When supply and demand meet a particular price the market is said to be at *?


Answer 1

When supply and demand meet a particular price the market is said to be at equilibrium.

When economic forces are in balance, there is said to be an economic equilibrium. In the absence of outside influences, economic variables essentially hold true to their equilibrium levels. Market equilibrium and economic equilibrium are two different concepts. Economic equilibrium is the set of economic variables (often price and quantity) that the economy is driven toward by standard economic processes like supply and demand. The concept of economic equilibrium can also be used to describe a wide range of elements, including interest rates or overall consumer spending.

The point of equilibrium denotes a theoretical state of rest where all economic activities that "should" occur have actually happened, given the initial conditions of all significant economic variables.

Learn more about equilibrium here: https://brainly.com/question/26075805


Related Questions

7. lobbying for or against trade restrictions trade restrictions affect the overall welfare of an economy, since they change the price consumers pay for a good and the quantity produced and consumed domestically. trade restrictions, such as quotas, usually benefit domestic and hurt domestic , since they the domestic price of a good. true or false: consumers find it difficult to exert the political influence needed to remove trade restrictions, because the costs to consumers are very small and widely dispersed, which makes it difficult for consumers to organize. true false


(1) Because they raise the domestic price of a good, trade restrictions like quotas typically help domestic producers and harm domestic consumers.

(2) Because the costs to consumers are minimal and widely scattered, it is challenging for consumers to organize and exercise the political influence required to lift trade restrictions. This assertion is accurate.

Define trade restrictions.

An artificial barrier to the exchange of products and/or services between two or more nations is known as a trade restriction. It results from protectionism.

Since trade between nations has increased dramatically in recent decades, a significant portion of modern economics concentrates on international trade. One of the many various types of trade restrictions used by nations, a quota refers to a restriction on the supply of an item or service.

To know more about trade restrictions, visit:



which of the following accounts is a stockholders' equity account? a.accounts payable b.cash cmon stock d.prepaid insurance


The Common stocks are stocks also known as securities that show how and who has ownership in the corporation has stockholders equity account. Thus option (c) is correct.

What are Common Stocks?

The common stock is a form of corporate equity ownership, a type of security. Those who own common stock have some control over the corporation and are decision makers within the company.

The advantages of common stock are that those who own them have shares in the company and make decisions. A disadvantage of common stock is the financial risk  that comes with it.

Learn more about Common stock here:



which of the following is a proper description of a tree diagram? a tool for organizing a large number of ideas, opinions, and facts relating to a broad problem or subject area a method for mapping out every conceivable event and contingency that can occur when moving from a problem statement to possible solutions a tool to take data and arrange them to display quantitative relationships among variables to make them more easily understood and analyzed a tool to map out the paths and tasks necessary to complete a specific project or reach a specified goal


A new management planning tool called a tree diagram shows the hierarchy of activities and subtasks required to accomplish a target. A single item that branches into two or more, each of which branches into two or more, and so on, is the starting point of the tree diagram.

What is the meaning of the tree diagram?

Tree diagrams show every scenario that could occur. In a tree diagram, each branch indicates a potential result. The number of alternative possibilities and the likelihood of those outcomes can be determined using tree diagrams.

What three elements make up a tree diagram?

It is called a tree because the connecting cables resemble branches. The diagram's elements are the roots, nodes, and leaf nodes.

To know more about tree diagram visit:-



the greatest obstacle to international investment in developing nations is usually a. lack of profitable investment opportunities. b. labor costs. c. government regulation of capital flows. d. asymmetric information.


The greatest obstacle to international investment in developing nations is usually a. lack of profitable investment opportunities.

The IMF offers wide assistance to low-income countries (LICs) through capacity-building and surveillance programs as well as financial concessions to help them attain, maintain, or restore a macroeconomic position that is conducive to robust and long-lasting poverty reduction and growth.

The 190 nations that make up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) strive for sustainable growth and prosperity. In order to boost productivity, job creation, and economic well-being, it accomplishes this by supporting economic policies that encourage monetary cooperation and financial stability.

To know more about International Monetary Fund refer:



develop an appropriate forecast model for bookstore management to use to forecast computer demand for next fall semester, and indicate how accurate it appears to be. what other forecasts might be useful to the bookstore?


The first step in forecasting demand is to collect consumer buying patterns and consumer behavior data. The survey method might be useful to the bookstore.

