when professionals do not appropriately understand their ethical obligation and professional commitment within the profession, who can be harmed?


Answer 1

The Public, The client, The profession can be harmed when professionals do not appropriately understand their ethical obligation and professional commitment within the profession.

A person who engages in a specific professional activity or a member of a profession are both considered professionals. The phrase also refers to the requirements for education and training that equip profession-members with the unique expertise required to carry out their particular job within that profession. Most professionals are also bound by rigid rules of conduct that establish high standards of morality and ethics. In various cultures, the phrase is used colloquially to refer to a certain social class of educated professionals who have a high degree of job autonomy and are frequently involved in creative and intellectually demanding work.

Learn more about professional here:



Related Questions

theresa is incredibly outgoing. timon is the most reliable person you know. theresa and timon's big five traits in order are:


extraversion (theresa ); conscientiousness (timon ) are there traits.

Extraversion includes traits such as talkative, energetic, assertive, and extroverted. Social interaction is important here. Extroverts often hold leadership positions. Be the first to express your opinions and suggestions. Especially in the dating scene, we often approach other people right away.

Conscientiousness is the character trait of being cautious or hardworking. Integrity means a desire to do a job well and a desire to take one's obligations to others seriously. Conscientious people tend to be efficient and organized, as opposed to carefree and lazy. You tend to exhibit self-discipline, act loyally, and strive for achievement. They exhibit deliberate rather than spontaneous behavior. And they are generally reliable. It manifests itself in characteristic behaviors such as order and system. It also includes elements such as seriousness, thoroughness, and deliberation (the tendency to think before acting).

To know more about Extraversion , visit:



why does this quote fit natural selection---it is more a process of editing than it is a creative mechanism?


Natural selection is more a process of editing than a creative mechanism by preferring certain people's reproductive success over others, it filters out heritable variances.

It is limited to choosing solely among the population's variations. Because it affects already existing life and drives it to adapt to survive in the current environment, natural selection functions as an editor. As a result, there occurs descent with variation, which modifies the population's heritable traits.

Natural selection is a creative process that eliminates spontaneously occurring mutations by causing advantageous mutations to mix and accumulate, producing a wide variety of creatures over aeons of time. Natural selection is not at all random, yet the genetic variation on which it acts may occur randomly.

A person's ability to survive and reproduce depends on how their inherited features behave in relation to their immediate environment.

To know more about 'natural selection' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/2725702


most voters go to the election booth with scant knowledge about the qualifications of judicial candidates, and they often end up voting


Most voters have little understanding of the judicial candidates' qualifications when they go to the polls, therefore they frequently choose candidates based solely on familiarity with their names.

Why is it so difficult for voters to investigate judicial candidates?

The "positions" taken by the judicial candidates are also of interest to voters. They are astonished to find that judges and judicial candidates may break the law and risk being disqualified if they openly express their personal opinions regarding legal problems that could result in litigation.

Why is it so difficult for those who lack resources to access justice in our judicial system?

A lack of legal knowledge and illiteracy: The laws that are in place to protect people's rights in India are not known by the populace. Illiteracy and lack of understanding are frequently to blame for their exploitation and lack of access to the legal justice afforded by numerous laws.

Learn more about judges and judicial candidates : https://brainly.com/question/27342684


role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


The first position process variable to be mentioned right here is role ambiguity. When individuals have inadequate statistics concerning their roles, they ride role ambiguity.

What is function ambiguity?

Role ambiguity is a term used to describe the lack of clarity, simple task and/or predictability one would possibly have anticipated with regards to behaviour in a job (due, perhaps to an ill-defined or ambiguous job description and/or unsure organizational objectives).

What can cause position ambiguity?

Five reasons of position ambiguity were identified. These had been measurement and complexity of the organisation, rapid price of change, restrictions on employees' authority, vaguely described duties and assignment interdependence.

Learn more about role ambiguity here:


List six responsibilities we have to help keep our country free.


Its 1-6 i forgot to put a number

An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law.
a. True
b. False


The statement that an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law is true. (Option A)

The workers’ compensation law, known formally as Workmen Compensation Act, 1923 states that it is compulsory for the employer to make payment of compensation to workers for any injury or death which is caused during the discharging of their employment duties. It protects individual who become injured, disabled, or died during working at their jobs. The laws provide the affected workers with fixed monetary awards, in an attempt to eliminate the need for litigation. As the law is associated with injuries or death which occur during actively working on their job, and commuting is not covered in that description.

