when the muscle is relaxed, myosin is in the high energy state, ready to bind with actin, but the binding sites are blocked by


Answer 1

When muscle is relaxed, myosin is in the high energy state, ready to bind with actin, but the binding sites are blocked by thin filament regulatory proteins (the troponin–tropomyosin complex).

What are thin filament regulatory proteins?

Iron-responsive elements are conserved RNA patterns that iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) 1 and 2 bind to to regulate cellular iron metabolism (IREs). The currently recognized IRP-binding mRNAs encode proteins involved in heme synthesis, iron uptake, storage, and release. IRP1/IRE and IRP2/IRE messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes were immunoselected, and the mRNA composition was assessed using microarrays in order to systematically describe the IRE/IRP regulatory network on a transcriptome-wide scale. For the first time, we reveal cellular mRNAs with exclusive selectivity for IRP1 or IRP2 as well as 35 new mRNAs that bind both IRP1 and IRP2.

We performed a proteome study by pulsed stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture in an iron-modulated mouse hepatic cell line and in bone marrow-derived macrophages from IRP1- and IRP2-deficient animals in order to further investigate cellular iron metabolism at a systemic level. This research describes a large network of mRNAs and proteins with iron-dependent regulation, IRP-dependent regulation, or both, and examines cellular iron metabolism in unprecedented depth.

To learn more about thin filament regulatory proteins visit:



Related Questions

a(n) device works by blowing oxygen or air continuously at a noninvasive pressure to prevent a patient's alveoli from collapsing.


A CPAP​ (Continuous Positive Airway​ Pressure) device works by blowing oxygen or air continuously at a noninvasive pressure to prevent a patient's alveoli from collapsing. The correct answer to this question is A.

For those who are spontaneously breathing, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a form of positive airway pressure in which air flow is provided to maintain a constant pressure to keep the airways open.

Various factors can lead to airway collapse, and in many of these cases, CPAP is utilized to preserve airway patency. Adults and children with respiratory issues, such as OSA (obstructive sleep apnea), which causes breathing to stop or halt while patients sleep, are more likely to experience airway collapse. Obesity, adenotonsillar hypertrophy, and hypotonia are only a few of the causes of OSA.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. CPAP​ (Continuous Positive Airway​ Pressure)B. COPD​ (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary​ Disease)C. FROPVD​ (Flow-Restricted, Oxygen Powered Ventilation​ Device)D. Nonrebreather

The correct answer is A.

Learn more about airway collapse here: brainly.com/question/4693188


A food and a drug may affect the body differently when consumed together than *
when consumed separately. Name the 3 types of food interactions: Some
interfere with....


The 3 types of food interactions are:

Drug-drug interactionDrug-nutrient/food interactionDrug-disease interactionCan medications and food interact with each other?

Food-drug interaction is the term used to describe how a food affects a medication in the body. Food can alter the effectiveness of medication, make unwanted side effects better or worse, or even bring on brand-new negative effects. Drugs may alter how the body processes food.

Therefore, based on the above, an individual's response to a drug may differ from what is anticipated if that drug interacts with another medication they are taking, other foods or beverages they are consuming, other dietary supplements they are taking, or another ailment they may have (drug-disease interaction).

Learn more about food interactions from


Comprehension-Level Multiple-Choice Items The Food and Drug Administration is charged with ensuring the U.S. for O a. wholesome. b. sanitary. C. sustainable. d. safe. e properly labeled.​



i think its A


Which is NOT a way to train your brain to activate the non-dominant side of your brain?
A. Touching your hand to your knee and then crossing hand to knee.
B. Playing video games.
C. Writing with the opposite hand.
D. Patting your head and rubbing your stomach.



cA touching your hand to your knee and then crossing hand to knee.

Which of the following statements concerning necrotizing fasciitis is FALSE?
The tissue damage is mainly due to the production of endotoxin, which stimulates a severe immune response.
Some cases require limb amputation.
It may be caused by several different organisms, but Streptococcus pyogenes is the most common.
It is often associated with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.