Using historical analogy, businesses will occasionally estimate demand for new products by comparing it to historical demand data for comparable existing products. The process of foreseeing future client demand over a predetermined time frame is known as demand forecasting. Demand forecasting typically requires taking into consideration historical data as well as other analytical data in order to produce the most accurate estimates. In order to better grasp essential economic conditions and support the implementation of crucial supply decisions to enhance corporate profitability, a demand forecasting approach that applies predictive modeling of historical data to comprehend and anticipate consumer requests.

Learn more about forecasting from



how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


To help accomplish this during recessions, the Fed employs various monetary policy tools in order to suppress unemployment rates and re-inflate prices.

A recession is a huge, pervasive, and continual decline in the financial pastime. Economists measure a recession's length from the prior growth's height to the downturn's trough. Recessions may final as low as some months, but the financial system may not recover to its former height for years. There were eleven recessions considering 1948, averaging out to approximately one recession every six years. forty-nine but, durations of financial enlargement are numerous and have lasted as little as three hundred and sixty-five days or as long as a decade.

Unemployment frequently rises at some point of recessions, and general employment degrees can flatline or turn negative, stated Pugliese. in addition, GDP increase has a tendency to cut back all through recessions because there may be much less customer demand and less personnel, leading to lower production of products and offerings.

Learn more about recessions here: brainly.com/question/532515


which of the following is/are examples of monetary policy? select one. question 5 options: a. excess reserves b. the reserve requirement c. open market operations d. all of the above


The reserve requirement and open market operations are examples of monetary policy.

What are the three basic monetary policy instruments?It is conventional to categorize monetary policy as either expansionary or restrictive. The Federal Reserve frequently employs the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements as its three primary monetary policy tools.To make borrowing money more affordable for consumers and companies, the government reduces interest rates.Reverse Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market Operations, Bank Rate Policy (Discount Rate), Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), and Statutory Liquidity Ratio are the six tools of monetary policy (SLR).The reserve requirement, open market operations, the discount rate, and interest on reserves are the four primary instruments that central banks use to implement monetary policy.

To learn more about monetary policy refer to:



an investor buys a call at a price of $5.60 with an exercise price of $51. at what stock price will the investor break even on the purchase of the call? (round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


If an investor buys a call at a price of $5.60 with an exercise price of $51. at what stock price will the investor break even on the purchase of the call is : $56.60.

How to find the stock price?

Using this formula to determine or find the stock price that the investor will break even on the purchase of the call

Stock price = Exercise price + Call price


Exercise price = $51

Call price = $5.60

Let plug in the formula

Stock price = $51 + $5.60

Stock price = $56.60

Therefore the stock price is the amount of $56.60.

Learn more about stock price here:https://brainly.com/question/28539863


yield management systems are used to: select one: a. fill unused capacity by discounting early purchases, limiting early sales at those discounted prices, and overbooking capacity. b. reduce break-even points when fixed prices are judged to be too high. c. maintain the optimum amount of input in order to take advantage of consumers' product perceptions. d. reduce consumers' cognitive dissonance due to late responses to demand. e. create demand for products that ar


The management of an organization's or business's income is done through yield management systems.

How does yield management work?

A dynamic optimal pricing technique called yield management aims to maximise income, or yields, from a predetermined number of rooms. It's about figuring out how to best rabalancete and occupancy by comprehending and influencing tourist booking behaviour. Selling the correct accommodation to the target consumer (customer) just at right time in the right price is a common definition of yield management.

Yield management is predicated on a number of important premises:

Hotels must sell a predetermined amount of rooms.

Because inventory is both perishing and finite, if a room isn't booked on a particular night, the chance is lost forever.

to know more about selling, visit to: -



What type of bank account that you can write checks and use a debit card?


Checking Account allows you to write checks and use a debit card.

A checking account makes it simple to access your money for daily transactions while also keeping it safe. Typically, customers can pay their bills or make purchases using a debit card or a check. Different methods may be available for accounts to help avoid the monthly service charge.

A checking account's main function is to store your money in a safe location for a brief period of time, making it accessible when you need it to cover bills and other costs. You can direct deposit your paycheck into your checking account and then transfer some of your take-home pay to a savings or investing account where it can compound over time.

To learn more about Checking Account click here:



to calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the ________ from the stock’s expected return.


To calculate the expected risk premium on a stock, one must subtract the inflation rate from the stock’s expected return.

What is inflation rate?

