How long does it take for an astronaut red blood cell count to return to normal after a mission in space


Answer 1


three to four months


The researchers saw that space-related anemia was reversible, with red blood cells levels progressively returning to normal three to four months after returning to Earth.

hoped this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Related Questions

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the progeny of a cross between two different lizard species fail to develop properly

Why are amino acids and polypeptide chains important?


The amino acids and polypeptide chains are important because of their role in the body for the synthesis of important molecules like proteins, neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones.

Amino acids are nitrogen-containing compound that helps to build protein. Hence, they are referred to as building units of proteins. These amino acids are not only required to synthesize protein but also required to synthesize other important nitrogen-containing compounds like peptide hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and creatine.

A polypeptide is nothing but a chain made of amino acids. Two or more polypeptide chains help to form protein. This protein is used for the regular functioning of cells. It is also used to build up the structural components of the cell. They as enzymes help to speed up the biochemical reactions that occur in the body.

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The external ear is located mostly on the outside of the body, and the middle and inner ear areas are housed within the _____ part of the temporal bone.


The pinna, also known as the auricle, the external acoustic meatus, which is the opening to the ear canal from the outside, and the external ear canal, which connects to the eardrum, make up the outer ear.

Which one of the following describes the middle ear cavity?

It includes the Eustachian tube opening, two muscles, three small bones with their ligaments, an oval window, and a round window. Air can enter the mastoid air cells of the temporal bone through an opening in the attic of the middle ear, also known as the epitympanic cavity.

What is the name of the elevated area of the semicircular canal's ampulla?

Each of the semicircular canals has a dilated sac at one end known as an osseous ampulla that is larger than the canal in diameter. Each ampulla has an ampullary crest, or crista ampullaris, which is made up of many hair cells and a thick cupula of gelatinous material.

To know more about external ear visit;


Explain the relationship between between the reactants and the products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

How does energy and matter flow into and out of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?



Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two processes that are essential to the survival of most living organisms. Both of these processes are involved in the conversion of energy and matter into forms that can be used by cells.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a type of sugar. This glucose is then used by the cells as a source of energy. In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is produced as a byproduct.

On the other hand, cellular respiration is the process by which cells convert the glucose produced by photosynthesis into energy. This energy is used by the cells to perform various functions, such as growth and reproduction. In the process of cellular respiration, oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct.

In summary, the reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water, while the products are glucose and oxygen. The reactants of cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen, while the products are carbon dioxide and water.

Overall, energy and matter flow into photosynthesis in the form of sunlight and carbon dioxide, and flow out in the form of glucose and oxygen. In cellular respiration, energy and matter flow into the process in the form of glucose, and flow out in the form of carbon dioxide and water.


most communication between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system takes place via __________ that enter and exit the spinal cord.


Most communication between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system takes place via spinal nerves that enter and exit the spinal cord.

The spinal cord extends from the base of your brain. It's made from nerve cells and corporations of nerves that deliver messages to your mind and the relaxation of your body.

The three primary roles of the spinal cord are to send motor instructions from the mind to the body, ship sensory facts from the body to the brain, and coordinate reflexes.

Overall, there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves grouped locally through the spinal area. more, in particular, there are eight cervical nerve pairs (C1-C8), twelve thoracic nerve pairs (T1-T12), 5 lumbar nerve pairs (L1-L5), five sacral (S1-S5), and an unmarried coccygeal nerve pair.

Learn more about Spinal cord here:-


which compound is not a protease that acts in the small intestine? a. chymotrypsin b. elastase c. enteropeptidase d. secretin e. trypsin


Option D, The protease that functions in the small intestine is not by secretin compound.

Secretin is a hormone that is produced into the circulation when hydrochloric acid leaves the small intestine and enters the duodenum. It controls the secretions of protease the liver, pancreas, and stomach by stimulating the acinar cells to release water and bicarbonate into the pancreatic ducts that drain into the duodenum. The small intestine of the duodenum, which are found in protease the digestive glands, generate this peptide hormone. The pancreas is secretin's primary target, and in response, it secretes a fluid that is high in bicarbonate and travels down the pancreatic duct into the first section of the small intestine.

learn more about small intestine here:


how have dna microarrays made a huge impact on genomic studies? a. they can be used to eliminate the function of any gene in the genome. b. they can be used to introduce entire genomes into bacterial cells. c. they allow the expression of many or even all of the genes in the genome to be compared at once. d. they allow physical maps of the genome to be assembled in a very short time.


