order: levothyroxine 1.6 mcg/kg/day weight: 55 kg dose on hand: 88 mcg tabs question: how many tabs of levothyroxine does the nurse administer each day?


Answer 1

The nurse will administer 1 tab of levothyroxine each day to the patient with a weight of 55 kg.

The nurse should administer 1.6 mcg/kg/day of levothyroxine for the patient weighing 55 kg. To calculate the daily dose, the nurse should multiply the patient's weight (in kilograms) by the prescribed dose (in mcg/kg/day). In this case, the nurse should multiply 55 kg by 1.6 mcg/kg/day, which equals 88 mcg/day.

Since the levothyroxine tabs on hand are 88 mcg, the nurse can administer one tab per day. This is the optimal dose for the patient, as administering more or less than this amount can result in an adverse reaction or ineffective treatment.

The nurse should also ensure that the patient adheres to the same dosing schedule each day and that the patient is not taking any other medications that might interact with levothyroxine.

To know more about hyperthyroidism, click below:



Related Questions

which physiological changes of the musculoskeletal system would the nurse associate with aging. select all that apply


Slowed movement, cartilage degeneration, and increased bone prominence is a psychological changes of the musculoskeletal system would the nurse associate with aging.

Your bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, connective tissues, and other structures make up your musculoskeletal system. Your muscles and other soft tissues have a framework thanks to your bones. They support the weight of your body, keep your posture straight, and facilitate movement.

Along with cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue, the musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, muscles, and joints. Your body's stability and structure come from this system, which also permits movement. Over the course of a lifetime, the components of the musculoskeletal system develop and alter.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Which physiological changes of the musculoskeletal system would the nurse associate with aging. Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

1. Slowed movement

2. Cartilage degeneration

3. Increased bone density

4. Increased range of motion

5. Increased bone prominence

To know more about Musculoskeletal System here



the nurse is talking with the client and demonstrates concern for the way the client is feeling by using verbal affirmations and paraphrasing to show understanding. what communication techniques are being used by the nurse?


The nurse employs active listening strategies.Active listening involves paying close attention to the client's verbal and nonverbal cues.

A therapy approach called "voicing doubt" entails expressing skepticism regarding the veracity of the patient's perceptions. Therapeutic communication is a tool that professionals may use to build rapport and trust with their patients. Frequently, nurses must first allay patients' fears and worries in order to start giving medical treatment. Abstract communications are word patterns that are difficult to comprehend and frequently include difficult-to-decipher speech figures. They might be an obstacle to communication since they demand the listener to decipher what the speaker is asking. Active listening involves paying close attention to the client's verbal and nonverbal cues. Lean in toward the client while maintaining an open stance, make eye contact, & relax.

Learn more about nurse



a client was admitted to the maternity unit 12 hours ago at station 0 and has been experiencing strong contractions every 3 minutes, and the fetus is currently still at station 0. the fetal heart rate on admission was 140 beats per minute and regular. the fetal heart rate is decreasing and a persistent nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern is present. which nursing action is appropriate?


Answer: Prepare the client for a cesarean delivery


Dystocia, failure of labor to progress, and a persistent nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern are indications of the need for cesarean delivery

which feeling would the nurse anticipate a manic client with bipolar disorder is likely experiencing


The nurse would anticipate a manic client with bipolar disorder is likely experiencing Grandeur.

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of depression followed by periods of abnormally elevated mood lasting from days to weeks. If the elevated mood is severe or associated with psychosis, it is referred to as mania; if it is milder, it is referred to as hypomania. Mania causes an individual to act or feel abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable, and they frequently make rash decisions with little regard for the consequences.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, and substance use disorder, among many other medical conditions, have symptoms that overlap with bipolar disorder. A diagnosis does not require medical testing, though blood tests or medical imaging can rule out other issues.

To learn more about bipolar disorder, here



a nursing student administers an overdose of an opioid to a client and the client arrests. when discussing the incident with nursing faculty, which statements made by the student indicate the need for further teaching? select all that apply.


Management of moderate to severe pain is recommended while using opioid analgesia by nursing personnel. Opioids are drugs that block opioid receptors in central nervous system to reduce pain.

Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) administration of opioids is not covered by this guideline. The examination and care of a patient taking opioids as an inpatient, including administration and adverse events related to administration, should be clearly outlined for the benefit of the medical and nursing personnel. Nursing personnel should preferably admit high risk patients receiving opioid infusions to a room that allows for line of sight. Due to their increased risk of an adverse event, patients need continuous pulse oximetry during their opioid infusion. Clinical observation and progress records for the patient should include information on the analgesic's efficacy as well as any bolus delivery.

Learn more about nursing



a client who had an open cholecystectomy two weeks ago comes to the emergency department with complaints of nausea, abdominal distention, and pain. which assessment should the nurse implement? a. auscultate all quadrants of the abdomen. b. perform a digital rectal exam c. palpate the liver and spleen d. obtain a hemoccult of the client's stool


The assessment which should be implemented by the nurse on the patient who had undergone open cholecystectomy is Auscultate all quadrant of the abdomen, which suggests that option A is the right answer.

An open cholecystectomy is a surgical operation performed on the right side of the abdomen wherein the surgeon makes a long incision in the abdomen to first take out several tissues and then removes the gallbladder. The incision is stitched up and the patient is taken to a recovery area. The assessment by the nurse involves listening of the bowel sound by placing the diaphragm of stethoscope lightly over the right lower quadrant and this is repeated for other portions too.

Learn more about open cholecystectomy at:



the nurse-manager recognizes that performance appraisals can be intense and wants to make sure that the process will have a positive outcome for employees. what action best promotes this goal?


The employees(nurse) provide input into developing the performance standards.

Reflect carefully on his or her own biases and values and their possible effect on appraisals.  Using various communication methods in combination increases the likelihood that everyone in the organization who needs to hear the message actually will hear it. Because employees cannot be objective concerning their own performance, a self- appraisal is most effective when used in conjunction with other appraisal tools. The employees(nurse) provide input into developing the performance standards.During the appraisal process, incentives such as promotions, salary hike, nurseing employe development programs, rewards, etc. act as great motivators. Motivated nurse  tend to stay with the organization for a longer period.

Learn more about nurse



when must the patient receive the next intravenous dose of the drug in order to maintain a concentration above 1 mg/l and below 8 mg/l?


After a time gap of 1 hour after eating the patient receive the next intravenous dose of the drug in order to maintain a concentration above 1 mg/l and below 8 mg/l.

Some drugs must be administered via intravenous dose injection or infusion. This implies that they are inserted through a tube or needle directly into your vein. In actuality, the word "intravenous" refers to a vein. An IV catheter, a tiny plastic tube used for IV administration, is placed into your vein. The catheter enables your doctor to administer you several secure dosages of medication without having to stick you with a needle repeatedly. Most of the time, you won't inject yourself with medicine. While some infusion drugs can be taken by the patient at home, it's likely that the patient will receive therapy from a healthcare provider. Certain medications may be administered intravenously (IV) because if you took them orally (by mouth), your stomach or liver would break them down.

learn more about intravenous dose here



the nurse is providing care for a 51-year-old client who has been taking cimetidine for several months. when monitoring for adverse effects, the nurse should perform what assessment?


Make sure the client has no gynecomastia.Drug half-lives are prolonged by larger drug reservoirs and reduced clearance, which raise plasma levels.

There are particular difficulties when prescribing for elderly individuals. Older client are frequently excluded from premarketing medication studies, and authorized dosages may not be suitable for them [1]. Make sure the customer has no gynecomastia.Due to age-related changes of pharmacokinetics (i.e., absorption, distribution, metabolism, & excretion) and pharmacodynamics, many drugs need to be administered with extra caution (the physiologic effects of the drug). While providing medications to elderly persons, more attention must be given when selecting prescription dosages. With age, there may be a proportionate rise in body fat compared to skeletal muscle, which might lead to a higher volume of distribution. Even in the presence of renal illness, the age-related natural reduction in renal function might result in decreased medication clearance [2]. Drug half-lives are prolonged by larger drug reservoirs and reduced clearance, which raise plasma levels.

Learn more about gynecomastia



which fiber type allows frances to stand for hours in her job as a nurse? group of answer choices type i fiber type iia fiber type iix fiber type iii fiber


Frances can work as a nurse and stand for long periods of time thanks to type I fiber.

