whats a good explanation for constitutional law?


Answer 1

Constitutional law is a body of law which defines the role, powers, and structure of different entities within a state, namely, the executive, the parliament or legislature, and the judiciary; as well as the basic rights of citizens and, in federal countries such as the United States and Canada, the relationship between the central government and state, provincial, or territorial governments.

I hope this helps!

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A=b=c=d=e=t AILHFSUJFKA =???





State crimes are tried in a federal court?

A. True
B. False





(A. True

Political Canvassing Activities
• Answering phone calls
Going door-to-door with party materials
. Working booths at local festivals
Which item best completes the chart?
O A. Raising money for campaigns
B. Joining political parties
C. Contributing to party newsletters
D. Registering voters


Political Canvassing Activity

Answering phone callsContributing to party newsletters

What is Political canvassing?

Is an act of indulging people or Individual to vote for a particular candidate or political party.

People from the party can move around from places to places, run adverts as well as campaigns to canvass for People's vote.

Therefore, Political Canvassing Activity includes answering phone calls and contributing to party newsletters.

Learn more about canvassing here,




contributing to party newsletters

Explanation: Just took the test hope this helps <3

bad things






Probation, house arrest and incarceration falls into the "Corrections" component of the criminal justice system.

A. True
B. False


I think the answer is A true

Rolonda is a firearms investigator studying the striations on a spent bullet. Which part of the weapon creates these striations?
firing pin





By examining unique striations, scratches left behind on the bullet and weapon, individual fired rounds can be, but not always are, linked back to a specific weapon. These striations are due to the rifling inside the barrel of handguns. Rifling spins the bullet when it is shot out of the barrel to improve accuracy.

If arrested by private security, Miranda Rights are always provided.


the answers is true true true true true

True ! Whole point the answer is true !

Which of the following are sometimes criticized as unconstitutional violations of the First Amendment? Select all that apply.
A) The reference to God in the Pledge of Allegiance
B) The words "In God We Trust" on U.S. money
C) Allowing churchgoers to distribute religious pamphlets in public places
D) The words "E Pluribus Unum" on U.S. money
E) Beginning a session of Congress with a prayer






Probation, house arrest and incarceration falls into the "Corrections" component of the criminal justice system.

A. True
B. False


i’m pretty positive it’s true

If a judge rules that a party has lost its case because of the Statute of Frauds, the judge has essentially stated that: A. the losing party purposely deceived the other party about a material fact. B. the losing party is not allowed to introduce evidence to contradict a written agreement. C. the losing party cannot enforce an oral contract that should have been in writing. D. the losing party was found by the court to have lied, and will therefore lose the case. E. the winning party has proven criminally fraudulent conduct on the part of the losing party.


Y gcycucho ihvhcycycjvhvk kbjvucucycychchvjvuvufuvuvkbkvjvuv

What is the main argument for placing private security officers under the same application of the Fourth
are law enforcement officers?
Private security companies have been excused from the Fourth Amendment since the beginning of the profession
Law enforcement continues to add private security tasks to their workload.
Law enforcement should also be entitled to its own interpretation of the Fourth Amendment.
Private security forces are continually doing the work of law enforcement.



I’m pretty sure it’s C but I’m not sure because I have the same question have a blessed day!


Which of the following is NOT a recent example of how police
discretion has been limited? *
a) policies requiring the issuance of tickets to all individuals that an officer pulls over for a traffic violation
b. policies regarding vehicular pursuits
c. police use of force
d. All these answers are correct.



b. policies regarding vehicular pursuits


Police discretion limitations related to vehicular pursuits began during the 1990's and is not a recent development.

approval of an amendment



A constitutional amendment may be proposed by Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives or through a constitutional convention with majority votes in two-thirds of state legislatures.



This is known as the ratification of an amendment. There must be a 2/3 vote in the Legislative Branch.

Please help I can’t get a F this quarter


The correct answer is D. To unite the states more fully under one government.


This text is a fragment of the United States Constitution created after the victory in the Independence War. This text expresses a summary of the main objective of the Constitution in the establishment of a newly independent country. According to the above, the phrase "to form a more perfect Union" means that all the states have to be united to build a thriving state. So, the correct answer is D. To unite the states more fully under one government.

True or False? Colonial thinkers in the U.S. were strongly influenced by the ethical ideas shared by the Judeo-Christian religious traditions.





which of the following stages in the criminal trial process winds up the trial proceedings?
A: opening statement
B: cross-examination
C: closing argument
D: direct examination ​


C. Closing argument


c closing arguments !!!!!?

The current use of Jails hold those convicted of
_and some felonies, as well as holding suspects following —-__and awaiting trial.
a crime



Crime x Contravenção

Crime x Contravenção

por ACS — publicado 3 anos atrás

Crime (mais grave) – reclusão e detenção até 30 anos; ação penal pública e privada; tentativa é punível.

Contravenção (mais leve) – prisão simples até 5 anos; apenas ação penal incondicionada; tentativa não é punível.

Ambos são infrações penais, ou seja, de maneira geral, não seria errado classificá-los como crimes, pois não há diferença substancial entre os conceitos. Todavia, seriam espécies distintas considerando crime como gênero. Os crimes são uma espécie de infração penal mais grave, com penas mais altas, por sua vez, as contravenções são infrações mais leves com penas menos relevantes.