Inflation rate is the rate at which prices for goods and services rise. Inflation is sometimes classified into three types, those are: demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and built-in inflation. The most commonly used inflation indexes are the Consumer Price Index and the Wholesale Price Index.

High inflation can be harmful, but in the other side, too little inflation can also weaken the economy. While the economy is struggling and inflation is too low, the Fed will take the opposite approach by decreasing interest rates or buying assets to raise cash circulation.

Learn more about inflation rate at: https://brainly.com/question/19263433


hiring employees from external sources is a slow option to avoid an expected labor shortage, and its revocability is low. slow option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage, and its revocability is high. fast option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage; plus. its revocability is high. fast option to avoid an expected labor shortage, and its revocability is low. slow option to avoid an unexpected labor shortage, and its revocability is low.


higher quality than when options are limited, when it comes to the workplace. For their employer, keeping them on staff can become more challenging.

Why would it not be better to hire new people if there is a labor shortage?

Why would it not be better to hire new people if there is a labor shortage? The business might have to let people go if the scarcity turns into a surplus.

How can the lack of workers in an organization be reduced to a minimum?

6 techniques to recruit prospects and combat the labor deficit

Offer the advantages that candidates seek.

Pay an increase.

Accept hybrid employment.

Modify your success criteria.

Boost the culture of your business.

Fill your hiring process with diversity.

To know more about employer visit:



jackits has 5 million shares of common stock outstanding, 1 million shares of preferred stock outstanding, and 20 thousand bonds. if the common shares are selling for $28 per share, the preferred shares are selling for $13.50 per share, and the bonds are selling for 98 percent of par, what would be the weight used for common stock in the computation of jackits' wacc?


jackits has 5 million shares of common stock outstanding, 1 million shares of preferred stock outstanding, and 20 thousand bonds. if the common shares are selling for $28 per share, the preferred shares are selling for $13.50 per share, and the bonds are selling for 98 percent of par, the weight used for common stock in the computation of jackits' wacc are Weight of common stock 80.88, Weight of preferred stock 7.80, Weight of Bonds 11.32.

the weight can be calculate as follows:

first we should calculate the the value of stock

Common Stock

Value = Number of shares × Price

         = 5,000,000 × $28

         = $140,000,000

Preferred Stock

Value = Number share × Price

         = 1,000,000 × $13.50

         = $13,500,000


Value = Number of bonds × Price

         = 20,000 × $980

         = $19,600,000

Total value = $140,000,000+ $13,500,000 + $19,600,000

                  = 173,100,000

then we can calculate the weight

Weight of common stock = Respective Value ÷ Total Value

                                                = $140,000,000 ÷ 173,100,000

                                                 = 80.88

Weight of preferred stock = Respective Value ÷ Total Value

                                                = $13,500,000 ÷ 173,100,000

                                                = 7.80

Weight of Bonds = Respective Value ÷ Total Value

                                  = $19,600,000 ÷ 173,100,000

                                  = 11.32

Learn more about WACC at https://brainly.com/question/14223809


lucerne earns a gross income of $5,500 per month and applies for a mortgage with a monthly piti of $1,244. lucerne has other financial obligations totaling $829 per month. (use the ratio guidelines from your text) what type of mortgage, if any, would lucerne qualify for?


Lucerne will qualify for FHA loans as per the given conditions and financial obligations

A loan is defined as borrowing money from any institution on the ground that it will be repaid after a certain time period. A loan is generally classified into two types: secured loan and unsecured loan. A House loan is an example of a secured loan, whereas a personal loan is an example of an unsecured loan.

The guidelines for the qualification for an FHA loan or a Conventional loan on the basis of the house expense ratio and the obligation ratio are defined as follows:

                                                              FHA Conventional

House Expense Ratio(Percentage) 29 28

Obligation Ratio(Percentage)         41 36

Now for Lucerne, calculate the house expense ratio by using the following formula:

[tex]\text{House expense ratio}=\dfrac{\text{Monthly Housing expense}}{\text{Monthly gross income}}[/tex]

It is given that the monthly gross income is 5500 and the monthly housing expense is 1244

Enumerate the house expense ratio as follows:

House expense ratio=Monthly Housing expense/Monthly gross income




Calculate the obligation ratio by using the following formula:

[tex]{Total Obligation ratio}=\dfrac{\text{Total financial obligation}}{\text{Monthly gross income}}[/tex]

The total financial obligation is given as 829.

