When a candidate needs to win a simple majority it is referred to as ?


Answer 1

When a candidate needs to win a simple majority it is referred to as simple majority voting.

A threshold for voting that requires more than half of the ballots cast is known as a "simple majority." A requirement for voting is plurality, which is when a proposition receives more votes than any other choice. First-past-the-post voting, also known as plurality voting and one vote per person, is the single-winner variant of an election. A majority is more than half of the total, sometimes known as a simple majority or absolute majority to separate it from similar concepts. It is a part of a set that contains more than half of the elements in the set.

Know more about simple majority here:



Related Questions

employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. t or f


It is true that employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

In regard to a work - related injury, when an employee requests medical leave, or when an employee requests a disability adjustment, employers most frequently receive employee health information in these situations.

The majority of employers are aware that this information is "confidential," but they might not completely comprehend what that term means or what they should do to safeguard it.

However, employers must remember that HIPAA does apply to requests for health information from covered entities.

Without the consent of the employee or as otherwise permitted by law, a covered organization may not divulge protected health information to an employer.

To know more about confidentiality:



What gives the president of the United States the ability to influence foreign policy by making treaties and executive agreements?


The U.S. Constitution provides that the President has the power to conclude treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate subject to the assent of two-thirds of the senators present.

It is a binding agreement with the United States and becomes part of international law. The president has the power to appoint ambassadors, with the advice and approval of the Senate. The Department of State regulates the president's foreign policy. Develop and implement

Learn about Ambassadors' Diplomatic History and the US Embassy. The Executive Branch conducts diplomacy with other countries, and the President has the power to negotiate and sign treaties ratified by the Senate. The President can direct law enforcement officers or issue executive orders to clarify and promote existing laws.

Learn more about The President here:-https://brainly.com/question/2409724


Members of the electoral college selected by each state equal the number of what?.



House members plus Senators

Which one of the following is defined as the average compound return earned per year over multiyear period? A. Geometric average return B. Variance of returns C. Standard deviation of returns D. Arithmetic average return E. Normal distribution of returns


Geometric average return is defined as the average compound return earned per year over multiyear period. The correct answer is A.

What does the geometric mean in terms of finance?

The geometric mean, which is determined by multiplying n variables and then taking the nth -root, reflects the average growth of an investment. In other words, it is a metric used to evaluate the success of a single investment or an investment portfolio. It is the average return on an investment over time.

The geometric average is used for what purpose?

The phrase used in finance to calculate average growth rates is the compound annual growth rate, also referred to as the geometric mean. Consider a stock that makes 10% in its first year, 20% in its second year, and 30% in its third.

To know more about geometric average visit:



What is ethos pathos and logos examples?


Ethos, pathos, and logos are literary devices used in creating an argument with effective persuasion.

Pathos refers to appealing emotions by arguments generating emotions that the author wants them to feel to understand the context of the argument. Arguments with pathos consist of word choice, examples, and stories generating particular emotions like pity, anger, sympathy, or amusement.

For instance, a weak skinny man sits under the streetlight with no food and covering for winter. He is shivering and looking for food. The statement shows a pitiful description of a man generating sympathetic emotions in readers.

Ethos refers to the writer's credentials and ability. Ethos is used to decide whether the author is trustworthy or not. The author can use various ways to present credibility and authority in the argument by using genuine resources, appropriate language, and expertise on the issue.

For instance, the author mentions their personal experience as a psychologist while explaining the behavior of juvenile drug addicts. Here the author establishes credibility to argue on a topic related to his experience.

Logos refers to creating a logical connection in arguments and appealing to the sense of reason of the audience. The author uses statistics and facts to create logic and credibility in the argument.

For instance, the author states that ABC research has proved mobile phones causes 70% of a road accident. Here the author has quoted research to prove his argument, therefore correctly using logos in the argument.

Learn more about ethos pathos logos here https://brainly.com/question/13118125


What does a presidental chief of staff do?


The Chief of Staff controls the president's calendar, limits access to the president, manages the staff, and helps the president in all aspects of domestic and foreign policy.

In the federal government of the United States, the White House chief of staff serves as the director of the Executive Office of the President and holds a cabinet position.

All policymaking, everyday operations, and staff duties for the President are directed, managed, and supervised by the Office of the Chief of Staff. All of the Administration's departments and agencies are coordinated and communicated with by this office.

In order to support this effort, the staff of this office manages the affairs of the Chief and Deputy Chiefs of Staff. The staff also supports the Chiefs of Staff in their role as the President's advisors.

To know more about chief of staff:



On whose behalf do most lobbyists work? choose four answers. Political action committees (pacs)the presidentbusinessesinterest groupsunionsindividuals.


Applying political action committees (PACs), interest groups, individuals, and unions are applied on behalf of lobbyists.

