When one nation can produce a good or ervice at a lower cot than another, the former i aid to have an ________ in that item


Answer 1

When one nation can produce a product at lower cost relative to another nation, it is said to have a(n) absolute advantage in producing that product.

In terms of business, absolute advantage refers to the situation where a certain corporation has everything working in their favour, including a brilliant advertising team, a sizable and ready consumer base, the correct kinds of products to market, and high-quality yet reasonably-priced goods.

In comparison to their rivals, they might also provide superior customer service and be more open to discuss any product issues and find solutions that please both parties. As a result, more customers would choose them over their rivals, effectively establishing a monopoly.

To learn more about advantage refer here:



Related Questions

All of the following are components of stockholders' equity, except ____________.a) notes payableb) paid-in-capitalc) retained earningsd) treasury stock


Except for notes payable, none are components of stockholders' equity.

What elements make up shareholder equity?

Outstanding shares, additional paid-in capital, retained earnings, and treasury stock are the four elements that are taken into account in the calculation of shareholders' equity. On the off chance that investors' value is positive, an organization has an adequate number of resources for pay its liabilities; A company's liabilities exceed its assets if it is negative.

Which three elements make up owner's equity?

Owner's equity consists of: money put in by the company's owner. plus the company's profits since its inception. minus the money that the owner took out of the business.

To learn more about notes payable here



An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. True or false?


An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship but can disclose it after the agency ends. False

In the language of the law, someone who has been given the authority to act on behalf of another person or entity is referred to as an agent. To represent a client in discussions and other interactions with third parties, an agent may be hired. The agent may be given the power to make decisions.

Any confidential information belonging to a buyer or seller client should not be disclosed to the opposing party or that party's agents, such as an attorney, lender, or another representative, by agent.

Learn more about An agent here:



________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.


With regard to a well defined project, Lean Six Sigma focuses on problem solutions and performance enhancement, or speed with quality.

What does resolving issues in performance management entail?

In order to solve a problem, you must first identify what is not functioning as it should and then find a solution. A performance improvement approach entails assisting an employee who is struggling with their work to better.

What are the two approaches of fixing problems?

Reflective and creative problem solving are the two main categories. Whatever method of problem solving a class employs, problem solving always centers on understanding the problems, taking all relevant factors into account, and coming up with a solution.

To know more baout problem visit:-



what is the reasoning behind having the seven fed board of governors remain for 14 years on the federal reserve


The reasoning behind having the seven fed board of governors remain for 14 years on the federal reserve is The lawmakers will be shielded from the country's political constraints by their lengthier terms, allowing them to concentrate only on economic alternatives for the country.

What is a federal reserve?

The United States of America's centralized banking system is called the Federal Reserve Corporation. the Federal Reserve Act, which was passed in response to the need for central control of the currency system to avoid future economic collapse.

The President proposes as well as the Senate confirms the seven candidates for the Board of the Federal banking System. 14 years make up one term. Any even year on February 1, one term gets underway. A senator cannot be nominated again after finishing their term.

Learn more about federal reserve, here:



klein company issues a four-year note in exchange for a license agreement with fair value of $100,000. the contract requires payment of $27,956 at the beginning of each of the four years. the approximate effective interest rate associated with the notes payable is:


The correct answer to the given question is: Effective interest = 8%.

The effective interest rate can be determined using the rate function in excel as shown below:


nper=period of license=4 years


pv=-100000(the initial value of the license)


type=1(1 for beginning payments, 0 for end of the period payments)

=rate (4,27956,-100000,0,1)

rate =8.00%

When the benefits of compounding over time are taken into account, the real return on a savings account or any other interest-paying investment is known as the effective annual interest rate. It also displays the actual percentage rate of interest owed on any outstanding debts, including credit card debt and loans.

To learn more about Effective interest click here:



what is the present value of $100$100 one year from now if the interest rate is 10%?10%? what is the present value if the interest rate is 5%?5%?


This is because, at 10%, $90.90 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year. This is because, at 5%, $95.24 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year.

What is invested?

