Describe how an operon regulates the gene expression of genes.


Answer 1


The Operon is a regulated transcription unit, present in bacteria. An operon contains regulatory DNA sequences, which act as binding sites for regulatory proteins that promote or inhibit gene transcription. In this way, they regulate the expression of genes to proteins.

It is made up of the following components:

A regulatory gene:

The regulatory gene encodes a regulatory protein, the repressor. The lac repressor, encoded by the lacI gene, is the regulatory protein of the lac operon.

An operator:

The operator is the region of DNA in the operon to which the regulatory protein binds.

A promoter:

The promoter is the DNA sequence in the operon recognized by DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The initiation site for RNA synthesis is located immediately after the promoter.

Structural genes:

The operon contains one or more genes encoding inducible enzymes.

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If a mother was homozygous for a dominant X-linked trait, how many of her sons and daughterswould have the trait?


As you can see in the punnet chart. The trait (N) is linked to the mother's two X chromosomes, so the trait will be inherited by all her offspring since they all receive one chromosome from the mother. And because both copies of the trait in the mother are dominant. All her offspring will have the trait.

Discuss how climate change directly or indirectly affects weather disasters.


By affecting hazard frequency and intensity, vulnerability, and exposure patterns, climate change can increase the risk of disasters. The likelihood of more droughts and worse storms will likely grow with rising global surface temperatures. More water vapor evaporating into the sky provides fuel for storms to grow stronger.

With some tropical cyclones, extreme sea level events have increased due to climate change, which has also increased the intensity of other extreme events like flooding and its effects. Low-lying megacities, deltas, coasts, and islands have become more vulnerable as a result in many regions of the world.

There are connections between how climate change affects different societal groups. Drought can be harmful to both human health and food production. Flooding has the capacity to ruin infrastructure, ecosystems, and spread disease. Health issues can affect the availability of food, lower worker productivity, and increase death.

A few examples of indirect influences are invasive species, CO2 fertilization, nitrogen and acidity deposits, temperature and precipitation fluctuations, and tropospheric ozone.

A number of human actions, such as deforestation, pollution, overcrowding, and the burning of fossil fuels, have a negative impact on the physical environment.

As a result, we can draw the conclusion that climate change can raise the risk of disasters by changing the frequency and severity of hazards, influencing vulnerability, and altering exposure patterns.



A phenotypic ratio of 9:4:3 is indicative of __________.A. Multiple allelesB. Polygenic inheritanceC. CodominanceD. Epistasis


A phenotypic ratio of 9:4:3 is indicative of epistasis. It is referred to as recessive epistasis. It is a phenomena where one gene pair expression deoends on the other gene pair.

Multiple alleles influence the same trait which are considered as the alternative of similar gene. Polygenic inheritance is about a trait of more than one gene. Codominance happens when two alleles of similar gene are being expressed separately to produce various traits in an individual.

Answer - D. Epistasis

How is population growth likely to have environmental effects that can increase wind?Explain your answer in 4-5 sentences


Population growth demands an increasing amount of resources such as energy, food and water. This causes a change in the natural conditions of the planet. For instance, the use of fossil fuels to produce energy is the mayor cause of climate change, that result in the rise of the planet's temperature.

Also the use of land for building cities or using it for livestock and crops changes the landscape.

All of this result in changes in wind patterns and the rising of wind speed, especially as a result of the rising temperatures.

In addition to excess nutrients and thermal pollution, identify one other nonpoint source pollutant of aquatic environments


Another source of nonpoint pollutant of aquatic environment is oil spill.

Nonpoint source pollution happens when runoff from rain and snowmelt carries pollutants into waterways such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and even groundwater.

what is meant by budding​




Budding is a process of asexual reproduction. Budding is where a piece of the original organism gives birth to another part of it. A very good example of this is plants where they have buds and they grow from these buds.

What are the other molecules produced in photosynthesis and during which phase?


