What's the difference between a viral STD and a bacterial STD?


Answer 1


Bacterial STDs, as you can guess, are caused by bacteria that enter the body either through skin contact or body fluids. This is where the lines can get blurred – viral STDs also enter the body via skin contact or body fluids.


The difference is that a viral is introduced to your body instead of bacteria.

Related Questions

What might happen if a neuron is unable to accurately pass signals? What could also be the reason the neuron is having difficulty relaying the signal?


Answer:If you lose too many neurons, you may develop permanent disability. The disability you experience relates to the neurons which are damaged. For example, if you lose some of the neurons in your spine, your legs could be affected, leading to problems with walking.

Motor nerve damage can lead to muscle weakness, difficulty walking or climbing stairs and muscle cramps. Electrical impulses that pass along motor nerves, stimulate your muscles to move. This permits people to do activities like walking or moving their fingers.



Which of the following is an example of the clean technique?

A. Gilberto places used sharps in a biohazard container for the
B. Ben sends all used scalpels to a department that washes them
with an autoclave.
C. Melissa washes a patient's cut thoroughly before bandaging it.
D. Trisha places a drape over each patient before surgery.



The answer is A, Gilberto places used sharps in a bio-hazard container for the incinerator.

Gilberto's use of sharps in a bio-hazard container in the Environment for the incinerator is an example of clean technology. So, the correct option is A.

What is clean technology?

Clean technology is defined as a process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts by significant energy efficiency improvements, sustainable use of resources, or environmental protection activities.

Clean technology requires an interdisciplinary approach with the help of engineers and scientists from different disciplines who join together to create a clean environment, which does not deplete the existing resources that are being created through dumping of toxic chemicals. Gilberto's use of sharps in a bio-hazard container for the incinerator is an example of clean technology.

So, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Environment, here:



Why did the writer name movie “pressure cooker”, aside from the fact that it is a piece of kitchen


Answer: why not


Just trying to answer questions lost my acc

People with malaria suffer with the following symptoms

fever and chills
sores on their body
loss of sight and hearing
the inability to walk


A) Fever and chills
The correct answer is fever and chills

Identify the immediate steps a victim of cyberbullying should take.



If you are under 18 years of age

Available 24/7

Counselling and advice for children who are in distress or suffering abuse

Talk to parent or guardian about it or turn or turn of your phone and delete the app

What are the rules in your house concerning cov id 19 safety. Make a list of 10 Rules.

i dont have rules about this so please help even if u make up rules idc



1) dont touch any packages which have newly arrived, let it stay isolated for about a day.

2) wear gloves and masks whenever ur going out

3) avoid sharing personal household items

4) cover ur nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing

5) if ur feeling sick, then isolate urself in ur room/ stay away from the others

6)deep cleaning the house on every thursday- thats all i have lolol

Which statement about cooling down after physical activity is true?

Cooling down increases blood flow to the muscles and decreases body temperature.

A cool-down is a period of semistrenuous activity after physical activity.

Cooling down increases the lactic acid in the muscles, helping to protect them from injury.

A cool down should last for about 5 to 10 minutes after being physically active.



Cooling down increases the lactic acid in the muscle, helping to protect them from injury.

The answer is: D: A cool down should last for about 5 to 10 minutes after being physically active.


Which combination of medications would be appropriate to use for the patient in​ asystole?
Atropine and lidocaine
Atropine and epinephrine
Verapamil and digitalis
Epinephrine and amiodarone


The answer is C according to the last time i had that question

What are some potential risks and safety concerns that come with lifelong fitness? Given your activity level, what minor or major injury risks do you face on a regular basis? How do you protect yourself from these risks?



These include cardiovascular disease, heart failure, stroke, certain cancers, osteoporosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension (8). A recent study found that higher levels of total daily sitting time were associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, independent of physical activity.

Some of the most common minor injuries include strains, sprains, and bruises. These will most often occur during some sort of physical activity. Some people confuse strains and sprains and call them the same thing but there is a slight difference.

How Can One Prevent a Sprain or Strain?

Participate in a conditioning program to build muscle strength.

Do stretching exercises daily.

Always wear properly fitting shoes.

Nourish the muscles by eating a well-balanced diet.

Warm up before any sports activity, including practice.

