Plz help me well mark brainliest!..

Plz Help Me Well Mark Brainliest!..


Answer 1


a feature of light


Related Questions


*complete ALL of the quick write prompts.

1 complete paragraph in 8-12 sentences for Each prompt

label, it based on the question you are answering.



1.Think about a time you felt embarrassed at school (or outside of school).
Who were you with? What was said? What made you feel this way?

2. think about a time when you said something you regretted saying to someone else.
Was it gossip? A lie? Something insensitive? Why did you do it?
Begin an entry with dialogue, inner thoughts, and sensory detail

3. think of an argument you had with a family member or friend.
What was it about? How did it start?
Begin an entry using dialogue & thoughts

4. Think of insecurity you have.
Does it have to do with how you look, how you do in school, sports, activities outside of school
How do you deal with this insecurity? How can you possibly overcome this insecurity?



1. One day I was going to the cafeteria and slipped on the floor and then realized that everyone was looking at me and laughing. I ran away and hid in the bathroom until lunch was over. The whole school made me feel that way. I was really embarrassed and didn’t talk to anyone for a week after that incident.

2. I lied to my friend once, I didn’t want to hang out with them so I lied and said I was busy. Later on he saw me at the mall where I was clearly having fun with my other friends and not busy. I lost a friend that day and I really regret it.

3. I had an argument with my mom because I wanted these new shoes. My mom said we didn’t have the money but I didn’t understand at the time so I yelled at her. I really regret talking to her that way.

4. I feel insecure sometimes about my looks. I feel as if no one will like me for my personality and only look on the outside.


Which of the following character traits does the father in “The Bundle of Sticks” most possess?





The father in "The Bundle of Sticks" taught his sons an important lesson on unity. When he noticed that his sons were always quarrelling among themselves, he applied wisdom (the quality of applying good judgement, experience, and knowledge in handling matters) by using a bundle of sticks to teach them an important lesson on unity.

He gave them a bundle of sticks to break individually which they were unable to do. But when he gave them each of the sticks from the bundle, they successfully broke them. He thus taught them that when they are unified no challenge or enemy can overcome them.

Which word is a synonym for the word bright, as it is used in this sentence?
O 1. promising
O 2 challenging
3. intelligent
4. polished


Its polished but you didnt attach an image of the para
if the text is talking about someone that is smart it would be promising

Which of the following is a sentence?
A. When I go to bed.
B. Though the screen door.
C. Last night before bedtime.
D. She hates to be laughed at.



the answers D.


she hates to be laughed at




She hates to be laughed at.

2. Identify the topic that is TOO broad.
O instruments
O percussion
O trumpet





There are hundreds, if not thousands of types of instruments across the world. That is way too broad for a topic.




Instruments can be anything in the other answer choices

AR test catching fire anwsersssss


I could answer this but what do you mean

um what do you mean???

On page 1 of Passage 2, why does the author
state that the tower does indeed lean about
46 cm to the left of its peak"?
to reveal the research conducted on the history of
the tower
to compare this tower's lean to the lean of other
to emphasize the importance of careful
to support the idea that the tower's lean is worth
thinking about





The author state that the tower does indeed lean about 46 cm to the left of its peak" is to compare this tower's lean to the lean of other towers.

What is meant by a passage?

A passage is referred to as a typical small section of a written work or speech that is related to the topic at the point or notable for its overall content or style.


Only a three-meter foundation was used when the tower was constructed on moist, sandy gravelly soil. The tower itself is a marble veneer loaded with contaminants and mortared together. Not quite sturdy stone blocks.

The tower began to sag as a result of the freeze cycle as it was being built. The contractors then made a poor decision. To remedy the lean, they stacked extra material on one side.

The tower became lean due to the unstable nature of the underlying ground.


The author state that the tower does indeed lean about 46 cm to the left of its peak" is to compare this tower's lean to the lean of other towers.

To learn more about passage, click:


Before you begin reading, it is helpful to _____.

look at the pictures to get a visual image of what the text is trying to convey

make predictions based on headings, bullet points, or information contained in other structural features

write a short summary about what you think the text will discuss. Base this summary on the title, headings, and graphics.

none of these


Answer: it is c

Explanation: just took test

Answer: Write a short summary about what you think the text will discuss. Base this summary on the title, headings, and graphics.


What is an infinitive?
A. The form of a verb that appears with the word to and acts as a
noun, adjective, or adverb
B. The form of a verb that acts only as an adverb
C. The form of a verb that acts only as an adjective
D. The form of a verb that acts only as a noun



The answer is A.


i hope it help.

5. Which of the following best supports this claim:
Drilling for oil is bad for the environment.
O oil spills kill hundreds of thousands of animals and cause damage that can lasts for decades.
Saudi Arabia and Canada have some of the largest oil reserves in the world.
Oil is a fossil fuel that can be refined into products such as gasoline which is essential for many motor vehicles.
Oil is measured in barrels, which is equivalent to 42 gallons or 159 liters.




because it's the only negative one that supports the claim

Answer:oil spills kill hundreds of thousands of animals and cause damage that can lasts for decades.