The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

The process of photosynthesis involves two stages: the light reaction and the dark reaction.

During the light reaction, ATP and NADPH are formed. Light reaction gives rise to the formation of oxygen.

During the dark reaction(Calvin cycle) there is utilization of carbon dioxide along with ATP and NADPH formed during light reaction to form glucose.

Hi, I was given an assignment where I need to explain the job of the liver cells and Epinephrine response in Fight or Flight.


Epinephrine (sometimes caled adrenaline) is a critical hormone for the fight/flight response agains threats. When epinephrine is secreted, it reaches many organs, among them the liver. When liver senses epinephrine it release glucose in the bloodstream, which will be criticar for the muscles to act. Wether the response is fight or flight, muscles will need glucose for the intense inminent effort. That is, liver cells provide the necessary fuel (in this case glucose) for the body to move, either to fight, or to flight.

Solid Crystals of lodine were placed in a flask. The top of the flask was covered in tinfoil. The flask was gently heated. Soon the flask was filled with red dish glass. What change of state took place? Explain Your answer.


Solid Crystals of Iodine are a type of molecular crystal that keeps molecules coherent mostly due to Van der Waals attraction, which is weak. When heaten, those Van der Waals forces are broken, releasing gaseous molecules of iodine. Bceause of that, the solid sublimes and a vapor is formed. This process is called sublimation, which means the transition from solid directly to a gas state.

What is the overall equation for cellular respiration?A1 glucose + 16 carbon dioxide = 6 oxygens + 6 water + energyB1 glucose + 6 carbon dioxide = 16 oxygens + 6 water + energyC6 carbon dioxide + 6 water + light energy = 1 glucose + 6 oxygenD1 glucose + 6 oxygen = 6 carbon dioxide +6 water + energy


The overall equation for cellular respiration is 1 glucose molecule plus diatomic oxygen (6 molecules of O2) and produces energy in form of ATP plus carbon dioxide (6 molecules of CO2), and water (6 molecules of H2O), as stated in the D answer option, 1 glucose + 6 oxygen = 6 carbon dioxide + energy.

This process can be compared with photosynthesis, which it's kinda the counterpart of it since in it, the process begins with 6 CO2 molecules, and 6 H2O molecules and produces the 1 glucose molecule and 6 molecules of O2.

6. Do you have the same DNA as your parents? Explain your answer.t


The answer is no.

There are multiple ways our bodies ensure that we have a unique set of DNA that differs from our parents. For starters, you inherit two copies of each chromosome—one copy from your mom and one copy from your dad. This means that your genome (all of your DNA) is already different because it contains chromosomes from both of your parents. This can also help explain why two siblings appear to have different genetic ancestry, since they may get different chromosomes from their parents.

Identify the type of cell division used if and when the opganism reproduces sexually. Illustrate and labelthe steps of this process.


Meiosis is the cell division type that occurs in sexual cells. This process consists of eight steps Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II. During the first four stages chromatids exchange DNA among themselves, creating recombinant chromosomes (chromosomes that have a fragment of a different origin). During the last two phases, chromosomes are separated in chromatids, and each cell produced after Telophase II is haploid, that is, it has one chromosome set.

28. What element is essential to life and is the basic building block of organisms?A. carbonB. nitrogenC. phosphorous


The 4 more common elements in living beings are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. Of these 4, carbon is the one present in all organic compounds and the main biomolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

This means A. Carbon is the right answer.

The answer is


You have made a smear of a bacterial culture and have performed the Gram stain on it. Looking at the organism under the microscope, you notice that the cells do not seem to be the dark blue-purple of a gram-positive reaction, but instead are light blue. Your staining procedure was performed correctly. What is your best explanation as to why the bacteria have stained this way?A.forgetting to heat fix the smear B.skipping the iodine step C.skipping alcohol steps D.skipping the Safranin step E. skipping the crystal violet step


If we have to think quickly about the function of each component we would say that:

-fixing the semar is for adhesion to slide glass

-lugol will fix the violet crystal dye to bacteria

-alcohol eliminate the violet crystal from gram negative ones

-safranin, will stain the gram negatives which are the ones that are discolored

So if your preparation is clearer than usual I would think in:

Option B skipping the iodine step therefore there would be no intensification in crystal violet (this could be the best explanation).

