when cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. cory’s strategy is to use


Answer 1

Cory's strategy is to use an algorithm to systematically solve all the logic problems.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is a process used to carry out a computation or solve a problem. In either hardware-based or software-based routines, algorithms function as a detailed sequence of instructions that carry out predetermined operations sequentially.

All aspects of information technology employ algorithms extensively. A simple technique that resolves a recurring issue is typically referred to as an algorithm in mathematics and computer science. Algorithms are essential to automated systems because they serve as specifications for processing data.

Natural languages, programming languages, pseudocode, flowcharts, and control tables can all be used to express algorithms. Expressions in natural languages are uncommon because they are more ambiguous. A computer's algorithms are typically expressed in programming languages.

Learn more on algorithms here https://brainly.com/question/13800096


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g mrs. hernandez completed a 2021 form 1040 on april 13, 2022. the return showed a $923 balance due. mrs. hernandez needs more time to double check all her computations. what should mrs. hernandez do to allow for more time?


Mrs. Hernandez completed a 2021 form 1040 on april 13, 2022. the return showed a $923 balance due. Mrs. Hernandez needs more time to double check all her computations. Its true.

Computation refers to any kind of mathematical or non-mathematical calculation that follows a clearly established paradigm. Calculating devices, computers might be mechanical or electronic. One particularly well-known field in the study of computation is computer science. You may conceptualize computation as an entirely physical process done inside a closed physical device called a computer. These physical systems include, but are not limited to, digital computers, mechanical computers, quantum computers, DNA computers, molecular computers, computers based on microfluidics, analog computers, and wetware computers.

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What are key terms and definitions?


Key Terms means the portion of a Cover Page that includes the key legal details and definitions for certain Agreement  or thesis that are not defined in the Standard Terms. The Key Terms may include details about Covered Claims, set the Governing Law, or contain other details about the Agreement or thesis.

The primary terminologies used in the thesis are called key terms. For instance, the important terms in a thesis on how branding, loyalty, and contentment affect consumers' purchasing decisions could be branding, loyalty, satisfaction, and consumers' buying habits.

Thesis research involves many complex elements. Every chapter in a thesis serves a different purpose which simplifies these elements.

To know more about key terms here



when calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?


When calculating cash flow, depreciation first subtracted but then added back in because it is not a real cash outflow but does create a tax deductible expense.

Depreciation is a non-cash item, thus along with other costs like amortization and depletion, it must be re-added to the cash flow statement in the operational activities section.

Depreciation may be seen on the cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement. The total financial success of a corporation may therefore be significantly impacted. Depreciation ultimately has no negative effects on the company's operational cash flow (OCF). Depreciation may be viewed as a cash inflow since it indirectly lowers the amount of cash the company expands.

To know more about Depreciation here



machine-to-machine (m2m) communication refers to which of the following? group of answer choices connected devices interacting without human intervention using values or algorithms to provide data-backed decision options the application of scientific knowledge to efficiently solve real-world problems a decentralized recordkeeping technology a procedure that helps organizations evaluate the possible effects that new processes, systems, and products will have on business operations and stakeholders


For automatic data transfer and measurement between mechanical or electrical equipment, machine-to-machine (M2M) connections are utilized.

What are machine-to-machine communications?

The next wave of the Internet revolution will connect an increasing number of devices to the Internet through machine-to-machine communications, or M2M/IoT. Automated applications that involve machines or devices connecting across a network without human involvement are referred to as M2M communications.

The machines communicate with one another over wireless networks using telemetry or telematics. Each machine's data can be sent to and received through wireless networks.

Learn more about machine-to-machine communications, from:



Which is the tamper-evident?


Tamper-evident for unauthorized access and packaging.

Tamper-evident describes a process in which reveals unauthorized access or use of the intended goods or products and it's packaging.

This can be done by introducing seals, tapes, markings etc. A very common examples of this type of packaging in the pharma companies that is seen on strips of medicines.

For many valuables like cash, medicines, question papers tamper evident packaging alerts the handle of theft, fraud or any other kind of compromise.

To know more about Tamper-evident here,



a potential buyer of real estate offers to purchase an office building from its current owner for a price of $300,000 and the owner accepts. later, the buyer pays the owner and the owner signs over the title to the office building to the buyer. this contract involving two promises and two performances is known as a


A contract involving two promises and two performances is known as a bilateral contract

A contract involving two promises and two performances is known as a bilateral contract. In a bilateral contract, each party makes a promise to the other party, and each party is required to fulfil their promise in order for the contract to be considered valid and enforceable. This type of contract is common in many different industries and can be used to establish a wide variety of business relationships, including sales contracts, employment agreements, and loan agreements.