How does hyperbole create its effect?
by minimizing or understating
by reminding readers of the past
by making unreal things seem real
by exaggerating or overstating


By exaggerating or overstating.
(Hyperbole is defined as the deliberate use of exaggeration.)

Which phrase is a kenning ?


A kenning is a metaphorical phrase or compound word used to name a person, place or thing indirectly. Used primarily in Anglo-Saxon poetry, the epic poem Beowulf is full of kennings. For example, the term whale-road is used for the sea and "shepherd of evil" is used for Grendel.




Difference between Literary theory and literary criticism​


Literary Criticism is a very huge area including Literature of Reviews, Appreciations, Literary Theories, and so many other things touching literature such as Psychology, Linguistics, etc.

Literary Theories have a very limited access to understanding and application. Here are some examples of Literary Theories. Literary theory is a wonky world where monocle-sporting people say things that not even they understand.


Literary theory is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of literature. By literary theory we refer not to the meaning of a work of literature but to the theories that reveal what literature can mean.Literary theory is a description of the underlying principles, one might say the tools, by which we attempt to understand literature. All literary interpretation draws on a basis in theory but can serve as a justification for very different kinds of critical activity. Literary theory in recent years has sought to explain the degree to which the text is more the product of a culture than an individual author and in turn how those texts help to create the culture. It is simply the various methods we use to analyze and understand literature. In other words, when we try to understand literature, we use certain methods to help us understand the meaning, and those methods comprise literary theory.

Literary criticism, on the other hand, is the practical application of those theories or methods to particular works of literature the actual use of a method to better understand a text’s meaning is what we called literary criticism. Literary criticism is the study, analysis, evaluation and interpretation of literature. In other words, it judges the value of a work. In literary criticism, a particular work or a body of work is evaluated according to its aesthetic value, historical/cultural/social significance of the work, use of language, and insights and insights of the work. These qualities are often mutually dependent or inflective. Literary criticism has a long history and can be traced back to the times of Pluto. Literary criticisms are often published in essay or book format.

After reading this paragraph, what do you think the rest of the text will be about? It will describe where the closest places to volunteer are located. It will explain the steps you take to D) choose a career after volunteering somewhere. It will show how different kinds of volunteer work can be both fun and rewarding. It will argue that volunteering is better at an animal shelter than in nature.​



C) It will show how different kinds of volunteer work can be both fun and rewarding.


I-ready 100%

Answer: The third one, "It will show how different kinds of volunteer work can be both fun and rewarding."

Why I know this is becuase I took the quiz. ヾ(•ω•`)o

Help! What the correct answer?


Answer: we need to be able to see part A

Explanation: Then i will be able to help

How can adverbs affect the wordiness of your sentences?
O A. The overuse of adverbs can result in sentences that are too short.
O B. The overuse of adverbs often results in lazy verb choices and
weak sentences.
C. Nothing is wrong with adverbs.
O D. Adverbs are too long.





What Happened To The Native Americans On The Trail Of Tears?



The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died. ... It commemorates the suffering of the Cherokee people under forced removal.

write two entries expressing how you felt. One entery must express how you felt before you collected the car and the other must express how you felt after the car was collected​


Before the car I was neutral after I was happy

In which four dragons work to help the community that is suffering.



In this folktale, four dragons work to help a community that is suffering from a long drought.


I hope it help.

1. In Kate Chopin's The Awakening (1899), protagonist Edna Pontellier is said to possess that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions."
Identify a character, from 1984, who conforms outwardly while questioning inwardly.
Then, write 1-2 paragraphs in which you analyze how this tension between outward conformity and inward questioning contributes to the meaning of the work. Avoid mere plot summary




Chopin 13

“At a very early period she had apprehended instinctively the dual life–that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions” (Chopin 13). Her father viewed the world differently from her since she could remember, it served to drive her from his presence

How do Brutus's moral dilemmas in each excerpt compare? In both excerpts, Brutus detests lying to someone he loves O In both excerpts, Brutus is trying to stop someone from taking too much power for himself. In both excerpts. Brutus is deciding whether or not to end the relationship rather than reveal the truth In both excerpts. Brutus is convinced by the person he loves that he is doing the right thing.​


The way in which Brutus's moral dilemmas in each excerpt compare is A. In both excerpts, Brutus detests lying to someone he loves.

What is a Moral Dilemma?

This refers to the contemplation of the next step to take that has moral implications.

Hence, we can see that from the complete text, there is the narration of the moral dilemma which Brutus has and this occurs with his conversation with his wife as in both excerpts, Brutus detests lying to someone he loves.

Read more about Brutus here:

Brutus's moral dilemmas in each excerpt are compared as, in both excerpts, Brutus is trying to stop someone from taking too much power for himself. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is the meaning of moral dilemmas?

