y + V₂²/2g + Za + hp = Pb/ γ+Vb²/2g + Zb + hf


Pa= Pb=0

Va= 0, Vb = V = 18.11 m/s

Za = (100-95) = 5 m, Zb=(140-95) = 45 m

Frictional head loss =hf = flV²/2gD= (0.00988x300x18.11²)/(2x9.81x1.5)

Frictional head loss = hf = 33.03 m

hp = pump head

Putting values

0+0+5+hp = 0 +18.11²/(2x9.81) +45 +33.03

=> hp = 89.75 m

Power that must be supplied is given by

P = γQhp

P = 9.81x32x89.75

P = 28174.32 kW.

To know more about power visit:




This model represents light. What does this model show?
A. A single light wave traveling in a circle around a source
B. A single light wave traveling away from a source
C. Many light waves traveling in all directions from a source
D. Two light waves traveling perpendicular to a source


The model of the light wave shows many light waves traveling in all directions from a source.

option C is the correct answer.

What is the motion of waves?

Wave motion is the transfer of energy and momentum from one point of the medium to another point of the medium without actual transport of matter between two points.

The following explanation illustrates how light waves can travel. Light propagates as electromagnetic waves. Light can travel in all all directions as light waves are spherical waves which travel radially outwards from its source.

From the given image we can conclude the following;

there are many light waves since there are many circular wave form producedall the light waves emanates from a source

Thus, it is safe to say that the model of light being represented shows many light waves travelling from a single to many direction due to presence of many circular wave path shown in the picture.

Learn more about light waves here: https://brainly.com/question/10728818


Ocean waves crash on the beach at a velocity of 3. 5 m/s. If the distance between the crests of each wave is 4 m, find the frequency of the waves.


The frequency of the waves is 0.88 Hz.

It is given to us that -

Ocean waves crash on the beach at a velocity of 3. 5 m/s

The distance between the crests of each wave is 4 m

We have to find the frequency of the waves.

We know that the velocity of the ocean waves can be represented by the formula as -

v = f * λ ---- (1)


f = frequency of the ocean waves

λ = distance between the crests of each wave

According to the given information, we have -

velocity, v = 3.5 m/s

and, distance between the crests of each wave, λ = 4 m

Substituting these values in equation (1), we can find out the frequency of the ocean waves as -

v = f * λ

=> 3.5 = f * 4

=> f = 3.5/4

=> f = 0.88 Hz

Thus, the frequency of the waves is 0.88 Hz.

To learn more about wave frequency visit https://brainly.com/question/14316711


. the magnetic flux through a loop with a normal vector parallel to a uniform magnetic field will change: a) if the loop is replaced by two loops, each of which has half of the area of the original loop. b) if the loop moves at constant velocity without rotation while remaining within the uniform magnetic field. c) if the loop is rotated about an axis through its center and perpendicular to the loop. d) if the loop is rotated about an axis through its center and in the plane of the loop.


A loop's magnetic flux will alter if it is perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. if the loop is swapped out for two loops, each of which is half as large.

Is it accurate to say that the magnetic flux is at its peak when the plane of the A loop is perpendicular to the magnetic field?

B = BAcos is the magnetic flux formula. As a result, the flux is at its maximum when B is perpendicular to the wire loop and at zero when there is no magnetic field component perpendicular to the loop.

If the electric field and the normal line are parallel, what will happen to the electric flux?

Multiply the surface area by the portion of the electric field perpendicular to the surface to determine the flux across a given surface. No field lines will flow through the surface if the electric field is perpendicular to it, and the flux will be zero.

To know more about magnetic flux visit:-



A child pulls a sled up a snow-covered hill. The child does 70 J of work on the sled.
If the child walks 17 m up the hill, how large of a force, in Newton's, must the child exert?



Force = Work/Distance = 70 J/17 m = 4.118 N


i'm smart

The child must exert a force of 4.12 Newtons to pull the sled up the hill.

What is force?

Force is a fundamental concept in physics that refers to a push or pull on an object. It is an interaction that can cause a change in the motion, shape, or orientation of an object. Force is a vector quantity, which means that it has both magnitude and direction.

Force is measured in Newton's (N) and is defined as the amount of force needed to accelerate a one-kilogram mass at a rate of one meter per second squared. The equation that describes force is F = ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

There are several types of forces, including:

1. Contact forces: These are forces that act only when two objects are in contact with each other. Examples include friction, tension, and normal force.