Investment is the process of committing money or capital to an endeavor with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit. Investment typically involves the purchase of assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, or other financial instruments. It is also possible to invest in less traditional assets such as art, antiques, and private equity. Investment typically involves the purchase of assets with the expectation that the assets will create a return in the future. The goal of investing is to put your money to work in order to generate a return on your investment.

Present value is the current worth of a future sum of money or stream of cash flow given a specified rate of return.
If the interest rate is 10%, the present value of $100 one year from now would be $90.90 (100/(1+0.10) = 90.90). This is because, at 10%, $90.90 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year.
If the interest rate is 5%, the present value of $100 one year from now would be $95.24 (100/(1+0.05) = 95.24). This is because, at 5%, $95.24 invested today would grow to $100 at the end of the year.

To learn more about invested

Can you deposit checks at an ATM?


As long as the ATM accepts checks, you can deposit a check into any of them at any time, unlike going to a bank branch.  depending on the amount of the check, you could still have to wait two business days before you have access to all the funds, just like when you visit your branch.

You are not required to feed in the notes and checks one at a time or fill out a deposit sheet when depositing dozens of checks and notes at once at many large banks. You will be given instructions by the cash register on where to place the bundle of dollars and checks you intend to deposit. The best alternative is to physically provide cash to bank employees if you need the money straight now. Money can also be deposited using an ATM or a mobile device, albeit those methods may result in longer bank holds. This process could take anything from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the size of the check, how long you've had your account, which bank the check is issued from, and whether there are any problems.

Learn more about deposits from



lava lake inc. bottles and distributes spring water. on february 11 of the current year, lava lake reacquired 180,000 shares of its common stock at $17 per share. on april 30, lava lake inc. sold 90,000 of the reacquired shares at $20 per share. on august 22, lava lake inc. sold 30,000 shares at $15 per share. a. journalize the transactions of february 11, april 30, and august 22. b. what is the balance in paid-in capital from sale of treasury stock on december 31 of the current year?


A. Journalize the February 11, April 30, and August 22 transactions. b. The remaining paid-in capital from the sale of Treasury shares as of the year's end. 210000

Do treasury stock sales raise common stock?

The number of shares outstanding and total stockholders' equity both rise as a result of the selling of treasury stock. When buying or selling treasury stock, the par value of the shares is not taken into consideration.

What kind of activity is the sale of Treasury stock?

financing activities - Any activity involving the exchange of money is considered to be financial. Following are a few instances of cash flows from financing activities: Creating bonds (positive cash flow) Treasury stock is sold (positive cash flow)

To learn more about sales of treasury stock here:



an employee has had a performance appraisal and signed the appraisal form at the conclusion of the meeting with the manager. what does the employee's signature denote?


An employee has had a performance appraisal and signed the appraisal form at the conclusion of the meeting with the manager which denotes that they have received and read the performance evaluation information.

What is a performance evaluation?

How successfully a worker is doing their job is evaluated and documented through the performance appraisal process. A company's performance management system includes it. Performance reviews are based on how well an employee is doing in relation to goals that were jointly set with his or her management once a year.

The following are just a few of the many advantages of performance reviews: discovering areas where your company can improve. locating areas that require additional training. enhancing productivity and profitability.

To know more about performance evaluation, click here- brainly.com/question/27953070


An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. True or false?


Ratification is the process by which an agency connection is established. This requires identifying the purpose shown by actions or words. This assertion is true.

When one person (the principal) authorizes another (the agent) to act on his behalf while under the P's supervision, and the A agrees to do so, an agency relationship is established. The agency is frequently mentioned in connection with business-related issues of some kind. This connection was known as "master-servant" under common law.

Ratification occurs when the principal accepts the contract and gives it legal effect when it is made on the principal's behalf by someone who is not an agent.

One side's statement of permission is all that is necessary to create an agency relationship. Oral or written communication may be used to describe this. Written agency agreements include retainer agreements with lawyers. Agency relationships can also grow organically without a formal contract.

To learn more about Ratification



which of the following is a true statement? question 6 options: private law involves the relationship of government to individuals. the notice requiring a defendant to appear in court or have a judgment entered against him or her is called a writ of appearance. a corporation is a legal person. arbitration is always conducted by a panel of hearing officers.


