When cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. Cory’s strategy is to use?


Answer 1

An algorithm is the strategy that Cory must use when given a logic problem to solve, and he systematically tries all possible solutions until he finds the right answer.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is the strategy used to solve a problem or perform a calculation. Algorithms act as a same order of prompts that perform particular actions ordered in hardware routines or software based. Algorithms are commonly used in all aspects of computer science. Algorithm is a process or set of rules that help or guide in calculations or other problem solving operations, especially by a computer.

Therefore, an algorithm is the strategy that can be used to solve a logical problem by systematically trying all the solutions available until one finds the right answer.

learn more about the algorithm: https://brainly.com/question/13800096


Related Questions

What was the first African American literary renaissance?


The 1850s saw the emergence of the first African American literary renaissance thanks in large part to Whitfield, who published a collection of passionate protest poems under the title America and Other Poems in 1853.

The most significant period in the history of African American literature was the Harlem Renaissance, which took place between 1918 and 1937 and saw a flourishing of African American culture, notably in the creative arts. Participants tried to rethink "the Negro" in a way that was distinct from the white preconceptions that had shaped Black people's relationships to their history and to one another. This was done through incorporating literary, musical, theatrical, and visual arts. They also wanted to shed Victorian moral standards and bourgeois embarrassment about portions of their lives that white people might perceive as supporting racism.

learn more about renaissance here:



racey is pregnant with her first child. she is 19-years-old and is unemployed. she believes that someone else might make a better parent for her child and has decided to place her baby up for adoption. however, she wants to maintain contact with her child after the adoption. tracey is interested in:


However, she wants to maintain contact with her child after the adoption. tracey is interested in an open adoption.

In an adoption, the biological or legal parent(s) of the adopted person or children assume parental responsibility for the adopted person, who is typically a kid. Biological parents' rights, obligations, and filiation are permanently transferred to adoptive parents through legal adoptions.

Adoption is intended to bring about a permanent change in status, unlike guardianship or other systems created for the care of the young, and as such, requires society acceptance, either by legal or religious permission. Adoption has historically been regulated by precise laws in some civilizations, while less formal methods were employed in others. Since they emerged in the 20th century, contemporary adoption systems are typically governed by extensive laws and rules.

learn more about adoption here



What defines hyperinflation?


Hyperinflation refers to a situation where the prices of goods and services rise uncontrollably over a defined period of time.

Beyond inflation, there is hyperinflation. It is, in a nutshell, extremely rapid inflation. You would be aware of hyperinflation if you lived in a nation that was experiencing it.

It describes a circumstance in which the cost of products and services increases wildly over a certain length of time. The phrase is typically used when inflation is rising at a pace of more than 50% per month.

Usually, a sharp increase in the money supply results in hyperinflation. This could be brought on by demand-pull inflation or by a government issuing money to cover its expenditures. The latter occurs when demand surges beyond supply, driving prices higher.

To know more about hyperinflation:



major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


Major disruptions in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior are hallmarks of the deadly psychological disease schizophrenia. Schizophrenia affects about 1% of people throughout their lifetime, and it is typically identified for the first time in early adulthood.

Schizophrenia is characterized by severe perceptual problems and behavioral disturbances. Symptoms can include excessive agitation, persistent delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking, and disorderly behavior. Disconnections between thoughts, identity, awareness, and memory are hallmarks of dissociative disorders, which are defined by an unconscious attempt to escape reality. In general, personality disorders are widespread, long-lasting patterns of perception, response, and interpersonal interaction that result in severe suffering or functional impairment.

excessive worries, anxieties, or feelings of guilt. Extremely high and low mood swings withdrawal from relationships and pursuits. significant exhaustion, low energy, or sleep issues.

Learn more about Schizophrenia here: https://brainly.com/question/7201954


tisha is receiving treatment for a childhood anxiety disorder. in addition to cognitive-behavioral therapy, how else might tisha be helped best?


With drug therapy might tisha be helped best. Thus correct option (b),

Drug therapy involves giving patients medications to treat or ward off disease. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions, from the treatment of cancer to psychiatric disorders.

This form of treatment is also known as pharmacotherapy.

The goal of drug therapy is to eliminate cancer cells so that:

There's no sign of illnessNormal cells are restored (remission)

Cancer cells can grow too fast or fail to die quickly. Drug therapy can speed up cancer cell death.

One drug can successfully treat some blood cancers. However, a lot of established and experimental drug therapies combine substances that target cancer cells at various stages of their growth cycles. This strategy frequently improves the efficacy of therapy and lessens the possibility that the cancer cells will develop drug resistance. More patients are consequently experiencing permanent remissions or cures.