The tissue damage is mainly due to the production of endotoxin, which stimulates a severe immune response is false regarding necrotizing fasciitis.

Define necrotizing fasciitis.

A bacterial infection that kills soft tissue in the body is called necrotizing fasciitis (NF), often known as flesh-eating sickness. It is an acute, severe sickness that spreads quickly. The affected area typically exhibits red or purple skin, intense pain, fever, and vomiting as symptoms. The limbs and perineum are most frequently impacted.

The most frequent cause of necrotizing fasciitis, according to public health specialists, is group A Streptococcus (group A strep).  Bacterial and host factors contribute to the pathogenesis of necrotizing fasciitis. It is unclear exactly how type 1 necrotizing fasciitis develops. It is believed that polymicrobial species that cooperate to disseminate infection more quickly are to blame for type 1 NF.

To learn more about necrotizing fasciitis use link below:



What happens physically
when you get angry?
A. Your ears start to shiver.
B. Your blood vessels tighten up.
C. Your hands get sweaty.
D. Your blood pressure gets very low.


Your blood vessels tighten up
Letter B

Because when you gets angry, you will get stress,and the brain shunts blood away towards the muscles. Heart rate, blood pressure and repiration increase.

Research shows that there may be a greater demand for exercise physiologists related to which of the following? A. Greater emphasis on preventative health B. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act C. Available health insurance coverage for exercise D. All of these are correct.


The offered statement claims that there is a greater need for exercise physiologists across all alternatives.

What is exercise?

Exercise is a category of physical activity with the enhancement or maintaining a healthy lifestyle as its ultimate or intermediate goal. It is planned, systematic, and repetitive.physical effort with the purpose of improving and maintaining fitness.

Why is exercise so important?

Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your fitness. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of disease, improve your ability to do daily chores, and build your bones and muscles.

To know more about exercise visit :



The nurse notes that a patient has developed a cough productive for mucoid sputum, is short of breath, has cyanotic hands, and has noisy, moist-sounding, rapid breathing. These symptoms and signs are suggestive of what health problem? A) Pericarditis B) Cardiomyopathy C) Pulmonary edema D) Right ventricular hypertrophy


The patient has developed a cough productive for mucoid sputum, is short of breath, has cyanotic hands, and has noisy, moist-sounding, rapid breathing. These symptoms and signs are suggestive of pulmonary edema. C.

What is pulmonary edema?A lung disease brought on by too much fluid.Heart problems are frequently the cause of pulmonary edema. Pneumonia, exposure to specific poisons and medicines, and living at a high elevation are some additional factors.The signs and symptoms of pulmonary edema can emerge quickly or gradually, depending on the etiology. Breathing problems can range from mild to severe. Other signs include weariness, chest pain, and a cough.Supplemental oxygen and medicines are frequently used in treatment.Congestive heart failure frequently results in pulmonary edema. Blood can back up into the veins that carry blood into the lungs when the heart is unable to pump blood effectively. Fluid is forced into the lungs' air sacs (alveoli) as the pressure in these blood vessels rises.

For more information on pulmonary edema kindly visit to



four specific physiologic processes involved in nociception (the ability to feel painful stimuli) include
1. transduction,
2. transmission,
3. perception,
4. modulation of pain


This is true. There are four specific physiologic processes involved in nociception (the ability to feel painful stimuli) include:

TransductionTransmissionPerceptionModulation of pain

Explain each of the four physiological processes?