Learn more about Workers' compensation law:



Fiedler's contingency leadership model argues that leadership behaviors should be determined by position power only.


It is true that Fiedler's contingency leadership model argues that the leadership behaviors should be determined by the position power only.

What is a contingency theory?

There is no ideal method to run business, structure a team, or make choices, according to contingency theory of organizational behavior. Instead, the best course of action depends on both the internal and exterior circumstances. Contingent leaders are adaptable in their choice of and adaptation of concise methods to fit change in situation at specific point in operation of the company. Two earlier research initiatives aiming to identify good leadership behavior had an impact on the contingency approach to leadership. In 1950s, Ohio State University researchers conducted in-depth surveys measuring range of potential leader behaviors in the diverse organizational environments.

To learn more about contingency theory, visit:



How did the Great Migration affect northern cities?


The Great Migration gave birth to the first significant urban black communities in the North. Between 1910 and 1930, the black population in the North increased by around 20%. Some of the highest increases were observed in cities like Cleveland, New York, Detroit, and Chicago.

The settlers soon realized that their previous rural life had not adequately equipped them for life in the city. Many people found the difficulties of urban living to be overwhelming.

Segregation in employment and housing followed the same trends as in the South, and racism in the North occasionally reached levels of severity comparable to those in Mississippi or Alabama.

Most frequently, recent immigrants could only find low-wage positions that did not demand intelligence. They were compelled to live in blighted parts of the city and were surrounded by prejudice, discrimination, and segregation.

To learn more about Great Migration, please refer:



5. explain why taking a holistic approach and applying multiple theories to a subject is better than applying only one


Giving care that considers the needs of the full person, not just their mental health, is known as a holistic approach. Their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness ought to be taken into account when providing support.

Age, gender, culture, heritage, language, faith, sexual and gender identity, marital status, life experience, and beliefs all have an impact on how each person experiences mental illness and navigates the road to recovery.

It's critical to remember that your perspective on events could differ from that of the individual you are assisting. To be able to deliver a comprehensive service, it is important to have the ability to listen, inquire, and check. Instead of concentrating only on a person's ailment or condition, a holistic approach emphasizes their whole wellness.

learn more about holistic approach here:



Why do you think so many new laws are proposed? check all that apply. laws can help to improve society laws can create reforms desired by citizens. laws can help to protect those who are vulnerable . laws can ensure our rights are protected . laws can address new discoveries in science , technology , and medicine .


New laws are proposed because laws can help to improve society,  laws can ensure our rights are protected,  laws can help to protect those who are vulnerable.

A law can be described as rules of a country that are to be abided by every citizen of the country.

New laws are prepared in order to benefit the citizens of a place. It helps people who are vulnerable and want to seek justice. It helps in making the society a better place to live because if rules are not abided, then there will be many criminal activities in the world.

New laws are proposed so that better living standards can be provided to people.

To learn more about laws, click here:



who did welcome to the wedding banquet what was prepared by a king for his son in the parable of jesus about the kingdom of heaven?


Parable of the Great Banquet welcome to the wedding banquet. Matthew 22:2, NIV: The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.

According to the traditional interpretation of Matthew's parable, the king is God; Jesus, himself, is the son of the king; The Jews were the first guests invited; God's prophets are targeted by the king's servants; and the Gentiles and other "unworthy" are the new guests. Matthew also uses the eschatological image of a wedding in the parable of the Ten Virgins and the parable of the Faithful Servant. Gentiles are included in the original invitation to the Jews. Luke specifically addresses the "poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame" in his invitation (Luke 14:21), demonstrating an explicit concern for the "poor and the outcasts."

To know more about Parable of the Great Banquet visit https://brainly.com/question/994328


somatic symptom disorder is characterized by physical symptoms a. that are based on false perceptions of hallucinations. b. that are intermittent but progressive in nature. c. that do not have an underlying medical cause. d. that are induced in order to obtain sympathy and concern.


Physical symptoms associated with somatic symptom disorder are sporadic but progress in nature. The right response is (b).

When a person concentrates heavily on physical symptoms, such as pain, weakness, or shortness of breath, to the point where it causes considerable distress and/or functional difficulties, it is determined that the person has somatic symptom disorder. In relation to the physical symptoms, the person exhibits excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Somatic symptom disorder symptoms might include either more specific ones, such pain or shortness of breath, or more general ones, like weakness or exhaustion. Somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, hypochondriasis, conversion disorder, pain disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and unspecified somatoform disorder are among them. Family doctors face difficulties treating these diseases because they frequently put patients through severe emotional distress.

