when alison dies, the assets will be considered part of her estate. what kind of trust did alison most likely create?


Answer 1

Revocable living trust was established by Alison. In this kind of trust, Alison has the authority to modify the trust's provisions and to dissolve it altogether.

How Do Trusts Work?

Similar to a person or company, a trust is a legal entity with unique rights that are separate from one another. A party known as a trustor grants another party, the trustee, the authority to hold title to and administer assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary, through the creation of a trust.

Which kind of trust is built while we're alive and which kind is built after we pass away?

An intervolves trust is one that is established while the beneficiary is still living, whereas a trust that is established after the beneficiary has passed away is a testamentary trust.

To know more about the Revocable living trust visit :-



Related Questions

if a bond offers an investor 4% in nominal return during a year in which the rate of inflation is 2%, then the investor's real return is: a. 1.96% b. 1.90% c. 1.93% d. 1.91%


The investor just obtains the real return after accounting for the rate of inflation. The math is simple: if a bond earns 4% in a particular year and inflation is now at 2%, the actual return is 2%.

How do you determine a bond's nominal rate of return?

The Absolute Rate of Return Calculation Process. Calculate the investment's current market value by deducting the initial investment's principal (or initial investment value) (or at the end of the investment period). Divide the outcome obtained from the numerator by the sum of the initial investments.

What is an example of a nominal rate?

In banks, the nominal rate is frequently used to describe payment on various loans.

To know more about bond visit:



What are some examples of human resource activities that are considered basic obligations for a business owner to their employees?
a. Tracking online activity, filtering and reading employee emails, and tapping phone calls
b. Legal privacy rights for possessions, actions, speech, and communications
c. Recruiting, hiring, training, promoting, and compensating
d. Social media promotion, company-wide vacations, company cars, and meal stipends


The examples of human resource activities that are considered basic obligations for a business owner to their employees is c. Recruiting, hiring, training, promoting, and compensating.

What is Human resources?

Human resources can be described as the set of people who make up the workforce of an organization, as well as the business sector, industry, or economy.

It should be noted that the human capital,  as well as the knowledge and skills which the individuals command is very important, however the Human resources (HR)  serves as one that is an important department within a business that is responsible for all things worker-related they helkp[ in handling recruiting, vetting,  as well as  hiring, onboarding, training, promoting, of employees and independent contractors.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about human resource at:



the amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount has a carrying value that increases over time. t or f


It is true that the amortization schedule for a bond issued at a discount rate contains a carrying value that increases over time. Hence the given statement in the question reflects a true statement.

A loan amortization schedule refers to a table that represents each periodic loan payment that is owed, generally monthly, for level-payment loans. The amortization schedule breaks down how much of each payment is specified for the interest versus the principal. The amortization schedule for a bond is issued at a discount rate and has a carrying value that increases in terms of maturity over time.

You can learn more about amortization schedule at



economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations is called:_____.


Sustainable development is defined as economic growth that satisfies present needs without jeopardizing those of future generations.

What does economic sustainable development mean?

"Sustainable development," a method of economic planning, attempts to foster economic growth while preserving the environment's quality for future generations. Sustainable development techniques help a nation adapt its growth to the issues brought on by climate change, safeguarding essential natural resources for both the present and the future.

Give three reasons why sustainable development is important for the economy.

utilizing the resources at hand wisely and attempting to keep the ecological balance. 2.To prevent degradation of the environment and focusing emphasis on conserving the environment. 3. To stop the overuse of resources.

To know more about Sustainable development visit:-



amazon is an example of . question 35 options: a) bricks-and-clicks b) bricks and mortar c) pure-play d) click-and-hit



b) bricks and mortar


Hope it helps!

you suggest businesssense to april. she asks you to explain the largest benefit of outsourcing to this company.


She asked you to explain the biggest advantage of outsourcing to this company. They suggest business insight through April for economies of scale.

What do you mean by economies of scale and its benefits?

Economies of scale refer to the phenomenon in which the average cost per unit of output decreases as the size or scale of the output produced by a firm increases.

This is because production costs (including fixed and variable costs) are spread over more units of production. Economies of scale give large companies a competitive advantage over smaller companies because the larger the company, the lower the unit price.

Who benefits from economies of scale?