Option A forgetting to heat fix the smear, this is a previous and fundamental step that makes adhesion to slide glass. If you skip it, probably your preparation could be clearer than usual since the bacteria did not fix correctly to the glass.

Which of the following correctly illustrates the sequence of the origin of modern groups of plants?

A. bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
B. ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms, bryophytes
C. gymnosperms, ferns, bryophytes, angiosperms
D. bryophytes, ferns, angiosperms, gymnosperms


Algae, a type of aquatic plant, was the first plant to emerge on Earth. Moss next followed, then terrestrial ferns, then blooming and non-flowering plants. Therefore, bryophytes, ferns, angiosperms, gymnosperms is the right response.

What is origin of modern groups of plants?

Land plants and embryophytes are descended monophyletically from a watery ancestor that, if it were still alive, would be grouped with cyanophycean green algae.

Bryophytes - Any nonvascular seedless plant, such as mosses and liverworts, is referred to as a bryophyte. Although most bryophytes lack complex tissue organization, they exhibit a wide range of ecological and morphological diversity.

Ferns-Any of the many seedless vascular plants that reproduce through spores and typically have feathery fronds with many leaflets can be classified as a member of the phylum Pterophyta.

Angiosperms- Angiosperms are plants that flower and produce fruits that contain their seeds. With about 300,000 species, they are the most numerous and diverse group within the kingdom Plantae.

Gymnosperms -Conifers, cycads, gnetophytes, are examples of gymnosperms, which are plants that produce seeds. They have bare seeds and don't produce flowers or fruits.

Learn more about Plant to visit this link


What type of circulatory system is the human circulatory system?A) open circulatory systemB) closed circulatory system


An open circulatory system is a system in which the blood is not sealed in arteries and veins, and it can also be directly open to the environment.

A closed circulatory system is a system in which the blood is sealed in arteries and veins and never leave the system.

Analyzing the human circulatory system, we see that the blood is sealed in veins and arteries and never leave the system.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) closed circulatory system

23. Which of the following is an inference?A. You measure a plant’s height every day for a week.B. You give a plant the same amount of water every day.C. After watching a plant for a week, you determine it needs more water.


By definition inference means to deduce, therefore the first option makes no sense as is not stated the reason why the plant is being measured o what this measure indicates, the second option falls into the same issue as the previous one there is no explanation of why or how this indicates something, therefore we can say that the correct option is the third one (C) as there is a process of observation and a conclusion draw from this observation.

The last point of natural selection states that offspring that are better adapted are more likely to produce offspring. Which option is an example of this point?a.salmon produce offspring through sexual reproductionb.several corn plants in a field are resistant to pests and low water levelsc.rabbits with longer fur survive colder winters and will produce offspringd.a queen bee lays thousands of eggs


We have to consider that, as the question's statement tells us, individuals that are better adapted, are more likely to produce offspring, and this is because they will be more prepared for the environmental pressures, such as predation, hot temperatures, and low levels of humidity, do the traits these organisms bear, will be passed to the future generations, increasing the frequency of those particular traits that enabled them to survive, and overall decreasing the traits that the organisms which didn't survive didn't pass to the next generations.

This leads us to say that the correct answer could be the second one, "several corn plants in a field are resistant to pests and low water levels", but the most accurate statement is the third one because it tells us if that trait of the individuals make them more capable of surviving and reproducing, "C. rabbits with longer fur survive colder winters and will produce offspring".

Read the procedure. What is the purpose of the bicarbonate that is dissolved in the water?



Through this experiment we study the process of photosynthesis.

• In the begining the leaf disks's tissue has oxygen, this allows them to float.