DNA microarrays made a huge impact on genomic studies as c. they allow the expression of many or even all of the genes in the genome to be compared at once.

A microarray is a tool in the lab that can simultaneously detect the expression of thousands of genes. DNA microarrays are printed microscope slides that contain a known DNA sequence or gene in thousands of tiny spots in predetermined locations.

DNA microarrays changed the way gene expression profiling was done. DNA microarrays are less cumbersome and have significantly higher throughput than previous methods. Microarrays were created as a way to map and sequence DNA on a large scale.

know more about microarray here:


label the reproductive structures of the female pelvis using the hints provided.


Reproductive structures of the female pelvis

The top left is the Crus of CTthe 2nd left is the Labium minusthe bottom is the Labium majusthe bottom right is CTthe top right is the Mons pubis

Where is the female pelvis located?

The pelvis is located at the bottom of the torso. It can be found between the abdomen and the legs. This region houses the bladder and reproductive organs as well as the intestines.

The endometrium, uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina, and vulva are all organs and structures found in the female pelvic area. The reproductive parts include mons pubis, labium majus and labium minus.

The full question is:

label the reproductive structures of the female pelvis using the hints provided.


Labium minus

Crus of CT

Labium majus

Mons pubis

Learn more on female pelvis here:


cell division that reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid, reduction division


Meiosis is also known as reductional division. It is the type of cell division where the parent cell's half of its chromosomes are reduced. Meiosis is a division that converts a diploid cell (two sets of chromosomes) to a haploid cell (one set of chromosomes). As a result, the parent cell's chromosomal count is reduced by half during meiosis.

What stage of meiosis reduces chromosome number?

The first round of nuclear division that occurs during the formation of gametes is called meiosis I. It is also known as the reduction division because it results in cells that have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

What stage of meiosis do cells become haploid?

The haploid transition of the daughter cells occurs during telophase II of meiosis. DNA is copied during S phase just before meiosis. The parent cell has 92 chromosomes following S phase since human cells typically have 46 chromosomes.

To know more about meiosis visit


complete the following sentence correctly. the membrane of a neuron contains many more __________ leak channels than __________ leak channels, and this causes the resting membrane potential to be somewhat near to the equilibrium potential for __________.


K+ leak channels than Na leak channels, and this causes the resting membrane potential to be somewhat near to the equilibrium potential for K+.

What creates membrane potential, and how does it work?

Membrane potential, to put it simply, results from differences in the concentration and permeability of significant ions across a membrane. The difference in ion concentrations across a membrane causes the membrane to have an electrical charge.

The membrane potential where is it?

The uneven distribution of ions  between the inside and outside of the cell, as well as the membrane's varying permeability to various types of ions, influence the resting membrane potential

To know more about membrane potential visit:


you are measuring recombination between three genes: dbt, mfn2 and aspm. the recombination fraction between the dbt and mfn2 is 15% and between mfn2 and aspm is 18%. however, the recombination fraction between dbt and aspm is slightly smaller than, but close to, 33%. what is the best explanation for this?


The best explanation for this is 2.When looking atypBT and ASPM, some individuals counted as parental are actually double recombinant

The sum of the two intervening distances is larger than the distance between the outside genes DBT and ASPM (less than 33 map units). Why? because not all of the recombination events (double crossovers) are taken into account by the calculated distance between DBT and ASPM.

Thus, the map distance would have been greater if there were more double recombinants. Again, the map distance would decrease if the number of parents was higher. The map distance is lower here than anticipated. This indicates that the number of parents is higher than it ought to be.

Therefore, the best choice is 2.

know more about mapping here:


(complete question)

You are measuring recombination between three genes: DBT, MEN2 and ASPM. The recombination fraction between the DBT and MFN2 is 15% and between MFN2 and ASPM is 18%: However, the recombination fraction between DBT and ASPM is slightly smaller than, but close to, 33%. What is the best explanation for this?

One of these genes may be on different chromosomes than the other two but this fact is masked because of double recombinants When looking atypBT and ASPM, some individuals counted as parental are actually double recombinantWhen looking at DBT and ASPM, some individuals counted as double recombinants are actually parentalDBT and ASPM actually assort independently

when muscle proteins are catabolized in skeletal muscle during a fast, what are the fates of the glucogenic amino acids and other amino acids?


Glucogenic amino acids are used to make glucose for the brain. Others are oxidized in mitochondria via the citric acid cycle.