2. Non-contact forces: These are forces that act even when two objects are not in contact with each other. Examples include gravity, electric force, and magnetic force.

3. Applied forces: These are forces that are directly applied to an object by a person or an external source. Examples include pushing a book across a table or pulling a sled up a hill.

4. Reactive forces: These are forces that are a reaction to an applied force. For example, if you push a wall, the wall exerts a reactive force back on you.

Understanding force is essential in many fields of science and engineering, as it helps us understand and predict the behavior of objects under different conditions.

Here in the Question,

To calculate the force exerted by the child, we can use the formula:

Work = Force x Distance x cos(theta)


Work = 70 J

Distance = 17 m

cos(theta) = 1 (assuming the force is exerted in the same direction as the displacement)

Plugging in the values, we get:

70 J = Force x 17 m x 1

Solving for Force, we get:

Force = 70 J / 17 m

Force = 4.12 N

Therefore, the child must exert a force of approximately 4.12 Newtons to pull the sled up the hill.

To learn more about Newton's law of motion click:



What is the amount of energy transferred by a force acting through a distance called?


The amount of energy that is transferred by a force acting through a distance is known as work.

If we apply a force on an object, this force transforms into kinetic motion and distance is moved by the object. When there is displacement due to this force, work is said to be done.

Work is actually the transfer of mechanical energy from one substance to another. As work is the result of the transfer of energy, it has the same unit as energy, i.e., joule.

When work is done, the kinetic energy of the object is changed, or it has altered potential energy. Potential energy may change into kinetic energy due to the application of force. If position or shape is changed due to force, then we have altered potential energy.

To know more about work here



The wind speed on Mount Washington in New Hampshire reached 372 km/h.
Suppose an experiment with a glider is being performed on top of Mount
Washington. The glider is launched by the high winds so that in 45.0 sec the
glider's speed equals the speed of the wind. Assuming that the glider is
initially at rest and that its acceleration is constant, what is the magnitude of
the glider's average acceleration?


The magnitude of the glider's average acceleration is determined as 2.3 m/s².

What is the average acceleration of the glider?

The average acceleration of the glider is the rate at which the velocity of the glider changes with time.

Mathematically, the formula for average acceleration is given as;

a = v / t


v is the velocity of the glidert is the time of motion of the glider

Since the glider is launched by the high winds so that in 45.0 sec the glider's speed equals the speed of the wind.

the speed of the glider, v = 372 km/h = 103.33 m/sthe time of motion of the glider, t = 45 seconds

a = ( 103.33 m/s ) / ( 45 s )

a = 2.3 m/s²

Thus, the average acceleration of the glider is a function of the speed of the glider and the duration to attain such speed.

Learn more about average acceleration here: https://brainly.com/question/26246639


the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table is 0.320. find the distance d from the box to the edge of the table if it takes 1.5 s for the box to reach the edge once it begins to move.


The distance d from the box to the edge of the table if it takes 1.5 s for the box to reach the edge once it begins to move is 1 m

μk = 0.32

t = 1.5 sec

For mass B,

mBg - T = mB a

For mass A,

T - F f = mA a

T - μKmAg = mAa

a = 1.35 × 9.8 - 0.32× 3  × 9.8/ 4.35

a = 0.88 m/[tex]S^{2}[/tex]

vi = 0

d = Vi t + 1/2 a[tex]t^{2}[/tex]

distance d = 0.99 ≈ 1m

Distance is a scalar quantity that describes "how much ground an object has covered" while moving. Displacement is a vector quantity that describes "how far out of place an object is"; it represents the overall shift in position of the object. Distance is a measurement of how far apart two things or locations are, either quantitatively or occasionally qualitatively. Distance in physics or common language can refer to a physical length or an estimate based on other factors (e.g. "two counties over"). The term is also frequently used metaphorically to denote a measurement of the degree of difference between two similar objects (such as statistical distance between probability distributions or edit distance between strings), given that spatial cognition is a rich source of conceptual metaphors in human thought.

Learn more about  distance here:



suppose a piece of dust finds itself on a cd. if the spin rate of the cd is 500 rpm, and the piece of dust is 3.80 cm from the center, what is the total distance traveled by the dust in 2.90 minutes? (ignore accelerations due to getting the cd rotating.)


The distance traveled by dusk is 338.2m.

The rate of change of angular displacement is known as angular speed. The radian per second is the unit of angular speed. Both angular speed and angular velocity are represented using the same formula. Angular velocity is a vector term that describes both magnitude and direction, whereas angular speed describes magnitude.

