what does covi d 19 stand for? and how did it get into this world​


Answer 1


Cov.id 19 stands for Coro.na Virus Disease 19


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Compare the roles that the Second Industrial Revolution played in the development of Brazil and British India. How significant a difference was created by the fact that Brazil was an independent country and British India was a colony?

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The second industrial revolution of the late nineteenth century intensified the global nature of industrialization. Much more so than the early industrial revolution, it depended on imported raw materials, such as rubber, oil, and bauxite, to manufacture a range of goods including chemicals and sophisticated machines. Neither Brazil nor British India was industrialized, so both served as raw materials producers. Brazil's products included coffee, sugar, and rubber, the latter a product for which the emergence of the automobile industry had created a great deal of demand. India's included cotton, jute, and tea. Colonialism did impose constraints on India that Brazil did not face, including some related to industrialization. British administration ruled India according to assumptions that benefited itself, like the idea that a colonial possession should serve as a raw materials producer and a consumer of finished goods, not a producer of finished goods. Similarly, much of the value of its products was siphoned off by the British in order to recoup the costs of colonial rule. While Brazil was free from these concerns, however, indigenous planter elites seeking to maintain their privileges had a similar impact on the lives of the majority of its people. One of the last countries to abolish slavery, Brazil was structured in such a way that the bulk of people were excluded from participation in politics and, ideologically, from inclusion in the nation. Brazilian elites, free to govern themselves where Indians were not, would have seen major differences between their status and India's; for the Indian masses and Brazil's peasant, former slave, and Indian population, the difference in political structures might not have mattered as much.

What is the area hitler and Stalin fought



Warsaw, Poland was conquered by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany

Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Was FDR a good president





he wanted to make the new deal to help with the great depression




The United States reelected FDR in 1940 for his third term, making him the only U.S. president to serve for more than two terms. Roosevelt is usually rated by scholars among the nation's greatest presidents, with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but has also been subject to substantial criticism.

What is Islamism? Name a country whose history has been shaped by Islamism.



Islam started in Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, during the time of the prophet Muhammad's life. Islam is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion teaching that Muhammad is a messenger of God


What kinds of media can be used to monitor the government?



The news, news papers, articles, social media.


Sorbet is a frozen dessert that is made from two key ingredients, water and fruit. Essentially, it is sweetened water added to fruit puree that is churned and then frozen. It differs from regular ice cream and other frozen desserts because it contains no dairy, like cream or milk. As a result, sorbet has a very low fat content. With a low fat content, it means that sorbet needs to be served a little differently than regular ice cream. It needs to be stored at a lower temperature in order to scoop it into a cup or cone easily. If it is not stored at a lower temperature, it is frozen solid like an ice cube.

The story of sorbet begins with the Roman Emperor, Nero, and his travels during the first century. The legend states that Nero established a line of runners from Italian cities to high up in the mountains. This allowed buckets of snow to travel from the mountains to his banquet hall whenever he pleased. Since fresh snow was so hard to get, only the richest families enjoyed the frozen dessert. Due to the lack of technology, fresh snow had to be retrieved from the mountains constantly if Nero wanted to eat the dessert. There was nowhere to keep it frozen so it would melt. Since Nero wanted a constant supply of the dessert, he needed a group of workers to keep fetching it from the mountains. Nero liked to flavor the fresh snow with honey and that's essentially what sorbet is, water and flavoring. This is the first record account of sorbet, which lead to other frozen desserts, like traditional ice cream.

Select two details from the passage that support the main ideas that sorbet is different than ice cream, and sorbet dates back to Roman Emperor, Nero, in the first century.

Group of answer choices

"It differs from regular ice cream and other frozen desserts because it contains no dairy, like cream or milk." . . . "Nero liked to flavor the fresh snow with honey and that's essentially what sorbet is, water and flavoring."

"It needs to be stored at a lower temperature in order to scoop it into a cup or cone easily." . . . "The legend states that Nero established a line of runners from Italian cities to high up in the mountains."

HELPPP PLEASEE I WILL GIVE BRAINLSITTT "Since fresh snow was so hard to get, only the richest families enjoyed the frozen dessert." . . . "This is the first record account of sorbet, which lead to other frozen desserts, like traditional ice cream."

"Sorbet is a frozen dessert that is made from two key ingredients, water and fruit." . . . "With a low fat content, it means that sorbet needs to be served a little differently than regular ice cream."