In the given situation, a potential real estate buyer makes an offer to the building's present owner to acquire it for $300,000, and the owner accepts. Later, the buyer pays the seller, and the seller transfers ownership of the office building to the buyer by signing a document. Since the owner and the buyer are both parties to the agreement, which contains two promises and two obligations, the agreement is bilateral.

Read more about the bilateral contract on:



Which decription offer example of Energy Generation worker? Check all that apply


Ronald maintains and fixes wind turbines. Energy generation workers work at electric power plants offer example of Energy Generation worker.

Those who work are called workers. A person who performs manual labour, such as producing items, is typically meant by this. Three production factors are recognised in economics. Labor, land, and capital are these.

People who work typically receive compensation for their efforts. This is referred to as pay.

International Workers' Rights Day is celebrated on May 1. Any person who works is a worker. A person who performs manual labour, such as producing items, is typically meant by this. Three production factors are recognised in economics. You have a responsibility as an employee to exercise reasonable care to safeguard your health and wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of any other individuals who may be impacted by your actions or inactions while on the job.

learn more about workers here



Using prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget describes which method of imc budgeting?


This method of IMC budgeting is called the historical-percentage-of-sales method.

Determining IMC Budgets Through the Historical-Percentage-of-Sales Method

The historical-percentage-of-sales method of IMC budgeting involves using prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget.

This method is based on the idea that a company's communication budget should be allocated based on the proportion of its sales. This method allows companies to determine communication budgets that are appropriate to their sales levels and also take into account past marketing efforts. It can also provide a benchmark for future communication budgets, as the percentage of sales allocated to communication can be adjusted based on changes in sales or other factors. This method is useful for companies that have a clear understanding of their sales figures and marketing efforts, as it provides an easy way to calculate the communication budget.

Learn more about method of IMC at: https://brainly.com/question/28100990


What is one way that gross domestic product differs from gross national product?


Gross domestic product and gross national product differ in that the former additionally accounts for the decline in the value of fixed assets utilized in the manufacturing process, whilst the latter does not.

Since the GDP is one of the main indicators of an economy, it is frequently used to gauge how well a nation's economy is performing. The entire market value of all officially recognised goods and services generated over a certain time period is what is referred to as GDP. Economists evaluate the GDP from the prior quarter or year to the current one to determine whether or not it has increased.

The NDP can estimate how much money the nation needs to spend to keep its GDP at its current level. In essence, the national domestic product aids the nation in avoiding a declining GDP. A country can be advised on how to replace its capital stock, which is lost via depreciation, using an estimated NDP value.

To read more about GDP visit:



pierre is a foreman in a plant. he has 35 line workers who report to him on the night shift. from what you have read about organization charts, what do you know for sure? a. his subordinates enjoy less autonomy than others. b. his subordinates take part in the decision-making process. c. he has a wide span of control. d. his subordinates are closely supervised.


Pierre is a foreman in a plant. he has 35 line workers who report to him on the night shift. from what you have read about organization charts,  what is known for sure is that he has a wide span of control. Option C.

What is meant by organizational chart?

An organizational chart is a visual representation of a company's internal structure that shows the relationships, functions, and responsibilities of each individual within the organization. It is one method of imagining a bureaucracy.

Its goal is to depict the chains of command and reporting relationships inside the organization. Typically, boxes or circles with lines connecting them to other individuals and departments are used to represent employee names, job titles, and/or employment positions.

There are four different types of organizational charts: divisional, flat, functional top-down, and matrix. The visual representation of a company's reporting structure is found in its organization chart. It outlines the organizational hierarchy for employee relationships as well as the team alignment matrix. Organizational charts show manager reporting relationships, staff designations, and more.

Read more on  organizational chart here: https://brainly.com/question/21428222


the three major types of economic systems are . group of answer choices capitalism, planned economies, and mixed economies individualism, developing economies, and duopoly collectivism, developed economies, and oligopoly ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and polycentrism


The three major types of economic systems are capitalism, mixed economies, and developed economies.

Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, especially in the industrial sector, with labor paid only wages.

A mixed economy is an economy organized with some free-market elements and some socialistic elements, which lies on a continuum somewhere between pure capitalism and pure socialism.

Countries with relatively high levels of economic growth and security are considered to have developed economies. Common criteria for evaluation include income per capita or per capita gross domestic product.

Learn more about capitalism here:



the only way to improve your credit score is to pay off your entire balance every month. t or f


The only way to improve your credit score is to pay off your entire balance every month. The given statement is false.