A high level of exercise can result in muscle and bone injuries, as well as heart-related disorders, high blood pressure, and other complications, so the exercise should be maintained with a healthy diet.

What are the complications of the exercise?

There are several potential complications that can arise from exercise when the proper care is not taken, such as musculoskeletal injuries that include strains, sprains, fractures, etc.; cardiovascular issues such as heart attack due to complications; dehydration due to excess sweating and loss of electrolytes; fatigue; cramps, etc.

Hence, a high level of exercise can result in muscle and bone injuries, as well as heart-related disorders, high blood pressure, and other complications, so the exercise should be maintained with a healthy diet.

Learn more about the complications of the exercise.



Which of the following is a result of America’s growing portion sizes?

increased serving sizes
reduction of the obesity rate
a change in dietary guidelines
doubling of the obesity rate





Doubling of the obesity rate.




Which of these would be the best source of information about eating
A. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website
B. A friend who has experienced an eating disorder
C. The social media account of a fitness trainer
O D. A documentary about a teenager with anorexia





The CDC is the best source of information for a lot of things, addictions, diseases, and even eating disorders. Check out their website for more info regarding eating disorders if you're curious.

Eating disorder is a mental effect in which individual either eats more or less than normal. The best source of information about this disorder is Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, i.e., option A.

What is CDC?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health agency and is situated in United States.

It is included in United States federal agency, in the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered at Atlanta, Georgia.

It can be the best source of information about eating disorders.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding CDC, visit:



PLEASE HELP ME!! Describe the anatomy and function of the male and female reproductive systems
No links please


Males have testes, women have ovaries and uteruses. The function of them is to reproduce by the male sperm fertilizing the female egg. The testes produce sperm, the uterus hosts a baby, and the ovaries store eggs.

How many seconds does the thrower have before they reach the stall count and have to throw the Frisbee? (No Files Or Links Plz)

A) The limit does not exist
B) 5 seconds
C) 10 seconds
D) 30 seconds



A. 10 seconds


the thrower calls "stalling" and counts out 10 seconds. If the disc has not been released at the end of the count, it is turned over to the defense at that point.

People seeking help for mental disorders
A) are showing signs of weakness
B) should try to get better on their own
C) will find that professional help is always too expensive
D) are showing responsibility



D, are showing responsibility


D) are showing responsibility


Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What is sugar? How is it processed or created?
2. Why do we need Sugar? Write 5 to 10 sentences on the importance
of sugar in our bodies.
3. What are the negative effects of sugar in our bodies?
4. What is the best and worst forms of sugar? (list multiple)
5. How much sugar should you consume in a day?


1. Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrate and sugar cane is crushed, the juice is heated and filtered, then sent to a series of crystallisation steps to create crystals of raw sugar, followed by centrifugation to remove any remaining juice or syrup. The last step produces a small stream of remaining syrup called cane mill molasses containing up to 55% (wt.) sucrose and substantial amounts of invert sugar (glucose/fructose mixture) impurities. Sucrose is the fraction that becomes crystallised sugar

2. Sugars are an important source of energy with glucose being the most important for the body. The brain requires around 130 grams of sugar (glucose) per day to keep functioning. Sugar helps you store energy for later. Sugar is import to have in a healthy diet. The body has a natural feedback mechanism by which high glucose levels lead to increased insulin production and the body requires healthy insulin levels to function properly

3. To much sugar can cause weight gain and may increase your risk for heart disease. Sugary foods quickly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, causing increased androgen secretion, oil production and inflammation, all of which play a role in acne development. Excessive sugar intake may increase your chances of developing type 2 diabetes and higher your risk of getting cancer

4. Best sugars: stevia l, honey, pure maple syrup and coconut sugar

Worst sugars: added sugars , high fructose corn syrup, processed sugar

5. The AHA suggests an added-sugar limit of no more than 100 calories per day (about 24 grams of sugar) for most women and no more than 150 calories per day (36 grams of sugar) for most men.


Which of the following activities would most likely help Edward decreases stress level?

A. Running after school
B. Going to bed later
C. Waking up later
D. Eating more at breakfast


The most logical answer is a


A is your answer


When you run after school its very hood exercise and very

healthy for ur body

a need for an increase amount of a drug to obtain the same “high” is called?