Enumerate the total obligation ratio as follows:

Total Obligation ratio=Total monthly financial obligation/Monthly gross income




The housing expense ratio is close to both FHA and Conventional loans. However, the criteria of the financial obligation ratio are not fulfilled for a conventional loan. Therefore, Lucerne is applicable for FHA only.

Learn more about loans:



Lucerne earns a gross income of $5,500 per month and applies for a mortgage with a monthly pity of $1,244. He will qualify for FHA only.

The National Housing Act of 1934 helped to form the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), commonly known as the Office of Housing within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which was established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

For single-family homes, multi-family rental properties, hospitals, and residential care facilities, the FHA insures mortgages issued by private lenders.

Housing expense ratio = Mo. Housing expense(PITI) ÷ Monthly Gross Income

Housing expense ratio = $1,244 ÷ $5,500 = 22.6%

Total Obligations ratio = Total Mo. Fin. Obligations ÷ Monthly Gross income

Total Obligations ratio = (1,244 + 829) ÷ 5,500 = 37.7%

Lending Ratio Guidelines:

Mortgage Type | Housing Expense | Total Obl. Ra.


FHA | 29% | 41%

Conventional | 28% | 36%

To know more about FHA:



a kind of guarantee or promise made by a manufacturer or seller that the goods and services offered are really what they are claimed to be, or that the goods or services are what a reasonable person has a right to expect, is known as a(n):


An assurance made to a consumer which an item will correspond to particular criteria is known as a warranty. Usually, the elements, craftsmanship, and functionality are covered under these criteria.

Which three warranty types are there?

Written Express Warranty

Oral Express Warranty

Supposed Warranty

Which kind of warranty is generated when the seller takes an explicit action to set expectations with the buyer?

A item is guaranteed to be compatible with its intended use and to live up to the consumer's standards by an implied warranty. They may be expressed orally or in writing. States, not the federal government, are in charge of implied warranties. Inherent warranties of acceptability and suitability are the two main categories.

To know more about warranty click here



the equilibrium price is $20 in the short run. what is the long run equilibrium price? how did you arrive at your answer?


The company is making money in the short run. At MC=Price, market equilibrium occurs. Average total cost is higher than pricing at this level.

What Is Equilibrium?

When market supply and demand are in balance, prices become steady. This is known as equilibrium. In general, a surplus of goods or services leads to lower prices, which increases demand, whereas a shortfall or undersupply raises prices, which decreases demand.

A short-run market equilibrium is defined as a price and an amount of production, where (1) supply and demand are equal, (2) businesses choose variable inputs and output to maximize profits, and (3) supply and demand are determined from utility maximization.

When prices have fully matched production costs and the economy is operating at its full potential, a long run market equilibrium occurs. The rate of unemployment falls to its natural level in a long-run market equilibrium. An economy is operating at full capacity when this happens, and its actual GDP is equal to its potential GDP.

Know more marketing equillibrium:



26) suppose firms in a perfectly competitive industry are suffering an economic loss. over time: group of answer choices a) some firms leave the industry, so the price falls and the economic loss decreases b) some firms leave the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss decreases b) some firms leave the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss doesn't change d) other firms enter the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss decreases


Some firms leave the industry, so the price rises and the economic loss doesn't change. (Option B)

What results in losses for a company that is perfectly competitive?

An increase in demand generates economic profit in the short run and encourages entry in the long run in a perfectly competitive market in long-run equilibrium; a decrease in demand generates economic losses (negative economic profits) in the short run and forces some businesses to leave the industry in the long run.

Why would a company continue to produce if it is losing money?

Even if a business loses money, production won't halt right away. The company will keep producing even though it is losing money as long as the loss from continuing operations is smaller than the loss from ceasing production; in other words, total revenue exceeds total variable cost, but total revenue falls short of total cost.

To know more about competitive market, visit:



Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result ina. penalties and damages.b. penalties only.c. damages only.d. none of the choices.


Deep Earth Extraction Inc. operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharge of waste from the facility into the Bay may result in penalties and damages. The correct answer is a.

In an effort to protect our waters and their biodiversity from chemical and biological contaminants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has committed to eliminating the discharge of toxic pollutants and wastes into the bays. Passed the Clean Water Act, which strictly prohibits it. Effluents from facilities must be treated first, and maximum permissible toxic landfills are strictly regulated to minimize damage from toxic materials. Violations of the Clean Water Act carry fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment.

