Are open relationships toxic?


Answer 1

Open partnerships are simply unhealthy. They are harmful to our emotional, bodily, and spiritual wellbeing, and they are especially harmful to women who desire to have children one day.

An open relationship is a sexually non-monogamous personal connection. The word differs from polyamory in that it often refers to a relationship in which two partners have a main emotional and personal relationship and agree to at least the potential of sexual or emotional closeness with other persons.

Any sort of romantic connection (dating, marriage, etc.) that is open is considered a "open" relationship. An "open" relationship is one in which one or more sides have permission to be romantically or sexually connected with persons outside of the partnership.

This is in contrast to the usual "closed" relationship, in which both individuals agree to be solely with one another.[citation needed] The notion of an open relationship has been acknowledged since the 1970s.

Learn more about  open relationships to visit this link


Related Questions

Read this excerpt from a poem by langston hughes. hughes suggests that the point of singing the blues is to make the singer feel better by expressing sorrow in music. to make the audience feel sad by expressing sorrow in music. to puzzle the listeners by singing about something they don’t care about.


Hughes suggests that the point of singing the blues is to make the singer feel better by expressing sorrow in music.

This form of writing is called emotional writing. In emotional writing, the writer uses phrases, often adjectives, that are targeted at evoking an emotional response from the reader. The reader feels how the reader feels about something which in turn evokes an emotional response from the reader.

In the poem The Weary Blues by Hughes, he writes describing the pain of black art. He describes a Blues singer who is black performing late at night in Harlem in a bar, the music he sings expresses the pain of existing among a racist population.

He gives a suggestion that the point of the singer singing such sad music is to make him feel better.

Read more:


Answer: A.  to make the singer feel better by expressing sorrow in music.                                                  


Which feature of the poem best supports an interpretation that the speaker finds mundane things to be appealing and engaging?.


The feature of the poem that best supports an interpretation that the speaker finds mundane things to be appealing and engaging.

What is regarded as mundane?

Anything that is mundane is said to be ordinary or common, banal; unimaginative. Such thing is said to be relating to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven; worldly; earthly mundane affairs. In other words, mundane thins are relating to the world, universe, or earth.

The depiction of the clock and the squirrel are both worldly and the poem best supports an interpretation that the speaker finds mundane things to be appealing and engaging.

Therefore, The feature of the poem that best supports an interpretation that the speaker finds mundane things to be appealing and engaging.

Learn more about mundane on:


What does it mean to live with an open heart?


One who has an open heart is more susceptible to being wounded, let down, and rejected. It entails acting as though a shattered heart doesn't exist. Along with vulnerability, there are a few more prerequisites for openheartedness. Genuineness and thankfulness play a significant role in it.

Why is it important to have an open heart?

Openheartedness doesn't mean weakness. It is an honesty with yourself that builds empowerment and makes clarifying our intentions easier (causing less chaos and misunderstandings for others), leading to kindness, frankness, candidness, and benevolence

How do you maintain an open heart?

It entails fighting the impulse to become defensive, resentful, and bitter. Nothing about the other person is relevant. It's about maintaining your tranquility and leading a life that fulfills you. Letting go, giving time, and receiving again are all essential components of maintaining an open heart after being injured.

Learn more about  open heart to visit this link


How does a person become more literate in a particular discipline or area


Answer:by reading

Explanation: this one is confusing but the more you read, the better you are able to write and the more you write the better you are able to understand things.

What equipment is needed during pre-preparation and preparation?


Pre-preparation equipment includes knives, measuring utensils, hand tools and small equipment, and pots and pans. Preparation includes cutters and mixers, steamers, broilers, ranges, griddles, fryers, and ovens.

An object referred to as equipment can boost a person's ability to alter elements of their immediate environment or help them do a certain task. Despite the fact that many animals utilize simple tools, only humankind, whose usage of stone tools dates back hundreds of thousands of years, have been identified as doing so.

Using tools made of materials like stone, bone, and wood, early people cooked meals, hunted, created weapons, and manipulated materials to create garments and other goods. The development of metalworking has made it possible to create a wider variety of tools.

To know more about Equipment here-


What is satire today?


Satire is a genre of the visual, literary, and performing arts, usually in the form of fiction and less frequently non-fiction, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, often with the intent of shaming or exposing the perceived flaws of individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.

Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.Satire is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets.