It’s called tolerance

I don't know sorryyyyyy

write down any two functions of bone?​


Answer:abundant and crucial


Atropine would NOT be appropriate in the treatment of
Supraventricular tachycardia with heart rate of 167.
Junctional bradycardia with heart rate of 38.
​Third-degree AV block with heart rate of 32.
Idioventricular rhythm with heart rate of 28.





1. What do opioids (heroin and prescription painkillers) do to our bodies?



Act as depressants on the central nervous system Drugs bind to opiate receptors in the brain, spinal cord, etc.Blocks the perception of pain. Cause side effects such as nausea, confusion, and drowsiness.Feelings of euphoria(immense joy + happiness)Hijacks neurotransmitter called dopamine, the reward systemYou CAN get it legally with prescription, but still have a chance of becoming addicted.

Hope this helps!




yes that is correct


Me too, me too



18. What are the two phases of a cooldown after a vigorous workout?
F. cardiovascular & musculoskeletal
G. Cardiovascular & respiratory
H. Musculoskeletal & nervous
J. Musculoskeletal & respiratory


Pretty sure it’s F Cardiovascular & musculoskeletal

How can you avoid accidents at home?


Pay attention to what your doing. For example, don’t put paper by a candle, don’t leave the stove or oven on.
pay attention to what you are doing, sometimes people and misplace things and really bad stuff can happen, so to prevent this try to remember and pay attention to where u place objects.

Maintaining balance between caloric intake and caloric expenditure is known as:
Question 2 options:

metabolic syndrome

basal metabolism

body composition

energy balance



energy balance


The calories consumed in foods and beverages can be converted into energy (work and heat) and also can be stored as storage tissues (e.g., fat tissues). Energy balance refers to the balance of calories consumed compared to the calories burned through physical activity and metabolic activities (i.e., calories used in our daily energy requirements). Energy balance has important effects on metabolic activity, hormonal balance, and even mood. For example, a negative energy balance may lead to a decrease in metabolic activity, bone mass, testosterone level, less concentration, etc.

does anyone else just wish everything could be perfect at home but you now it never will??? Everything you do some how it turns out to be a s crew up and everyone h ates you afterwards?





Answer: I'm sure everyone wishes their circumstances were better. I hope you start feeling better about what you do. Don't worry about what others think, at least you tried.

best age to get navel piercing and why ? xx


16, most shops age limit is 16, and you’re old enough to responsibly take care of the piercing while it heals


probably 21 your a full adult and you probably would think more clearly at this age

hope this helps

have a good day :)


write a paragraph on why we should have more time off of school. 6 months of summer and 6 months of school​



School is real stressful, bro. It makes me want to eat bread without butter, which is sad. In that case, we should have more time off from school, like 6 months. It would butter my bread if you know what I'm saying. Plus, it would benefit many other people, even teachers.


12. Why
are most weight loss aids ineffective?



A few products, including green tea, fiber and low-fat dairy supplements, can have a modest weight loss benefit of 3-4 pounds (2 kilos), but it is important to know that most of these supplements were tested as part of a reduced calorie diet.

For most people, unless you alter your diet and get daily exercise, no supplement is going to have a big impact.


The key to weight loss is to eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats, reduce calorie intake of high-fat foods, and to keep moving. Depending on the individual, increasing protein may be beneficial (especially for those trying to not lose lean tissue), but the only way to lose weight is to make a lifestyle change.

Why do you think mental health is so important for an individual, as well as the community as a whole? What are the greatest benefits of good mental health? What risks and concerns are caused by poor mental health?​



Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or  her individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, can be regarded as a vital concern of individuals, communities.

Mental illness, especially depression, increases the risk for many types of physical health problems, particularly long-lasting conditions like stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Similarly, the presence of chronic conditions can increase the risk for mental illness.  

Reduction in anxiety.

Improved moods.

Clearer thinking.

A greater sense of calm or inner peace.

Increased self-esteem.

Reduced risk of depression.

Improvements in relationships.


25-27. How was the experience while performing your schedule of diet?


I was not used to it and it was difficult to follow a diet plan. so you really need a self-discipline to do it. Soon, I got used to it and I'm glad I followed the diet plan. I was surprised when I wore the clothes that did not fit me before but now they are loose in my body.

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