Your body's fast- or slow-twitch muscle fiber count and type were established during the second trimester of your mother's pregnancy. Each of your muscle fibers is mostly made up of water, followed by protein, phosphates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, lipids, carbs, and amino acids, which make up the remaining 25 percent. 430 of your muscles are voluntary, making about 40 to 50 percent of your total weight. The largest single tissue in your body is the skeletal muscle.

There are two main categories of muscle fibers. Your postural muscles are slow-twitch Type I endurance muscles in the red color you can spend the entire day in this position thanks to these muscles. Rapid, forceful motions need the recruitment of type II fast twitch fibers. Type II fibers fall into one of two categories. Fibers of type II a-intermediate are a little oxidative.

Option A is the right response, so that is what it is.

To learn more about type I fiber, refer:-



the nurse is cleaning and dressing a foot ulcer of a diabetic client. which actions are appropriate?


The appropriate actions are:

Wears sterile gloves to clean the ulcer.Cleans ulcer with normal saline.Cleans ulcer in a full circle, beginning in the center and working toward the outside.

When cleaning the wound, the nurse must use sterile gloves. The preferred cleansing agent is normal saline solution because, as an isotonic solution, it does not interfere with the normal healing process. Gently clean the wound in a full or half circle, starting in the center and working outward.

The preferred cleansing agent is normal saline solution because, as an isotonic solution, it does not interfere with the normal healing process. When cleaning the wound, use sterile gloves. The sterile gloves are used to keep the client's foot ulcer from becoming infected. A wound should be cleaned from the least contaminated area first, such as from the wound to the surrounding skin. Instead of a wash cloth, gauze and salve should be used.

To learn more about foot ulcer of a diabetic client, here



during follow-up visits, the nurse informs the mother of a 3-month-old infant how to feed the infant expressed milk. which statements by the mother indicate effective learning? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


I can use a breast pump or express milk manually, and I can keep the milk for up to five days in the refrigerator. Two of the mother's words imply successful education.

Lactating women can remove milk from their breasts mechanically using a breast pump. They could be manual machines driven by hand or foot motions or automatic machines driven by electricity. The milk can be kept in the refrigerator for three to five days due to some lack of taste the baby can split it up, and you can put it in the freezer at any time before that. If there is still a lot of snow on the ground, you can store the milk in a snowbank until the power is restored, out of the sun, and then put the milk back in the freezer as soon as possible.

Learn more about baby's split here



in sub-saharan africa, how are hookworm, venereal diseases, and hepatitis all similarly categorized?


All three of these diseases are classified as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). This is because they are all caused by parasitic infections and can cause significant suffering and disability.

They are commonly found in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to diagnosis and treatment is limited. They are also often linked to poverty, with factors such as poor hygiene and lack of access to clean water contributing to their spread.

This makes it difficult to effectively tackle them since these problems need to be addressed in order to make a difference. As a result, they are often neglected and not given the attention they require. This means that they can become endemic, with devastating consequences.

To know more about venereal diseases, click below:



he charge nurse is unable to replace a registered nurse for a shift on an acute medical unit. the staffing department states they are able to send an additional unlicensed assistive personnel (uap) to assist. what priority action would the charge nurse take in this situation?


Notify the facility's dangerous working conditions to the local nursing regulatory agency. To request a registered nurse to help on the unit, contact charge nurses on other units.

Tell management that a nurse has to be sought and decline to establish the client assignment. Consider the customer's demands and the ability level of the available employees while creating the client assignment. The charge nurse's first priority is to guarantee a safe allocation of client demands among the available staff members when there are fewer registered nurses than is desirable for a given number of clients. The customers' safety is the charge nurse's first priority.

Learn more about nurse



the patient exhibits petechiae on both lower legs but has no other complaints. how should the np proceed?


The patient exhibits petechiae on both lower legs but has no other complaints. the np proceed  in Order a CBC .CBC is known as Complete Blood Count.

The presence of petechiae on the lower legs (or anywhere on the body) should prompt the NP to consider a low platelet count issue. A CBC should be checked to assess the platelet count and for any signs of anemia due to blood loss. If the platelet count is low, hematology referral should be done. Blood cultures were unremarkable in this patient, who was atypical. For a complete blood count, a member of your healthcare team takes a blood sample by inserting a needle into a vein in your arm, usually your elbow.  You can resume your usual activities immediately. Perform a complete blood count and review your blood cell levels (red, white, platelets)

To know morw about petechiae please click on the link brainly.com/question/28212122


which knowledge enables the advanced practice registered nurse (aprn) to recognize phenomena associated with specific health problems


APRNs are nurses who have met advanced educational and clinical practice requirements, and often provide services in community-based settings.