As a literary genre, satire is one of the oldest: the term was coined by the classical rhetorician Quintillian, who used the root of the Latin word “satura,” which means “full,” and was familiar to many Romans from the phrase lanx satura, which described a medley of fruits – and apparently conveyed the miscellaneous quality of early satire.

To know more about Satire visit:


why does an octopus make an screen



Octopus and Squid use their ink as a defense mechanism to escape from prey.


When feeling threatened, they can release large amounts of ink into the water using their siphon. This ink creates a dark cloud that can obscure the predators view so the cephalopod can jet away quickly.

what song has the lyrics despite the lies that your making my love is right for the taking my love is



Whispers In The Dark-Skillet


Has the lyrics exactly and ends with, "My love is. Waiting."

Was Swift's A Modest Proposal Effective?


Although A Modest Proposal was a powerful piece of writing, the rural Irish poor were unaffected by it. A little more than a century later, thousands of people would perish in the Great Famine.

According to A Modest Proposal, the most straightforward solution to Ireland's economic crisis is for the people to use their children as food. Surprisingly, it also provides a range of possibilities for preparation and serving. The author's true perspective is only revealed in the essay's conclusion paragraphs when the emphasis is shifted to the realities of the Irish economic system and the problems caused by absentee landlords. The narrator of the essay highlights the tragedy of what Swift is actually advocating with a distanced, solemn tone.

To learn more about The Modest Proposal, tap here:


What is the message of sonnet 8?


The sonnet underlines the idea that the subject would not achieve genuine harmony unless he marries and has children.

If he continues to stay unmarried, his life will be in disarray. Shakespeare wrote it as part of a series of procreation sonnets.

Shakespeare closes Sonnet 8 by arguing that the'speechless song' conveyed by this imagined familial unit ('speechless' because it lacks words) is a warning to the Youth.

And, traditionally, sonnets have been filled with powerful love themes. As a result, Shakespeare employs the sonnet form to emphasize his message about his adored and their stunning looks.

Shakespeare's sonnets are poetry of expressive ideas and thoughts with numerous interpretations that always have two characteristics in common:

. Every sonnet has fourteen lines. . Iambic pentameter is used in all sonnets.

Learn more about to sonnet 8 visit here;


How do we know if a short story is a fable?


Both a fable and a short novel include narratives with succinct character and topic development, but the fable's goal is to convey

A fable is a brief narrative that teaches a moral lesson. A fable's plot often consists of a straightforward conflict, a solution, and a moral. The major protagonists of Fables are anthropomorphized animals and natural elements.

A moral lesson or an allegory may be expressed in short stories, which are often lengthier than fables although these elements are not required. The moral lesson that a fable imparts to its audience is one of the main differences between it and a short story.

Fables are made up.

Fables are condensed stories with few characters.

A lot of characters are animals.

To learn more about  narratives please click on below link


Which idea is BEST supported by the last
paragraph of the passage, on pages 5 and 6?
Humans may not have come under threat if they
had made an effort to communicate with other
If Martians had invaded in an earlier era, humans
would have been better prepared.
If Martians had been more careful in their planning,
they could have staged a more successful
The impending events could have been prevented
if humans were more advanced in their learning.


The idea that is best supported by the last paragraph is that The impending events could have been prevented if humans were more advanced in their learning.

What is the summary of the excerpt?

This is the excerpt that tells us that if humans had take time to be observant, they would have been able to discover that they were being watched by others.

According to the passage, the elements that were watching the humans were from as different environment.

They were alie to humans. Hence we are being told that people should have taken more effort in watching the environment that they found themselves.

This would have been very helpful in the prevention of danger as well as invasions that would come to them.

Hence the answer is the last option of the question that we have here.

Read more on invasions here:


What is an example of situational irony in this excerpt Her great tragedy happened?


What passage in the extract has a situational irony example? The child said, "Her big tragedy happened just three years ago; that would be since your sister's time."

The quotation, "She talked on happily about the happened shooting and the shortage of birds, and the possibilities for duck in the winter," is an example of situational irony from Saki's "The Open Window". Everything was utterly dreadful to Framton. A literary device is a situational irony.

Vera's name is one instance of irony in The Open Window. Vera is an acronym for the word veracity, which means truthfulness. Ironically, Vera is a skilled and persuasive liar. It is situational irony that contrasts the usage of her name with her genuine character.