Learn more about to drug therapy to visit this link



Full Question :Tisha is receiving treatment for a childhood anxiety disorder. In addition to psychotherapy, how else might Tisha be helped?

-behavioral therapy

-with drug therapy

-cognitive therapy

-with psychoanalysis

What can we learn from the wolves?


Wolves represent  as they form their breeding pairs and remain together throughout their life. they live as a team, search a prey together, and most importantly, stay loyal to each other and their family.

Wolves are among the favorite animal class when it comes to honesty and sincerity. The wolves are loyal, to family and friendship, protection, teamwork, coordination, bravery, and playful attitude. Wolves can teach us about leadership, the importance of belonging, playing, and respecting your elders in a group, or family. They live with their family, and also, educate their young ones, and take special care of an animal if it is injured,

Wolves can realize the most impressive way to get things done is to share the workload. It reduces the burden on the one person, may be the leader, and every other member of the team. They know that success depends on teamwork; that working together, rather than in a separated way, gets the best results to the entire team.

To learn more about wolves:



with respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


Smart motors, industrial robots, and LEED-certified buildings are all related to automation.

What significance does the environment have?

Both a wellness and the survival of life on this planet depend on the environment. Earth is home to many different living beings, and all of us rely on it for necessities like food, breath, and water. Therefore, it is imperative that each individual protect and maintain our ecology.

What environmental issue is more pressing?

Outdoor air pollution is one of the largest environmental issues of our day. According to the World Health Organization's (WHO) research, between 4.2 and 7 million people worldwide die from air pollution each year, and 90% of people breathe this air.

To know more about environmental visit:



The organization of the first U.S. political parties resulted in large part from disagreements over which issue?
- The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France
- The establishment of the First Bank of the United States
- The attack on the Port of Tripoli in North Africa
- The election of George Washington to a second term as president



The election of George Washington to a second term as president was a major factor in the organization of the first U.S. political parties. The Federalist Party, which supported Washington's reelection, emerged as one of the first political parties in the United States. The Democratic-Republican Party, which opposed Washington's reelection, also emerged as a political party at this time. These two parties were formed in large part due to disagreements over Washington's reelection and other issues of the day.

Which of these might decrease the length of a mortgage loan? property taxes insurance amount owed collateral.


D:  'collateral' might decrease the length of a mortgage loan.

A mortgage loan is a loan that is used to purchase or maintain a home, land, or other sorts of real estate. The borrower agrees to pay the lender over the time, usually in a series of regular payments that are categorized into principal and interest. The property then serves as 'collateral' to secure the loan. A borrower must apply for a mortgage loan through their preferred lender and make sure that they meet several requirements, such as minimum credit scores and down payments.

You can learn more about mortgage loan at



julie, a sixth grader, nearly always eats lunch with the same five or six girls. they usually spread out at the table so no other girls can join them. julie's group appears to be:


Julie, a sixth grader, nearly always eats lunch with the same five or six girls. Julie's group appears to be a clique.

Cliques are close-knit organisations with rigid rules for membership and behaviour. Many cliques focus on preserving their status and popularity rather than being oriented on shared ideals and ideas. People in cliques frequently do everything together, as opposed to typical friendship groups where members are allowed to mingle with people outside the group.

Even though some people may believe that being in a clique is preferable to being excluded, many times those in cliques find themselves subject to a lot of pressures and rules. For example, they frequently sit together in class, eat together in school, and only associate with other clique members or those they deem to be "cool."

Know more about clique here



diego and lauren have been in a relationship for a few years and have been having a lot of arguments lately. during these arguments, lauren often denies responsibility for her actions, instead blaming diego and making excuses. which of gottman's (1995) four horsemen of the (relational) apocalypse is demonstrated in this example?


Based on the information provided, Gottman's (1995) four horsemen of the (relational) apocalypse that is demonstrated in this example is defensiveness.

According to Dr. John Gottman, a couples therapist, the four horsemen of the (relational) apocalypse, refers to behavioral predictors of end of relationship. These are criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. Due to their destructive nature, Gottman named these indicators as a play on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Christian Bible's New Testament. Defensiveness usually occurs as a response to criticism and includes making excuses and denying responsibilities of one’s action. This is nearly universal when relationships are starting to fail. When a person feels unjustly accused, they look for excuses and try to play the innocent victim in the hope that the partner will stop. A person refuses to take any responsibility or acknowledge their part in the problem, denying responsibility and making excuses and counter accusing rather than listening to partner’s concerns.