APRNs are registered nurses who have completed advanced educational and clinical practice requirements and frequently work in community-based settings. Primary and preventive care, mental health, birthing, and anesthesia are all services provided by APRNs.

APRNs are capable of performing a wide range of tasks. The type of advanced practice degree will determine this. A CRNA, for example, will provide and monitor general anesthesia for a patient, whereas a CNS will educate staff and patients. A CNM will assist in the delivery of babies and care for women of childbearing age, whereas an NP will treat, diagnose, and prescribe medications for patients. APRNs have an RN degree but additional education and training specific to a patient population and skill set.

To learn more about Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), here



during a home care visit to a home-bound older client, the client's spouse, who is the caregiver, verbalizes anger, fatigue, and sleeplessness. which recommendations by the nurse would be most effective in relieving caregiver role strain?


Respite care. Primary caregiver receive temporary reprieve from respite care. It may be scheduled for a few days, a couple of weeks, or just an afternoon.

A hospital, a patient's home, or an adult day facility may provide care. The fact that caregiver may feel terrible about taking time away from their loved ones is one of the key downsides of respite care that they highlight. However, if you start to see how respite care improves your relationship with your loved one, this guilt will pass quickly. The ability to: Interact with people going through similar things might be provided via respite care programs. Spend time in a setting that is secure and encouraging. Take part in activities suited to your needs and ability.

Learn more about caregiver



at one time, disordered people were simply warehoused in asylums. these were replaced with psychiatric hospitals in which attempts were made to diagnose and cure those with psychological disorders. this best illustrates one of the beneficial consequences of


The medical model was developed to diagnose and treat those suffering from psychological disorders.

What is medical model?The medical model is a health model that proposes that disease is detected and identified through a systematic process of observation, description, and differentiation using standard accepted procedures such as medical examinations, tests, or a set of symptom descriptions.The medical model is a diagnostic approach to medicine that is used by medical assistants and doctoral level physicians assistants. The medical model focuses on cause and effect, with a priority on treating symptoms to return a patient to health as soon as possible.Religious, biomedical, psychosomatic, humanistic, existential, and transpersonal medical models are all available. Only one of these six models was categorically reductionist: the biomedical.

To learn more about systematic process refer to :



the nurse is teaching a client who is to be discharged with an order to use chemical stimulant laxatives prn. the nurse should caution the client about what potential adverse effect?


A) Abdominal cramping. Diarrhea, cramping in the abdomen, and nausea are typical side effects of laxatives.

Negative effects on the central nervous system (CNS), such as weakness, headaches, and vertigo, can happen. Rectal bleeding, disorientation, and iron deficiency anemia can happen when laxatives are misused but are not linked to proper usage of laxatives. The saline laxatives magnesium hydroxide and magnesium citrate, as well as the stimulant laxatives bisacodyl and senna pills, are the fastest-acting oral laxatives. Mineral oil is another option. Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax, and Senokot are typical OTC medications in this category.

The complete question is:

The nurse, teaching a patient to be discharged with an order to use chemical stimulant laxatives PRN, instructs the patient that one of the most common adverse effects of this type of laxative is what?

A) Abdominal cramping

B) Rectal bleeding

C) Confusion

D) Iron deficiency anemia

Learn more about laxatives



a nurse is a member of an interdisciplinary team providing home health care to a client who was discharged home after experiencing a stroke. the client has been receiving services to assist with swallowing. the nurse would collaborate with which member of the team to discuss the client's progress?


The nurse would collaborate with  Speech therapist member of the team to discuss the client's progress

What is an Intradisciplinary team?

Unidisciplinary teams, such as a group of public health nurses providing home care, are made up of several professionals from a single field. Each team member has the same professional background and education, speaks the same healthcare language, and fulfills the same position within the team Intradisciplinary.

What is called speech therapist?

SLPs, often known as speech therapists, get training in the study of human communication, including its difficulties. SLPs evaluate a person's oral/feeding/swallowing, speech, language, cognitive-communication, and other skills. They are able to do this and determine a problem's best course of action.