Companies benefit from economies of scale when production efficiency increases. Companies can achieve economies of scale by increasing production while reducing costs. This is because the costs are spread over more products. Costs can be fixed or variable.

To learn more about economies of scale visit:



what would be the long-run equilibrium price and quantity, if the market for this pre- scription drug were perfectly competitive?


A perfect market, also known as an atomistic market, is defined by various idealizing conditions, which are together referred to as perfect competition, or atomistic competition, in economics, specifically general equilibrium theory.

What happens in the long run equilibrium profit for a perfectly competitive firm?

In the long run, prices will adapt to fully reflect changes in production costs. In the short run, a change in fixed costs will have no impact on the price or output. Long-term entry or exit will cause price to shift enough that enterprises will no longer make any economic profit.A company reaches equilibrium over the long term when it modifies one or more of its plants to create output at the least point on their long-run Average Cost (AC) curve. 

To know more about Competition here



how do you explain the discrepancy between george akerlof's model of the used car market and the actual used car market?


The market has created remedies for the asymmetric information problem throughout time.

George Akerlof, an economist, published a widely read paper in 1970 titled "The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism" in which he explores how the quality of goods traded in a market can deteriorate in the presence of asymmetric information between buyers and sellers, leaving only "lemons" behind. A car that is discovered to be flawed after it has been purchased is referred to as a "lemon" in American slang.

Let's say consumers are unable to tell the difference between a high-quality car (a "peach") and a "lemon." Then, they will only pay a set price for a car whose value is equal to the sum of a "peach" and a "lemon" (pavg). However, vendors can tell if they are holding a peach or a lemon. Given the predetermined price at which buyers will purchase, sellers will only sell their "lemons" and leave the market with their "peaches" when they have the latter. The average buyer's willingness to pay will eventually decline as enough suppliers of "peaches" exit the market (since the quality of cars available has declined), which will result in a positive feedback loop whereby additional sellers of high-quality automobiles exit the market. As a result, the uneducated buyer's price leads to an issue with adverse selection that drives high-quality vehicles off the market. A market mechanism called adverse selection has the potential to cause a market crash.

The article by Akerlof demonstrates how market prices can affect the quality of the commodities traded. Sellers of high-quality items are driven away by low pricing, leaving only lemons in their wake. Akerlof shared the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Michael Spence, Joseph Stiglitz, and others for their work on asymmetric information-related challenges.

To know more about asymmetric:



why does the indian government want to phase out fossil fuel cars and replace them with e-cars? why is maruti reluctant to immediately forge ahead in the e-car segment?


With the developing populace and the volume of pollutants growing within side the united states that in the long run ends in the depletion of fossil fuels.

The required details for fossil fuels in given paragraph

The united states has determined to shift its method in the direction of the commercial thing of the producing of vehicles within side the united states. As we're transferring in the direction of a time of whole digitalization, the electrical vehicles or the EV's is the sunrise od=f a brand new era. One of the primary motives why the Indian Government desires to section out and input the marketplace of Electric Cars is the exponential increase of electrical cars within side the international marketplace. In 2017, the shipping minister of the united states claimed that India might be running on 100% electric powered vehicles within side the 12 months 2030. But that quantity got here right all the way down to 30% because the hazard of dropping jobs and a primary pushback to the enterprise turned into visible throughout this period.

When first global international locations like France and the United Kingdom are hoping to conform this era absolutely in 2040, lndia intends to turn out to be the worldwide hub for the producing of electrical cars.

To know about fossil fuels click here



what is the benefit of claiming 0 or 1 withholding allowances on the w-4 form you receive when you start your job?


If you claim 0 or 1, that means more money will be kept from your paycheck. You will most likely receive a tax refund when you file taxes.

If you are single and have only one job, it is generally recommended that you apply for one benefit. If you are married and applying together, you must apply for one benefit. If you apply as head of household, she also claims one allowance. It is highly likely that you will be refunded after tax.

The more claim benefits you apply for the more money you will receive on each paycheck as your income tax will be reduced. Zero deduction means you have deducted most of your salary for income tax. If you claim a federal withholding allowance of 0 instead of 1 on your W-4 tax form, you will receive less on each paycheck.

