What would the molecular formula be if potassium and chlorine reacted to form a neutral compound?A. KClB. PClC. K2ClD. KCl3


Answer 1


The metal potassium and nonmetal chlorine will react together to form potassium chloride.

The formula for the cation potassium is K+. The anion chloride is Cl-. If we combine them to form a neutral compound we get:

Answer: A. KCl

What Would The Molecular Formula Be If Potassium And Chlorine Reacted To Form A Neutral Compound?A. KClB.

Related Questions

Please help solve What is the molarity of a solution that has 2.5 mol of NaOH dissolved in 10.0 L of H2O?



The molarity of the solution is 0.25M


Given that;

The mole of NaOH is 2.5 mol

The volume of the solution is 10.0L

Follow the steps below to find the molarity of the solution

The molarity formula is given below as

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Molarity = }\frac{\text{ number of moles }}{\text{ volume of solution}} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute the given data into the above formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Molarity = }\frac{\text{ 2.5 }}{\text{ 10.0}} \\ \text{ Molarity = 0.25 M} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the molarity of the solution is 0.25M

In the equation 2KClO3-> 2KCl+3O2 how many many miles of potassium chloride are produced alongside 0.85 moles of oxygen gas


We first verify that the reaction equation is balanced. To do this we have the atoms of each element on each side of the reaction. we have 2 potassium atoms, 2 chlorine atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms on each side of the reaction. So the equation is balanced.

Now, by stoichiometry we can find the moles of KCl. The KCl to O2 ratio is 2/3 so the moles of KCl will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} MolKCl=givenmolO_2\times\frac{2molKCl}{3molO_2} \\ MolKCl=0.85molO_2\times\frac{2molKCl}{3molO_2}=0.57molKCl \end{gathered}[/tex]

The moles of potassium chloride produced is 0.57mol KCl

10) In a solution of NiCl2, the Cl- concentration is 0.059 M. How many grams of NiCl2 are in 462 mL of this solution?



5.299 grams



Concentration of Cl⁻ = 0.059 M

Volume of solution = 462 mL = 0.462 L

What to find:

The grams of NiCl₂ in 462 mL solution

Step-by-step solution:

The first step to write a balanced equation for the dissolution of NiCl₂:

[tex]\text{NiCl}_{2(s)}\rightarrow Ni^{2+}+2Cl^-[/tex]

From the balanced equation; 1 mole of NiCl₂ produces 2 moles of Cl⁻

Given that the concentration of Cl⁻ = 0.059 M, so the concentration of Ni⁺ will be:

[tex]\frac{\lbrack Cl^-\rbrack}{2}=\frac{0.059}{2}=0.0295\text{ }M\text{ }Ni^{2+}[/tex]

So that Molarity, M, of NiCl₂ = 0.059 M + 0.0295 = 0.0885 M

[tex]Number\text{ of moles NiCl}_2=Molarity\times Vol\text{ume in L}[/tex]

Number of moles of NiCl₂ = 0.0885 M x 0.462 L = 0.040887 mol

The last step is to convert the number of moles of NiCl₂ to grams using the formula below:

[tex]\text{Number of moles }=\frac{Mass}{Molar\text{ mass}}[/tex]

From the Periodic Table;

Molar mass of NiCl₂ = 129.5994 g/mol

So, mass of NiCl₂ in 462 mL solution = 0.040887 mol x 129.5994 g/mol = 5.299 grams

When bond strength increase .number of hydrogen decrease .Why​



As bond strength increases, the atoms in the bond are pulled more tightly together.


As the bond energy increases the bond length decreases


A container of an ideal gas is at STP. It holds 2.90mol of gas.What is the volume of the gas?L



We are given: 2.90mol of ideal gas

At STP: Pressure = 1 atm

: Temperature = 273.15 K

: R = 0.08205 L.atm/mol.K

Using the ideal gas law:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PV\text{ = nRT} \\ \\ \therefore V\text{ = }\frac{nRT}{P}\text{ = }\frac{2.9\text{ }\times0.08205\times273.15}{1}\text{ = 64.99 L} \end{gathered}[/tex]


V = 64.99 L

What is the energy of a photon of light that has a frequency of 7.87 × 10^15 Hz?