Learn more about Four horsemen of the (relational) apocalypse:



shane works in it support, and he is expected to be polite and patient even when faced with rude and irrational demands. this is causing undue stress on him. what is he experiencing?


Shane is experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance, as used in psychology, is the mental strain brought on by the perception of contradictory information. A person's actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the surroundings are examples of relevant pieces of information. When your views and actions are at odds with one another, you experience cognitive dissonance. When someone has opposing beliefs, attitudes, or viewpoints towards the same issue, it can be unsettling. When faced with a choice between two options that are comparable, acquiring new information, or feeling compelled to do something can all lead to cognitive dissonance.

More research has shown that cognitive dissonance affects many parts of the brain, including the insula and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). In times of stress, the insula, which manages emotions, frequently becomes more active.

Learn more about cognitive dissonance here: https://brainly.com/question/7184301


what type of pluralism refers to the social situation in which all citizens may pursue their own religious inclinations without state interference?


Religious pluralism  refers to the social situation in which all citizens may pursue their own religious inclinations without state interference.

Every person in a society with a variety of religious beliefs has the freedom and safety to practise their religion as they see fit. This is known as religious pluralism. The American motto e pluribus unum, which means that we are united together as one out of many, serves as the foundation for this concept. Religious plurality has been a significant factor in broadening many students' perspectives and fostering intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness in academic study of religion. In this way, religious diversity promotes the liberal education, scholarly research, and free interchange of ideas that are cherished in the academic world.

Learn more about religion pluralism here:



why do critics argue that not all cases of dissociative identity disorder are real? what do their concerns indicate about social influences on psychological disorders?


The children allegedly endure "dissociative disorder" amnesia, which makes them all remember their horrific event even when they are with their other alter.

Interrogating without a break would be one way to bring the "alter" is dissociative disorder. Skeptical psychiatrists responded that the interrogators were purposefully molding a new personality by coercion and suggestion, sometimes for as long as eight hours.

Therefore, appears to be a locally developed, culturally confined syndrome. Only medical professionals in the US and Canada who genuinely believed in it made the diagnosis. According to the social-cognitive theory, this phenomena is just an extreme version of our capacity to communicate various facets of our personalities to others. Thus, showing that social interactions have a significant impact on the diagnosis of psychological diseases.

learn more about dissociative disorder here:



A personal foul occurs when a player has unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal entry or excessive timeouts.
a. True
b. False


The statement is False. Because a personal foul may be part of a personal foul, but does not necessarily involve illegal entries or excessive timeouts.

A personal foul is a penalty in certain sports involving illegal actions by a player, such as basketball or American football. A personal foul occurs when a player behaves unsportsmanlike, enters the game illegally, or waits for too long a time-out.

Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as unethical or disrespectful conduct within a sporting event. This includes taunting, arguing with a referee, or disrespecting another player or team.

Trespassing is when a player enters a restricted area without permission or approval. This could be a violation of the rules of the game or a foul on another player. Excessive timeouts occur when teams use all of their allotted timeouts in the game or when players spend too long making decisions.

All of these actions may count as personal fouls if committed by a player. Personal fouls are rule violations that can result in a variety of consequences, from cautions to technical fouls and even exclusion from the game.

The severity of the consequences will depend on the severity of the foul and the specific sport in which it was committed.

To learn more about personal fouls here:



rank is typically only interested in people who share his interests in sports and work. whenever he finds himself having less in common with a friend, he leaves the relationship. what cultural dimension does frank display?


whenever he finds himself having less in common with a friend, he leaves the relationship. individualism cultural dimension does frank display.

Individualism, which is the stress on the individual above the whole community, is what distinguishes individualism cultural. People in individualistic cultures are driven by their own preferences and worldviews. Individualistic societies place a strong emphasis on abstract thought, privacy, independence, individuality, and personal objectives. Geert Hofsted, a Dutch social psychologist, first introduced the term individualistic culture to define non-collectivist nations and cultures in the 1980s. Hofsted coined the phrase when he developed a scale for the five dimensions of cultural values. I'll say it again: Individualism has grown significantly in recent years on a worldwide scale, and individualistic cultures are becoming more prevalent in many nations. Western nations, including Australia and Canada, are frequently known for their very independent cultures.

learn more about individualism cultural here



according to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in ______________ at pentecost.


According to our textbook, the birth of the church to place in Jerusalem at Pentecost.

A city in Western Asia is called Jerusalem. One of the oldest towns in the world, it is regarded as a sacred city for the three main Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is located on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.

A group of roughly 120 of Jesus' supporters gathered in a chamber close to the temple on the tenth day following His visible ascension. Pentecost, a Jewish harvest holiday, marked the start of the day. Jews from all across the world had congregated to rejoice. Jesus' followers had intended to take part in the festivities, but their plans were altered. Unexpectedly, it took place! The church was established by the Holy Spirit.