Even though paying off your credit card amount each month is one way you can raise your credit score, it may not be the only one. Companies compare how much credit you are using to how much credit you have available, among other things, to determine your credit score.

A credit score, which measures a person's propensity to repay debt and runs from 300 to 850, is a numerical rating. A borrower who has a higher credit score is considered to be less risky and more responsible. Credit ratings are frequently used to estimate a person's chances of paying back debts including loans, mortgages, credit cards, rent, and utility bills.

To know more about Credit score visit:



if you‘re , you can’t afford to pay your house payment or rent and your other bills.


If you are home poor, you are unable to pay your mortgage, rent, and other expenses.

What does paying mean?

Giving someone money to complete a task or pay off a debt is referred to as paying them. Pay is another word for exchanging money for something. Salary or wages are another definition of compensation. There are many different verbal and noun situations where pay can be utilized. Paying a bill or indeed a debt entails doing something like collecting you casual dining check or your gas payment.

How does pay a buddy work?

You may immediately move funds to anybody with the new Pay a Friend tool in Online Banking! To divide a check, pay an allowance, or send birthday greetings, use Pay a Friend.

To know more about Pay visit :



personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Personal sales goals typically include discovering potential customers, identifying needs, persuading potential customers to purchase, and keeping customers satisfied.

What is the purpose of personal selling?

The purpose of face-to-face selling is to bring the right product into contact with the right customer and ensure a transfer of ownership. Personal selling increases product awareness, builds interest, develops brand preferences, negotiates prices, and more.

Types of personal selling: Trade sale. Solution sales. Consultative sales. Provocative sales.

What are the most important personal selling strategies?

Personal selling strategies include: 1) Know your market: To effectively sell to prospects, you first need to understand your industry, its unique needs and challenges, and your customer base. 2) Identify suitable leads. 3) Engage your customers with stories. 4) Always create added value. 5) Assemble yourself as a partner.

To learn more about personal selling visit:



how might a project manager better understand the selection factors that led to a specific international location?


A project manager better understand the selection factors that led to a specific international location by developing a risk matrix at the project site level.

What is risk matrix?

During risk assessment, a risk matrix is a matrix that is used to determine the amount of risk by balancing the categories of chance or likelihood and consequence severity. This is a straightforward method to make hazards more visible and aid management in making decisions.

The possibility that the risk event will occur and the possible impact that it will have on the business are two intersecting aspects that form the basis of the risk matrix. In other words, it's a tool that enables you to see how likely a risk is compared to how serious it is.

To know more about risk matrix, click here- brainly.com/question/16464259


which concept helps explain why a company can earn a higher return using debt than without debt? multiple choice


Based on debt management and the context of the question, the concept that helps explain why a company can earn a higher return using debt than without debt is Leverage

What is Leverage in Debt management?

Leverage intent management is a term that is we to describe an investment strategy of using borrowed money—specifically, to improve the potential return of an investment.

Generally, the term Leverage can also refer to the amount of debt a firm uses to finance assets, which involves the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital to increase the higher return using debt.

Advantages of Leverage include the followingIt helps magnified Profits when the trading start With leverage, there is increased access to Higher-Value Stocks.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Leverage.

Learn more about Leverage here: https://brainly.com/question/26978903


What is phishing?

Phishing is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and financial information via electronic communication.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to take over or delete your presence on social media.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to deposit funds into an FDIC insured bank account for later use.


The answer is b

Phishing is a method used by people to trick them into sharing sensitive info like listed

compared with autarky, international trade leads to _____ domestic production in exporting industries and _____ domestic production in import-competing industries.
a. higher; lower
b. higher; higher
c. lower; higher
d. lower; lower


International trade causes domestic production in industries that export to increase and domestic production in industries that compete with imports to decrease when compared to autarky.

What effects does home industry have on the global market?

Domestic industries can now export their goods thanks to international trade, which also expands the variety of items available to domestic customers and lowers the price of those goods by fostering more competition.

How does domestic output differ depending on exports and imports?

Domestic output typically drops when a nation imports more than it exports since the nation is relying more on imported goods than on domestically produced goods. The domestic production will rise, though, if a nation sells more than it imports.

What means of increasing home industry productivity through global trade?

First, imports put domestic enterprises under additional competitive pressure even while they give them access to more and better inputs. Second, by learning from global clients and experiencing competition from foreign companies, exporters increase their productivity.

Learn more about International trade: https://brainly.com/question/20492108


a business and its stakeholders coming together for face-to-face conversations about issues of common concern is called stakeholder:


The term "stakeholder" refers to a business and its stakeholders meeting in person to discuss matters of mutual interest. is accurate.