Learn more about Withholding allowances here:- https://brainly.com/question/1212566


What is the npv of a project expected to generate $1,000 a year for 5 years assuming a discount rate of 10% and an initial outlay of $3,250?


The NPV of a project expected to generate $1,000 a year for 5 years assuming a discount rate of 10% and an initial outlay of #3,250 is $540.786

What is NPV (Net Present Value)?

It is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time with discount rate in effect of calculating it.

Based from the question above, we need to find the NPV of a project that expected to generate $1000 / year for 5 years.

Now, let's use the Net Present Value formula

NPV = Rt / (1+i)^t

NPV = net present value

Rt = net cash flow at time t

i = discount rate = 10%

t = time of the cash flow

NPV = R1 / (1+i)^1 + R2 / (1+i)^2 + R3 / (1+i)^3 + R4 / (1+i)^4 + Rt / (1+i)^5

= -3,250 + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^1) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^2) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^3) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^4) + (1,000 / (1+0.1)^5

=  -3,250 + 909.091 + 826.446 + 751.315 + 683.013 + 620.921

= $540.786

Therefore, the net present value of the project is $540.786.

Learn more about net present value https://brainly.com/question/20344604


What type of bank accounts allows you to deposit money keep it safe and withdraw funds all while earning interest?


An interest-bearing deposit account kept at a bank or other financial institution is referred to as a savings account. Despite the relatively low interest rates offered by these accounts, their security and dependability make them a fantastic choice for keeping cash on hand for urgent needs.

A savings bank account is a type of deposit account that can be held by a bank, building society, or other financial institution. You can make one-time or monthly deposits into your savings account, and you will earn interest on the remaining balance. There are several types of accounts, and some have limitations on deposits and withdrawals. You can open a savings account and deposit funds into it at a bank or credit union. The bank will then add interest to your balance. You can continue to add money to your savings using one or more of the following strategies, depending on the bank: ATM check or cash deposits.

Learn more about account from



__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Geolocation analytics are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from the mobile phones of employees.

Geolocation analytics involves using data from mobile devices to track and analyze the location of individuals over time. This can be useful for companies in a variety of industries, such as retail, logistics, and transportation, as it can provide insights into the movements and behavior of employees. Geolocation analytics can be used to improve efficiency and productivity, optimize routes and schedules, and identify potential areas for improvement.

Learn more about Geolocation Analytics here:



a planned process designed to compile financial data and summarize the results in accounting records and reports.


a planned process designed to compile financial data and summarize the results in accounting records and reports.

The answer is Accounting System.

An accounting system is what ?

You maintain the records for your company using an accounting system. You would enter transactions such as invoices, money spent from the company's bank account, supplier bills, and money you personally spent on business expenses into your accounting system.

These transactions are then input into the accounting system, which uses them to create reports like your balance sheet and profit and loss account, which aid in business decisions. By adding up all the transactions you enter for rent costs, your accounting system can determine, for instance, that your rent increased significantly this year as you can see from your profit and loss account.

Know more about summarize visit:



amy wants to buy a bond that will mature to in seven years. how much should she pay for the bond now if it earns interest at a rate of per year, compounded continuously?


Simple interest is a quick and easy method of calculating the interest charge on a loan.

Simple Interest:

Talking about the principle, or the initial balance of your account, comes first. This might be the initial sum of a loan or an investment. The simplest way to compute interest is as a percentage of the principal. For instance, if you borrow $100 from a friend and agree to pay back the money with 5% interest, the interest you would have to pay would simply be 5% of $100, or $5. You would have to pay back $105, which includes the initial principle plus interest.

Compound Interest:

We were expecting that we kept the interest when we received it while dealing with simple interest. In a typical bank account, any interest that is earned is automatically added to the account's balance, where it is compounded annually. Compounding is the name for this process of reinvested interest.

learn more about Simple and Compound Interest:



Patel packaging systems purchased a new computer system in 2021 at a cost of $328,000. This system is in the 5-year macrs class, and has depreciation allowance percentages of 20, 32, 19. 2, 11. 52, 11. 52, and 5. 76. What is the maximum amount of depreciation the firm can claim on this system in the first year if it selects the bonus depreciation method?.


The most that the business may depreciate this system in the first year is depreciation claims in the first year equal the depreciation rate times the initial investment, or 20% times 328,000.