Learn more about Jesus here:



in explaining juvenile delinquency, a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic therapist would most likely have emphasized:


In explaining juvenile delinquency, a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic therapist would most likely have emphasized on early childhood experiences and family relationships.

Juvenile delinquency, sometimes referred to as juvenile offending, is the act of engaging in criminal activity while a minor or someone under the legal age of majority. A juvenile delinquent in the United States of America is a criminal who is under a certain age. The majority of states define a juvenile offender as someone under the age of 18, while a handful have set the maximum age slightly differently. The lowest age at which a child is regarded capable of delinquency or the age of criminal responsibility varies significantly throughout the states, just as there are variations in the maximum age at which a juvenile delinquent may be deemed.

Learn more about juvenile delinquency here:



the term​ ________ is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.


An annuity is best described as a sequence of equal payments made at regular intervals.

What is an annuity and how does it work?

Annuities offer a guaranteed lifetime income in the event that a person's present retirement assets fall short of covering expenditures. An inflation-indexed annuity is one type of investment that helps protect your money from the effects of inflation.

Is a 401(k) better than an annuity?

Another big difference is an annuity, which ensures a payment for as long as you live. So, at least with most annuities, you still can not run out of cash. In contrast, a 401(k) only can give you the money you've contributed plus the investment returns you've made on those assets.

To know more about annuity visit:



How did the views that oralists held about deaf education differ from modern linguists?.


The views held by the oralists about deaf education differ from those held by modern linguists in the following way;

According to oralists, deaf children would struggle to learn languages (both spoken and written) using sign language and they would be secluded from the rest of the hearing community.  However modern linguists are of the idea that sign language improves deaf people's ability to learn languages.

Several studies carried out in the late 190s by modern linguists revealed that sign language is one of the best ways to improve the learning ability of languages for both hearing and deaf children and that the deaf community includes those close to the deaf in our society.

This is clearly different from what the oralists believed since their views were against sign language. They further believed that signing would separate them from the rest of the community and sabotage their ability of learning spoken and written languages.

Learn more about oralists and modern linguists at https://brainly.com/question/19435656?referrer=searchResults


One of the strongest foreign policy tools possessed by the president are executive agreements. True or false?


One of the president's most effective instruments for pursuing foreign policy is the executive agreement. This assertion is true.

Executive agreements are frequently utilized to get around ratification restrictions in national constitutions. Many republican countries with written constitutions contain provisions governing treaty ratification.

When executive agreements influence future foreign policy and, by extension, the course of the nation, they acquire constitutional significance.

Presidents have repeatedly entered the United States into foreign accords in recent decades without the Senate's advice or authorization. "Executive agreements" are what these are called. Executive agreements are nevertheless legally enforceable even when they are not submitted to the Senate for approval.

To learn more about the executive agreement



with highways, travel by automobile, truck, and bus was as fast or faster than by trains and contributed to the decline of


with highways, travel by automobile, truck, and bus was as fast or faster than by trains and contributed to the decline of: downtowns

Downtown is the region of a city that is the most active, with the most shops, cafés, buildings, and walkers. You can typically take a transport, train, or tram to get around downtown. The far and wide utilization of downtown most likely begun in New York City during the mid nineteenth 100 years.

Downtown is a term principally utilized in North America by English speakers to allude to a city's occasional business, social and often the verifiable, political and geographic heart. It is often synonymous with its central business district (CBD). Downtowns ordinarily contain a little level of a city's business.  In a few metropolitan regions it is set apart by a cluster of tall buildings, social institutions and the combination of rail travel and transport lines.  In English, the expression "city focus" is most frequently utilized instead.

to know more about the central business district click here:



17. Which of the following is positive body language to use when speaking? Fold your arms or cross your legs Don't make eye contact Do not show your body Keep arms open and use open gestures​


Keep arms open and use open gestures.

Explanation: it’s more welcoming and shows that you’re comfortable and not being defensive

Keep arms open and use open gestures;
This will look friendlier and more engaging to your audience and they will most likely listen to you.

the extent to which media representations are congruent with personal experience is known as what by cultivation theorists?


A sociological and communications framework for examining the long-term effects of media, particularly television, cultivation theory.

A sociological and communications framework for examining the long-term effects of media, particularly television, cultivation theory. It suggests that people who watch media a lot for a long time are more likely to see the world's social realities as they are shown in the media they watch, which has an effect on their attitudes and actions.