According to the definition of a stakeholder of a corporation found in a 1963 internal Stanford Research Institute paper, a stakeholder is a member of "groups without whose support the organisation would cease to exist". R. Edward Freeman later developed and promoted the theory in the 1980s. Since then, it has received widespread recognition in business theory and practise, particularly in relation to corporate social responsibility, strategic management, and corporate governance. A false dichotomy between the "shareholder model" and the "stakeholders model" or an incorrect analogy of the obligations towards shareholders and other interested parties have been created by the definition of corporate responsibilities through the classification of stakeholders to take into account, according to critics.

Learn more about  stakeholders from



what is the person called on an agile team who gets to decide what goes on the sprint backlog and whether a task is done or not?


The development team enlisted the help of an agile team, which gets to choose what gets added to the backlog and whether or not a job is completed.

Why does development matter?

The goal of development is to promote advancement across a range of domains so that, whenever combined, they can support even greater growth. Development is important in today's society since it affects many aspects of daily life. Numerous factors have a significant impact on progress, or the lacking thereof, and the demand for additional development.

What underpins development fundamentally?

Development is more than just an economic phenomenon; it is a multidimensional procedure that entails the reorganization and realignment of the economy as a whole. The progress, which attempts to enhance the quality of life for all people, is composed of three equally important aspects.

To know more about development visit:



Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True or false?


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that employee’s health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. - True

Employers who provide health insurance to their employees are required to protect the privacy of their employees' health information. This is typically done through the use of confidentiality agreements, secure storage of health records, and limiting access to health information to authorized personnel only.

The federal law that guards the privacy of health information is the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act( HIPAA) of 1996. The law protects employees' privacy in the workplace by preventing the disclosure of their health information to third parties, like employers, without their consent. In essence, the regulations safeguard the confidentiality of all past, present, and future employee medical information. Violations of HIPAA can result in significant fines and penalties.

Read more about health insurance on:



which of the following is not a potential drawback of an erp system? group of answer choices the implementation may require a company to change its normal operations. training employees on the use of the new software can be expensive. it does not incorporate inventory control decisions. the software is costly to customize.


C: 'it does not incorporate inventory control decisions' is not a potential drawback of an ERP system.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a platform that companies use to manage and integrate the necessary parts of their businesses. Many ERP software applications are critical to businesses because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all the processes required to run their companies with a single system. An ERP system can also integrate planning, sales, marketing, finance, purchasing inventory, human resources, and more.

You can learn more about ERP at



according to the forecast, which of the following is an accurate conclusion?: * (a) the events of snow and hail are independent (b) the events of snow and hail are disjoint (c) either snow or hail will definitely occur (d) the events of snow and hail are complementary


According to the forecast the events of snow and hail are independent.

The weather and climate are not independent. The disarray comes from weather and climate being personally associated with one another, and this disarray is many times featured in conversations about our evolving climate. Weather and climate are not independent. The midpoints of day to day weather are utilized to screen climate. Changes in climate lead to changes in weather examples including limits. A simple method for recalling the thing that matters is that climate is what you anticipate, similar to a warm summer, and weather is what you get, similar to a cool day in August. Our people group and ranches are impacted by more limited weather occasions. Their drawn out maintainability is impacted by climate and climate fluctuation ascribed to regular cycles and human exercises.

The weather and climate are interwoven. After some time, the weather structures the climate and impacts the climate (soil, hydrology, plants, and creatures), and monetary suitability of our human frameworks.

to know more about hydrology click here:



when entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________ to select the repayment plan option


When entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their Student loan service provider to select the repayment plan option.

What does a Loan Service mean?

A loan service is a type of financial service that makes loans available to individuals or businesses. Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions, as well as private lenders, can provide loan services. Loan services can offer a wide range of loan types, including personal, business, student, and home loans. Loan services typically include assessing a borrower's creditworthiness, which may include a credit check, as well as negotiating repayment terms.

What does  creditworthiness mean?

Creditworthiness is the likelihood that a borrower will be able to pay back a loan or other form of credit. It is determined by looking at factors such as the borrower's credit history, income, debt-to-income ratio, and other financial information. A lender will use a borrower's creditworthiness to decide whether or not to approve a loan and at what terms.

To know more about Loan Service,



if you were looking for a stock investment, would you rather see a higher operating cash flow or a higher net income? explain your reasoning.


Operating cash flow is sometimes seen as a more accurate indicator of a company's financial health for two key reasons, despite the fact that many investors favor net income:

First, under GAAP, cash flow is more difficult to manipulate than net income.Second, a business that cannot earn cash over the long term is doomed because "cash is king."