Learn more about somatic symptom visit: brainly.com/question/28240605


discuss a time you felt included or excluded from a person, a group, an event, or an activity. how did this experience make you feel and how did you respond to this situation?


It is very painful when someone excludes you from a group or an activity. Social exclusion affects mind, brain, and behaviour.

What is social exclusion?

The term "social exclusion" describes the feeling of being socially excluded, either literally (such as when you're completely alone) or mentally (for example, being ignored or told that one is unwanted). You undoubtedly feel awful or perhaps have "painful" feelings when someone rejects you.

We human beings feel very bad or painful when someone excludes us from any activity. At the same we feel happy when someone include us in any group or activity. When we are excluded from a person, a group, an event, or an activity, in this situation, we should not loose our hope. We should try to cope up with the situation. It is hard to do so but we should move on.

This is the part of life.

To know more about pain visit:



Which best explains President Wilson's use of the word?



He is emphasizing the enemy's tyranny.

which early intervention found positive results that lasted until program participants were 21 years old?


According to question,  the Abecedarian is an early intervention found positive results that lasted until program participants were 21 years old .

From ages 0 to 5, children from extremely underprivileged households received educated childcare and high-quality preschool through the Chapel Hill, North Carolina-based Abecedarian Project. A program of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, The Abecedarian Project is one of the oldest and most well-known early childhood education initiatives in the world.

The Abecedarian Project was a meticulously planned scientific investigation into the possible advantages of early childhood education for underprivileged kids. The early educational intervention group or the control group received a random assignment as babies to one of four cohorts of people born between 1972 and 1977.

To know more about Abecedarian visit :



2.you are speaking with your 67-year-old grandfather, who is jokingly telling you that he is about as old as one can get. remembering your developmental class, what do you know about his age in reference to the life span? he is actually in the . a.young-old group b.old-old group c.middle-old group d.oldest-old group


When you talk to an grandfather and they bring up your developmental class, you will be able to estimate his age based on the life span given below.

Which age category do you fall under?

The granddad is actually among the young old group when he claims to be about as old as one can get in terms of life span.

Young Old Group: Who are they?

Older folks who are retired yet still active are occasionally referred to as "young-olds." Since many people believe that retired people become sedentary and cut off from society, the contrary can frequently be true, the activity level of the young-old often contradicts expectations about typical behavior for older people. Thanks to developments in  medical care, many retired people enjoy active lives long after retirement, and their activity level actually keeps them healthier.

To know more about developmental visit:



the following are all important functions of money, except: a. acts as an indicator of social status. b. acts as a store of value. c. acts as a unit of account. d. acts as a medium of exchang


The following are all important functions of money, except c. acts as a unit of account.

Money permits us to meet our simple wishes—to buy food and shelter and pay for healthcare. assembly of these needs is important, and if we don't have sufficient cash to do so, our personal properly-being and the nicely-being of the community as a whole go through significantly.

Economists differentiate amongst 3 one-of-a-kind varieties of cash: commodity cash, fiat money, and financial institution money. Commodity money is superb its fee serves as the value of cash. Gold coins are an instance of commodity money.

Learn more about Money here:



what is the penalty for being convicted of illegally passing a stopped school bus?


For being found guilty of passing a stopped school bus illegally, 10 states allow a fine of up to $1,000 or more, 16 states provide a prison sentence, and 10 states allow a license suspension for up to 30 days or more.

What does illegally mean in law?

Any action that is against the law or not permitted by a statute is considered illegal. also known as illicit or illegal. It might be used to describe a criminal offense like assault, arson, or murder.

Does illegal mean criminal?

In contrast, every activity that is classified as a criminal activity is always prohibited; not every criminal behavior is illegal. For instance, passing the.

To know more about illegally visit:



in which hallmark christmas movie do this architect and baker team up to win a contest?


This architect and baker collaborate to win a competition in the movie A Gingerbread Romance.

What type of work does an architect do?

Architect. Structures are built by architects for a variety of clientele, including companies and residential homeowners. These specialists must assess the structural requirements, building costs, and costs for each project. Managing contracts, drawing up plans, and managing construction personnel are other duties.

Are architects a good profession?

A career in architecture is a wise choice if money is important to you. The median pay for all jobs, based on the BLS, is $41,950, while the median salary for architects is double that much. Compared to other professions, architects have similar or higher job satisfaction.