Glucogenic amino acids include glycine, serine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, valine, methionine, histidine, and arginine. Pyruvate, -ketoglutarate, succinyl CoA, fumarate, or oxaloacetate are the products of gluconogenic amino acid.Pyruvate and other intermediates of the citric acid cycle, which serve as precursors for gluconeogenesis, are produced during the metabolism of gluconogenic amino acids. Acetyl-CoA, which results from the conversion of ketogenic amino acids, produces ketone bodies. As the expression of BCAA aminotransferase (BCAT2), an enzyme that catabolizes the first step of BCAA degradation, is high in the skeletal muscle and low in, it is believed that the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs; valine, leucine, and isoleucine) are metabolized and used as energy sources in the skeletal muscle [13].

To learn more about Glucogenic amino acids click the link below:


Which neurotransmitter is released by both preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division?


Acetylcholine is released by both preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division.

The main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates smooth muscle contraction and blood vessel dilatation and decreases heart rate, is acetylcholine, a chemical produced by neurons. The central nervous system is filled with cholinergic neurons, which emit the excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In the membranes of the rat corpus striatum, choline promotes the release of acetylcholine and guards against the stimulation-induced drop in phosphatide levels. Acetylcholine, which is generated by the sympathetic splanchnic neurons, activates chromaffin cell membrane nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which release catecholamines into the bloodstream to prepare for the fight-or-flight response.

Hence, acetylcholine is chemical messenger in nervous system.

To know more about Catecholamines.


sort the statements into the appropriate bins depending on whether or not each operon would be transcribed under the stated conditions.


Not transcribed is operon

- tryptophan present in trp operon

- lac operon: no lactose

Operon transcription is not accelerated under positive control:

- tryptophan absence in the trp operon

- Lac operon: present lactose, present glucose

Rapid transcription of an operon is achieved through positive control:

- Lac operon: Lactose present but no glucose

What are operons and how do they differ?

Operon: An operon is a collection of genes with similar functions that is regulated by a single promoter, operator, and repressor. There are two types of operons: When an inducer, such as the Lac operon, is present, this sort of operon turns on.

The operon is where?

Similar genes are frequently located together on the chromosome of bacteria, where they are produced as a single unit from a single promoter (RNA polymerase binding site). An operon is a collection of genes that is under the control of a single promoter.

To know more about Operon visit:


Dsscs can be used in interior appliances and still generate a significant amount of energy.a. Trueb. False


Dsscs can be used in interior appliances and still generate a significant amount of energy is true.

In dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), an organic dye is used to absorb solar energy, causing excited electrons to form and transmit energy to a less expensive substance, such as titanium dioxide (TiO2). The energy is subsequently gathered on a transparent conducting surface. Its conversion efficiency is now between 8% and 11%, which is lower than the majority of other existing solar technologies. This is due to issues with the electrolyte solution and the dye utilised.Photovoltaic devices called dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) employ organic dyes (photosensitizers) and semiconductors to convert light energy into electrical energy. Because solar energy is the most prevalent type of renewable energy, they demonstrate to be the most affordable and environmentally friendly power source for MEC applications.

To know more about solar check the below link:


What characteristic do protozoa and fungi share?



I hope I helped pls rate as brainliest if I deserve it


Fungi and protozoa both belong to domain Eukarya, which means that they are made of eukaryotic cells that have many organelles and a membrane-bound nucleus.

Help fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The best explanation for why cells in adult tissues are constantly being replaced and the tissues remain the same is: the rate of cell death and cell division are equal.

The correct answer choice is option b.

What is meant by cell division?

Cell division can simply be defined as the process which involves the division of cell's nucleus and cytoplasm leading to the multiplication of cells and to ensure the continuity of life. However, the cells of living organisms are usually dividing and being replaced by new ones to ensure growth and development by the process of cell division. The tissues remains the same time size simply because the division which occurs with the cell of an organism and the rate of replacement of these cells happens simultaneously.

The importance of cell division cannot be overemphasized as it help in tissue repair, growth and development.

In conclusion, we can now confirm from the explanation given above that cell division enhances cell multiplication.

Read more on cells:


which of the following is a basic step in the scientific method? question 13 options: a) perform an experiment and collect data b) analyze experimental data and propose a hypothesis c) none of the above d) all of the above e) test a hypothesis and state a theory or law


Answer is Option D) All of the above. The essential stages in the scientific method are to conduct an experiment, gather data, evaluate the data, propose a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, and then express a theory or law.