To learn more about happened please click on below link


an adjective is a word that describes a noun. which word is an example of an adjective? dog ocean blue


Blue. For example, you can describe the ocean as blue. But you can’t describe blue as the ocean.

which industry used the railroads to ship fresh goods to other states


Railroads were utilized by the industry to transport fresh products to those other states for mining, production, and agriculture.

What does the railroad mean?

Rail transportation systems often experience less friction force with rubber-tired road vehicles, allowing for the coupling of passengers and cargo cars into existing lines. either freight client facilities or railroad stops.

Railroads deliver raw resources like the coal and iron ore that are used in manufacturing, but they are also among the biggest users of natural resources their own right. As a result, other sectors like coal and lumber saw development as a result of the expansion of railroads.

Learn more about railroad , here:


Why does Johnson say that Shakespeare's drama is the mirror of life?


Shakespeare's language, according to Johnson, is understandable. Shakespeare's characters are said to differ from one another in terms of how they use language.

Shakespeare is praised by Johnson, who says, "His theatre is the mirror of life." Johnson claims that because his plays are so realistic, we may learn useful information from them. The division of Shakespeare's plays into comedies and tragedies, in Johnson's view, is incorrect; he continues, "Shakespeare's plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies, but compositions of a distinct kind." Eliot agrees that it is incorrect to categorize Shakespeare's dramas as tragic, comic, or historical. He believes that rational thought leads to moral thinking.

To know more about Shakespeare, refer to this link:


The last paragraph of "Creating the Interstate System" refers to the conflict between the states
over funding. How does Section 108 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 also address that



"Together, the united forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bear - United States. Without them, we would be a mere alliance of many separate parts."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Feb. 22, 1955 By the late 1930s, the pressure for construction of transcontinental superhighways was building. It even reached the White House, where President Franklin D. Roosevelt repeatedly expressed interest in construction of a network of toll superhighways as a way of providing more jobs for people out of work.

He thought three east-west and three north south routes would be sufficient. Congress, too, decided to explore the concept. The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1938 directed the chief of the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) to study the feasibility of a six route toll network. The resultant two-part report, Toll Roads and Free Roads, was based on the statewide highway planning surveys and analysis.

Part I of the report asserted that the amount of transcontinental traffic was insufficient to support a network of toll superhighways. Some routes could be self-supporting as toll roads, but most highways in a national toll network would not. Part II, "A Master Plan for Free Highway Development," recommended a 43,000-kilometer (km) nontoll interregional highway network. The interregional highways would follow existing roads wherever possible (thereby preserving the investment in earlier stages of improvement). More than two lanes of traffic would be provided where traffic exceeds 2,000 vehicles per day, while access would be limited where entering vehicles would harm the freedom of movement of the main stream of traffic.

Within the large cities, the routes should be depressed or elevated, with the former preferable. Limited-access belt lines were needed for traffic wishing to bypass the city and to link radial expressways directed toward the center of the city. Inner belts surrounding the central business district would link the radial expressways while providing a way around the district for vehicles not destined for it. On April 27, 1939, Roosevelt transmitted the report to Congress. He recommended that Congress consider action on:

[A] special system of direct interregional highways, with all necessary connections through and around cities, designed to meet the requirements of the national defense and the needs of a growing peacetime traffic of longer range.

The president's political opponents considered the "master plan" to be "another ascent into the stratosphere of New Deal jitterbug economics," as one critic put it. Overall, however, reaction was favorable within the highway community although some observers thought the plan lacked the vision evident in the popular "Futurama" exhibit at the 1939 New York World's Fair. The exhibit's designer, Norman Bel Geddes, imagined the road network of 1960 - 14-lane superhighways crisscrossing the nation, with vehicles moving at speeds as high as 160 km per hour. Radio beams in the cars regulated the spacing between them to ensure safety. In the cities, traffic moved on several levels - the lowest for service, such as pulling into parking lots, the highest for through traffic moving 80 km per hour. Although the "magic motorways" shown in Futurama were beyond the technological and financial means of the period, they helped popularize the concept of interstate highways. With America on the verge of joining the war under way in Europe, the time for a massive highway program had not arrived. However, the president was already thinking about the post-war period. He feared resumption of the Depression if American soldiers returned from the war and were unable to find jobs. A major highway program could be part of the answer. On April 14, 1941, the president appointed a National Interregional Highway Committee to investigate the need for a limited system of national highways. Thomas H. MacDonald, BPR chief, chaired the committee and appointed Herbert S. Fairbank, BPR's Information Division chief, as secretary.