To learn more about the Clean Water Act visit: brainly.com/question/14284975


with an abc system, an item that had a high demand but a low annual dollar volume would probably be classified as: group of answer choices b c a


Demand is an financial idea that pertains to a consumer's choice to buy items and offerings and willingness to pay a selected charge for them. Option C is correct.

The required details for Demand in given paragraph

With an A-B-C system, an object that had a excessive call for quantity however a low annual greenback volume could possibly be categorized as a C class. With an A-B-C system, an object that had a low call for quantity however a High annual greenback volume could possibly be categorized as A class. After A class B is classed and after B, C is classed. Demand is a idea that clients and groups are very acquainted with as it makes experience and takes place evidently within side the path of almost any day.

For example, buyers with an eye fixed on merchandise that they need will purchase greater whilst the merchandise' expenses are low.

To know about Demand click here



According to many CEOs, corporate _______ is the key to making a company one of the best.


According to many CEOs, corporate culture is the key to making a company one of the best.

A company's corporate culture is the personality of the organization. It is the way the company interacts with its employees, customers, and the community. The corporate culture sets the tone for how the company does business and how it treats its employees.

A positive corporate culture can help a company attract and retain employees, and can help create a positive work environment. A negative corporate culture can have the opposite effect, and can lead to employee turnover in company.

To know more about corporate, click here.



the only social responsibility of a company should be to deliver a profit to its shareholders.a. trueb. false


Yes Increasing profits is the business's social responsibility. In it, he argued that a shareholder company only has obligations to its owners and has no social responsibility to society or the wider public.

Is a business's sole duty to its shareholders to maximize profits?

Social responsibility is also a component of business interactions with investors. Although it may appear that a company's primary duty to its shareholders is its economic responsibility to produce a profit, some investors are placing an increasing amount of focus on other facets of social responsibility.

What do you mean by business social responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), usually referred to as social responsibility in business, is the practice of individuals and businesses acting morally and conducting business in a manner that is considerate of others' social, cultural, economic, and political viewpoints.

To know more about shareholder visit:-



what is the name for a framework and corresponding functions required to enable incident response and incident handling within an organization?


Incident management is required to enable incident response and incident handling within an organization.

What is Incident management?

DevOps and IT Operations teams employ the incident management process to respond to an unanticipated event or service outage and return the service to operational status.

When the impacted service begins operating in the way it was meant to, the situation has been resolved. This just covers the activities necessary to lessen the damage and restore functionality.

The intensity of these catastrophes can vary greatly, from a single worldwide online service going down to a handful of customers experiencing sporadic difficulties.

Incidents can interfere with business operations, cause brief periods of downtime, and contribute to the loss of productivity and data. Given its many advantages, incident management procedures are becoming more and more important for enterprises.

To learn more on Incident management from the link:



if you make quarterly payments of $582.00 into an ordinary annuity earning an annual interest rate of 6.56%, how much will be in the account after 3 years?


After 3 years $7305.5 will be there in the account if you make quarterly payments of $582.00 into an ordinary annuity earning an annual interest rate of 6.56%.

The net amount in the account after n deposits will be:

A = P*[(1+r)ⁿ - 1]/r

here, P = Initially quarterly deposits = $582.00

r = Quarterly interest rate = (Annual interest rate)/4 = (6.05/4) = 1.5125% = 0.015125

n = number of total deposits = (3 years)*(number of quarter in each year) = 3*3 = 9 deposits


A = 582*[(1 + 0.015125)⁹- 1]/0.015125

A = $7305.5

Therefore, after 3 years  $7305.5 will be there in the account.

To learn more about simple and compound interest,



according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


The absence of a trash recycling system in South Africa gave the electronic waste company Bolunga a business opportunity.

What issues do countries face when there is no recycling infrastructure?

There is an accumulation of trash due to a lack of recycling infrastructure.

The absence of a recycling system harms the nation's environment and appearance.

The populace is encouraged to live in an unhealthy environment by the absence of a recycling system.

What sparked a company's business opportunity is what we are referring to when we inquire as to what caused it. The government's failure to establish a framework for recycling this garbage led to the chance for the e-waste company Bolunga to recycle e-waste items.

South Africa has suffered as a result of the major international countries' inability to manage their technological garbage. As a result, these nations ship their electronic garbage to distant nations like South Africa.

Due to the inability of local governments to handle it, this rubbish builds up and results in a number of social, economic, and environmental issues that worsen over time.