A well-written hypothesis is a prediction of the solution to a specific problem. Based on study and past understanding, scientific method it is completed. To obtain information, pose hypothesis data-related questions. Study and visualize the scientific method outcomes. Experimental data are statistically analyzed to find mistakes and eliminate them. The scientific method mistakes are brought about by human error, such as a poor experimental design, or by measuring equipment flaws. Repeat after hone.

learn more about scientific method here:


what percent of the carbon that humans have emitted to the atmosphere is still in the atmosphere? i.e.: has not been taken up by photosynthesis on land or in the ocean?


About 55 percent of the extra carbon that humans have added to the atmosphere so far has been absorbed by land plants and the ocean, with the remaining 45 percent remaining in the atmosphere.

When carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning fossil fuels is released into the atmosphere, around 50% of it stays in the atmosphere, 25% is absorbed by land plants and trees, and the remaining 25% is absorbed into specific oceanic regions. Despite an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide entering the ocean, its ability to absorb emissions—about 31%—has remained mostly steady. In a cycle that affects almost all life on Earth and controls the climate, carbon moves between the atmosphere, land, and ocean.

To learn more about fossil fuels click here


ribosomes cannot directly process dna to synthesize polypeptides; they can only translate a specific type of rna transcript, the rna. t r f


It is true that ribosomes cannot directly process DNA to synthesize polypeptides; they can only translate a specific type of RNA transcript called messenger RNA.

What is translation?

Translation is the process whereby a strand of mRNA directs assembly of amino acids into proteins within a ribosome.

The ribosome is a small organelle found in all cells and it is involved in the production of proteins by translating messenger RNA.

The ribosome is regarded as the site of protein synthesis in the cell. The ribosome reads the messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence and translates that genetic code into a specified string of amino acids, which grow into long chains that fold to form proteins.

Therefore, the above statement in the main answer part is true.

Learn more about ribosome at:


Which of these animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction?
a) Birds
b) Mammals
c) Amphibians


Amphibians are the  animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction.

What is animal taxa?

Taxon, multiple Any metric unit used in the field of biological taxonomy is referred to as a taxon. From kingdom to subspecies, taxa are grouped in a hierarchy, with a particular taxon typically containing numerous taxa of lower rank.

What is the extinction of species?

Extinction is the complete extinction of a plant, animal, or other species. The passenger pigeon is one of the most spectacular examples of a modern extinction.

Causes of many species' extinctions include overfishing and hunting, the conversion of wetlands and forests into farmland and cities, pollution, invasive species introduction, and other human-caused changes to their natural habitats.

Read more about extinction of species:


what hormones do the follicular cells produce and secrete, and what are the functions of these hormones?


They secrete T3 (tri-iodothyronine) and T4, two hormones that affect the pace of metabolism[23] (tetra-iodothyronine or thyroxine).

Where are follicular cells found?

The thyroid gland's follicular cell is one example of a follicular cell. The follicles that surround the oocytes include granulosa cells. Follicular dendritic cells are lymphoid tissue cells that are present in the follicles.

Cancer-causing follicular cells exist?

After papillary carcinoma, follicular laryngeal carcinoma (FTC) is just the second most frequent thyroid malignancy. Differentiated thyroid tumors, which account for 95% of instances of thyroid cancer, are flat and papillary thyroid cancers. The enzymes required for both the synthesis of thyroglobulin and the release of hormone insulin from thyroglobulin are found in the follicular cells.

To know more about Follicular cells visit:


Which of these mutations will have an effect on the protein produced by the gene in which the mutation occurs? Select all that apply !


Missense, nonsense and frameshift mutations will have an effect on the protein produced by the gene in which the mutation occurs.

A mutation is a change in the sequence of bases in DNA or RNA. Mutations are required for evolution to take place. They are the ultimate source of a species' new genetic material - new alleles. Although the vast majority of mutations have no effect on the organisms in which they occur, some mutations are advantageous. Even dangerous mutations rarely result in drastic changes in organisms.

A point mutation is a single nucleotide change in DNA. This type of mutation is typically less severe than a chromosomal change. A point mutation would be one that changes the codon UUU to the codon UCU.

A frameshift mutation is a nucleotide deletion or insertion that alters the reading frame of the base sequence. Insertions replace nucleotides and deletions remove them.

To learn more about types of mutations, here




Answer: B.