To know more about architect visit:



explain and discuss the divine command theory. do you think this view is a sound account of moral right and wrong? why or why not? quora


The Divine Command Theory includes the assertion that morality is ultimately based on the commandments or qualities of God, and that morally correct behavior is what God commands or requires.

The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles related to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. The text of the Ten Commandments appears twice in his Hebrew Scriptures: Exodus 20:2–17 and Deuteronomy

According to Torah's Exodus, the Ten Commandments were revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai, Engraved with the finger of Moses. God on his two slabs kept in the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ten Commandments teach us to honor God, be honest, honor our parents, keep the Sabbath day holy, and be a good neighbor. These rules are as important today as they were thousands of years ago.

Learn more about Commandments  https://brainly.com/question/8290171


hich of the following statements is not true: a. crying is a newborn's first mand. b. behavior problems are not related to a mand deficit. c. manding for items in view is easier than manding for items out of view. d. mands may still need to be targeted, even if some tacts are in repertoire


C) Manding for things that are visible is simpler than manding for things that are hidden.

Mand: According to Cooper, Heron, & Heward (2007), the speaker conveys their desires or needs.

Example: When the child wants to play with a ball, they ask for one. Tact: The speaker names something inside their current circumstance (Cooper, Heron, and Heward, 2007). Example: You exclaim, "Mmm, popcorn!" when you smell it.

What exactly is a mand response?

A motivating operation (MO) controls the response form of the mand, a type of verbal operant. It is the first verbal operant that is learned, it helps the speaker directly, leads to the development of other behaviors, and it may be used to replace problematic behavior.

To learn more about mand here



Can a country be both - a monarchy and a republic ? If so , give an example .


Yes it can
Example of a constitutional monarchy is the United Kingdom. It is known as a crowned republic

in the last chapter, i asked you to think about how theatre sometimes falls short of its intentions. now, imagine a set of "principles" for theatre that would allow all plays to reach the highest goals possible. what kinds of good could theatre do for people, whether on a social or individual level? how could you expand the definition of theatre to accomplish these new, lofty goals?


I believe that theatre has the power to improve people.

The audience might feel inspired and motivated to act if performances offered inspiring stories. People, in my opinion, attend plays because they are drawn to the genre and the subject matter. They intend to act similarly to them because they want to be just like them. According to choreographer Joshua Bergasse, "I'm a new person when I leave a theatre performance. I hope I've gained some insight into both myself and others. The way that people develop, in my opinion, is via engaging narrative." These individuals on stage are developing guidelines to aid in everyone's personal growth and improvement both internally and externally.

To now more about theatre:



which member of the ""tnf on prime"" team has charissa thompson worked with before?


TNF Tonight, which is presented by Charissa Thompson, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Tony Gonzalez, and Richard Sherman from the game site and features comments from Andrew Whitworth, Taylor Rooks, and Michael Smith, comes before Amazon's games.

They offer distinctive options for brand sponsorship and facilitate a closer bond between viewers and the broadcast partner thanks to the presenter and analysts. Amazon will need to develop infrastructure around the TNF game in order to recover its investment. Thompson will also play a significant role.

After years of sharing the rights with Fox, NFL Network, and NBC, Amazon will this fall become the sole provider of the NFL's Thursday primetime games. The multi-billion dollar agreement, which places America's most watched TV shows only on a streaming service, is by far the largest on streaming sports.

To know more about amazon prime visit:



Drag and drop the countries to classify them according to the type of government that they have.


Democratic in Some Form
but Authoritarian in Practice

Predominantly Democratic

the philippines


According to the type of government that they have, each of the countries should be classified as follows;

Cambodia: democratic in some form but Authoritarian in practice.Singapore: predominantly democratic.Vietnam: predominantly authoritarian.The Philippines: predominantly democratic.

What are the types of government?

Generally speaking, there are different types of government that are being practiced in various countries around the world and these include the following:

Totalitarian government.OligarchyMonarchyDemocracyParliamentaryAuthoritarian government.

What is democracy?

Democracy can be defined as a type of government that is established by the people and generally for the people. This ultimately implies that, a democracy refers to a type of government that accords all the power to the people such as in Ghana, Singapore, the Philippines.

What is an authoritarian government?

An authoritarian government is sometimes referred to as dictatorship and it can be defined as a type of government in which an individual who is a sole administrator (dictator) is saddled with the responsibility of controlling, managing, and directing all of the affairs of a particular country such as in Vietnam.