Development hypothesis was first made by teacher George Gerbner during the 1960s; In 1976, Gerbner and Larry Gross improved upon it. In 1973, Gerbner came up with his paradigm for mass communication, which consisted of three types of analysis: Institutional process analysis is the first type of analysis, and it examines the institutions that support and distribute the content in question. Message system analysis is the second kind of analysis. The purpose of message system analysis is to determine the content of message patterns in media and television. The cultivation analysis is the third type of analysis. It is defined as longitudinal surveys of people's opinions on particular subjects, with levels of media reception, like watching television, as the key variable. The Cultivation Theory is the name given to this analysis.

To know more about cultivation theory, visit:-



Is TT genotype of phenotype?


TT is a genotype of the phenotype

TT is a genotype, which refers to the specific genetic makeup of an individual. A genotype is determined by the combination of genes that an individual inherits from their parents. In this case, TT indicates that an individual has two copies of the "T" allele, which is a specific version of a gene.

In contrast, phenotype refers to the observable characteristics or traits of an individual, such as their physical appearance, behavior, and other measurable traits. A phenotype is determined by both the individual's genotype and the influence of environmental factors. For example, an individual with the TT genotype may have a particular phenotype, such as a specific hair color or height, depending on the interaction between their genetic makeup and environmental factors.

Read more about genotype on:



what did white supremacist groups hope to accomplish by violating african-american rights?


The white supremacist groups hoped to gain supremacy over the blacks by violating African-American rights.

African-Americans have always been a source of torture and discrimination in the United States due to the discrimination made due to their color.

The white supremacist was a group of white American extremists that had the agenda to oppress African Americans and to gain supremacy over them. They wanted to treat the African-Americans as slaves and were threatened by their voice being heard in the United States and the rights that were granted to the African-Americans.

Hence, the white supremacist has the agenda to proclaim themselves superior to the African-Americans.

To learn more about white supremacist, click here:



Craniofacial size has reduced over the course of human evolution, including during the transition from foraging to farming. Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced. size has reduced over the course of human evolution, including during the transition from foraging to farming. Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced.a) Eating foods that were reduced in toughnessb) chewing stressed changedc) less demand placed on chewing muscles and craniofacial bones


The correct chronological order of events following the dietary transition from foraging to farming that led to reduced craniofacial size is:

Eating foods that were reduced in toughnessChewing stress changedLess demand placed on chewing muscles and craniofacial bones

During the transition from foraging to farming, human diets shifted to include more processed and cooked foods that were less tough and required less chewing.

This change in chewing behavior resulted in a change in the stress placed on the chewing muscles and craniofacial bones. As a result, there was less demand for these structures, leading to reduced craniofacial growth and a smaller overall craniofacial size.

Learn more about Craniofacial size here:



bella is worried about her upcoming exams. although she has been studying diligently for the past two months, she keeps having a dream in which her mind goes blank as soon as she starts writing her exam paper. sometimes, in her dreams, she forgets the way to the examination hall. in the given scenario, bella's dreams illustrate the group of answer choices dreams-for-survival theory. psychoanalytic theory of dreams. activation-synthesis theory. unconscious wish fulfillment theory.


Dreams - for - survival theory. Dream theory for survival, dreams allow us to revisit and reprocess information during sleep that is essential for day-to-day survival.

What is most important dream theory?

A dream theory is wish to come true. Freud's most famous theory, wish fulfillment, is the idea that desires that cannot or do not come true in our waking lives are carried out in dreams. According to Freud, even dreams of anxiety and punishment are rooted in wish fulfillment.

What is Freud's dream theory ?

He called method free association. The method of free association led Freud to the conclusion that dreams are the disguised fulfillment of repressed infant desires.

To know more about Dream theory visit here:



7. Which of the following is not a way to show that you are listening to someone? Make eye contact Turn away from the speaker Nod Ask questions​


Answer: Turning away from the speaker

Explanation: Turning away from the speaker indicates that you are not paying attention or do not care about what the speaker is saying

What happens to inflation during stagflation?


During stagflation, inflation is very high and keeps on increasing.

In terms of economics, stagflation, sometimes known as recession-inflation, is a state in which unemployment is consistently high, the economy is growing slowly, and the inflation rate is high or rising.

It creates a conundrum for economic policy because measures taken to reduce inflation may make unemployment worse.

It was originally thought that stagflation was impossible. It was excluded from their models by the economic theories that predominated in academic and policy circles for much of the 20th century.

In particular, macroeconomic policy was portrayed as a trade-off between unemployment and inflation in the economic theory of the Phillips Curve, which emerged in the context of Keynesian economics.

To know more about stagflation:



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