$65,600 is the depreciation claim amount. The term "depreciation" refers to an accounting method for disbursing a physical item's worth throughout the period of its useful life. Depreciation demonstrates the amount of money spent on an asset. It makes it possible for companies to profit from their assets.

By utilising purchases made over a specific time period, they have acquired what they already own.due to the fact that companies are not compelled to completely account for them throughout the year. When items are purchased, their value dramatically declines right away. Not accounting for depreciation can drastically increase Long-term assets can also be depreciated by businesses for both tax and accounting reasons.

To know more about Depreciation method visit:



What are three major differences between a free market economy and a command economy?


The three major differences between a free market economy and a command economy, include,

Differences in demand and supplyControl in factors of productionGovernment roles

A free market economy includes free entry and exit for buyers as well as sellers within the market. There is no government control in such an economy. A command economy, on the other hand, involves a higher degree of control of government in the business operations of the economy. Moreover, the industries are also publicly owned, and do not have private enterprise.

Learn more about a command economy here:



linda has never worked as a manager before, but she was just promoted to a directorial position at her firm. she just had her first conversation with hr to strategize around how she can both reward her employees and also combat the negative effects of stress for her team. she is considering offering benefits in the form of _________ and __________ in order to keep her team positive and productive.


Linda has never worked as a manager before, but she was just promoted to a directorial position at her firm. She is considering offering benefits in the form of flexible scheduling and leisure time in order to keep her team positive and productive.

A stressful workplace can aggravate conditions including headache, nausea, sleep disruptions, irritability, and difficulty focusing. Anxiety, sleeplessness, high blood pressure, and a compromised immune system can be brought on by ongoing stress. Stress-reduction methods include mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and meditation.

An alternative to the standard 9 to 5 job with a 40-hour work week is a flexible work schedule. It gives workers the flexibility to change their arrival and/or leave timings. Leisure is frequently characterized as a type of experience or as unstructured time. Free time is time spent not engaged in business, employment, household tasks, education, or other essential activities like eating and sleeping.

Learn more about Leisure here:



an economy is producing at a level of output that is equal to the full-employment level of output. prices of a fundamental resource, such as oil, decrease significantly. what would be the best monetary policy?


An economy is producing at a level of output that is equal to the full-employment level of output. Prices of a fundamental resource, such as oil, decrease significantly. No monetary policy would be required.

In order to ensure price stability and public confidence in the value and stability of the country's currency, the monetary authority of a country adopts a policy known as monetary policy. This policy aims to control either the money supply or the interest rate payable for very short-term borrowing, which refers to borrowing by banks from one another to meet their short-term needs.

The best monetary policy may be created with the help of monetary economics. Monetary policy and fiscal policy are often determined independently in modern nations.

To know more about Monetary Policy here



Foreign-entry modes such as acquisitions and greenfield projects are usually disadvantageous because they require a high level of capital and resource investment but allow for a low level of control.
a. True
b. False


Acquisitions and greenfield ventures, which involve a high degree of cash and resources, are typically unfavourable foreign entrance approaches.

What are projects called?

A project is described as a series of tasks that need to be finished in order to achieve a specific result. The Project Management Association (PMI) defines a project as "any temporary undertaking having a clear beginning and finish." It can be maintained by a single individual or hundreds of people, depending on how complex it is.

What are life's projects?

A life goal is essentially a list of "what we want to be" and "what we will do" to realize it during specific life chapters. It also covers the opportunities, resources, and tools we now have to

To know more about projects  visit:



31. twenty-first-century corporations will increasingly see their structure become an elaborate network of external and internal relationships. this is known as:


Twenty-first-century corporations will increasingly see their structure become an elaborate network of external and internal relationships. this is known as a functional structure.

A company is an business enterprise—normally a set of human beings or a organization—legal via the country to act as a single entity (a felony entity diagnosed through personal and public law "born out of statute"; a felony character in prison context) and recognized as such in regulation for positive purposes.[1]: 10  Early incorporated entities had been established by charter (i.e. via an ad hoc act granted by a monarch or exceeded by means of a parliament or legislature). maximum jurisdictions now allow the advent of latest groups through registration. organizations come in many differing types however are commonly divided with the aid of the law of the jurisdiction in which they are chartered primarily based on  factors: by way of whether they could problem inventory, or by means of whether they're shaped to make a income.