Georgia O'Keefe // What story does Didon share at the beginning of her essay? Why would she share this with readers?


During the summer of 1930, when a drought had decimated the Southwest and numerous animal skeletons could be found in the desert, Georgia O'Keeffe acquired this cow's skull in New Mexico.

What impact did O'Keeffe have on the art world?

She was the first acknowledged female painter in New York in the 1920s, which had a big impact on the development of contemporary art in America. Because of her original and unusual method of painting nature by highlighting its essential shapes and forms, she was referred to be a pioneer.

A sequence of charcoal drawings she created after enrolling in his class in 1914 show the beginning of her modernist career and her pursuit of unabashed abstraction.

Thus, During the summer of 1930, when a drought had decimated.

For more information about O'Keeffe have on the art world, click here:


By writing the novel entirely from nick carraway's point of view, f. Scott fitzgerald __________.


In the story "The Great Gatsby" where Nick Carraway played a dual role of a character and narrator in the story, by writing the novel entirely from Nick Carraway's point of view, F. Scott Fitzgerald Consciously provides readers with a limited, one-sided description of events (Option B).

Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?

An American novelist, essayist, and short story writer by the name of Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald. His works that portray the extravagance and flamboyance of the Jazz Age—a phrase he popularized—are what made him most well-known. He produced 164 short stories, four story collections, and four novels during his lifetime.

Finally, F. Scott Fitzgerald authored "The Great Gatsby".

Learn more about  F. Scott Fitzgerald  here:


What must a mandated reporter report in Illinois?


Mandated reporters must promptly report suspected child abuse or neglect if they "have reasonable grounds to believe that a child known professionally or as a public servant may be being abused or neglected."

A mandated reporter is required to call the Police department in the city where the incident passed off immediately or as soon as is attainable. Flip in a written file inside 48 hours to the Police department in the city where the incident took place.

Beneath what conditions as mandated reporter ought to report. Country law offers one among three solutions: suspicion of abuse and overlook, affordable motive to believe, and affordable cause to suspect.

Illinois regulation protects the identification of all mandated newshounds and offers them immunity from liability as a result of right faith reports. However, any mandated reporter who fails to document an example of toddler abuse or overlook commits a crime and may be prosecuted.

Learn more about illinois here:-


What is the conceptual definition of learning?


"The search for and cataloguing of traits that may be utilized to distinguish exemplars from non-exemplars of distinct categories" is how concept learning is described.

Instead of adopting the more conventional approach of concentrating on learning on topics, conceptual learning includes students engaging in high-quality learning experiences built around important concepts and essential ideas. Conceptual is a term used to describe ideas and mental constructs.It has a strong foundation that promotes understanding amongst various points of view. As a consequence, in order to link several concepts, a student has to recall less and understand more. For instance, a student who has a conceptual grasp of decimals may deal with fractions, percentages, and ratios without difficulty.

Thus this is the conceptual definition of learning.

Refer here to learn more about conceptual learning:


What should be considered first before engaging in Cheerdancing?


Safe Cheerleading should be considered first before engaging in Cheerdancing.

*Get to a sports physical before starting any sport.

*Be in good shape before starting the season.

*Always warm up and stretch before practice, games, and competitions.

*Practice somewhere that has floors that absorb impact well — like spring floors or 4-inch-thick landing mats on top of foam floors.

Cheerleading is a pastime in which the members cheer for or their crew as a shape of encouragement. it can range from chanting slogans to severe physical pastimes. It is able to be done to encourage sports activities groups, to entertain the target audience, or for the opposition.

As Crowd Leaders, the cheerleading team is the connection between the lovers and the athletic team. The electricity and enthusiasm produced by using the gang can rally a sports crew to play higher and increase typical morale. it's far the cheerleading team's project to unify the group in its efforts.

Cheerleading is a group hobby in which elements of dance and acrobatics are combined with shouted slogans so that it will entertain spectators at carrying occasions and encourage louder and extra enthusiastic cheering.

Learn more about cheerleading here:-


What was the main theme of Shakespeare's poems?


Shakespeare's sonnets generally focus on the themes of love and life.