A political action committee (PAC) in the US is a 527 organization that collects member campaign contributions and distributes those monies to campaigns for or against candidates, legislation, or ballot initiatives. Professional advocates who work to sway political outcomes on behalf of people and organizations are known as lobbyists. This campaigning may result in the introduction of new legislation or the revision of already-enacted rules and regulations.

There are several ways to lobby, including engaging with decision-makers on your topic internally, public gatherings, conferences, face-to-face meetings with lobbyists, and written or telephone correspondence. Lobbyists can be made up of people and organizations that legally influence political parties in order to force them to behave in the public interest and welfare. As a result, they develop into an advocacy group that makes use of its influence to promote outcomes that are favorable to the passage of legislation.

To learn more about lobbyists, refer: brainly.com/question/509906


Correct Question:

On whose behalf do most lobbyists work? Select all that apply.

political action committees (PACs)

the president


interest groups




political action committees (PACs)


interest groups



true or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.



true or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.


Which inheritance is not supported in java Mcq?


In Java Mcq, multiple inheritance is not supported. The ability for an object or class to inherit features from more than one parent object.

The ability for an object or class to inherit features from more than one parent object or parent class is a feature of various object-oriented multiple inheritance computer programming languages. It differs from single inheritance, which allows an item or class to derive from only one specific object or class.

Multiple inheritance has been a contentious topic for many years, with opponents citing its increased complexity and ambiguity in scenarios like the "diamond problem," where it may be unclear from which parent class a specific feature is inherited if more than one parent class implements said feature. Virtual inheritance is one method that can be used to address this.

Learn more about multiple inheritance here



What is the final irony of Hamlet?


Ironically, Horatio, the audience, and Hamlet are all know that Hamlet wants it to sound like the massacre had happened, in contrast to Claudius's notion that now the play is fiction.

What is an illustration of irony?

A statement used in irony suggests one thing whereas actually expressing another. For instance, on a windy, wet, or dreary day, you may exclaim, "What a fantastic day!" Alternatively, if you were battling a severe illness caused by food sickness, you would respond, "Wow, I feel terrific today."

Irony is a feeling, right?

Their rating evaluations demonstrate that different kinds of irony generate different emotions. Anger, anger, and contempt are the three negative emotions that ironic criticism (and sarcasm) tends to stir up the strongest.

To know more about Hamlet visit:



Why is Hamlet emotionally unstable?


Hamlet feels a confrontation of vengeance after his encounter with the ghost, and he develops an obsession with getting even.

What does the Confrontation Clause aim to achieve?

to guarantee that witnesses will give testimony while being sworn in and comprehend the gravity of the legal proceedings; to provide the accused the opportunity to question witnesses who are testifying against him; and to give jurors the ability to judge a witness's credibility based on how they behave.

Does conflict result from confrontation?

In the course of either a dispute between two parties, confrontation is a conflict factor in which the parties face up against one another. A conflict can occur on any scale, either between number of individuals, amongst nations or societies, or even between nonhuman living creatures.

To know more about confrontation visit:



How does the 19th amendment represent an example of the progressive era reformers goal of expanding democracy?.



The 19th amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified in 1920, granted women the right to vote. This was a major achievement for the progressive era reformers, who had been fighting for women's suffrage for many years. The amendment represented a significant expansion of democracy in the United States, as it extended the right to vote to a previously disenfranchised group of citizens. This was in line with the broader goals of the progressive movement, which sought to expand the franchise and make the political system more inclusive and representative.


an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.a. trueb. false


It is true that upon a worker's voluntary termination of employment, an employer may deny coverage for dental, optical, or medical insurance.

Upon a worker's voluntary termination of employment, an employer may deny coverage for medical, optical, or dental insurance. An employee cannot be protected from being fired without good cause by an express employment contract.

In most cases, private employers can hire and fire employees as they see fit.

What are the four different kinds of dismissal?

Termination without cause. a termination at will. improper termination. termination of a temporary or employment contract.

What occurs assuming you get terminated in the Netherlands?

Process and contract for termination at this point or shortly thereafter, they will present you with a contract for termination. You may be sent home immediately following the meeting and not expected to work again, or you may be expected to continue working until the termination is finalized.

To learn more about termination here



of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?


The least relevant source for interpreting changes in government policy during the Reconstruction era was the history of Vermont between 1865 and 1877.

What was the Reconstruction Era?

It was a period throughout the entire existence of the American break that happened in the period from 1865 to 1877, in the period after the American Nationwide conflict, which had the target of reintegrating the country, or at least, the association and the southern states, as well as promising a few fundamental and fundamental privileges of African Americans.

So the objective of the remaking time was to reintegrate the nation and revise a few regulations and standards of the American Constitution with the goal that all residents would have similar open doors and treatment in the nation, ensuring freedoms to previous slaves from the time of provincial America.