Learn more about corporations here



on december 1, year 4, pott co. declared and distributed a property dividend when the fair value exceeded the carrying amount. as a consequence of the dividend declaration and distribution, what are the accounting effects?


According to the given information, the accounting effects are Property dividends recorded at: Fair Value and R/E's: Decreased.

A corporation will pay a dividend to its shareholders when business is good and it wants to thank them for their investment. A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders out of its earnings. Dividends are paid out in the form of cash or extra shares, and they provide a useful channel for businesses to showcase their financial health and profitability to the wider business community.

Investors generally like dividend-paying stocks, so many businesses take satisfaction in distributing regular dividends that keep rising year after year. Dividend payments not only reward current shareholders but also entice new investors to buy stock in a profitable business.

Learn more about Dividends, here



assume the capital asset pricing model holds and stock a's beta is greater than stock b's beta by .84. what is the expected market risk premium?


The difference between the anticipated return on a market portfolio and the risk-free rate is known as the market risk premium (MRP).

The slope of the security market line (SML), a graphical depiction of the capital asset pricing model(CAPM), is equal to the market risk premium . CAPM is a crucial component of discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation and modern portfolio theory (MPT), which calculates the needed rate of return on equity investments.

Understanding the Market Risk Premium:

The correlation between the returns from a portfolio of assets and the yields on treasury bonds is known as the market risk premium. The needed returns, historical returns, and anticipated returns are reflected in the risk premium. For all investors, the historical market risk premium will be the same. However, depending on risk tolerance and investment preferences, the necessary and projected market premiums will vary from investor to investor.

What Is the Difference Between the Market Risk Premium and Equity Risk Premium:

The additional profits that investors need when placing a portfolio of assets at risk in the market are generally referred to as the market risk premium (MRP). This would include the whole spectrum of investable assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other financial instruments.

In a more focused manner, the equity risk premium (ERP) simply considers the excess returns of stocks above the risk-free rate. The equities risk premium alone has a tendency to be higher since the market risk premium is wider and more diversified.

Learn more about Market Risk Premium and Equity Risk Premium:



What are the reasons why speakers shift in speech context?


Language is significantly impacted when any of the four components speech style, speech context, speech act, and communication strategy is altered. The listener gets an entirely new impression, and the duration of the engagement is significantly altered.

It will be simpler for individuals to switch from one speech context, speech style, speech act, and communicative strategy to another when they have a specific connection with the listener, such as family members.

Style shifting is the process of switching speech patterns. An individual speaker frequently modifies his manner. There are many different types of speakers. A person's ability to change their style is influenced by the speech's context. The listener receives a radically different sense of the message, and the duration of the engagement is significantly altered.

Read more about speech context at



Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.
a. True
b. False


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties is a true statement.

The statement is true because Employers who offer health insurance to their workers are obligated to safeguard the privacy of that information. This is usually accomplished by utilizing confidentiality agreements, securely storing medical documents, and limiting access to only authorized people.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is the federal statute that protects the confidentiality of medical information. The law guards employees' privacy at work by forbidding the unapproved sharing of their health information to third parties like employers. The restrictions essentially protect the privacy of all past, present, and future employee medical data. HIPAA violations may incur hefty fines and penalties.

Read more about health insurance on:



an agile project manager in a hybrid scrum approach would ensure all of the following items as related to quality, except one. which one is not the responsibility of an agile project manager relative to quality? group of answer choices ensure that quality testing is done concurrently with development ensure that quality testing is the responsibility of the entire team who produces the product ensure that acceptance testing is done incrementally at the end of each sprint on the items produced in that sprint ensure that the work packages provided to the scrummaster are complete.


Agile project management tools from Jira Software include scrum and kanban boards, agile reports, and project estimating for any agile approach.

Which project management strategy uses an agile framework to produce products iteratively?

Scrum is one of the agile approaches created to assist teams in the incremental and iterative delivery of a product. Its emphasis is on the use of an empirical approach that enables teams to react quickly, effectively, and efficiently to change. This is why it is frequently referred to as "an agile project management framework."

The scrum master aids the team in streamlining and improving the methods through which they accomplish their objectives. They do so ideally as a team member or collaborator rather than as someone in charge.