Transduction: This is the process by which a noxious stimulus is converted into an electrical signal. This is done by specialized nerve endings called nociceptors, which respond to potentially harmful stimuli (e.g. pressure, temperature, chemicals) and transmit this information to the central nervous system.Transmission: This is the process in which the electrical signal is transmitted from the nociceptor to the brain. This is done through specialized nerve fibers called A-delta and C fibers, which are responsible for transmitting the pain signals to the spinal cord.Perception: This is the process by which the signals sent by the A-delta and C fibers reach the brain, where they are interpreted and perceived as pain.Modulation of pain: This is the process by which the perception of pain is modulated by the brain. This is done through the release of neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, which act to reduce the sensation of pain. Other mechanisms, such as the gate control theory, may also be involved in the modulation of pain.

Complete question:

¿True or false? four specific physiologic processes involved in nociception (the ability to feel painful stimuli) include

1. transduction,

2. transmission,

3. perception,

4. modulation of pain

Learn more about: physiological processes in nociception:



which of the following statements is true regarding gender differences in eating disorders? group of answer choices women are more likely to have bulimia, while men are more likely to have anorexia. men are more likely to have bulimia, while women are more likely to have anorexia. women are more likely to have both bulimia and anorexia than men. adequate prevalence data on eating disorders has not been collected for men, because men are reluctant to disclose disordered eating patterns.


The statement that is true regarding gender differences in eating disorders is that Women are more likely to have both bulimia and anorexia than men. That is option C.

What is eating disorders?

Eating disorders are a group of abnormal behavioural that an individual develops towards intake of food which is associated with distressing thoughts and emotions.

The common types of eating disorders include the following:

Anorexia nervosa: This is an eating disorder that occurs when an individual develops fear of putting on extra weight and avoid the in take of food.

Bulimia nervosa: This is the type of eating disorder where by an individual eats large amounts of food and then purge to get rid of extra calories.

Binge-eating disorder.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, the anorexia and Bulimia nervosa affects 1-1.5% of females and there is a 10:1 ratio of females to males suffering from the disorder.

Learn more about anorexia nervosa here;



Which statement is TRUE about right brain preference?
A. Enjoys working with numbers.
B. Organizes facts and materials well.
C. Prefers working on their own.
D. Enjoys working things out as they go along.


I think the answer is B I hope this helps!

Why is an automated external defibrillator easy to use for a lay rescuer?
A. They actually teach you how to perform CPR.
B. Only those that are highly trained can use it.
C. They are guaranteed to save a person's life.
D. It automatically detects if there is a heart rhythm.


It’s c it just makes the most sense
Letter C

Because they can save a persons life even if they are not trained

the human analog of the delayed-response task that is used as a test of cognitive development in human infants is the task.


The object persistence task is the human equivalent of the delayed-response task, which is used to assess cognitive maturation in human newborns.

What is the short definition of object permanence?

Why Is Object Permanence Important and What Does It Mean? Understanding that things and people remain in existence even when you can't see them or hear them is a requirement for object permanence. This concept, which was first articulated by child psychiatrist Jean Piaget, marks a significant turning point in a baby's mental development.

What does object persistence look like?

If you hide a toy under a blanket, for instance, a child who has attained object permanence will be able to actively seek it out.

To know more about object permanence visit:



Margo was paid by companies to visit their stores and complete a questionnaire about the stores’ service quality. For instance, did the sales associate greet customers when they entered the store, and did they offer merchandise that complemented their purchases? Margo was


Retailers want managers' approval before paying staff for customer service in order to eliminate the delivery gap and maintain consistency.

What is costumer service?

Costumer service is defined as the face-to-face exchange between a customer making a purchase and a salesperson from the business selling it. Good customer service involves consistently going above and beyond for customers.

Giving staff at the lowest level of the organization the power to decide how consumers will be served is empowerment. Several crucial factors influence how suppliers and modern retailers integrate their relationships.

Thus, retailers want managers' approval before paying staff for customer service in order to eliminate the delivery gap and maintain consistency.

To learn more about costumer service, refer to the link below:



List three aspects of a person's sexuality.