The question requires us to calculate the energy of a photon given that its frequency is 7.87 × 10^15 Hz.

To calculate the energy of a photon, we can use the following equation:

[tex]E=h\times f[/tex]

where h is the Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 Jxs) and f is the frequency (in Hz or 1/s). (Note that the unit Hz is equivalent to s^-1)

Then, applying the frequency provided and the Planck's constant to the equation, we have:


Therefore, the energy of the photon is 5.21 x 10^-18 J.

(b) Determine the kilocalories needed to heat 2.55 kg water from 21 °C to 37 °C.


Answer: Q = 40.8 Kilocalories


We are given the following parameters :

• Mass = 2.55kg = 2.55*1000= 2550


• T1 = 21°C


• T2 = 37°C


• Specific heat of water = c = 1cal/g°C

We will calculate q (heat ) as follows :

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q\text{ = m }\cdot c\cdot\Delta T \\ \text{ = 255}0\cdot\text{ }1\cdot\text{ ( 37-21)} \\ \text{ =}2550\cdot\text{ 16} \\ \text{ = 40800 calories }\ldots\ldots(\text{divide by 1000 to get to kilicalories) } \\ \text{ =40.8 kilocalories } \end{gathered}[/tex]

1) Write the equation for the reaction used to generate oxygen gas. Word Equation: Formula Equation:


For the generation of oxygen gas, hydrogen peroxide is generally used and by means of a catalyst, the peroxide is decomposed into two compounds: Liquid water and oxygen gas. The reaction is as follows:

Word equation

Hydrogen peroxide --->Water + Oxygen

Formula equation


It is important to note that the reaction needs a catalyst.

Calculate the pOH of the following solutions [OH-] = 4.3 x 10-6 M[OH-] = 2.0 x 10-6 M[OH-] = 4.5 x 10-11


Step 1 - Understanding the definition of pOH

pOH is defined as:


I.e., we can calculate the pOH by knowing the concentration of OH- in the solution.

Step 2 - Calculating the pOH of the given solutions

a) The first solution has a OH- concentration of 4.3 x 10-6 M. We just need to set this value in the definition of pOH:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pOH=-log4.3\times10^{-6}=-[log4.3+(-6)log10\rbrack \\ \\ pOH=-log4.3+6=6-0.63=5.37 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) The second solution has a OH- concentration of 2.0 x 10-6 M. Let's calculate its pOH:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pOH=-log2\times10^{-6}=-[log2+(-6)log10\rbrack \\ pOH=-log2+6=6-0.3=5.69 \end{gathered}[/tex]

c) The third solution has a OH- concentration of 4.5 x 10-11 M. Let's calculate its pOH:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pOH=-log4.5\times10^{-11}=-[log4.5+(-11)log10\rbrack \\ pOH=-log4.5+11=11-0.65=10.35 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the pOH of the solutions are, respectively, 5.37, 5.69 and 10.35

What is the volume of the gas when the temperature is 400 K?


10 L is the volume of the gas when the temperature is 400 K.

V/T  = constant

T1 = 400 K  ,

V1 = 20 L

T2 = 200 K

V2 = ?

V1 / T1 = V2 / T2

20 / 400 = V2 / 200

V2 = 10 L

The area contained within an object's limits determines its volume in three dimensions. On occasion, it is referred to as the object's capacity. The volume of an object can be used to calculate how much is needed to fill it; for instance, how much water is needed to fill a bottle, aquarium, or water tank.

A sphere is the most basic and prevalent type of three-dimensional shape. Spheres are commonly observed in the form of balls, globes, ornamental lights, oranges, etc.

To know more about  volume  visit :https://brainly.com/question/24189159


NH3 + O2 → ___NO2 + _H2O




Given unbalanced equation:

NH₃ + O₂ → ___NO₂ + _H₂O

Step 1: Balance the N atom on both sides by putting 4 as the coefficient of NH₃ and NO₂ on the reactant and product sides of the equation respectively.

4 NH₃ + O₂ → 4 NO₂ + _H₂O

Step 2: Balance the H atom on both sides by putting 4 as the coefficient of NH₃ and NO₂ on the reactant and product sides of the equation respectively.