To know more about Software visit;



the custodian of a $450 petty cash fund discovers that the fund has $57.70 in coins and currency plus $386.50 in receipts at the end of the month. the entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include:


The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include a credit to cash for $444.2.

When regular purchasing techniques are impractical, such as when buying office supplies or paying employees, a tiny sum of money called petty cash is utilized instead. Periodic reconciliations of a petty cash fund are performed, and transactions are also noted on the financial statements. Each department may have its own petty cash pool in larger corporations.

The entry to replenish the petty cash fund amount will include: Fund amount : $450 - Used Fund amount  :$450 - $386.50 = 63.5  cash on hand - remaining ; $63.5 - $57.70 = $5.8 Used + remaining ; $386.50 + $57.70 = 444.2As a result, a credit to cash for $444.2.

Learn more about on petty cash fund, here:



The extended warranty on a ceiling fan is 18% of the purchase price. if the price of the fan is $140, how much is the warranty?
a. $7.78
b. $25.20
c. $18.72
d. $12.86


An extended ceiling fan warranty costs 18% of the original purchase price. The warranty is $25.20 if the fan costs $140.

Cost and purchase prices are they equivalent?

Cost is typically the outlay made for producing a good or providing a service that is offered by a business. The cost of a product or service is determined by the customer's willingness to pay. The price of a product as well as the profit made from its sale are directly impacted by the cost of manufacturing it.

What is the cost of buying a business?

The acquisition price is the gross value of the company, which may be exaggerated if the buyer needs operating capital and may also include debt that needs to be repaid.

To learn more about purchase price here:



rustici argues that despite the beliefs of most modern economists, the smoot-hawley tariff was significant contributor to the great depression because it had effects beyond trade with other countries. what other effects did the smoot-hawley tariff have on the economy and what impact did they have in terms of the great depression?


The Smoot-Hawley Act increased tariffs on foreign imports into the United States by approximately 20%. At least 25 countries have responded by raising their own tariffs on US goods. Global trade collapsed, resulting in the negative effects of the Great Depression.

What was the end result of the Smoot-Hawley Act?

It raised price lists and provoked overseas international locations to elevate retaliatory price lists and, as a consequence, made it tougher for American farms and companies to promote abroad.

What did Smoot-Hawley Act do?

Smoot Hawley, was signed by President Herbert Hoover on June 17, 1930. The act increased US tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods. Laws designed to secure revenue,  regulate trade with foreign countries, promote U.S. industry, protect U.S. labor, and other purposes.

To know more about Smoot-Hawley visit here:



which type of analytics is used to know the effect of product price on sales. question 26 options: a) forecast b) prescriptive c) descriptive d) predictive


To understand how a product's pricing affects sales, the descriptive kind of analytics is used.

Using descriptive analytics, you can better understand how changes in a firm have changed by analysing historical data. Decision-makers have a comprehensive understanding of performance and trends on which to base corporate strategy by using a variety of historical data and benchmarking. In fact, it's one of the initial steps in decision-making in all kinds of businesses. Descriptive analytics, which uses basic arithmetic, data visualisation tools like pie charts, and statistical tools, gives crucial information on how firms generally operate and is crucial to day-to-day operations. Traditional business intelligence and visualisations like pie charts, bar charts, line graphs, tables, or created narratives are used in descriptive analytics, which is the analysis of data or information to determine "what happened."