As principais diferenças estão no campo da pena: para os crimes, a lei prevê prisão de reclusão ou detenção, que pode chegar a até 30 anos. Para as contravenções, a lei prevê a pena de prisão simples, que na prática muito se assemelha a detenção, que pode chegar no máximo a 5 anos.

Outras diferenças também importantes estão no tipo de ação penal cabível e na possibilidade de punição da tentativa. Para os crimes é cabível ação penal pública e privada, e é possível a punição por tentativa. Enquanto que para as contravenções, só é cabível ação penal pública incondicionada, e a tentativa não é punível

what is the difference between their there and they´re



Their shows ownership,there is a location,and they're is short for they are.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLIEST!!!

whats a good explanation for civil law?



Civil law deals with behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party, such as a corporation. Examples are defamation (including libel and slander), breach of contract, negligence resulting in injury or death, and property damage.


hopefully this helps!

:> have an amazing day, and sorry if it doesn't hep.

The answer is... A body of rules that delineate private rights and remedies, and govern disputes between individuals in such areas as contracts, property, and Family Law; distinct from criminal or public law. One meaning of civil law refers to a legal system prevalent in Europe that is based on written codes. Here is more information. Civil law deals with behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party, such as a corporation. Examples are defamation (including libel and slander), breach of contract, negligence resulting in injury or death, and property damage. Hope this helps!

You should always leave yourself plenty of space between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.
O a) true
Ob) false



a) true.......but to an extent u should leave sufficient enough space...the legal spacing would have to be used

True you should leave at least a car length of space

A man was arrested on June 1, 1985 for various drug offenses. Because he couldn't afford an attorney one was appointed to represent him by
the state. His attorney was overworked and under paid. Because of the attorney's caseload, the man was unable to confer and speak with his
lawyer for ten months all the while remaining behind bars. However, fortunately for the man, the attorney was an experienced lawyer. What is
the amendment involved with this case and have any rights been violated? Explain.


Answer:he was arrested for being nice


Multiple Choice
The Consumers Union is not

A a consumer protection agency
B tests and rates products for consumers
C the publisher of Consumer Reports
D a for-profit organization


the choice is b. m\the customer union is not a test and rates for consumers

the choice that is correct is choice b

Is it law breaking if you go 10 or lower then the speed limit.
giving brainliest


Answer:Fines are $173 for 10 mph over the speed limit, plus an additional $5 for every 1 mph above 10. So, getting pulled over driving 85 in a 65 mph zone will result in a $223 ticket. Austin. Austin's tickets range from $143 for tickets 5 mph or fewer, up to $273 for 26 mph and more over the limit.


brainliest pls

The President can do the following except:

A. Declare war.
B. Sign bill into law
C. Nominate somebody to Supreme Court.
D. Create cabinet.



A. Declare War


The president can send the U.S. Armed Forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization."

A. Declare War.

Only Congress (Legislative Branch) has the power to declare war.

Advantages of trial by oath



The Advantage is that you can have a fair trial, and know that anyone that lies under oath will be held accountable.


This is good, because if you're really innocent, or guilty, and someone lies under oath, they can face serious Felony charges.

Which statement is NOT correct regarding the arrest of suspects?
O a. Male suspects are more likely to be arrested than females.
O b. Juvenile suspects are more likely to be arrested than males.
c. Black suspects are more likely to be arrested that White suspects.
d. Sober suspects are more likely to be arrested than intoxicated suspects





police wouldn't bother seeing an innocent sober person but when they see someone drunk and intoxicated they would try help or assist (if the intoxicated person gets hostile then they will arrest them) if that makes sense

why should drivers who text and drive should be punished the same as those who drink and drive.


Because they’re both doing the exact same thing. Not paying attention and risking their and other people’s lives

Should government be allowed to decide what
fats are used in a restaurant?



Government should respect the voluntary choices made by individuals when it comes to their diets.



He also mentioned that sales of “better-for-you” products sold in fast-food and quick-serve restaurants grew by ... inexpensive is high in sugar and fat and offered in large-portion sizes. ... The government also can encourage food companies to innovate


What year did Illinois become a state?



Illinois became a state on December 3, 1818




 The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. Ding  A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Ding  Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, ding  




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As graduation approaches, he has started to have difficulty sleeping and has lost his appetite. He has worked hard to earn the opportunity and does think his message of finding his way as a child of immigrants and divorce is important. Still he is beginning to question whether or not he will be able to present the speech in front of such a large crowd. He has spoken to his guidance counselor about his concerns.Explain how each of the following concepts relates to the scenario:PhobiaSympathetic nervous systemIntrinsic motivationPositive reinforcementExtraversionAltruismElaborative rehearsal The coffee shop across the street from your tiny apartment is your haven away from home -- great beverages, healthy snacks, an atmosphere that is convivial but not so lively that you can't focus on homework, and free wifi. It lacks only one thing: some way to print out your homework and other files when you need hard copy. Your college's libraries and computer labs provide printers, but you live three miles from campus, and it's a long walk or an inconvenient bus ride.Required:Write a letter to the owner of the coffee shop, encouraging her to set up a printing service to complement the free wireless access. Propose that the service run at break-even prices, just enough to pay for paper, ink cartridges, and the cost of the printer itself. The benefit to the shop would be enticing patrons to spend more time and therefore more of their coffee and tea money in the shop. You might also mention that you had to take the bus to campus to print this letter, so you bought your afternoon late somewhere else.