A corporation is a legal person this is the true statement.A company is a separate legal entity from its shareholders. Many of the same legal rights and obligations apply to corporations as to people.

They are able to sign contracts, make loans and take loans, sue and be sued, hire staff, possess assets, and pay taxes.

Legally speaking, a company is an independent and distinct entity from its owners. Many of the same legal rights and obligations apply to corporations as they do to people.

Limited liability, which prevents its shareholders from being held personally liable for the company's obligations, is a crucial component of a corporation.

An individual or group of individuals with a common objective may establish a corporation. Making money is not a must for all of that.

To learn more about shareholders please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29803660


what is one of the top two criteria for global market consumers when making purchase decisions? question 30 options: 1) appearance 2) size 3) technology 4) quality 5) service


When it comes to purchasing selections, one of the top two criterion for global market buyers is quality.

What are the criteria that customers use?

Consumers' primary considerations are price, quality, brand, packaging, advertisement elements, and lifestyle factors.

services marketing:

Services marketing is a type of marketing used by companies who offer a service to their clients to enhance brand awareness and revenue. Services marketing, as sopposed to product marketing, focuses on advertising intangible interactions that bring value to clients.

Marketing Technology:

Marketing technology (martech) is a collection of software solutions used by marketing executives to support mission-critical business objectives and foster innovation inside their enterprises.

Why is appearance important in marketing:

Emotion is stimulated by effective branding, which influences customer behavior and decisions. Color is the most important aspect that influences emotion. Each hue evokes different emotions, and research has shown that it accounts for 90% of fast product judgements.

Learn more about Marketing Management:



When posting is complete, the post. ref. column in the general journal is completely filled in with account numbers.

a. True
b. False


The provided assertion is false, according to this. In the general journal, the post. ref. box is entirely filled with account numbers.

What two categories of general journals are there?

Particularly, four journals keep track of transactions with a similar structure. The type of transactions we document in them is implied by their name. Sales journal, Company's cash publication, Purchases journal, and Cash payments journal are these journals.

A three entry diary is what?

The purpose of a Triple Entry Journal, a three-column answer sheet, is to help readers keep track of their thoughts, reflections, and judgments as they apply evidence-based reasoning to a book. You may be familiar with the Double Entry Journal, a near relative of the Triple Entry Journal.

To know more about general journal visit:



Exploring the Dodd-Frank Act
Assignment Directions
Since the Dodd-Frank Act has being implemented, its role continues to be debated in Congress and among the public. Your task is to identify a range of opinions on Dodd-Frank from newspaper and magazine columnists, financial web sites, and bloggers. Also use one government source for details on the Dodd-Frank Act and its many provisions.
Once you have gathered different perspectives, write a paper that explains which aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act provide consumer protections, what has been implemented so far, and which entities are covered by the Act. Then discuss your perspective on the Act as a consumer. Also identify why Congressional actions to change Dodd-Frank are potentially harmful.
Submission Requirements
The paper must be no less than two pages, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. Also include a list of references you used to write your paper.


The paper that explains which aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act provide consumer protections, what has been implemented so far, and which entities are covered by the Act is given below.

Which aspects of the Dodd-Frank Act provide consumer protections?

Dodd-Frank was passed in 2010 to give regulators the tools to make sure that no Wall Street firm grows too big, complex, or risky so as to threaten the global economy; to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive practices and products that contributed to the 2008 crisis; and to create transparency.

Charged with ensuring banks, housing and student loan lenders, and credit card businesses follow the rules, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was established with the mission of defending consumers against misleading and abusive financial practices.

Therefore, the  entities that are said to be covered are: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Office of Financial Research (OFR), the Federal Insurance Office (FIO), and the Financial Stability Oversight Council are four new federal organizations responsible for financial regulation that were established as a result of the Dodd-Frank Act (FSOC).

Learn more about Dodd-Frank Act from


What is the first step the Accenture team should take to address the client's concerns?


Operating throughout extra than 40 industries, Accenture affords its clients with strategy and consulting, technology and operations, and interactive offerings.

It'll allow employees greater time to paintings on administrative and records collection duties. it will give employees more time to directly interact with clients. See what the network says and unencumber a badge.