What is the total number of moles of products formed when 1.20 moles of ammonia reacts? 4NH3+5O2 --> 4NO+6H2O



Step 1 - We need to rewrite the equation here:

4NH3+5O2 --> 4NO+6H2O

The ratio between ammonia (NH3) and the products are:

NH3 and NO:


NH3 and H2O:

6 H2O

So if we have 1.2 moles of ammonia:

1.2 moles of NH3 ---- x moles of NO

4 moles of NH3 ---- 4 moles of NO

x = 1.2 moles of NO

1.2 moles of NH3 --- x moles of H2O

4 moles of NH3 --- 6 moles of H2O

4x = 7.2

x = 7.2/4

x = 1.8 moles of H2O.

Answer: The total number of moles of products formed is 1.2 moles of NO and 1.8 moles of H2O.

Sodium chloride, NaCL, forms when the metal sodium and the nonmetal chlorine join chemically. What type of substance is sodium chloride?A. a salt compoundB. an elementC. a heterogeneous mixtureD. a solution


Question 1

Answer & explanation

Sodium chloride is commonly known as table salt. It is an ionic compound with the chemical formula NaCl.

NaCl is a compound

Question 2

Answer & explanation

It is possible to separate a solution by physical means.

How many moles are in 127.49 grams of Ec2H406?Ec has a molar mass of 31.79 grams/mole.(Hint: You need to determine the molar mass of Ec2H406 to solve this problem).


As the hint says the first thing we have to do is to determine the molar mass of our compound. To do so we need the molar mass of one atom of each element present in our compound.

molar mass of Ec = 31.79 g/mol

molar mass of H = 1.01 g/mol

molar mass of O = 16.00 g/mol

Since one molecule of Ec₂H₄0₆ has 2 atoms of Ec, 4 atoms of H and 6 atoms of O, we can find the molar mass of Ec₂H₄0₆ like this:

molar mass of Ec₂H₄0₆ = 2 * molar mass of Ec + 4 * molar mass of H + 6 * molar mass of O

molar mass of Ec₂H₄0₆ = 2 * 31.79 g/mol + 4 * 1.01 g/mol + 6 * 16.00 g/mol

molar mass of Ec₂H₄0₆ = 163.62 g/mol

Now we can find the number of moles that we have in 127.49 g of Ec₂H₄0₆.

number of moles = mass of sample/molar mass

number of moles = 127.49 g / (163.62 g/mol)

number of moles = 0.7792 moles

Answer: Therea are 0.7792 moles in 127.49 g of our compound.

Which element ,cesium or francium easily loses electron ? Justify your answer in terms of atomic size and attraction towards the positive nucleus



Francium easily loses electrons than cesium


Both Cesium and Francium are Group 1 elements (Alkali metals). This shows that the elements in this group have one valence electron in their outermost shell and can easily lose this electron to form a stable atom.

According to the element in the group, Lithium has the least tendency to loose its valence electron while Francium has the highest tendency to lose its valence electron because its outermost electron gets further from the positive nucleus and less attracted by the nucleus compared to the Caesium element.

Also, the atomic size of Francium is greater than that of Caesium. This also shows that francium easily loses electrons than cesium

What is the molarity of a solution that contains 75.0 grams of KNO3 dissolved in 0.350 L of solution?Group of answer choices4.14 M solution2.12 M solution8.18 M solution1.07 m solution



The molarity (mol/L) is the ratio between the amount of substance in the solute (n1) and the volume of the solution in liters (V). The formula to find the molarity is: M = n1/V

First, let's transform 75.0 grams of KNO3 into moles using the following formula:

moles = mass/molar mass

molar mass of KNO3 is 101.1032 g/mol

moles = 75/101.1032

moles = 0.742 moles


M = 0.742/0.350

M = 2.12 M

Answer: 2.12 M solution

can anyone help me with this question


6.5 moles of gas will fill 1.7 litres at 1.3 atm at the temperature (in K). 546atmK273K=P, and 1atm273K = P.

How would you define temperature?

Temperature is a measurement used to represent hotness and coolness on any of a number of scales, including Fahrenheit or Celsius. According to temperature, heat energy will naturally move from a hotter (body with a high temp) to a cooler (body with such a lower temperature) (one at a lower temperature).