Learn more about government policies:



Do quotas increase domestic producer surplus?


Quotes decrease consumer surplus, boost domestic producer surplus, and decrease overall economic surplus when compared to free trade (because of deadweight loss).

A quota on imports increases producer surplus in the import market while decreasing it in the market for exporting nations. Implementing an import quota by a major nation may increase or decrease national wellbeing. When an importing country imposes an import quota, national welfare of the exporting country declines. To decrease imports and boost domestic production, nations occasionally impose quotas on particular products. The idea of quotas is to increase home production by limiting international competition. Quota-implementing government initiatives are frequently referred to as protectionism policies.

Quotas will aid domestic suppliers by lowering imports. However, they will result in increased consumer costs, a reduction in economic wellbeing, and they may trigger retaliation if other nations impose tariffs on our goods. Import quotas are a type of trade restriction used to limit the amount of imported commodities. Import quotas encourage internal commerce inside a nation, protecting the home market. This supports preserving the equilibrium of the balance of payments and controls the GDP of the nation.

Learn more about quotas visit: brainly.com/question/29551910


True or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.



True or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.


When should deficit spending be used?


Only use deficit expenditure to help the economy recover from a downturn.

Only when the economy is in a recession should  deficit expenditure be employed. Congress should reinstate a balanced budget whenever GDP growth is within the desirable 2% to 3% level. Otherwise, it results in a horrifying debt level. Owners of the debt will become anxious when the ratio of debt to GDP hits 100%. They fear that the nation won't produce enough income to pay off the debt. In Congress, disagreements over which programs to remove often result from attempts to reduce deficit spending. Tea Party Republicans in 2013 forced a government shutdown over this issue. They also implied that Congress would permit the US to make defaults on its debt in 2011 and 2013.

Know more about deficit expenditure here:



Why did tinker's case go all the way to the Supreme Court?


According to the Supreme Court, the armbands reflected pure speech that was wholly distinct from the behavior of people wearing them.

A Supreme Court is what?

In most legal systems, a supreme highest court in the court system. The terms "court of last resort," "apex court," and "high (or last) court of appeal" are also used to describe these types of courts. In speaking, no other court has the authority to review a supreme court's rulings again.

Who is the Supreme Court's boss?

The Judiciary of the U. S. is established in Section 1. It grants Congress authority to set up lesser courts and structure the Supreme Court. Additionally, it stipulates that justices may remain on the bench indefinitely.

To know more about Supreme Court visit:



What can short term goals be?


Short-term goals are goals that can be achieved within 12 months.

Sometimes short-term goals are things you want to achieve for their own sake. For example, he might want to clean out his closet read the dusty book on his bedside table save up the money he needs for an extended vacation, and finally, he wants to do his 10K.

Examples of short-term goals reading two books a month quitting smoking exercising twice a week creating a morning routine etc. Apply for a certain number of jobs, seek mentorship, connect with new people in leadership positions and interview others who have started their own businesses to learn what steps to take.

Learn more about Short-term goals here:- https://brainly.com/question/24693533


an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. t or f



an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. t or f


Describe the six alternate Supreme Court nominating process that would avoid some of the current problems.


Answer:-How are Supreme Court Justices selected? The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court.

It cannot call out the troops or compel Congress or the president to obey. The Court relies on the executive and legislative branches to carry out its rulings. In some cases, the Supreme Court has been unable to enforce its rulings.

How is are Supreme Court Justices selected? Nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. What are the qualifications to be a Justice? The Constitution does not stipulate any age, education, or job requirements to be a Justice.eme                                                                            Types of cases heard by the Supreme Court

The Court will hear cases to resolve a conflict of law. ...

The Court will hear cases that are of great public importance. ...

The Court hears cases when lower courts ignore Supreme Court precedent. ...

The Court will hear cases where an area of law is unsettled

which decision of jefferson is often viewed as his greatest foreign policy success?
A. annexing Florida from Spain
B. purchasing the Louisiana Territory
C. supporting independence for Panama
D. establishing treaties with many American Indian tribes


Jefferson's decision to buy the Louisiana Territory is frequently seen as his most successful foreign policy move.

What was the foreign policy stance of Thomas Jefferson?

Jefferson halted trade with the whole European Union, prohibited all British ships from entering American ports, and instructed state governors to prepare to summon up 100,000 militiamen. He reasoned that a comprehensive blockade would force France and England to accept American neutrality since American agricultural supplies were so important to them.

How did Jefferson defend the purchase of Louisiana?

Jefferson explained to John Breckinridge why he decided to send the treaty to Congress without an amendment. It's like a guardian who says to his ward, "When you're old enough, I'm going to buy you an important adjacent region.

To learn more about Foreign policy here:



An employer can eliminate a worker's medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker's employment



The given statement , An employer can eliminate a worker's medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker's employment is False .