Synthetic intelligence is a constellation of many unique technology running together to permit machines to feel, recognize, act, and learn with human-like stages of intelligence.

Accenture's facts protection purchaser records protection Programme affords a constant method in addition to the safety regulations and technologies required to maintain records secure. building a solid protection posture is essential inside the face of persistent cyber threats.

Learn more about Accenture  here:



$7850 is invested at 5.0% compounded continuously. how long will it take for the balance to reach $15700? round your answer to two decimal places, if necessary.


Total time taken for this balance is t = 14.20 years

P = $7850

A = $15700

r = 5.0%

time t =?

the formula for compound interest

A = P(1 + r/100)^t

$15700 = $7850(1 + 5/100)^t

$15700/$7850 = (105/100)^t

2 = (21/20)^t

t = log(2)/log(21/20)

t = 14.20 years


To know more about compound interest, click the below link



How prices are determined in the market also show how equilibrium price and quantity changes due to changes in supply?


New equilibrium price and quantity are produced as a result of changes in the factors that determine supply and/or demand. The former price will no longer be an equilibrium when supply or demand changes. Instead, there will be a shortage or surplus, and the price will then change until a new equilibrium is reached.

Economic equilibrium is the state in which supply and demand are balanced and economic variable values remain constant in the absence of outside forces. Equilibrium, for instance, happens when the quantity demanded and the quantity given are equal, according to the traditional text on perfect competition. When a market price is set through competition and the quantity of goods or services demanded by buyers and the quantity of goods or services offered by sellers are equal, the market is said to be in equilibrium. This price, which is sometimes referred to as the competitive price or market clearing price, tends to remain constant aside from changes in supply or demand. The quantity is known as a "competitive quantity."

Learn more about price from



ratzlaff company has a current production level of 20,000 units per month. unit costs at this level are: direct materials $0.25 direct labor 0.40 variable overhead 0.15 fixed overhead 0.20 marketing - fixed 0.20 marketing/distribution - variable 0.40 current monthly sales are 18,000 units. jim company has contacted ratzlaff company about purchasing 1,500 units at $2.00 each. current sales would not be affected by the one-time-only special order, and variable marketing/distribution costs would not be incurred on the special order. what is ratzlaff company's change in operating profits if the special order is accepted?


Manufacturing cost per unit = $0.25 + $0.40 + $0.15 = $0.80   1,500 x ($2.00 - $0.80) = $1,800 increase.

Thus, the correct option is C.

What do you mean by Manufacturing cost ?

The expenses incurred during the creation of a product are known as manufacturing costs. Direct material, direct laboratory, and manufacturing overhead costs are included in these expenses.

Normally, the costs are shown as separate line items in the revenue statement. These expenses are incurred by an entity during the production process.

The expenses of direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overheads are added together to determine the overall production cost.

If put into a formula, that is: Direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overheads all make up the total cost of production. That is the brief explanation.

Materials, labor, and overhead costs are the three main types of manufacturing costs. In other words, while the foreman's salary and supplies are included, neither the corporate accountant's salary nor those of the accountant's office are.

Learn more about Manufacturing cost, here



what are the effects of a stock split accounted for as a 100% stock dividend?multiple select question.par value per share decreases.par value per share increases.the number of shares outstanding increases.par value per share stays the same.the number of shares outstanding decreases.need help? review these concept resources.



Par value per share stays the same

The number of shares outstanding increases


Par value per share stays same as the effect of stock split accounted for as 100% stock dividend.

What is a stock split?

A stock split or stock divide increases the number of shares in a company. For instance, after a 2-for-1 split, each investor would own twice as many shares with a value that was reduced by one-half. A company may split its shares when the market price per share is so high that it becomes challenging to trade. One rationale is that an extremely high share price might deter novice buyers from buying the shares. A big gain in share price is typically followed by a stock split. Additionally, there can be psychological effects. If many people purchase the shares in the hope that the stock split would increase the share price, the price of the stock will normally increase.