Learn more about descriptive from



Other Questions
William Whipple, American HeroWe are used to thinking of the American Founding Fathers as heroes. They took on the British Empire, the greatest military force at the time, and defied a king. As representatives of their home communities, they took great risks to draft a document explaining the reasons to seek independence. Speaking out against the king was considered treason and would have resulted in financial ruin and even death for anyone caught.For one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, though, the act of signing was more than just the act of rebellion we know all the signers for. For William Whipple, the signing was a commitment to liberty that few signers lived up to.According to the book Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, William Whipple was born in Kittery, Maine, in 1730. William attended public school and took a job on a merchant ship shortly after finishing. His sea voyages were very successful, and when he retired from the sea he had made a small fortune.With that fortune, William became a successful businessman in Portsmouth before the Revolution. In part because of his success in business, he was elected to represent his community at the state congress. In 1775, he was selected as a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. He participated in the congress, ultimately signing his name, with many others, to the document that launched the rebellion.War came shortly after the signing, and William was appointed to serve in the militia assigned to protect New Hampshire. At the time he began his military service, William owned a slave like most of his peers. The slave, named Prince, would have been expected to join William and serve with him in battle. As they were preparing to leave, Prince told William, "I have no freedom to fight for, sir." Seeing the truth in this, William is reported to have freed Prince immediately.Today, we look back on history through a great fog of time, and with lenses clouded by our own modern values. Our Founding Fathers displayed admirable courage in crafting and signing such a brilliant claim to human liberty. The idea that all people were created equal and endowed with certain rights was revolutionary in every way. The idea that government's job was to protect this equality and these rights was also revolutionary. We can admire the signers' commitment to these principals, and also know that the issue of slavery divided the nation from the signing until long after the end of the Civil War. We would perhaps have had a different history if more of the signers, like Whipple, had seen the cruel irony in declaring the oppression of Britain unjust and at the same time oppressing an entire race of people.What is the main idea of the bolded paragraph? (5 points) aThe Founding Fathers are known for the great risks they took to secure freedom. bThe Founding Fathers committed treason and could have been killed for signing. cThe Founding Fathers failed to live up to the promise of the Declaration of Independence. dThe Founding Fathers had many reasons to seek independence and defy the king.(help!!!!) Under what circumstance might propaganda unintentionally hurt rather than help a cause? if a round analog clock featuring numbers 1-12 is hung on the wall upside down, the minute hand will point to the right of the viewer when the clock reads two forty-five. The key is that a marketer researches and thinks through all the elements in the marketing plan, _____ the market plan for each individual product. acnh how to duplicate flowers do you have to open animal crossing every day in order for them to duplicate How does increasing the size of your down payment impact your auto loan? within several days of hospitalization, a client is repeatedly washing the top of the same table. which initial intervention is best for the nurse to implement to help the client cope with anxiety related to this behavior? during the years ended june 30, 2023 and 2024, main university, a private university, conducted a cancer research project financed by a $1,000,000 gift from an alumnus. the entire amount was pledged by the donor on july 10, 2022. the gift was restricted to the financing of this particular research project. during the two-year research period, main's gift receipts from the alumnus and research expenses related to the research project were as follows for each fiscal year (fy): fy 2023 fy 2024 gift receipts $ 200,000 $ 800,000 cancer research expenses $ 100,000 $ 900,000 what amount of net assets was released from restriction in 2023? order: levothyroxine 1.6 mcg/kg/day weight: 55 kg dose on hand: 88 mcg tabs question: how many tabs of levothyroxine does the nurse administer each day? p(x)= (5!)(.65)x(.35) 5-x (x!)(5-X) The probability distribution for a random variable, x, is shown. What's the probability that x = 0? A pyramid has a base with an area of 25 in and avolume of 100 in. Find the height of the pyramid. Topcatch fishing boats had product sales for the current year as follows: q1 4,000 boats; q2 4,800 boats; q3 3,600 boats; q4 2,400 boats. Current selling price is $5,000 per boat. A strong economy and specific market initiatives at titan for next year indicate that sales volume is expected to increase by 4% in each quarter and sales price will increase by 6% per boat. The sales volume forecast for q2 next year would be:. One of the most important aspects of a speech conclusion is to help your audience realize that the speech is about to end. What is your conceptual understanding of research explain the importance of research? is a term describing a broad variety of musical styles including bluegrass, hillbilly music, and contemporary country. generally speaking, most types of music that fall under this category originated in the american south (although it also encompasses western swing and cowboy songs) and features a singing style with a distinctly rural southern accent, as well as an instrumentation that favors string instruments such as the banjo, guitar, or fiddle. Express the radical using the imaginary unit,i .Express your answer in simplified form.-30 = I need help asap plssssssss There is a double liability if both party A is insolvent and party B is insolvent. the nurse is teaching comfort measures to a postpartum client with an episiotomy and external hemorrhoids. which teaching points should the nurse include? Lipids such as fats serve as a stored form of energy and are required for various functions of the body. The body needs to digest and absorb the fats we consume so that it can accomplish these functions. Arrange the steps of fat digestion and absorption in the correct order.