How can we become more truly Filipino by becoming more truly Christians?


The Filipino Catholics invite Christ to cleanse, heal, and enrich us with a fuller life through his Spirit in the Church by discovering and proclaiming Jesus Christ in our personal and national culture and become true Christian.

In 2010, the Philippines was ranked as the fifth largest country on Earth with a majority of Christians, with roughly 93% of the population being a Christian. It was one of two predominantly Catholic nations in Asia (the other being East Timor) and the third largest Catholic nation in the world as of 2019 (after Brazil and Mexico).

In 2021, many Filipinos will be commemorating 500 years of Christian presence in the Philippines. On March 16, the day Magellan introduced Catholicism to the Philippines, Pope Francis celebrated a mass on Limasawa, Leyte.

Learn more about Christians here:


What are the 9 key concepts?


Scarcity, choice, efficiency, equality, economic well-being, sustainability, change, interconnectedness, and action are the nine main themes.

By concentrating on the six real-world concerns, students in the DP economics course will gain the information, skills, values, and attitudes that will inspire them to act responsibly as global citizens through the nine key concepts (scarcity, choice, efficiency, equity, economic well-being, sustainability, change, interdependence, and intervention).Studying economics, a fascinating and dynamic subject, may help students understand the complexity and interdependence of economic activity in a rapidly changing world. Economic theory is based on the concept of scarcity. The world's population has endless needs and wants, yet there aren't enough supplies to provide them all.

Thus these are the 9 key concepts of economics.

Refer here to learn more about economics:


What could the Puritans have done to improve the way they handled people who broke a
moral code, and what could Americans do to encourage people to live by a moral code
and take responsibility for their choices and actions? |


The Puritans should have told the people who broke any moral codes to leave out of the area if they weren’t going to follow the rules.

Americans could’ve introduced the moral code everyday, to remind people of the standards and expectations.

what are two things that worry you about living on your own? what are two things that you‘re excited about?


I worry about
1. Doing my own chores
2. Being lonely
I’m excited about
1. Having my own space
2. Having my own rules

Select the correct answer.
How does the poem "Orpheus" transform the myth of "Orpheus and Eurydice" to develop the plot?
O A.
O C.
O D.
The poet describes the physical and mental qualities of Orpheus to create excitement.
The poet highlights the role of music in bringing about a change in the mood and setting.
The poet highlights the beauty of Eurydice to bring about a contrast in the mood.
The poet includes the role of the Greek gods in bringing about a change in Orpheus's life.




Oh that is easy it transforms the plot because he is using different rhyme schemes and different types of language not state languahge

How many perfect squares are there between 10 and 99?


There are 6 perfect squares in between 10 and 99 and that are 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81.

perfect squares from 10 to 99.

Write the square root of any natural number from 10 to 99 that has a perfect square. Count the numbers that are perfect squares. Include a number from 10 to 99.

A perfect square is an integer square.

First, write the square root of any natural number from 10 to 99 that has a perfect square.

[tex]\sqrt{16[/tex] = 4

[tex]\sqrt{25}[/tex] = 5

[tex]\sqrt{36}[/tex] = 6

[tex]\sqrt{49}[/tex] = 7

[tex]\sqrt{64}[/tex] = 8

[tex]\sqrt{81}[/tex] = 9

You can see that there are 6 perfect squares.

A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the product of integers or as the second exponent of an integer. For example, 25 is a perfect square because 5 × 5 = 25, the product of the integer 5 itself. However, 21 is not a perfect square because it cannot be expressed as the product of two equal integers.

Learn more about Perfect Square here :


How do you write a short fable?


In the tale of the wolf and the sheep, for example, a wolf disguised as a sheep can simply infiltrate short fable the sheep's pasture and make a meal of the sheep. The story's moral is that appearances can be deceiving.

Criteria: The entire narrative is fewer than 250 words long. The plot's activities must result in the moral appel discoverysville hosts discoverysville hosts discoverysville hosts discoverysville hosts discoverysville hosts discoverysville short fable hosts discoverysville hosts discoverysville hostssville Juli Keep it short and to the point. Be unique. Makes use of proper wording Use proper grammar, punctuation, and so forth. A fable's beginning introduces the characters and scene (exposition), the centre tells a brief story (increasing action and climax), and the conclusion concludes with a lesson.

To learn more about short fable please click on below link


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