To learn more about stock split, visit:



g if 80 ps are needed, and on-hand inventory consists of 30 ps and 20 each of all other components and subassemblies, how many ks are needed? 880 1440 860 1460 920


The total K required is 860 as per the components and subassemblies.

The correct option is 860.

Now, According to the question:

Requirement of P = 80, inventory = 30

The net requirement for P is 50

Requirement of A = P*1 = 50, inventory = 20, net requirement for A is 30

1 Ps of A needs 1 ps of K

K required = A*1 = 30

Requirement of B = P*5 = 250, inventory = 20, net requirement for B is 230

1 Ps of B needs 2 Ps of K

K required = B*2 = 460

Requirement of C = P*3 = 150, inventory = 20, net requirement for C is 130

1 Ps of C need 3 Ps of K

K required = C*3 = 390

Total K required = 880 ps, inventory = 20, net requirement = 860 ps

Learn more about Inventory at:



what is the depreciation expense for the second year (straight-line method) using the following? cost of car $ 18,000 residual value $ 700 life 4 years multiple choice $4,635 $2,225 $4,325 $3,325


The depreciation expenses for the second year of the car is $4,325

Depreciation cost:

In economics, depreciation cost refers the loss in value of an item over time. Purchases are generally most valuable and worth the most amount of money when they are new.


Here we need to find the depreciation expense for the second year by using the straight-line method when the cost of car $ 18,000 residual value $ 700 life 4 years.

Here we know the following values:

Original cost = $18,000

Residual value = $ 700

Life time = 4 years

Then the depreciation cost is calculated as,

=> (18000 - 700)/4

=> 4325

To know more about Depreciation cost here.



The board of directors authorizes a cash or distribution of cash to its investors.a. Trueb. False


This assertion is accurate. A cash dividend or other cash payment to investors is approved by the board of directors.

Is the board of directors involved in the decision to distribute dividends?

Before a cash dividend is announced and later delivered to shareholders, a company's board of directors must determine whether to pay one and how much. The Board shall determine the amount of cash to be delivered to the Shareholders, both individually and collectively.

Dividends have been announced by the board of directors.

A company's interim dividend is the sum that the board of directors declares between two annual general meetings. Interim dividend is included in the definition of dividend under Section 2(35) of the Companies Act. It is at the board of directors' discretion to declare an interim dividend.

Learn more about interim dividend: https://brainly.com/question/28523087


securities that establish a debtor-creditor relationship in which the corporation borrows money from the investor to whom a debt security is issued are known as


Bonds are debt securities that create a debtor-creditor relationship in which the corporation borrows money from the investor from whom the bond was issued.

A bond is a sort of financial asset in which the issuer (debtor) owes the holder (creditor) a debt and is obligated, depending on the terms, to repay the bond's principle (the amount borrowed) at the bond's maturity date as well as interest (the coupon) over a predetermined period of time.

The owners of financial instruments referred to as debt securities are entitled to recurrent interest payments. In contrast to equity securities, debt securities demand repayment of the principal borrowed..

To know more about debt securities, click the below link



the efficient quantity of a public good produced is a. achieved where marginal revenue product equals marginal factor cost. b. determined by the intersection of the market demand curve and the marginal cost curve. c. determined by the intersection of the market demand and market supply curves. d. achieved at the minimum point of the average total cost curve. e. achieved where the sum of marginal valuations equals the sum of marginal costs.


The efficient quantity of a public good produced is achieved where marginal revenue product equals marginal factor cost. Thus option (a) is correct.

What is a public good?

A public good refers to a commodity or service that is made available to all members of a society. Typically, these  services are administered by governments and paid for collectively through taxation.

The examples of public goods include law enforcement, national defense and the rule of law.

A public good must be non-rivalrous ( means that the goods do not dwindle in supply as more people consume them) and non-excludable (means that the good is available to all citizens).

Learn more about the public goods here:



at the end of the current period oriole had a projected benefit obligation of and pension plan assets of what are the accounts and amounts that will be reported on the company's balance sheet as pension assets


The accounts and amounts that will be reported on the company's balance sheet as pension assets are:

1. Pension Plan Assets: The amount reported will be equal to the projected benefit obligation of the company.

2. Accrued Pension Benefit Liability: The amount reported will be equal to the difference between the projected benefit obligation and the pension plan assets.