• Then, in the experiment we infiltrate the leaf disks with a solution that has bicarbonate, and as a result their density changes (it increases) and so the leaf disks sink.

• Once the disks are on the bottom and we direct the light to them the process of photosynthesis starts, being the bicarbonate the source of carbon for the process.

• As we know a product of the photosynthesis proces is oxygen, so when it is released into the leaf disks the overall density changes again and the disks rise.

So as we can see, in this experiment the purpose of the bicarbonate is being the source of carbon for the process of photosynthesis that occurs in the leaf disks.

In general, excretory organs function to do which of the statements? Select all that apply.
- remove nitrogenous wastes from the circulating blood
- maintain electrolyte balance in the body
- maintain water balance in the body
- remove excess sugar from the circulating blood


Excretory organs function to remove nitrogenous wastes from the circulating blood.

Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. During filtration, materials such as water, urea, glucose, salts, amino acids, and some vitamins are removed from the blood.

In renal tubule extracts chemicals and secretes them in to the tubular fluid. More filtration is done in proximal convoluted tubule and nephron loop, it serves to remove wastes clears blood of pollutants, and removes urea, uric acid, bile acids, ammonia. Hence, Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it is removed along with water and other wastes in the form of urine.  

To learn more about Excretion  , here


Describe the energy transformations that occur during photosynthesis and cellular respirationDescribe how energy is used in the bodyBut we are taking about fish rice Broccoli and sweet potatoe


amino acidsOkay, we can mention that the energy transformation occurring in plants at photosynthesis is basically the keystone of all of the trophic networks or food chain since these organisms can make their own resources on the stroma and thylakoids of their chloroplasts, like starch made up of glucose (capturing CO2, and producing also O2 as a subproduct), from the sunlight, reason they're known as autotrophs.

This will be used by animals, which will eat the plants to get food in form of leaves or fruits, getting energy for their cellular processes, like the production of ATP molecules for cellular respiration. This process consists of the catabolization of greater molecules to smaller ones taken mainly from carbohydrates, but also from aminoacids or lipids.

46. Lysosomes are organelles found only in animal cells that contain digestiveenzymes that are used to break down waste. What organelles are found onlyin plant cells?A. Golgi apparatusB. mitochondriaC. chloroplasts


To answer this question we need to analyze the function of each organelle quoted.

Golgi apparatus is in charge of packaging proteins to export inside and outside the cell, so this is found in both cell types.

Mitochondria, this organelle is in charge of the process known as cellular respiration, specifically the respiratory chain, where ATP the energetic coin of the organisms is generated in great quantities so, is also found in both cell types.

Chloroplasts, this organelle is in charge of the photosynthetic process specifically photosystems I and II, where photons hit chlorophylls and start the photosynthetic reaction, only photosynthetic organisms possess chloroplasts, so this can be found in plants and algae. Therefore option C is the correct answer.

1.Which statement best justifies the comparison of a cell's nucleus to a person's brain?A. Both store information and control activities.B.Both are encased in a hard, protective covering.C. Both are involved in producing energy-containing molecules.D. Both are directly involved in transporting wastes so they do not build up.




The human brain holds information that relates to managing everyday life from both the conscious and subconscious. It holds information about the bodily functions that happen voluntarily and involuntarily. Much like the brain, the nucleus holds genetic information needed by the cell to make proteins and controls the organelle functions.


** B is only true for the human brain. C is only true for cells. D is not a function of the human brain.

I’m taking up my homework, please correct me if I’m wrong, thank you!



Segmentation is a type of muscular movement of the Gastrointestinal tract that helps chyme to mix with gastric secretions. Then, segmentation helps to mix food with digestive juices and facilitates absorption.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


why should we not view lactose intolerance as a disease in adult humans?


We should not view usually lactose intolerance as a disease in adult humans because, in the course of our evolutionary history, adult humans did not first begin to consume dairy products.