Explanation: It can't be A because the arrow with heat pressure should be going from igneous to metamorphic.

It can't be C because it would go from sediment to sedminentary. It can't be D because it would go from magma to igneous.

What are the 4 products of photosynthesis?


When exposed to light, photosynthesis uses organic substances such as carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose. This occurs in the green leaves of developing plants. As a byproduct of photosynthesis, glucose, oxygen, and water are produced.

Sugar is the first product of photosynthesis, and all plants convert it to starch. The breakdown of water into oxygen, which is then released, and hydrogen is the initial stage of photosynthesis. The use of direct light is required for this procedure.

Light energy is utilized in photosynthesis to transform carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. One glucose molecule and six oxygen molecules are created for every six carbon dioxide and water molecules.

To learn more about photosynthesis


if you were given a microscopic organism and asked to determine whether it is a eukaryotic how would you do it


Answer: You will know the cell you are looking at under the microscope is a eukaryote if you see a nucleus. This is the main distinguishing feature of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.


select the part whose main job is to control which substances enter and leave an animal cell.


The part of the cell responsible for controlling which substances enter and leave an animal cell is the cell membrane.

The cell membrane is a thin, flexible barrier that surrounds the cell and acts as a gatekeeper, allowing certain substances to pass through while preventing others from entering or leaving the cell. It is made up of a phospholipid bilayer, which contains proteins that act as channels and pumps to regulate the movement of molecules in and out of the cell.

The cell membrane is essential for maintaining the integrity and function of the cell, as it allows the cell to take in nutrients, eliminate waste, and communicate with other cells. It also provides structural support and helps to protect the cell from damage.

Learn more about Cell Membrane here:


a scientist is studying the human population of country x. to predict the future growth rate of the population, which three statistics about the population of country x would be most useful for the scientist to analyze? select three answer choices.


Birth rate, death rate and age structure

how are growth rate can be helpful to us?

Growth rates can help you evaluate a company's performance and forecast its future performance. By dividing the difference between the starting and ending values for the time under study and then multiplying that result by the starting value, growth rates are calculated.

Growth rates describe the percentage change of a particular variable over a given period of time. Depending on whether the magnitude of the variable is rising or decreasing over time, growth rates can be either positive or negative.

According to the question:

three statistics to predict the future growth rate of the population which would be the most helpful for the scientists are Birth rate, death rate and age structure.

to know more about growth rate:


you have been chosen as the lead student gardener for the csumb future farmers of america club (ffac). your club is looking to you and your bio211 plant experience to guide them. you arrive at the new ffac garden plots where your club mates are trying to grow chard and kale. however, the leaves are tough and bitter and they keep sending up flower stalks. which hormone do the chard and kale plants likel


The plants likely need gibberellic acid, a hormone that helps prevent premature flowering and encourages leaf and stem growth.

Gibberellic acid is a naturally occurring plant hormone that plays a key role in the growth and development of plants. It is a gibberellin, a type of plant hormone, and is used to promote growth and development in plants by stimulating cell division, germination, and flowering. Gibberellic acid is also used to promote fruit set and increase the size of fruits. It is also used to induce flowering in some plants. Gibberellic acid is produced naturally in plants and is involved in a variety of growth and developmental processes. Its use in agriculture has been of great benefit to farmers and growers, as it has allowed them to increase crop yields and improve crop quality. Gibberellic acid is also used in horticulture to increase flower size and promote flowering in plants that do not typically flower.

To know more about Gibberellic acid visit:


the site of translation in all living cells is the ribosome, which is a. made of large and small subunits in prokaryotes but is a single unit in eukaryotes. b. larger in prokaryotes than eukaryotes. c. a single unit in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. d. made of large and small subunits in eukaryotes, but is a single unit in prokaryotes. e. made of large and small subunits in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


The site of translation in all living cells is the ribosomes, which is made of large and small subunits in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Therefore, the correct answer is option E.

Ribosomes are macromolecular machines that perform biological protein synthesis. It's found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Ribosomes consist of two subunits: one large subunit and one small subunit.

In prokaryotes, the large subunit is the 50S which contains 5S RNA, 23S RNA, and 34 different proteins. The small subunit is the 30S which contains 16S RNA and 21 different proteins.

In eukaryotes, the large subunit is the 60S with contains 5S RNA, 5.8S RNA, 28S RNA, and 48 different proteins. The small subunit is the 40S which contains 18S RNA and 33 different proteins.

Learn more about ribosomes at


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