I think the answer would be the first to but I’m really sorry if this is wrong. Hope this helps :-)

What was Gary Soto’s claim about “The Jacket” and 1b. what was his mother’s counter claim.
. Was either one of them wrong?



A. The narrator strongly claimed that his clothes have failed him when he recalled the green jacket he wore on his fifth and sixth grade. He believed that instead of looking like a champion, his day-old guacamole colored jacket has embarrassed him that lead him to think it has failed him (Soto, 473).

B. His mother buys him an ugly vinyl jacket


How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing
sectional differences in antebellum America? PLZ HELPP



The Nullification Crisis illustrated the growing tensions in American democracy: an aggrieved minority of elite, wealthy slaveholders taking a stand against the will of a democratic majority; an emerging sectional divide between South and North over slavery; and a clash between those who believed in free trade

why was the monroe doctrine a significant foreign policy achievement during the 18


It established the United States as a major power in the Western Hemisphere.

What land did the Persian army fail to conquer?



Part of the archaeological remains called Perserschutt, or "Persian rubble": remnants of the destruction of Athens by the armies of Xerxes.


Achaemenid destruction of Athens.

Is this statement true or false?

Japanese Americans being relocated to internment camps were given very little notice and could take only their clothes and a few small possessions.


True. This answer is true




Please I need help !



1 c



1. Europeans first became interested in Africa for trade route purposes. They were looking for ways to avoid the taxes of the Arab and Ottoman empires in Southwest Asia. Sailing around Africa was the obvious choice, but it was a long voyage and could not be completed without “pit stops” along the way.

2.In 1885 European leaders met at the infamous Berlin Conference to divide Africa and arbitrarily draw up borders that exist to this day. The map on the wall in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin was five meters (16.4 feet) tall. It showed Africa with rivers, lakes, a few place names and many white spots.

From 1861 to 1863 how much more did the price of food staples like bacon & flour


Answer: raised to $10

Explanation:Person above me is right

What countries suffered the most deaths? How might that affect them long-term?


Are you talking about from a certain disease or just overall

Why is evil or profane speech such a bad habit for the Christian?


You aren’t living according to God’s rules, profane speech is worldly so as Christians our job is to be the light of the world and show the good to others

Answer:it goes against the bible.


“Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift” (Ephesians 4:29.

“There should not be even a hint of sexual sin among you. Don’t do anything impure. And do not always want more and more. These are not the things God’s holy people should do. There must not be any bad language or foolish talk or dirty jokes. They are out of place. Instead, you should give thanks” (Ephesians 5:3-4

The 1980s trend toward greater social conservatism came partly from Americans who:
were concerned that religion had too much influence in government.
regarded gender equality and gay rights as threats to the family.
wanted to protect the rights of racial and ethnic minorities,
thought the government was spending too little on social services.



It is commonly said that there are only two guarantees in life — death and taxes — but what can be more taxing than the prospect of one’s own death? Ceasing to exist is an overwhelmingly terrifying thought and it is one which has plagued individuals for centuries. This ancient stressor has been addressed over time by a number of different religious explanations and affirmations. Arguably, this capacity to provide answers for fundamental questions is what defines religion. For instance, under Hindu belief one’s soul lives on after biological death and is reborn in a new body. Under Christian belief one can expect to live in a heavenly paradise once one’s time runs out on earth. These are just two examples, but the extension of the self beyond its physical expiration date is a common thread in religious texts

Explain the European justification for the partitioning of Africa.



Rival ethnic groups forced to live together causing conflicts and wars. Lost many resources without equal return. ... Africans were forced to work on plantations and in mines for very little money.

Write a thesis statement For Quakers (1-2 sentences).



Thesis statement For Quakers


Because of their values, open mind, and peace, the Quakers has an influence in Pennsylvania than any other religious group that settled in British colonies in America that showed tolerance to other religions.

Pennsylvania colony was founded in 1681 by William Penn; a Quaker colony that welcomed all religions and looked for a better life. The Quakers formed their colony based on religious beliefs. The colony encourage others to practice religion with no restrictions and persecution.

The effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by the:

A: United States' refusal to join.

B: lack of a peacekeeping mission.

C: exclusion of the Axis Powers of World War II.