The Pension Plan Assets account will be reported as the current market value of the pension plan assets.

The Accumulated Benefit Obligation account will be reported as the projected benefit obligation, which is the current value of the benefits that will be owed to employees in the future.

The difference between these two amounts is the company's net pension assets or liabilities.

For example, if the projected benefit obligation is $3 million and the pension plan assets are $2.5 million, the net pension assets would be reported as a liability of $0.5 million.

To know more about pensions here



what are the four important decisions made when developing an advertising​ program? list them in order.


When developing an advertising​ program the objective is defined first, and then the budget is determined based on the type of objective/goals required. The ad strategy is then determined, such as which channels can be used effectively within the budget. Once the ads are in place, their effectiveness is evaluated, and a decision is made as to whether any changes are required.

Marketing managers must always begin by identifying the target market and buyer motivations when developing an advertising program. Advertising could take place in a variety of media, including magazine and newspaper space, radio and television, outdoor displays, direct mail, novelties, catalogs, directories, and circulars.

And advertising serves many purposes, including the long-term development of the organization's cooperative image. Long-term brand building, announcement of a special sale, advocacy for a specific cause, and information dissemination about a sale/service of an automobile, property, etc.

To learn more about advertising program, please refer:



alice, a new labor union official, wants to use the nlrb for its intended purposes. the nlrb will serve alice by: a. handling unfair labor practices and holding representation elections b. holding representation elections and mediating collective bargaining disputes c. arbitrating employee grievances and handling unfair labor practice cases d. arbitrating employee grievances and mediating collective bargaining disputes


handling unfair labor practices and holding representation elections  its intended purposes.

The two options available to workers who decide to create a union are as follows: A union election will be held by the NLRB if at least 30% of employees sign cards or a petition expressing their desire for a union. The NLRB will recognize the union as you representative for trade unions if the union receives a majority of the vote. A union can represent you without having to run for office. Based on proof—typically signed union authorization cards—that the majority of staff want the union to represent them, your employer may freely recognise the union. When a union has received certification or recognition,

to know more about election, visit to:-



neither isaiah nor dalia has an incentive to increase output further, nor does either have an incentive to decrease output. this outcome is an example of .


The correct answer to the given question is: The outcome is an example of a Nash equilibrium.

According to the idea of Nash equilibrium in game theory, the best result occurs when participants have no reason to change their initial course of action. Despite being aware of their opponent's approach, the players still won't stray from the ones they first selected because each player still finds it to be the best course of action.

Overall, assuming that other players maintain their current strategy, an individual cannot benefit incrementally from changing their actions. There could be several Nash equilibria in a game or none at all.

To learn more about Nash equilibrium click here:



which of the following is the best example of shaping? 1 point (a) a child receives five dollars each time he cleans his room. (b) an employee receives a termination notice after coming to work late every day over a period of three months (c) a child gets candy from a dispenser one time but gets nothing from the dispenser the next two times. (d) a teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on monday, fifteen minutes on tuesday, twenty minutes on wednesday, and thirty minutes on thursday. (e) a rat receives a mild shock each time it tries to open the door of its cage.



A teacher rewards a student for sitting quietly for ten minutes on Monday, fifteen minutes on Tuesday, twenty minutes on Wednesday, and thirty minutes on Thursday.


true or false: turning a first-time customer into a loyal customer is most critically influenced by the customer's experience before the first purchase.


The correct assertion is that turning a first-time client into a loyal customer is most crucially affected by the customer's experience prior to the first transaction. Thus, it is true.

What is a loyal customer in business?

The loyalty business model is a strategic management business model in which company resources are utilized to strengthen the loyalty of customers and other stakeholders in the hope that corporate objectives would be attained or exceeded. A common example of this sort of model is product or service quality leads to customer happiness, which leads to customer loyalty, which leads to profitability. It begins with a recent experience with the product or service to determine consumer happiness. This evaluation is based on past expectations of overall quality against the actual performance obtained. Customer satisfaction is likely to be high if the latest experience exceeds past expectations.

To learn more about loyal customers, click



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