A moral dilemma is a situation in which a person must make a difficult choice between two or more options. All options have ethical or moral implications. These choices often involve conflicting values or principles. It can be difficult or even impossible to choose between them without sacrificing one or the other.

Moral dilemmas are often complex and can involve a range of factors, including personal beliefs and values, legal and ethical obligations. They can be difficult to resolve. They usually require careful consideration and critical thinking. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about moral dilemmas, here:


Please help me i need help



Types of Figurative Language used: Imagery, onomatopoeia, personification, simile

What I think my summer will be like might be really fun. What I hope and plan to do will be to hang out with friends and enjoy the warm, soft breeze as we hang out together during the bright, sunny day and possibly during the quiet, starry nights. What I would also want to do is play video games with friends while I listen to the soft click-clacking of the controller's joysticks and buttons. I would also love to stay inside for a few days and enjoy some time alone while I sketch or paint, and watch as my pencil or paintbrush dance along the canvas, creating a beautiful scenery. I'd also like to go to the movies with friends or family and take in the smell of freshly popped popcorn and eat my favorite candies and snacks as we watch the movie while whispering as quietly as mice. I'd like to go to the park with some friends and family and celebrate each other's birthdays and play around together while we wait for cake. At the end of each week, I would want to lay back on my bed and watch my favorite animes and catch up on mangas that I left alone while I was so busy with school. Another thing I would want to do as well would be to go see relatives that live a little far and spend a day or two with them as we enjoy our time together and have fun. There's many other things I would love to do, but I think I'll take it one day at a time.


I hope this helped~!

Which activity from the chart is least important and should be skipped in order to conserve water?
taking a bath
washing the car
brushing teeth two times a day
taking a five-minute shower
Amount of Water Used (gallons)
A. taking a bath
B. washing the car
C. brushing teeth
D. taking a shower



B) Washing the car


Water used for cleaning an object is less important that water used for human consumption.

Read the following poem. What is the rhyme scheme?
How Not to Have to Dry the Dishes
If you have to dry the dishes
(such an awful boring chore)
If you have to dry the dishes
('Stead of going to the store)
If you have to dry the dishes
And you drop one on the floor--.
Maybe they won't let you
Dry the dishes anymore

I would really appreciate help I suck at these pls and thank you!





the A ending is dishes, the B rhymes chore, store, floor, and anymore. C is You



[tex] \\ [/tex]

What are the parts of a Noah's Ark Paragraph? And in which order?

A. Main idea, Introduction to Author, Analysis, Quotation, Explanation

B. Main Idea, Topic, Introduction to Author, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis, Transition

C. Main Idea, Introduction to Author and Source, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis, Transition

D. Introduction to Author and Source, Analysis, Main Idea, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis


Answer:D: D. Introduction to Author and Source, Analysis, Main Idea, Quotation, Explanation, Analysis


Question 2 of 10
Public sharing is like a performance because it needs:
O A. a theme,
B. an audience.
O c. balance
O D. privacy





Look closely at the picture and let it be your guide in
writing a short nonfiction story.
The story you have written should be almost the same
as this.​


it would help if we had the picture ^^

100 PONTS! I NEED HELP PLZZZ! Which of the following is NOT affected by audience?

the tone
specific references
the characters' dialogue
the author's assumptions



D) The author's assumptions


Hope this helps x <3

Read the poem "Queen of the Cats":

Old Polly was a cat of unusual grace,
With wide, yellow eyes and thin stripes on her face.
My wife took her in on a cold, autumn night,
While the north wind played the weather vane foul.
The old iron rooster screeched at the slight.

Old Polly loved her milk, and she loved her cream.
Purring when petted, she'd curl up to dream
By the warmth of the fire. Her quick eyes would glow
With firelight fancies. Was her expression
Of goodwill or ill? I didn't quite know.

It was All Hallows' Eve when the cats came singing,
Walking upright, their high voices ringing
With sorrowful cries—their queen had gone missing.
"What's going on?" shrieked my wife
As Old Polly woke up and began hissing.

"Oh, silly kittens," she spat, as she leapt out the door.
"Here I am, here I am—you need cry no more."
We watched as the cats disappeared in the fog,
And my wife held me close and said,
"Let's get a dog."

How does the narrator's point of view influence the description of events?

The speaker's point of view allows the reader to see Old Polly as awkward with an unusual gait.
The speaker's point of view allows the reader to see Old Polly as mysterious because he cannot read her expressions.
The speaker's point of view allows the reader to see the wife as calm when the sorrowful cats arrive.
The speaker's point of view allows the reader to see the wife as suspicious of Old Polly's appearance.





Try These questions out and I’ll give you brainliest no links posted on My question or I will report you



1. B

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. A


The purpose of a text can be to entertain, inform, or persuade.

A text that is meant to entertain is often a piece of fiction, such as a novel, or a comic book. A text that is meant to information could be a scientific report or any piece of text that provides accurate information. A text that is meant to persuade will use a different tone and wording, as it will aim to convince the audience, most likely through an emotional appeal, as a politician might do during a campaign speech.  

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