The answer to this depends really(on who you ask and specifics)-- and since the question is a bit broad I'll give you some examples.

biological, psychological, and sociocultural

biological gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation

A person's sexuality primarily involves three things

1. 'biological' would refer to the explanation as to why someone would have this sexuality-- and most commonly it said how they were born and raised which can affect this part of someone's life.

2. 'psychological' would refer to what someone feels their sexuality is--  normally related to being comfortable and feeling safe.

3. 'orientation and sociocultural' would refer to outside factors or cultural and social influence on a person's sexuality and how it affects it.

which of the stages is Hans Selye's stress model is also known as the "coping stage"?


These phases were characterized by Selye as alarm, resistance, and fatigue. If you understand these distinct responses and how they relate to one another, you might find it simpler to manage stress.

What coping stage in Hans Selye's stress model?

Selye, who is regarded as the “father of stress research,” rejected the study of particular disease signs and symptoms in favour of concentrating on typical patient responses to illness, in contrast to many who came before him.

His theory of stress had an impact on both the scientific and lay sectors in a variety of disciplines, including endocrinology, complementary medicine, and animal breeding.

Therefore, Selye categorized these phases as alarm, resistance, and tiredness. You might find it easier to deal with stress if you comprehend these various reactions and how they relate to one another.

Learn more about stress model here:



which of the following correctly describes academic health centers' advances in the medical sciences and technology in health care during the last few decades?


The statement which correctly describes academic health centers' advances in the medical sciences and technology in health care during the last few decades is that it increases the life expectancy of most individuals.

What is Technology?

This is referred to as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes and it ensures that work is easier and faster. Life expectancy on the other hand is the average time an organism is expected to live and is dependent on different types of factors.

Academic health centers' advances in the medical sciences and technology in health care during the last few decades have led to the production of various forms of vaccines and treatment plans which is given to a patient for adequate recovery which is why there is increases life expectancy.

Read more about Life expectancy here https://brainly.com/question/27613355


increased sexual arousal while taking mdma may be attributed to increased and serotonin levels along with greater dopamine activation.


MDMA has been found to increase levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain, which can lead to increased feelings of pleasure and euphoria.

Exploring the Impact of MDMA on Sexual Arousal

MDMA is also known to reduce inhibitions and increase self-confidence, which can have a positive effect on sexual arousal as well. People taking MDMA may feel less shy and more open to new sexual experiences. This can lead to increased feelings of pleasure and increased physical arousal. Furthermore, MDMA can reduce feelings of anxiety, which can help people feel more relaxed and comfortable during sexual encounters. All of these effects can contribute to increased sexual arousal while taking MDMA, making it a popular choice for those looking to spice up their sex life.

Learn more about Hormones: https://brainly.com/question/4581245


which of the following factors are drivers of the growing trend toward telehealth and technology use and will influence nursing practice significantly in the next decades?


Chronic diseases and conditions are drivers of the growing trend toward telehealth and technology use and will influence nursing practice significantly in the next decades.

What is the potential of telehealth?

The quality of healthcare could be enhanced through technology. Furthermore, technology may make it simpler for more people to access medical treatment. Health care could be delivered more conveniently, efficiently, and effectively with the use of telehealth.

Learn more about telehealth here:



A rise in cortisol would cause an increase in each of the following except:
the rate of glucose synthesis by the liver.
the rate of glycogen formation by the liver.
the level of fatty acids in the blood.
fatty acid metabolism by muscle cells.
ACTH levels.


A rise in cortisol would cause an increase in each of the following, except:

ACTH levels.

ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) is an important hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. ACTH is released in response to the hormone CRH (Corticotropin-releasing Hormone) which is synthesized and released from the hypothalamus. Then the adrenal cortex secretes cortisol in response to ACTH. When plasma cortisol increases, there is a process of releasing CRH and ACTH which in turn causes a decrease in cortisol levels.

The hormone cortisol itself is useful for regulating the body's metabolism and blood. Stress and physical activity such as exercise can affect levels of the hormone cortisol in the body. If cortisol levels are not controlled then blood pressure and blood glucose levels will be high which then triggers diabetes.