D: veto power held by permanent security council members.




explanation: United states refusal to join

The effectiveness of the United Nations was limited by the United States' refusal to join. The correct option is a.

What is the United Nations about?

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations.

It is the world's largest and most familiar international organization. The UN is headquartered on international territory in New York City and has other main offices in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague. The UN was established after World War II to prevent future world wars, succeeding the League of Nations, which was characterized as ineffective. On 25 April 1945, 50 governments met in San Francisco for a conference and started drafting the UN Charter.

It was adopted on 25 June 1945 and took effect on 24 October 1945, when the UN began operations.

Learn more about United Nations, here:



whats the answer please




sorry if this is wrong im a 13 year old trying to be helpful

Why does the government of the UAE have penalties and fines for those who do not comply with these codes?
(please help)



The Abu Dhabi Building Codes is a complete set of comprehensive and coordinated codes dealing with construction safety, fire protection, and other issues. They are aimed at improving the construction standards for buildings in Abu Dhabi.


how did oliver cromwell affect society today?



Historians explain why they consider studying Oliver Cromwell, and his place in history, is still relevant today, 400 years after his death. Yet, despite his dissolution of multiple parliaments, Cromwell is also remembered as a father of democracy. In Ireland, Cromwell is seen as a tyrant.

What are some of your initial ideas about why the size of this parrot population might be decreasing?



The parrot's population began its dramatic descent towards the end of the 19th century as extensive deforestation destroyed much of its habitat. ... The researchers also considered whether the low population numbers have been affected by inbreeding, which reduces the genetic health of the population.


Hope this helps


The size of a parrot population might be decreasing because of massive deforestation. This is further explained below.

What is deforestation?

Generally, Deforestation is the deliberate clearance of plants and trees in a forest area.

In conclusion, The parrot's population started to plummet at the end of the nineteenth century, when massive deforestation destroyed most of its habitat.

Read more about Plant



In the product market,

A) productive resources are bought and sold
B) Producers sells good and services to consumers
C) A nations total output of goods and services increase
D) The amount of output produced by a given amount of inputs is measured



All of the following statements regarding the President is true EXCEPT: (SSCG10)
a. The president must be wealthy and well liked.
b. The president must be at least 35 years old.
c. The president must be a natural born citizen.
d. The president must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years.





the president does not have to be well liked to be president. Nor wealthy

A because the president does not have to be liked I order to be president.. for example trump was president but a lot of people did not like him and he was still president .

Pacification was the policy by which the United States and South Vietnamese officials worked to protect villagers by creating specific civilian areas that were guarded by troops.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided






Pacification was an American policy introduced during the Vietnam war to gain support from the villages. The policy was implemented in South Vietnam to get the heart and mind of the South Vietnamese villagers. It was an attempt to maintain peace. During the war, many villagers supported communism as the Vietcong would offer to help them with their daily work. To gain support, the United States introduced pacification.

What was one of the challenges Richard Nixon faced as president?

winning over Wallace supporters

restoring American confidence

uniting the Republican Party

enacting a social reform agenda



Restoring American confidence.


Richard Nixon became the 37th President of the United States from 1969-74. His presidency was a huge turning point in America's domestic front as the country was divided in the case of the Vietnam war, while women's rights activists were pressing for equality and racism was also prevalent, leading to more issues than enough.

While these issues prevailed, the next president is sure to be met with the task of trying to find a possible solution. So, one challenge of Richard Nixon's presidency is to restore the confidence of the American people in the face of the division regarding the involvement of America in the Vietnam war.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


b restoring American confidence

Explanation : took the quiz

Explain the importance of keeping the memories of the holocaust alive though memorials museums and books


It is important to remember the Holocaust because so many jews died ( about six million - ½ were children) and suffered through Hitler's regime, and we don't want the victims who died, names to go in vain and we don't want them to be forgotten. We also want to keep their memories alive so that the Holocaust won't happen ever again.

Which is an example of water pollution in Washington?

companies that discharge toxic waste, poisoning protected salmon
farmers that dump pesticides, harming animals that graze on land
factories that release toxic chemicals, keeping acid rain out of waterways
municipalities that purify water, protecting residents from disease



(A) companies that discharge toxic waste, poisoning protected salmon


Correct on Edge 2021

Is civilisation and Civilization same?​



Civilization is an alternative form of civilization.


Hope this helps!!

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