The scalar measure of the rotation rate is angular speed. The angular distance traveled in one complete rotation is 2 and the time period is (T).

Because the spin rate of the CD is 500 rpm, or revolutions per minute, its angular speed in rad per second equals

w = 500 rev/min * 2π rad/rev * 1/60min/sec

w = 52.36 rad/s

Because the dusk is 3.80 cm from the center, its velocity must be

v = Rw =

v = 3.8 * 52.36

v = 198.97 cm/s

After 2.90 minutes, or 170 seconds, the distance traveled by dusk is

d = v*t

d = 198.97 * 170

d = 33824.9 cm


d = 338.2m

Learn more about angular speed here:



in this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. for the systems we consider,


The initial total energy of the system equals the final total energy of the system.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. For example, if you roll a toy car down a ramp and hit a wall, the energy is converted from kinetic energy to potential energy.

According to the law of conservation of energy is neither created nor destroyed. However, you can convert from one form to another. Taking into account all forms of energy, the total energy of an isolated system is always constant. According to the law of conservation of energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Learn more about The law of conservation here:- https://brainly.com/question/24772394


what is the term for the intrinsic property that indicates the ease with which a material is capable of allowing the flow of electric current?


Electrical conductivity is  the intrinsic property that indicates the ease with which a material is capable of allowing the flow of electric current.

Why is electrical conductivity an intrinsic property?

An intrinsic attribute in materials science is independent of both the quantity and the shape of the material, such as a single huge piece or a collection of tiny particles. The basic chemical make-up and structure of the substance are the key determinants of intrinsic qualities.The capacity of a material to carry electricity is known as conductance (also known as electrical conductance). The ability of an electrical current (or flow of charge) to go through a substance is gauged by its conductance. Electrical resistance, denoted as 1/R, is the reciprocal of conductance, or its inverse.Resistance (R) and electrical conductance (G) have a reciprocal relationship: G = 1 R. Electricity's ease of movement through electrical components at a specific voltage differential is measured by electrical conductance. Siemens is the SI unit for conductivity (the older unit was the mho).

To know more about conductivity refer:



water flows from a narrow pipe into a wider one. the speed of the water in the wide pipe is measured to be 1/9 of what it is in the narrow pipe. how do the diameters of the pipes compare?


The wide pipe's diameter is three times greater than that of the little pipe.

Consider a thin pipe with width r1 and a wide pipe with dimension r2, where v * pi * r12 = v/9 * pi * r22 r12/r2

The wide pipe has a diameter that is three times greater than the narrow pipe because

r1^2/r2^2 = 1/9

r1/r2 = 1/3

We could have the pipe sloping upwards, to make one more straightforward generalization. The fluid would thus gain potential energy in addition to kinetic energy, increasing the work required of the pressure. The increase in potential energy in time t will be (A 1v1t)g(h2h1) if we assume that the center of the area A1 is at height h1, the area A2 is at h2, and we take t to be very small. This changes Bernoulli's equation. Because the flow rate of water in the narrow pipe is higher than the flow rate of the fault in the broad pipe, the pressure drops when water flowing through a broad pipe and into a narrow pipe.

Learn more about wide pipe's here:



a turntable rotates with a constant 2.25 rad/s2 clockwise angular acceleration. after 4.00 s it has rotated through a clockwise angle of 30.0 rad. part a what was the angular velocity of the wheel at the beginning of the 4.00 s interval? express your answer in radians per second.


The angular velocity of the wheel with a constant angular acceleration of 2.25 rad/s² clockwise at the beginning of the 4.00 s = 3.8 rad/s.

Angular velocity

Angular velocity is the amount of angle traveled per unit time.

The time interval for one rotation is also known as the period, and the angle for one complete rotation is 360 degrees. Usually one full revolution can be written as degrees or radians.

We have,

Angular displacement = 30.0 rad ⇒ θ

Angular speed of the turn table = 1.85 rad/s² ⇒ α

Time of motion, t = 4.0 s ⇒ t

In uniformly variable rotational motion, the angular acceleration is constant.


θ = ω₁t + ½ αt²

30.0 = ω₁ (4) + ½ (1.85) (4.0)²

30.0 = ω₁ (4) + 14.8

4 ω₁ = 30.0 - 14.8

= 15.2

ω₁ = (15.2)/(4)

= 3.8 rad/s

Learn more about angular velocity here:  https://brainly.com/question/29672590


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