Recycling businesses therefore have the chance to use this as a source of revenue that benefits the environment, society, and the local economy.

Learn more about e-waste:



expected monetary value (emv) is the product of the risk event probability and the risk event's monetary value. group of answer choices true false


Expected monetary value (emv) is the product of the risk event probability and the risk event's monetary value. The statement is true.

What is Expected monetary value (emv)?

A statistical concept known as expected monetary value determines the typical outcome when the future comprises situations that may or may not come to pass. A decision tree is typically used in an EMV analysis to represent decision-making when dealing with different risks in events and their potential effects on scenarios. A key idea in project risk management is the expected monetary value, which is used to generate a quantitative risk analysis for all kinds of plans. The Expected Monetary Value can be used in projects as a risk measurement and comparison tool. Despite the fact that project managers must rely mostly on their experience from previous projects when it comes to risk management,

To learn more about Expected monetary value (emv)



explain how transferring core credits from a community college and/or testing out of certain courses can save you money when attending college.


It can be less expensive for students to complete part of their education requirements by transferring core credits from a community college.

Transferring core credits from a community college can save money because it allows students to complete some of their general education requirements at a lower cost. The colleges generally have lower tuition rates than four-year colleges and universities, so taking courses at a community college can save students money on their overall college costs. Transferring core credits can also allow students to complete their degrees in less time, which can further reduce the overall cost of college.

Another way that transferring core credits can save money is by allowing students to avoid taking courses that they may not need. For example, if a student has already completed a required course at a community college, they can transfer that course to their four-year institution, allowing them to skip taking the course again and save money on tuition. By taking a test or exam to demonstrate their knowledge of a particular subject, students can earn college credit without having to take the course, saving them time and money.

Read more about credit transfer on:



what is the first step in the strategic planning process? group of answer choices define an organization's mission. monitor and adapt plans. assess the competitive position. develop strategies for reaching objectives.


Option a. defining an organization's mission is the first step in the strategic planning process.

Strategic planning is the process of creating a clear, quantifiable goal or, more frequently, a group of goals that will help your organization achieve its objectives. To meet the variable cadence of attaining business goals, numerous teams from across the firm might use the strategic plan.

Tracking your progress toward goals can be made possible by having a strategic strategy in place. The success of your firm can be directly impacted by each department's and team's progress when they are aware of the overall plan of the business, resulting in a top-down approach to tracking key performance indicators (KPIs).

Learn more about the strategic planning process here:



collaborative planning builds trust and working relationships that will be needed during emergencies. a. true b. false


It is true that collaborative planning fosters the kind of cooperation and relationships that are necessary in times of crisis. As a result, choice (A) is the best way to respond.

What is collaborative planning?

The interactive method of planning is called collaborative planning. Collaborative planning aims to involve as many stakeholders as possible in everything from governance frameworks to architectural drafts. There are many facilitation strategies that are employed to promote collaboration and consensus.

Collaborative planning, according to academics Thomas Gunton and J.C. Day, is a civics-based planning methodology that gives affected stakeholders direct responsibility for creating plans.

This method, which is often referred to as "shared decision-making" or "communicative planning," focuses on the use of cooperative, consensus-based processes in creating anything from governance systems to environmental regulation to physical infrastructure and community sustainability.

Hence option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about collaborative planning, from:



What are employers required to do to keep employees safe from caught-in and between hazards from hand-held power tools?


In order to keep employees safe from caught-in and between hazards from hand-held power tools, employers are required to Maintain and guard the power tools.

How can employers keep employees safe from power tools ?

Employers are required by law to maintain and guard power tools in order to keep their employees safe from harm. By maintaining the tools, employees will not be at risk of caught - in hazards from the tools not working effectively.

Employers will also need to guard the power tools so that employees will not have access to them except for tasks where they are needed, to ensure that they are not misused.

Find out more on power tools at https://brainly.com/question/19901179


according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


according to the e-waste in south africa video case,  the availability of e-waste resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services.

What is an electronic waste ?

Discarded electrical or electronic equipment is referred to as electronic trash. E-waste is another name for these used electronics that are intended for recycling through material recovery, refurbishment, reuse, resale, or disposal.

Due to the availability of e-waste, the bolunga electronic waste firm now has the option to offer e-waste recycling services.

Aproximately 360,000 tons of e-waste are produced annually in South Africa, with Gauteng being the country's economic hub and producing around 55% of that amount, according to the UN's Global e-waste Monitor study.