What portion of your body is the hottest?

The scrotum is the area of the body with the highest temperature (37°C), following by the ears, urine, as well as the mouth. The coldest temperature on human body that can usually be measured is the armpit (35.9°C).

To know more about temperature visit:



It took 13,750 Joules of energy to raise the temperature of water to 45.0 °C. If you have 125.0 grams
of water and the specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g °C, what is the starting temperature?


The initial temperature of water can be calculated from the heat energy using calorimetric equation. The initial temperature is obtained as 18.65 °C.

What is calorimetric equation?

Calorimetry is an analytical tool used to determine the heat energy absorbed or released in a chemical reaction. The heat  energy q, mass of the substance m and the specific heat capacity c with a temperature difference ΔT is written as follows:

q = m c ΔT.

Here, the heat energy required for raising the temparture of 125 g of waater to 45 °C is 13750 joules . Then, the initial temperature be x, then x can be calculated as follows:

13750 J  = 125 g × 4.18 J/g °C × (45 - x °C)

     x =   45 -  [ 13750 J / (125 g × 4.18 J/g °C) ]

        = 18. 65 °C.

Therefore, the initial temperature was 18. 65 °C.

To find more on calorimetry, refer here:



The definition of a limiting reactant can be summarized as:




Here, we want to get the correct answer choice

The limiting reactant is the reactant that gets used up and that dictates the amount of products we can have

Take for example, we want to build a car, and we have 5 steering wheels but 100 tyres

A car needs 1 steering wheel and 4 tyres. Thus, the number of steering wheels will determine the number of possible cars produced

The steering wheel is thus the limiting reactant

The correct answer choice is that the reactant that is usede up is the limiting reactant

A compound Y gave the following result on elemental analysis. C (85.7%), and H (14.3%) given that the relative molecular mass of Y is 42, calculate the molecular formula. Write the possible structure.


C3​H6​ is the molecular formula.

moles of C present in compound =36/12​=3  moles.

moles of H present in compound =6/1​=6  moles.

The mole concept is a helpful technique to quantify the amount of a material. When dealing with particles at the atomic (or molecular) level, it is recognized that even one gram of a pure element has a vast number of atoms. The mole concept is widely used in this context. The most used unit of measurement is the "mole," which is a count of a significant number of particles.

The number 6.02214076*1023, also known as the Avogadro constant, is usually denoted by the letter "NA". Among the elementary things that may be represented in moles are atoms, molecules, monoatomic and polyatomic ions, as well as other particles (such as electrons)

To know more about   molecular formula visit : https://brainly.com/question/28647690


NaOH(s) was added to 1.0 L of HClO4(aq) 0.43 M. Calculate [H3O+] in the solution after the addition of 0.10 mol of NaOH(s).Calculate [H3O+] in the solution after the addition of 0.81 mol of NaOH(s).



a) 0.33 M

b) 2.63x10^-14 M


1st) It is necessary to write and balance the chemical reaction:

[tex]HClO_4+NaOH\rightarrow NaClO_4+H_2O[/tex]

From the balanced reaction we can see that 1 mole of HClO4 reacts with 1 mole of NaOH.

2nd) Since the relation between the acid (HClO4) and the base (NaOH) is 1:1, the 0.10 moles of NaOH will react with 0.10 moles of acid:

[tex]\begin{gathered} RemainingSolution=0.43moles\text{ - }0.10moles \\ RemainingSolution=0.33moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, in the solution 0.33 moles of HClO4 will remain unreacted, and the concentration of H3O+ will be 0.33M.

3rd) In this case we can proceed the same as in the first part:

[tex]\begin{gathered} RemainingSolution=0.43moles-0.81moles\text{ } \\ RemainingSolution=-0.38moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

In this case, the addition of 0.81 moles of NaOH neutralizes all the acid in the solution and 0.38 moles of the base will remain unreacted.

So, the concentration of OH- will be 0.38M, and it is necessary to calculate the pOH of the solution, because when OH- is left over, the solution will be basic:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pOH=-log\lbrack OH^-\rbrack \\ pOH=-log(0.38) \\ pOH=0.42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The pOH of the solution is 0.42.