Read more on democracy here: https://brainly.com/question/29682322


Which of the following is a basic step in conducting marginal cost analysis?
O Creating a production possibilities curve to compare two product options
O Determining what a business will spend to produce each additional unit
O Finding ways to increase the efficiency of workers and technology
O Identifying the factors of production needed for a business


Answer: Determining what a buisness will spend to produce each additional unit


Took the test and got it right

Determining what a business will spend to produce each additional unit  is a basic step in conducting marginal cost analysis. Hence, option B is correct.

What is marginal cost analysis?

Marginal analysis is the process of evaluating the costs and potential benefits of specific business activities or financial decisions. The goal is to determine whether the advantages of the new activity will be significant enough to outweigh the disadvantages.

The marginal cost in economics is the difference in total production costs brought on by developing or producing an additional unit. To calculate marginal cost, divide the variance in production costs by the variation in quantity.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about marginal cost analysis, click here:



Which was an argument used by opponents of the U.S. Constitution against its ratification?

a. Responses

b. Congress has no authority to raise money.

c. The French king will not approve of it.

d. The federal government has too much power.

There is no system of checks and balances.


The federal government has too much power was an argument used by opponents of the U.S. Constitution against its ratification.

What were the arguments against ratifying the Constitution?

The Federalists argued that the Constitution as it stood only limited the government, not the people, so they did not see the need for this modification. Without a Bill of Rights, the people would be vulnerable to tyranny, according to the Anti-Federalists, who believed the Constitution gave the federal government too much power.

Federalists championed the Constitution's bolstered national government, which included a more potent executive branch, a stronger congressional branch, and an independent judiciary. Hence the Anti-Federalists opposed the passage of the 1787 ratification of U.S. Constitution because they believed that the new national government would be overly powerful and harm individual liberties because there was no bill of rights.

To learn more about ratification of U.S. Constitution, visit:



Explain one way in which the diffusion of buddhism to southeast asia was evident.


The diffusion of Buddhism to Southeast Asia was evident during this period because of the widespread conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism by lower caste people because of its rejection of the caste system.

Buddhism is a religion or philosophical tradition which originated in northern India based on teachings attributed to the Buddha. It gradually spread throughout much of Asia via the Silk Road. Buddhists believed that the human life comprises of suffering, meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior as ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana. Buddhism challenged the Hindu social structure where Brahmins had the highest authority and status. It also challenged the Hindu caste system as enlightenment was not limited to those of upper castes. During the 1200-1450, the diffusion of Buddhism to Southeast Asia was evident due to the widespread conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism by lower caste people because of its rejection of the caste system.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Explain ONE way in which the diffusion of Buddhism to Southeast Asia was evident during the period c. 1200-c. 1450.

Learn more about Buddhism:



reward value of having a psychological or physical symptom, such as release from ordinary responsibilities


Secondary benefit Having a psychologic symptom has a reward value, such as freedom from routine tasks.

What are some instances of psychological aptitudes?

What are psychological competencies. The mind employs psychological skills, also referred to as mental tools. This involves, among many other skills, the capacity to cultivate positive self-talk, increase self-assurance, establish goals, or adopt the most advantageous frame of mind.

What exactly is mental stress?

A common name for the processes thought to be involved in the start and maintenance of a number of mental or physical diseases is psychological stress. Despite the increasing interest in psychological stress and its impact on well-being and wellbeing, there is still disagreement over the term's proper definition.

To know more about psychological visit:



empirical research indicates that the expansion of medicaid has led to a number of unintended consequences including group of answer choices an increase in the incidence of low-birth weight babies among participants. fewer pregnant women seeking prenatal care. an increase in the birthrate among the eligible population. all of the above.


According to scientific evidence, the expansion of Medicaid has resulted in a variety of unforeseen consequences, including an increase in the birth rate among the eligible population. Thus, an increase in the birth rate among the eligible population is the correct choice.

What distinguishes Medicaid expansion from traditional Medicaid?

Medicaid expansion enabled more people to obtain healthcare coverage through Medicaid. One of Medicaid expansion's key aims is to improve insurance coverage among low-income people. Medicaid expansions under the Affordable Care Act have been successful in increasing coverage for low-income people. This includes a subset of persons who are also eligible for Medicare benefits. In such circumstances, they would very certainly be qualified for a Dual Special Needs Plan.

To learn more about the birth rate, click



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