Read more about Electronic waste



Other Questions
a parent states that he belives his daughter can begin riding her bike to school and wants to know about helments and clothing when cycing. which response from the nurse are correct 1) Examine the illustration of an ecosystem below. Identify four abiotic factors and four biotic factors, and write them in the spaces provided.Abiotic Factorsa. b. c. d.Biotic Factorsa. b. c. d.(PLS HURRY!! IM BEING TIMED) Suppose you have a pre-existing class Pokemon that represents characters in a game, The class has the following data and behavior. Your task is to modify the class to be Comparable by adding an appropriate compare To method. All defensive Pokemon are considered to be "less than" aggressive Pokemon An defensive Pokemon is considered to be "less than" another if it has a lower defense power An aggressive Pokemon is considered to be "less than' another if it has a lower sum of attack and defense power. If two Pokemon are both aggressive or defensive and have the same defense or attack + defense power, they are considered to be "equal " Your method should not modify any Pokemon object's state. You may assume the parameter passed is not null. How many infinite verbs are there? which of the following is reported for interim financial reports using the integral approach? bonus expense. extraordinary losses. cash basis accounting. extraordinary gains. change in accounting principle. What is TRUE about birth rate trends in the United States?A.The birth rate has had a steady increase since 2007.The birth rate has been on a steady decline since 2007.The birth rate has not changed since 2007.OD. The birth rate has not been calculated since 2007.B.C. your php installation appears to be missing the mysql extension which is required by wordpress. what process, available on most routers, will help improve security by replacing the internal ip address of the transmitting device with a public ip address? Why does cycling burn more calories than swimming? Question 2 0 / 1 pts What is output by the following code? Select all that apply. c = 2 while (c < 12): print (c) c = c + 3 Which trigonometric ratio will not have the same value as sin A?A.COS AB.sin CC.tan CD.COS C What was the turning point in the showdown when it became apparent that gatsby was not going to win. when it comes to social media... a. companies currently only use it to connect with customers b. it is easy to get rid of posts you have made so that they will never be seen again c. it is used to connect with employees and suppliers, including logistics providers d. all of the above e. only b and c a container in the form of a right circular cone (vertex down) has radius 4 m and height 16 m. see the figure. if water is poured into the container at the constant rate of 16 m3/min, how fast is the water level rising when the water is 8 m deep? Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answer.This passage is taken from an eighteenth-century letter from a president to the citizens of the United States of America.(1) Solikewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation,facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, andinfusing into onethe enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequateprivileges denied to others which aptinducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation ofdoubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and byexciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld.(2) As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachmentsare particularly alarming to the truly enlighteneddomestic factions, to practice the arts ofand independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper withseduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils? Such an attachment of a small or weak towardsa great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.(3) Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free peopleought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence isone of the most baneful foes ofrepublican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of che very influenceto be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of anothercause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence onthe other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its toolsand dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.(4) The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them aslittle political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect goodfaith. Here let us stop. Europe has set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence shemust be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it(O must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinarycombinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.(5) Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under anefficient government, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may takesuch an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon tobe scrupulously respected; when belligerentnations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hozard the giving us provocation; when we maychoose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.(6) Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Whyquit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, byinterweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition,rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?(7) It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; s0 ar mean, as we arenow at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold themaxim no less applicable to public than to private affaire, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let thoseengagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.Which word best describes the tone of the last paragraph? (5 points)O FuriousO AfraidO ResolvedO Hopeful After spending $3,450 for tables and $3,950 for chairs, a convention center manager finds that the total is 4% more than he spent on tables and chairs last year. To the nearest dollar, find the amount that he spent last year. A. $296 c. $7115 b. $4115 d. $7,708. In some regions of the world, forests are cut down and then burned to create room for farmland. How might this local environmental change affect people living on the East Coast of the United States? A. It could help farms to produce more crops by enriching their soil. B. It could reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the air. C. It could contribute to rising temperatures and rising sea levels. D. It could raise oxygen levels in the ocean, allowing for larger populations of fish. kinnamont company manufactures farming equipment that includes navigational systems as part of the standard equipment package and offers optional training on any navigational systems for an additional fee. smith company enters into a contract with kinnamont that includes a combine, a navigational system, and training. identify the performance obligations to which smith should allocate the transaction price: What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (6, -5) and (6,5)? a galaxy with thin spiral arms and a small spherical central bulge would be a type