When your body doesn't produce enough lactase, it usually leads to lactose intolerance. You normally produce lactase in your small intestine, where it is used to break down lactose. An enzyme is a protein that causes a chemical reaction to take place. It indicates your body does not create enough lactase if you have a lactase deficit.

A lot of people have lactose allergies. Although lactose intolerance is less common in children and adolescents, it is common in adulthood. In the opinion of some medical professionals, lactose intolerance is not a disease or a serious health issue, but rather a common human condition.


Learn to know more about Lactose intolerance on


I have a question what do these 5 cycles have in common (Water cycle, Carbon cycle, Oxygen cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Phosphorous cycle)


The components of organic molecules, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, are constantly being stored and recycled as part of their biochemical cycle.

Water contains oxygen and hydrogen and it is essential to all living processes.

Carbon is found in all organic molecules.

Nitrogen is found in nucleic acids and proteins.

Phosphorus is a major component of nucleic acid. Along with nitrogen, phosphorus is very important for agriculture, both molecules are used as fertilizers.

The cycling of these elements is interconnected, the movement of water is important for leaching nitrogen and phosphate from earth to water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and the oceans. The ocean is a major reservoir of carbon. These minerals are cycled through the entire biosphere, they are found in the atmosphere (water is found as vapor, nitrogen as gas as well as oxygen and carbon forming carbon dioxide, or pure oxygen, and phosphorus is found as an aerosol)

They are also found in the land as part of inorganic substances, or as a part of organic organisms. As well as within the hydrosphere, either as sediments or as part of the living organisms.

How does DNA used in the synthesis of a protein in a eukaryotic cell


Proteins are synthesized in eukaryotic cells from DNA by the intervention of RNA, which replicates the pair bases present in the deoxyribonucleic acid to eventually, with the participation of ribosomes, build up amino acids, that finally will form proteins.

So the answer is the third option, the information in DNA is transcribed into RNA, which can leave the nucleus to synthesize proteins

Which nervous system structure is considered to be responsible for the regulation of
blood pressure, temperature, respiration, and heart rate?
O pons
O hypothalamus
O thalamus
O medulla oblongata


Answer:  Hypothalamus

Explanation: It is a forebrain area below the thalamus that regulates both the autonomic nerve system and pituitary function, governing body temperature, thirst, appetite, and other homeostatic systems, as well as being involved in sleep and emotional activity.

Match each definition Terms 1. Law of conservation of energy 2. Law of conservation of mass 3. Raymond Lindeman 4. Tropic level Definitions are in the black box in the picture down below


1. Law of conservation of energy - energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

2. Law of conservation of mass - matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

3. Raymond Lindeman - a biologist who studied ecosystem ecology.

4. Trophic level - a position in a food chain, a food web, or an ecological pyramid that is occupied by a group of organisms.

The explanation can be provided as follows:

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy can only be converted from one form to another.The law of conservation of matter states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. During physical or chemical changes,  matter can change its form, but the amount of matter remains the same before and after the change.Raymond Lindeman was an ecologist who studied the topic of trophic dynamics.The trophic level is the group of organisms in an ecosystem that occupy the same level in a food chain.

To read more about trophic level  visit:

Part C 29. Carbon dioxide is known to be a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Due largely to human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmo- sphere continues to increase significantly. Dis- cuss how planting more trees could help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. How might this slow down the rate of global warming? the world are being


As we know plants are a sink of carbon, through the process of photosynthesis carbon dioxide is fixated, now this has been widely discussed if this will actually would help to decrease carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as trees also breed. In the case of young plants, the rate of photosynthesis surpasses the respiration rate however once the growth has slowed both rates are similar, now there are other photosynthetic organisms that could make a bigger difference and those are cyanobacteria and algae. Finally, we can say that more plants can help however the majority of their benefits come from other aspects such as habitat or decreasing urban heat, as carbon sinks there are more efficient organisms, likewise, carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas, there are other gases with greater impact like methane.

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