4th) Now with the pOH we can calculate the pH of the solution, with the following formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH+pOH=14 \\ pH+0.42=14 \\ pH=14-0.42 \\ pH=13.58 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The pH of the solution is 13.58.

5th) Finally, with the value of pH and the pH formula, we can calculate [H3O+]:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH=-log\lbrack H3O^+\rbrack \\ 13.58=-log\lbrack H3O^+\rbrack \\ -13.58=log\lbrack H3O^+\rbrack \\ 10^{(-13.58)}=\lbrack H3O^+\rbrack \\ 2.63*10^{-14}M=\lbrack H3O^+\rbrack \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the concentration of H3O+ is 2.63x10^-14M.

what mass of KHC8H4O4 would be neutralized by 25.25 ml of 0.1034 NaOH


KHC₈H₄O₄ would be neutralized by 25.25 ml of 0.1034 NaOH then the mass of KHC₈H₄O₄ is 5.151 g

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in a substance or an object here given data is KHC₈H₄O₄ would be neutralized by 25.25 ml of 0.1034 NaOH

Then the reaction is

KHC₈H₄O₄ (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaKC₈H₄O₄ (aq) + H₂O

Then the concentration of  NaOH is equal to the  0.1 M then we use this and the volume given above to determine the mass of KHC₈H₄O₄

0.1 mol/L NaOH (25.25 ml) ( 1 mol KHC₈H₄O₄/ 1 mol NaOH)  (204 g / 1 mol) = 5.151 g KHC₈H₄O₄

5.151 g mass of KHC₈H₄O₄ would be neutralized by 25.25 ml of 0.1034 NaOH

Know more about mass



HCl +H2O -> H3O^+ + Cl^-In the reaction shown above, theis the Bronsted-Lowry base, and theis the Bronsted-Lowry acid.A)Cl;HB)H;ClC)H2O;HClD)HCl;H2O



H₂O is the Bronsted-Lowry base and HCl is the Bronsted-Lowry acid. Option C is correct.


Bronsted-Lowry acid is defined as the ion or molecule that donates a hydrogen ion (H⁺) in a chemical reaction. Since H⁺ is a proton, hence a Bronsted - Lowry acid is a proton donor meaning that we can determine the Bronsted - Lowry acid in a chemical reaction by simply looking out for the molecule that loses a hydrogen ion (proton).

From the chemical reaction given

[tex]HCl+H_2O\to H_3O^++Cl^-[/tex]

We can see that hydrochloric acid (HCl) donates a proton to have one less proton on the product side than on the reactant. Therefore, HCl in this case will be the Bronsted-Lowry acid since it acts as the donor.

Similarly, a Brønsted-Lowry base is a molecule or ion that accepts hydrogen ions in a reaction. From the reaction, you can see that water (H₂O) is the molecule that accepts this hydrogen ion to form a hydronium ion (H₃O). Hence, the water molecule will act as a Bronsted - Lowry base

How many grams of H2O are in 0.2 moles of H2O (molar mass 18.01 g/mol)?


The number of grams in 0.2 moles of water is 3.602grams.

How to calculate mass?

The mass of a substance can be calculated by multiplying the number of moles of the substance by its molar mass as follows:

Mass = molar mass × no. of moles

According to this question, there are 0.2 moles in water. Water has a molar mass of 18.01g/mol. The mass can be calculated as follows:

Mass = 0.2 moles × 18.01g/mol

Mass = 3.602grams.

Therefore, 3.602 grams is the mass of the water molecule.

Learn more about mass at: https://brainly.com/question/16386473


Sodium reacts with oxygen to produce sodium oxide.4Na(s)+O2(g)→2Na2O(s)If you have 16.0 g of Na , how many grams of O2 are required for the reaction?



5.57 grams


Given the reaction between sodium and oxygen expressed as:


Given the following parameters

Mass of sodium = 16.0g

Determine the moles of sodium

[tex]\begin{gathered} moles\text{ of Na}=\frac{mass}{molar\text{ mass}} \\ moles\text{ of Na}=\frac{16}{23} \\ moles\text{ of Na}=0.6957moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

According to stoichiometry, 4 moles of sodium reacts with 1 mole of oxygen, the moles of oxygen that reacted is given as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} moles\text{ of O}_2=\frac{0.6957}{4} \\ moles\text{ of O}_2=0.1739moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the mass of oxygen that reacted

[tex]\begin{gathered} mass\text{ of O}_2=mole\times molar\text{ mass} \\ mass\text{ of O}_2=0.1739\times32 \\ mass\text{ of O}_2=5.57grams \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the mass of oxygen that reacted is 5.57 grams

In the hydrate formula CuSO4 x H2O, how many waters were there?