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA, gives you a legal access to your former employer's health insurance plan when you lose your job. This continuation of coverage is extended to your spouse, a past spouse, and any dependent children in addition to you.

Although various types of insurance may be provided, group-term life insurance is typically offered as an employee perk. Life insurance that only lasts for a limited time is known as term insurance. In most cases, the period of term life insurance provided by an employer is the length of the employee's employment.

To know more about Insurance visit :



true or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.



true or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.


To declare war, president adams has to get approval from congress. What principle of government is being demonstrated?.


Adams' requirement for congressional approval before making a war declaration is consistent with the Checks and Balances premise. So, choice (A) is the right answer.

The check-and-balances principle: makes certain that no branch of the government has excessive power: requires that a branch obtain authorization from another branch in order to carry out some of its responsibilities. The President is the supreme commander of the American armed forces, yet he or she cannot declare war because that would give them undue power. a limitation on the authority that only Congress has to declare war. This example demonstrates checks and balances, in conclusion.

John Adams's profound and enduring regard for a legal system built on the rule of law is on display in the Boston Massacre case. Because in this instance, John Adams was asked to defend British soldiers who had opened fire on a crowd of rebellious colonists, and he did so. As the term implies, the purpose of checks and balances was to ensure that no one branch would be able to exercise excessive control, and thus established a separation of powers.

Learn more about president adams visit: brainly.com/question/26150331


Correct Question:

To declare war, Adams had to get approval from Congress. What principle of government is being demonstrated?

A. Checks and Balances

B. Federalism

C. Popular Sovereignty

D. Republicanism

Why are probation and parole officers required to have bachelor's degrees as well as courses in psychology,
behavioral science, etc.?

O Usually certification will be enough education for a probation officer's job.

O A degree, as well as field-related courses, allows these officers to have the skills to make legal reports to the court.

O Any job in corrections requires a bachelor's degree and an associate's degree in sociology.

OThe degree and range of sociology courses help these officers to have the knowledge and ethical awareness associated
with their jobs.


The degree and range of sociology courses help these officers to have the knowledge and ethical awareness associated with their jobs, is the correct answer.

What do probation and parole officers do?

A probation and parole officer is a designated or sworn person whose job it is to look into, document, and keep an eye on the behavior of convicted criminals on probation. While some are employed by private businesses that have contracts with the government to offer services, the majority of probation and parole officers work for the government of the jurisdiction in which they are employed.

When offenders are released from jail or prison or receive non-custodial punishments like community service, parole officers and probation officers play a crucial role in the criminal justice system. As part of the federal court system, probation officers provide community corrections. Both inquiry and monitoring are crucial services they offer to the court.

To learn more about parole officer, visit:



Why do you think Tinker v. Des Moines is still considered such an important case today?


Because the Supreme Court determined that armbands constitute symbolic communication that is entirely distinct from the activities or conduct of individuals participating, Tinker v. Des Moines is still regarded as a crucial decision today. When on school grounds, students retain their First Amendment rights.

By holding that school administrators cannot prohibit student speech unless it fundamentally and seriously disrupts the educational process the court established a precedent that is still cited in student free speech cases, including Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and Morse v. Frederick.

In Tinker v. Des Moines Metropolitan Community School District, the Supreme Court declared that public school administrators cannot limit student communication unless they can fairly predict that the speech will seriously disrupt school activities or breach the rights of others.

To learn more about Tinker v. Des Moines



What did the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs Board of Education do 1 point?


The Supreme Court's decision on Brown vs Board of Education was that segregation is unconstitutional.

In this milestone decision of , the Supreme Court ruled that separating children in public schools on the basis of race was unconstitutional. It signaled the end of legalized racial segregation in the schools of the United States, overruling the "separate but equal" principle set forth in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case..

On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren conveyed the consistent decision in the milestone civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional. This historic decision denoted the finish of the "separate however equivalent" point of reference set by the Supreme Court almost 60 years sooner in Plessy v. Ferguson and filled in as an impetus for the extending civil rights development during the ten years of the 1950s.

Know more about Brown vs Board of Education - https://brainly.com/question/29618716


Qualified expenses for an eligible educator include all the following except:
Select one:
a. Equipment (computers & software)
b. Books & Supplies
c. Classroom materials
d. Home School supplies


All of the above minus home school supplies are qualified expenses for an eligible educator

which court in the federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law?


The court in the federal system which reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law is U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF).

What is the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces?

The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces is a civilian tribunal, which is a court that rules on military matters. Cases on the Court's docket address a wide range of legal issues, including constitutional law, criminal law, evidence, criminal procedure, ethics, administrative law, and national security law. Decisions by the Court are subject to direct review by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Learn more about appeals court at: https://brainly.com/question/1237061


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