Operating cash flow (OCF) is a company's lifeblood and possibly the most significant indicator investors have for assessing corporate health.

If investors examine a company's operating cash flow, they can steer clear of many disastrous investments. It's not difficult to do, but you'll need to because talking heads and analysts tend to focus on EPS all the time.

To learn more about operating cash flow click on the given link:



Label the following headings, line items, and notes with the numbers 1 through 13 according to their sequential order in preparing a statement of cash flows.
A. "Cash flows from investing activities" title
B. "For period Ended date" heading
C. "Cash flows from operating activities" title
D. Company name
E. Schedule or note disclosure of noncash investing and financing transactions
F. "Statement of Cash Flows" heading
G. Net increase (decrease) in cas $ #
H. Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ #
I. Cash (and equivalents) balance at prior period-end $ #
J. Net cash provided (used) by financing activities $ #
K. "Cash flows from financing activities" title
L. Net cash provided (used) by investing activities $ #
M. Cash (and equivalents) balance at current period-end $ #


The line items and notes with the numbers 1 through 13 according to their sequential order in preparing a statement of cash flows goes as follows:

A. "Cash flows from investing activities" title - 6B. "For period Ended date" heading - 3C. "Cash flows from operating activities" title - 4D. Company name - 1E. Schedule or note disclosure of noncash investing and financing transactions - 13F. "Statement of Cash Flows" heading - 2G. Net increase (decrease) in cas $ # - 10H. Net cash provided (used) by operating activities $ # - 5I. Cash (and equivalents) balance at prior period-end $ # - 11J. Net cash provided (used) by financing activities $ # - 9K. "Cash flows from financing activities" title - 8L. Net cash provided (used) by investing activities $ # - 7M. Cash (and equivalents) balance at current period-end $ # - 12.

What is a cash flow statement?

In accounting, a cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affects the cash and cash equivalents and as well, breaks down the analysis to operating, investing and financing activities.

Read more about cash flow



Does rapid economic growth cause inflation?


Yes, Rapid economic growth cause inflation. Since the growth rate of the price level is just another term for the inflation rate, the inflation rate must fall.

The inflation refers to a general increase in the price of goods and services in an economy. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation corresponds to a reduction in the purchasing power of money.

An increase in the rate of economic growth means more goods for money to chase which puts downward pressure on the inflation rate. If the economy grows faster than it has capacity to, price will rise quickly and things become more expensive.

To know more about inflation here,



The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business is called:


The expected rates of return for the different types of capital used to finance the business is called: Cost of capital

Several research have proven that value of capital is the fee of go back that a company should earn on its task investments to maintain its marketplace fee and appeal to funds. It's far the specified rate of go back on its investments which belongs to equity, debt and retained earnings.

The target capital structure is the desired ideal blend of debt and fairness financing that maximum firms try to reap and keep. The fee of capital is the rate of go back a firm have to earn on investments so one can growth the firm's fee.

Learn more about Cost of capital here:- https://brainly.com/question/29738145


which one of the following statements regarding delivery is true? a. most futures contracts result in actual delivery. b. only 1% to 3% of futures contracts result in actual delivery. c. only 15% of futures contracts result in actual delivery. d. approximately 50% of futures contracts result in actual delivery.


Only  1% to 3% of futures contracts result in actual delivery. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What are future contracts?

A futures contract is a legal agreement to buy or sell a specific commodity asset or security at a predetermined price at a future date. To facilitate trading on a futures exchange, futures contracts are standardized for quality and quantity.

When a futures contract is purchased, the buyer assumes the obligation to purchase and receive the underlying asset when the contract expires. At the expiration date, the seller of the futures contract assumes the obligation to provide and deliver the underlying asset.

The delivery point only applies to future contracts that require the physical delivery of assets.

Therefore, only  1% to 3% of futures contracts result in actual delivery.

To learn more about future contracts, click here:



which of the following would be shown on a statement of cash flows under the financing activities section? a.issuance of a long-term note to acquire land b.sale of a long-term investment in exchange for the common stock of another company c.the issuance of bonds d.purchase of a building


Below are the choices that could be used to create a statement of cash flow under the financial activities section.

Which of the following would appear in the financing activities section of a statement of cash flows?

A statement that may be included to the financial activities section is the issue of bonds.

What exactly falls under financial activities?

Offering and buying back equity, borrowing and paying off both short-term and long-term debt are examples of financing activity. For the majority of capital purchases, this activity involves principal payments to lenders and vendors as well as the cost of issuing debt,dividend payments. Additional owner contributions or payouts.

To know more about cash flow visit:



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