Given that the formual shows coefficients of 1, we can deduct that there's 1 mole of water in the hydrate formula.

Therefore, there's one mole of water.

Question 12 Ti + 3 Ca(OH)22 Ti(OH)3 + 3 CaIf 125 grams of calcium hydroxide is reacted, how much calcium metal will be produced?134 grams67.6 grams22.5 grams203 grams


67.57g of calcium metal will be produced.

1st) We need the balanced reaction and the molar mass of calcium hydroxide and calcium metal:

[tex]2Ti+3Ca(OH)_2\text{ }\rightarrow2Ti(OH)_3\text{ + 3 Ca}[/tex]

- Ca molar mass: 40 g/mol

- Ca(OH)2 molar mass: 74 g/mol

According to the balanced reaction, we know that 3 moles of calcium hydroxide produces 3 moles of calcium metal.

With the molar mass of the compounds we can convert moles to grams, so we can see that 222g of calcium hydroxide (3 x 74g) can produce 120g of calcium metal (3 x 40g).

2nd) Now we can calculate the amount of calcium metal that will be produced from 125 grams of calcium hydroxide, with a mathematical Rule of Three:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 222gCa(OH)_2-120gCa \\ 125gCa(OH)_2-x=\frac{125g\cdot120g}{222g} \\ x=67.57gCa \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, 67.57g of calcium metal will be produced from 125g of calcium hydroxide.

Understanding resonance is a key concept to understanding the different ways a molecule can exist, simultaneously. How many resonance structures does the following molecule have: NO2


1) We have to write the Lewis structure of the molecule.

Name the following ester molecule:OA. ethyl butanoateB. propyl pentanoateC. methyl heptanoateD. methylpropanoate



A. ethyl butanoate


Esters are known for their distinctive odors and are commonly used for food aroma and fragrances. The general formula of an ester is RCOOR'.

Esters are formed through reactions between an acid and an alcohol with the elimination of water.

Esters are named as if the alkyl chain from the alcohol is a substituent. No number is assigned to this alkyl chain. This is followed by the name of the parent chain from the carboxylic acid part of the ester with an –e remove and replaced with the ending –oate.

Hence, the name of the given ester is:

A. ethyl butanoate

Carrie is trying to figure out the number of calories in a cube of cheese. To do this, she pours 154.7 mL of water into an aluminum can suspended from a ring stand. She takes the temperature of the water, and finds it to be 16.3 degrees Celsius. Then, she places the 5.23 gram cube of cheese under the can and lights it on fire! While the cheese is burning and for a few minutes after it is done, Carrie records the temperature of the water, finding that it levels out at 24.1 degrees Celsius. How many calories of heat were gained by the water? Please answer to the nearest 0.1 calorie.


To calculate the calories that the water gained, we must use the specific heat of the water. The specific heat of water is 1cal/g°C, which means that it takes one calorie to raise one gram of water 1°C.

Now, we need the mass of water and the temperature difference.

We will calculate the mass of water from its density, the density of water is 1mL/g. Density is defined as:


We clear the mass and replace the known data:


Now, the temperature difference will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Delta T=T_2-T_1 \\ \Delta T=24.1\degree C-16.3\degree C=7.8\degree C \end{gathered}[/tex]

Calories gained by water are calculated from the following equation:

[tex]Q=mCp\Delta T[/tex]


Q is the heat or energy that the substance absorbs or releases. In this case, the water will absorb energy.

m is the mass of water = 154.7g

Cp is the specific heat of water, 1cal/g°C

dT is the difference of temperature, 7.8°C

Now, we replace the known data:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q=154.7g\times1\frac{cal}{g.\degree C}\times7.8\degree C \\ Q=1206.7cal \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: The water gained 1206.7 calories of heat

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