In general, the highest cortisol hormone levels occur at 8 in the morning and will decrease in the following hours. Meanwhile, levels of the hormone cortisol are lowest at bedtime.

Learn more about cortisol:



which of the following is an example of a way a person who is unsuccessfully quitting smoking can reduce their cognitive dissonance?


"Smoking helps me lose weight, so it's healthier for me to smoke." I'm fine with smoking and drinking. "Not all smokers develop cancer, so it's acceptable that I smoke," you might say.

Why should you not smoke?

Smoking causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, such includes bronchitis and emphysema as well as cancer, heart problems, stroke, lung disorders, diabetes, and cancer.

What impact does smoking have on the brain?

When you smoke, nicotine enters your body and activates receptor-containing structures that are normally found in your brain. Dopamine is a feel-good brain chemical that is released when these receptor are active.

To know more about smoking visit:



while the cold treatments are applied intermittently, a compression wrap should be applied for the first hours to prevent swelling.


A compression wrap should be applied for the first 72 hours to prevent swelling.

What are compression wraps?

A compression bandage/ wrap is a long strip of stretchable cloth that can be wrapped around a sprain/ strain. It is also known as an elastic bandage/a Tensor bandage. The gentle pressure of the bandage helps in reduction of swelling. This will help the injured area feel much better.

Compression wraps are often used for ankle injuries, blood flow problems, lymphodema, compression therapy, etc.

Compression wraps can be worn for up to 7 days if they are taken good care of.

Therefore, though cold treatments are applied intermittently, compression wraps should be applied for the first 72 hours to prevent swelling.

Learn more about compression wraps here: https://brainly.com/question/6838045


an abbreviation for a method of removing cataracts using an ultrasonic needle probe to break up the lens, which is then aspirated, is


An abbreviation for a method of removing cataracts using an ultrasonic needle probe to break up the lens, which is then aspirated, is PHACO

Define cataract.

A cataract is a clouding of the eye's typically clear lens. People with cataracts may find it similar to gazing through a frosty or fogged-up window to see through lenses that are foggy. Cataracts can cause eyesight to become cloudy, making it more challenging to read, drive a car (especially at night), or notice a friend's expression.

The interior lens of the eye is emulsified using an ultrasonic handpiece during phacoemulsification, a contemporary technique for performing cataract surgery. A balanced salt solution irrigation is used to replace the aspirated fluids in order to maintain the anterior chamber.

One or more incisions are made in the eye in order to introduce surgical tools before the phacoemulsification procedure may be carried out. The anterior face of the capsule holding the eye's lens is then cut off by the surgeon. A device with microprocessor-controlled fluid dynamics is used during phacoemulsification surgery.

To know more about cataract use link below:



Dr. Billingsworth administered anesthesia to Ralph Skipper, a 7-month-old male requiring a hernia repair in the lower abdomen. Dr. Sims, the neonatologist, noted that, without the surgery, Ralph was not expected to survive.


Dr. Billingsworth administered anesthesia to Ralph Skipper, a 7-month-old male requiring a hernia repair in the lower abdomen. Dr. Sims, the neonatologist, noted that, without the surgery.

What is the code for this case?

According to the current procedural terminology there are codes for various procedures used in the medical procedures. The CPT 01522 is code which is related to the general anesthesia for procedures on the lower leg.

P3 is the code for the systematic disorders such as morbid obesity and benign hypertension. Ralph was not expected to survive. The neonatologist, noted that, without the surgery, Ralph was not expected to survive.

Therefore, Dr. Billingsworth administered anesthesia to Ralph Skipper, a 7-month-old male requiring a hernia repair in the lower abdomen. Dr. Sims, the neonatologist, noted that, without the surgery.