Learn more about speech therapist to visit this link



sarah requires medicine for her gout at a dosage of 15 mg per dose. she is 45 kg. how much medicine is she getting per kilogram body weight?


According to question, Sarah requires 0.33 mg/kg medicine for her gout at a dosage of 15 mg per dose.

A painful variety of arthritis is gout. Sharp crystals may form in the big toe or other joints when your body produces too much uric acid, leading to episodes of aching and swelling known as gout attacks. Medication and dietary and lifestyle modifications can be used to treat gout.

Pork, lamb, and red meat. liver, kidneys, and glandular meats like the thymus or pancreas are examples of organ meats (you may hear them called sweetbreads) seafood, particularly shellfish like sardines, shrimp, lobster, mussels, and anchovies.

To know more about gout visit :



a client diagnosed with myasthenia gravis receives a prescription for the anticholinesterase medication, pyridostigmine (mestinon). which intervention should the nurse implement when preparing to administer this medication?


The intervention that the nurse should implement when preparing to administer the medications to the client in the case above is to administer the medications 30 minutes prior to meals.

Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease that causes the victim to feel weakness and rapid fatigue in the muscles after activities. It's caused by a breakdown in communication between the muscles and the nerves. While making the victim very uncomfortable, treatments can help to keep the symptoms under control, letting them live a relatively normal life.

The medications that are generally given to myasthenia gravis patients are medications that increase muscle strength. That's why it's best to take them before meal since they help enhance chewing and swallowing.

Learn more about myasthenia gravis at https://brainly.com/question/13451085


which factors should the nurse recognize put a patient diagnosed with diabetes at risk for inadequately self-managed blood glucose levels? (select all that apply.)


The factors the nurse should recognize that put a patient diagnosed with diabetes at risk for inadequately self-managed blood glucose levels are Obesity, a Desk job, and a Busy lifestyle.

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that has an impact on how your body uses food as fuel. Your body turns most of the food you consume into sugar (glucose), which is subsequently released into your bloodstream.

The food you eat provides blood glucose, which is your body's main energy source. The pancreas creates the hormone insulin, which makes it easier for your body to absorb glucose from food and use it as fuel in your cells. There are times when your body produces little to no insulin or uses it inefficiently. Because of this, glucose stays in your blood rather than reaching your cells.

To learn more about Diabetes visit: https://brainly.com/question/14823945


manuel and manfred are twins, and both treat psychological disorders. manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy. it is most likely that ________________________.


The twins Manuel and Manfred both specialize in the treatment of mental illnesses. Manfred has a Ph.D. and performs therapy, but Manuel has an M.D. and frequently writes prescriptions for drugs. Manfred is most likely a clinical psychologist, while Manuel is most likely a psychiatrist.

Psychiatrists' unique understanding of the connection between physical and mental health and their medical training represent the primary distinction between the two professions. In contrast to psychologists, psychiatrists are allowed to prescribe medication to their patients, and medical interventions form the core of their clinical practice.

Although a psychology bachelor's degree is a great choice for aspiring psychiatrists, it does not prepare you to work in this field of medicine. You must complete a medical degree program and a 4- or 5-year residency in psychiatry in order to become a psychiatrist.

Thus, we might conclude that Manuel is probably a psychiatrist and Manfred is probably a clinical psychologist.




the nurse is talking with the mom of a preschooler at the well-child visit. the mom reports that her 3 year old has a lot of energy and sleeps 9 hours per night. what assessment questions should the nurse ask in response to this comment?


Option 2,3,4 and 5 are correct. Typically, preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of sleep every day. Long naps may be taken by the child in addition to sleep at night.

It's critical to establish if the infant has to be woken after nine hours or if they wake up on their own. Due to mom's work schedule, the youngster might need to be woken. Given that the youngster is sleeping less than is expected, it is important to assess their level of rest. The nurse has to ascertain whether the youngster has trouble falling asleep. If so, perhaps more relaxing bedtime customs ought to be adopted. Typically, preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of sleep every day. Nine hours is insufficient.

The complete question is:

The nurse is talking with the mom of a preschooler at the well-child visit. The mom reports that her 3 year old has a lot of energy and sleeps 9 hours per night. What assessment questions should the nurse ask in response to this comment?