Learn more about neonatologist on:



hich of the following statements BEST describes paranoid schizophrenia?
includes aggressive and destructive behaviors
involves laying motionless for hours
includes having illusions and hallucinations
none of the above



i think its D

cuz my brother has it and he has hallucinations that make him think people want to do something bad to him or are following him

for children with chronic illnesses, the illness parameters that play the most significant role in adjustment include all of the following except .


The factors that affect adjustment the most in persons with chronic illnesses are all of the following, with the exception of their linguistic and nonverbal abilities.

What exactly are chronic diseases?

A general definition of a chronic disease is a condition that lasts for a year or longer, necessitates continuous medical care, restricts daily activities, or both. The major causes of death in disabilities in the US are chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

What leads to chronic disease?

Key risk behaviors are what cause the majority of chronic diseases: use of tobacco and being around smoke. Poor nutrition, including meals heavy in salt and saturated fats and deficient in fruits and vegetables. inactivity in the body.

To know more about chronic illnesses visit:



when ventilating a child with inadequate respirations, which of the following is the maximum rate at which artificial respirations should be delivered?


It is crucial to ventilation no more than 10–12 times per minute when giving artificial ventilation (every 5-6 seconds). A rate of more than 10–12 artificial ventilations per minute may be detrimental to cardiac output and hydration.

What does ventilation provide as a means of?

The hydraulic system in a structure that introduces "fresh" outdoor air & exhausts "contaminated" internal air is known as ventilation. Ventilation is utilized in the workplace to limit exposure to contaminants in the air.

What is an example of ventilation?

A live thing's breathing is referred to as ventilation. For instance, pulmonary ventilation in humans is a sort of ventilation that occurs between lungs and the outside air. Mechanical ventilation and pulmonary ventilation are the two basic forms.

To know more about ventilation visit:



Please anwser the following questions.

When you have finished this weeks workout, please submit a write up OR video record yourself answering the following questions.

What specific exercise did you find the most challenging and why?

Which component(s) of physical fitness (refer to the 5 components of physical fitness from previous weeks) were covered in the video? Use examples

Pick one specific exercise and explain, in your own words, how it could be beneficial to someone who plays football.


The answers include the following:

The specific exercise which was the most challenging is the burpee pull ups as it involves flexibility and strength.The component of physical fitness which was covered is muscular strength and flexibility. Burpee pull ups is the type of exercise which involves placing your hands on the ground and kicking your feet back into a push-up position and helps to strengthen the upper body to help shield the ball from the opponent.

What is Exercise?

This is referred to as a form of physical activity which helps to keep an individual fit and improves the overall well being of an individual and examples include running , weight lifting etc.

The Burpee pull ups is used to develop the component of physical fitness known as muscular strength and agility of the whole body most especially the upper part.

Read more about Exercise here https://brainly.com/question/1365564


Is body composition important consideration when computing optimal body weight?



yes , body composition is important consideration when computing optional body weight.

Please anwser the following questions.
When you have finished this weeks workout, please submit a write up OR video record yourself answering the following questions.

What specific exercise did you find the most challenging and why?

Which component(s) of physical fitness (refer to the 5 components of physical fitness from previous weeks) were covered in the video? Use examples

Pick one specific exercise and explain, in your own words, how it could be beneficial to someone who plays football.


The answers include the following:

The specific exercise which was the most challenging is the single leg squat as it involves balancing and endurance.The component of physical fitness which was covered is muscular endurance. Single leg squat is the type of exercise which involves standing on one leg with the other extended out straight in front of you and drop into a deep squat and helps to strengthen the lower body such as legs which is used to kick the ball.

What is Exercise?

This is referred to as a form of physical activity which helps to keep an individual fit and improves the overall well being of an individual and examples include running , weight lifting etc.

The single leg squat is used to develop the component of physical fitness known as muscular endurance of the lower body such as the limbs which are required in kicking the ball.

Read more about Exercise here https://brainly.com/question/1365564


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