Select all that apply

1. Nothing, as this is normal for preschoolers.

2. Does your child take naps during the day?

3. Does your child wake up spontaneously or do you wake her?

4. Does your child appear rested upon awakening?

5. Does your child have trouble settling down for sleep?

Learn more about sleep



(03.03 mc) your friend wants your advice about her new exercise plan. she has found a supplement that promises to increase her muscle size, but she wants to know what you think before she begins. the supplement encourages users to eat twice the normal amount of calories per day and avoid exercise. their website promises people can gain good muscle in a matter of days. what should you tell your friend? (3 points) group of answer choices this is a good plan, but she should take only half the recommended dose. there is not enough information to determine whether this plan is good. this is not a good plan unless she is going to use free weights regularly. this is not a good plan because it does not include healthy eating and exercise.


The advice that I will give to my friend is that it is not a good plan because it does not include healthy eating and exercise that is option D is correct.

In order to keep the body healthy, there should be a proper intake of healthy food and also along with healthy food exercise is also necessary. There should be a proper diet of how many calories should be taken to keep the body in shape and in balance form. Using of supplements and other intoxicating substances to build body is not a good method as it can have a negative impact on the health in longer run. As my friend wants to use supplements and avoid exercise to increase the muscle gain, I would suggest her not to do so as it is not a good method of increasing muscle gain. This can hamper her growth in a negative manner.

Learn more about Supplements at:



What sensation does infrared have on the skin?



Infrared light has a warming effect on the skin. It can increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation.


a client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes has been prescribed phentermine to treat obesity. which principle should be considered when planning care for this client?


The client may require increased doses of insulin when a client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes has been prescribed phentermine to treat obesity.

The main difference between the type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 diabetes is a genetic condition that often shows up early in life, and type 2 is mainly lifestyle-related and develops over time. With type 1 diabetes, your immune system is attacking and destroying the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.

Type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction. This reaction destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, called beta cells. This process can go on for months or years before any symptoms appear.

Type 1 diabetes causes people to make changes to their lifestyle that can affect their entire family. It also affects their daily emotions and quality of life, including their food choices, blood sugar measurements, and injections.

Learn more about type 1 diabetes here:- https://brainly.com/question/864309


which interventionis appropriate for the professional gymnast client with amenorrhea and a low body mass index


Suggesting a healthful diet and encouraging deep-breathing exercises.

Amenorrhea is the lack of menstruation, which is frequently defined as missing one or more menstrual periods. Primary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation in a woman who has not had a period by the age of 15. The ovaries do not release an egg in the majority of women who have amenorrhea. Such women are unable to become pregnant. ), as well as an increased risk of heart and blood vessel problems. Such issues arise because the estrogen level in amenorrheic women is low.

Body mass index is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. The BMI is calculated by dividing the body mass by the square of the body height and is expressed in kilograms per square metre (kg/m2). Most adults should keep their BMI between 18 and 24.9, according to doctors. Obese adults have a BMI greater than 25. Older adults, on the other hand, fare better if their BMI is between 25 and 27. According to research, adults over the age of 65 who are underweight have more health problems and a shorter life expectancy.

To learn more about amenorrhea and body mass index, here



there has been a large disaster, and nurses from various units have been assigned to help with the large influx of clients. to which client would it be most appropriate to assign an obstetric-postpartum nurse?


It would be best to assign an obstetric-postpartum nurse to a male patient who underwent a 1-day postoperative hemicolectomy with a foley catheter.

Give floating nurses clientele with whom they can practice their abilities. One is similar to a client who has had a c-section; obstetric-postpartum nurses do not handle traction (the woman has any pregnancy-related problems); they shouldn't care for infected patients to prevent unintentional transmission, and they lack the necessary experience to handle patients.

As a result, choice 1 is the right response.

The compl;ete question is:-

there has been a large disaster, and nurses from various units have been assigned to help with the large influx of clients. to which client would it be most appropriate to assign an obstetric-postpartum nurse?

1. 1-day postop hemicolectomy male with foley cath

2. women in pelvic traction who is 3 mo. pregnant

3. elderly woman who has herpes zoster

4. male admitted to hearing command voices to kill himself

To learn more about an obstetric-postpartum nurse, refer:-



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